#confession 137
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Confession #137
"NGL, I thought SNW Charades was interesting and feel hurt when people hate on it. It’s an interesting take on a character with a mysterious/vague backstory. We don’t know if a species change would just be a physical, it could also affect someone psychologically or emotionally. Either way, it would be interesting to see and we got to see a take on how that would affect someone. I feel like if that episode was a fanfic it wouldn’t get as much hate."
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🕶️ anon — i was feeling really similarly to you when i was about to turn 18. i don’t want to lie — it was painful. if your f/o has a canon voice, something that helped me was finding of-age characters voiced by the same VA and crushing on them for the familiarity and comfort. it’s totally okay and normal to worry but i would try to focus on being able to spend time with them now!
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rededgecitycouncil · 1 year
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Luke can touch the dangly thing in the back of my throat any day he wants to @lukexmyersx
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jttwconfessions · 5 months
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I thought MK, Mei, and Red Son were teenagers until after Season 5. I only found out because a tweet said “How do people think these 3 are kids?” and I felt like an idiot.
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i liked unmortricken but i'm sorta disappointed they didn't explain prime's regeneration or go into his motives for doing what he did
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madame-fear · 7 months
˗ˏˋ 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅 + 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 | 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐓. 𝟐 ˎˊ˗
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ೀ amira speaks! : part two of my fluff + smut prompt lists for requests, check them out here! requests are currently closed. remember to specify who says what to who when requesting! 彡 last updated : 08/03/2024 — ♡
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116. (character) is talking to someone about you. they try to hide how they feel about you, but it’s quite obvious. “I like them a normal amount.” character says, “we get along, we’re just friends.” “and you’re a friend... who stares at them smiling to yourself like an idiot?” “shut up, you know nothing.”
117. lazy morning kisses and cuddles.
118. “so wet already? I barely even touched you. You must be quite needy.” (smut)
119. “Can I touch you over here?” (smut)
120. “Do you like it like this? Or should I go slower?” (smut)
121. “You’re blushing, that’s cute.” “Shut up, stupid.” (specify who says this to who)
122. “Can I please hold your hand?”
123. “You’ll have to beg for that.” (smut, specify scenario if possible)
124. “Please, if you could stay with me for the night, I would be grateful. I need you.”
125. (character)’s friends discreetly playing matchmaking by placing both of you in places where you can be alone together. You’re both oblivious to your mutual pining, so at one point they force (character) to ask you out for once and for all.
126. “They gave us... One bed?” “Don’t pretend you don’t like it.” (could end in smut, or simply fluffy teasing)
127. “I think I might be dying... These may be my last words.” “It’s a small fever. If you don’t quit whining, the only thing killing you today will be my bare hands around your neck.”
128. “Touch yourself for me.” (smut)
129. “Your breasts are cold. Can I warm them with my hands?” “No.” “Pleeeeeeaseeeeee?” “Fine, but stop staring at my with those sad puppy eyes.” (smut)
130. Pillowfighting with (character). (Character) is better at it than you, but when you complain about it, they let you win because they genuinely feel bad.
131. Drunken love confessions to you.
132. Same as 131, but with you being drunk and confessing your love to (character).
133. “Don’t you like being all marked by me? Look at you, everyone will know you’re mine.” (smut)
134. “Someone might see us!” “Isn’t that the fun of it, love?” (smut)
135. “You are one pretty little whore. My pretty little whore.” (smut)
136. (character) gently removing your hands from your very flustered face after you give each other your first kiss, finding them smiling to themselves at how adorable you are.
137. “Who hurt you? I’ll get my revenge on them.”
138. “I could warm you up... From the inside.” (smut)
139. character introduces you to someone. “this is my girlfriend/wife!” (specify). you turn to them in confusion, becoming flustered. “yeah... your girlfriend/wife.”
140. “Stop stealing the blankets!” “Gods you’re so oblivious- I want you to come closer and cuddle me to seek warmth!”
141. “Why should I look up at the stars, when you have a whole constellation in your pretty eyes?” (so cheesy, woops)
142. “How come you were in love with me all this time?!” “I THOUGHT I HAD BEEN OBVIOUS ENOUGH ALREADY!”
143. “Look elsewhere, and I stop.” (smut)
144. “You have such a pretty, delicate little mouth. You surely take my cock so well.” (smut)
145. (character) lifting you from the floor, taking you in their arms, and happily swriling you around the place after not seeing each other for quite some time.
146. “We should film this.” (smut)
147. “Go fuck yourself.” “Only if you watch.” (could be smut or not, specify!)
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
I want to flirt with the old man (C-137 Rick) just real shameless
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
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Not even sure if this is a request anon, but it sure is now since me too. This is like season 6 Rick btw, so hes secretly a softy, because i said so.
-          Now Rick being Rick it would depend on the timing or who you were. If you were just a rando he met at the bar or on an adventure, and it wasn’t life or death. Rick would flirt back, maybe even take you off to a side room if you know what I mean ;))))
-          If you were someone more constant in his life, like an ally or an old friend like birdperson, he would still flirt back but it would be a less “get in my bed” type, and more play flirting between friends. He would play it as a joke unless you made it obvious you actually wanted him romantically.
-          Then he would be flustered and not truly know what to do, but again Rick being Rick there is no way he would let you know he’s flustered. He would rather die than let people know he feels things.
-          He might start making you things, like inventions or whatever you might need. He would lay it on thick with his own flirting, but it would be super over the top to counter your own shameless flirting.
 -          Your first kiss is definitely when hes absolutely wasted. You would be flirting with him again, maybe draped over his back and making kissy noises and he just turns his head and kisses you. He would grab your jaw and really get in there, tongue and everything. Then he would pull back, stare at you, tell you that your cute, and pass the fuck out.
-          He would have forgotten all about the kiss when he wakes up the next day because he was so drunk, but when you start acting all blushy and shy he checks the cameras in the garage and sees what he did.
-          Rick isn’t one for words, so he would just start showing that it wasn’t just a drunk action. He would keep making you things, but this time he would be more personal about it. Maybe he would even gift you stuff of his, like a flesh curtains shirt or he would take you out on “adventures” that are pretty much just dates.
-          When the two of you finally confess and get together the flirting gets cranked up a thousand times more, the two of you are all over each other and over the top. Using the dumbest petnames and always kissing, well its mainly you kissing Rick all over his face and hands.
-          Summer starts fake gagging when it happens, and its probably led to some Smith family arguments because Rick and you are so annoying sometimes with your flirting.
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shoujo-manga-lovers · 11 months
Even though the manga itself isn't focused much on romance, Hak and Yona's relationship seems so sacred to me, and because it's slowburn, it hits you even harder. Seeing how Hak and Yona have developed and how their relationship has come this far just melts my heart. Realizing what their relationship was like in the very beginning versus now, looking back at the start of their journey and now just makes me feel so proud and a tiny bit of nostalgic. Hak lived years of his life with an unrequited love. He was so used to it that he even buried those feelings deep down, and he was fine with everything as long as Yona is happy. He didn't even think of telling her, yet he treasured her so dearly. Since young age, she was the girl he had in his heart. Slowly through their journey, slowly but surely, Yona starts seeing Hak in a different way. She gets conscious of Hak, she gets nervous, gets jealous, etc. She is beginning to see him as more than just a childhood friend, more than her exclusive bodyguard. When she kissed Hak out of nowhere in chapter 137, THE BOY WAS FLABBERGASTED. That, and his surprised reaction when Yona says that she loves him(chapter 176) too shows how he couldn't even process it correctly in his brain. And then the reaction he had when he realized the Yona was actually jealous(chapter 177) when he said something about Ayame shows how much he didn't ever think that his feelings would be reciprocated for once in his life. The poor guy never in his life thought that the princess could share the same feelings as him. So, just knowing that Yona loved him back made him so freaking happy and he deserved it after so many years. Their relationship is shown more through actions instead of words, they don't say "I love you" to each other(aside from their confessions), yet they somehow know it inside of them. They show it in more ways like caring for each other, protecting each other etc etc. Just seeing them kiss awakens 37526272526 feelings inside of me, it feels so intimate and so precious.
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t0rturedangel · 2 months
Ohhh since you're writing for him could you write something about evil morty being jealous/possessive with the reader (in a romantic relationship) please and thank you!
𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘴 [ 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘷𝘦𝘳. ]
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› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟑. SYNOPSIS, Evil Morty is one hell of a bf, his jealousy and possesiveness is crazy.
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟒. WARNINGS, Evil Morty, maybe a bit ooc, threats / threats of violence, ect
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟓. AUTHOR'S NOTES, Happy to do another rick and morty request! I hope this one is good- i'm not too good when it comes to writing for characters like him but I'll try! ALSO SOME WORDS MIGHT BE SPELT WRONG
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🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤUnlike RICK, EVIL MORTY is well aware that he can get jealous and possesive over you- in fact most Morties are aware of that fact, and well you cant exactly blame them, love is something they dont get often, and when they do it doesn't last.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤSo it is no surprise that when you began to date EVIL MORTY, he was quick to become jealous and bitter to all other morties (even more than he already is). After all, now that your his significant other, others may be prone to want to go after you which is something that will bother EVIL MORTY.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤThis especially happens during his presidental run, now that he's making himself and, ultimately, you public- many would be bound to try and get you away from him for various reasons. Though don't worry too much, EVIL MORTY has it all sorted- pull a few strings and the rouge morties that tried to even interact with you will be gone, like they never exsisted.
"Morty.." you called out, staring at your boyfriend who was currently sifting through various files, persumebly all to do with the votes and campaign as he was running for president in the citadel- something you heavily encouraged because it would be good to have a new, democraticly elected, leader for the citadel and hey, if morty needed any help or things got to stressful you'd be able to help (I mean how hard can it be?). "Yeah [name]?" He lifted his head up, staring at you with a quirked brow, clearly wanting you to continue though under his gaze you felt slightly uncomfortable- jeez when did your boyfriend become so damn scary? "Do you know what happened to the two Morties that jumped me the other day? I was searching for them coz I found out they were trying to make bootleg portal fluid but they were gone" you picked at the skin around your nails, avoiding your Morty's gaze nervously though your attention was quickly brought back to him when he sighed "Don't worry about them [name], they've been dealt with..... now come on- can you help me with these papers" he smiled at you, gesturing to the seat next to him which you quickly sat down on. You can only assume that Morty sent the cops after them, and that they're now in prison.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤLet's say you're evil with him, meaning that you agree with what he does, and so when you met c-137 Rick and Morty you too pretened to be normal until you didn't- you were the first person the two were introduced to as you sat with them to eat food before evil morty appeared. Both of you then confessing to the fact that you hated ricks and the citadel.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤIf you were 'evil' like him, then it would be perfect- because then he would be able to leave everything behind with you! Which is brilliant coz that means it will be just the two of you together, no one else trying to disturb your relationship (until season seven episode five).
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤOverall, EVIL MORTY is a little extreme when it comes to his jealousy- he doesn't like being jealous so he takes care of the problems quickly and swiftly, the quicker the better.
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rickssugarplum · 1 year
Rick Returns
After a much too long hiatus, I have finally made a new Rick fic. Wow. A lot has changed since my last fic, but I want to thank all of you amazing readers who have been so patient. Please forgive me if my writing is a little rusty. Thanks again and excited for Season 7 tonight! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Reader) SFW-, Swearing, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Someone, Season 6 Spoilers, 1,900+ words
Rick comes to see you again after a long time. And you find some changes in him.
It had been too long. Far too long. You hadn't heard a single word from Rick in what felt like a lifetime and were still wondering what the hell went wrong. It seemed to have happened out of nowhere. One day, everything had been fine, and then suddenly, he all but disappeared. He didn't come see you anymore; he wouldn't call you up, not even a single text. At first, you started to think an adventure went awry. Then you started thinking something was really wrong, but you weren't sure what. Is he on a new planet? Did he have to do a high-paying mission? What if he's hurt? Or could he be dead? With how things are now, he might as well be. He started to become a series of bittersweet memories now. You did everything you could to try to forget him, but that was pointless. Rick Sanchez wasn't a man you can just forget, no matter how hard you tried. Many tears were shed, and many thoughts crept into your mind. If his leaving had nothing to do with his space-traveling lifestyle.
Did I do something wrong?
Did he find someone else?
Was I...not enough?
Many months had passed, and you were certain the blue-haired scientist was out of your life forever.
Close to midnight, you were in your bathroom washing your face and getting ready to sleep. As you enter your bedroom, about to lay down in your bed, you hear a sound you thought you would never hear again—the loud warp of a portal.
Immediately, your heart sped up rapidly as you wondered if you were hallucinating. But when you saw a young brunette boy in a yellow t-shirt, you were completely puzzled.
You were worried he was here to tell you really bad news about his grandfather. But you had no time to even ask what was happening before another figure broke through the portal. A figure much taller. The silhouette of his spiky hair caught your eye immediately.
It was him. He was here. Rick was back in your room.
His eyes were fixed on you right away. There was almost a determination in them. Yet he also looked unsure.
"Thanks, Morty. I'll take it from here." He motioned the kid to the portal, presumably back home. The boy took a worried glance at both of you before turning back through the portal and disappearing. Now it was just you and Rick. Looking into his eyes for the first time in forever, all the pain came back crystal clear. And the source was right in front of you.
Rick shut his mouth and understood right away. You were not going to let him off so easily.
"You son of a bitch." You spat at him.
"I know you're mad, and I-"
"Mad!? You ghost me for months; I haven't had even one measly fucking text, and you think I'm mad!?" You interrupted. "I didn't know what the hell happened to you! All these months without any contact from you. Nothing."
Rick stayed silent. He had no argument to make.
"At first, I just thought, 'Oh, he's on a big adventure with Morty! No biggie!' Or had a run-in with an alien mob or something, and it would just take a bit longer to get back to me," you explained. Looking back at Rick, he was rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes looking down to the floor. But you knew he was still listening.
"I was starting to think you were dead." You confessed, trying to keep yourself together.
Rick took in a deep breath before he answered. "I owe you an explanation. All I ask right now is that you'll let me give you that," he requested.
Goddamnit. Just hearing his voice again is painful.
"I thought you were done bailing on people," you said bitterly.
Rick interjected, "Hey, don't start with that." You watched him grab his flask out of his lab coat and take a sip from it.
"Why? Truth too much for you? Does the great Rick Sanchez actually have a kryptonite?" you mocked.
Rick put his hand over his mouth, keeping himself quiet as you let out everything you suppressed inside all this time.
"You told me you'd never leave me behind. No matter where you'd go, you would stick around." You scoffed. "I was really fucking stupid to believe you."
Rick was starting to get agitated. This was not how he pictured this playing out.
"Ugh. Look, I didn't come here to argue."
"No. You want to smooth everything over so I can do any favors you'll want. Bet you never even thought about me all this time. Out of sight, out of mind, right?"
"It's not like that!" he argued. The nerve of him "Why wouldn't it be? It's the same ending to every chapter in your life, Rick. You'll never change."
He winced. That one stung a little. You knew some of your statements could hurt him, but you were too angry to care. Part of you wanted him to see how it felt to be let down by someone you've given your heart to.
"You left an entire dimension after destroying it."
Rick was losing his composure. "Don't."
"Left your family on a tiny planet when the world was going to shit."
He didn't want to hear any of this. "Stop."
"You left Morty to be with some fucking crows."
"Knock it off," he warned.
"Or what!? Are you gonna leave again?" you challenged. "I was starting to accept the fact that you wouldn't come back. What would stop you now?"
"That's not what I meant!" he argued.
"Why would I be so special that you wouldn't bail again? You've done it your whole life. Starting with your own wife and daughter!"
Rick lost it. "I DIDN'T LEAVE MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER!" he shouted. His hands tangled in his hair, and his eyes squeezed shut.
That stopped you dead in your tracks. Confused, you stepped closer to him. A soft gasp escapes when you see that his face has now become wet with tears.
"Rick...?" you said softly. All the rage you previously had inside you has now completely evaporated. This new shift startled you. He was not someone who openly broke down. Nor would he tell such a lie while doing so.
If he didn't leave them, then why weren't they ever with him? Unless his wife took their child and left him, or if they had...
A new feeling is integrated into you: guilt. You were starting to pick up all the tragic pieces together. The heartbreak was plain to see on Rick's face as he trembled in front of you.
In that moment, the source of all his demons became more clear than ever before. He had truly suffered the worst kind of pain.
"Oh...Rick...." Your voice cracked. The distance between you both closed as you wrapped your arms around him. He accepts them immediately and holds on tightly.
"I'm so sorry..."
His face is buried in your neck. To shield his face, or more to just feel you again, it didn't matter. Right now, he needed this. Stroking his baby blue hair, you had almost forgotten how soft it was...
"Rick...I'm sorry...I had no idea..." you said in shame, thinking back to everything you'd said to him before. Now, he had every right to be mad at you. But his first response you received was a soft, gentle kiss on your neck, making you lightly shiver.
"It's haunted me for many years. Consumed most of my life," he confessed. Lifting his head up, you see his face. His eyes were red, and his cheeks were damp from his hurt flooding out of him. Your thumbs gently brush away the tears under his eyes. "I...thought I had finally could have a new chance to find some stability, be with a family, but...something did come up...and it all came flooding back..."
Your brows raised at that.
"So...that's why I haven't been around."
You still weren't entirely aware of the whole story. But one thing was certain: When Rick Sanchez is consumed by something, he gives his all into it.
"I'm such a fucking idiot..." you blurted out, shaking your head. "I thought...you had just gotten bored and moved on from me..."
Rick interjected, "Oh no, baby no..." He pulled you back into his arms, placing your head on his chest. His heartbeat soothed you as you took a deep breath in and out.
"You weren't the only one I hurt here... I-I had kept Morty out of it all too..."
A sigh escapes you. "He's such an amazing grandson to you," you mutter.
"Yeah...but he's not my grands-"
"Yes, he is." You interrupted. "It doesn't matter where you came from or where he came from. He's been there for you through everything and seen you at your worst. And the fact that he came here tonight with you just to make sure you were okay shows me that he still cares about you despite everything. I know he wouldn't want any other Rick. And you wouldn't trade him for any other Morty. You are his grandpa, Rick."
His arms hold you a bit tighter, a silent 'thank you' for your encouraging words.
"Did he tell you to come talk to me?" you wondered.
"Uh no. I, uhh, hooo boy...You won't believe it when I tell you," he warned you awkwardly.
"What?" You didn't know what or who else could convince him to do anything.
"I...was told I should see you by...my uhh...therapist..." he finished, rubbing the back of his neck.
Your eyes bugged out in shock. "A therapist!? You're seeing a therapist!??
He scoffs "Okay, you really don't have to rub i-" His sentence is cut off by a surprise kiss on his cheek, leaving him a little startled. "Oh, Rick. I'm so proud of you," you say sincerely. It's as if hell had frozen over. He really has changed.
"Yeah, she's, uh, she's alright," he admits with a small smile. "She also told me to tell you what I needed to say, so... I'm sorry."
Your vision starts to get blurry with tears. Those two simple words from this man mean so much. Cupping his face in your hands, you give Rick a small smile before leaning forward and pressing your lips to his. Your arms wrap around his neck, never wanting to let him go. He holds you close when he kisses you back with a little more desperation. He hasn't been kissed by you in so long.
When you finally break away to breathe, you look into his eyes again. This time, they look more serene. As if he feels some shred of peace for the first time in... he can't remember when.
"I've missed you..." you whispered. He pressed his forehead against yours.
"I missed you too, baby..."
With that, every shattered piece of your heart had been put back together. There was more he needed to share with you, but the emotional reunion and the fact that it was late at night left you exhausted. But you were going to sleep much more peacefully with the eccentric man resting beside you once again.
After all these painful months, Rick was finally back. He's changed in some ways, and you were looking forward to seeing how these changes would guide him to a better path.
Because, no matter what happens, you will always love him.
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maybeasunflower · 8 months
Star Trek theme tunes: worst to best
Star Trek’s many TV series each have an opening sequence that attempts to set up the viewer for the show ahead. A good theme tune delivers a high-quality piece of music that encapsulates the show’s essence — and it is on this basis that I’ve ranked the themes. What isn’t included in my ranking is anything about the graphics that accompany the music, nor the show itself. Naturally, these are all purely my personal opinions, so there can be no argument.
Let’s get started!
11: Enterprise
“It’s been a long road…” are five words that launched a lot of strong feelings — and rightly so. The jarring mismatch between everything about this song and everything Enterprise was about relegates this theme to the bottom of the heap. The opening graphics are spot-on for the show’s premise — but I never got to watch them because I needed to skip the music, and that makes me madder.
If you want to know what could have been, search YouTube for “Star Trek: Enterprise Opening Credits with Archer’s Theme”. That music is perfect for the show: slow, dramatic, building up for the big reveal. Then finish weeping / gnashing your teeth and come back here.
This theme also meant that we can never have a Star Trek theme with words again, ever, because we have been all primed to hate such things because of Enterprise — and that’s sad.
Imagine if we’d had a good theme with words that we could all sing at appropriate and inappropriate occasions.
10: The Animated Series
You’d forgotten about this series, hadn’t you? I will confess I haven’t watched any episodes (unlike the other ST series), but that doesn’t me having an opinion about the theme music. The jaunty theme music. The theme music that speaks of hijinks and hilarious consequences. The theme with super precise drumming — the perfect accompaniment as we join our hero sipping a cocktail in his usual bar by the beach.
Wait, this show is about space exploration?
9: Discovery
Open with Those Four Notes (good), wistful hunting call horns (good), build up to a climax (good), and then… umm…
What follows musically reminds me of Fringe (a great show that also involved Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci as creators). Fringe was a show about the discovery of new scientific things (and the consequences thereof)— but Discovery is not. The stories of Discovery revolve around battling against various things. The main theme (minimalist repeated eighth note patterns with a slow-moving melody) simply doesn’t speak to premise of the show. It ends with the ascending “Star Trek motif”, but it just feels like something bolted on to end things.
This is a theme based on the title, not on the events in the show.
8: The Original Series
I’m going to get some flak for this, but I don’t care. Yes, The Original Series is sacred. Yes, this theme gave us Those Four Notes right at the start. Yes, it gave us the classic opening words. Yes, we must remember TV was different back then when judging TOS. But I’m ranking the music, and so that’s all that matters.
This is a show about exploring strange new worlds and going boldly. The music is not that. The music is about going somewhere on holiday in your 1960s convertible, or possibly going home from work for the weekly comedic capers. It’s not going boldly anywhere, it’s not exploring new worlds, and that’s final.
… I am going to get so much flak for this.
7: Picard
This is a theme unlike any other, but this a series unlike other, so that’s OK. The wistful main melody on solo cello works for the show and its premise. The theme then gets musically developed by other instruments in a musically satisfyingly way.
However, two-thirds (!) of the title graphics are consumed by the 137 producers, supervising producers, co-executive producers, executive producers, and producing producers — and it feels the music had to be extended by a good 30 seconds to cover them all. Like Discovery, it ends with ends with the ascending “Star Trek motif”, but it (just about) feels musically connected to what came before.
Overall, I am left with a very neutral opinion. There’s nothing that bad about this music, but nothing that makes it stand out.
It’s boringly OK.
6: Strange New Worlds
After the classic opening words, the dramatic bass line/repetitive strings/drums kick in, the music builds, everything’s set up for the main melody…. and what’s that? Well, you can’t hear that melody because the orchestration that gives it insufficient body, and the sound mix gives the accompanying dramatic bass line/repetitive strings/drums far too much prominence.
The overall structure is good — repeat the main melody with some extra oomph, transition to the B melody, build to a climax with some block chords, then bring every down nicely with the hunting horn call. It ticks all the boxes on (manuscript) paper — but the orchestration and mix just means I can’t enjoy it properly.
Give the melody some more body, turn the volume down on the rhythm section, and this theme would jump up a lot of places.
5: Deep Space 9
DS9 isn’t about going boldly anywhere, but it is still about dealing with dramatic, important things. The music has a stately beauty that reflects both those things. The opening lonely horn illustrates the emptiness of space, before being joined by more horns to build drama. Then the main melody kicks in over a minimal accompaniment, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. There’s a pedal note that sustains through most of the opening — so that when the bass finally moves, it makes for a dramatic conclusion.
Later seasons brought a new version that tried to punch up the excitement a notch by increasing the speed of the main melody and adding some more texture to the accompaniment — but at the cost of the stately beauty that is this theme’s best feature. Let’s ignore it.
The title sequence is about 30 seconds too long, which means the beauty has faded somewhat by the end. (Yes, the opening for Strange New Worlds is a similar length, but the music doesn’t kick in until after 30+ seconds).
Overall, a solid piece of music that aligns well with the show’s premise.
4: Lower Decks
Lower Decks is a show that is both 100% serious and 100% affectionate parody. It does everything any other Star Trek TV series does, while turning it up 11 in order to skewer those things. Musically, that’s a tough premise for a theme tune.
So what happens? We open with Those Four Notes, followed by hunting horn calls, then a dramatic main theme on trumpet that’s repeated on all the strings — followed by gear-changing chords into the real main theme. A theme that gets a full-bore orchestra with a melody on brass that descends like someone resigned to not doing first contact (no hopeful ascending motifs here!). Then a solid build-up brings it to a satisfying conclusion.
Like the show, this theme works both seriously and as affectionate parody.
3: Voyager
The show has a tension between “let’s get home as soon as possible” and “ooh, new alien planet to explore” — and the music reflects that.
The theme opens with muted trumpets on a lonely motif (plus timpani) at the start to bring a sense of the dramatic, but without wanting to shout too loudly about it in this unknown part of the galaxy. The main theme on the horns is repeated with added texture and followed by a B melody on strings. Both bring a sense of the long journey ahead, with an ebb and flow throughout.
A slow build-up is then followed by a gentle climb back down — then a rapid (and musically seamless) build up to an emphatic restatement of the opening motif, ringing out to remind us this isn’t just about skulking back to Earth.
Voyager may be headed for home, but it’s still boldly going new places.
2: The Next Generation
Whatever you feel about Star Trek: The Motion Picture, we can all thank it for this music. TNG opens with Those Four Notes on something ethereal, followed by the best delivery of the classic opening words (sorry Anson Mount!) with a hunting call on horns underneath—then we’re into music about exploring strange new worlds and going boldly. It’s going on an adventure — journeying to places unknown to find things unknown.
Structurally, it’s simpler than other themes: after the main melody on brass, we get the string-heavy B melody twice, then back to a shortened version of the main melody to end. However, the post-words music only takes up half the opening, and those two melodies have enough going on to sustain our interest.
You’re left excited about what’s going to happen this week— because we’re exploring, damnit.
1: Prodigy
Four chords build tension, launching into drums+ostinato that tell you right away that exciting things will be Going Down.
Dramatic trombone and bells set up a musical cadence that gets resolved into the start of the heart-stirring main melody soaring out on horns clearly over the accompaniment (take note, SNW). The main melody repeats with added trumpets, and transitions into the drum-less B melody on lush strings that tells you it’s also about the journey. Then bridge into a repeat with everything turned up a notch.
Things get a little chaotic for a moment (what else do you expect with this crew?), but it’s OK, because we’re back to those dramatic trombone and bells (plus friends) to bookend things and lead us into a final resolution… that leaves just enough going on afterwards to accompany Those Four Notes, as though that was the plan all along. Then spike the ending so there’s no doubt we’re done.
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hatconfessionbooth · 6 months
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Confession 137... I headcannon Snatcher x Barnaby (Billie bust up)
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daily-teki · 6 months
Confession: I had a dream that you posted 'DailyTeki is shutting down' and deleted your blog and I got so sad I woke up
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Day 137: it’s okay anon, I’m back now :>
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ying-doodles · 5 months
// webtoon spoilers (ep 137)
the censoring on webtoon is kinda funny because I cannot see suho saying "because we're really freaking capable!" or "darn right we are!" for the life of me ahsjdjdk,,
let him swear!! let him say fuck!!
anyways, I do like how they changed lloyd's exclamation to worthroad to just being "what you see is what you get!" because it's less confessing to have the same feelings inside and outside and more so telling him to just take what I give you and don't question me. which is more accurate to what he's like in the novel-
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legacygirlingreen · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
Scroll down for one shots / Farmer Seb Masterlist!
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⋆。˚𖦹 This Series was previously titled "Times in Sebastian's 5th year!!
As a reminder, this diverts heavily from Canon, using the characters from the game as foundations for a different story. Written in y/n (but slowly going back through to remove and leave only a few sparingly), it has more of a focus on Victorian standards for courting/relationships instead of just “hot and heavy” so to speak. If that appeals to you, please feel free to read and comment your suggestions for future parts.
Parts with NSFW Content are marked! Also some chapters now have AI Audios with links!
(UPDATED May 20 , 2024): 137, 000+ words
On AO3 here & Wattpad here
Playlist on Spotify made by @urbansaint !
Part 1: Becoming a Proper Gentlemen (SFW) Audio: X
Part 2: Christmas with the Sallow Family
\_> Chapter 1: Dusty Boots (SFW)
\_> Chapter 2: Admissions (Semi NSFW but mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 3: Jumper (Semi NSFW but mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 4: Sugar Plum Fairy (NSFW) Audios: X
\_> Chapter 5: A Locket and a Promise (Mostly SFW) Audios: X
\_> Chapter 6 - Yuletide Cheers (Mostly SFW)
\_> Chapter 7- Birthdays and Hogmanay (NSFW)
Part 3: Stardust (NSFW) - Audios: X, X, X
Part 4: Hero of Hogwarts
\_> Chapter 1: "Leave Me" (SFW)
\_> Chapter 2: Revelations (SFW)
\_> Chapter 3: Graphorns & Phoenix (NSFW) Audio: X
\_> Chapter 4: A Reckoning (SFW) Audio: X
\_> Chapter 5: Repository I (SFW) Audio: X , X (battle)
\_> chapter 6: repository II (SFW) Audio: X
\_> chapter 7: repository III (SFW)
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Farmer Sebastian Series Masterlist : x
Completely separate short fic that's got 14 parts, 50k words!
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“Drenched in Magic” 💦 🌕
what happens when MC and Sebastian are running for their lives and he can’t stop flirting even for a second? Even worse what happens when a major mess leads to them needing to clean up in a small pool in the moonlight?
Slight NSFW ; Word count 4K
\_> with audio by @darch7995
“The nose knows” 👃🏻 🧪 💕
What happens when a mixup involving amortentia leads to MC accidentally revealing her crush?
Word count: 4k
\_> with audio by @darch7995
Part 1 ; part 2
“Live, Laugh… Lizard?” 🦎 💋
What happens when a fun outing turns into a slightly frightening experience for MC, and ultimately leads to Sebastian confessing his feelings?
*slight NSFW*
Word count: 4k
\_> with audio by @darch7995
“Strumming Hearts” 🎸 🥃 🚬 (Modern! AU rocker Sebastian)
What happens when MC's friends drag her into a packed night club to see a band she hates purely on principle? She meets a cute guy and in the midst of a miscommunication Sebastian goes far to get the attention of the girl who caught his eye
Word count: 6k
\_> with audio by @darch7995 : Part 1 ; Part 2
“Strumming Hearts II : Mad Sounds” 🎸 🚬 NFSW (Modern! Rocker AU)
In which the freckled guitarist of The Undercroft finds his muse…
Word count : 12k
“That time of year again…” 🎄 💕 NFSW
Sebastian reflects on Christmas’s of old as his holidays worries are put to rest by a sweet love confession, which turns into something more…
Word count : 7k
Sebastian Dad Audios 1 & 2
Brief audios about Sebastian and his life after Hogwarts where he's taking care of his child...
Sebastian, Solomon and Abuse
Random Headcanons with no rhyme or reason
My HC about Sebastian's lip scar, captured by @animasola86
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Aesop Sharp:
"Burning Eyes & Laughter" NFSW
Aesop Sharp meets a new professor whose grumpiness rivals his own. Vignettes throughout the year where he slowly begins to see the truth behind her highly build ways leading to a mix up involving a laughing potion which causes him to see her in a new light...
Audio from story HERE
Word Count: 7k
"My Undeniable Miracle" SFW AUDIO
Aesop narrating John Mark Green's poem with violin in the background
358 notes · View notes
twice-inamillion · 2 years
Twice Interactive Story
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Character List Babies character list
Parts 1-76. Part 77-147
Part 1-16: The Beginning
Part 17-20: Sharon’s First Attack
Part 21-46: Mina’s (Sharon’s) Consequences
Part 47-53: Dahyun Sexually Interested
Part 53-58:Jihyo’s Baby
Part 59-61: Dahyun’s Mistake
Part 62-65: Jihyo’s Reaction
Part 66-68: Mina’s Pregnancy
Part 68.5-70: Confirming Your Love
Part 71-72: Morning Sickness
Part 73-74: The Blues
Part 77: Sneaking In For A Good Time
Part 78-79: Time With Family
Part 80-83: Making Up
Part 84-89: A Moment With Family
Part 88.5 Side Story :(Midnight Snack)
Part 90: Time Abroad
Part 91-94: Coming Back To Mina
Part 95-95: Dahyun’s Secret
Part 99-100 Side Story: Questioning
Part 99.5-103: Mina’s Babies Coming Home
Part 104-108: In Trouble Again
Part 109-112: Dahyun’s Secret/Time with the kids
Part 113: Mina A Good Girl?
Part 114: Mystery Woman
Part 115-118: Member’s Sharing Experience
Part 119-121: Threesome with Michaeng
Part 122-124: Chaeyoung’s Aftercare
Part 125-127: Mina’s Breakdown
Part 128-129: Dahyun’s Move
Part 130: Dahyun’s first lactating experience
Part 131: The Mina Blues
Part 132: Family Date
Part 133: OC’s late night drink
Part 134: Morning Breakfast
Part 135: Family Date with Dahyun
Part 135.1 Side Story: Disappearing Act
Part 135.2 Side Story: Lessons Learned
Part 135.3 Side Story: Baby Talk
Part 135.4 Side Story: Day Trip
Part 136: Time Skip
Part 137: Strawberry Princess nude apron
Part 138: Recollection and Future
Part 139: Breakfast with Dahyun
Part 140: Potential Baby Names
Part 141: An upset Dahyun
Part 142: Plan to rescue Mina
Part 143: Attacked by Mystery woman
Part 144: Morning after the attack
Part 145: Arriving to Japan
Part 146: Busy day with Sana
Part 147: Is that Mina?
Part 147.5 Side Story: Confession
Part 148: Heartbreak
Part 149: Late Night Desire
Part 150: Confronting Mina
Part 151: Mina’s Breakfast
Part 152: Sana’s Bathroom Surprise
Part 153: Sana’s Last Try
Part 154: Coming Home
Part 155: Christmas Tree Decoration
Part 155.5 Side Story: Heart Felt
Part 156: Jihyo’s Date
Part 156.5 Side Story: Missing You
Part 157: Dahyun’s Date
Part 157.5 Side Story: Bathhouse
Part 158: Reeducating Chaeyoung
Part 159: Christmas Together
Part 159.5 Side Story: Reunion
Part 160: Jisoo’s 1st Birthday
Part 161: Sana’s Birthday Wish Part 1
Part 162: Sana’s Birthday Wish Part 2
Part 162.5 Side Story: Birthday Gift
Part 163: New Years Eve/New Years Day
Part 164: Time Skip 2019
Part 164.1 Side Story: Further Learning
Part 164.2 Side Story: Tell All
Part 165: Jihyo’s 22nd Birthday
Part 166: Dahyun’s Last Pregnancy Sex
Part 166.5 Side Story: Aftermath
Part 167: Welcome to the family little tofu
Part 167.5 Side Story: Coming Home
Part 168: Momo’s First Time
Part 168.5 Side Story: Getting Handsy
Part 169: Ari and Hina’s First Birthday
Part 169.5 Side Story: Peeping
Part 170: Twice X Pocari Sweat
Part 171: Chaeyoung’s BestFriend
Part 172: Jihyo’s Special Vacation
Part 172.5 Side Story: Surprise Visitor
Chapter 173: Coming Home To A Surprise
Chapter 173.5 Side Story: Early Gift
Master List 2
Twice Dome Arc
Chapters 174-180
Fancy Arc
Chapter 181- 197
Twicelights World Tour Arc
Chapter 198-
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