#compression emitter
quirkwizard · 4 months
Think you can make QM between Blackhole and Vibrate?
New Quirk Name: Crusher
This Emitter type Quirk allows the user to apply a force of crushing gravity from their hands over a short range. This causes the target to bend, break apart, and fracture under the extreme force. This can deal immense damage, being able to break apart metal and concrete with ease when touching something. The user has some control over how this gravity is directed. While this works at a range, this effect works better with direct contact, able to exert a greater amount of force and having a better handle on it. For example, using it on a metal wall may keep it in place and make it hard to move, but touching it touching would cause it to crush inward or burst out to make a hole for it. This gives the user an amazingly destructive power, able to demolish their surroundings with their gravity. The user can smash apart the terrain, deal massive damage to their enemies, break apart attacks with their gravity, break apart structures to rescue people, or just compress all of their trash to make it easier to deal with. Though this is an extremely destructive, hard-to-control power that the user can't undo, potentially causing an excessive amount of damage. This only works with the user's hands, and using too much can make the user's hands heavier, making it hard to utilize.
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theetwinkleboy · 4 months
question: does aizawa’s quirk work on the emitter of a quirk effect, the person or object under the effect of a quirk, or both? Like, if he looked a compress’ marbles, could he unmarble them, or would it only work if he looked at compress? Or, I guess that also depends on if marbling is a simple state change that doesn’t require further quirk use to maintain, or if it’s an active quirk that compress is maintaining. I wouldn’t think that his quirk would work on anything other than the emitters of the quirk, but I’ve seen lots of fics where Aizawa tries to break a quirk effect by using his quirk on the person under the effect.
Okay. Okay. So say someone is brainwashed by shinsou. In my opinion, Aizawa would only be able to stop the brainwashing if he looked at shinsou, not if he looked at the person he was brainwashing. And I don’t think he would be able to unmarble things even if he did look at compress. Thoughts?
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crappyblue · 1 year
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last month, a friend on my sonic discord server jokingly (or maybe semi-seriously?) suggested we all adopt e-series nicknames. this spawned a separate idea in my head of designing e-series sonas with my friends, which i finally acted on today. this is E-114 Omicron, and no i don't intend to factor in that there was an unseen but mentioned E-114 Omicron in the archie comics
their overall shape, that of a round body with thin limbs and big hands and feet, was inspired by one of the early design concepts for gamma in sonic adventure. other aspects of their design, such as the coloration and the larger cylinders for parts of their limbs, were directly inspired by the gamma's final design
in some kind of hypothetical post-sonic-adventure scenario, eggman built omicron for the purpose of deep water exploration. their metal is coated in a hydrophobic material and sealed water-tight. their lightweight frame is easily propelled by the compressed-air jets located in their feet, and their limbs are completely retractable for maneuvering through small openings. they are equipped with one three-digit hand and small prod that serves as the base of a semi-stable plasma emitter, which they use to cut through stone and metal. inside them is one of the unnamed fish from sonic cd that show up in tidal tempest when you destroy the metal sonic projector
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selfixsworld · 20 days
I´m bored...
so i´ll give some ideas for quirks for BNHA DRs or OC:
Script Template: @/mx.levias on TikTok — linktree (NOT MY SCRIPT)
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Quirk Inspired By: Terra (DC Comics) // Rarity (My Little Pony)
¦ ⌈Quirk Type⌉ ⩵ Transformation - Emitter
Crystal Attacks
Crystal Constructs
Crystal Generation
Crystal Solidification
Crystallokinetic Flight
Crystallokinetic Surfing
Shard Manipulation
Sharpness Manipulation
Crystal Absorption
Crystal Aura
Crystal Capacitor: Basically Capacitor but for crystals, possible giving them Supernatural Properties.
Crystal Empowerment
Crystal Manipulation
Crystal Mimicry
Crystal Weaponry
Crystal Healing
Crystal Mimicry
Crystal Sealing
Crystallokinetic Combat
Crystallokinetically Enhanced Condition
Crystal Exoskeleton
Crystal Infusion
Crystal Wall Generation
Crystal Embodiment
Crystal Energy Manipulation
Crystal Magic
Esoteric Crystal Manipulation
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Special Moves:
⟦✧ Crystal Barrage ✧⟧ = The user generates and launches a flurry of sharp crystal shards at high speed, overwhelming enemies with a rain of deadly projectiles. The shards can be aimed with pinpoint accuracy, allowing for both wide-area attacks or focused strikes.
⟦◈ Prism Shield ◈⟧ = By manipulating nearby crystals, the user forms a powerful and nearly indestructible crystal shield. This shield can reflect light-based attacks and withstand extreme pressure or damage, offering formidable defense.
⟦◆ Crystal Exoskeleton ◆⟧ = The user coats their body with a crystalline armor that boosts their physical strength and endurance while providing enhanced protection. The armor can be enhanced by absorbing surrounding Crystal, making the user even more durable in combat.
⟦♦ Shardstorm Strike ♦⟧ = The user summons a storm of razor-sharp ♦crystal shards♦ that circle around them like a tornado, cutting through anything in the surrounding area. This attack can be used both offensively and defensively, creating a barrier of deadly shards.
⟦✴ Shatterpulse ✴⟧ = The user detonates all nearby crystals in a massive shockwave of sharp shards and energy, devastating the surrounding area. The attack causes significant damage but requires precise control to avoid harming allies
⟦❂ Crystal Goliath ❂⟧ = The user gathers and compresses crystals to create a massive golem-like entity that fights on their behalf. This crystalline creature possesses immense strength and can reform itself if broken, making it a nearly unstoppable force.
⟦✧ Diamond Reflection ✧⟧ = By creating a large, polished crystal surface, the user can reflect energy-based attacks back at the opponent. The stronger and more polished the crystal, the more potent the reflection.
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✧ Crystal Fatigue: Prolonged use of crystal generation and manipulation significantly drains the user’s stamina, causing physical and mental exhaustion.
✦ Focus Drain: Creating precise crystal constructs or powerful crystal entities (like golems) requires intense concentration. Losing focus even momentarily can cause the constructs to collapse or malfunction.
♦ Crystal Fragility: While crystals provide great defense, excessive use of the crystal exoskeleton or shield can lead to cracks or fractures, making the user vulnerable once the crystals shatter.
◈ Shard Recoil: If not controlled properly, launching or manipulating too many shards at once can backfire, causing the shards to cut or injure the user.
✺ Crystal Healing Strain: Using crystals for healing draws from the user’s energy. Overuse can lead to dizziness, internal pain, or in some cases, severe dehydration.
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Hey do you have any quirk ideas based off of Minecraft?
firstly thank you for the ask! secondly, this is definitely one of the more interesting requests i have gotten so far, but i'll give it a shot!
quirks under the cut
i haven't played minecraft in a super long time, so if some of my knowledge is a little bit dated, i apologize for that!
i'm gonna start with some fun specifically player-y based minecraft quirks
Cube: An emitter quirk that allows the user to condense an object into a cube that is able to fit in the palm of one's hand. (like how you put things into your inventory in minecraft) (Note: this one is kind of similar to Compress, which is Mr. Compress' quirk, so maybe be wary with the detail you add to this one if you use it!)
Break Apart: An emitter quirk that allows the user to turn anything they punch into smaller portions to use. (like how punching trees gives you lil wood blocks)
Craft: An emitter quirk that allows the user to combine items they have into one single item by touching said items.
Enchant: An emitter quirk that allows the user to give others a limited amount of temporary "buffs". (you decide the buffs!)
now i'm going to do some based on the minecraft enemies except for creepers bc i'm still mad one killed me and my nephew after we found diamonds for the first time
Spider: A mutant quirk that grants the user the legs jaws, and mutliple eyes of a spider. Users will also be able to spin webs, walk on walls, and produce venom.
Teleportation: An emitter quirk that allows the user to disappear and reappear in a new place. (this was the only real thing i could think of for the enderman)
Slime: An emitter quirk that gives the user a gel-like body.
Golem: An emitter quirk that allows the user to create creatures from the dust and Earth. (Note: i swear there is a canon quirk similar to this. i thought it was Anthropomorph, but it's not that similar so if anyone knows pls lmk)
bonus quirk!
Canine Friend: An emitter quirk that causes the user to create quick and strong bonds with animals in the canine family. Canines befriended by the user will defend them in a fight, even to the death.
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Aug 25th, 2013
Title: Launcher & Sword Strike Spot
Spot's Aile Striker ✈️🤖 pack wasn't enough to finish the job in some missions, so he need a different approach with two different Striker Packs, and it delivers! The "Launcher Strike" 🔫🤖 can deal opponents with a long-range artillery cannon, along with two missiles & a vulcan, while the "Sword Strike" 🗡️🤖 makes a devastating slash with a long anti-ship sword, a single beam boomerang & a anchor to grab opponent before slicing it to bits.
Launcher Strike Spot & Sword Strike Spot Came from the real: GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike & GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike
Launcher Strike Spot's armament(s):
• "Agni" 320mm Hyper Impulse Cannon The primary weapon of the Launcher Strike, this large beam cannon with a total length of about 20m was one of the most powerful mobile suit mounted beam weapon at its introduction. It generates and fires critical plasma energy in a highly compressed state as a burst impulse in the order of microseconds, easily destroying a enemy in one shot and blasting a hole through a space colony's wall. Although its energy consumption is high, repeated firing for an extended period of time is possible by connecting to an external power supply. It is mounted on the left side of the backpack via an arm unit, and held under the left shoulder when in use.
• Combo Weapons Pod The secondary weapon of the Launcher Strike, it is a close range, defensive, composite armament unit consisting of a 120mm anti-ship vulcan gun and two 350mm gun launchers. It is mounted on the right shoulder and can lock onto multiple targets simultaneously. The 120mm anti-ship vulcan gun is effective in intercepting opponent at close-mid range and can also be used for anti-ship combat. As for the 350mm gun launchers, they are missile launchers, but can also fire a variety of projectiles including grenades.
Sword Strike Spot's Armament(s):
• "Schwert Gewehr" 15.78m Anti-ship Sword The "Schwert Gewehr" 15.78m anti-ship sword is the Sword Strike's largest and primary weapon. It is a large physical sword that has a laser blade along the cutting edge. The large blade is designed to easily slice mobile suits in half or to cut off sections of a ship such as the guns. Although "Schwert Gewehr" was designed to have a laser gun at the bottom end, Strike only uses the prototype model which lacks this feature and has it replaced by a short beam blade emitter. Due to its sharp tip, the sword can also be used for aquatic combat. It is stored on the right side of the backpack when not in use.
• "Panzer Eisen" Rocket Anchor Mounted on the left forearm, the front portion is a rocket-propelled anchor that is shot out on a reinforced polymer cable. The anchor's claw can open and close to capture or destroy the target. The cable's reel case is installed behind the front portion, and the entire weapon can function as a shield with anti-beam coating. The weapon can also be used for aquatic combat and can defend against the Phonon Maser.
• "Midas Messer" Beam Boomerang A throwing weapon that emits a short beam blade on one end, and can return to the owner after throwing, often catching enemy units by surprise. It is equipped with a system similar to the beam saber, and the generated beam blade does not dissipate when it leaves the armors' hand due to the in-built large-capacity power condenser. It is stored on Sword Strike's left shoulder armor when not in use.
Special Feature(s) for Launcher & Sword Striker Packs:
• Striker Packs System A specially designed auxiliary armament units that allows a unit to adapt to a number of different roles. Originally developed for the armor "Strike", it is also used by its mass production counterparts and their successors. Similar armament units are subsequently used by other factions and they are given different names.
• Phase Shift Armor The Launcher & Sword Striker Packs are equipped with phase shift armor. When activated the Launcher Strike's color is changed from a light grey to a white scheme with a bit of blue and red mixed in. Phase Shift armor, when activated, renders the Strike immune to physical attacks such as bullets, physical blade combats, or against missiles. However Phase Shift armor continually drains the battery of energy, shortening the mobile suit's combat endurance, and uses up additional energy when it is hit.
Spot Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME! Armors (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu
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wordchanter · 3 months
5 Random Technobabble Phrases
Re-orient the lepton de-stabilizer with the disconnector
Re-start the baryon emitter
Flush the chronoton tracker by way of the associator
Use the baryon conveyor to compress the muon sequencer
Align the graviton intermixer with the quark collider
0 notes
this-week-in-rust · 1 year
This Week in Rust 496
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Project/Tooling Updates
Solving the "floating point precision" problem with... floats?
Sniffnet v1.2.0
Bevy + WebGPU
rust-analyzer changelog #182
Update-informer v1.0.0
Pavex, a new Rust web framework - #4: Performance is a feature
Opensourcing Whichlang, a fast language detection library for Rust
How Much Memory Do You Need to Run 1 Million Concurrent Tasks?
Open sourcing our Rust crate audits
Rust & Nix: Parallels in Complexity Management
[audio] PyO3 with David Hewitt
Rust Walkthroughs
The magic of scope guards
Mocking in Rust: Mockall and alternatives - LogRocket Blog
Compress-a-Palooza: Unpacking 5 Billion Varints in only 4 Billion CPU Cycles
Resilient LL Parsing Tutorial
ESP32 Embedded Rust at the HAL: Timer Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
A guide to closures in Rust
Guide to parsing with nom
[video] N-Queens Puzzle (PART 2) - Rust - Codurance Screenkata
[video] Nico Lehmann, Flux: Liquid Types for Rust
RustConf 2023 Schedule
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is whichlang, a fast no-dependencies OSS natural language detector.
Thanks to Brian Kung for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
bilge - Allow others to define their own -Bits derives
Hyperswitch - Implement CardsInfoInterface for MockDb
Hyperswitch - Implement DisputeInterface for MockDb
Hyperswitch - Unite payment intent and setup intent in stripe compatibility
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
314 pull requests were merged in the last week
CFI: fix encode_ty: unexpected Param(B/#1)
diagnostic: wrap parens for ref impl trait param
resolve: only disambiguate binding key during define
add --remote-time flag to curl for bootstrap
add a conversion from &mut T to &mut UnsafeCell<T>
add creation time support to FileTimes on apple and windows
add derive for core::marker::ConstParamTy
always fall back to PartialEq when a constant in a pattern is not recursively structural-eq
better diagnostic for use Self::..
debug format Const's less verbosely
do not recover when parsing stmt in cfg-eval
don't expect normalization to succeed in elaborate_drops
don't inline functions with unsized args
don't skip inference for type in offset_of!
don't use inner macro in marker_impls
dont check must_use on nested impl Future from fn
erase ReError properly
erase regions of type in offset_of!
exclude inherent projections from some alias type matches
fix dependency tracking for debugger visualizers
fix doc comment for ConstParamTy derive
fix duplicate arcinner_layout_for_value_layout calls when using the uninit Arc constructors
fix local libs not included when printing native static libs
fix overflow in error emitter
fix recursion depth handling after confirmation
fix: emit error when fragment is MethodReceiverExpr and items is empty
get current target config from --print=cfg
give a more useful location for where a span_bug was delayed
give better error when collecting into &[T]
handle error body in generator layout
improve cgu merging debug output
keep only the trait when emitting the error for MyTrait + 'a
merge return place with other locals in CopyProp
merge some query impl modules into one
move rustc_middle/src/ty/query.rs to rustc_middle/src/query/plumbing.rs
only depend on CFG_VERSION in rustc_interface
optimize next_chunk impls for Filter and FilterMap
process current bucket instead of parent's bucket when starting loop for dominators
recover impl<T ?Sized> correctly
rename {drop,forget}_{copy,ref} lints to more consistent naming
replace QueryStruct with arrays local to rustc_query_impl
shorten backtraces for queries in ICEs
shorten even more panic temporary lifetimes
specialize ToString implementation for fmt::Arguments
specialize query execution for incremental and non-incremental
support PGO on custom project
support RISC-V unaligned-scalar-mem target feature
suppress "erroneous constant used" for constants tainted by errors
use error term in projection if missing associated item in new solver
add the weak-intrinsics feature
stabilize feature cstr_is_empty
stabilize feature nonzero_negation_ops
constify slice_as_chunks (unstable)
use code with reliable branchless code-gen for slice::sort merge
ascii::Char-ify the escaping code in core
hashbrown: add NEON backend for RawTable
hashbrown: add support for allocator-api2
regex syntax: fix overflow for big counted repetitions
cargo: lints feature
cargo: pass -C debuginfo after weakening if explicitly set
rustdoc: hide repr attribute from doc of types without guaranteed repr
rustdoc: include strikethrough in item summary
rustdoc: Only keep impl blocks from bodies
clippy: add minimal_cfg_condition lint
clippy: SpanlessEq improvements
clippy: match_wild_err_arm: do not lint in const contexts
clippy: redundant_pattern_matching: check for single-arm match
clippy: dbg_macro: don't remove dbg! in arbitrary expressions
clippy: don't suggest unnameable types in box_default, let_underscore_untyped
clippy: enhance needless_collect: lint in method/function arguments that take an IntoIterator
clippy: fix invalid_regex not recognizing new syntax introduced after regex-1.8.0
clippy: fix some suggestions generated by the option_if_let_else lint
clippy: ignoring let_underscore_untyped warnings in code from proc macros
clippy: rename integer_arithmetic
rust-analyzer: consider block impls in lookup_impl_assoc_item_for_trait_ref
rust-analyzer: expand format_args! with more details
rust-analyzer: add moved-out-of-ref diagnostic
rust-analyzer: highlight used trait assoc items when cursor is on trait import or trait bound
rust-analyzer: render hover actions for closure captures and sig
rust-analyzer: support C string literals
rust-analyzer: consider all tokens in macro expr when analyzing locals
rust-analyzer: fix preorder_expr skipping the else block of let-else statements
rust-analyzer: fix evaluating negation for floating point types
rust-analyzer: handle match scrutinee in closure captures
rust-analyzer: introduce new type var when expectation for ref pat is not ref
rust-analyzer: place type inlay hints after the item and without left-padding
rust-analyzer: process macro_use prelude in semantic scope resolver
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
There were a few regressions, but most were expected, and one in particular (PR #111807) is expected yield gains in object code performance at the expense of a slight compile-time hit. There are a couple PR's that need future followup, namely PRs #111364 and #111524.
Triage done by @pnkfelix. Revision range: 3ea9ad53..cda5becc
3 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 5 Mixed; 2 of them in rollups 51 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
[disposition: merge] eRFC: single-file packages ("cargo script") integration
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Stabilize inline asm for LoongArch64 (editor's note: "LoongArch" is not a typo)
[disposition: merge] Uplift clippy::invalid_utf8_in_unchecked lint
[disposition: merge] Uplift clippy::cast_ref_to_mut lint
[disposition: merge] Uplift clippy::undropped_manually_drops lint
[disposition: merge] Make pointer_structural_match normal and warn
[disposition: merge] [mir-opt] SimplifyLocals should also clean up debuginfo
[disposition: merge] Remove structural match from TypeId
[disposition: merge] Fix docs for alloc::realloc
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: #[export] (dynamically linked crates)
[new] Generic Futures
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-05-24 - 2023-06-21 🦀
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Charlottesville, VA, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Practical Monads
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Ciudad de México, MX) | Rust MX
Proyecto "Taller de Rust"
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Karlsruhe, DE) | The Karlsruhe Functional Programmers Meetup Group
Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der C++ UG KA) - various topics, from C++ to Rust
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Raleigh, NC, US) | Triangle BitDevs
Rust for Bitcoiners
2023-05-25 | Virtual (San Francisco, CA, US) | Data + AI Online Meetup
D3L2: Discussing Rust, Ballista, Ray SQL, DataFusion with Andy Grove
2023-05-30 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2023-05-31 | Virtual (Chicago, IL, US) | Chicago Healthcare Cloud Technology Community
Rust for Mission-Critical AI: A Journey into Healthcare's Safest Language
2023-06-06 | Virtual (Austin, TX, US) | WebAssembly and WasmEdge
Monthly WasmEdge Community Meeting - Run Rust Warp in WasmEdge -- Alan, Poon Yong Quan
2023-06-06 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-06-06 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-06-07 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2023-06-07 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-06-08 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2023-06-13 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2023-06-20 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | Berline.rs / OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-06-20 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2023-06-21 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-05-25 | Amsterdam, NL | Frontend Developer Meetup Amsterdam
Svelte Frontend Meetup (signup required) - Building a Svelte-Rust app using Tauri
2023-06-10 | Kuala Lumpur, MY | GoLang Malaysia
Rust Workshop/Hack and Learn Malaysia June 2023 | Event updates Telegram | Event group chat
2023-05-24 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #4
2023-05-25 | Barcelona, ES | C++ Programmer Meetup.
Rust for C++ Developers.
2023-05-25 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust metup #36 at Adapt Agency!
2023-05-25 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust Paris meetup #59
2023-05-30 | Barcelona, ES | BcnRust
10th BcnRust Meetup
2023-06-03 | Plovidv, BG | AeroRust
Space Conference - Plovdiv
2023-06-04 | Plovidv, BG | AeroRust
Space Conference : Nanosatellite embedded workshop
2023-06-08 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Rust Aarhus meetup #2 sponsored by BRØLSTÆRK
2023-06-08 | Zurich, CH | Rust Zurich
Unsafe, Miri, SIMD - June Meetup
2023-05-30 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
May Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
I guess the nicest example of this phenomenon is shared mutability. Programmers have been arguing for decades whether it is sharing xor mutability that causes memory safety bugs:
"It's threads!" – shouted JavaScript and Python, and JS remained single-threaded, and Python introduced the GIL.
"It's mutability!" – screamed Haskell and Erlang, and they made (almost) everything immutable.
And then along came Rust, and said: "you are fools! You can have both sharing and mutability in the same language, as long as you isolate them from each other."
– H2CO3 on rust-users
Thanks to Jacob Pratt for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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quirkwizard · 9 months
Can you do a quirk marriage between permeation and barrier for the ultimate defense or for compress and anivoice for pokemon… jokes aside I would love to see your take on one of these quirk marriages and I love your work. TY!
New Quirk Name: Minimals or Pocket Monsters
This Emitter type Quirk allows the user to make a small blue orb from their hand. When one of these hits an animal, it is captured within it in a kind of stasis. The user can then unleash the animal under their mental control. This gives the user a connection to the animal, able to see through them. Animals connected to the user will obey all their commands regardless of their wellbeing or the danger. The user can return the animals to their balls whenever they wish. This gives the user a good mix of options, capturing whatever animal they wish for their menagerie. They can scout over areas, have them pull off various tasks, listen in on their enemies, outmaneuver foes with various attackers, or suddenly unleash a bunch of animals on their foes. Though this only works on animals and the user has to capture them beforehand, which can be difficult. If the original marble is destroyed, then the animal is freed of the user's control.
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Connection of a drip to sprinkler pipes
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When it rains a lot and the water table is high, running your sprinkler system daily keeps both your lawn and garden nutritious and healthy. Drip irrigation technology, developed in the dry climate of the Israeli desert, delivers water more efficiently, and it's not difficult to connect drip hoses to your sprinkler pipes. Adapters are available that allow you to remove a single sprinkler and connect drip tubing to the riser, but with a tee on the sprinkler line, you can use both irrigation systems.
Turn off the water to the sprinkler system. The valve is usually located near where the sprinkler line joins the main water line. If you cannot find an appropriate valve, shut off the main water line for the house.
Using a shovel, dig up a 60 cm section of the pipe that feeds the sprinkler system. If you are not sure where to dig, draw a mental line between the sprinkler valve station and the point where the sprinkler pipe joins the main water line. Dig somewhere along this line.
Remove enough soil to completely expose the pipe, which is probably 2 cm of PVC. Cut the pipe with a hand saw. Wait until all the water has drained away, then glue in a 2-cm tee with the outlet facing up using solvent-based glue.
Glue a piece of PVC pipe that extends 90 or 120 cm above the floor to the tee. Ideally, the pipe should be close enough to a fence or building that it can be attached for support. If it is not, you may need to drive a stake into the ground to support it. Now you can backfill the hole.
Attach an outside spigot to the pipe. The easiest way to do this is to tape a 2 cm male adapter to the pipe and screw the spigot onto the adapter. Wrap tape around the threads of the adapter and tighten the spigot with a wrench to prevent leaks.
Attach a vacuum breaker to the spigot if it does not already have one. This will prevent debris from draining to the back and into the water supply.
Screw a filter to the vacuum breaker. This will prevent hard water debris from entering the drip system and clogging the emitters. Screw a hose adapter to the filter. This fitting has a hose thread on one side and a compression coupling on the other.
Call the Emergency Plumber in Worcester. We are 24 hours available.
0 notes
tittaanywhere · 2 years
Milk alchemistry minecraft
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Don’t compress your wheat while exploring.
I hear ender lily seeds are tall grass drops….
Worms? Worms! Hoe the grass blocks to get these precious creatures to constantly water and occasionally fertilize your crops.
Grab any chests, furnaces and pistons you can find.
Find a village with a building that has a bed, like a watch tower.
Vanilla iron/gold tools and armor smelt down for one nugget of their respective material.
Wooden and stone tools can be crafted in a 2x2 crafting grid.
The crafting table is not the same recipe you remember.
Underground biomes blocks do not mine at the same speed as vanilla, this is not a fixable thing.
It doesn’t respect the difference between Underground Biomes’ ore blocks, so you will have to vein each one separately.
After an update, you need to run the command /bq_admin default load to receive the new quests.
FTB Chunks is the chunk claiming/chunkloading mod for the pack.
After all, this is 16+ months in the making. And thank Atricos for his hard work on this modpack.
Visit the pack discord! Check the modpack page for an invite, I’m not a crossing station.
This is the constellation that the stellar refraction table uses for fortune/looting and the ritual is for tick acceleration. And then check the night sky each 36 days after, because the night of an eclipse is when the Horologium constellation appears in the sky.
Did the world suddenly go dark on you in the middle of the day? Look up, it may be an eclipse.
Be careful of pumpkin spiders/koblins as they WILL spawn in your house regardless of light levels.
Divine RPG is one of the star mods for mobs and exploration.Caving is a lot more open and a lot more dangerous.
YUNGS better caves is the cave generator of this pack.
It CAN AND DOES cause cascading worldgen lag, this has already been reported numerous times.
Recurrent Complex is the ruins/structure spawning mod of the modpack.
Set yourself a goal of what item you want to make for the day/week/chapter/whatever. Please report your issue politely, devs are people too, and they deserve all the respect.
Found a bug? Report it to the github for the mod pack.
If this is your first time experiencing one… prepare to cry. The pack dev and his team? did a great job compiling this information.
The questbook and the Tips config of this modpack are full of information that is worth a read.
But don’t get upset if that's what your server admin DOESN’T want to do.
There is no shame in playing on peaceful and/or using gamerule keepinventory true, firetick false and mobgriefing false.
I don’t recommend running other applications alongside if your computer is chugging along.
8GB of RAM is the sweet spot for running this modpack.
Just don’t forget where it is, because recrafting it is expensive.
On a server? Bury it at your base location.
Like, bury it in a chest at spawn, mark it on your map, and forget about it until the end game.
Put that locked pouch in a safe place.
Use A to bookmark recipes on the left side of your inventory screen, because those recipes? They are different!
JEI is your friend, your ally, and your secretary all in one mod.
narocne veci (typu 'crop stick' farm stavet ve 'Void dimension').
nestavet moc veci v jednom chunku v hodne patrech, spise zabrat vetsi prostor horizontalne.
minimalizovat pouziti AE 'crafting card', pouzivat spise 'level emitter'.
nejpozdeji v chapter 13 mit v zakladne button/lever na vypnuti vseho.
velky pozor na creep farmy, at se tam nehromadi veci lezici na zemi.
mekanism universal kabely nahradit jinymi kabely, jak to pujde.
nestavet multiblock stavby na hranici chunku (F9 - zobrazeni chunku).
: 'int me.UpgradableItemUtils.getUpgrades(.ItemStack, me.PNCUpgrade)'Īt .hasBlockTrackerUpgrade(GoggledChecker.java:14) ~ Īt .m_91354_(Minecraft.
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0 notes
prokopetz · 2 years
In the space gerbil game, I really want to see a mechanism for recombining adjectives and nouns from the Mech Suit System table into new systems. Either in-game, or as a wildcard entry on the table. I think it'd be fun to have a mech suit with an Optical Capacitor or a Homing Inverter!
(With reference to this post here.)
Okay, well, that's definitely going in the next revision.
361 notes · View notes
the-weirdos-mind · 3 years
League of Villains X Teen! Reader: You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid
Songfic of the song with the same name by The Offspring. Here’s the reader’s quirk: 
 Quirk- Manipulation
Type- Emitter
How it works- Similar to Aizawa’s and Nighteye’s quirks you have to look someone in the eye to get them under control. They’re unaware that you’re controlling them but still aware of their senses. When you have someone under control you can do whatever you want with them until you either look away from that person (it doesn’t always have to be eye contact), blink, or release them. Whenever someone is under your spell, it’s like being trapped in a room with one-way glass. They are aware of what’s going on but, can’t get help. 
Drawbacks- If you use the power for more than an hour you’ll get a headache. If you push yourself you’ll get a migraine. You can choose when to activate it and for how long but the time still adds to an hour no matter how many times you activate it in the day.
Trigger warnings: Blood and use of violence, if I’m missing anything then let me know so I can correct it 
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Show me how to lie You're getting better all the time And turning all against the one Is an art that's hard to teach
    You followed Giran down the hallway to an unknown place. You had the hood of you (F/C) on to hide your (H/L) (H/C) hair with your eyes on the ground. You watched as foot after foot in (F/C) shoes put pressure on the dirty ground. You mentally sighed as you reflect your life choices. You didn’t want to live this life but everyone around you saw your quirk as one thing; villainous. You got tired of the words and became what they wanted you be. You realized that heroes are worthless and they didn’t care that a young (boy/girl/person) was heading down a dark path. You glanced up to see the man opening the door. You immediately looked down and followed him in the room.
     Side glancing at the room you noticed it was a bar. There was a purple cloud like man with yellow eyes in a suit and a metal brace around his neck. He was polishing a glass behind the bar. On a red stool was another man holding a glass of alcohol. He had his pinky raised away from the glass though and you silently raised an eyebrow. Is this because of his quirk or is he British? His shaggy blue hair was covering most of his face but when he turned to face the two, you saw a pale hand covering his face and his red eyes glaring at you. You glanced down at the floor. Not yet.
    “You seriously brought a child?” He asked setting the glass cup down. “You do know that this is for mature adults? And (she/he/they) can’t stare at me in the eyes? How rude.” His voice was raspy and you concluded he was holding the glass like that was because of his quirk.
  “Shigaraki, this is (Y/N), I brought (him/her/them) cause (he/she/they) need some training with (his/her/their) quirk.” Giran said and took a drag from his cigarette. He exhaled and a smoke cloud came in the room. “(He/She/They) is getting better at it but, (he/she/they) still needs some help.”
    You rolled your eyes at him. “At least I don’t treat kids like they’re nothing.” You mumbled still bitter about Shigaraki’s comment.
     “What was that?” The blue haired man asked, dangerously.
     “So, you’re deaf huh? I thought an excellent leader would treat a new recruit with respect no matter the age they are.”
Another clever word Sets off an unsuspecting herd And as you get back into line A mob jumps to their feet
    “Shut up.” Shigaraki muttered and scratched his neck. He was stressed about the trouble this kid was causing. Sure he and Dabi didn’t get along but he liked being in control. “(He/She/They) is mature for (his/her/their) age.” Giran said. “Maybe with (him/her/them) as leader it won’t be bad.” He added. He knew what you were doing. If you get him mad enough to get him to look at you in the eye then you can show off your quirk. You did keep your mouth shut as the man stood up and walked over to you. You looked at him in the eye and a (F/C) hue came to your (E/C) eyes. His eyes begin to fog up a little, not enough to appear blind but enough to look suspicious.
Now dance, ****er, dance Man, he never had a chance And no one even knew It was really only you
     Shigaraki barely saw the change of your eye color. He was so surprised to started dancing. His feet moved in a fast pace in place. “What the ****!?!” He yelled, only in his mind. Dabi started laughing again. The scarred man leaned over clutching his stomach. He’s laughing so hard he might start crying, or blood will fall from his destroyed tear ducts, if he’s not careful. After a few minutes of dancing you blinked to end the curse on him. They didn’t know that you caused it to happen. Giran smirked and patted you on the head. “What the h***?” The man asked looking around, wondering what just happened.
    “That is (his/her/their) quirk at work.” He man said before the other could get angry. “With a power like (hers/his/theirs) would be useful for heist situations and causing diversions wouldn’t it?”
    “What is (his/her/theirs) quirk?” The wisp man asked.
    “Manipulation.” You said. “Whenever I look at someone in the eyes it activates my power. I can hold control of them for at least an hour before I get a headache. Best part is no one knows that they’re under my grasp.” You said.
    “I’ll admit that I’m impressed.” Shigaraki said. “Welcome I guess.”
    Giran smiled. “You won’t be disappointed.”
And now you steal away Take him out today
   After a few weeks of joining the League you’re on your first solo mission. Before this one you were mainly paired with a blonde haired girl named Toga. She was pretty nice when she wasn’t obsessing over blood or trying to stab you. Other times you were paired with a man named Twice. He would say two different things and it would give you mixed feelings about a job well done.
    You walked through the area of the city to a hero agency. Your job is to find maps of the inside and steal them. Shigaraki didn’t care if they were on paper or not all he cared about was getting them, It’s pretty simple to do but considering this is you, you had a knife and a handheld gun just in case if things went south. So far it was going well. You got a security guard under control and using him you were able to get a computer with the building’s layout on it. Pulling out a flash drive that Compress had given you, you stuck it in the computer and start downloading. Unfortunately, you looked away from the guard and he glared at you.
    “I don’t know your plan here kid, but it’s best if you leave now.” He said. He did try to alert someone but it was useless, he was trapped in his mind until you looked away. You looked at him and put your hand in your pocket with the knife.
    “I don’t think so.” You said. Before he could call for backup you pulled the knife out and threw it at his chest. He gasped at the impact of the knife and slumped to the floor. Blood was falling from the wound fast, staining his shirt and forming a puddle. Thankfully there was a ding as the data had finished uploading to the flash drive. You walked over to the computer and pulled it out. You smirked as you pocketed it and pulled the knife out from the guard. You left the building leaving behind a guard slowly bleeding to death.
Nice work you did You're gonna go far, kid
    You walked back into the hideout and put the flash drive on the bar next to Shigaraki. He nodded at you when he saw it. “Good job. A win for us.” He said and carefully pocketed the piece of tech.
    “And in an hour too.” Spinner said.
    “That’s really impressive!” Twice said. “It’s not that impressive.”
    You feel a hand clamp on your head and ruffle your hair. “Not bad, kid.” Dabi said. He could tell you’re gonna go far in the villain industry.
With a thousand lies And a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
   You had gotten in the school with one of the best lies you have, your parents went there. It wasn’t U.A. but it’s also training people for the hero industry. The plan was to get the best marks in the school and transfer to U.A. as the highest in your class. Giran came into play for making fake documents that pass off as real.
    The one on one fight that took place with some kid you didn’t even bother to know was annoying. His quirk was something water related and you almost drowned a couple of times. You finally looked at him in the eye and ordered him to stop. You ran up to him and punched his face, in the between the eyes a couple of times. The first one stun him while the other knocked him out.
When you walk away Nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
   You panted and wiped the sweat away from your forehead. You walked away from the ring where the training took place and looked at everyone else. They looked away from you in fear and parted like a body of water. You swore you saw someone running for their life. You smirked to yourself and took your seat on the bleachers. Pride danced in your eyes like lightning.
Slowly out of line And drifting closer in your sights So play it out I'm wide awake It's a scene about me
  The first thing the infamous Class 1-A noticed about you is how secretive you were. You shared nothing about yourself other than your name and quirk. They noticed that you did some… shady things to put it mildly. Some noticed you snuck out of the dorms at night. Idia, Miydoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki had followed you to an alleyway and heard you talking to some shadowy figure there. Both spoke in soft whispers that they couldn’t tell who you were talking to and whether or not they were male or female. Other than that occurrence, they didn’t get anything else.
   About a week later, the League attacked UA. You had managed to get them in through your student ID and gave them full access to the school, by a really good copy of the little plastic card. Five minutes prior to the attack, you had excused yourself from math, who needs it anyways, and went to the bathroom. While the lockdown was going on, you met with Toga in the halls. The plan was to get to All Might and kill him, the typical plan made by the man child of a leader you have. You both heard footsteps running towards you and saw it was the class president, Iida. “(L/N), get away from her!” He yelled, doing his hand chop thing. You smirked and took out the dagger the blonde handed you. “No, I don’t think I will.” You responded. Time to shine.
There's something in your way                                                                       And now someone is gonna pay And if you can't get what you want,                                                              Well, it's all because of me
    He stood there, shell shocked at the sight before him. His classmate was a villain? You couldn’t use your quirk yet, anyways. You decided to let the scene play out. You let a dark chuckle seeing his face. “All my life I’ve been told that I was best suited for a villain. You know, you could’ve used the time you knew me to get to know me but, everyone treated me the same as before! It’s too bad that things had to end like this. Wait, no it’s not that bad. You and your class are gonna pay!” You yelled. You lunged at him and he dodged as he snapped out of his shocked state.
    “(Y/N), it doesn’t have to be this way!” He said and continued to dodge the blade. He was still surprised and didn’t attempt to fight back because he couldn’t believe the suspicions about you were true. You growled in frustration. “It’s too late for me anyways. You can’t turn me to the light.” You said and looked at him in the eyes and yours started glowing (F/C). He almost let out a gasp but it didn’t leave his body as his eyes fogged up a little.
Now dance, ****er, dance, man, I never had a chance And no one even knew, it was really only you And now you'll lead the way
   You smiled as the class representative had fallen for your trick. “Now, we’re going back to the class, and you’re going to act like everything is alright.” You ordered.
   He nodded. “Yes, (Sir/Ma’am/Other).” He said, voice coming out robotically. He set off to find his class and you followed him, due to your power. The irony of the situation was almost amusing to you. Almost. The head of the class, now a puppet. A puppet that can dance to whatever twisted moves that you have set for it.
Show the light of day Nice work you did You're gonna go far, kid Trust deceived
    You followed him down the twisting paths of the hallways to the rest of the class. Your gaze fixed on the back of his head. You knew Toga was going to inform everyone else that everything was according to plan. Finally, the two of you reached the hiding area where everyone else was. “Thank goodness you found, (him/her/them!)” You heard Izuku said. Then he noticed that something was off about his classmates. You were refusing to look at anybody else than the boy in front of you and Iida’s looked dazed. Like he was… under someone’s control.
    The greenette’s eyes widened. His classmate was… no. He had his suspicions but the truth is hard to handle. Before he could say anything, Iida gave him a swift kick in the face.
With a thousand lies and a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
    They stood there in surprise and shock. A blanket of fear had covered them, making them stand there like statues. The only sounds were the groans of Miydoriya and the thud of his body hitting the ground. “I-Iida.” Ochaco stuttered in fear. No one had expected the class president to attack their classmate outside of training. The blue haired boy then hit the nearest person, Mineta, giving him a punch to the cheek. No one really reacted to that. In all honesty, the grape had it coming.
When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
     While they were distracted, you used the opportunity to leave. It didn’t matter if Iida was going to spill the secret you kept from them. That s*** was already out. You smirked to yourself knowing which side of the street you belong in.
Now dance, ****er, dance, he never had a chance And no one even knew, it was really only you So dance, ****er, dance, I never had a chance It was really only you
    The mission went out as planned. It was only a ploy to strike fear in the hearts of citizens. After all, an attack with no causalities is far worse with ones that do. You now sat at the bar, a bottle of water in your hand. You may be a criminal but the age of drinking consent is something that you can’t argue with.  No matter how hard you tried. The news was on talking about the event. Everyone was able to get away without anyone being caught. Call it luck or whatever but, you’re thankful that they did. The anchorwoman was talking about how a student was involved with the League and helped out. A picture of your face appeared on the screen and you smirked. It wasn’t a school photo but a mugshot from a previous capture. One you managed to get away from. No one even suspected you, or so you think, but regardless it’s wonderful to see.
With a thousand lies and a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
    You couldn’t help but chuckled remembering the looks on each of their faces. What they thought was a classmate was really playing a part. A perfect disguise if you asked yourself. You have the innocent looking (boy/girl/person) appearance and if anyone who didn’t know you found out about your job. It would’ve made you laugh as not everything is as it seems.
    Your fists tingled as they remembered the feeling of their face contacting your skin. You placed the hand that held the plastic bottle on top of the other’s knuckles. The feeling is something you’re going to remember for a long time.
When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
  A pair of footsteps came walking in and you dropped your hands to your lap. You see Shigaraki walking into the bar holding a folder, with a finger away from it as always. You know it could only mean one thing. “Another mission?” You asked, voicing your thoughts. The boss nodded and handed it to you.
     “Go over it and be ready for when the time comes. You did good on your last mission, keep up the good work. You’re a valuable character.” He said before walking away. You weren’t sure if the last sentence was a praise or another video game term but regardless you nodded.
     “Will do.” You said and opened it up, wondering what will be to cause more fear in the people. And more pride in yourself. Each success makes you happy.
Clever alibis, Lord of the Flies Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
   You almost busted out laughing seeing  which role you were supposed to play. An innocent citizen who loves all the hero crap. You won’t be alone this time, having Toga to accompany you on this one. You felt excited for the mission. It would mean more people will realize what idiots heroes truly are. The truth will knock them down from the clouds.
When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
   But right now, it’s time for a nap. The last mission tired you out. You took the folder with you and walked to your room. All that matters right now is a bed, a blanket, and wonderful dreams of a world where people run in fear from you.
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rascheln · 3 years
idk why radio waves would be able to force dimensions on the pale, but since information can travel through time via radio waves (on that one phone call where Harry hears Kim from the future speak) and also the kids in the church are able to create music with pale-suppressing capabilities I wonder if there is a possibility of a device/emitter being built that will permanently disrupt or even diminish the pale. 
Just as previous breakthrough discoveries where the development of ways to traverse the pale without losing one’s mind and discovering other Isolas, the next breakthrough might be a more permanent solution to the encroachment of the pale- or maybe a better understanding of what it is?
(This is also why I like the Innocence!Harry theories floating around- maybe Egg Head would eventually discover that new sound on his own, but it would have taken him a lot longer. The new discovery on how to suppress the pale will come from a new music genre created in Revachol, but the city itself might not even see that invention. In a way it makes sense that someone like Harry, with the potential to go full-on prophet of the apocalypse also has the ability to tune into what the future sounds like. Actually, that makes me wonder if that is specifically what makes an Innocence. A view or a feeling or a drive towards the future, away from the past/pale.)
What would that mean for the people in the present? Is there anything still in the space where the pale is, or is it simply a lack of space overtaken by the past that becomes bigger every day as the present passes into the past? Would compressing the pale make the distance between Isolas lessen? Would it create completely new swathes of mass? Would it reveal old lands of mass?? Would someone be able to reverse engineer (or simply extend) a technology that suppresses the past/the pale and create a time machine to the future?
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Chapter Thoughts: 362, Light Fades to Rain
On Tamaki: 
Man.  We all knew that Tamaki’s cannon special wasn’t going to be enough to get the job done, but I seriously don’t think you could ask for a better encapsulation of, “If you’re not in Class 1-A, nor are you named Endeavor, Hawks or Eraserhead, nothing you do is going to matter,” than Bakugou’s massively hot concussive attack leaving a black sear mark across half of Shigaraki’s face that endures for multiple chapters while Tamaki’s massively hot laser blast can’t even scratch Shigaraki’s perfect abs.
That’s somewhat overstated, but, I would contend, not very much so, at least not since the war.
Mirko was instrumental in Ujiko’s capture, Ryukyu saved a lot of people from the newly-awakened Shigaraki’s Decay wave, and Jeanist and Mirio between them secured Mr. Compress, but I really think that’s about it for actions of any consequence.  The Class B kids get little things here and there—Monoma’s been the most significant help, though part of that is because he’s using Eraserhead’s power; it remains to be seen how much Monoma’s use of Warp Gate will stick with Kurogiri not yet off the board for good.  And I suppose the Pros dealt with most of the MLA, which is pretty huge, but it’s damned hard to make something feel huge when virtually all of it happens in off-panel handwaves to characters the audience hasn't been given the chance to get attached to.
And just…  It’s not real satisfying, team.  Why even bother getting invested in other characters, you know?  It’d be one thing if this felt convincingly thematic—i.e. only the class that will change the system for the better is allowed to be seriously effective against the people the system has failed—but given that the kids are still, even at this late stage, passively following the plan the adults laid out,(1) I’m just not feeling the theme vibe.  As-is, it mostly just feels like more of the series’ signature wildly inconsistent approach to damage.
On Bakugou, taking the chapter in order: 
   ● I like the parallel being drawn of him fighting through whole-body pain while being forced to rely on analyzing the opponent being like Deku’s experience.  I wish that hadn’t stopped being Deku’s modus operandi entirely too many arcs ago, however.  Seriously, when even was the last time it was mentioned that using One For All caused Deku pain?  And yeah, the framing here is that fighting-through-pain was something Deku had to deal with in the past, something Bakugou is only just now catching up to because yadda yadda shounen manga rivalries, but still.  Deku was more interesting when he was operating under those limitations, and thus it is that Bakugou is more interesting now.    
   ● So that’s definitely Vestige!Might, yeah?  The easy explanation would be, “Heroes Rising is canon,” but I just can’t make myself believe that Horikoshi would farm out such a critically important connection to one of the movies.  Otherwise, maybe something to do with Second’s quirk, as so much of what we know about him is tied up in comrades, friends, trust in one’s allies, etc.  Damned if I can see the connecting line between Bakugou seeing Vestige!Might here and Deku nearly using Second’s quirk out over open ocean, though.  (Disclaimer: If I cared more about any of the characters involved, maybe I would puzzle something out, but eh.)    
   ● I wonder if L’il Tsubasa’s wings were retractable—a transformation effect rather than a heteromorphic one—or if his quirk just hadn’t come in yet?
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Do heteromorphic quirks even “come in” like transformation or emitter-types?  It seems like the kind of thing one would be born with, in most cases, since the defining trait of heteromorphic quirks is their permanency.    
   ● As to the big bombshell of the chapter, that big closing two-page certainly looks pretty damning, but guys, I just don’t buy it.  Shigaraki willed himself back to life out of pure spite, and forgive me for not believing Bakugou’s will is any lesser.  Especially with Second having a still-unrevealed quirk and this being more than recent enough for Eri to effect.(2)  Sorry, Horikoshi, but if you wanted me to take this seriously for even thirty seconds, you should have killed off Gran Torino when you had the chance.
Odds & Ends: 
   ● I like Fat Gum’s expression here a lot:
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It’s not so simple as being a big bright grin; you can see in the shading around his mask that his eyebrows are lowered, giving the expression a rueful air, like he’s supportive but also a little perplexed by Suneater’s insecurities despite the kid’s obvious powerhouse status.  It’s a nicely nuanced look.    
   ● I enjoy ShigAFO’s Creature vibes here: 
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       ● I wish I weren’t so incredibly weary of how lacking in nuance OFA has proven to be, because I really do think there’s a lot of dramatic potential to those characters that’s going squandered by taking the easy way out on the darker actions Second believes he and Third took.  All the same, I retain a ghost of interest in Second’s dynamic with Yoichi and Third and especially AFO.(3)     
   ● I continue to love the rattled Best Jeanist.    
   ● Fascinated by ShigAFO bringing up “the villains’ tale.”  One of the things I’ve long thought potentially important about Spinner’s fight-closing narration in Deika is his use of past-perfect tense to talk about how Shigaraki’s victory marked the point at which the villains’ story began picking up speed, “to the point that nobody could stop it.”  That statement never felt like an accurate assessment when the villains were so thoroughly routed in the war that followed, but if it was intended to describe the villains’ path through the rest of the series, a promise that heroes will no longer be able to sweep them back under the rug that will remain true in some sense even on the very last page, that will be much more satisfying.  So seeing ShigAFO bring up that same idea of the “villains’ story” here is very interesting.     Also interesting is that it feels doubly like a reference to Spinner when you consider AFO’s talk with him back in Chapter 239: “Do justice to your name as one who spins this tale.”     Of course, AFO has his own villain narrative he’s pushing—the one where he remakes the world as its very own Demon Lord—but that one is the story for him and him alone; he doesn’t frame it as the collective villains’ story.  It’s certainly possible that this is just him—or even just the story in general, as the heroes and their narration get plenty of their own mileage out of the idea of fiction becoming reality—being hung up on the rhetorical device, but chalk it up as another thing I’ll be keeping an eye on.
1: Give or take Tokoyami and Jirou taking it upon themselves to go help with AFO, though even there Tokoyami defends his choice in terms of being true to the task he was given. I admire their moxie, however.
2: The wiki says her quirk works on “living humans”; the manga itself says “works on people but not on objects”; Ultra Analysis doesn’t say one way or the other.  Is a dead body a person?  I will say that her quirk works just fine on objects when those objects can be conceived of as “part of a person,” otherwise separating Nemoto and Overhaul would have resulted in the entire readership getting to see what Nemoto’s body looks like under that voluminous poncho of his.
3: AFO must have killed him in positively excruciating fashion—or at least very much wanted to—and I am extremely down to hear all about it.
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Ocd anon: here’s what it comes with
30-gallon vertical glass terrarium with open front door
Mesh screen lid
60-watt daytime blue heat bulb
13-watt tropical UVB bulb
Two 5.5 in deep dome lamps
Thermometer/Hygrometer combo
Compressed coconut fiber
Tropical cling background
Twisted leafy vine
Suction cup food and water dish
Alright, that doesn't sound bad at all! I only have two notes:
- The blue heat bulb isn't a great choice, the blue light isn't necessary. You'll have the choice of visible daytime light (I'd use an Arcadia halogen bulb if you choose to go that route) or non-visible light (ceramic heat emitter). Both can work fine for a crestie, the real determiner of if you want visible light or not is if you choose to use a UVB.
- Lots of cresties do amazing with UVB lights, and if they don't have UVB, you will have to include a calcium with D3 supplement in their food (you should do that a few times a week anyway, though). Some cresties, though, will have a lot of trouble regulating their day/night cycle with UVB and may act restless or uncomfortable with it. It's very much down to your individual lizard.
You'll also want to get some more branches and hides. It's easy to make hides out of food containers; just find a black food container and melt a hole in the side with a soldering iron or carefully cut with scissors.
I recommend getting everything set up before you get your crestie so you can make sure everything looks good. This kit actually looks like a good option for you!
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