#and then mono breaks in (the exact same way he did to free her from the hunters house)
wendigo-studios66 · 1 year
Little Nightmares The Butterfly Effect Arc 1: The Flap Of A Wing Prologue
In an imperfect world run by monsters and a powerful Signal Tower that twists normal citizens into glitchy nightmare fuel creatures that send children scrambling into the wild wilderness to try to survive another day, there exists a single cycle. No one knows the exact origin of the cycle itself, not even the five children who are trapped in it, but it always starts the same.
A young girl in a yellow raincoat riding a hot balloon that she somehow made crash lands into a tall mansion resting at the top of a large rock called the Nest. She would go through the mansion, rescue the children trapped inside, run across another runaway girl named Six, team up with her, attempt to escape only to die by the hands of another girl called the Pretender, the young ruler of the Nest as they splashed into the deep waters below the mansion.
Six, the surviving girl of the trio, would then catch a ride on the raft both her and the girl in the yellow raincoat had set up for their escape and collapse, heart broken in so many pieces that she swore no one could put it together. Next Six arrives at the Pale City Wilderness, with her heart and soul shattered, but with no other option as she could never change the past, she heads into the wilderness in order to survive and possibly find a new home. The journey took several miles with the little girl having to stop and eat wild berries along the way but the end was nowhere in sight and night was starting to fall.
Six then decided enough walking was done for the day or rather night and went to set up camp. But as she looked up for a perfect tree to climb, she caught sight of another child wearing a brown trench coat and paper bag sitting on a long tree branch right above her, the light of the moon making him a dark shade in the night. Six paused in her search and stared at the boy and he stared back once catching sight of her, confused as to who this child was and why he was here. 
Was he a runaway like her? So many questions filled her mind and with her being so distracted, she didn’t notice the large hulking figure behind her until she was grabbed roughly around her middle and thrown into a cage before being carried to his cabin with the runaway boy, Mono, being the only witness. This starts the second phase of the cycle. Mono will chase after the Hunter, outwit his traps with natural resources of the forest, break into his cabin and rescue Six from his hands before being chased by the Hunter then later dispatching him.
With the Hunter now dead, the two children gathered a raft aka a broken piece of door then they sailed off toward the Pale City. There they traveled through the school and hospital, met with the Bullies, the Teacher and Doctor and through several close calls, one that involved Six being kidnapped by the Bullies and Mono having to cut her free. Both Mono and Six managed to escape and with each escape, a bond started to form between them, healing the broken heart Six had within her chest from watching her friend with the yellow raincoat die. However that bond would soon be shattered by one foe and one move by Mono.
Upon reaching the heart of the Pale City and dealing with the glitchy monsters called the Viewers. Mono came across a TV, went inside it and freed a creature that was his once beloved father, called the Thin Man, hellbent on destroying both Mono and Six for reasons unknown. With his powers, the Thin Man kidnapped Six and chased Mono through the Pale City express.
By sheer dumb luck, the little boy managed to escape the Thin Man and later kill him using his own powers before heading into the Signal Tower to find Six and save her one last time. After a while of running around, he finally found Six by the sound of her music box, transformed into a horrifying monster by the Signal Tower. What he did next sealed his fate, Mono grabbed a hammer that appeared out of nowhere and smashed the music box to bits, causing Six to turn back to normal.
With the little girl back to normal, the Signal Tower revealed it’s true form attacked, causing Mono and Six to flee. They ran as fast as their little legs could carry them till they reached a cliff. Six made it but Mono had to make a jump for it, Six caught him but let go once she saw his face. Her eyes went wide and terror spiked through her veins as she was reminded of the Thin Man, the one who kidnapped her and twisted her into that thing. She jerked her hand away from Mono and ran out of the tower, leaving Mono to sit on the Thin Man’s chair and eventually become the Thin Man.
After Six’s escape from the Signal Tower, the third phase of the cycle happened. While wandering the Pale City with a regretful heart now back in pieces from what she did, Six got kidnapped by a strange creature called the Ferryman and taken to an odd place called the Maw, a place where you could eat all you want, run by who was Raine and Mono’s mother, Thin Man’s wife and would become Six’s last victim, the Lady. Survival instincts kicked in within Six once again and she fought through to escape and after dealing with the workers and visitors of the Maw: the Janitor, the Twin Chefs, the Guests and devouring some questionable things in cursed hunger such as a rat and poor Nome who happened to be another runaway boy who had escaped from a terrifying Granny and befriended the other Nomes, Six reached the Lady and defeated her, devouring her in the process.
With the Lady’s shadow powers in her system, Six escaped the Maw and dispatched several of the Guests that tried to eat her with the other Nomes watching in awe. The fate of Six is now unknown, either Six becomes the next Lady or she disappears, never to be seen again. Then the cycle repeats itself, it was nothing more than a cycle of death, betrayal and hunger, all to keep the Signal Tower alive, meant to keep going forever, never to stop...except for one little thing. Even though the Signal Tower was a cunning creature who kept its puppets on their strings, it was unaware that sometimes small changes in a timeline could affect the whole show or the outcome of the show.
The cycle would end soon enough, even the most hopeless of situations could have a little spark. All it took was the flap of a butterfly’s wing for the cycle to break.
Six awoke with a gasp, nearly kicking off her blankets as she sat up on her makeshift bed. Her small hands gripped the fabric of the mattress as her head whipped around the inside of one of the guest bedrooms within the Nest, her heart pounded wildly within her chest and her body was slightly streaked in sweat. As her vision and body became more aware of where she was and the situation around her, she began to calm down slightly but no doubt put her usual cautious and survivor instinct attitude back on. Despite the room she and her friend in the yellow raincoat had chosen being safe or as safe as it could be, the young girl couldn’t help herself as it was only natural to be on edge especially in a cruel, twisted, fucked up world like this.
Six sighed softly under her breath, bringing her knees up to her chest so she could rest her arms on her knees. Her head however, was moving back and forth, studying the darkness carefully and making sure there were no monsters like the Butler or the Craftsman or her, the bitchy ruler of the Nest, the Pretender. Thankfully for her, there were no signs of any of the Nest’s residents sneaking into the guest bedrooms to catch Six and Raine while they were sleeping and definitely not while they were in the act, you dirty minded readers.
Okay, back to the story cuz’ if I have to continue doing this bullshit then I’ll be here all day. Taking in a sharp inhale through her nose then an exhale out her mouth, the raven haired girl turned her gaze from the door that she had locked and barred for her and Raine’s sake to the raincoat girl who was lying beside her in their makeshift bed. She was facing away from Six, head resting on her pillow and small body covered by the surprisingly fancy sheets and blankets the old, falling apart mansion had. Maybe this was Six’s limited looks inside the Nest since that place was a place to fuck off from as quickly as possible, but she expected everything in this shithole to be rotting and rundown.
Seems like the Butler took care of the rooms other than the Pretender’s then she thought and that brought out a feeling that had buried itself deep within her chest many cycles ago: anger. Mostly at the injustice that the spoiled bitch was getting better treatment then the other children who needed shit like this but were unable to because they were still being treated like rats by the adults of this world, but to a lesser degree as evident by the Maw’s treatment of the children when Six was the Lady and when she wasn’t, but still that almost hardly mattered in the grand scheme of things.
When the thoughts of the Pretender entered her mind, Six gritted her teeth and clenched her fists as she felt the sudden urge to scream in anger. However, a soft moan and shift in the bed beside her grabbed her attention. The raven haired girl turned back to Raine beside her, she was shifting slightly in her sleep, trying to get herself comfortable on the bed but besides that, she didn’t wake from her deep sleep. Her usually braided brown hair was now loosely flowing down her back, some strains of her wavy hair falling over her shoulders, brushing softly against her face. Her determined brown eyes were shut like Six’s blood red eyes before and her expression was surprisingly blissful.
The sight distracted Six from her thoughts as she queried an eyebrow at her sleeping friend, how in the hell could Raine sleep so peacefully? Then again, it’s not like the raincoat girl faced the horrors Six had to go through, but still. Six heaved a sigh as she brought a hand up to her forehead to rub it gently, feeling a ton of stress being piled up on her shoulders. This wasn’t a new feeling for her to get after a nightmare, no matter how minor it was but it was still a major weight on her shoulders. She wasn’t entirely sure how to describe it or how to feel about it given that she had nearly been drained from today’s activities, but she knew that the dream or nightmare was similar to the one she had when she first woke up at the Maw in the very first Cycle.
Except the woman in that dream wasn’t the Lady, she was someone Six didn’t recognize and the fact that the image was blurry didn’t help matters either. Six took in a deep breath, rubbing her forehead with a hand, trying to rub away the stress she was feeling. No fucking way would that shit happen. The girl tried to resist the urge to sigh out loud as she lay back on the makeshift bed, pulling the blankets over herself, shutting her eyes as she tried to fall asleep and prepare for the next day, the day she dreaded the most more than anything. Six winced as she felt a tear slide down her cheek, she quickly brought a finger up to hastily wipe it away.
The young girl sniffled as she squirmed closer to Raine, wrapping her skinny arms around the older girl to pull her closer so she could snuggle into her chest, wanting to eat up all the affection she could get before the next day where everything she loved would be taken.
Unknown to her, a child wearing a scarf on his face moved like the shadows far from the bedrooms. From outside the bedrooms, the Butler wandered the halls, doing his nightly activities and trying to avoid eye contact with his mistress’ room. It wasn’t that he didn’t love the Pretender, quite the opposite and that was the reason for he would soon lose her the very next day much like Six would lose her loved ones then he would have to contact the Lady either by letter or phone to inform her of both the white haired girl and Raine’s passing for he wasn’t the only one losing loved ones tomorrow.
Off on the sidelines, the Craftsman was snoring in his bed exhausted from watching the children and sending them off to the Maw for some unknown reason as well as the events of the cycle to be honest. Because of this, a few stray children above his bedroom were able to slip away unnoticed toward a device they had been preparing over the cycles.
Unknown to all of them, an ember colored butterfly was hovering around in the sky, little wings bending the wind like that of the North Wind as it flew. The North Wind soared high above it in the clouds, moving the slowly darkening clouds into formation. It was time for the flap of wings to build the typhoon.
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haemosexuality · 3 years
bro the monster six part of little nightmares is so sad. its so sad. i am devasted
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blowingoffsteam2 · 6 years
Ultimania Updates-SRT
Gathered in one place, here’s the updates from the new Ultimania (and maybe some other tidbits) added to the Sleeping Realm Theory (SRT) doc so far.  The sections these updates are found in are bolded so you can find them within the doc and read the surrounding context:
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1.  The Theory Itself
Time travel at KG to save everyone’s hearts has been confirmed by Nomura! Look, see, where we said the second timeline went Save Everyone > Time Travel / Rewind > Xehanort Gay Dies After Decades Long Marriage Dispute, that’s been confirmed!
Q: When we leave the Final World, we are back to the point just before Sora and his friends were defeated. Why is that?
Nomura: “The power of awakening is essentially "the power to put sleeping hearts back the way they were." But the impact of forcing his friends' fading hearts back the way they were rewrote reality, and created a singularity. The rewrite caused the chronology in which they were destroyed to have "never happened." Source
2. Dive to the Heart
Now that the main interview with Nomura has been translated, it’s confirmed a very important thing for this theory.
“Q: The Final World, a place very important to the story, appeared in the game, but what kind of world is it?
A: It is a place where those just a step from death arrive, connected to the Station of Waking. Up until now, the Station of Waking was always a dark place where the floor was made of stained glass, where the condition of the inside of one's heart could be shown, but in this case I made The Final World a place where I could show [that] more concretely, a place similar to a portal to [people's] respective hearts. Within the game, it's said that sleep and death are intimately linked, so if one's heart were in a state of sleep and they found themselves in the Station of Waking, the idea is that if they moved on from there, they would find themselves in The Final World.” - Nomura, KH3 Ultimania.
What this says basically, is to arrive in The Final World during Dive to the Heart in the first place, your heart should already be “in a state of sleep”. Nomura has confirmed, before the first DTTH we see, at the very start of the game we play, Sora is already in a state of sleep.
3. KHII.9(Context: This update is placed in the translation section talking about Riku’s growth from saying his wish is to have “strength protect the things that matter”- “Daiji na mono”- in BBS to “strength to protect my cherished person” in KH3- “Taisetsu na hito”)
The Ultimania actually goes out of its way to explicitly state this growth on Riku’s character page: “‘I want to become strong enough to protect the things that matter.’ Roughly 10 years later, after many twists and turns, he has finally obtained the strength to protect the person who matters.”
4.  KH3 for realsies this time
(Context: This one is in regards to the “logo conspiracy”, just to show that this sort of obscure hinting is not beyond something Nomura would do)
In an interview with Nomura in 2016, he revealed that he hid secret clues in the cover art for 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8. Because of course he did, I guess!
“Nomura: There are actually two secrets about the illustrations from [KH1.5] until [KH2.8]. Extremely attentive KH fans might have already discovered them, but one is that Sora's movements change from sitting, to standing, to walking. One more is that when you line up the three illustrations, you'll notice that they show the flow of time with changes in the sky. [KH1.5] is sunset becoming night, [KH2.5] is the middle of the night, and [KH2.8] is night breaking into dawn. Those three illustrations have a message regarding the final chapter, [KHIII].”
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Ultimania Update: Oh boy did you think Nomura was done? Cause he wasn’t!
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These party people were confirmed by Nomura in the Ultimania to actually be robed figures, sneakily placed to look apart of the building, people hidden in plain sight. What’s silly is that people had been wondering this exact thing when the box art had been revealed, and that too got shot down on the same premise of “reading too much into it”.
5. The Paopu Fruit
In the Ultimania, Irino (Sora’s VA) stated that they recorded two versions of the paopu scene:
Irino: “We recorded both a sharing scenario and a not sharing scenario. During the editing, it wasn’t decided which [Nomura] would go with, but it seems in the end he went with the sharing scenario.” - KH3 Ultimania VA Interview
In an unseen timeline (the waking/real world) a litany of things could go differently, and while this tidbit could be nothing, it’s at least an interesting note and a fun little fact.
6.  Flowmotion and Attraction Flow
There’s a section showing concept art and planning for Attraction Flows. (thanks to @gummiphoned for the discovery and photos!)
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In the bottom corner, there’s an in game concept example. 
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With Sora in his DDD outfit.
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Set in DDD’s Traverse Town. 
7.  Reality Shift
There’s a section that elaborates a little on the Combined Keyblade, confirming it to be the very same one we see in DDD.
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Top Text: "During the special event in the realm of darkness, when Sora and Riku deal the finishing blow against the Demon Tower, the two of them used their fusion keyblade. That keyblade is the same as the one that appeared in 3D."
Bottom Text: "In 3D this fusion keyblade appeared in The World That Never Was when using Reality Shift."
8.  Promotional Materials
Later, official sources started to use a simple but unrelated, specific hashtag.
夢しかない (yume shika nai) translated to “ONLY DREAM” or just “There is only a dream”. The first time it’s used was the 6 days to go countdown
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It was then used moving forward in all promotional tweets including release day (PlayStation japan was also using the tag). The last time they used this was the secret movie announcement tweet.
9.  The Secret Ending
This has actually been confirmed by Nomura to take place after KH3 and that when Sora disappears in the ending he arrives here. More or less exactly as we thought.
“Q: I see. Then, continuing on, I'd like to ask about the secret movie; is the location connected to the ending? A: Yes. After disappearing in the ending, Sora arrives in the world shown in the secret movie.” - Nomura, KH3 Ultimania.
10.  Shibuya, Baby!
Nomura also made note that this Shibuya isn’t the original in universe TWEWY world Shibuya. It’s Shibuya, but ~Shibuya~. As in, some kind of alternate version.
“Q: Is the place Sora is in the same world as the one in The World Ends With You?
A: It looks that way. However, rather than saying Sora has gone to the TWEWY world, the meaning is that it's not exactly Shibuya, but ~Shibuya~ (note: this is hard to explain in English, but instead of it being written in kanji, the name for "Shibuya" is written in katakana here. This basically means it's not the same Shibuya as in TWEWY or in the real world.) Also, although Sora promised Neku and his friends that they would meet again in Shibuya, this video is not connected to that.” - Nomura, KH3 Ultimania
11.  Rage Form
From the Dengeki Playstation interview:
--There's a form that appears called "Rage Form," which reminds us of the "Anti Form" from KH2. What is the setup behind that?
Nomura: The forms in this title are very different from that of KH2, so we decided to change all the names. Rage does indeed have characteristics that are reminiscent of Anti, but it's basically a separate thing setup wise. Anti is based on Sora getting completely stained in darkness, but Rage doesn't go quite that far. It's based on him going into a rampage state, controlled by feelings of anger.
12.  Namine
Nomura has since elaborated a little bit on what happens with Namine tho it still doesn’t really answer the biggest question. It’s said that when Kairi took the blow from Xehanort, this set her free (even if we don’t see a heart whatsoever). Nomura plans on explaining it more down the road, apparently.
13.  Xion
Nomura has since stated in an interview that upcoming DLC will go into Xion and how she’s here so, hooray!
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Use A Fabric softener On Your Dishes And also Never Scour A Flowerpot Or even Pot Again.
Pig Belly Buns is actually probably some of the greatest Asian meals trends to strike American tastes buds, right close to Oriental Tacos and Bo-Ba Herbal tea. Given that, baseding on the definite overview of excess fats, mono and also poly unsaturated body fats located in oil are very likely to make up free radicals when made use of to fry one thing on a skillet or bake something in the stove. Lately - like, considering that pair of secs earlier when I came back from an impressive women' weekend break travel - cooking food has been actually hard. I perform possess two stoves to make sure that need to create this simpler, one stove does have a convection bake or roast option. I love the crispy crisis from uncooked millet, but you might as an alternative make use of quinoa, quinoa scabs, wheat or grain germ (although this would negate the GF standing) or perhaps merely even more oats to replace it. The sunflower seed butter could be switched out with tahini, or even one more nut butter if you need not make these nut-free. This week our company are actually mosting likely to visit my mommy as well as I'll be cooking oriental food for her one whole week long - obviously utilizing your fantastic dishes! Johnson supplies you a laundry list for ingredients, and also recipes for each of the 10 times. Except, two of the three provided, they actually POSSESSED possessed excellent kale salads at a variety of restaurants, yet they didn't recognize ways to COOK this ... this took place for as well long prior to I realized I was actually mosting likely to need to locate in another place to grade, however I couldn't resist-I jotted down on a napkin, and also as I left behind, I stated, I failed to suggest to be all ears, straightforward, however if you are actually looking for well-balanced recipes ..." and also provided the napkin! These days you may still locate Hainanese chicken rice in hawker centers across the isle for a number of bucks a plate, and in premium restaurants providing real dishes. Having said that, as our company'll find below, it is actually feasible to eat healthy and balanced while staying with a sensible budget plan. I have actually been actually cooking chuck roasts for over 30 years, yet this is by far the greatest I've ever before made an effort! When these came out of the stove, there was actually not very adequate to cover and pass through the tofu and I possessed to add salt. This internet site might lose some light on why some folks like veggies much more than others, to name a few things. I usually substitute wild rice as opposed to farro, as well as have actually made an effort corn instead of cabbage. Lunch suggestions: Mac computer 'n cheese (using this dressing ), peas, and vegetable canines, grilled cheese, sandwiches/subs, and so on Keep healthy and balanced through finding out exactly how to pinpoint, deal with, and avoid foodborne sickness off E. Coli to Salmonella to Listeria. http://schoonheiteinjunger.info have actually also been known on lots of a celebration to below yogurt for cream in mouth-watering dishes: the god from cooking must be grinning benevolently down on me as that's never ever split. The guidelines are based upon current health and nutrition scientific research and also resemble referrals produced through public health companies. I made this along with quinoa instead of rice as well as seasoned our tofu in a sesame teriyaki dressing. Field corn, which is collected beyond delightful corn as well as is actually processed to be developed into oil, high-fructose corn syrup or even other products, is the corn that's commonly genetically modified. Our company only removaled and I soon as I was cooking my 1st dish I understood my stove wasn't working like my previous stove. Thank you SO much for stopping by and also leaving behind a delightful comment, I felt like a star was actually commenting:-RRB- I rejoice you read my message and also recognize what does it cost? I enjoy your weblogs and also you, you've been actually really inspiring to me for residing a well-balanced way of living! I felt sooo bewildered by all the relevant information and also preparing food etc. It simply seemed that this was a hard shift. My only want was there was a dressing when serving over rice or even along with a similar edge. I have actually begun to really THINK about the things I eat, as well as today I went grocery store shopping and also got all type of well-balanced factors I'm thrilled to cook over the following month. We understand off transformative the field of biology that our ascendants embodied all these well-balanced traits (as I will definitely information eventually). The book includes a laundry list for the 10 time purify and bunches of added dishes for shakes that supply several wellness perks. Nourishment simple facts are for the hen and rice along with many but not all of the dressing. After that pop the breadstuff into the oven and also salute this, using the broiler to get it crisp and nice and also delicious and remarkable as well as mouth watering. He rounds out the book by demonstrating how to put healthy consuming habits into method which will result in a healthy microbiome. I will love to include that as this seems like an excellent addition to the dish, but unfortunately the individual I'm cooking for could fast cucumber without absurd amounts of pyrosis ( heartburn ). Pertaining to tofu, I've possessed a lot of losers along with certain brands as well as ever before cooking methods. Furthermore, when it come to energy conservation or expenses, the physical body acts as both an efficient gas storing depot (and also as a hazardous midsection" web site) as well as a potent generator of energy, depending mainly on the hormone signals it gets. I am a cook in Scottsdale Arizona as well as want to take a cooking food course given up English, ideally in Paris during the course of the summer months from 2009. Merci David, I will have somebody deliver me one off the US. The measurement concern is actually such a vital and also challenging one, will considerably aid in my training class! I commonly make a plunging dressing from soy sauce blended with a little bit of rice vinegar and also minced scallion, occasionally with a little bit of honey, chili sauce (sambal oelek), and/or whole grain mustard interfered as well. Yes, there are actually reputable reasons to enjoy uncooked plants in your diet regimen, however I do not support the practice as a motion or exclusionary guideline for consuming Humans have been actually preparing for well over a hundred many thousand years Some nutrients are boosted by warmth. Also, if you think your oven runs very hot, I would certainly recommend obtaining an over thermostat to be sure as that might undoubtedly create a distinction. For me, the work engageded in cooking wasn't mind-boggling, yet did need reading and re-reading dishes, and also readying calculated laundry list. Explore exciting, healthy and balanced replacement for your preferred meals that will certainly assist you better satisfy your macros. In this particular book she includes certainly not simply dishes and wish list however also a number of detoxification approaches like apple cider white vinegar, saunas, ionic shoe baths and also body cleaning. The author, an expert in nutrition, clarifies this approach is certainly not about depriving, thus snacks should be actually included throughout the time. Ive lately found it and also am actually addicted, you share a great deal from the exact same philosphy i have on wellness and also health and nutrition as well as your tale touched me as that is therefore much like my personal, i too have battled with disordered consuming for years as well as am still in eating ailment recovery procedure, yet after a lot of effort im ultimately getting my glow back !!!!
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