#concept title
acmeoop · 2 years
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Droopy: Master Detective Concept Art (1993)
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sygneth · 11 months
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"The Fall of the Starmaker"
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sceebybeeby · 5 months
⚠️spoilers for the entire aj trilogy lol⚠️
is this even anything? don't answer if it isn't
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adragonsfriend · 2 months
Use this one trick to instantly fix all childhood trauma (Jedi Masters don’t want you to know this)!!!!!
That is what every “if Obi-Wan had just— *adds one extra scene to canon* —then Anakin would’ve had perfect mental health and never listened to Palpatine at all,” sounds like to me. Look I am not an expert on any kind of psychology at all let alone early childhood development but,
It is possible to do your very best to help or raise someone and still have bad or imperfect outcomes, especially when you have someone actively, secretly working against you (cough cough Sith Lord of the month cough), (for many reasons, but in this case particularly), because unravelling the mindset built in early childhood is hard, actually.
Coming at this from the “raised in a safe and loving environment” side of things, it took me years to figure out and internalize that my friends whose parents weren’t as great as mine were functioning in an entirely different landscape when it came to their interactions with adults.
Many years ago when I was in middle school a friend (acquaintance? idk I think most people thought I was annoying) told me that her ankle kept giving out and causing her pain. I asked if she'd told her parents so she could rest or go to the doctor. She told me she had, but her mother either hadn't listened or refused to help. My (approximate) responses?
"So it's not actually that bad then?"
"You should tell her again."
"Are you sure you explained it right?"
The only explanation I could comprehend at the time was that there must have been some unclear communication about the situation or its severity--if her mother had understood she was in pain, she couldn't possibly have just not done anything about it? Adults are responsible, caring, etcetera! They wouldn't do that?!
With more experience, I've come to understand better, and learned to respond in kinder, more helpful ways, but the shift in mindset was not and is not intuitive.
And I had the luxury of figuring all that out whilst being safe myself. Coming from the other direction, being in danger and trying to figure out why other people act like the world is safe? I can't say for sure, but I imagine it’s a lot more complicated.
Point with regard to Star Wars being, it really is harder for Anakin, coming in later, to acclimate to the Jedi ways and thought processes than it is for his peers who grew up in the safe environment of the Temple. And whatever arguments people want to have about how much psychology and therapy exist in the Star Wars universe, or how much “Jedi just do cognitive behavioral therapy” (not totally inaccurate, but reductive on several levels), no matter what the answers to those questions, it will still be harder for Anakin.
There is a reason the council changes its mind on training him only after he is suddenly famous and the Sith are proven to be back. When Anakin was not in significant danger of being snatched up by someone else, it was genuinely probably the easier and safer option—for him and everyone else—for him to live a different life.
The Jedi are not necessarily fully prepared for a child with Anakin's history, and, there is nothing bad about living an ordinary life. Anakin would not have been somehow unforgivably robbed by living life as a mechanic or an engineer or something, rather than being a Jedi.
Anakin is a victim of many things in his life—Sidious, Watto, Gardulla, Tatooine’s everything, his own conscious choices—but he is not a victim of malice, incompetence, or idiocy by the Jedi just because they couldn't—in only a decade or so—help him fully and perfectly unravel the mindset he developed in his early childhood. If there was any lack of qualification on their part, it was one they were aware of—but which was outweighed by the danger of little Anakin getting kidnapped out of normal-kid elementary school.
Being brought up in and around slavery absolutely made him more vulnerable to Sidous and became the basis of their dynamic as master and apprentice. Acting like the trauma that affects his mindset and actions for his entire life can be obliterated just by making minimal changes to the plot is wild to me.
And don’t get me wrong, fics and headcanons can do whatever they want, not everyone wants or is trying to write a deep psychological character study (also fanfic and even fiction in general cannot and should not be held to any standard of realism if it's not serving the story and the author)—simple fix-it’s (my love) are fun and an excellent short-cut to other things like happiness and fluff (my other loves)—but don’t act serious about the idea that adding one conversation about his feelings or one extra explanation about Jedi philosophy would automatically lead to Anakin having perfect mental health outcomes and always making good decisions.
Disclaimer (if the ones throughout weren't enough) : please go forth and do whatever you want. the moral of this post is actually just that (1) you won’t convince me, (2) I wanted to talk about this, (3) the clickbait title was too funny not to post, (4) i literally can't open my mouth without phrasing things like i'm in the middle of a heated debate, and (5) i continue to not be an expert in early childhood development—my evidence is very literally anecdotal
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Bandana Dee Across The Bandana-verse
Awhile ago I drew some Bandana Waddle Dees because I think he’s neat and these AUs are neat
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bu99erfly · 3 months
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CHUU 2nd Mini Album 'Strawberry Rush' (Highlight Medley)
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nepotisim · 1 month
I'm so tired of phrases like "anti-woke". Just say you're a racist/homophobic weirdo.
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faerieomenart · 3 days
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Can we talk more about how bamfs are like... demons or what. I feel like they should be a little off putting? Thinking of gremlins or furbies(???) or something. I tried to balance the cuteness and the imp-ness?? I actually don't like these but I need to get this out of my folders and consider it finished, because I already have six other art projects that I'm casually working on... and several being planned. 😭 The brain rot has me going insane, ok ok?? Also I gave this lil' a bow/ribbons... because I say so.
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tratatdragonlord · 2 years
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Ideal or the Real?
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little Orphie ani
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eyeseechan · 7 months
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jesus holding a lamb except it's herbert west holding my ponysona, his first successful reanimation after which him and dan will adopt me and we will live happily ever after together in AMERICAN GOTHIC LAND
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slimeshade · 9 months
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Finally, once she was a safe distance away from that flowing rot, did she stop to look down.
Where once the platforms below had been was now a gigantic sea of that horrible black fluid, churned by the current of the something that had brought it here.
A face had emerged from the sea, barely, just as pitch black. Three pairs of eyes of varying sizes stared at her, all blank and bright and yet also so, so intimately familiar - almost disgustingly so.
But what caught her attention the most was the seventh slit above them; white, rimmed in pinkish tones that danced around like-
Like fire.
Of course. Of course he would do this, the traitor.
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rainpelt25 · 4 months
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She went to the future and they care for her and love her and give her so many treats
Alt. Without text !!
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If you guys don't know the dogs name is Laika, and she was the first earth being to go into space, from what I remember she looped the earth 4 times and then passed away from stress and dehydration. Hoping some faraway aliens found and her and give her lots of pets
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snowpuff79 · 9 months
Title card Remix (w.i.p???)
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Mhhm golbetty
I love at's and fac's title cards so much
I'd render this but I am busy so here very mess very quick thing
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ladytabletop · 8 months
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game design is going well
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qpmuseluvr · 3 months
being aroace in a qpr with a bi person is so funny like They Should make a Show About This
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