#complaining about games
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astrid4189 · 8 months ago
i have so many issue with Fallout as a series, but point fucking one in my mind is “where does the food come from?”
almost nobody is farming in Fallout. without massive industrialization and transport infrastructure (which we see no evidence for), the few meager farms in the wastes would barely cover the needs of the people farming them. there aren’t enough animals for all of the protein needs of every wastelander, and am i meant to expect that the 2010’s vision of the 1950’s vision of 2076 had so much stocked up food production that it could last 200 years? most real-life fallout shelters had maybe 18 months of food, if that. if they were really well-stocked and managed who got to come in, they might be able to cover 36 months of food.
food takes a lot of time, energy, water, and space, and i don’t see any of that being dedicated to food production in the Fallout universe.
i know that vast farmlands being worked by hundreds of people don’t make for good gameplay, but i don’t see any systems in place for the farming to be done far from the wastes, either. the roads aren’t good enough to run a cart over, and i don’t see new cart tracks or roads being built in any fallout property.
the vaults would be able to self-sustain if well-designed, but the in-universe vault-tec isn’t the kind of company to do that; there are a scant few times we see any kind of farming in vaults, and the corn field we see in the TV series wouldn’t sustain the population of the vault it’s in, trade or no trade.
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emily-e-draws · 9 months ago
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it’s her turn!!!
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model-theory · 2 years ago
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cinnamon-flame · 2 months ago
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The Exterior experience
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sillyandquiteawkward · 2 months ago
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guy who just wants to help and for anyone to tell him thank you, you did a good job
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ratmans-notebooks · 3 months ago
u know what i love forcemasc and im not even gonna try to Validate it for the masses with "i want to be allowed to explore my identity" i like taking away peoples autonomy and i think men are hot. there will be no cis girls left when im through with them. i am maliciously injecting every girl i see with testosterone and u cant stop me. i am the evil trans boy turning innocent young girls into fat hairy men. and me and my army of sweaty tboys are going to topple society. together
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mellosdrawings · 5 months ago
Can we know more about Kinga? She's so butc- I mean pret - I mean step on m - I mean DAMNIT!!! You know what I mean.
Hahaha yeah xD
Kinga is a guard at Sunset Savanah palace. She's been friends with Imani (Falena's wife) for a very long time and has been her personal bodyguard for years.
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She's had a fling with Leona when they were young teens but between him running away to NRC and her duties, it never went anywhere. When he graduated from school they became friends again (though with Leona now having two boyfriends they never flirted again). She has been appointed as Leona's bodyguard a few times.
After Leona's wedding, Leona came to her to ask about helping him get a biological kid. She was off duty due to injury (a few broken bones, nothing major) and agreed to it. Since Koffi's birth she became her nanny when she's not busy doing bodyguard duties for Imani. Koffi considers her more like her close aunt than her actual mother, but the two are still very close and spend a lot of time together.
Kinga is regularly invited to family dinners (involving both Falena's and Leona's sides of the family). She is close to everybody there, but she does get along the best with Leona, Imani, and Jamil.
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She's strong headed, stubborn, and unapologetic. A real fierce lioness whose claws and fangs are particularly sharp. She will do anything to protect her wards and is very duty oriented.
She has a soft spot for hamsters and she knits and does bead work in her free time. Her favorite flowers are Chinese lanterns (Physalis alkekengi) though she doesn't really like the taste of their fruits.
(And tho nobody asked here's some more of Imani)
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justabiteofspite · 6 months ago
"Astarion doesn't do big romantic gestures."
My Durge still trying to get graveyard dirt out of her ass crack after being lovingly pounded into it by Astarion who wanted to share with her this deeply joyful and meaningful reclamation of himself after sharing a vulnerable declaration of his love, at this place he hasn't shown anyone else but her: "Then what the actual fuck was that???"
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
Curly's little blurb on his steam trading card just keeps reminding me he is a much more miserable person than people realize.
We don't get a lot of his thoughts, inner confliction that aren't bogged down by what Jimmy says or does. Even in the The Last One and Then Another, his dialogue is reflective, not the Curly before the crash but the result of everything. Parts of the him he was are there of course, but also disfigured and warped beyond recognition just like he is physically.
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Curly really doesn't think much of himself and desires. He clearly chases fleeting moments of happiness. He doesn't really have prospects for himself, assumes in a similar way to Swansea, that if it should make it happy then he is happy. Though, he hasn't reached the point Swansea did to admit it doesn't. He neither sees the glass half full or empty, it's just water, something he needs and he'll take it from any perspective.
He wasn't running from anything but he's never really been going towards something either. He's listless. I've been using the term complacent to describe how he feels about his life and the closest people (really just Jimmy) in it, but now that word feels too neutral, too nice. Happier than Curly really was. There isn't just one word for it, he's unfulfilled, uncertain, uninspired. There are no active problems he faces and that's the issue, why should he be upset?
I believe he really is a person who doesn't know who he is or wants to be. He follows a structure. I don't think he's suicidal, but he clearly doesn't think about what makes him happy. He's numb. I suppose that is a better word than complacent, used to the feeling even if he hates it. It doesn't hurt so why stop it?
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good-advice-ganondorf · 7 months ago
I know people have mentioned it before, but modern Zelda UI has been genuinely so awful. Everything being in one straight line, that you can barely sort, with so many resources. It can't be intuitive, right?
Imagine if they remade Majora's Mask again, and this is what the mask selection screen looked like.
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It would be so awful. It would be so cruel.
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the-bitter-ocean · 8 months ago
Hi isat fandom. Points at the sign.
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kevinsdsy · 6 months ago
pick your fighter:
kevin “did you know i’ve never been skiing? i’d like to try it one day, though.” day
jeremy “yeah, i spoke to jean earlier this week. he’s definitely done for the year, but he’ll be back in the fall. he just won’t be back in black.” knox
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deadliestpieceontheboard · 1 month ago
I am begging this fandom to stop reblogging obviously stolen fanart.
I don't care if you really like the headcanon attached to it! I don't care if the art looks really nice! Find the artist's original post and reblog that one. You can't pretend to care about AI work and support this (honestly disrespectful) behaviour at the same time.
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the-meme-monarch · 2 months ago
i assume you’re talking about coal dandys world. i fucking love coal dandys world if you don’t like coal dandys world you’re a coward and/or a bitch and that’s my hot take. here’s some art that includes her that I’m working on
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mythalism · 2 months ago
playing inquisition again and its so bittersweet. i took you so for granted. i savor every blade of grass and line of dialogue. i exhaust every single dialogue tree. i pick every elfroot like its a precious artifact. im collecting shards as if each one is holy. every hinterlands side quest is a privilege i once squandered in my ignorance
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icharchivist · 16 days ago
The thing that keeps killing me about the Veil discourse and the fact Solas was planning on destroying the world by removing the Veil is that, especially after Veilguard, we have the confirmation that inaction would have been worse.
It's made very clear in DAI and Trespasser especially that the Veil is failing. It's becoming thinner in thinner. Each Blight's bloodshed are so terrible that some places have a Veil that never recovered. There are already hole in the veil in DAO for the Warden to try to fix in places where the Veil has been torn into pieces (Soldier's Peak and the Blackmarshes especially). And Arlathan and Sundermont where also regions that were said to have had the Veil permanently sundered because of the terrible horrors that happened then.
Solas acts panicked when he learns the Wardens are trying to kill the last archdemons saying it will make the situation worse, and for years I argued that the archdemons are probably seals that held the Veil in place and if all of them were killed, it will collapse. At the time i thought it was an elaborated plan by the Evanuris - i didn't think there was a bond between them unless it was true the Old Gods were the Forgotten ones, but that by using the Blight from the Fade the Evanuris were trying to affect those seals to thin the Veil and either a Blight will punch a hole in it, or once all the archdemons will be dead they will be freed.
This isn't the conclusion Veilguard took but i still had a point where it mattered the most: The Archdemons' lives were tied to [the Evanuris who's lives were tied to] the Veil and if all of them died [and killed the Evanuris linked to them by doing so while separated from their respective Evanuris, as evidenced by there being only 2 Evanuris left in Veilguard], the Veil would collapse.
When Solas awoke, it was barely ten years after the 5th Blight. He didn't even know until then that the Blight had leaked from the the prison he had made.
Corypheus acted up on the Wardens' mind BEFORE Solas got involved with him. We know that from Legacy since it's when it started for Corypheus (and Solas supposedly awoke a bit before Mark of the Assassin according to the webseries Redemption).
Corypheus was affected by the Blight he got from the Evanuris, and wanted to do anything he could to tear down the Veil to get to the Black City.
If Solas hadn't offered his orb to Corypheus, if he had stayed in slumber even, The Wardens may have killed the two last archdemons in panic. Or, and that even if Solas gave up on his goal in Inquisition, eventually centuries down the line the two last blights would have happened and the Veil would have collapsed.
There is no scenario in which Solas doesn't get involved that doesn't end with "The Veil falls down and the Blight locked in the Fade is unleashed on Thedas".
Solas' plan is specifically to take down the Veil in a way that doesn't unleash the Blight and the Last of the Evanuris. He will try to salvage as much as he can doing so but that's the core of it.
Leaving aside all the others dilemma about the People, about the Spirits, about Slavery, about everything that has motivated Solas on top of it all: IF Solas didn't act, the Veil would have collapsed on its own and the world would have ended in a way worse way.
We can debate forever about how deadly Solas' plan would have actually been. In Veilguard he says a few thousands of people would have died because he took precaution. I still believe one of the major reasons people would have died are tied to the way Curing Tranquility Also Leave People Who Were Tranquil In a Vulnerable State That Easily Get Them Killed and it would have been the same for people to reconnect so deeply to the Fade (re why Solas asks Cassandra if she thinks it's worth it to still cure the Tranquils and why it mattered).
We can also argue whether this was the only possible thing that could be done.
But like one thing is certain: even if Solas killed absolutely everyone except the elves by collapsing the Veil, it would still be less damage than if the Veil just collapsed on its own. Which would have happened sooner than later. It wasn't an IF. it was an WHEN.
The "Elven God's blood can keep the Veil up and fully repair it" was a full cope out that makes genuinely No Sense (they were NEVER gods to start with, and personally the reason i liked the Archdemons to be the seals more than the Evanuris was bc of what Yavana says in the comics about the dragons being the blood of the world, something much, much bigger than the elves ever were) just to punish Solas anyway.
But the fact people still act like Solas taking down the Veil was him planning the End of the World and It's Bad are just not interrogating themselves on what the Veil is doing.
It was either a controlled apocalypse that will avoid as much damage as possible, or one that will happen at random and will leave no possible chances of salvation.
Just letting the world end by inaction isn't exactly any better than trying to do something.
It's somehow the same logic as Rook and Varric never being blamed for unleashing the final blights. Accidentally triggering the end of the world, or just knowingly letting it happen are fine, but trying to actually do control damage is bad actually.
The Alternative should have been to find another path. One Solas was too prideful, too blind to newer ways, too isolated to have considered himself. One that could remove the Veil without this amount of destruction. Not to reinforce the Veil all together.
And i just think it's unfair to look at Solas plan of destroying the world as the basis to judge he's a bad person without ACKNOWLEDGING what the options actually are. Not even in term to defend Solas, but in term of, do you understand what's at stake????
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