#competitive book
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abhijeetblogs · 5 months ago
Best book for SSC GD Constable 2024-25
You will find many books available in the market for SSC GD exam. Not everyone is able to pass the exam. The reason for this is that most people are unable to understand which ssc gd book will prove beneficial for them. 
Hard work of the candidate and selection of the right books are very important to pass any exam. 
SSC GD Constable Book 2024-25
Here we will write only about those books from which you can score maximum marks. Almost all the topics asked in the exam are described in these books. All these books are suggested by experts, so read these books first.
SSC GD Book Names for all subject
Below are the names of the SSC GD Constable book-
Verbal and Non Verbal reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
General Knowledge by Lucent publication
Elementary and Advanced Mathematics by Kiran Publication
Adhunik Hindi vyakaran aur Rachna by Dr. Vashudevnandan Prasad
English Grammar Book by Wren and Martin
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brainrotcharacters · 7 months ago
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That's that shit eating grin that practically screams "Harder! HARDER!" except the homoerotic subtext is a tripwire they're crash landing through
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
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William Afton into the FNAF-verse
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lainalit · 27 days ago
Azriel calling Elain beautiful once he has his cock in her
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Lucien calling Elain beautiful for just standing before him
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write-the-room · 3 months ago
when u pull up to the 'unreliable narrator' competition but nobody's there
turns out Richard Papen subtly implied it was now and u unquestioningly believed him but really he won hours ago
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circusclowne · 4 months ago
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tpot 14 was cool
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without blur
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virfujiwara · 5 months ago
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Any The Book Of Life (2014) enjoyers here? Ramble in the tags lol Reminder that commissions are open and I'm making art for your donations and we are raising money for an AAPI charity through this zine, if you or someone you know likes Watcher, check it out!
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sokkalore · 1 year ago
season 1 of the tgcf donghua: yayyy met a handsome ghost hehe, we’re having sleepovers forever, he sucked snake venom out of my hand 😍 he got me the non corpse face plant for healing 😋 he left me a pretty ring 😙
season 2 of the tgcf donghua:
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theancientwayoflife · 1 year ago
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~ "Freydal": Tournament book of Emperor Maximilian I.
Culture: South German
Date: A.D. 1512-1515
Medium: 255 gouaches heightened with gold and silver in leather strap: paper; leather.
• From the source: The "Freydal" describes the tournaments during Maximilian's knightly love journey.
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magiefish · 11 months ago
This might just be a *me* thing, but I do find it kind of fascinating that almost every Feminist Greek Myth Retelling seems compelled to flatten Helen into a two-dimensional basic-bitch with no guilt or remorse for her actions despite the fact that self-loathing for her own beauty, a feeling of a lack of agency in the face of Aphrodite's whims and a complicated affection for and loyalty to both the Greeks and the Trojans are all major characteristics of hers in both The Odyssey and The Iliad. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the dynamics of modern feminism and patriarchy whatsoever.
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emiliapuffs · 3 months ago
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Now, before TPOT 15 release…I wanna make a quick rundown about Book and Pencil in TPOT + make a crazy statement.. and say Book may play a big role in Pencil’s arc (about the alliance).
I feel like some will say I’m just tweaking, but I’ll bring evidence and do my best to explain that’ll back up what I’m saying.
Here’s the first:
I think what makes this scene interesting to me is that all of these characters, who said the lines, were affected by a CloudYAY member they mentioned. Price Tag has been murdered by Pillow. Ice Cube’s legs were stolen from Yellow Face. But Book? Book’s the only one who doesn’t give an example on what Pencil has done to her. She could've been more descriptive about it, saying that Pencil’s forcing her and Ice Cube to join her alliance. But no, Book just makes a vague comment about how she’s “sick of Pencil” without giving any examples as to why she is.
I know Fanny made a comment on how she’s sick of “bossy-bot Golf Ball” but that seems to be more of a general statement that’s being said throughout the show and not much of a personal problem compared to the other three. With the idea in mind of how the three Team Two members said something that is related to some personal issue they have with one of the CloudYAY members, this brings up the point as to why I believe Book may play a big role in Pencil’s arc.
I also wanna give a quick runthrough of Book and Pencil’s relationship for my next point: we know that these two were in Freesmart around BFDIA and IDFB until the first episode of BFB where Book was the one who told Pencil that the team wasn’t healthy for her [Book] and Ice Cube.
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But during the alliance, Pencil was considered to be one of Book’s best friends until something happened that caused a shift towards Book’s friendship with Pencil (and seemingly Freesmart?).
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Ever since Book and Ice Cube leaving, the two didn’t have any forms of contact/interaction until TPOT when Pencil joined in Episode 13.
During the challenge, Book initiates a conversation with Ice Cube about Pencil.
She makes a comment on wondering if Pencil has “changed” and was about to ask another question until she slipped.
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Book doesn't seem at all hostile or annoyed about Pencil joining, but rather she says it in a more lighthearted, curious tone. With how she sounded and the question about Pencil joining makes me wonder that Book is perhaps reconsidering Pencil as a person. Book, in the past, had commented on how she felt mistreated during her time in Freesmart, and with some screenshots I’ll show is Pencil making comments or doing stuff to Book in BFDIA.
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Looking in Book’s shoes, imagine the one person that mistreated you, to be all of a sudden excited to see you and wanting you to form a cross-team alliance with once you see her again from many years must’ve felt odd and not in-character to how Pencil acted before towards her. So I can see why Book had made that comment about Pencil possibly changing. I could even say that comment could hint onto the fact that Book’s willing to perhaps be friends (or be on better terms) with Pencil afterwards. Let’s bring the fact back that Book considered Pencil to be one of her “best friends” back in BFDIA (and probably in IDFB for a while). The two have known each other for a while and Book is shown to value Pencil as a friend during her [Book’s] time with Pencil A LOT.
In BFDIA 9, Book was willing to go first after hearing Pencil not wanting to go first.
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In BFDIA 11, she gets pissed at Coiny when he used Pencil to write onto Book.
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In BFDIA 14, Book literally was the one helping Pencil when Evil Leafy almost got her [Pencil].
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In BFDIA 15, Book says she's not willing to steal from Pencil and there was the picture I showed earlier with the page that shows her 'besties' (including Pencil).
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And in IDFB 1, Book saved Pencil after she fell down the tower.
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So with the context of their relationship in the past and that exchange I talked about earlier with Book and Ice Cube, I don’t think that Book wanting to be friends with Pencil (perhaps) is out of the picture. They both had a friendship with each other and seeing that Pencil, who didn’t treat Book well at times, is seemingly interested in her would make sense if Book is reconsidering her friendship with Pencil.
Now I know in episode 14, I showed first about Book being sick of Pencil, but we see that earlier in the episode of some small details I took note of.
After Price Tag drags Book and Ice Cube out of the clubhouse, Book’s shown looking back at it.
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After that scene, we ONLY see Book’s reaction and her turning to see what’s going on.
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Some may think I’m cornplating or the last evidence was just because the animator didn’t want to add Ice Cube. While I could maybe see where people are going with the last part, I just wanna say that with the evidence I’ve provided above, I doubt it’s just coincidence or just a choice they made “cause why not?”. Also, the scenes (and some of the evidence on TPOT I said above) had at least been planned, storyboarded, and animated with the higher ups in the JNJ team's approval to let those choices into the final product.
I also want to comment on people that might think that saying Book playing a big role in Pencil’s arc undermines Ice Cube playing a part in this as well since Pencil is also shown making Ice Cube join her alliance as well. While I can say that Ice Cube does play a role in this and has history with Pencil (I mean, she knew her way before Book did), I personally don’t see some things aligning to what I believe Book thinks or believes about Pencil. In my opinion, Ice Cube seems to be bitter and indifferent with Pencil’s appearance.
She got mad with the mention of Pencil in TPOT 1.
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Was the one to drag Book out of Pencil talking to her about a cross-team alliance.
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In TPOT 13, she didn’t start the conversation [with Book] or insight into what she thinks of Pencil joining.
In TPOT 14, she didn’t look back after both her and Book were dragged out of the clubhouse.
Ignoring Pencil’s comment on “Grassy’s ugly face”.
And, it’s funny too, being petty and showing Pencil her “ugly face”.
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Also, I feel like Book seems to be closer to Pencil than Ice Cube ever was [with Pencil]. Which brings more of a point to why I believe Book will play a huge role in Pencil’s arc.
However, I’m willing to hear what you guys could have to say about this! This is all just for fun and shouldn’t be taken seriously. I simply found interesting observations I made while watching the show and Book + Pencil’s relationship/dynamic. I love these two a lot and I hope to see these two more in the future!
Also, briefly questioning Book's conversation, I wonder if we'll see this being played in the next episode or/and Pencil’s arc? And if so, well we maybe get a hint as to what Book might’ve said before slipping?
I’m hoping that TPOT 15 will talk about this as I’m really curious on how it’ll play with not only Pencil’s character, but Book’s + their dynamic in general.
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yujeong · 6 months ago
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KPTS characters + The Art of War quotes
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sleepyorchidmonster · 3 months ago
Please let the Heartslabyul Book 7 chapter feature Wonderland elements like the "Eat Me" cakes, the "Drink Me" bottles, crazy tea parties, chess matches (they have Leona, Idia and Ortho with them, it just makes sense)...
Maybe the Door to Wonderland can be used to access the character's dreams, so Silver and "Meet me in a Dream" can rest a bit.
Deuce: Housewarden! I challenge you to a fight of the ages, not just a simple battle, but a traditional Queendom of Roses duel!
Riddle: While I appreciate your enthusiam, you do know that you just challenged me to a chess match, right?
Deuce: Fine by me! I'm a pro chess player!!
Deuce, whispering to Ace: The horses move diagonally, right?
Ace: Can we let Leona or Idia take our spot?
Riddle: Nonsense! Deuce just needs a little push in the right direction!
Riddle: Just read this 500 page guide on chess and we'll be good to go! I can also do a few mock chess challenges to help you practice!
*A chess crash course + 50 consecutive losses later*
Ace: That's It, I'm calling Leona.
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egophiliac · 1 month ago
if they release equestrian club cards I swear if silvers horse isn't named something like Reginald and sebeks isn't something like cheddar cheese I might cry
bad news: Sebek's regular horse is named Tempest (sorry 😔), and Silver's is Samson (yes you're very cute Twst)
good news: the reason we know this is because they were fighting about whose horse was prettiest
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spampai · 5 months ago
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As they say, “An artist can draw a n y t h i n g.”
50 likes and I’ll draw them again idfk
Got inspiration from a FNF song (Catfight)
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agathabridgerton · 10 months ago
colin 🤝 anthony: making an heir in s3
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