#confused ablebodies
baby0puke · 2 years
A funny little thing:
My case person here, keeps correcting herself, but, wrong
It’s now Rolling chair and not wheelchair.
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wheelie-sick · 21 days
since you’ve mentioned it, do you have tips for doing black bloc if you need mobility aids? (mine have stickers on them which worries me)
in terms of stickers, I have no experience covering stickers on canes crutches or rollators. my best guess at covering them (and what I considered a while back) would be to sew a cover over them.
in terms of stickers on wheelchairs, I have a ton on my backrest and I usually take a black t shirt, slip it over my backrest, and use that to cover the stickers.
in terms of the bloc there are a couple of ways to approach things. your goal is to have other people of your body type at a protest, even if it's just one or two other people. your mobility aids are a body type and they're the body type they'll primarily be tracking you with.
the easiest way is to just recruit other disabled people who use the same mobility aids as you.
if you can't do that for whatever reason (like me, I'm in this position) get your AG mobility aids. I pass off my old crutches (main mobility aid I use at protests) to members of my AG because even though they're a different style it means there's someone else in the bloc that has the same body type as me. it has worked extremely well. it has worked even with different types of mobility aids entirely (I was using one mobility aid, member of the AG was using a completely different one, we got mixed up lmao) you can also add additional confusion by having the ablebodied members of the AG pass off the mobility aid at different points.
that's pretty much all I've got for advice. I'm still figuring this out myself, these are just the tactics I've been taught by people who have worked with disabled activists in the past combined with tactics I've been experimenting with. unfortunately as disabled people we are very alone in activism and don't have many people who can pass on information. it's a lot of trial and error. I hope you find something that works well for you 💕💕
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necrofleshgoat · 10 months
Love how most ablebodied neurotypicals have no idea what spoon theory is. I like to think they're just confused & scratching their head like "why are disabled ranting about cutlery again".
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i kinda understand where people are coming from on both sides of the "not drawing fat/non white/etc" characters debate.
for one, yeah, art fight is an art gifting game. theres no reason you should have to or feel pressured to draw certain types of characters when the whole spirit of the game is lighthearted fun trades. and, aside from AF, your art should be for your own passion and enjoyment.
though, the whole language of how its discussed is definitely rooted in some prejudice against those groups, as well as the fact that minorities are seen as something you "go out of your way to draw" instead of just part of the default. the only thing limiting what types of characters you portray and make hurts is your own skills until you're all up in arms about how you don't want to / cant and you're uncomfortable with all the pressure on you.
you can draw just skinny characters or just white characters or just ablebodied characters and while some people might be a little offput by that, nearly everybody only gets upset when you start to speak out about why you shouldnt have to.
sorry for any poor wording or confusion </3
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crippled-peeper · 7 months
what? wait are transabled people like a preexisting thing and not just a portmanteau of trans+ability that means people who wanted to be disabled so they disabled themselves on purpose?
I think you are confused. I’m not calling other disabled people, who have disabilities (self inflicted or not), ablebodied. im calling ablebodied people who go to school and have jobs and roleplay as being paraplegic on their blogs in the evenings ablebodied. because… they are ablebodied.
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Why I care about this...
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Okay, you know what? I am gonna talk about this, because a lot of people seem to be very confused about this. By now I have been asked so many times about it: "Why do you care so much about Black people being depicted in media? You are white!"
And my first reaction is: "Because diversity in media and real life is objectively and scientifically profen to be a good thing?" See, a lot of people do not have any marginalized folks in their direct surroundings. And because of this they are less empathetic to marginalized folks and do internalize a lot of stereotypes. Depicting those marginalized folks in media (in not stereotypical, and empathetic depictions, that is) helps to foster empathy with them. And given that Black people face a lot of racist stereotyping, yeah, I am very much in favor for good depictions of them.
And it might also be said, that in reality more diverse teams are actually really good for outcomes!
This is leads to the next thing: I am autistic, and us autistic folks tend to care a lot about justice. And that involves also all sorts of social justice. Which includes among other things good depictions of marginalized characters - including Black characters. It is just something that I care about for justice reasons. Because it is just right to give everyone some representation in media. Which includes Black people.
And yes, I am very frustrated about the non-depiction of a lot of other groups. You know, what would I give for an autistic trans person in media. That would be swell. It totally would be. But yeah, that is still a couple of years out, eh?
But there is also another thing... In a lot of cases where Black characters are written by Black people, those characters are angry in a way that I identify with a lot. Yes, they are angry because of racism, I am angry because of other forms of *isms. But I identify with that anger.
Like, look at Black Panther. Yeah, fuck, I do get Killmonger's anger. I fucking get that. Or in Castlevania with Isaac: I totally get that anger. I can very much identify with that.
Especially, though, I just identify with that a lot more than with some white guy characters feeling very sad about themselves for shit they got themselves into (yes, I am talking about the MCU, thank you very much, so many horrible white male characters in this).
To put it differently: Yeah, fuck, that anger and just the general part of having to fight discrimination on every corner... it is a lot closer to my experience, than the usual white, cis, ablebodied main characters we often get otherwise.
So, yeah... There are a couple of reasons why I do care about this.
And it should be said, too, that even outside of settings with racism, I do want to just see more diversity. Like, yeah, it bugs the hell out of me, that BG3 is so fucking white. I love the game. And it does exceptionally good on the queer rep front (I think I encountered more queer NPCs so far, than explicitly heterosexual ones). I love the game. But just give me some non-white characters. Please?
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So I saw a post that claimed that having POC/minority characters being villains isn’t racist and mentioned Ironwood, Adam, Clover and Sienna though they only said Sienna to a degree and I am kind of confused by the inclusion of Clover here unless the poster was talking about Clover being implied to be gay and calling him evil for....doing his job? 
Regardless though, what I think the original poster missed is that while POC and other minorities can be villains, that doesn’t mean the author doesn’t have to be careful how they make said character a villain. For example, regarding Ironwood, his prosthetics are used as a shorthand for villainy. Rather then writing a realistic fallen hero arc, they just used his loss of his other arm to say “Look he’s a bad guy now” and pretended that wasn’t harmful, stereotypical and ableist. 
No one in RWDE is saying POC/Disabled/LGBT people cannot be villains, what we’re saying is the way RT writes said characters and the way RT treats real living people is the concern. RT is mostly cis-able bodied white guys making these harmful writing decisions. They try to act like they’re autobiographers writing about the sad choices living breathing people made instead of being writers for fictional characters who have no say in what is done to them. 
The other massive issue is, Ironwoods fall happened during the height of the Stop Asian Hate movement due to people blaming Asians for Covid and attacking and harming them because of it. CRWBY choice to write Ironwood to become a horrific monster during a time when Asians where being targeted and harassed, they choice to rely on his prosthetics to make that fall happen during a time when disabled people are still struggling and being denied help because they are not “productive” enough because we live in a hellscape that only cares about how productive a person is and if they don’t meet that bullshit quote they don’t matter to the system. It’s not just about not allowing certain people to be portrayed as bad people in fiction, it’s about how the portrayal is gone about and how CRWBY time and time again relies on harmful stereotypes to get their rather then creating a realistic character who happens to be apart of a minority group but is still a bad person. But CRWBY regularly has the white characters be the good guys and the nonwhite/cis/ablebodied people be the bad guys. 
THAT is what is Racist. That is what is Ableist. That is what is Homophobic. 
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curtvilescomic · 7 months
Madame Web - spoiler-free
So, today me and my Son went to see Madame Web
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and both of us knew more than half of the Internet hates thus. And being comics nerd I was baffled. " So this old blind woman who is paralyzed in comics is played by...young ablebodied seeing Dakota Johnson?"
But let's give it a chance.
It began slow and boring and the dialogue is awful and sticking there the main bad guy? In my youth I watched loads of italowesterns and Hong Kong kung fu movies that were dubbed better. It is not a little off, it is on another continent altogether.
And like the trailer showed he looks
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I know It's like Craigslist Amazon (not-quite-spiderperson) or wish suit that will not get litigated because Sony has the rights. They are not going to sue themselves.
There are huge HUGE plotholes. And most effects got a call from early 2000s. You know the drunken ex call.
The money they saved was put in I guess rights to play Toxic by Britney Spears.
It really has these flaws.
And I loved it.
No sarcasm or irony. Really. I smiled. The comics nerd in me had joyous laughter. See I do not care if you like the sixties Adam West Batman or Monica Vitti Modesty Blaise. Those are travesties An insult to comics and their creators. I see nothing good in them. And I am wysiwyg, my personality does Not change between real life and internet. Somehow with all those immense faults the movie won me over.
I turned to my Son, who loved it too. Also as confused by this.
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It will flop. They will talk about superhero oversaturation etc but I honestly want to see it again. I do not want to see Morbius ever again, that started better than expected but decided to piss everything and then some away. Yet even that shitstorm is lightyears ahead of aforementioned Batman & Modesty Blaise " films". This is by same writers as Morbius. Wild.
Most will hate it.
And some will say, sure you are aging toxic cishet man who just drooled over all the girls in this. Again you can think what you want, me don't mix movies and porn I don't give a shit what your sexuality is most movies but bait there, unnecessary nudity and cheesecake / abs for no reason except for the bait.
That said besides mainly wooden Dakota Johnson highlights were Sydney Sweeney.
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And I very much enjoyed Adam Scott's performance. Chef's Kiss.
Really not for everyone. But I enjoyed it. And I will buy the Bluray
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sam-the-pancake · 1 year
I've been sitting in my car at the only Valvoline within a 30min drive of my house that does state inspections for the past 2 hours. (I'm finally next!). After the first half hour I had the thought "what would they do if I got out my wheelchair and just sat next to my car until it my turn in line". I should have done it. My back hurts so bad right now. I can't afford to give up my car overnight to leave it somewhere else to get the inspection done, but they've literally stopped doing inspections at any of the closer locations. I spent 20min just driving here after work. I've gotta get more comfortable possibly making ablebodied people uncomfortable and confused for my own well being.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
so i made a post asking people to take part in a “rwde census” if they considered themselves part of the community or were critical of rwby. this was in order to combat a common criticism by the main fanatics that rwde is solely made up of “cisgender heterosexual ablebodied white men” who hate the show’s apparently wide swathe of diverse representation. at 85 responses, results are in.
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this one i will probably redo again at a later date, as many respondents reported to me they were confused or clicked multiple while marking down they were mixed race  —  so they would put mixed race, then white + another race as applicable  —  so the 50.5% is not entirely accurate to the claim of “solely white” rwde posters being racist in regards to the show.
with that in mind, this shows us that more than half of rwde are poc & in line with that in the “thoughts” section of the form, think that rwby has let them down in terms of how they represent race, racial trauma, oppression + more.
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the bisexuals win again —
this also just entirely blows the claim that the rwde community “hate queer people” out of the water. the rwde fandom is in fact majority queer, a whopping 91.5% of us are queer in some way with a third of that being bisexuals; which falls in line with how critical some of us are in regards to the main rep of the show. the “bisexual” main who has never been confirmed, only alluded to by voice actors & was in fact described as both straight & a lesbian by her own va.
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gender is also not even close to being a majority “cis men” like fanatics claim, while ignoring the actual creators of rwby i suppose. 19.2% were cis men, with a majority being cis women & nonbinary running a close third.
so the claims of people hating the show because they hate “girl power” falls flat in the face of a majority of us being women or femme aligned in some way. especially considering the show’s treatment of these women & how a majority of their storylines revolve around the men.
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disability became a hot topic in the fandom majorly in regards to two characters  —  yang xiao long & james ironwood. especially in regards to the treatment of both of their disabilities, yang’s being all but ignored except for ship bait & ableist disregard to her prosthetic, while james was outright demonized & painted as an unfeeling monster for his.
as we can see, only a quarter of those in rwde have no disability. meanwhile the rest have been violently talked over, threatened, harassed, sent death threats & ableist remarks all the while for daring to criticise a storyline that effected them personally.
overall the further responses at the end of the form was the most enlightening part. most had begun watching this show & loving it, but then becoming more & more disheartened as the show began to show more & more harmful moments. i would definitely encourage going to the forms & reading those for more of an insight to those in rwde who, despite claims otherwise, do not actually hate the show just to hate it. or because they hate poc, queers, or disabled people.
i hope this was a bit more illuminating for those who constantly hear this rhetoric against the rwde community; especially in the height of rooster teeth / crwby once again being called out for their repeated abuses of power & controversies.
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wonder2realities · 5 months
You never mentioned you were disabled in your original reply to that ask. It’s also not on your pinned post. How in the world were they supposed to know that the response came from a disabled person? And before you say you’ve mentioned it on your blog before (which I have no idea if you have or not) how do you know they would have seen it? They most likely found your response through the notes on the ask post. And just FYI, you can educate someone without calling them “icky” or degrading them in any manner. They asked if the way they thought was bad, you could have said yes and explained why instead of calling them icky and assuming they would know your disabled. At the end of the day it’s just a damn opinion on the matter. Opinion is not fact just because it came from someone in the group in question.
so much to unpack this is insane im losing my mind this is gonna be a long ass response
op was geniune, i gave my opinion saying its a bit icky - thats not degrading??? i never called them an ableist, never said they were an awful person, i said in my opinion i think its icky - i didnt even direct it towards the person. i never said "youre an awful person for doing that." - i literally said "its moreso the fact that scripting out disabilities is icky"...
please point to the degrading. point to the meanness and evilness, the harshness...point to it. unless the person who originally made the ask to that confessions acc wants to come into my dms or my inbox and say they were personally offended, i really dont see how it could be degrading. maybe its the alexithymia but i dont see it, i dont get it.
ive talked abt being disabled on this blog frequently, literally i make a blog at least once a week talking abt being autistic : even if they were unable to find that out and assumed i was not disabled then they can simply take my opinion as something else i wouldnt care as much about that however i literally MENTIONED THAT YOU CAN SEARCH UP AND ASK DISABLED PEOPLE AND LOOK INTO SIMILAR DISCOURSE because then youd be able to see it from different perspectives as the term disabled is a large umbrella term. so i not only said my opinion as a disabled person who has frequently talked abt being autistic and has literally made blogs talking abt keeping my disabilities in my drs but i also gave advice on where to find other perspectives that will go more into detail of why disabled people dont feel comfortable with the whole "heal everyone!! we're gonna heal all disabilities to save them!!" mindset.
you have no right to say whether an opinion is a "fact" or not when your opinion on the topic is automatically invalid because you arent disabled - dont try to pull that shit on me when you know for a fact that being disabled means that id have more of an understanding on the social aspect of what its like to be disabled...because i experience it and i wont let any ablebodied person or any neurotypical person try to speak over me on that. also, ive mentioned im autistic AND have physical disabilities multiple times on here - even if its not mentioned in my original post i quite literally said if youre confused you can look into discourse regarding the whole "disabled people cant be in fantasy because fantasy = utopia which = everyone being healthy" thing because there are disabled people who have talked abt this multiple times and in my eyes there are similarities to that and the idea of scripting out disabled people because they have similar reasons.
also if youre who i think you are aka the person who deactivated the second i responded : if youre able to go that far into my blog to find a post where i said i was gonna go on a social media detox - you wouldve been able to find a post on me talking abt being autistic because i literally made a post a FEW DAYS AGO talking abt being a blk autistic.
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^ incase u dont believe me for whatever reason, this was literally 2 days ago.
also im not an educator never claimed to eductae the person i gave an opinion - it is not my job to educate people. you are twisting a small paragraph of me saying "scripting out disabilities is a bit icky" into me being this harsh and awful person because i...didnt write an essay educating the person when i never claimed to educate them in the first place????
and again, i never attacked op the only person i attacked (which could be u if ure that account but im too lazy to do the whole "finding out whos behind the anon ask" thing) was the person who randomly responded to me, went through my entire blog to find a post of me saying i deleted twt for a social media detox and painted it as if im this limited person who "doesnt believe shifting is limitless and has a bad mindset" (which is insane???)
so to conclude this
speaking over disabled people where someone is asking disabled people for their opinion is weird. dont come into my inbox with this weird shit, unless its an apology because this is slowly creeping into ableism territory (before u even try to argue that its not - downplaying a disabled persons opinion on a topic that revolves around being disabled and speaking over them to then try to disregard their opinion being going "just because youre apart of a group doesnt mean your opinion is a fact" is insane. that is insane. call me crazy, idc thats insane.)
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gender-mailman · 1 year
May I ask what an rq is I am. Quite confused.
Radqueer, they are the believe that you can be transautistic (youre allistic but want to be autistic), transable (being ablebody but wanting do be dissable), trans everything possible! Transn4zi, transrapist etc too...they also suport paraphiles and have a discution if kids and animals can consent or not or if people should act on them or not
Idk if im the best person to ask this but yeah, thats basicly it
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wheelie-sick · 9 months
I am so tired of being referred to with they/them pronouns. being a Deaf gender nonconforming wheelchair user my existence in public is constantly scrutinized and picked apart. I am an object of curiosity and concern. I am a target for harassment, both deliberate and not.
being Deaf people see me and feel afraid. they see my hands moving and their mind is filled with terror. terror that I might try to speak to them and they wouldn't know what to do or say. terror that I might be speaking about them. terror that I'm not safe to be in public without a hearing person to watch over me. they see me as my signing first and a person second. I am an action before I am a human being.
being a wheelchair user people see me and feel afraid. afraid for my safety without an ablebodied person to guide me. afraid that they might mess up and say something offensive. and yet they feel morbid curiosity. they ask me if my butt hurts from sitting so long and they ask me how I use the bathroom if I can't walk. they ask me prying questions about my medical history and act offended when I'd rather not divulge. they see me as a wheelchair first and a person second. I am an object before I am a human being.
being gender nonconforming people see me and feel confused. they don't know what to label me as and don't know how to refer to me. they can't figure out whether I'm a man or woman and I don't want them to. they ponder my gender and my gender expression and my guesses at it and my sexuality. they wonder if I'm gay or just an odd looking woman. some of them have made it a game to guess "what" I am. I am a source of confusion before I am a human being.
being an action, an object, and a source of confusion people don't see me. they can't peel past the layers on the outside to reach my humanity so I remain something to twist around in their head. I am too much for anyone unlike me to handle. no one is exempt, not gender nonconforming hearing people, not Deaf pedestrians, not gender conforming wheelchair users.
because I have so many different very visible statuses applied to me no one knows how to label me and so they strip me of all of them choosing to focus on none since they can't comprehend all. they find comfort in they. they doesn't acknowledge my existence outside of my signing, they doesn't acknowledge my existence outside of my wheelchair, and they doesn't acknowledge my gender. I am constantly degendered, having my very deliberate expression erased in favor of labeling me as nothing. they doesn't require fitting someone like me into my worldview because it is neutral, it is nothing.
I am stripped of my gendered experiences as someone who was a woman and who is a trans intersex nonbinary man. I have my experiences defined out of existence because they do not align with hearing people's experiences or pedestrian's experiences. because my experiences of gender are so heavily influenced by my identity as a Deaf wheelchair user I have my experiences ignored and spoken over. I am stripped of my gender identity in the way people describe me. if I'm described as a man at all I am described as a wheelchair user and a Deaf person before people ever describe my gender.
it's misuse of a perfectly acceptable pronoun to enforce hearing, pedestrian, gender conforming society's norms. people do not use they/them for me because they think that I use they/them pronouns, they use they/them for me because they do not want to acknowledge who I am. many of the people who insist on using they/them for me are well aware that I use exclusively he/him pronouns but they don't care because in their head they see me as signing or a wheelchair and are confused about why a man would look like me. they think I am wrong about my own identity and think that because they are hearing, or a pedestrian, or gender conforming, that they get to assign the "correct" pronouns for someone like me.
I am so tired of being referred to with they/them pronouns
-> this post is about physical disability and Deafness. do not derail.
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wheelie-hurting · 1 year
anon who asked about disability pride month: Ah sorry I didn’t mean to imply otherwise I was just a little confused!! I am very very new to this, happy disability pride month!
ah, okay! i instantly went bitter cripple mode bc i’m so used to ablebodied ppl bitching whenever i make post for physically disabled ppl only, sorry! happy disability pride month to u 2!!
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
I wanted to get other phys disabled people’s input if that’s okay
I’m just wondering at what point is pain and weakness with mobility (and arm movement) normal vs abnormal? Like do ablebodied people really not get any pain during things like bending down/getting up, going up and down stairs, walking, lifting and using arms.. unless they’re already injured? Can “because you haven’t been exercising and sit all day”or “it’s bc you’re autistic” genuinely be the cause for pain like that? if ablebodied people don’t exercise often can they feel pain and trouble with mobility?
Then that leads me to think .. well how much exercise do u even need because I technically do physical activity multiple times a week for months until a certain pointr every year… yet I still have these symptoms and some muscle atrophy. the pain also seems to be worsening over time
I did one genetic swab test for things like neuromuscular disorders and it was negative so now I’m like well if the test results are negative what now….I match symptoms of certain neuromuscular disorders so well but the test was negative and now I’m like so confused I feel kinda fake? Do u have a similar experience?
the normal amount of pain for an able bodied person, especially with regular mobility, is 0 pain. none at all.
you joints can get weak and you can get sore after a bit of physical labour like walking up a flight of stars or lifting a bunch of boxes if you dont exercise and maintain your body's health (even just going for regular walks is enough sometimes) but thats exhaustion after strenuous activity
physically disabled people usually feel that constantly, have even less strength and energy to spend on that stuff than an able-bodied person does.
disabled people continue to have their pain and issues no matter how much exercise and care for their body they do, its good to keep it up but an able bodied person wouldnt continue to feel that. for an able bodied person thats temporary, for us, its chronic.
my body is deteriorating. i get regular walks in to help my joints, i do stretches to help with my muscles and my back, but its only to help slow down whats happening with me and to keep me as mobile as possible for as long as possible as my spine continues to twist and bend over the years. an able bodied person wouldnt feel pain just standing up and sitting down and moving their limbs let alone need a physical routine like i do.
i feel you though, a lot of times my imposter syndrome hits hard and i feel like im faking. but we're not. no mater what condition or label we are told we do/do not have our experience with our bodies is still there, still real, still valid.
no one knows our bodies like we do.
if you think theres a possibility there and you can do it, i'd push to get tested again and/or look for other possibilities on what it could be, there might be other things your symptoms overlap with (which i find happens a lot, thats actually part of how i found out i was anemic instead of diabetic) though you dont have to, just if you want to. you dont have to follow any of my ramblings or anything, its just always good to check again and look into other things just in case y'know? /lh
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naerwenia · 2 years
I am not an inspiration, I am a person.
I was thinking about sending a request for a Character x Reader thingy, but as soon as I wrote down “disabled, in a wheelchair” I realised it probably would not work, especially if the writer is not disabled themself.
Having another person in your life is great, especially when you are someone with a disability or several disabilities, as they can be really helpful in making sure I don’t just fall over and die, but they also help you have a sense of identity just by being a normal person. They compliment you for looking cute, not for dressing up. They don’t take me on a walk, we go out together. They help me make myself heard, they don’t speak for me. Disability is often narrowed just to physical disabilities, but also prolonged mental illnesses are disabilities, as they impact the person’s ability to function in a society. I know I stumble on this myself, but I try my best.
I don’t think ablebodied and neurotypical writers should be barred from writing disabled characters, but I feel more often than not they miss the nuances. It often comes down to how disability is viewed: medical model or social model. Are you disabled because of the condition you have, or are you disabled because the world is not accessible? Are you left outside because you need a wheelchair, or because there is no ramp, or worse, there is a lift, but you have to get inside to ask for a employee to come and operate it?
The fact is I’m just a bystander in a way. I’m autistic but also a product of prolonged trauma, and only use cane occasionally. I don’t have to worry about physical accessibility, but I care about my fellow people and will pick up a fuss over lackluster accessibility. Poorly optimised site not supporting screen readers? I will notify you. Your event didn’t think about disabled people? Let me give you few suggestions for the next event. Is this ramp too steep? I don’t know, but I know someone who will tell you. However, as you can see, I’m much more knowledgeable of how to design physical accessibility, but don’t always know what it might look like to autistic people. Part of it is that I was diagnosed later in life, part of it is trauma and my inability to ask for anything for myself.
I may be a mess, but I’m also a disabled person. Don’t look at me with pity, either make sure you are a good friend and respect me as a person, not as a token of your tolerance and good will, or be quiet. If you have the time and energy to advocate for disability rights, then I would appreciate that, but first, try to read some works written by disabled writers, thoughts and regular life stories of disabled people, of regular disabled people. Maybe read the basics of disability studies if you feel like it, maybe just so you can quote Tom Shakespeare and confuse people.
I’m sorry if I come across as harsh, that is not my intention, but I encourage you to question your views on disability once in a while, and don’t interrogate people about their disability, don’t ask them to prove it. Disability is not a monolith and neither are the disabled. Generally, don’t use person first language (person with autism, etc), unless someone prefers it.
TLDR: I don’t expect perfection, and I love seeing more disabled reader fics, as I’m a sucker for self-indulgent fantasy where the Character just accepts everything that comes in the package. Just be aware that it doesn’t come across as pity, but also don’t discount the experiences that come with the disability, don’t overlook it. Indulge us!
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