#comphet things
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fuck-comphet · 1 year ago
genuinely. How do I know if I’m sexually attracted to men?
Not gonna lie it took me a super long time to figure out I wasn't sexually attracted to men because I am not repulsed by them like some lesbians are, I'm just....so neutral towards them, like so unaffected and indifferent.
All I know is the first time I had lesbian sex, I felt immense relief at the realization that I never had to have sex with a man ever again. When I am with my partner, I feel like I am actually present and in my body, and I feel joy that I had never ever felt with my exes that are men; like seriously I was always bored or disassociated or uncomfortable when it came to intimacy with men. I just thought that this was normal to feel because of comphet.
One thing I have seen as a way to figure out if you're sexually attracted to men or not (and I forget where I saw this but if I find it again I will credit the original creator) is ask yourself this: if you were alone with a man and no one could know, meaning there is no social approval or power to be gained from being with this man, would you still want to kiss him/be intimate with him? If the only person in the world that could know you did this was you, is that still something you would want?
I know it can be difficult and confusing to figure all of this out but I hope this helps a little bit, the queer community loves you <3
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steviewashere · 3 months ago
I love secretly closeted Steve Harrington. I love when he knows himself, knows the truth of his identity, knows that how he views men isn't a fluke. I love secretly closeted Steve Harrington who dates girls and has sex with girls to protect himself, to keep an image, to try and earn an ounce of recognition and respect from his dad.
I love secretly closeted Steve Harrington who recognizes Robin's bravery when she came out. But he keeps his secret to himself for a while longer. Who joins in on the joke of just how bad he is at pulling girls. Who upholds an image as just that, an image.
A secretly closeted Steve who gets frustrated at the projection painted onto him. Steve Harrington the ladies' man. Steve Harrington who gets the girl. Steve Harrington who can get into bed with any girl he wants. He's frustrated and he hates all the assumptions, but he can't shake them, can't explain why—not without revealing himself. But he knows who he is. Knows the type of person he wants.
I love when he's nervous, but still proud. Who, slowly and surely, cements his identity within himself—so it transcends knowledge, it's deeply intertwined within. He goes to Robin first, because he feels as though that's a good first baby step—because he knows for certain that Robin will accept him. And, with minor hesitance, goes to Nancy. And with a long conversation, some tissues, and gentle smiles passed back and forth, Nancy then understands, too.
The last person is Eddie. Which is harder. Which frustrates him further. Because Eddie won't stop asking him about women, won't stop categorizing him as straight, some god among men. He just wants to be Steve Harrington. Not Steve Harrington. Not ladies man, Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington who likes men. Only men. Who compensated for years just so he can uphold a safe life for himself, who was threatened constantly (though not directly at him) by what his dad would say about those queers, who covered for himself the only way he knew how.
And though it takes longer, some deep wounds and harsh words about how he isn't experimenting, that his sexuality can't just be decided for him, that he has a right to explore—even if the exploration never amounted to anything—Steve is able to get Eddie's trust. Eventually, again slowly, get Eddie's hand intertwined with his. And even later after that, a shy kiss; his first kiss with a man that aids in solidifying the last, hairline fracture in his whole.
Steve Harrington who is gay and learns over time to be proud of that. But also, closeted Steve Harrington who goes on the journey to get to the end result—I love him so so so much and he means so much to me. And now I need to write him and make this version a reality.
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deathon1leg · 2 months ago
so many st viewers are like mike is EVIL i want this boy DEAD and he’s literally just a teenager dealing with internalized homophobia in the 80s
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solarmorrigan · 9 months ago
Written for Day 3 of @steddie-week
Prompt: Mutual Pining | Rated: E | Additional Tags: Modern AU, Masturbation, Sexual Fantasy, Hypothetical Top!Eddie/Bottom!Steve
Need more trope reversal with gay!Steve and still-thinks-he's-straight!Eddie obliviously pining after each other
Like, Eddie isn't into guys, but it's fine that Steve is. It's cool! Eddie is super supportive! He even helps vet Steve's dates. And whatever anyone (coughRobincough) says, he is not overly invested in Steve's love life. Sure, he might judge potential partners a little harshly, but it's for one of his best friends! Steve is great, and he deserves the best; it's not Eddie's fault so many guys fail to live up to standards.
Meanwhile, Steve is quietly dying, because he's been into Eddie since forever, but Eddie is straight, and he has to sit there and listen to Eddie extol his virtues and talk about how he deserves someone great while not being romantically interested in him whatsoever. But Steve also never claimed he isn't pathetic, so he'll take what he can get; maybe dating a guy who Eddie deems worthy will be almost as good as getting to be with Eddie himself?
Anyway, that train wreck is happening, and it all sort of comes to a head one night when Steve comes home to their shared apartment from yet another date, visibly frustrated and a bit disappointed, and Eddie isn't one to say I Told You So (much), but he had told Steve so. He'd said he hadn't liked the look of the guy's profile picture; Eddie has a sense about these things.
But still, he asks, "Bad date?"
Steve shrugs. "It wasn't- terrible."
"Oh, high praise."
"Well, it wasn't!" Steve gives a little laugh. "I mean, he was... nice."
"He bored you, didn't he?" Eddie can't help himself. "I told you he would be boring, who uses a picture of themselves in a suit for their profile on a dating app?"
"He wasn't boring, he was just- nice," Steve hedges. "A little too nice."
Eddie raises his brows. "Like... suspiciously nice?"
"No, not- we just weren't compatible," Steve says, still frustratingly vague.
Eddie is silent, staring at Steve, willing him to go on.
"In bed," Steve finally elaborates with a sigh. "The sex sucked, man."
"Ah." Eddie nods sagely. And then, because - okay, not because he's overly invested in Steve's love life, thank you very much, but because he's a good friend, right? And a good ally. And - yes, fine, he's also a little curious, sue him, but because of all of that, he asks, "You don't like 'em nice?"
Steve snorts. "I'm not saying I like people to be mean, it's just - I mean, it's kinda hot, you know? Having a guy who can push me around a little - take over so I don't have to think. Like, people just kind of assume I want to be in charge, that I'm gonna take over and-" Steve shakes his head, "I dunno, that's just not really what I'm into."
Eddie nods; this is definitely important information that he needs to have, obviously, if he's going to help Steve find The Perfect Guy. And he can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to give Steve exactly what he wants - he would be so pretty, pressed into the mattress, clutching at the sheets, scrambling for purchase, for a way to channel the pleasure as he gets fucked. Who wouldn't want that?
Like, objectively. Objectively, Steve is an attractive guy, anyone can see that, so objectively he'd probably look hot while getting railed within an inch of his life. That's just science. Surely any guy who also likes guys would be into that.
Eddie realizes he's maybe been silent for too long. "So you're a pillow princess, huh?" he teases, trying to will away the image he's got in his head of Steve begging for some guy's cock, faster, harder-
"Fuck off." Steve gives Eddie a shove, but he's laughing a little. "I am not. I'm definitely not opposed to doing some work to get what I want."
The Steve in Eddie's head that for some reason won't go away shifts from arching his back while on his hands and knees to sitting in some probably undeserving guy's lap, riding him like a fucking pro, head thrown back in ecstasy, and Eddie very much needs to go now, needs to go address the completely unavoidable boner that's come up because they're talking about sex. That's just what happens sometimes. Unavoidably. Totally normal.
"Well, I'll keep that in mind. While we're hunting for your dream guy, I mean," Eddie says quickly, levering himself up off the couch and making for his bedroom as quickly as he can without being suspicious. "Sorry the date was a dud. We'll find your man, though, Stevie, despair not!"
He barely catches a glimpse of the odd look Steve is shooting him before he shuts his bedroom door. He can't think too much on it, because his brain is busy with other things - things like initiating the most confusing jerk-off session of Eddie's life.
But they were just talking about Steve and his preferences in bed, alright? It doesn't have to mean anything that Eddie's suddenly imagining it's his lap that Steve could be bouncing in, whining and crying out as Eddie thrusts up into him, hitting him just right. It doesn't have to mean anything that he imagines putting Steve on his back, imagines Steve's legs wrapped around his waist, imagines holding Steve's hips so hard he leaves finger-shaped bruises, imagines fucking Steve until he's sobbing and still begging for more, because Eddie understands what Steve needs, Eddie can give him what he wants--
It doesn't have to mean anything that Eddie comes harder into the slick clutch of his fist, imagining it's Steve's tight ass, than he has in ages.
It doesn't have to mean anything, but Eddie gets the feeling that maybe it does.
And shit, he may have to do some self reflection.
(Meanwhile, if Steve retires to his own room to have some private time with his favorite toy, fucking himself like he wishes Eddie would, shoving his own fingers in his mouth to keep from calling out his name, that's his business. And if he didn't admit to Eddie that the biggest reason the date had sucked had simply been because the date wasn't him, well - that's Steve's business, too.)
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gayofthefae · 6 months ago
Thinking about how Mike wasn't just told to like El then he liked her. No. There's a third event that happens between them that we skip over so often but is vital and Mike's crush might not have even happened without it.
Mike is being teased about El, yes. But he actually doesn't even get the chance to respond, let alone have his following actions be influenced by only that. Because before he can even react, look who's here:
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This scene isn't about El. This scene plays out in one, very simple way.
Lucas: you like El.
Mike: I don't.
Troy: Let me remind you what will happen if you don't.
Just like the ily speech, Lucas is Will, but that's not all it took. It didn't just take the suggestion of something. It took the STAKES. It took threat. He was told to do something then he turned to see just what would happen to him if he didn't do it. The romantic trope is feigned: realize your feelings once someone points out that someone could be romantic. Steve has the same with Robin in season 3. But one thing here is different.
Before he has a chance to respond (to ensure we don't know what would have happened), he is given incentive to lie.
It isn't just suggestibility. "Huh, maybe I should like her. I guess I will." It's fear. It's "you need to hide, like right fucking now, and there's a hiding spot right there." Yeah. You run to the hiding spot and you do not fucking come out ever.
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voidscreechingonathursday · 3 months ago
Okay but what makes Glinda's and Fiyero's relationship truly tragic to me is that they are so so similar, but despite that they never really understood one another. They had similarities, yes, and throughout the story they both grow into stronger and wiser people who at the end choose good, but Fiyero was too impulsive and Glinda too scared for them to be able to team up in any real sense. They have a parallel arc, but they are never in the same place (Fiyero was actually ahead of Glinda in a way). The only person who understood them and was there with them during it all was Elphaba. SHE is what connects them.
So I came up with this thought while calculating the influx of neurotransmitters in a cell and-
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(Please tell me you see the vision bc I feel insane)
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willowcried · 3 months ago
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comphets final bosses
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elhopperentourage · 7 months ago
The “Unstraightening” of Mike Wheeler Throughout Stranger Things
Mike would never have even shown interest in girls if El hasn’t shown up. Think about it. Throughout the series we see all the canonically straight men talk about women or act a certain way about/with women.
Lucas and Dustin are both immediately drawn to Max. Steve goes through two female love interests and is rejected by even more girls. Billy goes on dates and has posters of girls in his room. The show makes it clear when a character is interested in women.
But with Mike, we don’t really see any of this. Sure, he has a female love interest, but shes always just been there to Mike.
I think it has something to do with when Lucas says “You’re just excited there’s a girl who’s not totally grossed out by you!” (or something along those lines) Mike hears this and realizes this is supposed to be an opportunity for him. He’s supposed to be interested in El romantically. Soon after that, we see Mike ask El to the snowball, but the way he asks her is obviously… kinda weird. There is literally a comparison made to El being his sister. And then they kiss… after that strange relation… mind you they’re both twelve and El doesn’t even know what it means to like something/someone yet. (as shown by her encounters with Max in s3)
My main point is, the show makes no effort to show that Mike feels attracted to girls. Other than having him date El, which is obviously an unhealthy relationship that has been pulled apart many times before.
Just think about it. The show could have shown Mike being interested in Max, like his straight friends are, but instead he’s compared to Will. They both couldn’t care less about Max, which is an interesting similarity considering Will is canonically gay. The show could have Mike chase after El, like we see with Steve and Nancy, but instead he mopes around and kind of forgets about her (because of will ‘,:| strange.) The show could have put posters of girls up in Mikes room, like with Billy, but instead Mike has… a buff dragon? and a… one way sign pointing to his closet..?
There’s just no effort -outside of his constantly failing relationship- to show that Mike is straight.
Sorry if this is a bit ramble or has already been said. It just came to my mind randomly and i didn’t want to forget about it!!
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dewwshi · 1 month ago
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i liked the sparring scene from the start of siege of darkness a normal amount
#ugh i've been working on this for like several days#it's been so long since i fully shaded and rendered something so the perfectionist in me is tempted to just keep adjusting shading opacitie#but no i'm posting it now and then i'm never going to look at it again#lest i notice a mistake#artist things. you understand#these two... they are sooo good to me i love them they're adorable#i love them and their stupid personality flaws and their stupid will they won't they romance and their stupid mutual pining <3#ordinarily a male mc ogling at their love interest might come off as creepy but 1. drizzt has emotional issues so it's ok and 2. he's a gir#i almost put a lesbian flag behind him in the doodle of him staring at catti but i reeled it in#but for real transfem drizzt anyone? i've been thinking of this nonstop am i the only person to ever have thought of that?#i actually legit am shocked i've not seen anyone else in the fandom make that observation yet cuz he's SO transfem coded to me#it makes sooo much sense and catti-brie's relationship with wulfgar is like TEXTBOOK comphet too BUT WHATEVER WHATEVER it's fine it's fine#don't even worry about it#one day i'll rant about it#The Cattidrizzt Yuri Rant#it's on the horizon#but the point is they're cute & i like them#starless night and siege of darkness are def my favourite books so far#ESPECIALLY STARLESS NIGHT LITERALLY SUUUCH A GOOD BOOK#you know how long it's been since i got so obsessed with something that i drew this much fanart of it??? YEARS#it began SO SUDDENLY but these books have me in a CHOKEHOLD#legend of drizzt#drizzt do'urden#catti-brie battlehammer#catti-brie#putting 2 tags for her cuz realistically who is searching her name with the clan name on this site.#lod#forgotten realms#dnd#i feel like because of lighting my drizzt design's skintone looks comically different in every drawing i do of him
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greghatecrimes · 7 months ago
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The whole saga of House, Cameron, and the mocha frap is too funny not to share:
1. Cam offers House the drink (not pictured)
2. House complains it doesn't have whip
3. Cameron pulls the drink back to take for herself since he doesn't want it, and proceeds to stare him directly in the eye while drinking it (my girl is autistic and performing social interactions like a lioness hunting on the savanna)
4. Cameron leans forward in shock, House reaches to grab the drink
5. Cameron pulls the drink back (presumably not giving it to him until she gets answers)
6. House reaches forward and steals the drink from her while she processes the Foreman news and stares at him in disbelief
Hugh Laurie and Jennifer Morrison, god bless your body language and nonverbal/physical acting choices lmao
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fuck-comphet · 2 years ago
can it still be comphet if i actually wanted to date him? i thought i genuinely liked this guy (started after he gave me attention) and we eventually kissed but it just felt weird, not particularly good but also not that uncomfortable. i thought i wanted to date him but not really in a long term/forever way, i kinda thought i would break up with him after a while just so i could prove to myself someone could like me in that way?? i thought i really liked him but when we actually talked/kissed i didn‘t actually but i still wanted to date him for the ✨experience✨ and because i wanted to be liked so does that mean i‘m attracted to men?
also i did really like holding hands and cuddling with him but i also do and like that with my (female) friends soo idkkkk
Hi friend!
You don’t have to be repulsed by men to be a lesbian, and the way you are describing the situation here sounds like you are also not attracted to this guy and he left you pretty indifferent. When you feel attracted to someone, they don’t leave you indifferent like this.
And I just want to say, people who are attracted to guys don’t think like this… like saying you want to date a guy for the experience and eventually you’d just break up with him? That doesn’t sound like you wanted to be with him because you were actually attracted to him.
I understand this feeling though, I definitely used to enjoy whatever ego boost a guy could provide by showing interest in me. The only thing is that it got so boring and uninteresting for me, and also I then never gave myself a chance to pursue actual deeper romantic/physical connections with people I was attracted to, which sucked.
To me this is a little bit textbook comphet in the sense that you are prioritizing any attention and relationship from and to men, as long as they give you attention because that’s what we’re told is the ultimate compliment (ie you wanting to “prove to yourself someone could like you that way”).
My final thought on this is: don’t settle! Any relationship with someone you are actually attracted to will be so much more exciting and meaningful to you. And if you are ace/aro maybe deeper plantonic relationships that involve some hand holding and cuddling but not kissing is what will be more exciting and meaningful to you! Either way, you have so much time to figure it out.
Hope this helps, the queer community loves you 🧡🤍🩷❤️
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lizbetlovesbyler · 11 days ago
the duffer brothers have been guarding mikes character and his perspective for the past 2 seasons
ergot there’s something worth guarding, something about him were not supposed to know yet…
and he’s a main focus in season five
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loosethreadsofyoursoul · 9 months ago
while i will always love and appreciate the bisexual dean winchester agenda, i truly believe that if he was raised differently—or maybe if he grew up today instead—that boy would have been gay. like his love for women in a romantic/sexual context was always such a caricature and was continuously used as a symbol of masculinity that played against the roles assigned to him by his father growing up for the sake of suppressing any queerness he might exhibit. now whether that suppression was purposely written into his character or was a reaction to the character they had created, i’m not sure, but it’s there regardless.
i don’t mean to dismiss the love he felt for cassie or lisa, but particularly with lisa, i’m not sure he was ever in love with her, despite the fact that he did care for both her and ben. i get so frustrated watching the end of s5 because him going to her house and his perfect “apple pie life” being with her in suburbia genuinely came out of nowhere and i’ve never understood a) why it had to happen, and b) why it had to be lisa. but thinking about it in this sense, she was the closest thing he had in his life to everything he was raised to believe he should want by one john winchester, who lost his perfect wife, perfect family, perfect apple pie life and sent all of them down this path in the first place. so of course to dean, his happy ending would be with someone like lisa. but that’s the important part. someone like lisa, not lisa herself. he may have had love for her and he may have been able to picture a life with her, but it wasn’t necessarily because she was everything he wanted; she was a symbol of the things that tore his family apart and so to be with her felt like he was finally able to put some of it back together. and that makes me so sad for him because all of that is a result of the sense of responsibility ingrained in him growing up by john, not something he wanted for himself.
but back to his general attitude towards women, there was an excellent post that said he only acts like the typical womanizer he has a reputation for being around women deemed “stereotypical” by the misogynistic perspective. otherwise, he tends to take on a fairly brotherly role; he doesn’t tend to pursue any women he can “take seriously,” and is more intimidated or impressed by them than anything else. with the exception of cassie (which was pre-series and we never got full context for in the first place), he only ever pursued women with whom he would have a definitive ending—by that i mean women who he knows he’ll never see again or who would have a clearly defined role during the time they’re together that wouldn’t threaten the status quo. and yes these could also be the traits of a commitment-phobe or someone chronically on the move, but for one, sam doesn’t tend to do the same thing (see ruby, amelia, and eileen), and for two, given the things i mentioned already, it makes me consider it more of a result of him not actually being interested in women romantically.
his reaction to women when not purposely used as the butt of a joke or to perpetuate the “womanizer dean winchester” agenda is often so innately fraternal, caring in a way that doesn’t have any expectations behind it. and when there is a romantic context, so much of the relationship can be attributed to the way john raised him and the beliefs he has as a direct result; it’s never simply been built on the foundation of love.
every time he is dismissed as this macho het guy, it also dismisses so much of what makes him a wonderful character, and yes a lot of that is his queerness. so in a world where he didn’t grow up with roles and responsibilities that shaped him into someone he knew his dad hated and forced him to create this character for himself in order to survive? i think he would have been gay and he would have been okay with that.
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brainrotisseriechicken · 1 year ago
qrow branwen made me transgender
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im sorry i made him emo. in my defense, he made me that too
extras: ft. butch lesbian niece scribble
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thats all sorry i havent made anything serious lol,,,
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professorspork · 3 months ago
not my wife and I having an hours-long long distance conversation about wicked where, almost simultaneously, we go "well if Glinda's ace it makes PERFECT sense that--" and then start finishing each other's sentences
everyone time to open your third eye
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n33dlew0rk · 9 months ago
Eddie: I don't think my butt's nice
Steve: let me see
Eddie: I'm not gonna fan out my butt right now
Steve: please? 🥺
Eddie: ..no
Steve: it's not GAY if I'm asking you to see your butt, right?
Eddie: I'm not worried about it being GAY!
Steve: ok- *laughing*
Eddie: I'm worried about my bare asshole being on this fucking show
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