#commando 2023
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rhk111sblog · 2 years ago
Thailand makes it easier and faster for Chinese Tourists to get Visas as they go into a Military Exercise with China; Malaysia to enhance its Diplomatic Engagements with China as they also receive a Usd 650 million Investment from them into their Digital Sector; and Vietnam assures China of its “One-China” Policy
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wizardofrozz · 1 year ago
Learning to Trust
Ordo Skirata x reader, mention of Mereel and Kal Skirata
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: swearing, mention of war, mostly just fluff
A/N: I got punched in the face with this idea and amazed myself with how fast I wrote it lmao hope you enjoy! ❤️
jagyc’kovid: dickhead
shabuir: motherfucker
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It was peaceful. The gentle undercurrent of the water rocked the Aay’han, reminding you of a mother rocking her newborn. The co-pilot seat wasn’t the most comfortable but if you sat at an angle, your feet resting on the control panel, you could let your muscles relax enough that you could possibly nap. Your eyes followed the bright, glimmering aquatic life that swam past, watching them shimmer in the sunlight that streamed through the water. The Aay’han was floating off the coast of the capital city, waiting for Sergeant Skirata and Mereel to com for a pickup. 
You had been undercover for the Republic for…a long time, gathering intel about the manufacturing of Separatist droids. Life had been fairly normal, well as normal as it could be for a Republic spy until a certain Mandalorian and his small squad of clones came crashing through your front door. Literally. You glanced at the pilot’s chair, the corner of your lips lifting. 
Ordo was stretched out in the chair beside you, his long legs crossed at the ankles. His arms were folded over his chest, his head tipped forward until his chin nearly touched his chest. His empty Mandalorian helmet sat on the floor beside his chair and every once in a while, you could hear faint, staticky voices floating from inside. The muted shimmer of the water threw a faint glow over his face; Ordo looked peaceful, his usually tense expression slack, his eyes closed. 
He was sleeping. You muffled a chuckle against the back of your hand, carefully lowering your feet to the floor. The co-pilot chair groaned as you stood and you paused, half-standing, to dart your eyes back towards Ordo. He huffed heavily through his nose but otherwise didn’t move. 
It took a few minutes of rustling through cabinets as quietly as possible, having to stop a few times when you made too much noise before you finally found a blanket. It smelled a bit musty but it would do. You unfolded it on your back to the cockpit, smirking at Ordo’s sleeping form before you carefully draped the blanket over him. He shifted lazily, his brow wrinkling for a moment and you stood a little straighter and held your breath. Ordo’s lashes fluttered, his dark glassy eyes taking a moment to focus but they quickly lifted to where you stood over him. 
“Sorry to wake you,” you murmured with an apologetic smile. 
“Wasn’t sleepin’,” Ordo grumbled, dragging himself into a sitting position. The furrow between his brows deepened as he looked down at the blanket pooling in his lap. There was an odd look on his face, one you had seen occasionally in the time you’d spent with him. The innocent, almost confused expression always made your heart ache and it was even worse when he tilted his head back to look up at you. 
“I thought you’d be more uncomfortable,” you explained, gesturing to the blanket as you leaned against the back of his chair. Ordo nodded slowly, absently rubbing the fabric between his gloved fingers. “You can try and go back to sleep if you’d like.”
Ordo somehow looked more tense than usual for a moment, before dropping his eyes to the blanket again. “Alright.” For some reason, it surprised you; accidentally falling asleep was one thing but this showed that he trusted you enough to willingly let himself rest. 
“Hm, you must really trust me,” you teased. Ordo turned in his chair again and you were suddenly aware of how close he was, his face close enough that you could see the faint freckles on his cheeks. Ordo was always intense but the way he looked at you, bright brown eyes smoldering, made your stomach somersault. 
“I do.” He spoke softly like it was a secret but there was no uncertainty in his voice. Your breath caught when he smiled, crooked and boyish, disarmingly charming without even trying. Sometimes you wondered if he was aware of it but based on some of the more…awkward encounters you’d had with him, you were pretty sure it was natural. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, meaning it wholeheartedly. Ordo’s smile started to fade but you didn’t miss the way his eyes darted down to your mouth, his tongue poking out to wet his lips before he forced his gaze elsewhere. He cleared his throat quietly and when his eyes found yours again you caught the muted anxiety that flashed across his face. 
You had no idea where the confidence came from that had you leaning down, bringing your face even closer to his. Ordo tensed but didn’t pull away, letting the strained silence linger. A shiver zipped up your spine when he tilted his head slowly, his eyes darting between your eyes and your lips. He paused, leaving almost no space between you and him and you could feel his slow, rhythmic breathing against your chin. 
“Can I?” he asked softly. 
A soft gasp filled the air when he closed the space and you weren’t sure if you made the sound or if he had. The kiss was hesitant, neither of you moving for a moment until one of his large hands closed around your bicep and you melted against him, sighing through your nose. It was clear Ordo didn’t have much experience but he didn’t seem to mind following your lead. He inhaled sharply when your tongue swept over his bottom lip but he quickly caught on, parting his lips. 
The low groan from deep in his chest made you shiver, a hand coming to cup the back of his head, your fingers threading through his soft curls. 
“Ord’ika? You read me?” You and Ordo jumped so hard at the familiar voice that your heads knocked together, each of you quickly reaching up to rub the now-aching spot. Ordo growled through clenched teeth, twisting around to punch a button on the control panel; despite the pain blooming across your forehead, you barely stifled a laugh. 
“What?” he snapped, glaring at the blue hologram that popped up. Mereel tilted his head, arching a brow but there was the hint of a smirk on his face. 
“What’d you do to your head?”
“None of your business, jagyc’kovid. What d’ya want?” 
“Pickup would be nice,” Mereel sighed with a shrug. He glanced over his shoulder with a badly hidden smirk and winked at who you assumed was Kal. 
“Send coordinates,” Ordo grumbled, ending the call without letting Mereel respond. “Shabuir.”
You giggled, biting your lip when Ordo threw a narrow-eyed look in your direction. “Come on, let’s go get them.” 
“Should leave 'em,” Ordo huffed, rubbing his forehead one last time before dropping his hands to the panel again and starting the flight sequence. The smile that spread across your face was fonder than you thought possible and you leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss on his cheek. You settled into the co-pilot chair, glancing over at him again with a smirk.  
Ordo refused to look at you but there was no denying that his cheeks were a little redder than before. 
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @dystopicjumpsuit @secondaryrealm @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino
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avengerscompound · 1 year ago
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Steve Rogers
Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) #2
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 3 months ago
* further clarification: Things that occurred in the DCEU could also have occurred in the DCU timeline. It’ll be up to Gunn’s discretion of course. For example, he could say a version of Peacemaker season 1 occurred in the DCU, which is similar to how the season played out in the DCEU. If this is confusing to think about, imagine that there are two parallel universes that closely resemble each other. Only minuscule details have been changed. So two versions of Peacemaker season 1 exists.
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engagemythrusters · 2 years ago
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also @wackylurker I did also make you a Sev. He's a quick Sev. not very art-trade worthy. But I made him anyway <3 He's for you. Fun fact I wouldn't have drawn any commando helmetless if not for you. I was too scared to make my own interpretation beforehand. Thanks for letting me come out of my shell <3
Also do you know how terrified I was to draw for you initially. Like I accidentally gave myself someone I think is sooooo cool what if I screw it up. Hehe oops
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kaminocasey · 1 year ago
25 Days of Life Day: Day 7 - Light Displays with Niner
Summary: You and Niner go to a Life Day light display where he surprises you.
A/N: I just have a lot of feelings about Niner, it's not even funny. (Unfortunately, there's like zero pictures of him since he's in the Rep Comm books lol) Still love him though. ANYWAY, sorry this is so fucking late. I'm so irritated with myself for getting so behind. But I am DETERMINED to get caught up.
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Niner had comm’d you early in the day to ask you to meet him at Laseema’s later. He hadn’t said much, just that he had something planned for tonight. Which is new because Niner wasn’t much of a planner. He’s just always so tired, he usually lets you take the reins on planning stuff. Not that you get a lot of time to do stuff. But you’re excited. 
When you arrive at Laseema’s, Niner is nowhere in sight nor do you sense him. But Laseema answers the door, excited nonetheless.
“Hi, Seema.” You greet her, breathless when she practically yanks you into the apartment that Kal Skirata had given her in return for her help from time to time. 
And by fate, she and Atin met and fell in love. They’re supposed to get married after the war, and you couldn’t be more happy for the pair. 
“I have a surprise for you. And you can’t say no.” She points at you. “Okay?”
“O…kay?” You reply, suspiciously.
The sweet blue Twi’lek lets out an excited squeal and disappears to her bedroom, returning a moment later holding a grey garment bag, hanging it on the. 
“What’s this?” You ask her, a warm smile on your face as you start to pull the zip down.
“A gift for Life Day and also something for you to wear tonight because no offense, you can’t wear your Jedi robes. You’ll stick out too much.” She tells you, honestly.
You nod in agreement. “You have a point. What’s Niner wearing?” 
“Not his commando armor. That’s for sure.” She laughs. 
You chuckle with her and then pull open the garment bag, a small sharp gasp coming from your lips when you’re met with a gorgeous silky green long sleeved dress. Looking up at Laseema with stars in your eyes, you find yourself choked up.
“Go. Put it on.” Laseema ushers you to the bathroom.
She stands in the doorway talking to you about something that Atin did for her for Life Day but once you put the dress on, she stops talking.
“You look radiant in green.” She hugs you, unable to help herself. 
“I couldn’t agree more.” Niner’s voice is behind her in the living room and she moves out of the way so you can see each other better. 
He’s wearing really nice slacks and a green collared shirt. 
“Are we matching on purpose?” You ask, playfully suspicious. 
He grins. “Maybe.” 
“Hold on.” Laseema puts up a hand and then grabs her makeup kit so she can put a little bit of shadow on your eyelids, then some sort of eyelash enhancer, and then lastly puts a little bit of color on your lips. 
You look in the mirror and you can’t help but smile softly. You feel pretty. As a Jedi, you’re taught to not give into such shallow thoughts or to care about appearances. But you can’t help it. You feel pretty. 
“Look at you, cyar’ika.” Niner whistles. 
You go warm in the face and grin at him as you walk to him, kissing him. He feels the green silk under his fingers and looks you up and down again. 
“Wow.” He shakes his head, unable to believe that you’re all his.
“Stop.” You laugh. “Are you ready? Where are we going?” 
“It’s a surprise.” He offers his arm and you take it. “Thank you, Laseema.”
Laseema throws you a wink and you wave as you head back out the door and down to a speeder cab waiting for the two of you. 
“No hints or anything, huh?” You tease. “Nope.” His large hand settles on your thigh, pushing the edge of your dress up a little bit, setting your skin on fire.
The whole ride, you seemingly can’t take your eyes off of his hand as he lightly massages your thigh. When the speeder comes to a stop, you’re broken out of a trance when Niner tells you that you’ve arrived at your destination. When you get out, you see that you’re at the entrance of some sort of Light Display in the park. You didn’t know this was here on Coruscant… It’s so beautiful… 
“Wow…” You whisper as Niner takes your hand and starts leading you down the pathway. 
“I know.” Niner grins. 
The lights twinkle and flash as you start walking through the pathway. When you look to your left, you see lots of light displays in the shapes of cityscapes, which you assume is to show that it’s Coruscant. It’s perhaps even lovelier than the sight of Galactic City itself. 
“Do you know what I thought of you the moment I met you?” Niner asks you, randomly. 
“That I was annoying and you couldn’t wait to never see me again?” You grin. 
You sense nervousness within him. It’s not a feeling you sense in him often. He’s usually very sure of his actions and decisions. So this… worries you only slightly.
He chuckles and teases back. “That’s one way of putting it.”
You laugh and lean against him even more. “What did you think of me, my love?” 
“I thought, and still do of course, that you were the most beautiful, kind hearted person I’d ever met. It scared me, you know… How quick and hard I fell for you.” He admits. “The moment we left you, I wanted so badly to turn back around and go back for you… to ask you to join our squad permanently… or be with us more often. I think the boys knew that. They’d bring you up a lot so that I’d have a reason to talk about you.” 
You smile to yourself as you look at the lights while walking, letting Niner tell you things he’s never really told you before.
“We were on some Maker-forsaken backwater planet and it genuinely randomly dawned on me that I was in love with you. I said it out loud and the guys all said something to the extent of ‘No osik’ or ‘Obviously’.” He chuckles. 
You know it was Fi that probably said “No osik” and Darman who said “Obviously”. 
“I love you, cyar’ika.” He stops you when you come to a fork in the path, both ways leading to extravagant and bright light displays so you feel like you’re glowing underneath all of these lights. 
You look up into Niner’s warm brown eyes and see the sparkles of lights dancing in his eyes. “I love you too.” 
“No… I…” He glances around before getting down on one knee, pulling a small black box out from his back pocket and opening it, revealing a small intricate green stone on a band. “I love you. I want to spend the rest of what short life I have, with you. I know it’s probably impossible with you and the Order… but I-”
“Yes.” You grin, cutting him off. 
“Y-yes?” He looks up at you with wide, childlike wonder.
“Yes.” You nod, kneeling down to throw your arms around him and kiss him. “Yes, yes, yes.” 
He kisses you back passionately, hungrily, like he couldn’t possibly get enough of you. You suppose he can’t, if he’s asking you to marry him. To spend the rest of his life with him. 
Niner slips the ring on your finger and you both stand up, embracing for what seems like an hour. You can’t stop looking at the ring. It’s beyond beautiful. How he came by this, you’re not sure because clones don’t get paid…
As if he can read your mind, he speaks up. “It was a… gift… from Sergeant Vau… something about how it used to belong to his mother. He gave it to me to give to you.” 
“It’s lovely.” You kiss him again. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for saying yes.” He grins. 
There’s still a lot of kinks to work out in this marital plan, but you know that you and Niner can overcome anything. Plus, who knew he was such a romantic? 
“Did she say yes?!” You hear a distant shout and look up to see the rest of Omega squad standing at the end of the pathway.
“She did!” Niner calls back, exasperated but proud. Fi, Darman, Etain, Atin, and Laseema cheer for the two of you. Of course they’d be here in support of their vod. You’d expect nothing less from this family. You’re just grateful to be a part of it.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting  @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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irlwakko · 1 year ago
*slamming hands on table foaming at the mouth* I WANT COMMANDO RAJ
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mamuzzy · 1 year ago
Okay, my temporary-brainfuckery is over, I'm kind of hyped now about the new year and can look back at 2023 with much more contentment. So I jumped on the train of doing Art Summary too :))) (template HERE)
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Yeah, what the fuck did I do in the first half of the year... honestly, I don't remember. No, really, I can't remember...
My sketchbook can be dated back to 2021 with some old Touken Ranbu and merfolk sketches, but I don't remember actually opening it this year until june...
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...and guys, I actually have only a few pages left to fill!!!! I kind of proud of myself. Joining into TCW fandom really did wonders with my creativity and productivity.
I'll get sappy with this probably, but the existence of this blog, a filled up sketchbook in my hand is the very proof that I exist. When bdick fucks me in the brain, I can't remember having these wonderful memories of creating but when my mind clears from the fog, I come up here, looking at my little fortress, looking at my silly doodles, I don't feel that I have to build up everything from the start, and I actually managed to create a safe-place for myself that welcomes me back when I return from those dark places. My art maybe not visually pleasing, my anatomy is shit, but they are mine and most importantly THEY EXIST.
❀ My artistic plans for the future in this blog... ❀ ❀ To continue creating: daily doodles. Not sure about uploading it daily but maybe making compilations from my sketchbook from time-to-time. I'm expecting to have a more relaxed job time-wise, also I'm on a medication now due to my migraines, maybe I won't spend half of my year sleeping just escape from the pain. ❀ Creating character bios for my OC's. ❀ Participating in events/doing challenges: The whole concept is scary for me because deadlines are stressing me out, and I'm a slow artist.
❀ One of the self-made challenge: Redraw my sketchbook from 2012-2014. I probably mentioned that I've found it some time ago and actually chickened out from uploading them because most of the sketches in them are quite... hmm... bpd related without me knowing I had bpd back then (also i don't want them to hide under cut because then what's the point of uploading???). But it would be interesting to redesign them and make a comparison post about it.
❀ be more authentic with my art: my original plan with this blog was to use art to heal myself, and while drawing funny stuff is great, I still believe I'm self-censoring myself both in art and both in personal posts just like I'm masking in real life and it's. fucking. exhausting. My mental fuckery is a part of my life, part of me.
❀ Writing short stories: TCW, TBB, RepComm, million ideas in my head.
❀ Getting started on my Deadshot story: A multichaptered longfic starting from Umbara arc (I wrote ARC again), following the canon events but will deviate at some points.
❀ Getting started on my urban fantasy Coruscant Guard Story.
I could go on but I don't want to set unrealistic and unachievable goals either. YEAR JUST STARTED AND IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!
Thank you for hanging out with me in 2023, thank you for giving me a chance with those prompt-games and requests. I love you guys.
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ice-6caydesqueen · 2 years ago
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Mando may 2023
Day 18 mirshmure’cya - keldabe kiss, headbutt
Etain and darman
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starsandnoodles · 1 year ago
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Day 6 of this stuff
I’ve never drawn anything cheat commandos related until today and might update my submission on it perhaps….
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vanisketches · 2 years ago
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May the 4th be with you and it is Mermay
The actual piece I wanted to make took a little longer, than I anticipated.
Kal Skirata/Walon Vau
Reblogs > Likes!
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thegalaxys-edge · 2 years ago
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found this gem at a pop-up bookstore about OUR BOYS!! going fERal going wiLD!! i will be posting thoughts about it while reading
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rhk111sblog · 2 years ago
Another Chinese Company is building an Automotive Factory in Thailand; Indonesia is inviting China to invest in their Water Infrastructure; Chinese Troops arrive in Singapore for a Joint Military Training; Another Chinese Company is investing Usd 500 million to build a Factory in Vietnam, and an All-Police Band goes Viral in Malaysia for singing a Chinese Song
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engagemythrusters · 2 years ago
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Fi lived, bitch.
Would have called it "Besany and Bardan wanted to be petty bitches at that one medical droid who wanted to take Fi off life support" but that's too long.
This is my @starwars-arttrade-2023 piece for @wackylurker! Dear beloved mutual. I started making it while you weren't yet sure if Fi would live or not. I'm not sure what went on through my head but I decided I needed to make this. It's no Star Wars Mona Lisa, and honestly I'm not even sure it's what you would now want. But. It was funny at the time, okay!
I do have an alternate version under the cut hehe.
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medical droid blogging ig xoxo sdlfkj idk it was funny at the time okay!
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g4zdtechtv · 2 years ago
Cinematech's Trailer Park - ​John Carpenter's Toxic Commando (Multiplatform)
You Give Love A Bad Name.
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theladybrownstarot · 6 months ago
Pick-A-Card: What kind of healing are you being called up for ?
✧ Here's the masterlist for more !
✧ Make sure like/follow/reblogg for pacs like these !
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✧ Pile 1 .
Namaste pile 1 , let's begin with your reading :
˖⁺‧₊˚ Okay before I begin with your reading I heard word "sky" - might be related to freedom in some way . It could be possible that you or someonelse restricted your freedom to move ahead in life or might be feeling so stuck currently but you don't need to because you need to remember that control is in your hand only if your realise. So , here you are being called up for own power healing . For some of you I see healing from an emotional loss of someone or something close to you. For some of you it is about some sort of disappointment that you are holding on now even . You might be among those who don't show their emotions or express similarly you hide yourself from people but you don't need to ,okay ? The healing you need to do is not dependent or needs someone else rather you or we can say your inner wisdom needs to be used to enlighten yourself also you are being told not to become hopeless because you lost something precious because in our life we are blessed to have many things that needs our attention and care as they are precious too so see high commando !
✧ Pile 2.
Namaste pile 2 , let's begin with your reading :
˖⁺‧₊˚ Hey people are you Into monster movies or horror movies even sci- fic ? I felt so while I was doing your reading. Don't consume a lot of negative content because it's not for our mental health okay ? At same time don't be grumpy most of the time just take a chill pill. Now If we talk about what kind of healing you need to do is regarding your work or skill development . I sense that you might not be using your potential properly in things or it could be that you are utilising your skills in the right manner or right things because of which you are lacking behind and that's what keeping your frustrated and stuck . So , you are being called up to settle down somewhere to calm your mind and introspect for same . This healing will actually help you rise up among your peers or enviroment you are in also that you got a great motive behind and you are set to achieve something high so if you saw this reading this is a call to halt those who halt you !
✧ Pile 3
Namaste pile 3 , let's begin with your reading :
˖⁺‧₊˚ Okay, I sense that you took some decision but now it's not going as what you thought or believed it to be like rather opposite of it because of which you are mentally suffering and that's what you need to heal . I'm sensing that you are unnecessarily speeding up things or going very harshly and that's what you need to heal why because this thing of going fast and harshly will leave more painful wounds then marks on you and I don't want to see that for sure ! I'm sensing that you need to travel and go outside rather than Staying at one place because this promote your healing and bring your some good luck and wait I heard word "golden" too soo travel is gonna be a gem for you . You are being called up to ground your energies and heal them up so also to free yourself from all bandages you are in . That's it pile 3 . Don't hurry be slow for some time! Nothing is going to go out of hand .
©️ @theladybrownstarot 2023 all rights reserved. Any stealing or copying of work will be a punishable offence.
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