#community property rights
townpostin · 2 months
Teli Sahu Community Demands Action on Seized Building
Women representatives submit memorandum to Deputy Commissioner over disputed property Teli Sahu community women seek intervention in the seizure of their allocated building by Brahmarshi society in Jamshedpur. JAMSHEDPUR – Women from the Teli Sahu community have appealed to the Deputy Commissioner for action regarding a building in Shivsingh Bagan area allegedly seized by the society of another…
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Community property or marital property is any property earned or acquired by one or either spouse after marriage.
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beachyserasims · 3 months
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Geneva Island Legacy┃Chapter four┃Enjoy Your Stay
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I have to give a shout out to @cinamun and @therichantsim because they simspired me to build my own secret underground lab from this post.
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defleftist · 1 year
Do people have the right to own property?
Legally? Yeah you can own land. Morally? That’s a bit more grey. I tend to think land stewardship is a more ethical concept. I often look to my indigenous friends for guidance on this.
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cuddlytogas · 7 months
Fyre sent me an article that made me Lose My Mind, so instead of sending 800 tweets about it, I decided to just write up my thoughts here
so, in re: ET Fox, 'Jacobitism and the Golden Age of Piracy' --
Fox is definitely exaggerating. His logic jumps from 'ship names and alleged toasts', to 'every pirate was one contact away from a confirmed Jacobite', to "a Jacobite maritime community" (296), with little evidence beyond each previous assumption. He does demonstrate a link with popular Jacobitism, but overstates pirates' political commitment by far.
There's one letter to George Camocke, a Jacobite naval officer, suggesting that the pirate fleet should unite under his command and take Bermuda as a Jacobite base, but the source is shaky, and it went nowhere once Woodes Rogers ousted the pirates. (It's I think from 1718 and unsigned? Possibly from Charles Vane and his crew? Fox only says that, "Through these contacts [unspecified, between Vane and English Jacobites] a letter reached George Camocke" (286), which is suspiciously vague, and I can't access the original to check. Either way, it would still only prove the committed politics of one crew.)
Fox also makes a lot of Archibald Hamilton, governor of Jamaica from 1710-16, who commissioned and profited from the anti-Spanish privateers who turned pirate and made up some of the original Bahamas pirates c. 1715. Since "it has been suggested that [Hamilton] was a Jacobite supporter" (283), Fox claims that these establishing pirates were also committed Jacobites, and therefore the whole pirate community that grew around them must have been. (Which leads to Fox then being baffled when there's no direct evidence of Jacobitism among some of them, such as the crews of Anstis, Fenn, or Rackham.) He relies on these assumptions, and then claims that every connection between pirates proves their mutual Jacobite sympathies.
It's much more likely (and in line with the historians I've read so far) that the Jacobite toasts and ship names speak to a broader anti-authoritarianism among pirates, with no evidence of committed Jacobite actions by them, eg, specifically targeting Hanoverian ships, or materially supporting or trying to support Jacobite rebels beyond that one letter. Indeed, the 1710s/20s pirates are generally agreed to be distinct for not adhering to religious/national loyalties like the C17th pirates usually did. (I'm so sorry, I haven't consolidated my notes yet, but I know Marcus Rediker goes through this, as does Kris E Lane, and I think Tim Travers and David Cordingly.)
Fox does identify a correlation between the rise and fall of Jacobitism and piracy over the mid/late 1710s, but attributes a pretty shaky causation: pirates ceased their Jacobite loyalties due to the suppression of Jacobitism in Britain and Europe. A much more obvious explanation is that both anti-authoritarian movements simultaneously flourished in the post-war, post-succession instability, then were both quashed as the new regime established itself and cracked down on rebels.
So, did many pirates espouse Jacobite sympathies? Yes! They named their ships in favour of Jacobite causes and rulers, and there are plenty of reports of them toasting to King James / the Pretender. (Which it must be said, although the sheer volume lends a ring of truth to the trend, individual claims should be taken with a grain of salt, as Jacobitism was a common accusation against criminals at the time, with or without a basis.)
Does that mean that the 1710s Caribbean pirate community was centred around a heart of politically committed Jacobites, as Fox argues, or largely motivated by Jacobite sentiments? Yeah, probably not.
Anyway, I am SO sorry that this article got me riled up XD the whole point of this is to say, I've never read anywhere that "many pirates were Jacobites driven out of Britain", which I KNOW wasn't even your main point, but I am unfortunately Insane. We can and should talk about expressions of pro-Jacobitism and actual political engagement among 'Golden Age' pirates, but what we know of their actual actions and espoused ideals doesn't speak to a trend of committed Jacobite politics beyond a general loyalty to rebellious causes.
#history#pirates#pirate history#Jacobites#Jacobitism#Togas does meta#this article annoyed me so much omfg#at every step Fox makes a sort of shaky assumption and then bases his next assumption entirely on that as if it's a proven truth#it's like IF hamilton was a commited jacobite and IF that loyalty was shared with the privateers and IF those privateers#retained and spread that belief among the growing pirate community and IF that was the belief that held the community together#then yeah sure i guess jacobitism was a core cause and concern for the golden age pirates#but that's a lot of fucking 'if's among a situation with a lot more obvious explanations#Fox is right that historians so far are probably ignoring the influence of Jacobitism on golden age pirates a bit#it really hasn't come up in all my reading so far and I've done... a pretty fair amount lol#but he goes so far in the opposite direction that it's kind of embarrassing#very BR Burg coded tbh XD (i say as if i've actually read burg >.> but all the reviews are forming a picture for me...)#EDIT: it's also worth noting that Jacobitism was rarely (never?) a charge laid against pirates in all the trials and moralising against them#which you'd think - if they were actually hardcore individual or broad-base supporters of the cause - might've come up more often#but anti-pirate arguments basically always revolve around the threat to trade and property therefore nation/empire#if lawyers and reverends wanted to argue that pirates were traitors - and they did! - you'd think they'd mention any actual treasons#EDIT EDIT: N: Harry M. Lewis (2021) George Camocke’s 1718 Proposal of a Jacobite–Pirate Alliance#The Mariner's Mirror 107:3 pp366-370#has better detail and context for that letter
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lastcatghost · 11 months
The concept of private property is just absurd when you think about it fr. Like oh, you own this field? Well I own the moon and the pacific ocean lol, fuckin ridiculous
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freckliedan · 10 months
If you want to add another queer couple to your hyperfixactions then look at Henry and Jordan from Big Brother UK. They have announced they are no longer "platonic" and going on an official first date tonight. There's fanfic about Jenry and everything.
thank you so much for the rec anon! def publishing this for any of my followers interested but most likely will not be getting into them myself, i have the world's hardest time watching new media. hell yes though a win for rpf is a win for rpf
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chasing-stardust-22 · 2 months
Came across someone who was saying not to vote and instead invest in your community (and I mean they said only invest in the community, they weren't hyping up the importance of doing both) and one of their examples of "direct action" was... a community garden
My eyes rolled all the way to the back of my head just typing that, let alone reading it from someone who clearly believed what they were saying
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toubledrouble · 6 months
"fuck the rich and the government" but like in a christian way yk
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revvywevvy · 2 years
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'I... but.. you heard them! I'm an even bigger freak than before...! I-'
'Stop with that. Those idiots wouldn't know a real freak unless one hit 'em upside the head and.. stole their organs or something. I don't know.'
'...B-But... what if I really am one, though..? ...A... A monster.'
'Pffahaha- If anyone wants to see a monster, they'll have to call you one in front of me, first.'
'...R-Really, though. So long as whatever makes you fundamentally you never changes, you'll never be a monster to me. Shit, you could grow multiple heads, have an overbite and rabies, be 20-feet tall... and so long as you were still.. uh, mostly yourself, I'd never be able to call you a monster. Never. With just that, you'll always be Pyrrha. ......You'll always be... m-my Pyrrha, ehe. ♡'
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keistance · 2 years
the thing about obi wan is that he's accustomed to deal with people (qui gon, the council, his childhood friends, his former lovers, even his enemies) that can see through him as if he were an open window so he assumes everyone else can too and thats a problem, you see, because the one person who needed to know those emotions and feelings existed saw that window panel as if it was shut with bolts and made of cement. so obi wan would leave the order and thus the only way he knows life to be (apart from outright civil war) to complete anakin's training, he would freeze time so anakin can always be a little child who seeks his comfort when the rain gets a little too loud and never has to experience any sadness greater than that, he would carry all his burdens and shoulder all his injuries so anakin's doesn't have to bear them, he would stop at nothing to save him; obi wan loves anakin like a brother, but anakin doesn't know any of that because obi wan isn't going to voice something that for him and everyone else is abundantly clear
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nero-neptune · 1 year
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i'm not a historian or anything, but i think you're being incredibly ahistorical rn. "the whole reason"? "in the first place"? seriously? who, specifically, tore Which communities apart? what violence were these people escaping, exactly?
this post has well over 2k notes where op is being intentionally dishonest and vague about this bit of history (that Anyone, btw, can fact check, but won't ig bc this is tumblr). doing shit like this Really devalues whatever point you're tryna make, whatever your intention was.
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lesless · 1 year
I used to be so angry about the government & my anger wanted me to burn it all down. As I have changed through the years I remember that the only meaningful change comes from a place of love. So, I have been trying to reframe my dissatisfaction with how things are from a place of love.
I love the people in my country & the lands I live in, I want them to be better taken care of. I don’t want people to suffer unnecessarily if their health or their finances takes a hit, because I love them I want them to have somewhere safe to fall. I love the lands & the wilds in my country, I want them to be better taken care of because I love them. I will vote on policy that helps them, I will make an effort to be kind to those I disagree with so we can focus on common ground, I will pick up trash when I hike, I will eat local whenever I can, I will sort my garbage, I will show up with patience, I will slow down at crossings—because I love.
& it’s hard, & it’s grueling, & I’m still very very angry at how things operate, but I know from experience I’ll go the extra mile for love that I wouldn’t for hate or spite. I don’t think we can hate this country into a state of being better. I think people with the most to gain want us to hate each other if we disagree instead of love each other into a solution. & I do think the people who are most wounded take their opposition’s hate as evidence that they’re correct & morally superior.
I don’t want to be the bigger person, but if I love all the things I love I will find patience to advocate for them in a more effective way.
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"In a historic “first-of-its-kind” agreement the government of British Colombia has acknowledged the aboriginal ownership of 200 islands off the west coast of Canada.
The owners are the Haida nation, and rather than the Canadian government giving something to a First Nation, the agreement admits that the “Xhaaidlagha Gwaayaai” or the “islands at the end of world,” always belonged to them, a subtle yet powerful difference in the wording of First Nations negotiating.
BC Premier David Eby called the treaty “long overdue” and once signed, will clear the way for half a million hectares (1.3 million acres) of land to be managed by the Haida.
Postal service, shipping lanes, school and community services, private property rights, and local government jurisdiction, will all be unaffected by the agreement, which will essentially outline that the Haida decide what to do with the 200 or so islands and islets.
“We could be facing each other in a courtroom, we could have been fighting each other for years and years, but we chose a different path,” said Minister of Indigenous Relations of BC, Murray Rankin at the signing ceremony, who added that it took creativity and courage to “create a better world for our children.”
Indeed, making the agreement outside the courts of the formal treaty process reflects a vastly different way of negotiating than has been the norm for Canada.
“This agreement won’t only raise all boats here on Haida Gwaii – increase opportunity and prosperity for the Haida people and for the whole community and for the whole province – but it will also be an example and another way for nations – not just in British Columbia, but right across Canada – to have their title recognized,” said Eby.
In other words, by deciding this outside court, Eby and the province of BC hope to set a new standard for how such land title agreements are struck."
-via Good News Network, April 18, 2024
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dykeofmisfortune · 3 months
thinking abt my life seriously i think becoming a lawyer would be easier for me than working in PR m*rketing
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flatsinkalyan · 7 months
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