#confused and cant think and shes just trying to protect the music box at that point
haemosexuality · 3 years
bro the monster six part of little nightmares is so sad. its so sad. i am devasted
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janekfan · 4 years
I'm a little hesitant about this prompt, because it might need a longer story to fill it, but based on reading your fics it may be to your taste for h/c? I've seen a few Geraskier stories where Geralt is cursed to lose his sight and hearing, but I'd be interested to read one where it's Jaskier who's cursed instead. You seem to like exploring growth in stories, and I could see Geralt having to step outside his comfort zone, learning to help and support Jask while they try to break the curse.
I was inspired by this prompt because in my youth, when families go to water parks and things, my mother insisted on holding my glasses so I wouldn't lose them, not realizing I cannot see hardly ANYTHING without them, just colors. She left me like half a dozen times in a throng of people and it was scary. And even though I kept telling her I couldn't SEE HER, she wouldn't listen. I felt scared and stupid because I couldn't keep track of my family.
So I hope you enjoy :D
Thank you for the prompt! @obscurebookwyrm
“I. What do you want me to say?” Jaskier’s grip on his lute tightened and he had to forcibly relax himself so as not to snap it in twain. “That you should have gotten hit with it instead? That you should be the one waiting for the effects of a curse to take hold so that I? The mighty bard can be the one to protect us both?”
“Need I remind you that had you not pissed her off, we wouldn’t even be here?”
“Fine. Leave me at the next village and I’ll just succumb to whatever this ends up being while you continue witchering or whatever.”
“Hm.” Roach picked up her pace and he could hear Jaskier curse Geralt’s stubbornness as he loped after them.
Geralt was angry. Angrier than usual with the musician and definitely not impressed with his self sacrifice because now, if anything, he would be an even bigger liability. It was bad enough he fumbled along behind him, constantly jabbering, writing the most ridiculous songs. But now, Geralt had to wait and see what would become of him now that he’d been hit with some unnamed affliction. Geralt refused to admit that Jaskier was right. That it was better that the stronger of them was curse free and able to continue on unimpaired.
But he was now an even larger inconvenience and Geralt hadn’t thought that was possible.
And yet.
As brave a face as he was putting on, he could smell the sour scent of anxiousness as Jaskier filled up the silence with more talk about inane things, stray lyrics, random observations, all because he was nervous.
Nothing happened yet. Maybe nothing would happen at all.
“Geralt.” Even and steady, Jaskier’s voice hovered somewhere to the left of him. There was something strange about the quality of it and it immediately set Geralt on edge.
“What?” He couldn’t help the exasperation, it had been a long few days, and he felt Jaskier tense beside him on his bed roll.
“There.” He paused and Geralt knew if he turned to look at him he’d be worrying his lip between his teeth.
“What?” They were late as it is, the sun three fingers above the horizon already.
“There are no stars.” His whispering was shaky and trembling. Fear. It was flooding Geralt’s sensitive nose. What was this lunatic on about? Of course there weren’t any stars.
“It’s late morning. Of course there aren’t.” He rolled his eyes and began packing up camp. They’d eat on the move to make up for lost time. He nudged Jaskier with the toe of his boot. “Get up. You’re wasting daylight.”
“Daylight.” His hand was hovering over his face and he kicked him a little harder.
“Yes. Daylight. Move or stay here, but I’m leaving.” Instead of following his directions, Jaskier swallowed a few times, blinking hard and staring at his palm in between. “Jaskier.” Growling, grabbing the collar of his chemise and slinging him to his feet himself, confused when his arms shot out for balance and he nearly fell. “What are you--are you drunk?” No. He’d smell it. But it was all becoming a little too clear and Geralt didn’t want to be the one to say it aloud.
“No.” A weak exhale, a disbelieving laugh. “I’m. I’m blind.”
The curse.
“Are you sure?” Geralt was a hair's breadth away from his face, examining his eyes, blank and vacant and staring off into the distance despite their proximity. There was nothing wrong that he could tell. Still the same cornflower blue he was so familiar with.
“I think I’d know.” He scoffed.
“Then we’d better get moving.” Geralt couldn’t help it, the thread of anger twisting around his words just happened. All Jaskier seemed to do was slow him down and get in the way. “Find a way to break this thing.” It took the bard three times longer to pack his belongings and Geralt became more impatient every time he dropped something or stubbed his toe or lost his balance. He knew it wasn’t fair. But this was all the bard’s fault in the first place and he’d have to deal with the consequences.
Jaskier played his lute even more and was even slower, not yet sure on his feet without the advantage of sight. Geralt saw that he kept his ear canted towards Roach’s hooves crunching on the stones, using her as a guide and he wondered if maybe Jaskier should be riding her instead. The music he was picking out on his strings was simpler and felt more like practice than anything new and he realized that he was comforting himself with easy exercises and wondered how long he’d insist on doing it.
All day, it turned out, and Geralt was just about on his last nerve, turning his irritability into action by setting up camp and batting Jaskier out of his way, finally just sitting him in the dirt. He stoked up the fire, tossed down Jaskier’s bedroll and stalked off to find dinner and clear his head before he started yelling.
When he returned with a brace of rabbits, Jaskier was gone and Geralt swallowed down the spike of panic in his throat, dropping his catch and looking for signs of a struggle and instead finding odd marks that looked like Jaskier had crawled across the ground. And he found him, cowering amid Roach’s legs, a dangerous spot for probably anyone else, but she was as calm as ever, letting him stroke the length of her forelimb. There were drying tear tracks on his face.
“G’Geralt?” His voice was small and wavering, barely above his shaking breath.
“Who else would it be?”
“I didn’t know where you’d gone.” He didn’t leave the horse. “I, I called out. But. And then. There’s a lot of noises in the woods at night.” This laugh was self deprecating, as though he knew how ridiculous he was being, like a child hiding from shadows.
But his whole world was in shadow.
“You’ve camped before. It’s foolish to be afraid.”
“Y’yeah. Of course it is.” He extricated himself from his position beneath Roach, petting her neck, and Geralt let it be. “Thank you for your protection, good lady.” She lipped the collar of his doublet and he rested his cheek on her velvet nose for just a moment before stumbling back to his bedroll.
“Here.” Jaskier looked confused. “The rabbit. Dinner?”
“Oh, uh.” He reached out, drawing his hand quickly back when he burned the tips of his fingers and slipping them into his mouth for a second. “Ha, it’s hot.” Geralt yanked his wrist and pressed the stick he’d roasted the meat on against his palm and watched Jaskier’s fingers wrap around it reflexively.
“Just eat. We’ll figure this out tomorrow.”
They didn’t. Not the next day, nor the day after that, but Jaskier was trying to adjust more and more each day despite how he seemed to be withdrawing. It was easy to forget he was blind and Geralt was easily frustrated by his sense of direction, or rather the awful lack of it. More than once, he’d misjudged the path and toppled into the bushes. Twice, Geralt had come back from a hunt to find him trapped in the corner of their rented room. He’d gotten turned around and hadn’t been able to figure out how he was boxed in by the bed, the small table, a chair. Jaskier laughed it off.
He’d been upset each time.
At the market the next day, Geralt told him off handedly that he was heading to the blacksmith, and to catch up when he was ready, because usually he wanted to dither about at the stalls looking at some trinket or another. When he’d finally realized, tapping his foot and waiting for a blind man who didn’t know his way around this village to somehow find him, he followed his scent, laced with terror, to an alley where he’d pressed himself up tight to the wall, protecting his back. They didn’t speak, Geralt just grabbed his wrist and dragged him back to the room. Told him to stay there if he couldn’t figure out how to find his way around.
The hurt on his face cut like a blade.
“Get down and stay down.” Geralt shoved Jaskier’s face into the dirt, both of them narrowly avoiding decapitation when the beast attacked out of nowhere. Caught flat footed, Geralt found himself pinned to the ground, struggling under the weight of it and hooking his thumbs in the corners of its maw to keep the teeth from closing around his head. Fetid breath came closer and closer and he thought for a moment this might be it when the resounding crack of a tree limb colliding with the side of its skull stunned it enough for Geralt to kick it off him. He used the momentum to roll and draw his steel sword, cutting off its head with a wet and sickening squelch.
“Geralt?” Jaskier, covered in black ichor and mud, stood swaying in the road, clinging to a length of splintered wood, blind eyes wide with shock. And then, panting with horror, Jaskier fainted dead away.
He’d lost him again.
“Fuck.” Geralt didn’t know where or how long ago and began retracing his steps, scenting the air and picking up the faintest traces of the oils he’d used last night in the bath. It was tainted by the smell of fear, acrid and sharp, and he ran.
Saw Jaskier pinned up against a wall by a larger man than he, a broad, ugly hand clasped over his mouth and a knee between his thighs. He was struggling to breathe, high pitched whimpering slipped from behind his attacker’s palm and he grabbed a fistful of hair to slam the back of Jaskier’s head into the wall behind him.
The brute didn’t notice the knife slipped between his ribs until it was too late. He’d die in this place and Geralt wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it.
“Who--” He sobbed, choked. “Geralt?” Tears cascaded down his cheeks, slipped off his chin.
“Who was that?” Why couldn’t he be kind to Jaskier when he needed it most? Why did he let his own fear of the situation manifest as blame?
“He’d. Solicited me in the tavern and I told him no.” He shuddered. “I thought he might be following but.” He swallowed with a wet click. “You were walking so fast, I lost the sound of your steps.” Drawing a sharp intake of breath he swept a hand through his tousled hair, trying to calm himself down. Geralt could hear his heartbeat hammering madly away behind his breastbone.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jaskier flinched at his volume, hugging himself around his middle and casting his face to the ground, and if Geralt was a stronger man he would tell his bard that this was not his fault. That he was scared of what he almost let happen.
“I. You were angry.”
“What?” With the heel of his hand, Jaskier scrubbed at his face. His bruised face, the imprints from where he was held darkening around his mouth and neck.
“You said I needed to figure this out and. I.” Had been snatched off the street by a predator and very nearly badly hurt. “I forgot my dagger back at the inn.” He took a deep breath, and then another. “I’m sorry, that was. That was stupid.”
“Hm.” It wasn’t. He should have been safe with Geralt in broad daylight. This time he took his hand, laced their fingers together and squeezed. “Let’s go.”
Exhausted from his earlier panic, Jaskier could barely stand when they reached the room, and Geralt helped him the last few steps to the bed, divesting him of doublet and chemise to expose even more bruising. He should have killed the guy slower. Much slower.
“Sorry. I’m sorry you have to do this.” Barely above a whisper. “I shouldn’t have. This curse.”
“Hush.” Geralt wrung out a cloth in the wash basin, touched it to his face and caught him when he jerked away in fear and surprise. “It’s alright. Just me. I’m going to get you cleaned up, Jaskier.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Muttering, he reached for the flannel.
“I know. Just. Relax, alright?” He swept it up his arm, lingered at the space between his neck and shoulder. “I’ve got you. I’m. Going to do better, Jaskier.”
“What do you mean?” This time, he allowed the touch and Geralt dabbed at a cut on his lip before rinsing and wringing again.
“You’ll ride Roach. In towns, I won’t let you out of my sight.” Jaskier was relaxing, blinking sleepily.
“You can’t babysit me all the time, Geralt.” Though he detected the hope that he wouldn’t have to keep doing this alone beneath his voice.
“No. But I can take care of you until we find a way to break this. Like I should have been doing from the start.” Jaskier’s head was nodding as he fought to stay awake. “We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
Geralt let Jaskier sleep in. The man was dead to the world, bruises stark on his pale skin, and no doubt exhausted from the day before and trying to manage as a newly blind being basically traveling alone. They had to get moving. Maybe Yennefer would understand how to break this curse or at least point them in a direction. But they had to find her first.
“Jaskier.” There was no response, not even a twitch, and Geralt spoke his name louder, and louder still before shaking him awake and dodging his flying fist. “Jaskier!” Nothing but panic in his face and Geralt was tired of seeing that there. He settled his hands over his shoulders, cupped his neck on either side. “Jaskier, what is it? A bad dream?” That wasn’t uncommon after an experience like he’d had.
“Geralt?” His breathing picked up, tears lined his dark lashes. “I.” The witcher snapped his fingers on either side of his head and watched his stricken face stay the same. “Geralt?” This time he drew Jaskier into an embrace, hugging him tightly and allowing him to do the same.
Because he couldn’t hear.
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thr-333 · 3 years
Could you possibly do one where Mari/Mari and marine is/are the daughter/son of the joker?
I actually planned quite a lot for this after you asked but could never get my thoughts to make something comprehensive so I give up here's what I got!:
-Twins are Joker and Harleys kids born before the two split up(and so help me they will split up this story needs gay aunt Ivy)
-As you might know, these two clowns have another kid; Lucy. Harley left Lucy with her sister when she was born. In canon, she thinks Harley is her aunt but I would say in this fic she learned the truth when the twins were also dropped off.
-So the twins grew up in Gotham with their aunt and big sister knowing full well who their parents are; as such they make the responsible choice to suppress every part of themselves that resembles them and constantly dye their hair in an effort to avoid looking like them. You know healthy coping mechanisms. -
-Naturally, Marinette has brown hair with blue eyes and Marion blonde with brown eyes.
-Their personalities are a bit different from Mismatch. 
-Marion is still a trickster and a trouble maker but this time around has Marinette fully involved and responsible for his shenanigans. He has a bit of a habit of talking to himself(or singing random phrases), sometimes in the third person; he hates when he does, so Marinette always tells him off. He’s always gets the impulse of dying his hair outlandish colors and will vehemently deny his favorite color is green.
- Marinette is crafty, both figuratively and literally. She’s smart, her mother is a doctor after all she can be manipulative to people that arent her(close) family to protect the ones she cares about. She has a deep-seated fear of becoming a trophy, an object to be put on display like her mother and so dresses the opposite and pushes away her love for fashion.
-They will always call each other Mari but if someone else tries they both answer its a nickname they strictly use for each other.
-In a world where Gotham exists it makes absolutely no sense that Gabriel wouldn't start his reign as Hawkmoth in Gotham(the place with the most negative emotions like geez) so that works out perfectly for the twins becoming heroes(Adrien can move to Gotham or be left in Paris to be kept safe your choice)
-Instead of the twins proving themselves by helping an old man up off the street they go a step further is beating up the thugs that try to rob him(all Fu’s set up of course). When they come home to find two mysterious boxes on their beds they make the only rational conclusion children of the joker would; it’s a bomb!
-Not wanting to get the police involved for obvious reasons they find the security footage(which gets the police involved in a different way) and start tracking down fu to see why he’s trying to kill him.
-And as you may recall at this point in canon Ladybug and Chat Noir are defeating an Akuma, well they're not here they’re off to beat up an old man so thats Batman’s job for the time being.
-The twins get caught up in the fight as civilians and are saved by Batman who immediately recognizes them(you don't think Batman has case files on all of Jokers hellspawn?) so that’s gonna be a problem later but never mind that for now~
-The twins track down Fu, who is wondering why they aren’t out fighting the Akuma. Long story short Fu comes back to the house with them and proves they aren't bombs giving them the miraculous.
-I’m a bit indecisive on the names. I thought Marinette would be Red Bug and Marion Black Cat(yes I know that names already taken I don’t care). But I thought Crimson Bug would work better because then their names would start with the same letters. Then I wanted alliteration like Black Bug and Crimson Cat but that obviously doesn't make any sense since Chats color is green not red-- then I realized it would be completely in character for them to call themselves that confusing everyone in the process so no one quite sure whos name is who(if you wanna write it go with whatever I just thought it could be funny)
-As for costumes Marinette's probably wouldn't be skin tight because deep down she really doesn't want to look like that but more practical armor or less form-fitting at least. Marion's hair turns green when he transforms something he freaks out about and Marinette's turns red(glowing or not either would look cool)
-So anyway they go off to defeat the akuma blah blah blah Batman seeing these two young untrained superheroes can only think of one thing: I have to adopt them. So that’s gonna be fun!
-Anyway they go back home trying to be sneaky and immediately get caught by Lucy: ”Don’t tell Aunty!”-- ”Oh I already know” (her names Delia by the way)
- So now the twins get a support system and a family that will look out for them unbelievable right? This support system immediately threatens Fu making sure he actually trains them and doesn't just set them loose on Gotham.
Anyway that's the end of my semi-cohesive plan and here's a vague outline for the fic:
1. Becoming ladybug and chat noir setting up adoption, and school(Bruce invites them to Gotham academy to keep an eye on the jokers children)
2. First day at school setting up Artemis(and by extension young justice), and own passions, Adrien is also at this school now so Marinette falls, Jason finds out falling in love with Marion
3. Becoming friends with Artemis, convinces them to give their passions a try, Marion runs from hood, some let me adopt you stuff also Jason's spite for Cat Noir
4. Skip a bit of time a few months or so, young justice need help Artemis suggest mari and mari, Marinette has a smackdown with batman about their heritage, at odds with young justice Artemis comes to their defense. Young Justice have an ‘oh’ realization on the job when Marion sings a lullaby to a scared child, now the young justice form the mari and mari protection squad
5. Doing ladybug and cat stuff batman approaches them again this time luring them into adoption with a partnership on finding hawkmoth, Red Hood and cat fight. Marion comes back all huffy and there's a scene with Lucy this time comforting them, Marion goes out to get air runs into hood marion bristles stirring Jason to meet him as a civilian, class come to visit, at odds with lila
6. Doing well at school even made a few friends when the Paris class come to visit completely under lila’s control, lila tries to slander the twins for not worshiping her only to out herself when she tells everyone they laughed at her(the twins never laugh), Jason also drops by further discrediting her, lila tries to throw their heritage in their face but they get support openly working with heroes as civilians, this little section ends quite happily with them being sort of accepted at school and batman tolerating their existence for not attacking the person who tried to make their life miserable
7. Time skip few years out of high school now, ladybug and cat are working well with gothams vigilantes widely considered part of the batfam even if no one knows each other's identities. As mari and mari they are doing good work mainly outside of gotham. Marinette is starting a fashion boutique with a little financial help from Wayne enterprises she also does costume design for heroes and villains, villains mainly because she can't stand their current outfits. Marion quite likes his music but isn't sure how he will feel in the public eye is great friends with Jason and the skip picks up with them officially starting to go out identities unknown. They are still hesitant about their identities in civilian life Marinette starting her business under a false name and Marion cant start his because of his heritage. Jason officially has to admit they are going out to the family is met with grilling by aunt and sister, joy by harley once she tries giving them sex advice they leave, his brothers tease and both are tense about Bruces reaction but he begrudgingly accepts. Are out as ladybug and Cat still snippy with hood but it’s not as bad they are closing in on hawkmoth. Go to hang out with young justice as well they aren't well-liked in Gotham but they’re fine with that(not really)
8. NOW things can go to shit joker finally has enough of them deciding to get a hold of them but I think it should be as ladybug and chat revealing their identities to the world. The twins are terrified rightfully so. Get saved now it’s weird between hood and marion, marion feeling betrayed Jason knew who he was and knew who his father was but still decided to date him and he just can't understand why. Adrien was so scared for Marinette and now they both have to work out why. Gotham is at odds the heroes they admire are born from a villain they fear. Bats are a bit weird feeling like they were tricked while also kind of acknowledging the twins are good people
9. Harassed in their everyday life now the twins go to young justice where they get met with awe for being established independent heros, bats there are acting weird but the twins say something to shift perspective leaving to let them mull on it. Jason tries to apologise saying he doesn't see Marion like that blah blah Marion has a breakdown asking how he can be anything but a villain. Marinette's having whiplash going from loved to hated and still dealing with the trauma of seeing her father. They snap. In public a big ol scene and they get akumatised everyone sees it, it’s on tv. Hawkmoth comes out to get their miraculous the batfam can’t beat him. He’s monolouging probing at their deepest fears when they snap back to reality realizing none of it’s true every part of them has worked to be good people and they are they don't hand over their miraculous beating the akumatizaton and beating hawkmoth while akumatised.
10. They are released from the hospital a few days later, getting hesitant recognition on the streets. It's not thunderous applause but it is something. Their family comes to pick them up, Adrien is crying to Marinette about not scaring him like that(her family took him in when Gabriel was revealed). Marion gets picked up by Jason they patch things over. They get accepted into the batfam and work as ladybug and cat for everything. Marion decides to start playing music and Marinette reveals her face to her fashion brand.
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Mr. I want suck your blood - Pt 4
Warning: Mentions of violence and Swearing 
Word count: 2,451 
In stories, Soulmates were meant to be the real deal. They were forever. They were two individuals who were brought together by the universe so their lives finally made perfect sense. 
You'd never heard of Soulmates ‘Taking a break’ or ‘Splitting up,’ it wasn't something that happened. That’s not what happened in the stories. 
Thats just the thing though. Life isn't a story. Life’s a bitch.
It had been 1 Hour 19 minutes and 45 seconds since Carlisle shattered your world. 1 Hour, 22 minutes and 23 seconds since you had ripped out your IV line and stormed out of the Cullen house. 1 Hour, 28 minutes and 15 seconds, since Carlisle Cullen, your SOULMATE, decided to call it quits.
Carlisle’s words were still ringing in your ears. “It’s safer this way.” or “Now you can live a normal human life.” You felt numb. 
-1 Hour, 19 minutes and 45 seconds ago- 
You looked up as you saw Carlisle standing in the wooden door frame. You smiled and placed a hand on your fast beating heart relieved to see him unscathed. Bella had swiftly exited the room. It was just the two of you now. You could tell straight away that something was wrong. Your heart started racing again. 
You sat there and listened, as Carlisle took your hand and proceeded to shatter your world. He’d decided that being together, it was too dangerous. He couldn't put you in danger again, couldn’t watch you bleed in his arms again. You both argued. It was his over protective nature, that was the cause of this.
“What about Bella and Edward? She’s still human?!” Apparently it was an invalid argument. Invalid my ass. He wouldn't budge. He thought some time apart would be for the best, even if saying it did secretly pain him. 
You were angry, so angry that you ripped out your own IV, not without gagging of course. The screaming and arguing drew the attention of the rest of the Cullen household. Bella was trying to calm you down and stop your arm from bleeding, while Edward and Esme were talking to Carlisle. 
You didn't care anymore. How dare he. How could he do this to you? You didn't ask for this life. You'd been dragged into it head first. You'd accepted him for all he was. Before all of this you WERE a normal teenager, with normal teenage problems! 
You didn't want normal anymore. You wanted Carlisle, the Volturi, wolves and blood singers. You wanted it all, but just like that, he took it away. 
You hadn't wasted any time running through the house, past Alice, Rose and Jasper and to your car. You say run, more like fast walked, your legs were still jelly from lying in bed the last couple of days. Alice had tried to stop you on the way out but Jasper told her to let you go, he could feel the pain and anger radiating of you in waves. 
The first thing you did when you got to your car was check your glove box for cigarettes. You got in and slammed the door, you could see Carlisle fighting to try and get passed Edward and Emmett but they wouldn't let him out. You looked over to see Bella running toward your car. You waited. She jumped in the passenger side and neither of you spoke a word.  You didn't have to. You started the engine and it came to life with a roar, you peeled out of the Cullen’s drive way with tears streaming down your face and a cigarette between your lips. You fucking hated Forks. 
Bella had made you pull over halfway home, scared the tears were clouding your vision. She was probably right, the road ahead did look quite blurry. You traded places and carried on towards home. She was talking to you but you weren't really listening, just watching the trees speed past in a blur, you were sure you could see other objects moving beside you through the trees just as fast, but blinked and they were gone.
-2 weeks later- 
Grand Piano by Nicki Minaj blared through the speakers on repeat, you sat staring blankly at your sketchpad, no inspiration, no drive.. nothing. It had been like this for two weeks. Bella had apparently been the same, but you just couldn't shake it. You'd shut yourself off from everyone. Only coming out of your room to get food and use the bathroom. You felt numb. 
You could tell your Mom and Charlie were starting to worry. They'd tried to talk to you, find out whats wrong. All they knew is someone broke your heart bad. You'd started having nightmares the first night you were without Carlisle. They felt like more than nightmares though, so vivid, almost like premonitions. You'd wake up still screaming in a cold sweat clutching your chest and crying. Crying for everything you lost when Carlisle let you go. You'd never been in love before and if it felt like this then you never wanted to be again. You didn't think you could love again. 
You were spaced out, the music was still playing in the background but your mind was somewhere else, another thing that had been happening since the accident. You just went places, like you were daydreaming, lost in a trance. This time was different though. It was if you were actually there, watching things unfold, only when you came to you were in your bedroom, your paints scattered everywhere, your sketchbook now covered in imagery. You gasped and flew back from your desk, the page awash with shades of vibrant red and black. You gagged. Blood….. and a symbol, it was an emblem of some sort. You shook your head and closed the book on the now dry paints. 
What the fuck. 
It happened a few more times after that. The spacing out, coming back to earth having drawn on something or once, even scratched symbols into your desk. You'd practically stopped sleeping. Too many thoughts in your head. Even Bella was getting worried, she knew what it was like to spiral and you were doing it at 100mph. She’d suggested talking to Carlisle but you shouted at her for even bringing him up. He left you and hadn't made any attempt to contact or see you. Why give him the satisfaction. 
You'd decided enough was enough. You had to start living your life again, or at least thats what you tried to tell yourself. Today you were going to see Seth. You’d become quite close friends with Seth since getting involved in the whole supernatural side of life but you'd been shutting him out for weeks, he knew what had happened with Mr I want to suck you blood, but he didn't ask questions, which you were grateful for. You thought it would do you some good to get outside and breath in the fresh air. You couldn't wallow in self pity any longer. 
It felt weird to be in normal clothes rather than ratty old pyjamas. You parked up, jumping out of your car, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. You had brought your sketchbook with you, you didn't know who to talk to about these things, so you were going to show one to Seth, just to see if he recognised anything. 
You couldn't help but breath deeply as the air floated off the salty sea and toward your face. You smiled as you watched Seth running down the beach. His boyish grin was charming and his smile grew as he got closer to you. He wrapped you in a hug and you hugged back desperate for a bit of normalcy. 
“Hey Seth,” You grinned, thankful for a bit of human, well in this case werewolf, connection. Yeah you had Bella.. and Alice had tried to stop by from time to time, but at the minute they were just a constant reminder of him…. 
“Y/N! I missed you, things have been so strange without seeing you around ya know!” You bumped his shoulder as you walked down the beach. It had been strange. You'd moved to Forks, got involved with Vamps and the supernatural and in all this time you'd never had any normal time to yourself, or with a friend. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been so distant, you know the whole…. thing…” He just nodded his head. You didn't have to explain, he was just happy you were there now.
You'd spent hours just walking and talking on the beach. While walking you had bumped into some of the others as well, Sam, Paul…. You got along with them too, but they had never agreed with your relationship. They seemed somewhat more comfortable around you now. Catching up was good, you felt a lot lighter when you walked, your heart a little less heavy, he was still in the back of your mind though, as much as you tried to think about anything else.
There was an abandoned fire pit a little further up from where you'd been talking with the others, logs surrounded the ashy mound, placed out like small earthy benches. You'd been collecting odd pieces of wood on the way, expecting to find it there. Yourself and Seth pilled the kindling high and he started a fire, he didn't really need to because of his heat, but it was still fun. As Seth continued the fire you reached around and grabbed your leather backpack, opening the zip and fishing inside for your paint covered sketchbook. He came to sit beside you as you started flicking through the pages. You tried to glance at him from the corner of your eye to read his expressions. 
“Y/N, these are pretty amazing, and… somewhat scary…” He looked at the book and then back at you. “What are they?” His finger traced the images and the symbols. 
You shook your head and flicked through the pages more rapidly. “I don't know S, I…if I tell you something you have to promise you wont tell anyone, not even Sam, not even Jake….” You gulped and looked up at him. He looked confused. You faltered a little, getting nervous you shut your book and started to shove it in your bag. “This was stupid, I should go…” You stood up trying to leave but Seth grabbed your hand. 
“I wont tell, you can trust me I promise.” You relaxed, still hesitant, you sat back down. You took the sketchbook back out and went to the first page, tracing the symbols and images, remembering how clearly you had seen them in your mind.
“I drew these. But I didn’t, at the same time.” Seth just looked even more confused now. “I think…. I think something happened to me when I was bitten S…. Something I cant explain. This symbol, I drew this, sat at my desk, one minute the sky outside was light, the next thing I knew it was dark, and the once blank page was covered in all these drawings!” You flicked through the book and sighed placing your head in your hands. He probably thought you were crazy. You sure felt crazy.
You felt his hand rest on your back as you hunched over sighing. “Y/N I’m a wolf, The Cullen’s are Vampires… crazier things have happened, i’ve just never heard of this crazy happening yet….”
You peaked at him from your hands. “Do you know what any of the symbols mean? I see them in my dreams as well, it’s like i’m watching a movie in my head, it’s like I'm there but no one can hear me or see me.. It feels so real.” You sit up, flicking through the pages, before you can turn to the next, Seth’s hand comes flying down stopping the process as he points to one of the symbols. 
“Y/N, I’ve seen that symbol before… I think it’s something to do with the cold ones.. the Volturi to be exact.” You groan. This cant be fucking happening. Not only were you dumped now you were having freaky Volturi dreams as well? You searched in your bag for your cigarettes, you held the packet out to Seth and he surprisingly took one. You grinned.
“Wow Sethy never took you for the rebel type.” He ruffled your hair and you shoved him. “Seriously though what am I going to do, this shouldn't be happening i’m human, I didn't turn, Carlisle made sure of that.” You couldn't hide the bitter tone in your voice. 
“I don’t know what it means Y/N, but I promise we will figure it out.. cant you talk to Cull…” You glared at him before he could finish his sentence. “Never mind, stupid idea, ignore me.” You laughed and you both carried on looking through the book. What the hell did this mean?
It was late now, Seth walked you to your car, his body still close to keep you warm, the sea breeze now icy cold on your skin. You sighed, part of you didn't want to leave, it was the first kind of normal you'd felt in a really long time, even before coming to Forks. Life in your old place had been really hard, You didn't fit in anywhere, you could count your friends on one hand and you had a strange relationship with your bio dad. You thought things would get easier, Forks had the smallest population and yet you managed to find yourself smack bang in the middle of all this drama, you'd thank Bella for that later. You thought it would be easier living here, maybe you were wrong. 
You turned, looking at Seth as you reached your car, you were about to tell him you'd had a nice time, ask him if he wanted to hang out again soon, but you couldn't speak. The waves sounded louder, the air around you felt thicker and you couldn't breath. You could hear Seth’s muffled voice in the background somewhere and a pair of arms shaking you but in your head you were somewhere else entirely. 
Cloaks of black floating across the white pearlescent snow, rivers of red blood flowing all around. Wicked eyes staring into yours, and then pain.
You screamed and grabbed your head, it felt like someone had jabbed it with a white hot poker. Images flashed before your eyes, Volturi, Snow, Red, Carlisle. You gagged, so much blood, so much pain. Then, nothing. 
Your mind went dark, no images now, no sound, just the sharp ache as you feel your body shut down and hit the solid ground, then the coldness surrounded you. 
Hey guys! I’m sorry it took so long for me to post another part! Hope you enjoy reading x Please comment if you'd like to be tagged! 
PT 5 -------- HERE
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Dream Saga: Well this is more elaborate then I expected
Previous Dreams: (ML Dream Episode) (My Subconscious is f***ing taunting me) (Because my mind finally wants to be nice) (Yes there is more) (The one with Zag Spoilers) (Cause my mind wants this to be a saga for some reason) (Bustier gets some decent development) (There is a musical number apparently) (Plot twist)
-So Ladybug and Chat noir beat another akuma. Its been about two weeks since Gabriel got hospitalized, but it seems that the akuma haven't slowed down, in fact, they have ramped up and were a LOT tougher. Chat noir mentioning how they barely scraped by this time.
-”These recent akuma have been a lot more dangerous. I have been needing to go to Fu for almost every fight.” Ladybug comments. “And the Akuma just seems to try and follow whenever I do that.”
-Chat noir is a bit more stoic. Ladybug asks if he is okay. Chat noir just says he has a lot of personal matters he is dealing with, but he will be okay.
-Ladybug tells him if he needs to talk.
-”Cant get into detail about my personal life. Secret Identities and all that. You are the one who insists on it.”
-Ladybug was hurt by the comment. Chat noir notices and apologizes for his tone. He didn't mean to lash out at her. He is just... He leaves.
-It goes back to Tuxx and the monarch. (AKA Arséne)
-”Another failure. wow, you suck at this.”
-”Oh Contraire my penguin pal. I have been planning. Seems that Fu has been moving around. I can't exactly find him ever since he moved. But I do know he has gone nomadic.”
-”And these akuma are just to make Ladybug lead them right to him?”
-”Well, either that or have them take the miraculous. I can't stray too much from Hawkmoth’s initial plan or they will suspect a change in their villain.”
-There was a whole conversation about how as soon as he finds fu he will get the old man to spill the identities of who Ladybug and Chat noir are.
-Arséne transforms back and Nooru explains how Hawkmoth has tried and failed to locate the guardian.
-Nooru mentions how Hawkmoth akumatized an old companion of Fu’s But doesn't know the details.
-Arséne smiles at this. “Tell me more.”
-Fu feels a change in the air and has a suspicion that the butterfly miraculous has changed hands. He talks with Marinette about it, and the girl agrees that these akuma have gotten a lot stronger.
-Fu specifically telling Marinette that they must be willing to make sacrifices  to protect the miraculous. “That is the duty of a guardian.”
-Marinette telling Fu that she will make sure to protect the miraculous with her life.
-Fu hands over the Miracle box to her. Telling her that she is ready for her final test as Guardian.
-Arséne finds out about Marianne (Fu’s old flame) He finds out where she lives. and he concocted a plan.
-Fu is in his truck moving and suddenly sees Marianne get into some sort of accident. Huge trucks involved. Fu tries to get to her, but he can't, and he is feeling such grief.
-And an Akuma gets him. 
-”Hello Fu over, I am Monarch. I will give you the power to save your beloved, in return, you must tell me the identities of Ladybug and Chat noir and you must never tell anyone of this.”
-Fu does his best to resist, but he gives in. He tells Monarch the identities. He feels such shame over it. Especially since he can't physically tell Marinette about what happens because of the deal. (apparently any deal made while akumatization happens must be honored unless the akuma is purified naturally.
-Sure enough, He uses the powers to undo the crash. and Marianne is safe. Monarch removes the akuma, but leaves the fact that he gave up his chosen. He is a wreck.
-Of course its revealed the entire crash is staged and Marianne was not in any danger because right before the crash. Arsene briefly shifted into Emperor to stop time and save Marianne and the people in the crash. But Fu didn't know that. (No one did)
- Arséne is talking with Adrien later. It is clear he knows Adrien is holding the miraculous. But Arséne can't bring himself to just snatch it from him.
-Tuxx and Nooru are curious as to why he can't just take it.
-Arséne tells them that its boring.
-Nooru is confused by it. But Tuxx gets it.
-”It will feel like you just stole it from children. Not some superheroes”
-”I know I want my wishes, but this isn't the way to do it. I should earn it. I want to prove that I deserve those wishes.”
-Tuxx comments that he never makes things dull. 
-”I am going to level the playing field.”
-Arséne sets up a lesson for Adrien, telling him for his next lesson, he must show that he knows how to treat a lady for an evening. (A date. A fancy date.)
-Adrien is a bit skeptical about the whole thing. But Arséne ensures it is simply a lesson and that the ‘Date’ will know this as well. Adrien then agrees, and asks who will be the lady he will be ‘Dating’ for the evening.
-”Oh don't worry Adrien my boy. I have a wonderful candidate. And I guarantee it will be a night you will never forget.”
-Arséne shows up at the Dupain bakery and of requests to speak with Marinette. (After he purchased a bunch of Macaroons because they are delicious)
-Arséne asks Marinette to participate in the lesson he is teaching Adrien.
-Marinette is of course very nervous and unsure if she could even...
-”I suppose I could always ask Miss Rossi to take part...”
-Marinette immediately agrees to it. Arséne lets her know it will be within a few days so she has time to prepare.
-”You made the right call Marinette. I guarantee that it will be a night you will never forget.”
_____________________________________________________________________ -Very nicely dressed Adrien and Marinette eating dinner at the Eiffel Tower. 
-Cute conversation, both teens are nervous even though they both know it isn't Technically a date. its looks and feels like a date.
-There is a soft moment where Marinette comforts Adrien about his father’s hospitalization. Some good Adrinette in this dream.
-After a bit they notice that the place is pretty much empty. Its just the two of them. When the lights go out.
-”I must say this has been quite a lovely evening. I hope you two enjoyed it.”
-Suddenly spotlight on Monarch.
-”HAWKMOTH?!” They call out in shock.
-Monarch laughs.
-”Close but no.  I usurped the previous butterfly. You can call me Monarch.”
-Marinette mentally notes that explains why the akuma have been so tough.
-”I figured I would give my tough adversaries an evening to remember.”
-The two teens were confused. Both wondering if their partner was somehow dragged into this mess.
-Monarch smiles confidently.
-”Your master tried so hard to keep your identities a secret. but we all are weak to the will of our hearts.”
-Marinette and Adrien went eyes wide at the comment.
-”Ladybug, Chat noir.  I am so glad two could finally meet.”
Marinette and Adrien turn to each other and EVERYTHING CLICKED.
Monarch starts laughing.
“I was so surprised to find out myself. It made so much sense in the long run, but hey, at least you finally know who the other is.”
-There was a LOT of emotions in the moment. You could just feel the tension. Marinette and Adrien trying to talk to one another, but they were so shocked. (a lot of emotions to process)
-”Of course you now know that I know who you are. And you now know each other. I told you both that tonight would be a night you will never forget.”
-Adrien and Marinette stop and turn to the villain.
-The utter betrayal on Adrien’s face and the utter shock on Marinette’s
-”Arséne!” “Mr.Manchot!?”
-”I am so glad we got all the reveals out now. Feels like I have been waiting for this entire season.... of my life.”
-Adrien transforms and is ready to attack. Marinette transforms after realizing what Adrien was doing.
-Monarch blocks his staff by catching it. He kicks the kitten in the chest and sends him flying into one of the tables.
-”No need for us to fight tonight. I think we will have our epic clash soon. Make the most of the time you have left children. I will even be so kind as to tell you when I will attack. I want you at your best. Lets see who is truly worthy of the miraculous and their power.”
-Arséne leaves once the light went out.
-The lights go back on and it leaves Ladybug and Chat noir looking at each other. Their eyes filled with a sea of emotions. 
- The end card shows Arséne at the top, one third of his face was Monarch, another was his civilian side, and the last part was Emperor.
-Fu at the bottom feeling awful. Marinette on the left, half ladybug face, half Hers, and Adrien on the other side.
-The episode was called Monarch part 1.
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thefinalkey16 · 4 years
KH3 Re:Mind spoilers/Reactions
So Xemnas gave the order?? To find the box?? But why??
So did Xigbar actually lose the box? YOU HAD ONE JOB
Oh we’re starting HERE HUH
I forgot how pretty the graphics are
Why is Riku so pretty???
Nomura really went “this DLC is about SOKAI and I’m gonna make sure you KNOW IT.”
Nomura really cares about his ship and I appreciate it so much
I love the music in this game so much
Why does MOM adopt smol children lol
It bothers me that MOM has no actual face behind the hood. It’s like Ansem’s original form
So Xehanort is where Xemnas’s confusion of the heart comes from lol
I’m sorry, Xehanort is more powerful than darkness?
I’m sorry MOM is too scared to take off the coat???
MOM is a psychology teacher who gets exasperated by his dumb students
A lost..Master?
Well we know where Xehanort got the hands behind the back walk from
I’m 100% sure that MOM told him his name was “Noneya,” and it took a few decades before he realized what he actually said
I’m sorry they have holograms??
Did they actually call him Riku Replica lol
Wait they were actually nobodies
“Why we have assembled here,” because Xemnas and Sora destroyed your sick castle
Poor Terra got possessed TWICE?
Demyx! You get Demyx!
I’m sorry 20??
No. I
Oh so they don’t actually remember Xion
Does.. does Xigbar remember Xion?
Wow they got Vexen just to get his daughter in their gang. How rude
Xehanort fell asleep while they chatted I’m cackling
Crazy old man
Now when do I get to save Kairi? :3c
“Back so soon?”=you died again?? You’re lame
Chirithy is a mood
Sora you watched your GF get shattered
Oh so that’s why Sora dies
Oh my god he’s Sailor Pluto
Lose powers? He’s done that so many times 😂
Getting banned from one world? He had a phone and friends with gummi ships lol
NOOO VEN That still hurts to watch
Wow he’s a ghosty ghost
Oh I love Ven’s heart station so much
Wow Vanitas really said that Ven is Baby
Also wow Vanitas is protecting Ven’s heart and I love that
I beat him by using Meow Wow. meow wow is best boy
Oh no oh no it’s this pet
Gotta love Big Bro Lea
I forgot they call him Axel
It’s Donald’s Safrifice ;-;
Donald Really channeled his inner Molly Weasley and said “Not my son you WITCH.”
Also aw Sora got to see what Donald did for the first time
Poor Aqua ;-; this is the moment where everyone hates her for
Also aww she trusts Kairi to protect them
We love Big Sis Aqua
I’m literally screaming and I scared my grandma
Oh my god She lost Kairi and she immediately went to Sora cause she knew she’d be safe there ;-;
Namine’s Really here bringing everyone together
Agsisgsjdg I forgot Terra can do the keyblade whip thing lol
AND the cannon
Wow they’re really fighting in the sky
Anyone else getting Star Wars vibes
I still hate Terra’s pants
Imagine your heart crushing your body. Like really
Wow Sora you’re so cocky
I forgot that Marluxia is an Ouran Host Club character
Wait, that Mickey finisher was new, wasn’t it?
Okay but I still have no idea what Xemnas did to Luxord
Cards: *Appear*
Sora: PTSD from watching his friends get destroyed from the cards in the manga
Mickey: *is captured*
Sora: PTSD intensifies
I’m really happy that we get to replay all of the Organization battles, they’re so much fun!
I’m so soft for Replinami ;-;
He loves her so much, and all he wants is for her to be safe and happy ;-;
Ven: we aren’t the same. You’re Edgy. I’m Baby
Aqua when Sora appears: TWO Baby’s :0
“If I’m a traitor, then Kairi’s the trump card.” LEA DRINKS RESPECT KAIRI JUICE
Aww Kairi’s so confused. She doesn’t see how she could be a trump card ;-;
Ohhh Isa’s jealous.
Jealousy mode has been activated in Isa
“Yup” Kairi really just wants this over with so she can go home 😂
The way Kairi’s face lights up at seeing Sora gives me life.
Wow Xemnas was really hurt by Axel’s betrayal. Frankly? I’m shocked.
Xemnas does NOT drink Respect Xion juice
Lea cares about the small girls he adopted as his little sisters
Wow Nomura really got tired of people dissing Kairi so he amped her up with cool stuff
“Oh? Tired of Kairi not doing anything?” Heres her literally overpowering Xemnas and him having to restrain her with a stop spell and magic to stop her
Oh and in case you think she’s weak? Here’s the same thing for Sora too.
God I love Nomura
Oh my god she’s in so much pain because of the darkness
I can not believe i was forced to relive watching Kairi die
I love Donald and Goofy so much ;-;
They aren’t gonna leave their son alone
Also wow Xehanort was just staring there forever
Getting KH1 vibes with this
“The heartless that is radiating light” how is that possible??
Okay but this is such a good parallel to the first game, with him saving Kairi ;-;
Except for the fact that HEARTLESS SORA DIDNT GET BEAT UP
Okay so her heart is a thassala shell. Will we have to collect the pieces to make her wayfinder?
Oh my god I see the thing at the top of the screen. We totally are making her wayfinder ;-;
Okay so I love the puzzles they have here
I’m sorry you hid her heart? What are you, five?
What do you MEAN almost out of time?!
Oh no not these guys again
So many keyholes
Oh my god Lea is so overwhelmed lol
Okay so for the team ups, I love how all of them were mix and matched from the trio’s
I loved Terra and Riku, the Master and apprentice
I loved Ven, Roxas, and I can’t remember who else was in it. “Thanks Roxas.” “Youre welcome. You’re not too bad yourself.” THAT WAS ADORABLE
Xion, Aqua and Mickey being mages and protecting everyone
Aqua and Lea, him trying to talk and Aqua telling him to shut up and focus
We now present: Kingdom Hearts 3: connect he dots
Connect. Connect the dots. Get it?
“I can do this.” YES YOU CAN
I’m sorry you think I want to play as Sora? After waiting my whole life to play Kairi? HA
Seven wishes saved me in that fight
Now we just need Rikai and Sorikai and it’ll be complete ^^
“I was trying to give you some privacy” awwww
Chirithy has my soul and I love it
Every scene with Chirithy adds 7 years to my life
Afsjsgsajg Sora DONT PUSH THE CAT
Aaand he’s gone and I’m crying again
Oh my god Riku and Terra being bro’s are my favorite thing
Wait what are they gonna do
OH they’re going to search for Sora!
“The Twilight Town gang” ITS OFFICIAL
They’re searching her heart?
Riku’s been all ALONE
Battalion oh my god lol
I’m mad about Kairi being asleep for a year though
Wow. A video game inside of a video game
I spent the rest of the day failing the Data battles and making funny Data Greeting pictures. Hopefully I’ll be better st the battles tomorrow!
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Common, Regular, Ordinary (Jungkook x You x Taehyung ONESHOT)
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A/N: Hello @you-need-namjesus Thankyou for your request. I am sorry to hear that. No one deserves to be feeling like you do right now and I might not know you are or know what you are going through but there's always gonna be sunshine after a storm. Im glad you find my writing to be helping you through the rough times, as so many other writers has done for me. If you ever feel the need to talk or rant, feel free to slide into my DM or ask box. I can talk to you about the seriousness of things to the silliest of topics 😊. You can even go anonymously if you prefer. I want to be here for you. And I want you to remember you are not alone. 😘
And I hope this story fits your request and please enjoy <3
Y/N pulled her mask to secure it around her face and adjust her black trench coat around her body. Its going to be a long day today, she can already feel it.
"You ready?" She smile behind the mask and nodded her head to the girl next to her, her most loyal assistant and pushed her sunglasses on.
"Lets go," the assistant ushered her out. Y/N takes a deep breath and steps out from her private plane. She secretly thanked god for the invention of private planes, or else she wont know how her tired body is ever going to able to cope. She's been basically living on air and airport to airport for the last six months with her hectic schedule thats being planned for all around the world. Looking back, its funny how just a few years back she have to save up all her money for months just for an economy ticket to Jeju and now she owns not one but two private jets and have a whole entourage walking out behind her. She walks out and lifted her head to sniff the fresh air that smells so familiar and she badly missed.
She's finally back home.
After five most tiring years of her life, shes back.
Shes finally back after she swore to herself five years ago that she wont ever step her foot in her home country ever again before she made it big.
She work night and day to achieve that dream, believing and knowing that someday she will be able to fly home again.
They start walking into the airport and she can already hear the faint screams of her fans. Barriers are already set up along the walkway from her plane to the car and security dressed in black lined up, ready to protect her if need be. Once the main arrival door opened, the screams got so loud and the crowd was overwhelming. She took in her surrounding and saw the whole airport is deck out with her fans, screaming and shouting her name, she felt bad for the other people who is unfortunate enough to fly out at this airport today. She look around and some fans are even crying, some are holding cardboard cards with her name on it and shoving flowers and gifts towards her, which her assistants happily accepted on her behalf. Her managers used to tell her that its dangerous to get close to the fans just to accept their gifts, but Y/N insisted that they do. The fans worked hard to make or buy the gifts, especially for her. The least she could do for these people who made her who she is today is to accept it with a smile and an open heart.
Afterall, without them, L/N Y/N is just another ordinary girl from a small little town.
Regular. Common.
"We cant do this anymore. I...I mean, I cant do this anymore," he gather all courage and try to look into her eyes. What he sees is clear  pain and sadness. "I'm sorry Y/N. I love you. But... my career doesnt allow me to be with somebody... ordinary,"
"Ordinary?" She mumbled the words. Yes, she knows she is just a normal university student who everyday life only includes attending classes and a part time job in a student's cafe. She doesnt go on tours or spend her days in studios and practice room. But... does Jungkook, the love of her life Jungkook, who was supposed to make her feel special, need to call her ordinary? Y/N looked down at her attire and self conciousness starts to overwhelm her. Jungkook looks like a God with his perfectly fitted skinny ripped jeans and white shirt, paired with a leather jacket and here she sat, in last night's overside shirt and worn out shorts. She starts to pull on her shirt, adjusting it and tucking her hair, trying to make her look more 'less' ordinary, feeling self concious about her looks.
"I... I know I'm just a normal girl, but we are in love... arent we? Does it really matter to you that I'm just someone living an ordinary life?"
"I do love you... but Y/N... its something I have to do. I need someone who is more suited for me,"
Y/N shakes her head to clear the painful memory from her mind and picked up her pace to get to the car faster. She only just landed and she already feeling extremely exhausted, wanting nothing more than to get into the hotel and rest her tired mind away as fast as she could.
"You have this first week free Y/N, before the landslide of schedule comes in. What do you want to do?" Meen A smile at her. Meen A is one of her oldest assistant. She was with her when she was just a young, naive, ordinary girl, and with the years they have spend together, she quickly become her best friend rather than her assistant. "Shopping? Spa? Facial? Walking around? Or just sleeping?" she chuckles. Y/N giggle. Sleeping does sound tempting. She rarely have enough time to sleep as it is. But... she has another exciting plan to execute.
"Do you even have to ask?" They look at each other before squealing at the same time.
They walked along the busy street hand in hand, Y/N wrapped in her masked, coat and scraf, sunglasses donning her face to conceal her identity.
"Do you really think people wont recognize you with this silly getup?" Meen A eyes her before looking at the people walking who are already whispering.
"They wont! Im not that well known! Besides, they are just looking because who wear black clothes that covers almost everything in the middle of summer," Meen A rolled her eyes.
"Are you kidding me? You are currently the world No 1 celebrity! You are the most sought after multi talented singer, composer, actress, director, entrepeneur, model, fashion icon and girl next door rolled in one!" She exclaimed. "You hang out with Taylor Swift! You walk the runway with Kendall Jenner! Tyra Banks invited you to tea and Drake to his album launch! Even Justin Bieber tried to make a move on you. I cant barely keep up with your social calendar. Everybody wants to be you or be with you! How is that not considered a No 1 celebrity?"
"Stop exaggareting! They are just my friends! I'm not all that and you know it,"
"No. You stop being so humble! You are all that and you know it" Meen A huffed in frustration, as she always does whenever they have this conversation, making Y/N smile. "I think you are the only celebrity in this world who didnt let all your fame and riches get over you head. You are really great. But I always wonder why,"
"There's a special someone that I once met and there's just something that he told me that stays in my heart. His words hit me hard and after all these years, I believe he has a point," Y/N smile softly at the memory.  "And I want nothing more than to just be an ordinary girl,"
Her mind drifted back to the day he met that particular stranger. The day that mark the changing of the rest of her life for good.
"Lets eat here! Its secluded and not many people around. Also, I heard they served the best food here!" Meen A pulled her hand into a restaurant and they took a table at a back corner. This restaurant was said to be popular among celebrities and is often frequented by them.
"Oh my god. Isnt that-" Meen A gasps in excitement when they make their way to the back table, making Y/N raised her head from shoving her mask and sunglass inside her bag and look at what is making her friend so happy. She looks up to find seven pair of eyes with a table filled with food, all looking at the two of them. She was confused as her eyes roamed to each and every one of them.
Who are they? Are they someone well known too?
Y/N doesnt really update herself about the celebrities and the music industry in her home country. Not because she thinks she's too good for them. No, not at all. Its because she didnt want to know about a certain someone. She doesnt want to know anything at all.
"But... my career doesnt allow me to be with somebody... ordinary,"
And that certain someone is looking straight back at her as her eyes falls on the seventh person on the table.
"-Bangtan!" Meen A squeal.
Y/N automatically starts to panic as she tries to grabs Meen A, dragging her out from there, surpising her friend who was too caught up with the shocmed of finally meeting her favorite idol.
Jungkook quickly rise from his seat the moment her eyes catches his. The eyes that is so familiar, too familiar. The eyes that he has been looking for for the past five years. Seeing how panic she is and how she started to reached out for her friend and make her exit immediately, Jungkook rushed over and grabbed her hand, the rest of his hyungs watching in confusion and amazement.
What is going on?
"Y/N! Wait. Please. Plesase I'm begging you. Wait," he pleads, but Y/N maintained her head looking at the ground, her body slightly shaking and Jungkook realized she is crying. Meen A finally snapped herself out from the shocked and held onto Jungkook's arm that's holding her hand.
"Sir... I think its best you let her go,"
"No," Jungkook shakes her head, frowning and desperate. "I cant. I wont be able to see her again. Please Y/N. Look at me. Talk to me," he turned towards Y/N and beg. Meen A sense the distress her friend is feeling and her hold on Jungkook's arm tighten.
"You have to let her go. Now. Or else I have no other choice but to call Miss Y/N's security team,"
"No. No. There is no need for that," Namjoon is immediately by their side, smiling his dimpled smile at Meen A. "Im sorry. I dont know what is going on with our maknae. But we will let her go now. Jungkook, let go of her hand," his voice is filled with dominance that Jungkook shakes a little. Its rare to see Namjoon like this. Only during times when he knew he had screwed up big times. And apparently today is one of the time.
"Now, Jungkook,"
"But hyung..."
Y/N's body shakes even more although she kept her head low and turned, not wanting to see even a strand of hair that belongs to Jungkook. Everything about him hurts her and reminds her of the heart break she felt that she had never really recovered from. Meen A began to worry. Y/N is slowly starting to go into hyperventilation.
How does she know Bangtan? She never speak of them before? And what makes her so scared of the maknae? So many questions filled Meen A mind but her hand is quicker as she dialled the other manager who is with the car. Y/N might think that she is able to walk freely, but little did she know that with her mega celebrity status, her manager and security team is always only a few step behind, hidden, whenever she goes out.
Specifically for an emergency occasion like this.
"Kookie... I think you should let go okay. We promise we will get to see her again," Taehyung stood up and try to persuade the determined maknae. He dont know who Jungkook is clinging on to but it seems that the girl is trying her very best to get away from him.
"How do you know hyung? I...I," Jungkook's eyes are already glazed with unshed tears. He cant let go. Not now, when he finally gets her back.
"I know... uh because we will contact this Miss and we will meet them again!" Namjoon quickly came out with something and look at Meen A for help, who nodded her agreement quickly.
"Here is my card. Call me and make an appointment to see Miss Y/N. But for now, please let her go," she tugged on Jungkook's hand who finally lets go. Y/N immediately ran out of the restaurant before Jungkook could say anything.
"Uh thank you. Just... call. If you need anything," Meen A ran out immediately only to find Y/N collapsed on the sidewalk not far fron the restaurant, crying her eyes out.
Oh, Y/N. What happened to you?
"What the hell was that Kook?!" Namjoon yelled at him the moment Y/N and Meen A ran out of the restaurant. "You cant just grab random people like that!"
"Yeah, especially girls who look deathly afraid of you," Yoongi added from the table.
"She's not a random girl..." Jungkook managed to meekly defend himself.
"Yes. She is definitely not random. She's L/N Y/N, the mega superstar. She could sue us and Tae would have to sell every Gucci he owns to pay for it, and that still wont be enough! What are you thinking Kookie?" Hoseok yelled out from across the table.
"Shit. That's the Y/N?" Namjoon turned to Hoseok who nodded. Just realizing with whom they just encountered. "I didnt get to see her face clearly just now,"
"She's not just Y/N to me..." Jungkook explained, head bowed down to the table. The rest of his hyungs looks at him curiously. "She's my first love,"
The rest of the boys starts to bombared him with questions. Demanding the maknae to explain everything that happened between him and Y/N.
During the commotion, they didnt realized that there is someone who is still repeating the recent event in his head, throughly trying to memorize the face that she tried to hide from them. Taehyung is still staring at the door where Y/N just ran out from, his mind spinning, lost in thoughts.
Why does it feel like I have known her before?
"Are you okay? What happened back there?" Meen A turned her body to face her friend who is now wrapped in a blanket curled up in a ball on her bed. It took her a while to dragged Y/N from the sidewalk and coaxed her to stop crying, before the by standers who started to give them weird looks recognized who she is. Y/N was short on breath and panicking the whole time and Meen A was worried to death. She had never seen her like this. Not even before one of her biggest performace. She was always calm, happy and all smiles.
What does Jeon Jungkook have, or possibly did, that could possibly make her like this?
"Y/N? Dont you want to tell me?" She asks softly, as she slides into bed beside her, hands carressing her hair. "I have never seen you like this. Im worried. Can you please tell me what happened?" She tries again and is still met with silenced. Meen A takes a deep breath and reluctantly asks the question that she knew could trigger her best friend.
"Is it... something to do with Jeon Jungkook?
At the sound of his name Y/N turned around and hug her tight, tears wetting her tshirt as she starts to cry again. Meen A just hugged her back and wait until she calms down. Whatever happened between them must have broken her into pieces.
"He... he," she tried to spit out the words between sobs. "He... Jung...Jungkook... is my first love,"
"What?" Meen A's eyes widen. How come she didnt know about this? Y/N was in a relationship with a member of such a well known group? "What happen then Y/N? You can tell me..."
"He broke my heart Meen A," she raised her head and stare straight into her eyes. She can see the hurt and pain in Y/N's eyes so vivid and clear, it gives chills down to her spine. "He broke my heart and changed my life forever,"
People say that being a teenager in love is the best feeling in the world, and Y/N couldnt agree more. She was only 15 when she and Jungkook got together. After countless exchange of shy smiles and late night texts, Jungkook finally found his courage and ask her to be his under a starless sky.Their relationship was strong and happy, even when Jungkook was accepted as a trainee, nothing seem to change for them.
"Nothing will change. I promise. Maybe I wont be able to see you or call you as much as before, but I love you Y/N, wait for me. I will come back for you and make you proud," was the promise Jungkook made her and the promise that she strongly held on too. True to his promise, Jungkook never forgets her, he still comes home to see her whenever he could, spending sleepless nights kissing and holding each other tight.
The success came to Jungkook and his group like rapid fire the moment they debuted, and soon enough his schedule was packed to the brim. Y/N maintained her ordinary life as an ordinary teenager, getting a placed in one of the country top university give her the opportunity to move to town and be closer to Jungkook. Their relationship, although always comes second to Jungkook's career, is still filled with loved and happiness. Y/N was too drunk in love and consumed with happiness that she doesnt care that Jungkook has to hide their relationship, or the fact that he barely has time for her. She thought they would last forever. She thought his love for her would be enough to last them till eternity.
But everything change one fateful day.
She hasnt seen him for months since he was on tour, a normal occurance when you are dating a celebrity. What's not normal is Jungkook seems to call her less, replied to her text less and doesnt seem too excited to hear her voice whenever she managed to call him. She shrugged it off as exhaustion and think nothing of it. They have been together for so long, its already his fourth year after debut. There couldnt possibly be anything wrong right?
"Kookie!" She jumped on him for a kiss the moment he entered but he dodged her, making her confused for a moment before shrugging it off. Maybe he is just tired. They havent seen one another for months now and he is finally back from tour! She miss him so much. "Where's your luggage?" She looks behind him to see nothing.
"I..ah left it at the dorm," he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Why? You are not staying over tonight?"
"Listen... about that. I have to tell you something," he held her hand and lead her to the couch. They sat with their body turned to faced each other.
"What's wrong Kookie? Did something happen? Is everyone okay?" Jungkook just look at her face. The face he knows he's going to miss so much after today.
"Everyone's alright," he answered softly. "Y/N... you know how much recognition Bangtan is getting now right?" She nodded and smile. She couldnt hide how happy and proud she is for him, although nobody knows her relation with the maknae.
"And you know how our every move is being watch right?"
"Yes..." Where is Jungkook going with this?
"I dont think we can hide our relationship anymore," Y/N's eyes widen and sparkle.
"Kookie, are you saying we should go public?" She squeals. "I can finally do boyfriend things with you! I had always wanted to go to the park and watch the city from the top of the ferris wheels with you!" That was her only wish. She didnt want to ride on Jungkook's popularity. She just wants to be in love and spend time with her boyfriend like everybody else does. That is the only thing she ever wanted from him.
"Urm... no Y/N.I'm sorry but that's not what I meant..." her face fell.
"Oh. Its okay Kookie," she let out a small smile. "Then what is it?"
"Listen... urmmm," Jungkook hesitates. "It wont be a problem if any one of us is caught dating. Our fans can accept that now," Y/N kept silent and focus on listening. "Who we are dating is going to be the problem,"
Y/N starts to feel anxious and felt her hear beats faster. What is he implying?
"What are you trying to say Jungkook?"
"We cant do this anymore. I...I mean, I cant do this anymore," he gather all courage and try to look into her eyes. What he sees is clear  pain and sadness. "I'm sorry Y/N. I love you. But... my career doesnt allow me to be with somebody... ordinary,"
"Ordinary?" She mumbled the words. Yes, she knows she is just a normal university student who everyday life only includes attending classes and a part time job in a student's cafe. She doesnt go on tours or spend her days in studios and practice room. But... does Jungkook, the love of her life Jungkook, who was supposed to make her feel special, need to call her ordinary? Y/N looked down at her attire and self conciousness starts to overwhelm her. Jungkook looks like a God with his perfectly fitted skinny ripped jeans and white shirt, paired with a leather jacket and here she sat, in last night's oversize shirt and worn out shorts. She starts to pull on her shirt, adjusting it and tucking her hair, trying to make her look more 'less' ordinary, feeling self concious about her looks.
"Y/N, stop. Please. That is not what I meant..." he grabbed her hand to stop her from covering herself from him. Maybe she wont believe him, but it pains him too to see her this way, hurt and on the brink of crying. But its just something he has to do.
"I... I know I'm just a normal girl, but we are in love... arent we? Does it really matter to you that I'm just someone living an ordinary life?"
"I do love you... but Y/N... its something I have to do. I need someone who is more suited for me," The moment he said it, Jungkook regret it. That is not definitely how he wanted the words to come out.
"More suited?" Her voice cracked. Years they have been together, and her status as a normal girl is apparently more important to him than their feelings. Well, maybe its just her. Maybe Jungkook has lost all feelings for her after all those years he debuted. After all, he met thousands of beautiful celebrities that is 'more suited' for him.
"No... its okay.I think you have made yourself perfectly clear. I'm too common. Too regular. Too ordinary to be with you... Jeon  Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of Bangtan, the most popular band right now. Its okay Jungkook, I get it," with that she gave one small smile and walked out, trying her best not to let the tears spilled. But who is she kidding? Jungkook has owned her heart from the moment she even know what love is, and now... he has broken it in every way possible.
"What. A. Fucking. Asshole!" Meen A is fuming with anger once Y/N finished her story. "Does he thinks he is all that?! He is just a singer and a dancer! I'm going to beat his ass up when I see him, that fucking asshole!" Y/N giggled at her friend between her tears.
"Its okay Meen A. It was five years ago. Its his life... I cant force him to love me,"
"But Y/N!" Meen A whined. "Why are you so nice?!" She huffed. "So... did you become this successful because you want to prove him wrong and make him eat his words? He must be crying seeing you now!"
Y/N giggled again. Meen A never fails to fascinates her. She shakes her head.
"Actually no. Contrary to that, its actually the opposite. I didnt want to know about anything in the industry anymore. I didnt update myself about anyone well know, mostly because it reminds me that I'm just ordinary, like Jungkook puts it, and also I didnt want to see him,"
"Then, what made you become... this?" Meen A motioned to her.
"I met a stranger one day. And that was the day my life changed forever," she smile.
She was crying as she finally found a bench in the quiet park. After months of being able to avoid hearing about any news regarding Jungkook, which is very hard since he is really popular, it finally come to her knowledge that Jungkook is now dating another maknae from a popular girl group. Her classmates has forcefully showed her the article, of course, not knowing the history she had with the said man and she cant help but feel her heart clenched at the sight of Jungkook happily kissing a pretty girl.
The girl is beautiful, and Y/N bet she is multi talented too. She is perfect for him. Special, wanted and definitely not ordinary.
"What are you crying for?" A voice from behind her startled her, only then she realized that someone has already occupied the bench that is placed back to back with hers. She turned her head and saw a man with a hat and masked secured on his face. She couldnt see his face clearly, but his piercing gaze is enough to fascinates her. However, there is a clear sadness in his eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing," she whispered back.
"If I tell you my story will you tell yours? I just need someone to talk to," Y/N contemplate for a moment and finally agreed to it. He is a stranger. She will never see him again anyway.
"My fan- urgh I mean my friends expected so much from me. I'm tired of it. I'm still just a normal man. Why cant they see that?"
"But... if they believed in you, doesnt that mean you are not just an average guy to start with? There must be something about you that makes them expect so much from you,"
"I guess... but... I dont like it,"
"Isnt that a great thing?" Y/N raised her eyebrows to the masked man. "To be loved? For people to think you are special? Capable of doing things? Not just someone normal and ordinary?"
"Not for me. I dont want people to see me as someone extra ordinary. I am not. I am just being me. This is who I am. Sometimes I wish that I could just blend in with others and not stand out so much,"
"You are really funny," she chuckles. "In this world where everybody tried to be special, why do you want to be ordinary?"
"No. You are the funny one," he retorted and his sharp gaze look straight into her eyes. Y/N swear she has never seen a pair of eyes looks so beautiful. "Because in a world full of people trying to be special, what is so wrong to ordinary?"
"Wow... that's deep," Meen A exclaimed with her mouth wide open. "But still, what I dont get is how does that makes you want to be who you are now?"
"Well... after I went home that day, I started thinking and he was right. He made me feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being ordinary. You might think I become who I am today to prove a point, but no... I just want to send a message to everyone out there, that ordinary people can be and do anything they want too if they put their mind to it. Just because people see you as nothing special, that doesnt mean you are short on deserving anything,"
Meen A looks at her in awe. "You are really something Y/N,"
"I might be something... but I will never be enough for Jeon Jungkook," she smile sadly.
"Y/N... do you... perhaps still love him?" Y/N was silenced for a moment by the sudden question. Jeon Jungkook... Does she still loves him? Its a question that she herself is afraid to ask.
"I dont know Meen A. But all I know is that I could never hate him. He might break my heart to pieces... but he is also the one who taught me what love is..."
Y/N is back.
Jungkook ran his hand across his face as he slide down on the floor. Its been a day since the incident at the restaurant and he is restless. He has been pressuring Namjoon to contact that girl who was supposed to set up an appointment with Y/N but Namjoon has been hesitating, saying he should clear his mind first. He doesnt need time to clear anything! He has been waiting to see her for five years and now she's finally home. He needs to see her now!
His last memory of her has haunt him for years and he needs to talk to her. Even for just a second.
"No... its okay.I think you have made yourself perfectly clear. I'm too common. Too regular. Too ordinary to be with you... Jeon  Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of Bangtan, the most popular band right now. Its okay Jungkook, I get it," with that she gave one small smile and walked out, trying her best not to let the tears spilled.
Jungkook sat on the couchof her apartment after she left, not moving even an inch for hours as he still try to register the fact that he broke Y/N's heart. To say he fully regret what he did wont be true, since a part of him knows Y/N is really too normal to be with him. But he loves her, that much is true, and seeing her hurt is too much for him to bear. He shakes his head to get rid of the feeling and leave the apartment, turning around one last time to say goodbye to the years of memories he had with his first love.
A month passed and all sadness and regret seems to leave Jungkook's mind when he started a relationship with one of the other maknaes from a girl group. He finally got what he wanted. Being in a relationship with someone who is at the same level as him. Yurin is beautiful and talented, Jungkook loves everything about her. The only problem is that he dont feel in love with her.
The kisses are great, nights spend together are amazing but something just seems off. They talked about their music and live the same lifestyle, there is nothing wrong with their relationship at all. But... she's not Y/N.
As time passes by, Jungkook starts to miss the ordinary things that Y/N do. He misses the days when she would talk about her classes, telling him things that he didnt get to experienced as a college students. He misses her stories of working at a student's cafe and how some days she has to starve herself with only instant noodle when the funds ran low. All he ever talk about with Yurin is the new comeback, which designer to wear to the award show and which expensive restaurant they should try next. There is nothing wrong with all that, really, but its the exact same life he's living. He already know all that. He dont need someone else to talk to him about it.
Jungkook only realized too late then, that Y/N being an ordinary girl is what makes their relationship works. They were the opposite, she is e eeythung he is not, and thats why she completes him.
He shouldnt care about what the society demand from him. Y/N didnt, he shouldnt have either. But its all too late when he found out Y/N is no longer living in her apartment or studying in the same college. She's gone and he didnt know where else to find her.
Until he sees her face on an international interview while he's channel surfing on one boring afternoon. Y/N still looks like the Y/N he knows. Beautiful, sweet, her innocent laugh filled the screen. But the way she talked, dressed and interact with the interviewer, amazed him. Jungkook cant take his eyes off her and continue to watch the show until the end. He learned then that Y/N has become an international sensation, a newly debuted singer/songwriter who is also on her way in making a name in the filming and modeling industry.
Y/N has become a mix of everything he had ever wanted.
And he has been trying to find a way to see her again ever since.
"Hey Kookie," Taehyung entered the practice room and slide down on the floor besides him. "Are you okay? You dont seem so well since what happened yesterday,"
"I am not okay hyung," Jungkook turned to faced Taehyung, face etched with sadness. "Y/N... I need to see her but Namjoon hyung is not letting me," Taehyung kept quiet and nibbled on his bottom lips, thinking.
"Kookie... I know you told us she is your first love. But if you dont mind... what happened to the two of you?" Taehyung is really curious about this Y/N girl and the only person who seems to know her personally is Jungkook. "She seems... terrified of you yesterday,"
Jungkook looked hurt by Taehyung's words. He already know that. When he dreamt about seeing Y/N again, he didnt think that she would hate him that much. Its as if she is scared of him. Scared that he will hurt her again. She dont even want to look at his face yesterday. That feeling... the feeling when someone you love is afraid of you, hates you, not even want to look at you... hurts, and Jungkook dont ever want to feel anything like that anymore.
"I... I break her heart into pieces hyung," Jungkook pushed all his pride aside and finally opened up to Taehyung about everything. When he finished his story with a sob, Taehyung was speechless.
"So you are saying... you two were dating during the years we all live together?!" Taehyung exclaimed. How is it possible that none of the boys found out the maknae is dating? "How did you managed to hide a girlfriend that well?"
"Really hyung? That's what important to you right now?" Jungkook give him the stink eye and he chuckle.
"Sorry. Sorry. But you know Kookie... her face and your story sounds familiar. I wonder if I have met her before?" Jungkook shakes his head.
"Im positive you didnt. I never brought her over to meet any of you guys. Maybe you just think you know her because her face fills up every magazine and tv shows you see?" Jungkook guess. He is pretty positive none of his hyung knows Y/N before she becomes well known.
"Nah... that's not it," Taehyung shakes his head. "Nevermind. I'm sure I will figured it out later,"
Before Jungkook can say anything else, the practice room door opened and walked in Namjoon, looking straight at him.
"Kook, your dream has come true,"
"What do you mean hyung?" Jungkook is confused.
"We are having a collaboration with Y/N while she's in Korea,"
"What?! No, no, no, no,no, no!" Y/N slammed the schedule on the desk and wailed her hands around. This cant be happening. A collaboration with Bangtan? Two whole months of composing, performing, photo shoots and interviews with them? With Jeon Jungkook? This cant be real! "Why am I not informed about this earlier? I wouldnt have agreed to it if I knew!"
"But Y/N... you never go through your schedules before. You always leave it up to the management!" One the managers tries to explain. Y/N was neber demanding kr a diva, she is akways essy to managed. Seeing her like this scare him a bit. Why is she so hellbent on not doing the schedule with Bangtan? "Besides, Bangtan is one of the most successful group in the country right now and they really want to work with you! Its a great opportunity to make your mark here, in your home country,"
Y/N bite her bottom lip. Of course it makes sense when they say it like that. Y/n has rejected everything that has to do with her home country before. She didnt want to come back before she's ready. But now that she's here, she didnt think they would be the first thing on her schedule.
"Is there really no way for me to cancel?" She sighed weakly.
"I'm sorry sweetheart," the manager gave her a regretful smile. "but no,"
"Y/N, these are the boys. Boys, this is Y/N," the staff introduced them once Y/N arrived on the set. She pushed her sunglasses up her forehead, smile and bowed to them, introducing herself and gave them their greeting, all the while avoiding eye contact with the doe eyed boy who is shamelessly staring at her.  The older members introduced themselves first, making silly jokes in between to ease the tension that they can feel rising between Y/N and the maknae, but the time for Jungkook to introduced himself finally arrived.
"Hi Y/N. I'm Jeon Jungkook, but I think you already know that," he held out a hand and his bunny smile grew wider when Y/N accept the handshake. He held her hand tight and keeps on staring at her, the smile never leaving his face, making her squirm uncomfortably. Y/N tried to shake her hand lose but Jungkook only held on tighter, as in trying to enjoy every tingling sensation he felt from their touch.
He misses her so much.
"Ehem," Jungkook was broken from his trance and look to his left to see Taehyung looking at him, then their entertwined hands. "I think you can let go now Kook. Its my turn to introduced myself,"
Jungkook huffed and reluctantly lets go, not at all trying to conceal the fact that he was holding her hand hostage on purpose. "Hi," Taehyung flashed her his signature smile. Y/N swore he has never seen a smile so beautiful and sincere given to her before.
"H...hi," Shit, why did I stutter?
Taehyung laughs at how adorable she looks. "So cute," he mumble, making Y/N who heard it blushed hard and Jungkook frowned, sending his hyung a death glare. "I'm Kim Taehyung or V. But you can call me Tae. Nice to meet you Y/N,"
"You... you too Taeyang. I mean Taehyung. I mean Tae," Seriously, what is wrong with me? "Nice to meet you," she slowly brace herself and look into his eyes. Those sharp gaze... it looks so damn familiar.
Taehyung laughs again and shakes her hand. "I have to go with the boys but I will see you in a bit ya?"
Y/N quickly nodded as Taehyung drags Jungkook with him, living her sweaty and blushing. Jungkook who witness the whole exchange happening looks back from his hyung to Y/N and start to feel anxious.
Is something going on with those two?
Days spend with Bangtan passes by in a blur. They were a fun group to be with; funny and talented. There was never a dull moment with them. The best part is always whenever she gets some time alone with Taehyung. There's just something about him that never ceased to amaze her, fascinates her. She loves hearing his deep voice, his laughs, his weird views on things and his funny thoughts. Being able to see Taehyung was always the highlight of her day with Bangtan, and there's just something so familiar about him. About the way his piercing eyes looks at her. Its as if she has seen it before somewhere, some time, long ago. However, what Y/N dreaded the most was when she and Jungkook were left alone, as if it was planned by the boys. She will try her best to get out from the situation, leaving Jungkook who tried hard to get a chance to talk to her frustrated.
She had always managed to get out from the sticky situation until today. She was in the music room during one of their long breaks this time. The boys will usually hang out with each other in their own waiting room, so feeling bored, Y/N sneaked out and found a lone piano in a what she assumed is a music room and started playing one of the song she is currently working on. She only started playing a few lines when a voice surpised her.
"That's beautiful," she turned to her right to see Jungkook already seated down beside her on the piano bench. She immediately stood up, ready to leave but Jungkook pulled her back down.
"No. Please, stay. Can you play the rest of the song for me? Can I hear it? Please?" He plead, eyes looking straight into hers, bringing back both painful and beautiful memories she had tried to forget. Y/N hesitates as she looked around, wishing nothing more than for someone to come in and save her. But no one did and Jungkook is still gripping her hand and looking at her. "Please?"
"O..okay," she nodded her agreement and sat back down, fingers poised to play her song.
I really love the role I play The songs I sing But with all the fame The things that seem so simple Suddenly, so far out of reach Wish that they could see That underneath I'm just an ordinary girl! Sometimes I'm lazy I get bored, I get scared, I feel ignored, I feel happy I get silly, I choke on my own words. I make wishes, I have dreams, And I still want to believe, Anything can happen in this world For an ordinary girl! Like you like me For an ordinary girl Like you like me
The room waa silent when she finished playing. Jungkook felt a lump in his throat as the memory of him recklessly breaks her heart came back to him.
"But... my career doesnt allow me to be with somebody... ordinary,"
Y/N stopped him and smile before he could continue, already oredicting what he would be saying. "No Jungkook. Dont say anything. You dont need to say anything. I'm over it," she stood up and bowed, hastily trying to escape but Jungkook is too fast for her and grab her arm.
"But I'm not,"
"I'm not over it Y/N. I'm not over you..."
"Stop joking around Jungkook. Its not funny!"
Jungkook stood up and turned her to face him. "I'm not. Y/N... I swear I'm not! Please listen to me first," Jungkook pleaded. "What I did, what I said, everything was wrong. A mistake," Y/N shakes her head, denying his claim.
"No. You were happy without me Jungkook. You were happy with the girls you dated after me. All those girls who are beautiful and a somebody," Y/N blinked back her tears. No, she promised herself that she wont cry for Jeon Jungkook ever again.
"Thats what I thought I wanted Y/N. But I was wrong. I was so wrong," he gripped both of her hands, making her gasps. "I'm so sorry for what I did Y/N. I tried to look for you after you left, but I couldnt find you... and now you are here..." he cupped her chin to tilt her head to look at him. "Y/N, looking at you now, I regret everything I ever did and say to you. Please forgive me Y/N. Please... can we... can we try again?"
Y/N was shocked. She didnt think Jungkook would ever ask her to be together again. She is afterall, still just an ordinary girl... and him. Look at him, he is as perfect as he could ever be.. Then his words appeared back in her mind.
Looking at you now.
"Is this what this is? You want me back because I'm no longer the ordinary little town girl I was five years back? Because I'm successful now?!" Y/N was furious. How dare he. Jungkook was startled by her assumption. How did she even come to think of that? That is absolutely not what it is at all!
"What?! No! Y/N no! That is absolutely not what this is about. Y/N... you are everything that I want. I just realized it too late. Please Y/N. Lets try again. I'll treat you right this time,"
"No!" She shakes her hand loose from his grip. "You cant do this to me Jungkook. It took me five years to even be able to hear your name again. You broke me beyond repair. You make me judged myself to the point where I hated myself Jungkook. You dont know how broken you make me when you left. I loved you. I really really loved you... but you..."
"Y/N, please just give me another chance. Lets try this again," he begged.
"No!" Y/N start to walk out as fast as she could but what Jungkook said next stopped her in her tracks.
"I love you Y/N. I have never stop loving you," Y/N's whole body shakes as tears starts to stream down her face. She ia grateful for the fact that she is not facing him. Jeon Jungkook shouldnt see her cry. Not now. Not ever. But hearing those three words comes our from her one true love, her first love, Y/N felt her heart bursting in both pain and happiness again.
"I love you... please believe me Y/N..." he repeated softly. His voice shocked Y/N out from her tranced and she quickly continue her exit, never once looking back.
Y/N managed to bring herself to an empty park, well, of course its empty, its past midnight, after sending a quick text to Meen A to tell her to cancel the rest of her schedule and postponed it to tommorow. There is no way she is able to face Jungkook again. She close her eyes and leaned her head back, enjoying the cool breeze.
"Do you think the stars are watching we live our life like we watch a reality drama series?" Y/N was startled by the deep voice that suddenly appeared in the dark. She looks up and saw Taehyung walking towards her, smiling and sitting down besides her.
"What are you doing here Tae?"
"The question is, what are you doing here? I have always come here after schedule. This park is very near to my dorm," he pointed somewhere behind him.
"Ahh. Okay. But...what do you do here all alone? You are not a mass murderer or a rapist right?" She jokes and he laughs.
"Nothing. Just sitting in the dark and asks random questions like the one I asked you just now," he grinned.
"Really? You have to do it here? Alone? In the dark?" Y/N questioned, eyebrows arched. "Why cant you discuss it with your group mates? Isnt it better to talk to someone who could actually respond?"
Taehyung hung his head at her statement, feeling sad. "Not really. Sometimes I just want the peace and quiet to think and play with my own thoughts. Sometimes I even wonder if I made the right decision to live this kind of life," he chuckles.
"This kind of life? What do you mean?"
"This life we are living Y/N. People expect so much from us. To be flawless, remarkable in everything," he sighed. "Sometimes I wonder what its like to live an ordinary life,"
Y/N laughs. There's that word again. It seems no matter where she goes, that words haunts her like a nightmare.
"I wouldnt know what you are feeling Tae, because I have been ordinary all my life,"
Taehyung looks at her as if she doesnt make sense at all. Well, to be fair to him,she really doesnt make sense. How can a mega superstar like her, living life that people only dream of could possibly say shes been ordinary all her life? But Taehyung figured she has a reason for saying that and just lets it go.
"You are lucky then," he stood up, both hands in pockets and smile down at her. "Because Y/N, in a world full of people trying to be special, what is so wrong to be ordinary?"
Y/N's mouth drop open. Those words... they are like her secret mantra to survive the broken heart Jungkook left her with. She blinked and look at Taehyung. Those eyes staring back at her. She remembers now. The deep voice, the piercing gaze.
That stranger is Taehyung.
The man she has been searching for all these while is Kim Taehyung.
But before she could say anyhing, he is already gone.
Y/N tossed and turn the whole night. The whole conversation with Taehyung, the recent one and way back five years ago when he was just a stranger, played continuosly in her head. Its Taehyung.
Kim Taehyung.
Everything fits now. For the past month she has been getting to know him, she fell for his dorky ways and the unique things he did. She see the sadness in his face when his fans criticized his fashion choices or hairstyles, how sometimes he rather stay home and not come with them because he is tired to conceal his real self in public. She understand now why the stranger wants to be ordinary. Why Kim Taehyung wants to be ordinary.
Taehyung is beautiful, inside out. And its a shame people are more focus on the facade he puts out rather than his true self. Y/N thinks back about all the time they spend together. Taehyung will mostly ask about her life way back before she was a celebrity, asking her stories about her classes, courses, her part time job and he enjoys her stories. Every bit of it. Sometimes it seems as if he loves it more than listening to her experience touring around the world, working with all these influential people. Its... different. Most people she met in the industry are only trying to be close to her for her name, for her connections, but Taehyung felt sincere.
Taehyung loves how she is when she's just an ordinary girl.
And Y/N finally admits it now. She's in love with that extraordinary boy.
Unfortunately for her, no matter how much she wanted to she Taehyung again and proclaim her love for him the next day, they are having a one day break. So instead, she peeled her sleepless body for a morning walk towards the rows of restaurant. She needed something to clear her head.
Just her luck, she saw Taehyung sitting alone on one of the sidewalk cafe, his breakfast still full on his table, playing with his phone.
"Tae!" A wide grin stretch across her face as she walks over. How can someone look this beautiful?
"Oh, Y/N. Nice to see you here," he smile, and Y/N felt her heart beats faster.
"Are you alone?"
"I'm actually with-"
"Y/N?" Shit. The voice that calls out her name makes her heart rscing and palm swearing in fear, and she wanted nothing more than just to get out from there.
"I..I'll be going first Taehyung," she bowed quickly and make her exit, confusing Taehyung who didnt understand the situation.
"Y//N, please wait," Jungkook grab her arms and turn her around. "Please... dont run away from me,"
"Let go Jungkook,"
"Not until you give me a chance," he gritted his teeth in determination. "Y/N... I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was a fool, an idiot. I care about my status, my job more than I ever did about your feelings before. But all that will change now. I have changed now. I will love you right this time. Baby... please," his soft doe eyes pierced through hers, begging her for another chance. The way he looks at her, the feeling of his touch on her arms, his familiar scent that filled his nostrils the way he calls her baby... her heart is aching. She misses him so much.
She raised her eyes to look at him. His handsome face and the way the mask hang around his mouth and nose.
The mask. The mask that he needs to conceal his identity. His identity that makes him too good to be with her in the first place.
Jungkook will always be a somebody. He has to hide his identity even he is having his breakfast. And although she is a part of that life now, deep inside she is still just an ordinary girl who unfortunately falls in love with someone extraordinary like Jeon Jungkook.
And what happened five years back proves that Jungkook would never accept that ordinary part of her. And if he cant accept that, then he cant have all of her.
"I'm sorry. I cant Jungkook," she trembled. "I have only known and love you all my life. I love every part of you... but you dont love me for who I really am. I am just still me Jungkook. Underneath all this, I'm still just that girl you broke for being ordinary. You wont and cant ever love me fully... and I wont force you too,"
"Y/N. No. I love you. I love all of you. Everything about you. Please. Give me this chance and I will prove it to you," Jungkook is panicking. He cant loose her like this. She didnt even give her a chance to get close, to show her how he has change. He has been looking for her for five years, how can he just let her slip away?
"You think you do. But I know you better than that. You are just in love with the idea of me," she smile sadly. Oh, how she wished they were still young lovers. Happy and in love. "I thought no one could ever like me for who I really am Jungkook. I loathe myself. For years I loathe myself. But I know now, not everybody hates ordinary. We ordinary girls have to right to be love too,"
"I didnt me-"
"I cant be with you Jungkook. I thought I wont ever get over you, but I was wrong. I fell in love. I found someone worthy to love me now. And I would do anything to make him love me..." she finally quietly admits, leaving Jungkook speechless.
"Wh..what?" Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. This cant happen. His baby is in love with someone else? Who? Who is the man who stole her heart away? "Who is it? Tell me Y/N! Who is it! I will show you I can love you better than him," his face is etched in anger as he shakes her shoulders.
"You dont need to know..."
"I do. I do need to know Y/N. I need to know so I can show you how much more I will love you than he ever will!" He insisted, crazy with anger. Y/N looks around and see they are starting to catch attention and people are starting to recognized them. She cant let them happen.
"Stop it Jungkook..."
"No! I love you Y/N. Why wont you believe me?" He cried. "Tell me who is he?"
"Its Taehyung!" She screamed, tired of Jungkook's tireless persuassion. "Its Kim Taehyung! Are you happy now? I love Kim Taehyung and he didnt even know! So you dont have to do anything Jungkook!" His grasp on her shoulder soften.
"You are in love with Tae - hyung? My hyung?" His eyes roamed all over her face, looking for any sign that shes lying. But theres none. His heart starts to ache, a feeling so foreign to him. "Since when?"
"Since... sinc..," her eyes flickered behind Jungkook and her mouth dropped in horror. "Taehyung!" Jungkook whipped his head to see what Y/N is looking at, and true enough, his hyung stood there behind him and with the look on his face, its clear he heard everything. His eyes looks straight at her, dark and blank, she couldnt understand what emotions are playing within him right then and it scared her.
"Tae, wait! I can ex-" Y/N started to run after him when he abruptly turned around and walked away towards the other direction.
"Y/N, please. Choose me. Please. I love you. I cant live without you. Choose me Y/N. Dont leave me for Tae," Jungkook held on to her jacket's sleeves, begging her with his brown eyes. Y/N felt her tears finally fell at the sight of Jungkook, the mighty Jungkook begging for her, an ordinary girl.
"Then you have to learn how to Jungkook. Just like how I did before," she shakes her sleeve loose and run after Taehyung. Jungkook was left alone, stunned, and after years of being strong and believing he can do anything, he fell to his knees for he knows this time he wont be able to do it.
Losing Y/N all over again.
"Tae! Tae. Stop. Just stop," Y/N was breathless as she managed to grab Taehyung by the arm. The said man turned and emotionlessly turned to face her. She felt her heart break. Does Taehyung really doesnt have any feelings for her at all?
"You shouldnt say things that you dont even understand Y/N," he suddenly broke the silenced.
"What are you talking about Tae? What you heard-"
"How can you say you love me? How is that even possible?"
"Why isnt it possible? I'm in love with you Kim Taehyung! Why is that not possible?" She huffed. Did Taehyung really thinj no one would ever love him? "I'm in love with every part of you. The real you! Not the facade you put out for everyone around you. But the you that you showed me during the talks we had. I'm in love with that Kim Taehyung!"
"I cant be with you," his words came out so smoothly out from his mouth, it hurts her to think how he doesnt even have to think about it at all.
"Why?" She cried. Y/N can feel her heart broke for the second time after a long time. "Why cant you give me a chance? I know you felt it too. I can see it when you talk to me. When you look at me. Please Tae, why cant you let me?"
"Tae... is there really no chance for us?" Y/N asks again when he kept quiet, eyes fixed on the ground. "You... really cant love me?" Y/N lets out a deep breath and weakly lets go of his hand when he still didnt answer. "Okay... I'm sorry. I just thought..." she didnt finished her words before she turned around, wanting to just walk away from the situation and just buried herself in her blanket back at the hotel. She was always a fool in love. Ordinary or not, no one will ever love her for her. She just need to braced another month of schedule with Bangtan and she can forget all this ever happen.
"Do you want to know why we could never happen?" Taehyung's voice reached her ears, sounding so soft and sad, making her turn around even though she dont think she can ever face him again. Y/N stopped in her tracks for a moment and decide to just walk away. There is no need for her to listen to the list of reasons as to why Taehyung would never ever love her.
"Y/N, listen to me," Taehyung grabbed her hand. Why is he doing this? Why is he forcing her to listen to things that she doesnt want to? Is he intentionally wanting to hurt her?
"I...I dont want to Tae," she sobbed. "I dont need to know why you wont ever love me,"
Taehyung immediately cupped both of her cheeks and make her look at him the moment she said that. "Y/N... I'm sorry for what I said. And I never said I didnt love you back..." he said so softly Y/N almost missed it, but she didnt and her eyes widen. Did... did Taehyung just confess?
"Please dont cry..." his thumbs wipe the tears that slowly rolled down her cheeks. "Look around you Y/N... this is the reason why we cant be together,"
For the first time since they talk, Y/N raised her head and look around her. Fans are gathered all around, cellphones out and snapping photos. She looks up and billboards with her face on it filling the view. Even if the passerby didnt know who they were before, they sure do now. "You are too special to be with me Y/N. I am not the one for you. I'm too strange and weird to be with you. You deserves the world. You are remarkable, and you deserves the best. Me? I'm just an ordinary small town boy who accidentally passes an audition Y/N. I'm not for you. So dont cry for me. These people doesnt like to see you cry," he smile at her. She feels her heart beats faster. She wants that smile. She wants to wake up to that smile everyday and she wont let who she became now stops her from the happiness that is right in front of her.
"Taehyung... I'm still that same ordinary girl you met in the park five years back. The girl who cried because the person she loves broke her. Dont you remember her?"
"What? What are you saying?"
"You are really funny," Y/N repeated what he said to her way back then. "In this world where everybody tried to be special, why do you want to be ordinary?" Taehyung's eyes widen at that. Little did she know, just like her, their encounter that day changed his life forever too. He accepted his life more after their little talk and since then he starts not to think about what his fans would want from him. He is just an ordinary man and if they dont love him for that, then they didnt love him to start with.
"That... that was you?" Y/N nodded with a smile and tears in her eyes.
"Tae... what you said to me that day changed me. Because of you I start to believe that ordinary girls like me deserves to be loved too. I came back to the park everyday in hope to see you again but I never did. You have been a part of my life for a long time Tae, whether you like it or not," she laughs. "And if you think I am too special to be with you, then you are dead wrong. You are everything I could ever want. You are the only person in my life who loves me for that dorky college girl that I am and I'm in love with you for that," she rajsed her hands and carressed his cheeks. Taehyung slowly leaned in into her touched. "You love every lsrt of me and you deserve to have all of me Tae,"
"Dont see me like what the other see me Tae. See me for who I really am. I am just an ordinary girl who falls in love with an amazing man, and she hopes that amazing man would someday fall in love with her too,"
"I am already in love with you Y/N. From the moment you stutter my name the first time we officially met," he laughs out loud at the memory as Y/N blushed. "Why were you so nervous anyway? You are already in love with me back then arent you? My good looks got nothing on you,"
"Yah!" She hit his chest and Taehyung pulled her close in his embraced. "Dont tease me,"
"You are adorable," he kissed her head and they can hear the camera shutter clicking from all around them. They have a lot to answer to their own management tomorrow, but for now that didnt matter. "My beautiful ordinary girl, you make me realized that nothing else matters that just to be and love yourself. You are the best thing that could have ever happen to me, eventhough I dont even know who you were back then. I love you Y/N," he whispered.
"And I love you Kim Taehyung. Just my weird fascinating Kim Taehyung," Taehyung smile and leaned his head closer to her as his lips tremble when he touched the lips of the girl he has dreamt about for years.
As the couple shared their first kiss, and the people around them starts to busily clicking their cameras and cooing at the adorable couple, a pair of teary doe eyes looks from afar...
And for the first time in his life, he admits that his heart is broken to pieces.
By an ordinary girl.
A/N: Ordinary Girl that Y/N played on the music room is actually a real song by Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, with the same title. All credits goes to the original artists and everyone involved in it.
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A little q&a
What is your full name? Brittany Susan Pierce
Where and when were you born? Lima Ohio, April 16
Who are/were your parents?  Mom and dad. I really don’t know their real names. (Whitney and Pierce)
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? I have a younger sister. She is pretty cool even though I don’t talk to her a lot. 
Where do you live now, and with whom?  LA baby with my wife Santana. 
What is your occupation? I own a dance studio
Write a full physical description of yourself: I am 5′8, long blond hair, blue eyes, pretty skinny and fit because of dancing, no tattoos because they hurt. 
To which social class do you belong? I don’t go to class anymore
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? Nope!
Are you right- or left-handed? Right handed
What does your voice sound like? Like clouds. You know its soft and cuddly. 
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? I always use a lot of words. 
What do you have in your pockets? I don’t have pockets right now. 
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? People say I am not that smart. But I don’t believe them
How would you describe your childhood in general? It was fun. I loved being a child
What is your earliest memory? I don’t remember
How much schooling have you had? I graduated high school
Did you enjoy school? Yes, especially high school when I met Santana and Quinn. 
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? On the cherrios and glee club
While growing up, did you have any role models? Beyonce, she is amazing. 
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? I always got along with everyone. 
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  A unicorn 
As a child, what were your favorite activities? Dancing and playing in mud
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? Fun and wild like always
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? There was billy and I don’t know the others names. 
When and with whom was your first kiss? Uh...this is a hard question.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Of course not. I like sexy time. I also don’t remember. 
If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
Glee club, cheerios and Quinn and Santana made me who I am today. 
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Marrying Santana
Who has had the most influence on you? Santana
What do you consider your greatest achievement? My dance studio. 
What is your greatest regret? I don’t regret anything. 
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?  I gave a puppy away. I loved that puppy
Do you have a criminal record of any kind? I don’t think I do. Is talking in a movie a crime?
When was the time you were the most frightened? When I thought I would lose Santana because I was being rude. 
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? I don’t get embarrassed. 
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? I wish I became a unicorn
What is your best memory? My wedding. 
What is your worst memory? Being called stupid. That hurt me. 
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
What is your greatest fear? Losing Santana
What are your religious views? I believe in Santa claus
What are your political views? I will run the world because I am amazing
What are your views on sex? I love sexy time! 
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? I can’t hurt any living thing. I let a spider crawl in our house before. 
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Take away someones phone or not let them have fun. 
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? I married mind. 
What do you believe makes a successful life? Love, money, house and a job. 
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? Sometimes, I like to keep them in sometimes and Santana gets mad when I do. 
Do you have any biases or prejudices? What is that?
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? I will not cheat. I love my wife too much to cheat. 
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? Santana
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? I think I treat others with respect. 
Who is the most important person in your life, and why? My wife. She takes care of me and I love her. 
Who is the person you respect the most, and why? Quinn. She is my best friend is always really nice to me. 
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. I have lots of friends. Santana is my wife, Quinn is my best friend, Kurt and Blaine are my gay best friends. Hmm Oh also Marley! She is quiet but amazing. 
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. Yes, Santana is really cute and loveable but can kill someone too. Don’t get on her bad side.m
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. I currently am on love. When I kissed her, I melted. 
What do you look for in a potential lover? I don’t need a potential lover. I have mine. 
How close are you to your family? I talk to my mom ever day. 
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? No, but I want to. We haven’t done it because we both are super busy now. 
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? Quinn or Santana. They have my back. 
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? Santana and Quinn. They would beat someone up quickly. 
If you died or went missing, who would miss you? Of course. Santana, Quinn, Marley, Blaine. All of my friends and family would miss me. 
Who is the person you despise the most, and why? Cardi B. I don’t like her music
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I try to avoid fights
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? No, I am not a good leader. 
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? Yes, I do this everyday at work
Do you care what others think of you? Yes I do sometimes. 
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? Dancing and singing.
What is your most treasured possession? My wedding ring
What is your favorite color? Rainbow
What is your favorite food? Pizza
What, if anything, do you like to read? I can’t read anything without pictures
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)? Movies and listening to music and dancing. 
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? I don’t drink really anymore. 
How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Cuddling with my wife
What makes you laugh? A lot
What, if anything, shocks or offends you? When people call me stupid. It hurts my feelings. 
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? Dance or sing
How do you deal with stress? Dance it out, or sexy time
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? Spon..spomtaneous. I don’t like planning things. 
What are your pet peeves? I don’t have any pets
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?  Wake up, shower, eat, work, nap, eat and sleep. 
What is your greatest strength as a person? I can pick up 25 pounds. 
What is your greatest weakness? I cant pick up a 50 pound box. 
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Nothing, I like myself. 
Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Are you generally organized or messy? Sort of messy
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three thing your bad at? Dancing, singing and speaking. I am bad at traveling, paying attention and remembering things. 
Do you like yourself? All the way
What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)  Uh I am confused
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? Have a family 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Being a mother with Santana. 
If you could choose, how would you want to die? In my sleep
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. Adopt all the kittens, make love to my wife, spend every penny on Santana. 
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? My personality
What three words best describe your personality? Awesome, fun, cool
What three words would others probably use to describe you? Amazing, child like, cool
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…) 
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shxujobrave · 7 years
Send ‘Palace’ + a number and I will explain;
What the my muse palace look like
Riku’s palace would very much look like an overpoweringly elegant Grand Hall, plopped right in the middle of massive amounts of attractions for entertainment. Beautiful yet hectic, it’s a place of folly and glamour; complete with flower petals falling outside, and constant music somewhere in the distance.It’ll eventually come to light that the palace, despite looking so beautiful and well-put-together in appearance, is a complete mess by design. Diving in further and further into the Grand Hall, it becomes quite twisted and confusing, almost wonderland-esque, trying to meld the group’s desires into it’s design---as if to fit in and make everything seem ok, or make them like it. There are often many dead ends, many rooms have completely contrasting themes that seem to have nothing to do with Riku, hidden catwalks above are abundant, and it seems like shadows could use even the most unassuming things as weapons. When the final boss comes around, Riku’s desire to keep everything happy fun time crumbles almost immediately---Her sudden rush of fear and shame causing the figurative ‘veil’ to lift from the group’s eyes to reveal just how crackled and downright horrifying the palace becomes in it’s dissonance.
Riku’s palace is the reflection of a heart of a girl who wants to be everything she can be for the sake of someone’s happiness, and indirectly her own; and fool everyone when it’s not working. Her heart’s cracked beyond compare---She’s been (and in some ways, still being) abused, neglected, and used, but she succeeds in hiding it all from everyone, depriving herself comfort or understanding because she can’t bear the idea of showing it to herself, let alone anyone else. She glues the with the tiny amounts of genuine happiness she feels, try to protect herself by willingly being used instead of being fooled into security. The fact that no one ever believes her,  turn on her when she’s not what they want, she just. Stopped. Put everything in boxes and left it there, never to be touched again. She puts a mask over her own heart so she can go on with life, and if it’s torn away, the amount of raw shame she’d feel for not being what people expect her, what she’s been through, would be heartbreaking---whether to you or to her, I’ll let you decide. 
Many of the palace’s symbolism wouldn’t make sense to those who haven’t taken the time to get to know her (which would take awhile), causing it to seem even MORE of a nonsensical mess.
The keywords to get into the palace
What their treasure is within the palace
There’s massive amounts of “treasure” in the treasure room, mostly of stereotypical womanly desires (jewelry, perfumes, clothing, a very beautiful sculpture of a man) the correct choice is a pearl necklace adorned with the ‘most expensive jewels in the world’ as it’s broach. It’s a glorification of her Mother’s most prized jewelry. 
Her shadow, though, references it as a ‘collar’.
What the treasure take form after being taken out of the palace
It turns into a worn out blue ribbon. 
Completely useless, though it will definitely be pointed out that it’s a replica of the ribbon Riku wears in her hair. If the Protagonist chooses to keep it, there WILL be an option to give it to Riku as a gift.
How the shadows look like
Shadows come in all shapes, sizes and appearances in this palace---which goes along with the many things her palace has to offer in account of appearance. adults seem to be dressed extravagantly, very bourgeoisie yet with very similar clothing, different colored cocktail dresses and suits, shining jewelry and champagne glasses. Teenagers are either dressed in uniform clothing or in very high-fashioned outfits. Their masks are very reflective of traditional Venetian masks (ie: teens/student’s have Colombina masks while normal adults have Morettas), and could also depict the danger levels, as well as differentiate the normal npc’s to ones u can fight/who can attack. 
These shadows are very...selfish. They won’t do anything they’re interested in, and will only do something if you have something to give in return. Despite Riku being the ‘owner’ of the palace, no one really has many good things to say about her, saying ‘who?’ and ‘oh that girl’.
What their shadow self look like + how they behave
Her outfit is pretty reminiscent of a marionette---short skirts puffed up with ruffles, and ribbons in places where. She’s even referred to as a puppet to the ‘Madame’ of the Grand Hall---and honestly, everyone’s puppet. The fact that she dresses so pretty isn’t bc she see’s herself in that outfit, but because everyone else expects it of her. Riku’s outfit is the most personalized out of all the other shadows in the palace ( besides the final boss, who is another woman ).
Shadow Riku plays on how ‘playfully perfect, angelic and sprite-like’ people think of her as, yet seems to be more avoidant. She dances out of view quite often and is quick to run away if you ask too many questions, as if being too close will do something to her. To make up for this, she’s massively blunt, shedding all of the sugary kind talk and just telling it like it is. When confronted at the end of the palace and you defeat the final boss, sHE WILL CALL OUT AND ROAST THE FUCK OUT OF YOU. Call you out on all your shit, dig into the depths of your heart and throw it back at your face---especially when it comes to the topic of her. The truth of what you’ve thought of and about her, what you’ve done to her, the things she hid, sacrificed and protected you from for the sake of your “fragile pride and weak happiness”. It’s only made worse by the fact that she speaks so happily while dragging all your transgressions to light, she giggles and laughs while talking shit about you aND herself. The fact that she can easily figure things out about someone and is generally known as the group confidant makes her words seem like a knife, easily cutting deep to the point of someone wanting to lash out and harm her---Which is pretty much what she wants. You’ve seen too much, she needs to break all bonds with you or else she cant take your disappointment. 
When you correctly smooth things over and portray to her that no, you’re not going to do all the shit she expects you to do, what everyone else has done, she’s silent for quite a long time---Before apologizing for what she said (not apologizing for the truth, but apologizing for saying it in the way she did) and saying you should go. You can hear a quiet thank you, before she disappears. Sorry, no tearful revelations here--You get that from the now going to be completely distraught real!Riku
Which sin they represent the most
FUCK IDK. I’d say it’s pride---referencing to Riku’s very...off colored sense of pride that’s PRETTY BIG once you understand how it goes. It also plays into how she’s too prideful to allow someone to see who she rlly is.
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your-k-dreams-blog · 7 years
Since we have a lot to say about this music video, we decided to talk about each member individually. Please bear with us till then end~ Fighting!
At the very beginning after the boys do enter the museum” we came across this scene where Jin is staring at the painting titled The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel. In this painting you can clearly see that there is a war between angels in heaven, which probably happened after Lucifer betrayed god and caused rebellion between the angels. By the way Jin looks at the picture (Its obvious he remembers something sad by the way he looks) it gives us the feeling as if he has been there fighting alongside the other angels and by looking at this picture he is retrieving memories from his past life”, that’s why we came to the conclusion that him and the others aren’t ordinary humans. Does that mean Jin is an angel? Could that mean that all of the members are angels? That’s kinda what we believe so let’s see...
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During the whole MV this image of the members covering each other eyes occurs very often. In our perspective, we thought that this is a way of protecting them from falling for the evil the temptation of the devil. Also, another theory is that they cover their eyes so they don’t see their double ganger which people believe is their lust for evil and that when they look at their eyes, they ‘die’ or go to ‘hell’.  You can see that only 5 members are covering Jin´s eyes (Later there is a clearer scene where you can see there are definitely 5 hands). Is there a possibility that 1 of the seven has already fallen for evil or even be Mr. Devil himself? evil smirk
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This scene confused us a bit, but that doesn’t stop us! Jin is like the “leader” of the angels or the main angel, we are not sure, but the scene where they all sat around the table kind of give us the feeling of Jesus and their disciples so we assume that is somewhere in another dimension maybe. The only food that they seem to have on the table is an apple which probably stands for the image of the apple in the Adam and Eve story and it is known for the devil that told Eve to eat from it and she fell in sin because of the temptation the devil gave her. That is exactly what made us question whether they are in heaven or not, maybe in a place in between?  The other members look as if they are in trans, as if their ‘body’ are in this place but not their mind, that’s also got us questioning if they are indeed in this place, or is part of Jin’s hallucination OR something even more complex…  However you can see how straight the boys are sitting, maybe because they are scared of Jin, however no one seems to want to eat the apple.
Jin suddenly seems to realise that something is wrong with this place, and it doesn’t appear quite real, he looks back and he found himself trapped in this place with water walls. At this moment we thought that he is trapped in the statue of the fallen angel that Jin kissed in the end of the MV, since right in front of it is a huge picture of a sea and maybe that water wall is him looking out at the picture from within the statue (Check for yourself at 5.15 min in the MV you can see the balcony V jumped from and in front of V was the picture of the sea). At that point, we already stop thinking logically and started to think about the possibilities outside the box, as we know this MV is linked with many others, and they are not necessarily in chronological order, so we thought that that might be the same with the show of scenes in this video, it’s just like a puzzle, and we need to put them in their right place.  
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We believe that in the scene where they take out their hand from Jin’s face happened right after Jin kissed the statue, it’s an emphasis that he can no longer be protected by the ‘Angels’, right after they all left there is an image of Jin with a balloon which is a kid ‘toy’ meaning that Jin was innocent but now he lost his innocence because of curiosity, that’s why he let the balloon fly away, he is not pure anymore. Jin is being pulled by the evil. He puts his hands up as if he wants the balloon back, he wants his purity, that links with what Rap monster quotes from the book called “DEMIAN" by HERMANNHESSE. He too was a tempter. He too was a link to the second. The evil world with which I no longer wanted to have anything to do."
The first quote of the song is “My blood sweat and tears, my last dance, Take it all” and Jimin says this while he is pushing J-Hope’s hands away from his eyes, as if he wants to be heard by ‘devil’ and wants him to take away his pain and suffering… now you ask me, but why is Jimin suffering? What happened to him to make him want to make a deal with devil? Keep reading it will all make sense I promise haha.
At 3:15 in the mv, again is a prove that Suga is the one that most fight against the evil, Jimin is holding an apple, (again apple meaning desire to fall into temptation, in the MV almost the symbol of a deal with the devil), in front of him there is Suga holding a Blindfold, potentially trying to persuade him to fight against his craving.
Throughout the end part of the video the members seem to be losing control of their own actions, including Jimin that is trying to escape from the room Suga left him at, because probably the desire planted inside him by the devil to consume the ‘drug’ it’s too strong for him.
We see V sitting in a very pretty balcony looking up, his face expression is quite angelic still, so he’d probably still in heaven at the time. But not for long... Because he decides to jump of the balcony, which can mean that he escaped or got expelled from heaven. V now it’s the devil.
When we see that image where a with fabric is being pulled away from V, it’s just as we are seeing him giving up of his innocence as well, and we can see in his facial expression that he is enjoying the process of change, he looks like he is close to have his ‘freedom’ now, the only thing that he needs is to feed of innocent soul, to be able to survive in his ‘new world’, that’s when he controls Jin and make him ‘kiss’ the statue.
As soon as V takes his hand out of Jin’s eyes he disappears and the only thing that is in the room is Jin and the statue (because V is the statue of course hehe) so our worldwide handsome guy kiss V OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG BROMANCE jokes haha and after that (the kiss) the feeling of temptation and desire seems to leave the other members, for example Jimin stops trying to escape the room and he calmly take off the blindfold and he is crying green, which we believe is the ‘drug’ coming out of his system, both Jimin and Jungkook breath relieved.
Statues start to break, and cry the same substance as well, meaning that the balance of thing has been broken, they might be free for now but V’s release will come with a consequence, which will be reflected on Jin.
Kookie  is clearly drugged in this part, the painting at the back of him at 3:45 min in the MV is The Lament of Icarus by Herbert James Draper. The story of Icarus is pretty much about a naïve boy whose has curiosity as his deadly flaw. He is given a pair of wax-held wings by his father Daedalus (an inventor/scientist) to fly, but he ignores his father’s warning to stay away from the Sun. He ultimately flies too close to the Sun and the wax holding his wings together melts, destroying his wings and leading to Icarus falling into the ocean below and drowning. Again we come across the theory of them being actual angels and getting temped to do wrong.
Jungkook is getting addicted to the drug, we see him taking the drugs again and enjoying it a bit too much. He is becoming possessed, and almost giving up from good and, is anyone going to save him or try to bring him back from his delusion, cough cough Suga?
But even thou we see Kookie enjoying the drugs his gesture and face expression at minute 2:55 got us confuse... Maybe he is asking for help? He knows he is getting addicted but in moments when reality hits him he tries to communicate and say that he doesn’t want to be evil. Calm down baby, Suga is coming to your rescue!!
Many fans think that all these Mv’s is a way of Suga confessing his that his first love was Jimin HAHA YASSS YOONMIN FOREVER (0)/,  cause in the storyline they are always together and potentially Suga is always protecting Jimin, by covering his eyes and slapping his face so that he can overcome his curiosity (liking with story of Icarus) and temptation to do wrong. In our sincere opinion Suga is the wiser angel of them all, he evidently knows about the curse and the consequences of giving up of the good and falling into lures.
In one part of Suga’s Rap he quotes “Kiss me on the lips.” And he does that by forming the letter ‘V’ with his fingers (2:51). Does that mean that Suga knows that V is the devil, or the link to the evil world? I’m pretty sure he does, and more, Suga and J-hope are the only one that is actually fighting for themselves and the others to be safe, but they know that they are not enough to control all four of them, especially when some of them are already possess and working along with the devil (cough cough mister smart ass ) wink.
The fact that Suga is always protecting Jimin, in our opinion is that he thinks Jimin is the weaker one, but apparently our little flower princess was weaker.
J-hope is Hella fighting to regain control over the situation, as we can see by his dance movements he is fighting with his own body, he grabs his hands as if he has no power over them, also he cover his eyes so he doesn’t fall into temptation, In one point in the water fountain when he’s sitting with his hands on his neck , we almost thought that he was about to lose the battle, but he recovers and even try to kill V NOOOOOOOOOO MY BABY CANT DIE, annnd he doesn’t haha cause he wasn’t ‘free’ of the statue yet so the white fabric was still around him keeping anything to go out or in.
Finally, we arrived at mister IQ of 148 haha now this bitch almost got me, but I think that our IQ may be 148.1 because I know your game Rapmon!! We were wondering what he could’ve been reading to Kookie in the beginning of the MV and we concluded after a bit of research of course, that this could link with Icarus story too. Because Rapmon can symbolize Icarus father, which was the one that gave him the wings in the first place and convinced him to fly. Kind of manipulative, right? That’s all he does in this series, he manipulates them, he manipulates us, he manipulates YOU.  
He is the one that melts what it looks like sugar into the ‘poison’, that he forces Jungkook to drink it in the Japanese version, reminds you of anything that also melted? Yes! Icarus wax wings. Later, we see Rapmon drinking the ‘poison’ which is called absinthe which is usually a green alcoholic drink that is often known as an addictive and psychoactive drug and hallucination
Most of the boys in there is fighting between good and evil which is particularly shown in the image where rap monster is between the statue of and Angel and a Devil side to side at 1:43 in the MV, what we failed to notice in Rapmon’s action which he constantly does in this saga which is putting his finger against his lips kind of meaning that he has a secret, which is THAT HE IS ACTUALLY WORKING WITH THE DEVILLLLLL OMGGGG!!
The black bird which appears in a lot of Mv’s including the short films has the meaning of not giving up on their secret easily, maybe is that why Rapmon does this gesture right after the image of a black bird appears in the screen. Well we will come back to this in the others Mv’s, wait for it...
So guys to conclude this theory we want to remind you that this is all our particular thoughts and in no way we are insinuating that this is actually what the Mv means, it could be something completely different which we will only know if BTS end our suffering and release the real theory behind it. We hope you guys enjoyed and we will be doing another theories which will be linking with this one. ~kisses JB & JM
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You know, everything I ever worked towards, care about, love or have been lucky to come across or been given an opportunity to, I’ve always gotten to a point where I fuck everything up realise where I went wrong or what I keep getting told I do or am and honestly everyone I ever believed enough to let in and be a bit of the real me or all of the real me, since I was little, I been trying to run from this sadness that I later found out is developed or called depression that I realise, I’ve never understood it, I never thought id have mental illness and I ran, I denied for so long.. people telling me I need help, I had a system that worked, a system that never allowed me to be verbally honest with anyone enough to actually get to know me , without the fear and what ifs that I now know is anxiety, funny I never really, really knew what it was but turns out the two together destroy my life, ever since high school, ive wanted to continually improve myself no matter what anyone said and the same time I maintained an image where I made myself make everyone view me the opposite of what I felt I was, when im angry, im actually upset, I made myself seem like I was okay enough n making it on my own so people wouldn’t view me as weak or a being who needed sympathy or attention or some street kid goimg nowhere when really, for too long all I wanted was to find where I belong n do what in my heart I felt n feel like will come back, be music that expresses things I can’t say or feels weird coming out of this mouth that isnt mine, dont feel right. Communication.. something ive never had real, experience with.. was mainly mute other than my outward image for my protection and other peoples shit for so many years before I met her, she made me want to talk, opened up n be the me I feel I am on the inside, but, how easy did I really think it was gonna be? …a lot easier than it was/is.. I’ve always been a lone wolf.. why did I think I could have a family life like that when… I convinced myself with this act I was over shit I wasn’t, that was my fuck up this is all before I fell in love and its funny… it’s a boy cries wolf story, she loved me.. I loved her but something in me didn’t let me properly love her the way I should’ve but if I knew then what I know, my god things would be different and this is what I was afraid of.. completely giving in to her that… I wouldn’t care about myself as much just wanted to make her n kids happy, that’s what made me happy that’s the reason for my being as the opportunity to do so after terrible things n times had us far away for a long time and realised that they the family I chose to have n m sorry I let you all down I’m sorry my bpd, bipolar depressive states is what im trying to focus on to gwt better, since I actually believed everyone but 18 years of unsaid, undealt with and put away in the black box f nothing, isn’t easy to unfold , realise grow, accept, change, love, heal myself and be what was wanted or needed to best of my ability, truth is with her, this focus on making my life a certain way disappeared, never thought it would happen.. i want to do n cater n help n just be n do or try to what it s she wanted if me, I tried I fucked up in the beginning, but still pay to this day.. sigh the balance of who I on the inside is out of whack n has changed.. I don’t think anyone ever did I thought I showed n expressed enough to understand, I guess, if im too sick to love I shouldn’t get on the way of where she wants to go n do, its a shame really, right girl wrong time, don’t care if we were meant to be or not the universe chose you that I loved that much I wanted to make a life, thins I did out of spite, jealousy, anger, major depressive states too much drugs or too long on drugs wasn’t really me, the me I thought you knew n loved was that you made me happy, only person to do that that’s not my siblings.. then there are your beautiful kids I’ve let down too many times.. idk what made me think I deserved you 3.. maybe the fact that I was hoping we all changed n we were happy, we were, that’s not fantasy, we had some great, great times ill never let go of wanted my career I chased for since I was a kid n ended up getting n wanted to have the normal family as well but I chose them in the end n always will but I gotta keep away for her, for them.. every time I get into this stupid certain major depressive state.. I do things to make it harder on myself but you know what the problem is.. the real me is hidden in a cube within and I can see everything.. and that’s not the real me. That’s something dark attached to me that wants to keep me hidden away.. so how do I defeat this other person I’m watching from the inside take over a beautiful physical being I don’t feel is mine and causing such pain for both her, I and my ex gf and her kids and tearing everything that’s mine (the inside) and hers(outside) causing such hate n was for each other n causes such distress for those who actually love me.. I would like you, any of you to hold my hand throughout me getting better.. but I also know I’ve had my times with help n no help n I run away.. I know how hard it is for anyone to love me.. or be there for me I want all to be happy n move on with their lives get And do things the deserve.. I don’t wanna hold anyone back jus because they care.. I’ve been alone since I was little.. may as well stay alone to the end.. cant bear to love.. there’s only her I will never have kids, it’ll always be them, don’t want to cause pain because I’m hard to love because I’m sad with myself n wanna make you happy same time.. god how did I get here.. I got nothing n no one.. at all n all I had before her was a dream I made into reality then set bar higher only to fall that fucking hard to be half the reason I hate myself and before that tried to be an accepted part of my family n moved on to my dream knowing my family will never know.. what ive felt, how low I sank at the age of 8, understand or acce ppl t me enough.. the most truth I can give them is that I want to die cos im not good enough for this world.. items are not feelings, being raped and beaten for 5 yrs of my childhood n being too scared to tell anyone due to death threats then once it comes into the open is apologetic and sad for then my mum gets angry at me cos she cant accept it sober,.. I do blame him.. but I also know that its my fault ive let him win and affect me as a person n how I grow for so long and being told o can do something bout it going to yoir mum n her telling me its no use they wont find anything too late to be then told 5 yrs later that, I can still do something about it.. and I havent.. all these little bits and pieces make sense from the moment of my mums impregnation to now that maybe, just maybe I was never supposed to have been born.. I don’t belong on this world, I was an unwanted mistake that had no friends got bullied, raped, beaten as a child to getting away from that man that is your brothers dad also and my brother ended up being my best friend mid teens to not even know what a friend is other than knowing not to let anyone know the bad I been through and alone.. always have been alone no one sees the me that stands behind this beautiful, sad but always fake smiling so i don’t seem so broken shell of mine.. no one can hear me but the people in my head and none of them want to let me out.. guess I don’t deserve anything else but being alone trying to fight people I can only hear.. if I used to see any of them..when I did see silhouetted bodies before I had too many drugs and certain.. things went away.. im sorry I blocked you out.. oh silhouetted bodies I miss you.. as scary as it would be sometimes.. you always helped me be strong enough for the next step, if it is you that torments me today.. why? And if it isn’t.. is it just mental illness?. Or is it so much more than that..
Was I killed or kill myself too early in past life I went straight through to this one??.. from the moment I was born I was not meant to exist.. im sorry to the people who love and care for me… none of you will see me again.. ill save you all the energy, the stress and the pain I’ve previously caused due to my own mind and my feelings but know if you could hear me.. not this voice of mine verbally.. but if you or i could translate it or if you could hear my inside voice I promise that all would be understandable.. no confusion, no bullshit, no actions I didnt make but she or they did.. they just want to break me.. all but one laugh at me, mock me, talk to me and then to her on the outside as a fucking game or to make us continually clash and that ruins me, my ex gf, and well because of all that I distanced from kids when asked.. and have gotten so far it breaks my god damn heart.. gonna be like my brother, like my sister.. cant be apart of their life, cant watch them grow but silently love all 3 of them silently from afar.. I don’t want anyone to love me and I don’t want to love anymore than I already do as long these people and depression n whatever else they say I got continues to win this fight.. hopefully at the moment.. they make m e want to die. For silence, no more memories, feelings and they make it known that this is not my body.. I a excluded from all beings.. even the one I reside in.. no support. Don’t want friends, don’t want family.. I just wish I could’ve gotten better for the ones I love and who love me.. im sorry .. I dont want a life anymore. I really realize .. I was not meant to.. I hope that everyone I love will hate me, already does,or will and can forget me.. I did have some real, real hapy good times with you mum, lola, jaiden, mia, rachele, LJh and TRh.. sorry Ive said and done some fucked up things and I hope if you do remember or think of me it wont always be bad because I had and was a genuine happy and fun girl at times. Especially with you guys. And im sorry if you guys dont know which ones are real and fake..im sorry .. I wanna get better but realising I was never meant to be here,n if I was it was to be alone n silent I was right tho.. im not here to have a life for me or make one for myself nd hurt people in process. I love in times of darkness and undenying voices… I dont need your care.. I dont want you to feel sorry I just hope when you think back on me maybe.. youll see the peaks of the inside me get let put due to the help from my outside n i ts something we don’t n wont talk bout..I wont make anyone put up with me just because they are or I am loved. Not anymore.. I love you all.. hope everyone gets what the want and deserve. And to the parents of whos kids I love as my own then just fucking distanced due to how I am not thinking boit if or how itd affect them.. im sorry fo all the wrong ive done by them but know how happy and grateful I am for you guys bringing them into this world.. we all know im shit at doing what im supposed to and moat times I was shit to them.. I dlnt k know if i t was noticeable but I did try.. but thank you for letting be apart of that and being “snips”.. and giving me a chance to love them and treat them like my own I wish I did better with all of you, their family, my family im sorry whatever this thing is im just sorry I ruined some good things and hurt people I love n who love me.. never again.
I love you all.. I feel like I didnt get to say it all.. but, o can’t keep crying.. I been typing for 2 hrs… I will be making another account and this will be my lalst post as mariah elrington. To the world and the people I love… im sorry. I hope ypu forgive me and see the good person I always tried to be I will love yo and appreciate you all forever.. im sorry that since I came to world I was doomed to be nothing but a problem but I swear.. I swear on everything… I always try to be better but fall harder.. doing this on my own and voices, my thoughts and the opinion of those who love me see the opposite to what im doing or how I am.. its really hard.. ive never done it this mentally tough before.. well on drugs trippin on non real stuff but this.. this is real life and for once, I dont have anyone to talk to even on a vague level.. not even a pen and paper.. this, this is all so o guess thank you tumblr idk how worst id be without you ..I love you all… this is the fkn truth.. I never meant for it any of it to be als bad as they are between my two families I love. I hope you can get it right, now without me, the problem, the burden,.the dralin and be happy I meam that from thr deep.side of my heart, I really hope I haven’t fucked it enough you wont recover.. but I may be a bit over my head.. they won’t care.. I mean they will for a short time,, but will be happy not long after no Im not saying im gonna kill myself, we all know I can’t. But none of you will see or hear from me again.. because I love you. And I love you alll im deeply sorry I couldn’t express or show it enough for that you guys to believe that a whole lot or know the extent of how much with how ive been but ti my blood family and made family… I love you all so much its because of you gus im doing this for you other wise ill never leave y'all alone cos I need y'all but can’t and won’t hurt anyone but myself anymore.. almost 3 hrs writing.. I still got more to say but gonna leave it there.. god damn it,I love you and I do hope my whole family have a good life n im sorry I ruined the parts of it that I did but be worry free I dont want anyone trying to reach out to me after this. Wil be ignored or unseen..
I love my families and im sorry I couldn’t get it right to be good enough well enough to not negatively affect you.
Have a great life, drink, party, love do the things you want and think o f me as okay if it helps just please,if you love me dont ever get worried.. dont ever assume anything just be be fucking happy, experience, travel, grow Chase dreams.. trust, they are possible no matter situation, lonliness or head space,long as you believe youre gonna.make i t real and do what you gptta to make it gappen, if some like me not even suppose to be alive can do it, you strong, smart beautiful family of mine I believe in you.. to all of you every age. and each everyone of you deserve it. The good fun or happy life with its obvious small obstacles that isn’t as stressful or hard t fix asits been as of late..
I am sorry. I love nd appreciate you all. And you will all always be in my mind And my hearts im sorry im too mental im sorry for all ive done.
I love you all.
Goodbye forever.. all 7 of you ill love always. Pls keep the good bout me in your hearts if you can’t forget. I miss you all like crazy wish I could see you all again to give a goodbye hug.. but a visioned one is gonna have to do. Know that’s the last thing youd recieve from me if that were the case.
Goodbye my precious family I loved dearly but took for granted and couldnt get better.. im sorry I put you all through so much. I really am I wish all of you could see how much love I got for each and everyone of you cos I know I didnt do that good of a job to make sure it was known but I hope it is not.. love you please be happy for me too, if its worth anything to any of you, cos idk how long it'll take to feel it again.
Goodbye fams.
-Mariah Elrington
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
4-1 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: new game
Turnabout Trump hmmm
Q: wooohhhhh this looks weird
it's a lot more animated so far
sad music
spiders and sards
who loose
Q: cards
who is in trouble
i need to know the year dammit
well april 20... 7 years after... april 20 2028
who is this dude he looks ever so slightly recognizable
Q: one moment let me look at the court record and that book button i wanna press all the things before i listen to this conversation
aw apollo is very happy with his job
wohhhh i can also slide the thing instead of pressing the arrows on the side
dammit i recognize this name... hmmm...
that phoenix guy person or something...
victim alright
Q: and it asks me if i wanna go to the title screen instead of just taking em there!!! this isawesome
Q: Apollo is great so far
Kristoph: Don't say you're fine quite so much shut up
ya maybe the client should introduce himself to me
Apollo: The defendant has been accused of murder what other things should people be accused of in this game
hello stupid head introduce yourself to me
Stupid head Phoenix stupid: So you're- Apollo: Fine! I-I'm fine! APOLLO IS FINE
yes Apollo is now mr.fine
Phoenix you have an odder name you can't say that
Q: Apollo! Be confident!
apollo is still great
i like the new font
BF: Apollo is so great
hey judge
one moment let me listen to this awesome music
omg it's window payne
BF: And “I’m fine!” Is basically his catchphrase as I’m sure you’ve noticed
Q: i like that phrase
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BF: And you’ve no doubt been introduced to the concept of his “Chords of Steel” workouts. (Basically he yells a lot to pump himself up)
Q: oh! i was wondering if he made that up th get out of something but alright.
BF: With that in mind, you should know that there is totally official art of Apollo in like the Defendant’s lobby or something, DOING his Chords of Steel exercise
Q: yessss
BF: (I.E. screaming into the “camera”)
Q: i wanna see
I have this grudge against Gavin already for some reason. That is just the emotion he evokes from me.
BF: While Kristoph sits on the couch just behind him, looking wholly undisturbed
BF: With earplugs in his ears
Q: yessss
BF: Hahaha gonna let you form your own opinions on Kris, I have very strong ones
alright haha.
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im mad at him
BF: Hobo Phoenix is kind of a troll
BF: He’s basically regular Phoenix with his sarcasm filter turned off.
Plus some stuff I can’t talk about because spoilers
Q: ah alright
grape juice: I remember something about thing being said before when i read something on 2-4
Q: fine if it's gambling we can focus on that later RIGHT NOW WE ARE TALKING ABOUT MURDER
Payne: :something something stupid: and impress women Me: nah he doesn't look straight to me
Payne: Better than a defense attorney who can't defend Window Payne is the worst of everybody here so far
BF: Payne has always looked a bit like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror in this one.  It’s the hair...
Q: I've noticed...
Gavin: Are you alright? You're sweating bullets.
Apollo: Bullets!? Where!?
yay! they let most of the tutorial be optional
Q: im in doubt so i will press everything
Phoenix that's a benie you don't hide your face with it that's not how it works
hehe Phoenix still easily beats winston
Q: wait how did phoenix become a hobo didn't he get half a million dollars at the end of the third game
wait no i don't ask questions like that that's spoilers
BF: hahahaha i wouldn't say he was rich at the end of game three (or not that I remember), but he was still in a good place.
and yes, how he got HERE is MAJOR spoilers.
Q: just gonna wait and see then
Gavin everything is poetic to you
BF: hahaaha Kris has quite the dramatic streak, it's true. lD  And a love of flowery language
Q: I'll expect that to continue then
Q: :0 i think i found a contradiction. I am very proud of myself. now to see if it works
it worked!
hehe! Apollo yelling objection throught he text box
Payne's hair swoosh
Q: Wright your phone is still outdated af
BF: Phoenix? Upgrade his phone? heaven forbid!
Q: who is this witness
BF: a lady with a mid 00's meme for a name
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oh boy
Judge: Where is the witness?? Payne: I surmise that she has been frightened by the defense's demonic looking horns HAH
Olga Orly hmm
Ogla: That night, customer asked me to deal cards for a game is that a typo or am i missing something
nah this seems to be a recurring theme so i guess not
BF: she's supposed to be speaking with a very stereotypical broken English type Russian Accent hahah
Q: ohhh
if this photo is true why is the grape juice on the other side of the table
BF: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/o-rly     Also, because this meme is old
Q: trying to go to the link
Q: one moment
Q: i need to go eat give me a second
BF: okaaaay
Q: back
i ended up accidentally pulling out the SD card and has to play back to where i was
Apollo: It's already April. How could it be cold? Well 1st off they were in a basement and 2nd off what state are you in
oh ya the meme link
OH I get it now haha.
Q: O RLY your testimony is WRONG i have the autopsy report!
Apollo: :When objecting: Oh really? when did this game come out
Q: hehe Apollo looks very happy with himselfQ: if he played the whole time with a hand on a locket, then how come it isn't on him when he diedQ: dammit phoenix
what is the photo
wtf why cant i see it
Q: I highly doubt this once again because the grape juice is on the wrong side of the table if phoenix was loosing
Apollo: Methinks the judge watches too many movies i wouldn't be surprised
Q: my computer flashed the blue screen of death for some reason... thank god i already finished scrolling all of the way up there yesterday
Q: Otherwise: Gavin what the hell do you want me to do what is wrong with it
photo do you know??? yes it does :D
Q: test
Q: i was sending a bunch of messages but they apparently didn't go through. I'm getting them now
Gavin: It's almost as if you figured it out by yourself i'm still mad at you for no reason at all don't say stuff like that SEE PHOENIX WAS WINNING. MORONS. Q: Winston's hair is hilarious that is an absolutely awful pun Q: but somebody already said there couldn't have been a cheat because of the cards Q: who cares if i have any idea how poker works or now *not Q: ...not here aren't 5 aces... *NO THERE Q: I'll take the victim's hand. I'm pretty sure it's normal fro there to be 4 red cards and 1 blue... right? nah OLGA WHAT THE HECK Q: :0 THE INTENSE BATTLE MUSIC PLAYING sounds like a remix of the first. oh no! She fell over! Now she won't be able to catch her plates!
Also i have decided that i am 96% certain that this daughter person is Pearl because i really dont think he had a kid in those 7 years
I want 50 cents if i am right
Payne: Raising objections when you are about to get off the hook?!? well I mean... for somebody like Phoenix i guess it makes sense. He wants the whole truth discovered. whatever im probably being dumb
Q: this is interesting
I've also decided i forgive phoenix for being mean and stupid
i don't... crap i need to figure out when the cards were swapped now or im dead
Window Payne is so confused haha
Gavin is doing the anime glasses thing
eh wahtever
phoenix im still mad at you give me a reason to forgive you for exlisting
Q: savepoint. That music was awful weird.Q: o rly is a new person nowQ: how dare you even though i haven't seen him in 7 years I will still protect phoenix from evil people
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I'm still bad at him but i would give him cookies
Q: aw she called Phoenix' hat cute
Q: wait there was something inverted
ya no you're a lying jerk
Q: what the fuck
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Q: no, Phoenix called the cops!
Q: uhhh well im not sure who is colorblind here
but it's not phoenix or the o rly girl so... i have no idea??? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME
Q: and it's not somebody who was already there because it was a fourth person???
Q: when playing this all i feel like im doing is embarrassing myself. What do you want me to dooooo
Q: holy shit my 2nd guess was right
Q: dammit Gavin why
see i knew i had a grudge agaist you for no reason, now i have a reason
Payne is not used to turnabout like this
Q: hmmmm ya why not. I am the defense attorney i make the rules
Apollo: Why can't I have a normal trial!? Because you are officially antiquated with Phoenix now: You will never have a normal trial. You have been cursed.
Q: SO NOW both the card and the fingerprints makes sense! Thank Wright for telling me this in the MIDDLE OF THE TRIAL
Q: phoenix the bottle is empty
Mr.Gavin: Perhaps a fifth person came and took it out? Oh, and a sixth person could've helped!
shut up you were there
Q: I've been stuck for like 20 minuets now
Q: stupid game
i found a contradiction like 30 minutes ago and it did NOTHING ANYWHERE
Q: All of the characters in this game suck and I sound stupid when i try to predict things
Q: like how am i supposed to know anything im just making stupid claims when i have absolutely nothing
Q: gah everybody from this game still sucks
BF: I think when you are that stuck, you are officially allowed to take a peak at a guide
bleh i hate using them but it has been NEARLY AN HOR
BF: This one is weirdly tricky for a Tutorial case!
Q: at first I was like "Well it's a tutorial case but all of them get harder with each game" and then i remembered this came out years later and is kinda like a rebootish thing and is kinda for new players and it's dumb how hard this is
Q: looked at the guide for a second for the very specific thing: I feel stupid >:(
before you sent a message I was writing something about why i decided i hate evreybody from this game
BF: Hahahaha it’s okay. I can’t count the number of times these games have made me feel that way
Q: ...stupid...stupid game making me look stupid... stupid...
Calm down, breath
okay one moment
BF: It’s not always easy to work out what kind of logic the game wants you to follow
BF: It’s got nothing to do with how smart you are
In that regard, it’s like an older style adventure game
Q: alright...
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I forgave him and only him he's the only one who did nothing wrong
Gavin you are the worst of everybody in this room and saying that makes me feel better
now stop being mean to phoenix even if he is lying
Q: yesss phoenix is being useful. Tell me about this conversation
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(Edit: In reference to this comic)
Q: At least i think that was him in that comic... i dunno I think that is where i remember him slightly from
oh no i saw a stupid comic how could i get so many spoilers oh nooooo
Q: hi top hat girl! I forgive your existence!
is the card this girl gave me a 5 of hearts
nope it's an ace with blood on it! Thank you girl! Also i forgive your existence because I'm pretty sure i remember you were adopted
I’Q: I'm revealing all of the spoilers I know at first so that i don't feel like m hiding them later
like for example: Godot having poor vision. I felt guilty hiding it. so i'm not going to hide probably spoilers I know with this game
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BF: Hahaha that was him!
Q: yaaaay
Q: I think the first thing that made me not like him though when u started playing is that he was smiling and didn't seem to change his expression... like everybody else did and he was just kinda sitting there being the same and giving me tips and i have never liked that from this game... for some reason...
Q: Gavin that testimony is full of crap
BF: Kristoph and his ^_^ haha
I have trust issues in this game apparently
BF: I will say this; Kris, for all that he’s meant to be this totally cool under pressure Attorney (aka Coolest Defense in the West...pffft...thanks for that, game...) he is remarkably bad about self incriminating
:BF I mean, you have to catch him out SOMEHOW but the information that he just VOLUNTEERS
Q: ack. Gavin whyyyy
Q: phoenix is being great. I'm close to forgiving him.
Q: You can argue that this trial is more Kristoph v Phoenix than anything else
Q: Apollo is a newb and this is extremely hard for a tutorial. Why not let him take over some of it?
BF: Lol true
Poor Apollo haha
Q: I'm not used to this game letting me do this much... like swivel a chair around.
it's like... animated.... I am not used to that
Q: It's a cupboard not a wall you can stand in them if you wanted to
or wasn't there! Smart boy :D
Q: Mr Gavin stop it i just pretty much won and you wanna be like "oh nah im super cool not like this effects me in any way because I totally have been hiding something too"
"that would TOTALLY shatter your theory!"
Phoenix: Don't let him trick you into thinking his explanation is the only legitimate one AS I SAID THEIR ARE OTHER TOTALLY SENSIBLE THEORIES
Q: Kris (because i stopped calling him my his last name): So this is the legendary attorney's famed tactic of misdirection...
see this is what people say when i am winning
Phoenix: Say apollo, maybe you should examine the bottle maybe you'll find a very specific card in there
Q: window payne nobody cares just accept it and move on
Judge: Seven years and you still haven't lost your touch that's nice can he have his badge back?
Phoenix: The second is a man who would tolerate no injectice so you decided on a guy with justice for a last name
BF: hhahaaha
at the risk of spoiling something, I'd like you to know that you haven't seen Kristoph's FULL breakdown.
Yet. >:D
Phoenix: How about you come and work for me YESSSS BACK IN WRIGHT AND CO LAW OFFICES WHERE I BELONG --- I figured!
BF: and yeah, it is...useful to think of him by his first name.
You'll see why in a bit.
Q: Oh ya he has a family... i think i remember something about a brother
that's spoilers I won't ask
BF: :3
Phoenix: oh and about your uppercut... Try yelling, "Take that!" next time. I find it packs a little more punch ^^^ 100% with phoenix on this one
Q: well that was an awful long beginning. Apollo can we investigate more and talk to people this time?
0 notes