#comprehensive concussion care
advantagehcs · 4 months
Concussion Doctor near me: Advantage HCS
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Comprehensive Concussion Treatment in San Antonio, Texas
The Multidisciplinary Approach to Concussion Care at Advance Healthcare Systems
Every year, millions of Americans seek treatment for concussion doctor near me, which am typically brought on by slips and falls, workplace mishaps, auto accidents, and recreational activities. Although some may experience post-concussion syndrome and some may eventually be diagnosed with traumatic brain damage, the majority of concussion sufferers recover fully in two weeks. One of the secrets to a good income is to get treatment from licensed healthcare experts as soon as feasible. It is possible for Advantage Healthcare Systems to help.
For almost 40 years, Advantage Healthcare Systems has successfully treated individuals with concussion injuries. Patients from Metairie, Louisiana, and San Antonio, Texas, are served by us. Our goal is to restore you to the finest possible health. As we work to improve our patients' quality of life and become the best healthcare system in the world, we seek to emphasize their strengths and find ways to minimize or correct the impacts of their shortcomings. We will work together to modify your lifestyle in a way that will enhance your general health and fitness and keep you safe from diseases and accidents.
Throughout our decades of experience in the field, we have learned that every concussion or brain injury is unique, necessitating individualized care for the victim. We established our firm with the conviction that a multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way to achieve overall health and wellness. We have medical physicians, chiropractors, physical and occupational therapists, social workers, and mental health specialists on our team because of this.
For an appointment, send us an email or give us a call at 1-866-586-1755, toll-free..
Concussion Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy in San Antonio
After a hit or blow to the head or neck, the first thing you should do if you think you might have suffered a concussion is schedule an examination with your primary care physician or another certified caregiver. Your primary care physician can promptly determine the extent of your injuries and then propose a course of therapy or send you to other specialists who can handle the required care.
Advantage Healthcare Systems' point of injury specialists is here to assess your injuries and match you with the appropriate caregiver. We can handle many of your difficulties because we have qualified professionals on staff who can assist with speech therapy, physical or occupational therapy, anger management, and other cognitive barriers.
Contact Our San Antonio Office for Full Concussion Care
To make an appointment with a medical professional at our San Antonio location, contact Advantage Healthcare online or give our offices a call at 1-866-586-1755. Our medical staff members are very skilled in both identifying and treating concussions. There is a greater risk the longer you wait. To expedite your recuperation, get in contact with us immediately.
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
The Grand A-Z List of Whump 1/3
This list contains ~290 items listed A to H
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing as it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This list's intention is not to glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This part one-of-three comprehensive lists of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[I-Q] [R-Z] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
"I don't need your help."
"I'm doing this to make you better"
"I'm fine, take care of them!"
“I’m Fine”
"Kill me instead"
"Let me in."
"Look at me."
"Should I know you?"
"Take me instead."
(No) Anaesthetic
A Good Ol' Sickfic
Abdominal Pain
Aching Wounds
Adrenaline Crash
Adrift (in space/at sea)
Alien abduction
Ambulance Ride
Amnesia/memory loss
Angina (Heart condition that causes pain)
Animal Attack/Bite
Ankle Sprain
Anxiety/Anxiety attack(s)
Asking for help
Assumed Dead
Asthma/Asthma Attack
Autoimmune disease
Bad Caretakers
Bandaged Head
Barbed Wire
Bear trap
Beaten up by ex-friends
Beaten with blunt object (i.e, bat or pipe)
Bedside Vigil/Hospital Vigil
Betrayed by close friend/team/family
Bites (Animal, Bug, Human….)
Black Eye
Bleeding Out
Bleeding Through
Blindness (this could be temporary or permanent)
Blood Loss
Blood Poisoning
Bloodied Knuckles
Bloodstains/blood trail
Bloody handprints
Bloody nose
Blunt force trauma
Blurred vision
Body modification
Body Sharing
Body Switching
Bounty on their head
Brain Damage
Bridal Carry
Broken Bones (Ribs, Arm, Leg)
Broken Nose
Broken Promises
Building Collapse
Bullet Removal
Bumpy roads jarring injuries
Buried Alive
Burning Building
Busted kneecap
Capgras syndrome/delusion (belief that someone close to/important to the person has been replaced by an imposter)
Car chases (and maybe a car crash)
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cardiac Arrest
Caretaker has to “play nice” with whumper.
Caretaker has to hurt whumpee while undercover.
Caretaker sacrificing something dear to them to get something the whumpee needs.
Caretaker turned Whumpee
Caretaker-whumper who's a parental whumper. But their "love" is not real love. Or even right treatment.
Caught in a fire
Caught in an explosion
Cave In
Celebrity whump (exploitation in the music/movie industries…)
Chaffing from ropes/handcuffs/shackles
Checking for injuries
CHF - congestive heart failure
Chicken Pox
Chronic pain
Cleaning wounds alone
Collapsed Lung
Collapsing (into someone’s arms is usually nice, bonus points for cradling their head as they lower the whumpee to the floor)
Collapsing after they win
Collapsing/Fainting/Passing Out
Comfort after a nightmare
Common cold
Completely betrayed by their own team
Constricted Airways
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease makes breathing increasingly more difficult.
Corporal Punishment
Corset too tight and won’t unbutton
Coughing Up Blood
Crikes (intubation through neck)
Crush injury
Cuddle pile
Cutting off hair (more of an emotional hurt)
Cyanide poisoning
Damaged Larynx/Vocal Cords
Deathbed Confessions (don’t have to actually die and stay dead, just the threat of dying)
Defenestration (throwing out a window)
Deja Vu
Delirium (bonus points for this being drug/ fever induced)
Deluded whumper/thinking they’re helping the whumpee
Dengue Fever
Diabetes (type 1 and 2)
Diseases ('mystery' diseases are the best kind)
Disowned by Family
Displaced hip
Distress call
Dragged Away
Dream sequence
Driving to the hospital with a whumpee slumped barely-conscious in the seat of the car
Ear Infection
Edema (swelling from build up of fluid)
Electrical Burns
Electrical shock
Emergency field surgery
Emergency Surgery
Emotional angst
Emotional manipulation
Enemy to Caretaker
Energy Drain
Environmental whump
Exes reunited with one wanting a relationship and the other just wanting friendship.
Extreme Weather
Eye injury
Facing Phobias
Failed Escape
Failure to thrive
Fainting (but also fainting aftermath) / Fainting due to lack of sleep, food, or overworking fainting from exhaustion
Falling for Caretaker/Whumpee/Whumper
Falling Through Ice
Fibromyalgia (Chronic Pain)
Field medicine
Fighting (while injured)
Financial difficulty faced + how whumper might take advantage of that + how caretaker handles everything (well/badly)
Finding your loved one dead without explanation but thinking they’re still alive.
Fireman's carry
Flare ups
Flinching away
Food Poisoning
Forced to... (Break out, Choose, Hurt, Kneel, Scream, Watch)
Forehead kisses
Forgotten by team
Foul-tasting medicine
Found family
Found unconscious
Fracture (Arm, Hyoid bone etc)
Freezing / cold whump
Friendly Fire
Gangrene infection
Gas (noxious, poisonous etc)
Glass (shards, debris etc)
Gunshot Wound
Hair Pulling/Cutting/Matting/Stroking
Hard ground
Hay Fever
Head injuries/concussion
Head trauma
Heart Palpitations
Heat Exhaustion
Heavy metal poisoning
Held at gunpoint/knifepoint/weapon point
Hematohidrosis (Sweating blood)
Hemophilia/Hematophilia (Blood unable to clot)
Hidden Illness/Injury/Scar/Medical Issues
High Blood Pressure
High Fever (like dangerously high)
High Pain Tolerence
Hit by a car
Home Sickness
Hospital Codes
Hostage Situation
House burnt down
Huddling for Warmth
Human Shield
Human Weapon
Hunted for Sport
Hurt no comfort
Hypotension/ Hypertension
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
Okay ramble that will probably not get anywhere but I will put it here anyway because I saw yet another post about people struggling to get any writing done. And someone in the comments made a good point. You write/draw so much more as a kid because you're less practiced and ergo less worried about the imperfections that may arise from just gunning it.
And this is true! And this is why I want to tell you if you are struggling to write much, learn to write like a kid again.
You know how with a lot of art you see processes and it always starts with really shitty thumbnails that have silly faces or just blobs of color? Then you have an actual sketch (during which the artist likely moves a lot of shit around on a digital canvas) and then possibly the inking phase or just painting which is more blobs that slowly get sharper and sharper the more the images is rendered.
Yeah uh, do that with writing. Going under the cut because long
Writing as a process is something that is unique to an individual, just like there's 800 ways to slap paint on a canvas. If you look at guide books for writing and none of it is sticking it's not cause you're a failure that technique is just not gelling for you.
And as such I can only speak from MY experience with it but like, here's how I generally stay on top of projects
A) Sketch phase! It's outline time baby! "Ughh but outlines suck" listen I know school made the outline phase of an essay the worst fucking thing ever but hear me out on this. Sure some people CAN write by the seat of their pants but in terms of long projects this does not work out for me. I'm inevitably gonna hit a point where idk where to go from there and it's so hard to map all that out in long form
Listen, outlines are not there to be formal. They're not even there to be fancy. This is time to get down the bare bones and if you have to make it only a paragraph long and then extend that paragraph into multiple then DO it.
Like hell, NONE of my outlines are formatted the same! Some are a paragraph per chapter. Others are just endless bullet points that I split up later. I'm sure in one book due to all the plotlines I'm just going to have a storyline for each character laid out in columns so I can draw lines between them. Whatever works.
And again, do not have to be formal, like here is a legit line in one of my outlines
As for the ruined building… Hypno will cover the damages……….. Right? : )
Go crazy.
B) Now that you have your baselines start working on the actual story. Do you like writing shit out of order? Do it, because with an outline you still have your baselines to reference for any important details you don't wanna forget "Remember [character] is supposed to get a scar in chapter five!" Or write shit in order, and every time you hit a lull consult those baselines to say "oh yeah that's where this chapter was going"
And hey, keep writing it like a kid if that's what it takes to get this crap down. Hit a fight scene you don't wanna write? Slap down some brackets. [Insert a fight scene here where [character] gets his head smashed in so he ends up with this concussion later like a dumbass]. Boom, done, worry about it later.
Worried the dialogue isn't flowing well? Slap open another document or grab some paper and write it out in a play format to keep it moving. Add in all the beats, expressions, and details after.
Not sure if this detail you're putting in is historically accurate? Leave an easy to search symbol in the doc so you can go back to it to research later.
Write the sappy shit. Write with poor grammar (but still like, comprehensible you know what I mean). Slip in adverbs to swap out with strong verbs later. Use a run on sentence.
"But it's gonna sound bad" Who cares who tf cares that's what editing is for ! You go back and refine that shit and clean up sentences and add in all the extra research and pull out the repetitive words.
You gotta quit treating writing like you're supposed to just swing your brush on the canvas and suddenly you have some beautiful scenery. There's layers. There's blobs that turn into refined shapes. There's blending and shading. There's fine lines and thick lines. And sometimes there's mistakes that you have to wait until it dries to go back over it again.
It is a process! Let yourself have FUN with the process.
Okay rant over.
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ragedagainst · 6 months
this is a detailed, comprehensive guide to all of jyn’s scars and past injuries. in my characterization, jyn is a heavily scarred woman. canon does not go into heavy detailing about her physical appearance ; therefore, the majority of this post is headcanon based. NOTE: jyn being heavily scarred does not mean she is a poor fighter. for her, that means being willing to take a hit if it means she'll win the fight. furthermore, there are frequent points in her life where she doesn't care much about her physical wellbeing, leading too more careless and impulsive decisions.
HEAD. a few, small, barely-there scars at various points on her head from falls, blows to the skull, and other traumatic brain injuries. from the age of eight onward, she experienced numerous concussions ; as a result, she suffers from chronic migraines and headaches, which can often be debilitating.  FACE. a small, faint scar over her left eyebrow from a shard of glass. a mark on her chin where her face had been smashed into a bar. burn scars from scarif licking up the right side of her jaw, stopping just below her ear.  NECK. a lopsided line across the front and left side of her throat from a garrote wire. burn scars on the right side of her neck from scarif.  UPPER TORSO. faint blaster burn a few inches above her heart underneath the left side of her collarbone.  ARMS. burn scars on her right arm from the blast on scarif. a vibroblade scar on her upper left bicep.  WRISTS. two thick scars like bracelets around each of her wrists from the shackles on wobani ( note: these are the only scars she doesn’t like people seeing/touching with her permission, can and will trigger her ). more information on jyn’s wrist scars can be found in this post.  HANDS. a thin white line on her right palm from where she stopped the garrote wire from killing her. scars from broken blisters on her fingers and palms. blaster burns on both of her palms from using poor quality weapons. combined with the constant bruising, redness, swelling, and abrasions, there are various small scars across her hands and knuckles from brawling. as she gets older and in cold weather, her hands start to stiffen up as a result of the continual trauma to them, and she occasionally has limited mobility.  BACK. burn scars on a small part of her right shoulder/back from scarif. electrical burns on her lower back from being prodded by stormtroopers with electric batons. faint lash marks from an overzealous guard on wobani who tried to punish prisoners with a whip, though they were stopped before they could permanently damage any prisoners ( and therefore reduce labor productivity, not out of their own sense of morality ).  MIDSECTION. minor shrapnel wound on the left part of her abdomen from the explosion on jedha. burn scars from scarif on her right side below her ribs. vibroblade scar from a stab wound off to the left side of her bellybutton.  LEGS. a blaster burn on the side of her left thigh. an injury to her right hip after being knocked off the data tower on scarif, which would never be fully healed due to lack of adherence to medbay rules and over-exertion. when the pain flares up, she may walk with a small limp, though she tries to hide it.  FEET. blister scars on the back of both heels due to ill-fitting boots. 
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To commemorate Chapter 100, I am posting a non-comprehensive, non-chronological list of things I have googled over the course of writing the past 100 chapters.
Rose Names
Rose Color Meanings
How to Care for A Lemon Tree
Cat Safe Plants
British Slang (various)
Shakespeare's Sonnets
The Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
Medical Care for Fevers and Concussions
Breville Sandwich Makers
Names of Gelato Flavors in Italian
Air Hockey
Custom Drum Sticks
Vintage Guitars
The Anatomy of a Knife
Books on Cemetery Symbols
Song Lyrics (various)
Ethically Sourced Taxidermy Butterflies
Animals at an Aquarium
How Long Cats Are Pregnant
How To Build A Cat Shelter From A Plastic Tub
Lemon Pie Recipes
BDSM Equipment
Meteor Showers
Pablo Neruda Poems
The Difference Between A Greenhouse and a Glasshouse
Seasonal Produce
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beebenrussell · 2 months
Beeben Russell: A Visionary in Wellness Health Systems Management
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In the dynamic field of health systems management, few names stand out as prominently as Beeben Russell. As the Owner-Operator of Wellness Health Systems, Russell has established himself as a trailblazer, bringing innovative approaches and a steadfast commitment to enhancing health and wellness services. His extensive experience and diverse skill set have positioned him as a leader dedicated to making a significant impact in the healthcare industry.
A Diverse Background in Leadership
Beeben Russell's journey to becoming a prominent figure in wellness health systems is marked by a rich history of leadership roles and diverse experiences. His professional background includes significant positions at Patient Advocate Network, Russell Distribution Inc, Manson Holdings LLC, and Concussion Education Strategies. Each of these roles has equipped him with a unique perspective and a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges within the healthcare sector.
Innovative Approaches to Wellness
At Wellness Health Systems, Russell leverages his expertise to drive innovative strategies that prioritize patient well-being and comprehensive care. His focus on wellness is not just about treating ailments but also about promoting overall health and preventive care. This holistic approach sets Wellness Health Systems apart, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care while also being empowered to take proactive steps towards maintaining their health.
Commitment to Excellence and Affordability
One of the hallmarks of Beeben Russell's leadership is his unwavering commitment to providing exceptional quality in regenerative products and wellness services, all while keeping them affordable. He believes that quality healthcare should be accessible to all, without compromising on effectiveness. This philosophy underpins the operations at Wellness Health Systems, where the aim is to deliver the best possible solutions for patients, ensuring that healthcare professionals can offer top-tier care without making sacrifices.
Skills and Expertise
Russell's extensive skill set includes wellness, marketing strategy, product marketing, consulting, and public speaking. His ability to blend these skills seamlessly has enabled him to create comprehensive health systems that are not only effective but also resonate with patients and healthcare providers alike. His public speaking engagements often highlight his visionary approach, inspiring others in the industry to adopt more holistic and patient-centric models of care.
A Vision for the Future
Looking ahead, Beeben Russell envisions a future where wellness health systems are integral to the healthcare landscape. His forward-thinking approach and dedication to continuous improvement ensure that Wellness Health Systems will remain at the forefront of the industry. Russell's vision includes expanding access to high-quality, affordable healthcare services and products, fostering a culture of wellness, and empowering individuals to take charge of their health.
Beeben Russell's impact on wellness health systems management is profound and far-reaching. His visionary leadership, commitment to excellence, and innovative strategies have set a new standard in the industry. As he continues to drive positive change and advocate for holistic health, Russell remains a beacon of inspiration, guiding Wellness Health Systems towards a future where comprehensive, affordable, and high-quality care is accessible to all.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 2 years
Dismantled Chapter 2
Went a little ham on this one I'm lowkey kinda proud of myself
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, infantilization, muzzling, ableism, dehumanization, force-feeding, mentions of violence, mentions of puke, a touch of self-loathing, overall creepy vibes, creepy whumper, sensory overload, panic attack
3487 words
This. Fucking. Sucked .
He’d been stuck in this stupid bed, unable to move more than his neck, unable to make any comprehensible noise , unable to fight his way out of what he was dubbing literal hell . Who knows, maybe he had died and God had seen fit to punish him for eternity. Why? Well. He’d had more than enough time to compile a too-long list of reasons he could be damned.
Long story short, Donatello wasn’t exactly at the top of Santa’s nice list.
How long had it been since he’d been left alone in this awful, artificial room? Every second that ticked by (and of course, there was no clock to count by, and eventually the dead silence of the room had given way until all he could hear was the faint buzzing of the lights) led him into a deeper and deeper pit that his racing thoughts were carving into his skull. The longer he lay here, the harder it sounded to play along. He didn’t want to play along. He didn’t want to appease this mutant bitch (though, upon reflection, he was more likely a yokai). He wanted to wriggle his way out of this mound of blankets and bash his ugly face in .
It was probable that if this was hell, that was exactly why he was in here. God probably didn’t take too kindly to the ruthless violence that Donnie often itched to make good on. 
Whatever. He wouldn’t be here long, not if his brothers were looking for him. And of course, they would be. Despite their squabbles, Donnie wasn’t emotionally constipated enough to believe that his family didn’t care about him. 
…still, though. He didn’t have anything on him that could be tracked. He had to assume that all of his gear had been disposed of in some manner; this yokai clearly wasn’t stupid. And, while Leo had his ōdachi, he couldn’t exactly just point it at the sky and say take me to my brother!
He knew. He’d watched him try that with Mikey one time. It did not end well.
Ugh, thinking about this was going to lead him spiraling. It would be fine . His family was nothing if not unreasonably determined. He knew they would track him down. He just needed to sit tight until then.
But sitting tight was becoming more difficult by the second. The yokai had ditched him ages ago (had it been hours ago? How many hours?), leaving him muzzled like a dog and swaddle-trapped like a baby .  
Part of him wished he could just fall asleep and maybe have a nice dream in which he wasn’t being held hostage by a psychopath, but a larger part of him was weary to let his guard down. He was already vulnerable enough. And if this yokai tried anything else, Donnie would rather be awake so he could at least attempt to fight back.
Or… eugh, play along. He was pretty sure he could actually feel bile crawling up his throat at that. Jesus, keep it down, Vomitello. The last thing he needed was to attempt to puke while having that leather monstrosity covering his mouth. Now that would be his genuine, personal hell. 
Okay. Keep calm. Collect data. He’d taken in all there was to note about the room from the limited angles he was provided. The yokai himself didn’t give him much to go on, rather than the fact that he was fucking unhinged. And Donnie thought Draxum had been bad… 
Right, okay. What had he been doing before getting snatched up like a toy at the top of a vending machine? The more he tried to remember, the more his head hurt. He better not have a concussion…
Still, it was possible that there was mystic shit involved. Maybe he had a curse on him, who was to say? This, right here, was exactly why he preferred to stick to science. It was explainable! It had clear rules! It was clearly superior to whatever power of friendship bullshit the Hidden City had going on.
On the bright side, while it was obvious that his captor wasn’t above using force, he didn’t think he’d go so far as to kill him. That was… something. Which, as his dad (his actual one, thank you very much) would say, was at least more than nothing . Honestly, after this ordeal, Donnie would almost rather accept Draxum as a father figure. Not that it was exactly an ideal alternative.
He shifted slightly, attempting to at least get comfortable in this god forsaken pile of blankets. The leather of the — urgh, muzzle — chafed against his face, and for the first time since the adrenaline had begun to wear off, he was acutely aware of just how uncomfortable it actually was. It was sensory hell . It irritated his face no matter what he did, and who knew when it would actually come off? You know what? He’d decided. This was some ableist bullshit. 
It wasn’t exactly painful , per se, as much as it was just wrong against his skin. 
It was awful. It was so, so awful. It hurt on some distant level, and he couldn’t do anything about it, not restrained as he was, it was too rough against his skin, too much, it was wrong , he couldn’t fucking do this . He inhaled sharply through his nose, mortified to find that he was suddenly choking up. He couldn’t breathe properly in this thing. He couldn’t — he couldn’t breathe , not when it cut off air to his mouth, not when every breath he took through his nose smelled so disgustingly strongly of leather . He couldn’t. He couldn’t, he couldn’t, he couldn’t he couldn’t he couldn’t . He thrashed desperately in his restraints, but, as predicted, he couldn’t escape. If the definition of insanity was to attempt the same thing over and over while expecting a different result, was he already going insane?
A low whine emitted from the back of his throat, making its way past the thick lump embedded there, panic and wrong and wrong and wrong clawing its way up. He wanted to go home. He wanted to fucking go home . It wasn’t fair. Why, why why was this happening to him ? Where were his brothers? Why weren’t they coming for him? Where were they where were they where where where where where was he?
These lights were too. Bright. Even if he closed his eyes it pierced straight through his eyelids, blinding him, mocking him. There was a stark, violent silence that swam around him, no buzz of machinery, no ticking of a clock, no far off antics of brothers. The material of these blankets was all wrong; everything was all wrong .
His heart was going too fast, like he was running for his life, like if he didn’t get out of here he would die . Blood was rushing past his ears, too loud, not loud enough, something was so horrifically wrong. Everything. Everything was wrong. 
A muffled sob rose in his throat, and god, he wanted to go home. He wanted his brothers to come in here and — and he wanted Raph’s smashing, he wanted Mikey’s razzmatazz — he wanted Leo’s awful jokes while they beat the shit out of this guy. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go home right now .
Why him? Why him? What had he done to catch this sicko’s attention? 
The tears that had begun rolling down his face made it all so much worse. They dripped until they reached their barrier, which dug into his skin too tightly for them to get past, which only reminded him how badly he wanted to scream obscenities, which—
His nose burned with unfulfilling, sporadic breaths. His lungs weren’t full enough, begging for more, begging to breathe right again. He sobbed, feeling like — like a rightful dumb-dumb for knowing help was on the way and still flipping out. 
He slumped into the sheets, unaware until now just how tense his body had become. He was so exhausted. His eyes hurt. He wanted to go home . He wanted to fucking sleep .
He didn’t want to deal with this — these emotions. This overwhelmed state of being. He didn’t need this right now. Of all the times — fuck. 
He stayed there for a long time. Of fucking course he did, it wasn’t like he could go anywhere. But he stayed slumped, now dried tear tracks irritating his cheeks, eyes burning and dry, fingers itching to fidget despite being trapped somewhere in a mass of fluff. He was angry. He was so, so incredibly angry about this entire situation, but he could only keep an active fire for oh so many hours at a time. How many hours had it been ? How long had he been missing? How long until his family saved him?
He couldn’t go down this rabbit hole again, he’d literally just —
A gentle knock on the door caught his attention, a nearly welcome reprieve from his racing thoughts. The door swung open easily, taunting him from where he lay. Why bother knocking at all?
The yokai entered slowly, hands raised in a mockery of surrender. He’d be surrendering when his brothers got ahold of him, that was for sure. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he said as he approached, looking at him like he was trying to appease a wild animal. “How are you doing?”
Donnie stared at him blankly. 
“I know, I know, you’re upset about earlier. I’m gonna take it off — but only if you behave. No more of those adult words, okay?”
Considering how he didn’t even give Donnie the chance to nod or anything, it was clearly more of a threat than an agreement. Wonderful.
He could feel every vulgarity he knew bubbling up from his literal soul , entirely intent on chewing him out for the few moments he would be allowed to speak. Playing along be damned, he was pissed off and he wanted to express it. 
The leather came away from his face, releasing its cruel hold, and as fresh, cool air hit his face, his words died on his tongue. The effect was — well. It was instant. He breathed. For the first time in many, many hours, he breathed , nearly verbalizing his relief when his body didn’t whine in protest.
Fuck. He couldn’t take that again. He knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t…
“Feeling better?” The man prompted.
Donnie swallowed, his mouth dry and throat itching with it. He wanted to tell him off. He did . But the idea of experiencing that again made his skin crawl, like there were a million tiny oozesquitos underneath. He settled for the boldest statement he could muster without fear of being silenced again.
“Let me go.”
The yokai looked wounded, at first. Like he’d been shot right in the heart. Donnie would have felt satisfied if not for the discomfort swimming ever-presently in his chest. The man sighed, his mouth twisting into something sad, like Donnie just didn’t understand . He didn’t. He didn’t understand, and that bothered him to no end. What was the point of this stupid game ? What in the world could this stranger have to benefit from trying to be Donnie’s father ?
“Let you go?” He finally parroted, like he was a fool for even asking. Like he was a dog whining for chocolate. “You’re going to get hurt if I let you leave. You could die .”
Yeah. That was kind of the gig when it came to being a hero. 
“It’s lucky I saved you when I did. If you’d been risking your life like that any longer — I could have been too late.”
He bristled, furious at this man for every syllable he spoke. “I’m fourteen,” he said, calm as he could. “I may not be an adult, but I have a responsibility to help people .”
“My responsibility is to help you! ” He snapped, “you’re just a kid, heck, you’re my kid, and you’re so vulnerable . That shell of yours… I won’t let you get hurt, Purple. Not ever.”
What in the Mother Gothel was this?
“You’re not my father.”
Donnie may not have been good with reading people’s faces, but this ? If looks could kill, he may as well have been six feet under already. The yokai took a deep, unsteady breath, before cutting through his rage with a carefully controlled calmness and a statement that contrasted every other word he’d spoken since Donnie had been given the displeasure of meeting him. “You know what? I’ll make you a deal. If you choose to leave, just walk right out the front door. And then fine , leave dear old dad heartbroken and missing his child every day for the rest of his life. Go through the door, and I won’t follow.”
The self referential use of dad only pissed Donnie off a little further. How had he even heard of him and his brothers? He certainly didn’t recognize him . And lord, he was so convinced that Donnie was his actual fucking kid , it was weird . It made his skin crawl .
He didn’t know what flavor of mental illness this was, but the dude needed therapy. And, preferably, a life sentence. 
“I don’t suppose that I could simply tell you I don’t want to be here?” he asked.
“Well, if you’re really the big boy that you think you are, you could leave by yourself .”
Donnie didn’t bother mentioning the goddamn swaddle trap . It wasnt worth the energy. 
Abruptly, his captor stood up, storming through the door and almost slamming it behind him. Donnie breathed a sigh of relief, thankful to be left alone again — this time without the thick muzzle strapped to his face. Never before had he appreciated the smell of nothing so much. Right, well, he wasn’t doing too well in the playing along and gaining trust department. The logical part of him really did want to, as it was the best plan he had, but he genuinely just couldn’t contain his absolute disgust for the situation. He was sort of notorious for being a god-awful actor, anyway. He wasn’t sure if he’d even be able to pull off playing along. It would be humiliating to even try . 
Besides, he wouldn’t even need to go through the effort! His brothers would be here in like, three more hours, tops. They’d all go back to the lair, maybe grab some victory pizza at Run of the Mill, and Donnie could bury this entire experience deep into his don’t need to think about it box, where he kept his contempt for beach balls, as well as many other distressing memories. 
“When I get home,” he said out loud to himself, just because he finally could, “I’m never calling Papa dad again.”
Ugh, dad . Who did he think he was? Donnie had a papa already, he had a whole family . Who was this nameless man to snatch him away from them like this? It was just cruel.
Not long later, another light knock sounded at the door. It swung open, the man carrying a bowl and looking almost a little guilty . Just, not I just kidnapped a whole ass teenager guilty, which didn’t give Donnie a whole lot of hope for whatever was about to go down.
“I’m sorry for losing my temper with you,” the man said, setting the bowl on the edge of the mattress. “I know you don’t mean to push my buttons, you just — you don’t understand yet. You’re just a kid.”
He was a teenager , thank you very much, jesus fucking christ —
“You must be so hungry.”
Okay, he’d bite his tongue again if it meant getting actual food . Like clockwork, his stomach growled (to which he felt a little guilty for not being able to assure poor Tummytello that they’d get to consume soon, but it was not on his list of priorities right now). For all he knew, this would come with some sort of catch.
The guy scooped something out of the bowl, moving the spoon closer to Donnie. On it was some… brown… sludge… stuff . Seriously, for someone who claimed to be a caretaker , he could have at least tried for something that didn’t look like goddamn prison food .
For a guy actively trying to find a catch, it took him an embarrassingly long time to realize that his arms were still entirely incapacitated, the spoon hovering inches in front of his face. Hell no, hell no, this was too much. After everything else, he was about to be spoon fed like a toothless little—
“Aren’t you hungry, Donnie?”
Whether meant to read like one or not, it came off as a threat. If he didn’t just accept his infantilizing fate, he’d continue to starve for who knew how long. And if he was forced into an infrequent, unfulfilling food intake, it could seriously fuck his body up long-term. He didn’t want to think long-term, he really didn’t. But the longer he was here, the more he was beginning to fear that it would take more than a day for his family to track him down.
Pushing past a grimace, he very, very slowly opened his mouth, closing his eyes so he could pretend this wasn’t fucking happening . But he needed to keep his strength up. He needed to.
Just pretend it’s Raph feeding you hot soup , he told himself. It was Raph, totally Raph, with what was totally soup — something cold and mushy landed on his tongue, reminiscent of what he had to assume dog food tasted like. On reflex, he gagged, spitting out the lump of whatever Satan himself had conjured falling unceremoniously onto his pile of blankets.
There was silence between the two of them for an uncomfortably long moment. Finally, when Donnie deduced he was supposed to explain himself or something, he shuddered a little, trying to pretend he couldn’t still taste it on his tongue despite the brief period it had been in his mouth. 
“I can’t — I can’t eat that,” he said, hyperfocused on the yokai’s face for any sort of reaction.
“And why not?” It wasn’t angry. He didn’t think so, at least.
“The — the texture,” he mumbled, acutely and uncomfortably aware of the drool that had dribbled down his chin. His hands twitched from within their confines, and he shuddered, fearing he would once again succumb to a sensory overload. He took a stuttering breath. “And the taste, it — what the he— um, heck — is this?”
“It’s healthy ,” he replied, dodging the question. Now more than ever, Donnie was wary of the bowl of what was quickly rising in likelihood of just being straight up dog food or some shit. This officially scored among his list of top 5 worst days ever. 
“Then get me a banana or something, not this fuckin…” Shit shit shit shit, he hadn’t meant to say that. He couldn’t take that fowl contraption again, not again. He needed to amend himself, quickly . “I mean, uh, I didn’t mean — sorry.” 
The man watched him for a moment, then smiled. “You’re learning so fast,” he praised, like it was something to be proud of. He wasn’t proud. He wanted to lash out, to scream obscenities at this monster, but the way his skin prickled at the thought of it being forced over his face again rendered him silent. In some ways, it was like it hadn’t come off at all.
In an act of meaningless, mute spite, Donnie mentally went through every curse in every language he knew. 
The man stood, patting Donnie’s cheek. He couldn’t help the flinch, the way every inch of him was screaming not to be touched by this man. 
“I’ll get you something else to eat,” he said, and Donnie was struck with the very real possibility that this had been on purpose. Maybe real food was going to be some kind of reward . “But you have to use your manners, kiddo.”
Ugh, curse being right all the time. If it weren’t for the ache in his stomach and the absolute assurance that he’d be out of here in no time, he wouldn’t have even considered it. But he was hungry, and he needed to keep his strength up. He needed to choose his battles wisely.
“Please may I have some real food?” he asked, grateful for once that his default, neutral tone couldn’t easily be distinguished from when he was being sarcastic. Little victories, he supposed.
“We’ll get you something you won’t choke on,” the yokai agreed, smiling fondly down at him. “Maybe find some apple sauce.”
The door was left open, this time, as the man left for what would assumably be the kitchen. He’d turned out the door to the left, which, while it didn’t give Donnie a whole lot of a layout to work with, he could at least store away for later.
What was taking his brothers so long?
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bigskydreaming · 11 months
Who wants to read me wax on about how I finally figured out how to make the plot of my Waveriders sci-fi novel work, and the secret answer was all I needed to do was mash-up the plot of The Goonies with my sky-pirates but swap out the treasure they were looking for with the prison of the megalomaniacal murder goddess that was hidden there two thousand years ago by her ex-girlfriend after the galactic god war that doubled as the most dramatic break-up in the history of the universe.
The 14,000 year old ADHD battle goddess currently masquerading as a pirate joining them on their treasure hunt would like to say for the record that none of these cities were here when she hid her ex's prison on this planet 2000 years ago. So its really not her fault that she can't remember where she put it & needs this crew of misfits and malcontents to find it for her before her ex's religious order of zealots & brood of demigod offspring that never thought she was good enough for their mom anyway find it first and let her out to restart the whole galactic god war that pretty much JUST ended, as far as she's concerned. She is TIRED. She wants to take a NAP.
But nooooooo, the stupid mortals had to look at the literal most inhospitable planet she could find and take it as a CHALLENGE to build an entire civilization right on top of her homicidal ex's temporal tomb, like LITERALLY right on top of it, and now she's stuck playing pirate ship with the most obnoxious mix of idealists and anarchists she's ever seen (and she's been to like, ALL the planets!) in the hopes that they can do a better job retracing her steps from 2000 years ago than she can. Again, in her defense though, she's pretty sure she was the divine equivalent of concussed the whole trip, last time she was here.
And the worst part is, she can't even smite any of the smarmy little fuckers when they annoy her, which happens roughly once every ten minutes, because revealing herself in all her resplendent and terrible glory - while satisfying - would unfortunately qualify as a "tactical error" since broadcasting your location to everyone in the galaxy that you DON'T want finding the thing you're looking for BEFORE you've even found it yourself, is, well, shitty fucking tactics.
Which would be doubly embarrassing in her case, since she basically invented tactics. Like. All of them. Conceptually. Not that that makes the idiot child in charge of this sky-ship any more inclined to listen to her Very Sensible and Smart Suggestions That Would Lead Them To a Decisive and Glorious Triumph Over Their Enemies, since, y'know. She couldn't exactly give him her ACTUAL resumé when applying for the esteemed position of 'glorified deckhand.' The whole incognito thing again. Whoever invented THAT concept needed to be ritually murdered and ripped from the very loom of reality. Immediately. This might actually be the worst trip she's ever been on, and she's literally been to Hell. All the Hells.
Plus if she had given her actual resumé there's no way Captain Infant would've been able to wrap his teeny tiny mortal comprehension around the incomparable list of her legendary exploits, the endless armies of eldritch entities all dead by her hand...see, this is why gods weren't meant to travel in stealth. When there's no one else to rhapsodize about your divine brilliance and you have to do it yourself, you just sound vain. Why are there never any worshippers around when you actually need one?
Aaaaaand now the tedious little fruit flies want her to join them in their card game, because building camaraderie and improving crew morale is either a really big thing with mortals in general these days or maybe just this batch in particular. She's not really sure, and also, she doesn't care. Not when the end result is having to sit through one of the dullest excuses for a game she could imagine, and she's literally imagined entire worlds into existence. Her imagination is NOT the issue here. They're not even playing for souls, just money, so what even is the point?
Honestly, this is why she stopped bothering with mortal friends ten thousand years ago. Its like the complete opposite of that saying 'never a dull moment.' Its all the dull moments. For decades at a time! Which doesn't sound like a long time in the grand scheme of things, obviously, but when you're bored, even decades feel like forever.
Like right now. Ever since she stepped back on this miserable excuse for a backwater planet - and SERIOUSLY, who thinks settling on a GAS GIANT is a good idea, there was a REASON she assumed nobody would ever chance stumbling across Tayana's prison here of all places, and that reason was Logic. And assuming that people have some.
Well, if this whole experience has taught her nothing else, its that she wouldn't be making THAT mistake again.
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earthterri · 2 years
Treatment for amnesia
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To diagnose amnesia, a doctor will do a comprehensive evaluation to rule out other possible causes of memory loss, such as Alzheimer's disease, other forms of dementia, depression or a brain tumor. In this disorder, a person may lose personal memories and autobiographical information, but usually only briefly. Mild head injuries typically do not cause lasting amnesia, but more-severe head injuries may cause permanent amnesia.Īnother rare type of amnesia, called dissociative (psychogenic) amnesia, stems from emotional shock or trauma, such as being the victim of a violent crime. This is especially common in the early stages of recovery. Head injuries that cause a concussion, whether from a car accident or sports, can lead to confusion and problems remembering new information. Certain medications, such as benzodiazepines or other medications that act as sedatives.Degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.Tumors in areas of the brain that control memory.Long-term alcohol abuse leading to thiamin (vitamin B-1) deficiency (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome).Lack of adequate oxygen in the brain, for example, from a heart attack, respiratory distress or carbon monoxide poisoning.Brain inflammation (encephalitis) as a result of an infection with a virus such as herpes simplex virus, as an autoimmune reaction to cancer somewhere else in the body (paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis), or as an autoimmune reaction in the absence of cancer.Possible causes of neurological amnesia include: These structures include the thalamus, which lies deep within the center of your brain, and the hippocampal formations, which are situated within the temporal lobes of your brain.Īmnesia caused by brain injury or damage is known as neurological amnesia. Any disease or injury that affects the brain can interfere with memory.Īmnesia can result from damage to brain structures that form the limbic system, which controls your emotions and memories. Normal memory function involves many parts of the brain. If someone you know has symptoms of amnesia, help the person get medical attention. False memories (confabulation), either completely invented or made up of genuine memories misplaced in timeĪnyone who experiences unexplained memory loss, head injury, confusion or disorientation requires immediate medical attention.Ī person with amnesia may not be able to identify his or her location or have the presence of mind to seek medical care.Additional signs and symptomsĭepending on the cause of the amnesia, other signs and symptoms may include: Dementia often includes memory loss, but it also involves other significant cognitive problems that lead to a decline in daily functioning.Ī pattern of forgetfulness is also a common symptom of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), but the memory and other cognitive problems in MCI aren't as severe as those experienced in dementia. They may understand they have a memory disorder.Īmnesia isn't the same as dementia. People with amnesia usually can understand written and spoken words and can learn skills such as bike riding or piano playing. Isolated memory loss doesn't affect a person's intelligence, general knowledge, awareness, attention span, judgment, personality or identity. Someone may recall experiences from childhood or know the names of past presidents, but not be able to name the current president, know what month it is or remember what was for breakfast. Recent memories are most likely to be lost, while more remote or deeply ingrained memories may be spared. Most people with amnesia have problems with short-term memory - they can't retain new information. Difficulty remembering past events and previously familiar information (retrograde amnesia).Difficulty learning new information following the onset of amnesia (anterograde amnesia).Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (RNICU).Hospitalists & Internal Medicine Physicians.
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a-20002 · 2 days
Ortho Care at S N Hospital: Your Partner in Joint Health
S N Hospital is proud to offer comprehensive ortho care services to patients in Mumbai. Our dedicated team of orthopedic specialists is committed to providing state-of-the-art treatments and compassionate care for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.
Whether you're dealing with joint pain, injuries, or degenerative diseases, our orthopedic experts have the expertise to diagnose and treat your condition effectively. We offer a variety of services, including:
Joint Replacement Surgery: Hip and knee replacements using the latest surgical techniques and advanced implant technology.
Arthroscopic Surgery: Minimally invasive procedures for conditions like rotator cuff tears, meniscus injuries, and arthritis.
Fracture Repair: Expert treatment for broken bones, including open fractures and complex injuries.
Sports Medicine: Diagnosis and treatment of sports-related injuries, including sprains, strains, and concussions.
Spine Surgery: Procedures for conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis.
At S N Hospital, we believe in a patient-centered approach to care. Our team works closely with you to understand your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan. We are dedicated to helping you regain your mobility, reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life.
Choose S N Hospital for exceptional ortho care.
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labsportstherapy · 4 days
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Sports Rehabilitation and Wellness Services St. Paul
Elevate your performance with expert rehabilitation and wellness services designed for athletes. From post-surgical care and sports injury recovery to running analysis and injury prevention, we provide customized treatment plans. Our services also include dry needling, soft tissue mobilization, and concussion rehabilitation. Get back to peak form with our comprehensive, athlete-focused care.
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alexmills2896 · 4 days
How Can Car Accident Physiotherapy Help You Recover from Injuries?
Have you or someone you know recently been involved in a car accident? The aftermath can be overwhelming. Beyond the shock and stress, many individuals experience physical pain, restricted mobility, and emotional distress. You might find yourself struggling with headaches, neck pain, or back issues, leaving you unable to perform daily activities. Ignoring these symptoms often leads to long-term complications and a prolonged recovery.
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What can you do? Seeking car accident physiotherapy is a crucial step toward healing. A skilled physiotherapist can assess your condition, create a personalized treatment plan, and guide you through the recovery process, helping you regain your strength and confidence.
Why Choose Car Accident Physiotherapy?
Understanding Your Injuries
After a car accident, it’s vital to understand the injuries you may have sustained. Common injuries include:
Muscle strains
Joint pain
By recognizing these issues, you can better communicate your symptoms to your physiotherapist, allowing for a more tailored treatment approach.
Thorough Assessment
A reputable physiotherapist will begin with a comprehensive assessment. This process typically includes:
Reviewing your medical history and accident details
Conducting physical examinations to evaluate pain levels and mobility
Identifying underlying issues, such as muscle imbalances or postural problems
This thorough approach ensures your treatment plan addresses all aspects of your recovery.
Types of Car Accident Physiotherapy Treatments
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy techniques are essential in treating car accident injuries. Your physiotherapist may use:
Soft tissue mobilization to relieve tension
Joint manipulation to improve range of motion
Stretching exercises to enhance flexibility
These techniques can significantly reduce pain and promote healing, enabling you to regain normal function.
Exercise Therapy
Exercise therapy is crucial for rebuilding strength and stability after a car accident. Your physiotherapist will create a personalized exercise program focused on:
Strengthening affected muscles
Improving flexibility
Enhancing overall physical function
By following this program, you can gradually return to your pre-accident activities and prevent future injuries.
Pain Management Techniques
Your physiotherapist may incorporate various pain management techniques, such as:
Ice or heat therapy to reduce inflammation
Electrical stimulation to alleviate pain
Ultrasound therapy to promote tissue healing
These modalities can significantly improve your comfort level during the recovery process.
The Role of Empathy in Recovery
Building Trust and Communication
Choosing a physiotherapist for car accident recovery goes beyond expertise; it’s about finding someone who genuinely cares. A compassionate physiotherapist will take the time to understand your pain and struggles, making you feel heard and supported.
Do you feel comfortable sharing your concerns?
Is your physiotherapist attentive to your emotional well-being?
Establishing this trust is essential for a successful recovery.
Emotional Support and Motivation
Recovering from a car accident can be emotionally taxing. You may feel discouraged at times, wondering if you’ll ever return to your normal routine. Your physiotherapist should provide encouragement and support, helping you set realistic goals and celebrating your achievements along the way.
Making the Most of Your Car Accident Physiotherapy Experience
Prepare for Your First Appointment
To maximize the benefits of your initial appointment, consider the following tips:
Bring documentation: Include accident reports, medical records, and any imaging results, such as X-rays or MRIs.
Describe your symptoms in detail: Be honest about your pain levels, limitations, and how the injuries affect your daily life.
Set specific goals: Think about what you hope to achieve through physiotherapy—whether it’s returning to work, playing sports, or simply moving without pain.
Stay Engaged in Your Recovery
Your commitment is crucial for a successful recovery. While it may be tempting to skip appointments or neglect exercises, consistency will yield the best results.
Keep a recovery journal: Document your progress, noting any changes in pain levels, mobility, and overall well-being.
Communicate openly with your physiotherapist: Share what’s working and what isn’t, allowing for adjustments in your treatment plan.
Finding the Right Physiotherapist for Car Accident Recovery
Research Your Options
There are many physiotherapists specializing in car accident recovery. Take the time to find one that meets your needs. Consider:
Specializations: Look for physiotherapists with experience treating car accident injuries.
Patient reviews: What do others say about their experiences?
Location and availability: Ensure the clinic is conveniently located and offers appointments that fit your schedule.
Schedule a Consultation
Many physiotherapy clinics offer initial consultations. Use this opportunity to assess whether the physiotherapist is a good fit for you.
Do they communicate clearly and effectively?
Are they attentive to your concerns and goals?
Do you feel comfortable discussing your injuries with them?
Conclusion: Your Journey to Healing Begins Now
Experiencing pain and limitations after a car accident doesn’t have to be your new normal. By seeking car accident physiotherapy, you take an important step toward recovery. Remember, healing is a process that requires patience, commitment, and self-care.
Are you ready to start your journey to recovery? Your physiotherapist is here to support you, providing the guidance you need to reclaim your life. Don’t let pain hold you back—schedule an appointment today and take the first step toward a healthier, more active future!
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scjja-cronulla · 13 days
Chat GPT - why BJJ?
We decided to ask Chat GPT why a grappling art is better than a striking art ... Have to say, the answer is pretty good! --------------------------
When evaluating martial arts for effectiveness and safety, grappling-based systems like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) stand out notably compared to striking-based arts such as karate, especially when it comes to practicing techniques under full resistance. One of the foremost advantages of grappling arts is their ability to be practiced at full intensity with minimal risk of injury. In BJJ, practitioners engage in live sparring sessions where they can apply techniques against a fully resisting opponent without the threat of strikes to the head or body. This allows for a realistic and thorough exploration of techniques, ensuring they are effective in real-world scenarios while maintaining a safer training environment.
In striking arts like karate, practicing techniques at full power often involves high-impact strikes that can lead to significant injuries, including concussions and other trauma. The nature of full-contact striking necessitates careful control to avoid injury, which can limit the effectiveness of training and hinder the ability to gauge true technique efficacy. In contrast, grappling arts allow practitioners to go 100% in their resistance and technique application without the same risk of head injuries or severe trauma. This means that grapplers can fully test and refine their skills in a controlled, yet realistic setting, gaining a deeper understanding of their effectiveness under genuine resistance.
The ability to train at full resistance also fosters a greater level of skill development in grappling arts. When engaging with a resisting opponent, BJJ practitioners must adapt and improve their techniques in real-time, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and technical proficiency. This form of training helps practitioners develop a higher level of confidence in their skills and ensures that their techniques are practical and effective under pressure. Conversely, in striking arts, the risk of injury often necessitates more controlled practice, which can limit the opportunity to fully test and refine striking techniques.
Moreover, the safer nature of grappling-based training reduces the risk of long-term injuries and allows practitioners to train more consistently and intensely. With less focus on avoiding impact to the head and body, grapplers can dedicate more time to perfecting their techniques and improving their overall skill set. This consistent, high-quality training contributes to better long-term progress and a more comprehensive mastery of the martial art.
In summary, the ability to train grappling techniques at full resistance without the associated risk of head injuries provides a significant advantage over striking-based arts like karate. This aspect of grappling arts allows for more effective skill development, greater safety, and a more realistic understanding of technique efficacy. For individuals seeking a martial art that balances intensity with safety, BJJ offers an ideal solution for comprehensive training and practical self-defense skills.
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bettercallgeoff · 15 days
Building a Strong Case for Brain Injury Victims: Legal Insights for Attorneys
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Brain injury cases present unique legal challenges due to the complex nature of the injuries and their life-altering consequences. As an attorney, building a strong case for brain injury victims requires careful consideration of both medical and legal elements. Understanding the nuances of brain injuries and how they impact your client’s life is critical for successful litigation.
Understanding Brain Injuries and Their Legal Implications
Brain injuries vary in severity and type. From concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBI), the spectrum is wide, and the consequences for victims can be life-changing. It is essential for attorneys to not only understand the medical impact of such injuries but also their long-term implications. Brain injuries can affect cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities, creating challenges in both professional and personal aspects of life.
Attorneys should be aware of how these injuries might manifest in daily life. For instance, cognitive impairments may lead to issues in communication, memory, or decision-making. These symptoms can become crucial evidence in establishing the extent of damages.
Collecting the Right Medical Evidence
Medical evidence is the cornerstone of any brain injury case. Ensure that you work closely with medical professionals, including neurologists, neuropsychologists, and rehabilitation experts, to gather comprehensive documentation. This evidence should detail the injury, the treatments involved, and the long-term prognosis.
Medical imaging, such as MRI or CT scans, often plays a pivotal role in demonstrating the injury’s severity. Additionally, expert testimony from medical professionals can help explain the complexities of brain injuries in a way that is understandable to a judge or jury. This testimony can also support the claim that the injury has caused significant lifestyle changes, requiring compensation for future medical care and loss of earning capacity.
Establishing Liability and Negligence
One of the key components in brain injury cases is proving that the injury resulted from someone else’s negligence. This could be due to an auto accident, workplace injury, or medical malpractice. Your job as an attorney is to investigate the circumstances leading to the injury and determine who should be held responsible.
Gathering strong evidence related to liability is critical. Police reports, eyewitness statements, and any available video footage can bolster your case. In some instances, reconstructing the accident or hiring experts in the field of accident analysis may be necessary to clearly demonstrate fault.
Demonstrating the Full Extent of Damages
Brain injury cases often involve high compensation amounts due to the long-term effects on the victim’s life. These cases go beyond just medical expenses; attorneys must ensure that they capture the full extent of the damages, including future care, rehabilitation, and lost wages.
Many victims of brain injuries will require lifelong care, which means attorneys need to secure compensation that covers long-term medical and support costs. Additionally, accounting for emotional and psychological damages, such as pain and suffering, can significantly affect the final settlement.
Communicating the Client’s Story
One of the most compelling aspects of a brain injury case is telling the victim’s story in a relatable, emotional, and clear manner. Judges and juries must connect with the victim’s experiences, and as an attorney, it is your responsibility to convey the hardships your client has faced.
Humanizing the victim is essential. Highlight the changes in their day-to-day life, the struggles they face with even the most basic tasks, and the emotional toll on them and their families. This approach not only strengthens the case but also helps secure a more favorable outcome by creating empathy.
Working with a Strong Legal Team
Building a case for brain injury victims often requires collaboration with other legal and medical professionals. Partnering with specialists who have experience in brain injury litigation can give your case a critical edge. Moreover, working with life care planners, vocational experts, and financial planners can help demonstrate the full scope of damages and secure adequate compensation.
Additionally, legal teams should ensure that they stay updated on the latest medical advancements in brain injuries. This allows them to better understand their clients’ conditions and how they can build a case that fully captures the injury’s impact.
Preparing for Settlement or Trial
While many brain injury cases settle out of court, attorneys must always be prepared to take the case to trial. Preparing for trial includes anticipating defense strategies, gathering strong witness testimony, and creating a compelling narrative for the jury. Since brain injuries are often invisible, presenting a clear picture of the injury’s impact is critical in court.
Attorneys should also negotiate settlements with a long-term view, ensuring that the victim is fully compensated for ongoing medical and life care expenses. Settling too early or for less than the case’s worth can leave clients without the resources they need to recover.
Final Thoughts on Building a Strong Brain Injury Case
Representing brain injury victims requires a comprehensive approach that considers medical, legal, and emotional aspects. By gathering the right evidence, demonstrating the full extent of damages, and communicating the victim’s story effectively, attorneys can build strong cases that secure the compensation their clients need.
In cases of brain injuries, meticulous preparation and understanding of both the medical and legal details are essential for success.
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At Neuro Injury Specialists, our team of experienced neurologists is dedicated to providing top-notch care for head and nerve injuries. We take the time to understand your unique situation and develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate pain and prevent further damage. Our doctors, Drs. Dmitriy Dvoskin, Mark Cohen, and Leon Reyfman, are among the best in New York City and New Jersey.
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East Coast Injury Clinic - Auto Injury Clinic
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East Coast Injury Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, specializes in providing comprehensive care for auto accident victims. Located in Southside Jacksonville near St Johns Town Center, the clinic is easily accessible from surrounding areas including Jacksonville Beaches, Green Cove Springs, and St Augustine.
The clinic emphasizes the importance of seeking treatment within 14 days of an auto accident to qualify for Florida's Personal Injury Protection (PIP) auto insurance coverage. With same-day appointments available, their urgent care accident team ensures patients receive timely and compassionate care. The clinic's experienced staff offers expert care in personal injury, neurology, advanced chiropractic, and accident injury treatments, including post-concussive syndrome.
East Coast Injury Clinic serves residents throughout northeastern Florida, providing holistic recovery post-vehicle collision. Their dedicated chiropractic professionals offer swift and effective treatment, as well as ongoing care management for complex injury cases. The warm and experienced staff is committed to addressing the health needs of the community.
Operating weekdays from 9:00-18:00, with Saturday appointments available, the clinic strives to accommodate patients' schedules. They highlight the prevalence of car accidents in Florida, noting that over 1,074 occur daily, causing various injuries including back and neck pain. The clinic educates patients about soft tissue injuries that may manifest days or weeks after an accident, emphasizing the importance of prompt medical attention.
East Coast Injury Clinic positions itself as a beacon of healing in Southside Jacksonville, offering specialized care for complex conditions and long-lasting symptoms. Their comprehensive approach to auto accident injuries, combined with their commitment to patient care and convenient location, makes them a top choice for those seeking expert chiropractic and injury treatment in the Jacksonville area.
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