lilisouless · 8 months
Zoya: the theater group that was supposed to come for the anniversary of the end of the Ravka war cancelled, i promised a play!
Nikolai: don't worry, i got this
Zoya: remind me never blindly trust an "i got this"
Nikolai: why? they are making a good job on the effects, and they will do anything for money
Alina: shhh! my big moment is comming!
Jesper with a long white wig: But my beloved Mole-
Wylan whispering: Mal-
Jesper: There has to be another way!
Wylan shirtless and with a six pack painted on his belly with a marker: There is no other way, Alina. Its your fate and dying for you its mine, as said by the cool and not at all awful tattoo of mine
Mal: I wasn't shirtless when i died
Alina: in my mind you were
Jesper: i can't do it!
Wylan: you must!
Jesper: okay! (fakes stabbing Wylan who fakes a collapse) oh Mal, Rakva will honor your braveness, and i will always remember how much i love your abs...and personality and all that shit
Alina snifs: its like they were just there
Zoya: so..why did she choose that role?
Nikolai: she said it she wanted a loud range of emotions
Nina with a big fake black kefta: Join me, Alina Starkov! join me to the shadow side , HAHAHAHA!
Zoya: at least practicing her evil laugther actually paid up
Jesper: Never! you just will just steal my power!
Nina stomping her foot; but why won't you give it to me?! why-won't you give it to me!
Mal: and...now "the darkling" is crying like a baby...at least they got that right
Nina: You need me! you need the shadow!
Jesper: no...this is..BONE! (fakes stabs Nina)
Nina: noooo! i am dyiiing....nooo, why didn't i bring a blade proof kefta, nooo
Nina fake coughing: Alina...please...do something for me...
Jesper fake crying while an onion slips from his fake kefta: yes?
Nina: "cough" tell...Zoya...to give that little grisha, Nina Zenik (the cutest one) all the waffles she wants (fakes a collapse)
Jesper: now its my time to die too, Tamar. Tolya, bring me my boytoy
Mal: excuse me? "man toy" please
Kuwei enter the scenario while dragging Wylan around
Tolya: is he supposed to be me or you?
Tamar: he has an undercut, so probably me-
Kuwei: Sankta Alina, we can cure you! I can cure you with my axe!
Kuwei turning around,showing a sidetail on the other side of his face: this makes me want to do some poetry
Tamar: oh, he is both of us, like the detail that the arm playing me is more muscular
Tolya: its literally not-
Jesper: no...i´ll die, my job here is done
Kuwei as Tolya : but my saint! you can't leave us!
Kuwei turning around as Tamar: Ravka is still a mess
Jesper: And thats your problem now, so long suckers! (fakes to die over Wylan´s body as Kuwei cries)
Inej with a fake blue kefta: i hope all of you know how lucky you are to be on my pressence
Zoya: this whole play is awful, all our portrayals are so one note and exagerated, we are not like that on real life. My eyes are too good for this sight
Inej : A triple funeral, a country with no money (flips her hair) my eyes are too good for this sight
Zoya: everyone shut up
Matthias with a cardboard crown: Oh yes, and i am the king now, i was hidden to treat my injuries completely unrelated to demonic possesion and (looks up at cue cards) improbable...i am a pearl...something , something...charming
Nikolai: who let him play me?
Kaz with a cheap red wig and a patch before the big curtain falls : and i...was ruination
Zoya: always the need to have the last word
Genya clapping: as "she" should
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the-fatal-impact · 2 months
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Well, there is a lot...
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thepersonalwords · 15 days
Withdraw from talking about leaving someone behind. Just rekindle the friendship and love while you still have that moment together.
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deathmentaal · 2 months
who else up being down bad for f2
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dylanconrique · 2 years
did i meme right??
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stupid-thatsme · 7 months
Man, I have the teory that maybe Vivzie have problems with the Husk's height
Because he supposed to be taller than Cherry, Charlie and Vaggie, and smaller than Pentius, and Angel
In some scenes his height is these
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And in others are these
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Maybe is the view)???
For me isn't that, and those are all captures when he is well stand, and most of all when he is near to Angel, but exists a lot of scenes where I say: "tf, why is he so little?"
I Can't with this one
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Why he looks so tiny? 😭😭
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Me everytime I make a banger post: what the fuck did I do!????
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candyrockpop · 1 year
A Deep Dive
      Merfolk!Eddie Dear x GN!Reader
                  CW/TW -- Cussing, mentions of the ocean, swimming, deep diving, being stranded, near death experience via drowning, unknown sea creatures, possible large sea creature, mermaids
                             Summery:   You are participating in a deep sea exploration when something goes terribly wrong. You black out and when you wake up you're on an island, stranded, and are now in the company of a merfolk who doesn't speak your language. The sun is setting soon and you desperately need shelter, but this merman seems to have a delivery for you...
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       “Gods, why did I sign up for this?” I thought as I descended into the deep waters of the ocean. I was about 1737 ft (about 529.44 m) down and counting, and my body was hurting pretty bad from the amount of pressure. It’s a miracle that my gear has survived this long and this deep. Hell, it's a miracle I've survived this deep! “Come in diver, are you alive and safe?” Echoed the earpiece in my ear.  
       Somehow, three years ago, someone invented an earpiece and oxygen tank duo that allowed someone to dive to extremely deep waters without damage to the equipment. Some believed that it was a witch that made it, others thought it was a hoax, but it didn’t matter since it worked.  
       That was how I got here, far too deep in water that could potentially kill me. “I’m here. All seems safe, I think.” I spoke, but of course, I jinxed myself. After I spoke a low rumble began, and I swore I could feel it in my chest. All a sudden the chord above me snapped, sending me deeper into a seemingly bottomless ocean.  
       I panicked and tried to swim up to the surface but my oxygen tank was running low and if I went up too fast it could kill me. I was stuck. I couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of me, either. I tried to look around, maybe there was a cave nearby? I didn’t find anything and I couldn't help but think, “Is this how I'm gonna die? Stuck in the ocean where no one will ever find my body?”  
       I heard the beeping of my oxygen tank. It ran out.
       I couldn’t breathe, there was no air left.  
       I blacked out.
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       I woke up coughing. Did I drown? Is this the afterlife? I reached up to check my pulse, but I still had a heartbeat. I must still be alive, then, right?  
       I looked around, noticing I was on a beach. It seemed like an island since there was no sign of life other than animals and a person peeking out of the water.
       ...A person peeking out of the water? My head jerked towards the ocean, eyes skimming the surface before landing on a man's head above the surface of the water. “H-Hey! Can you help me? I don’t know where I am!” I shouted to try and get him to talk since his attention was already on me. It didn’t work. He turned and swam away, leaving me alone. I sighed and my shoulders slumped as my head fell into my hands.  
       I heard a splash and quickly looked up. The man...was back...
       Holy shit, he's a mermaid. “Holy shit you have a fucking tail!” I exclaimed without thinking. He looked at me hesitantly before nodding. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself a little before looking him over. He seemed to have some sort of seal tail, but I didn’t recognize the species. His tail was white with grey freckles, though some colorful freckles, too. His upper half was orange with red hair, too. Not any sort of human, or at least a subhuman species, then.
       He made a series of clicking noises and looked worried. I must've zoned out. “Uh, do you know how I got here...?” I were hesitant to ask, but it had to be done. He nodded and made some more clicks, pointing towards himself with a grin. I looked at him, surprised and confused, “So, wait, you saved me? You didn't just see me here and decide to say 'hi!' or something?” He nodded again. He seemed to understand me considering he was answering me okay.  
       “Okay, so am I near any sort of human civilization...?” I questioned. He shook his head with a frown. I sighed and tried not to laugh out of something akin to frustration. I groan, “Right, I was exploring the deeper waters of the ocean before the chord snapped. Wait,” I paused to look at him cautiously, “how did I survive if I was that deep with no oxygen...?” He at least looked sheepish before clicking more.
       He seemed to blush before getting too flustered and jumping back into the water. "Great, now I'm alone, there’s no shelter, and its beginning to get dark." I stood up and exhaled. “Alright, let's see if I remember anything from those TikTok videos, I guess.” I walked to tree line, swatting bugs out of my face and making sure to pay heed to my surroundings and where i stood.
       I didn’t walk much further, not wanting to get lost. I made a makeshift tent out of sticks, leaves, more sticks, and broken tree limbs with the leaves attached. “Gods, I hope this works, or that it doesn’t rain...” My thoughts trailed off as I heard more clicking noises in the distance. I groaned quietly, turning around and walking back towards the beach. I made sure to mark the entrance, or at least where I walked, to get to my makeshift tent.  
       The merman was back, and he seemed to have a sort of messenger bag with him. It was an array of colors, and I don’t know how it was so many different colors since it looked to be made out of seaweed. I mean, I can understand the greens, reds, and maybe the yellows. The blues and purples on the other hand... “You know what? I'm just gonna stop asking questions right now...” I muttered under my breath. The Mer tilted his head. I shook my head in response and he just started pulling things out of his bag.  
       Were...were those fucking boxes?!
       “What the actual hell...? How do those even...? I...” I was so confused. How in the hell did they even fit in there? Was it a magical messenger bag? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was considering mermaids exist. He pushes the boxes towards me with a smile. I cautiously look at the small label on it. It is addressed to me.  
       Okay, fuck this, this is creepy! I stare at the box for a few minutes, just contemplating on opening it or not. I don’t know whats in that box, for all I know it could kill me! Then again, what if it's somehow something useful...?
       I cannot actually be considering this...
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Hello! Happy pride month! I'll take this moment to say I'm a proud gender-fluid omnisexual! 🏳️‍🌈
I hope everyone is doing good, and if you aren't I hope that it gets better soon. I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you for doing so. I have a hard time writing Eddie normally so I tried something else instead. And one last thing, this is 1,064 words. It doesn't look like it, but it is.
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trigul · 1 year
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When they assume you're gay, but you're straight 😵
Cuando asumen que eres gay, pero eres hetero :'N
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britneysvamp · 30 days
just watched Lovely and Amazing for Jake Gyllenhaal
what the fuck was that fucking movie
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lilisouless · 2 years
"These are the dumbest kids i have ever seen, their boat was sinking and when we tried to rescue them, they didn't follow any order. We told them that they should keep themselves safe and let us do the saving. Instead, one of the boys refused to leave the boat until he could get the girl with him, the other girl outright dive into the water to rescue the boy in the water. Those two i can at least get passed since at least they were trying to help their friends, but the other two are just a couple of brats! one was so hard to save because he refused to drop the satchel, and the other one was the worst and most reckless of them all: he actually ran inside the ship so he could retrieve a couple of revolvers...he risked his life for revolvers!"
Inej: All of us acted out of the purest love
Matthias: Yes! i knew Nina would never forgive me if i left the ship without saving Inej first.
Nina: And i couldn't let Kaz drown, he is too valuable for Inej.
Jesper: "Drop the satchel?" that thing contains a the work of a lifetime and a flute
Wylan: Also, first, how could i be the most reckless if i calculated the time to get into our cabin and come back with the revolvers alive? Besides, his mother did those, how could i not go to get them?
Kaz: Instead of scolding us , you should be congratulating us. We all got engaged the second we got on land
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autobot2001 · 1 month
Deadly Intersection
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Original works Rating: R Warning: None pairing: None Description: A driver speeding through a red light causes an accident.
Day 6 @augustofwhump: confusion @augusnippets - path of whumperless: car accident
Three people standing on a sidewalk watch a car drive across the intersection, unaware of the car's speed and ignoring the red light they have. The three people watch the speeding car rammed into the other car. One of the three calls 911 while the other two check out the scene. Some individuals exit their vehicles to observe the situation. The drivers are both unconscious. There's no evidence of gas leaking from either car. Everyone knows to leave the drivers in their cars.
The police arrive first. Everyone is worried about how long it takes for paramedics to arrive. The car driver with the green light to cross the intersection wakes up. "Stay in the car," the officer insists. "Huh? Where am I?" The driver asks. They have one cut on their head, but everyone suspects there's brain trauma. The officer observes both pupils are blown. "Stay calm and relax until help arrives," the officer says. Everyone knows they need to keep the driver from falling asleep, but with their confused state, they believe it'll be harder. The officer attempts to keep them awake by asking questions to determine their identity, but they notice the driver's confusion.
The paramedics and a fire truck finally arrive. They presume the driver of the speeding car to be dead. The paramedics are also concerned about the state of the other driver. They're careful as they get the driver out of the car. The officer gets statements from the three witnesses. The witnesses know it'll be unlikely they'll know what happened to the driver.
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possessedbydevils · 6 months
YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. you guys. I'm almost finished with the prologue
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
4 25 and 32 for the ask game :)
Thank youu! <3
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
I have quite a few with my family. A fun, easily explainable one is Stanley Truchi to refer to Mark Strong. Truchi is pronounced the same as Tucci (with an r in there) because "trucho" is the spanish word for when something is fake or off brand. I once watched the entirety of Kingsman thinking Mark Strong was Stanley Tucci thus...
We tried to make the same for James Nesbitt and I think it's Titus Welliver who look the same to us (my mom, brother and me) but it's harder to fit in the name lol
25. fave season and why?
Autumn <3 It used to be winter, and I still love it, but it's been a few years now I just can't warm up enough, and I get a slight fever every night during winter. So now I still like the cold (because summer is hell for me) but I can't deal with it anymore which sucks :/
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
6, in this order: tumblr (answering this ask), spotify, pinterest, tumblr again (the list of questions), james nesbit, titus welliver (self explanatory lol)
Fun Ask Game!
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pretty-dianxia · 1 year
F English!!! So dreamt and dreamed can be used as past tense... HOW CAN I KNOW WHICH ONE TO USE??? HOOOOOOOW?!?!?!?!?!?!
Él soñó.
He dreamed. vs He dreamt.
FUCKING HELL!!!! PLEASE HELP ME! I've seen both being used in the same context, I'm crying over here.
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I'm not dead
Nobody tell him
It wassn't suppossed to go like thiss
I might not sstick around
I'm here right now
This place iss warm, and I am cold
Ssorry for thosse lasst thingss I ssaid
I guessss
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