#coming up with new links isn't something i think i'm ready for yet
bokettochild · 2 years
Hero's Wake - Part 3/3
Summary: A battle in the middle of nowhere leaves the younger heroes grievously injured and a couple near death. It's only been a day since their last big battle and they're nearly out of medical supplies, and with no towns or healers in sight, the boys have to hope that the owners of the small farmhouse Twilight saw when scouting ahead will be kind enough to help them. Turns out, the farmers have a lot more to offer than medical aid; they also have stories and memories of a young hero of courage it seems the Chain hasn't yet encountered.
(As promised, here is the art piece that sort of inspired this story, you know, in a round about 'how did we come here' sort of way lol. I honestly loved this piece and would love to mess more with the idea in future, if only because the potential is so untapped!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (you are here)
The bedroom is the same from this morning, still peaceful, still quiet, still haunting in the absence of its owner. The bed is a slight mess on Four’s side, as though the smithy has tried to straighten the sheets and given up halfway through on account of his bed-mate, but other than the blankets, everything is untouched. Well, except of course for the teapot left on the nightstand with an un-drunk mug of tea and the plush rabbit that nimble fingers are currently worrying the ear of. 
He doesn’t think Legend notices him when he enters, or at least the veteran doesn’t respond in any way, positive or negative when he stops in the doorway.  
It’s strange, in a way, to stand and watch Legend lay there, eyes fixed on the plush animal as one of its limp and well-loved ears is worried between his fingers. The vet looks near as young as the painting downstairs as he lies, blankets up to his shoulders, hair a mess and clutching the stuffed animal like some sort of lifeline, and somehow, that makes him feel he should walk back out. Except, Legend and Four were both badly hurt, and now that the vet’s awake, he really does need to check and make sure there’s nothing gone wrong and the teen is feeling at least somewhat better. 
“Just going to stand there?” 
The vet’s eyes don’t shift from where they're turned on the rabbit so it catches him a bit off guard, but he doesn’t let that show as he walks into the room proper, moving to seat himself on the opposite side of the bed, if not for his own comfort than for the vet’s so Legend won’t have to crane his neck oddly to look at him. “How are you feeling?” 
The younger hero shifts slightly, making a face of discomfort. “Not great honestly. How are the others?” 
“Hyrule’s leg was broken and we’re trying to keep him off of it, Four took an axe to the side and Wind took a bad hit to his right arm.” He lists, settling more comfortably and carefully noting the tense posture of the other’s shoulders as he lists off all their younger members, no doubt the ones Legend would have been most worried about. “They’ve all been treated.” 
“And Wild?” 
“A concussion, but nothing more, by Din’s grace.”  
The vet nods, sighing as he sinks down a bit further into the bed with a wince. “The others?” 
He recounts the injuries as Romani had done so, assuring that all is well, the others are all healing well and that Legend and Four really were the worst off of the nine of them. “And as Four’s already up, I’d say he’s well on the mend.” 
There’s another nod, Legend’s gaze still not meeting his own as the teen fidgets with the plush rabbit. It’s strange, he’d never expect it from the seasoned veteran of their group to play with stuffed animals, but then again, he really has no room to talk; the stuffed horse Malon made him when they were kids still rests on their bed, well-loved and repeatedly mended, and he’s no closer to packing it away than he was when he reached adulthood the second time. 
“How mad are they?” 
It catches him off guard to hear, and he pauses, head tilting slightly to one side as he considers the hero before him. “None of us are mad, vet. That ‘blin was near twice your size, it wasn’t your fault.” 
The tattered ear of the rabbit is tugged slightly, the vet’s face pinching into a scowl. “Not the guys, the- the folks of the house. We’re at Lon Lon but it’s not yours, how mad were the people here that...” 
“That we intruded on their lives?” 
Legend nods. 
“Not mad at all. They almost turned us away at the door, but I think seeing you younger boys turned their hearts. It seems they have experience with heroes and can recognize them once they’ve had time to look.” 
He can’t fathom why the vet winces at the words, or why his hands close tighter around the plush. 
Distractedly, he wonders if he should look into getting animal plushes for all of his boys. Legend seems quite taken with the rabbit and he’s sure Sky and the younger ones would appreciate having one to hold or fidget with themselves. Warriors and Twilight he’s unsure about, but perhaps that is only because the two of them present themselves so maturely. Perhaps secretly, they would appreciate having a small animal friend to consult with when they need a moment alone, but he doubts they’d own up to as much. 
“Did they...” Legend pauses, gnawing on his lip the same as the pup gnaws his cheek, “Do they know who we are?” 
He considers the paintings downstairs. “Maybe some of us, they didn’t say anything about it though, so I can’t tell you for sure.” 
Another nod, and Legend shifts yet again, this time to be lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. He looks troubled, though by what Time can’t decipher. 
“Is something the matter?” 
This time he gets a shake of the head, but violet eyes still don’t drift over to meet his gaze, the other instead staring upwards blankly, gaze dull and hands still at work with the rabbit he’s pulled over with himself. 
“Don’t dad-voice me, Time.” The vet snaps, although without any of the bite he’s accustomed to as the teen turns on him. “It might fly with the others, but I’m not one of your pups.” 
It takes him a bit aback, but he doesn’t fight it, just nods his acceptance before Legend is turning back to look up at the roof. Despite himself, he can’t help glancing up after, wondering what could be up there that’s holding the vet’s attention. 
He doesn’t regret looking. The ceiling is painted, beautifully so, with a map. Not a star map, as he would suppose most people would attempt, but one of Hyrule, of beyond Hyrule. He can make out near perfectly the Lost Woods, Castletown, Death Mountain and Lake Hylia as well as a few other familiar landmarks. He can see towns and cities, palaces and islands, even the ocean in sweeping blue and purple. 
“The Labrynnian border is done wrong.” Legend huffs, drawing his gaze to see the scowl set on the face of the other. 
He has to remind himself before he speaks that Legend is in pain, nervous for whatever reason and also a professional when it comes to both maps and art. “Maybe so, but for a child,” his good eye trails back up to the painting, perfectly visible from their place on the bed, “this is amazing.” 
There’s silence a moment, and when he looks it’s to see Legend still frowning, eyes pained. “Wind could do better.” 
“Wind is a professional map maker.” 
“See, he could do better.” 
Time sighs. “Legend-” 
“Leave it be, Old Man.” Again, the younger hero shifts, rolling over and dragging the rabbit plush with him as he turns his back on the older man. “I’m going back to sleep.” 
Impulse has him reaching out a hand and parting his lips to speak, but instinct has him pulling back, reminding himself that this is Legend; he likes his space and his peace and what precious little sleep he can get. “Sleep well, vet. There’s tea on the side table to help with the pain.” 
Legend grunts something indistinct as a response, and Time takes that as his cue to stand and leave the room. 
The meal has been cleared by the time he makes it down the stairs, but he makes it his business to offer a hand with the dishes despite. This time, he’s not denied the chance to work, and he and Warriors labor at cleaning and drying them while Creamia stand close by to make sure the plates and utensils and cups and other things all go where they ought. 
 It’s quiet between them as they work, the captain humming softly, brows furrowed in thought as he scrubs, and Time himself is a bit too lost in his own thoughts to try and attempt any sort of talk. He briefly wonders if the silence makes their hosts uncomfortable, as tense as he is, but the red-head at his shoulder seems more interested with watching them, curious, than looking disturbed by the strange quiet of the farm kitchen. 
The day proceeds as such, the heroes offering their aid where they can and being employed in various capacities about the farm. It’s still raining, just as Miss Mirta predicted, but Twilight and Warriors take no issue with doing out of doors work despite, coming back inside sopping and grinning, ribbing each other and tussling gently in ways that draw smiles all around. Romani scolds them playfully, throwing towels in their faces as her girls likeways towel themselves dry, giggling at the two boys.  
Four and Hyrule have settled down helping wind yarn into skeins and Wild has made himself useful with Wind in scrubbing and cleaning various parts of the house as they’re commanded by Mister Hanson. As for Time, he’s managed to find himself working with the patriarch of the house in cleaning the rather surprising array of weapons armor and items that the man keeps around. 
“They’re from my days as a Knight of Hyrule.” The old man tells him, buffing a rather too small helmet. “I kept them around for Link, when he grew old enough. They’re family heirlooms and can’t be allowed to fall into disrepair.” 
All in all, it's not a bad day they spend, working and chatting and general getting to know their hosts. 
This worlds Malon is much like his own was in her teens, fiesty and a bit bitter, but not without reason. They learn that the girl was rather close to this world’s hero, and that his loss was like that of a younger sibling, leaving her feeling a bit alone without her partner in crime and taking his death perhaps the hardest out of all of her family. Regardless though, she’s quick witted and clever, and once Four prompts a laugh out of her with a droll comment she seems to warm up to the lot of them somewhat. Creamia is the quieter of the two sisters, but none the less sharp or observant. She speaks little, but she seems to be listening to all as she works over a mending pile that afternoon, green eyes flickering over their number with a hint of something sly touching her smile. Romani is something akin to both her daughters, bold and quiet at once, not speaking overmuch but always with purpose and she seems to have Warriors quite hooked in conversation as the two discuss matters he hadn’t been aware the captain knew anything about. The discussion of the market for cattle is boring to him, but quite riveting for the two if their tense expressions and quick back and forth means anything. 
And that leaves Miss Mirta and her husband, who seem to be well settled folks who’ve seen both the worst and best of what life has to offer and sit contentedly apart from the world on their ranch, enjoying the long days and the company as it comes, and working at their tasks with eyes that turn over the group of heroes and farm-lasses with warm smiles. Mister Hanson in particular seems to take a shine to him, settling down and discussing adventures and combat and any number of droll stories that really aren’t half of what the man thinks them to be, but somehow capture Wind’s attention despite, the sailor constantly pausing in his work to listen until the lad is shooed away by Wild to just sit and keep the older fellow company. 
Wind’s eagerness and the old knight’s nostalgia make the two a perfect pair to spend the following hour as dinner is prepared, and it finally leaves Time in peace. He takes the opportunity for what it is, rising and excusing himself to go check on Legend again, although not before Twilight has risen to do the exact same. It leaves chuckles ringing from the group about them as they exchange a glance and a smile before determining to head up together. 
“If he’s awake,” Miss Mirta calls to them, rising from her needlework and making her way towards the kitchens, “bring him down. I’d like to check that wound over and get some food in him if he can manage, poor dear’s eaten nothing all day.” 
“Could’ve eaten that soup I brought up,” Wars offers, and then to himself more then to their hostess, “doubtful though.” 
Twilight nods. “Yes’m, he should be awake by now, so I’ll haul him down even if he kicks up a fuss. Apologies in advance for his attitude.” 
There are chuckles and snorts from the other heroes and raised brows from their hosts, but nothing more is said as he and his pup make for the stairs and up to the loft space of the house. The room is the same as the last time he was in it, and surprisingly, Legend still lies in the bed, staring up at the ceiling with a pained expression as one hand rubs over the center of his chest. It’s telling in a way Legend rarely is, hinting that the wound from the previous night is bothering him even despite being mostly healed. It makes him worry just a bit, pausing in the door as he’s done both times previous. 
Twilight has no such hesitations, entering the room boldly and settling at his brother’s side with a concerned tilt of the head and a quiet question that Legend dismisses with something terse and murmured. It draws a huff of silent laughter from his pup, one hand reaching out to ruffle the vet’s already atrociously messy hair, earning a glare as the vet bats at his hand. Despite all though, he can tell the interaction is purely playful on both ends; were Legend truly irritated he could kick Twilight off the bed with ease, and the pup would stop if told to do so seriously. Legend doesn’t demand he cease though, so Twilight doesn’t stop until pink bangs are falling over the vet’s eyes and earning a squawk of protest as the younger hero sits up and tries to free his eyes from their newly gained veil. It makes him smile to watch them, although it is somewhat surprising. He had thought the two to be rather at odds with each other, but it would seem something has shifted when he wasn’t looking. 
“So, you can sit up,” Twilight observes, shifting around and scooping the vet up in his arms, making his brother abandon his mission to free his vision as instead the vet grabs at the arms around him with an outraged huff. 
“Put me down, you bloody mutt!” 
The ‘mutt’ in question huffs, smiling in the way that shows all his teeth as he purposefully fumbles his brother enough to make Legend’s hands clutch tightly into the rancher's shirt, drawing a laugh from the older boy. “Sorry, vet, but yer wanted downstairs.” 
The words shouldn’t make Legend pale like he does, and he hardly expects the way the vet pushes back, nearly making himself fall all over again. It would seem his pup didn’t expect it either, and rather than letting Legend meet his fate of falling to the floor, the young man hastily drops his brother to the bed’s covers, face pinching with worry at the way the younger lad flails only to still, pain written across his face as he clutches at his chest. 
One hand raises in a motion for silence, the younger hero forcing even breaths as he pressed to the previously wounded area of his chest. 
For lack of anything better to do, he makes his way to the bedside, scooping up the mug of tea that sits there, still only half drunk, and offers it to the younger man. Legend nods his thanks for it, sipping cautiously and making a face at the taste, but not handing it back until a decent portion of the now cold liquid is gone and at least some of the discomfort seems to have eased. 
Patiently, his pup waits until his brother’s hand falls from against his chest, no longer pressing as pain is written over pinched features, and when Legend seems calm again, the pup speaks. “Vet, you should get that looked at.” 
There’s a roll of the eyes in response, Legend settling back down as he speaks. “No point. It’s just the muscles regrowing. Hurts like the dickens but it won’t kill me.” 
“Still, there might be a way to help it along.” 
“Warriors might know of something,” Time offers, “and if he doesn’t I’m sure our hosts-” 
“No thanks.” Legend cuts him off, perhaps too hastily.  
Twilight cocks a brow. “Why not, do you- Vet, if you think they’re unsafe-” 
“Of course they’re safe,” the vet scoffs, “probably the safest people in all of Hyrule, I just...” The teen flops back into the bed, closing his eyes as to not look at either of them. “I’m pretty sure there’s nothing they could do for me, and I refuse to be a burden on people.” 
He wants to deny that any of his boys could ever be a burden, but he’s not given a chance. It would seem his pup has sniffed out something and the younger man’s brows furrow as something glints in midnight blue eyes. “And how would you know if they’re the safest folk in Hyrule, when you haven’t met them and don’t know who’s Hyrule this is?” 
He can hear the silent curse and the vet freezes up, and though Legend’s eyes are closed his ears give him away, flicking backwards in a signal of either fear or wariness as the other takes a stuttering breath. Neither he nor Twilight speak, waiting for an answer, and at last it comes, Legend pushing himself back up, eyes fixed on his hands as they fist in the sheets of the bed, knuckles white and jaw stiff. There’s a million emotions warring in violet eyes as they stare, not rising to meet either his own or those of his pup as the vet speaks. “Okay, hear me out.” 
“We’re listening.” Twilight answers, frowning but not judgmental.  
“This Hyrule is... mine.” Legend’s grip tightens. “This world is mine, this home is... was mine.”  
“You said you’d hear me out.” The vet’s head snaps to one side but he doesn’t meet the rancher’s gaze as he speaks to him. “Based on the voices downstairs, I’m guessing there’s five people here other than us, and if I know how this all works than that would be... that would be my grandparents, my aunt and my two cousins. Yes, I’m well aware of the fact that that doesn’t make sense. Knowing them, they’ve probably slipped and said something by now about their Link, something fond, something nice, they do that.” 
“They said he was dead.” Twilight murmurs, confusion making his ears flick absently and Time knows without checking that his own are doing the same as he listens. 
Legend scoffs. “Yeah. He is, in a way.” Thin hands release their hold on the blankets as Legend runs them both through his hair, pushing it back from his face and staring up at the ceiling. “Did they say how he died?” 
The pup nods, and for a moment he finds himself wondering when it was said and how he missed it, but them he remembers he’d been trailing after the younger heroes this morning and caught in chatter with Mister Hanson for much of the afternoon. It’s not that surprising he’s missed something. 
“Died at sea, yeah? Sailed out years ago looking for new lands to explore and never came back.” 
“All that was found was the remains of his ship.” Twilight murmurs, a confirmation to Legend’s claim. 
“Burnt and broken by storms.” The vet expands, and when the rancher nods the teen huffs a short and bitter laugh. “Yeah, that was three adventures ago. Four if you count this one. I didn’t die at sea, but I really ought to have. I didn’t make it home for some time and when I did, I wasn’t exactly in a state to go about getting myself legally alive again, you know, having nearly died and all.” He says it in a manner that hints he’s trying to make light of the situation even though it’s clearly eating at him if the way his ears flicker and nose twitches means anything, and Time knows it does. “When I was actually, you know, healthy again, it’d been a few years and I just” -the vet shrugs- “decided to leave it be. Link the Hero was dead, he wasn’t being chased, and everyone who didn’t know was already done mourning him and was starting to move on. So, I just...” 
“You never told them.” Time finishes, despite not meaning to even open his mouth. 
Legend nods, gaze flickering to meet his for the first time since this morning. “Yeah. They’d already moved on and it felt cruel to tell them.” 
“That you were alive?” Twilight chokes out, as if the matter at hand physically pains him, and knowing what he does of his pup’s connection with his own family, it might. “It felt cruel to say ‘hey, I didn’t die and I’m actually alright’? Leg-” 
“No.” And there is the snap again, that flicker in the eyes and the setting of the vet’s jaw as he turns his stare on his brother. “That the kid they lost was...gone. I might be alive, Twilight, but I’m nothing like they remember. I agonized over this for ages when I was healing, and I’m not going to pretend that it was an easy choice to make, but giving them back a shell of the person they knew...that would be like sending Wild back to his world before the Calamity with no memories of the people he loved!” 
The words make both himself and Twilight pause. While Wild is the only person the lot of them know that such things apply to, it’s not hard to think of others as well, people forever changed or altered from how they had once been. For Twilight, it’s a matter of time having altered friends and family. For Time, it’s a matter of the people he knows never having coming to be as he recalls them. 
Legend sits, watching them a moment before he continues. “I was thirteen when I left home. Nayru knows how old I am now, but it’s been long enough that- Telling them, seeing them, it will just hurt them at this point. It would have hurt them before to see what I’ve become. I’m nothing like I was and may as well be a stranger to them now. I’m not a leader like they hoped, I’m not the knight I was trained to be, I’m not even the chivalrous child hero who my grandfather likes to tell people about! I’m just” -he shrugs again, eyes losing the fire from the moment before, body going slack as a weary smile is forced to the front- “an average nobody who got pulled into saving the world a few times while I was out exploring.” 
He wants to deny it but, in a way, the vet is right. He doesn’t know the child that the vet’s grandparents did, but he knows, to a point, the teen hero who sits before him, tired and worn but still eternally curious about the things beyond his own Hyrule. Legend isn’t a leader, nor a knight, nor really anything save their dear veteran, a hero like the rest of them who’d risen in a time of need to help the people around him. 
“But they’re your family,” Twilight stresses, looking torn, “they clearly love you, Ledge.” 
“And they’ll keep loving me,” the vet returns, “but this way they don’t feel hurt if I end up disappearing again. If something happens, like yesterday in that battle but without the potions, without the friendly farm folk offering help, or if I get cursed again and can’t find a fix for it, they aren’t losing anything. To them, I'm already gone, and I’m- I’m okay with that because it means they can’t lose me again.” 
The rancher scowls. “I don’t think it’s your place to choose what they lose and who they have to mourn. They’re your family, vet, not your subjects.”  
For some reason, that statement earns another twisted up expression somewhere between amusement and resignation, but the vet doesn’t explain that any more than he seems to give thought to Twilight’s words. “I’m supposed to protect them, Twilight, not-” 
The rancher shakes his head, scowling slightly. “No, they’re your family, your grandparents and aunt and if what they’re sayin’ is right, everyone here is older than you-” 
“If you call me the baby of my family, I’m disowning you.” Legend deadpans. 
“Are you?” 
A scowl. “I am the youngest, that doesn’t make me the baby.” 
“But it does mean the only ones protecting here should be the adults, not the kids. It’s not your business to protect them from hurt-” 
“But it literally is!” Legend explodes. “I’m the hero! Last I checked, protecting everyone was literally in the job description!” 
“Boys,” he soothes, leaning across the bed towards them and setting a hand on the vet's shoulder, “enough.” 
Eyes dart away and frowns overtake faces as the same tension that he’d only recently realized had left returns, neither looking at each other as the vet crosses his arms and Twilight rakes a hand through his hair, both huffing. It saddens him to see them at odds, but such things are common between siblings. Goodness knows he’d been in the same place with Mido a million times before everything went south and still somehow they’d mended things after a while. Well, except the last time, but they never really got the chance to try then. 
“Legend,” he starts again, once they’ve had a moment of silence to gather themselves and their maturity, “we do need to have you come downstairs. No, listen. You’re still injured, and you haven’t eaten all day, you need to come down and take care of both of those things. While I don’t understand your not wanting to talk to your family, no one is asking you to. You can keep to yourself if you must, but you need to let us help take care of you until you’re healed properly.” 
The vet stares up at him, lips pursed and brows furrowed, but he doesn’t speak, almost visibly biting his tongue as he listens, and Time counts that at least as a win. 
“While Warriors may be a trained medic, he’s only a field medic, he’s not trained to oversee recoveries. Whether you come down or not, someone’s going to have to help, and Miss Mirta seems the most adept at handling injuries.” 
“Yeah,” the vet huffs, “she learned on me. I know.” 
“Then you know she can help you.” Twilight interjects, still tense and frowning, “let her.” 
Violet eyes snap towards the rancher with a scowl. “Hard to help when you’re sobbing your heart out in confusion, rancher.” 
“Well, she wouldn’t be confused by your existence if you would just trust your family!” his pup huffs, “Vet, really, open your eyes!” 
“To what?” 
“What if I had done this to you?” Twilight demands, stepping forwards and staring down at his brother. Legend looks as though he’d love to jump up to meet his gaze, to keep them more level so he’s not being stared down by the wolfish rancher, but there’s no space for it and he’s left sitting on the bed, neck arcing back to meet steely blue eyes. “What if, when I got hit by the shadow, I had let you all think I’d died? What if I’d just gone off to fight the shadow alone because I don’t want you all to suffer on my account?” 
“You didn’t.” 
“But what if I had?” 
This time, he stands back, lets them hash it out. Stepping in will do no good now, not with tempers flaring and both young men snarling at each other. If anything, it will just put of the conflict, make it simmer until it finally explodes, and that’s not something he wants for any of them, least of all whatever poor souls the two will be around when it eventually happens. 
“Then Wild would have lost his mind and one of us would have eventually figured you out-” 
“But if you hadn’t.” Twilight demands. “If I let you all think I died, and never did anything to give you closure, or worse, if I’d just disappeared sometime, or if Warriors did, or Sky or Wind-” 
“What’s your point?” The vet hisses, tensing. Warriors, Sky and Wind are all important to the teen, they all know this. Hyrule is his successor, but Sky is his best friend, Warriors his sparring partner and while he’s unsure of the nature of the relationship between the sailor and the vet, he knows there is something between them, something close, and that Twilight is using that to his advantage when bringing them up.  
“That it would hurt you if you lost one of us. I know you play at not caring, that you put up a shield and snark and act like an ass, but you can’t convince me that if someone attacked and killed one of us that you wouldn’t be heart-broken.” 
“I’m an ass, not a cold-hearted snake.” The vet hisses, ears flicking back. 
“And somehow I don’t quite believe you really are the first of those,” Twilight challenges, “because if I recall correctly, it’s been you this whole adventure who gets the most worked up about anyone gettin' hurt or upset. You’re the one deflecting any barbs from the others and you’re the one panicking if anything happens to us. If I didn’t know better, vet, I'd assume you were the softest hearted one of us.” 
“How dare you.” Legend deadpans. 
The pup doesn’t smile at the quip, doesn’t react at all save leveling his brother with a glare. “I’m bein’ serious, vet.” 
  Legend scowls, hands tensing in the sheets again. “Then stop dancing and tell me what your point is.”  
  “My point,” Twilight all but growls, “is that if somethin’ happened to one of us, you’d be hurt. That’s how your family is feelin’ and how you’re lettin’ them feel- essent’ly, makin’ them feel.” 
  “You think you’re protecting them but you’re jist not!” It is a growl this time, the rancher bending over and bringing his face to a near level with the younger hero’s as he speaks.  
  “You have no idea-” 
  “But I do,” Twilight seethes. “When I went on my adventure, no one knew if I was comin’ back. No one knew if I was even alive half of it, all they could go off was gossip, and Ordonia knows Hyrule gossip don’t make its way out to Ordon. Far as my folks were concerned, I was good as dead.” 
  Legend blinks, startled, and it seems to prompt Twilight into realizing just how aggressively he’s posed, hands fisted in the sheets and face inches from the vet’s own as he leers over the smaller hero. The older of the two pulls back, much to Time’s relief, as he’d been half afraid he’d need to pull his pup away from his brother, a feat he’s capable of should he need, but not an easy one by any means. 
  The rancher sighs, running another hand through his hair as he steps back. “I lost my family for a long time, and in a way, they lost me too, forever.” Midnight eyes are pained as they turn back on the vet, no more aggression or anger in them as the lad takes in his brother. “Like you, vet, I’m nothin’ like I used to be. My adventure changed me and when I did come home it was a slap to the face for the folks that raised me. But they still love me.” He stresses the words, desperate, trying to press how important they are as Legend blinks, unaffected, at him. “Even after all the changes, they still love me, and even though they know they could lose me at any time, know I might leave one day and never be able to come back home, they still want me in their lives because -and I speak for both them and myself when I say this- we think it’s worth it; it’s worth the pain if we can have each other. Love is pain, family is pain, but it’s worth it because it is so, so much more than pain.” 
Legend scowls. “Why does this matter so much to you? It’s not even your family!” 
“But you are.” And once the words are out the vet is starting and Time himself feels something shift, feels something inside of himself twist oddly. “You’re my brother, vet, and I know that someday, all this” -a vague gesture to the room about them- “all the adventurin’, the travelin’- all of it, we all know it’s going to end. When it ends, I know where I’m going; I’m going back home to my family and I’m helpin’ Ulli run the schoolhouse. But the rest of you? Sky’s going home to his Zelda. Wars has a family somewhere that he says precious little about, but I know at least he has a sister and a lot of friends. Wind has his granny and sister and the pirate gang. Four has his grandpa, Wild has his Zelda and the friends he’s made, Time has Malon and the ranch, Hyrule... Well, we don’t know rightly who Hyrule’s got, but I know he’s friends with his princesses, so he’s got them at the least, but you vet? You have an empty house and one singular friend who might not even be able to stick around once all this dimensional time travel stuff is over!” 
And that gains a reaction, Legend is starting and looking just a bit pained before he’s blank again, scowling and twitching in discontent and frustration. 
“And I don’t want that,” Twilight continues, “I want my brothers to be happy when we have to say goodbye, I want to know they have someone there for them if somethin’ goes screwy an’ they need help. And let’s face it vet, you don’t have anyone! Not anyone you seem to trust anyways!” 
“I have my sister!” The vet protests. 
“And how old is she?” The rancher demands, skipping over the fact that this is the first time they’ve ever heard of such a person. 
Legend fumbles, ears flickering and eyes darting away a moment. “How should I know? We’re twins, and I don’t even remember what year it is, how should I know how old we are?” 
 “But you’re twins?” the rancher repeats, and at the vet’s nod he frowns. “Legend, a sibling isn’t enough. Yes, they’re wonderful an’ all, but what happens when you need someone to go to for advice? What happens when yer face finally catches up with the rest of you and you need to learn to shave? Who’ll be there to teach you things or help you when yer sick- we all know you ain’t got the fittest system in Hyrule, who’ll help you back on yer feet again?” 
And Legend stammers, he flusters and stumbles over his words for all of a moment before shooting a truly poisonous look Twilight’s way. 
That’s about when he considers it safe to intercede, shifting his seat on the bedside, on Legend’s level but not in his space, catching the younger man’s eyes and holding them with a frown he’s careful not to make judgmental or too harsh. “Legend, please, think on it.” 
“I already have.” The vet hisses back. “I thought about it for months.” 
He nods. “Without the knowledge you have now. I think you should take some time to reassess, think things through.” His bones creak as he moves to stand, gesturing to his protégé and moving for the door. “I’ll send Wars up with your dinner and we’ll give you some time.” 
The bed behind them moves, creaking slightly as Legend turns to watch them exit. “And then what?” 
It’s a moment of struggle to stare his pup down and prompt him out the door, but once Twilight is headed for the stairs again, he turns back to the teen, carefully calm. “Depends on what you choose, vet.” And with those words, he closes the door behind himself and descends the stairs. 
The next morning dawns the same as the last, Wild tucked up against his chest and Twilight waking beside them as boots scuff near the door and the farm-folk make to head out to the barn. Just as the morning before, he sits, eyes closed, waiting for their exit so he can drift back off, content to regain the precious sleep he’d lost the previous night and wake later to help with the work. The day before was a draining one and he’s not truly ready to see its results. 
He doesn’t get to. 
When he wakes again it’s to the sounds of sharp cries and sobbing, noises which pull him up from the couch in instants only to see Legend standing at the base of the stairs, engulfed in Miss Mirta’s arms as the woman clings tight hold to him. Missing an eye as he is, he still isn’t so blind as to miss how Legend returns the embrace, clinging, face buried in the woman’s chest as she murmurs something in the Gerudo tongue that his tired mind won’t bother translating. 
For privacies sake, he rests down again, shushing Wild when the teen blinks up at him and running a hand through long blonde hair to sooth the other back to sleep. When they both wake again, Legend is sitting in the kitchen, hands full with a mug of the bitter tea and the five Lons gathered around, speaking quietly while Twilight creeps back to their side, a bittersweet look on the lad’s face when he catches Time’s eye. 
They keep to the main room for the morning, Hyrule showing the others the paintings and drawings and both he and Wind trading comments in the sort of jargon only Legend and Wild have any understanding of. They leave the Lons to their peace, to their questions and answers and Legend to his family while his brothers gather about and stare at two paintings of faces nearly familiar, questions dancing between them as curious gazes sneak to the open door in hopes of catching sight of something beyond. 
Breakfast is late, but no one comments. Miss Mirta is fussing at Legend the whole time and Malon smiling bright as day as she sits herself as close as possible to her cousin, but the heroes hold their tongues and avert their eyes, careful not to trigger any discomfort. That doesn’t stop them sneaking glances, chuckling softly at the worry and fuss and scolding and the hint of tears about blue and green eyes. It doesn’t stop Legend from tossing something at Twilight midway through the meal when his grandmother is looking away a moment, the vet offering a look Time has no time to read before it’s gone, his pup smiling back in return. 
There’s questions after everything, of course there is, and Miss Mirta eventually has to excuse herself and her husband for a moment while the two collect their wits, leaving the vet free for a precious moment before Wind is catching hold of him and dragging him back to the main room and the other heroes, questions already brimming over. 
Questions are answered, in the coy, round-about manner Legend answers anything about himself. There’s some light teasing and no small amount of wonder at the reveal that the bold young knight they’ve been told of is their own vet, and Warriors raises a pointed brow as he inquires about the knight part of the title, but Legend doesn’t seem overly upset by it all. Eventually though, the questions ease and they’re all mulling over the information while Legend sits with Hyrule, who smiles in that odd way that hints that the traveler has known, had figured it out himself somehow without ever hinting a thing. It’s then that Four brings it up. 
“So, the paintings,” the smithy nods to the far corner and the paintings he, Hyrule and Time has stared at so much the day before, “is that you?” 
There’s a glance to the wall, Legend’s face flushing brightly a moment, and then the vet’s head is falling into his hands with a soft groan. “Of course they still have that. I told Grandpa...” 
“It’s quite impressive,” Time offers, resisting the urge to ruffle pink hair as a comfort, “you must have been quite beloved to already have paintings made of you.” 
The vet snorts, looking up between his fingers with a small smirk. “That was made about four-hundred years ago, along with all the statues and whatnot, it’s by no means recent.” 
The words send the rest of his boys into another round of questions, eyes dancing and voices curious as they ask after what sort of statues Legend may be talking about, as well as how the vet could look so similar to a person from so long before his birth ever occurred. The vet takes it in stride, rolling his eyes at some of the more outrageous guesses and teasing here and there until Wild is actually begging him to fess up. 
“Alright,” Legend sighs, pulling himself up with a slight wince but declining the motion the captain makes to aid him, “the paintings were made after my third adventure. That is me” -he motions to the first- “and my ancestor and mentor.” A motion is made towards the second, the more confusing of the two that looks so familiar yet strange to the group of heroes. “That’s Raven, First of the Knights of Hyrule and my ancestor.” He doesn’t miss the hint of pride in the vet’s voice, or the fondness in the teen’s eyes as he looks at the painting before turning back to the rest of them. “He was also my mentor during my third adventure, and a dear friend.” 
Wind nods, staring up at the image. “Was he a hero?” 
“The finest.” There’s no hesitation as the veteran answers. “Unlike all of us, he was just some guy, just a descendant of the last hero who wanted to help others. He never bore the Triforce of courage, never was called to aid by a princess to save her or her kingdom. He was just a knight traveling the world and seeking knowledge, doing what he could to help other people as he went.” 
“So,” Warriors chuckles lowly, “you don’t hate all knights.” 
A fist connects with the captain’s shoulder, earning a wince and a hearty laugh as Legend attempts to scowl at his older brother, but they can all see the smile past the stare, so it really does the vet no good. 
Ignoring the two, Hyrule stares at the painting, a frown hinting in the crease of his brow as he considers it. “Do you think he’d join us, by any chance? Or would the fact that he didn’t carry the Triforce mean Hylia wouldn’t call on him?” 
Legend pauses, turning first to his successor and then to the painting again, the same considering look touching his face as mars the Traveler’s. “I’m not sure. On one hand, it’d be nice to see him again, but on the other, I wouldn’t wish the nonsense we get up to on anyone.” There’s a brief pause before Legend adds, “except maybe my Hyrule’s knights, but they’re horrible people and they deserve it.” 
Four, to the side and yet again cradling a mug of tea, nods, chuckling darkly in a way that Time’s not sure he shouldn’t worry about, before raising his voice in another question. “Legend?” At the flicker of violet eyes to meet hazel the smithy continues, “why does he look so much like Time?” 
There’s murmurings from the rest of his boys, shades of blue and brown flicking from the painting to his own face as he stares over at the vet. He can’t help but be curious himself, the question having made him wonder since he’d seen the thing, but he’s surprised at the unsure look he sees as he watches the teenager's face. Legend’s face screws up oddly, gaze darting to him and back to the object of their focus, hand once more rubbing over his latest injury in a motion he hopes is more distracted than actually pained. “He was his grandson. Probably shouldn‘t surprise you all, we are Lons after all, the name had to come from somewhere.” 
Time’s heart skips a beat in his chest at the words, and a glance at his pup is all it takes to confirm he’d heard what he thinks he has. “So,” he drawls slowly, waiting until the others, but more specifically Legend, have turned to look at him in curiosity, “you are, as you put it yourself, one of 'my pups'.” 
Wild, beside him, lights up in delight, turning to Legend with a wide grin and flashing blue eyes, only to be stopped by his own mentor’s chuckle. 
“No,” Twilight rumbles, rich and meaningful as he meets the veteran’s eyes. It’s not hard to miss how Legend pales, skin sheet white as violet glints fiercely in a warning that the rancher gives absolutely no consideration. “Legend isn’t a pup,” the rancher drawls, smile near predatory, “he’s a kit.” 
Without warning, there’s a sharp wheeze, Sky folding over as the skyloftian laughs breathlessly. 
 Legend’s face undergoes a change in seconds, from white to near red as the vet squeaks a protest “Twilight, so help me-” 
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larluce · 8 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @virgil-wannabe since you asked for a PART 3 ;)
In "The Dragon's Call"
Arthur: (bulling a servant for the third time just so Merlin meets him again)
Merlin: (appearing out of nowhere) You, oppressor!
Arthur: (thinking) finally
Merlin: (thinking) Wait, that's not my line.
Arthur: (thinking and barely containing himself from crying, running to Merlin and hugging him and kissing him right there) He’s just as beautiful as the day I lost him 🥺🤧
Merlin: (thinking in panic) He isn’t saying anything. Why isn’t he saying anything?! 😰😖
Merlin: Is that the way you treat your servants? You are a... a prat! and...and an ass!
Merlin: (thinking) please say something, please say something, please say something.
Arthur: (coughs, just realising he's been staring for too long) You're right I was being mean. My apologies.
Merlin: ... wait what? 😧
In "The Poisoned Chalice"
Merlin: (ready to use a spell to make Arthur drop his cup)
Arthur: (dropping it on purpose) Oh, clumsy of me, I droped it.
Merlin: (to himself) What? But I didn't use the spell yet. (Looks at his hands) Or did I?... Ugh, whatever (picking up the cup) Hey, Gaius! What's that? (Pointing at the flower petal inside the cup)
Gaius: It's poison! Someone tried to poison the prince!
Arthur: (faking surprise) what? Really?
Merlin: (faking surprise too) I can't believe it!
In "Lancelot"
Merlin: He would make an excelent knight. He saved my life.
Arthur: (full panic mode) what?! When?! Are you okay?!
Merlin: (confused) ...yeah? The grif-I mean, the winged beast attacked me when-
Arthur: The griffin attacked you?! (Checks him) Why didn't you tell me?! Are you hurt?!
Merlin: (still shocked but blushing due to Arthur's sudden attention and closeness) Ahm... you didn't ask? And Lancelot stopped the beast before it could hurt me, so you don't have to worry.
Arthur: (swallowing his guilt for not asking in his other timeline)... Right. From now on you tell when these things happen, do you understand?
Merlin: Yes, sire.
Arthur: Good. (Lets go of Merlin realizing he's being holding him for too long) Well, as thankful as I am to Lancelot for saving you, I can't knight him if he isn't a noble. That's the code.
Merlin: I know but-
Arthur: So I'll give him another job in the castle and when I'm king I'll gladly consider knighting him if he's still interested.
Merlin: (more than surprised) You will?
Arthur: (nods) Is that all?
Merlin: Yes... (smiles) thank you
Arthur: (smiles) Anytime, Merlin. (leaves)
Merlin: (looking Arthur leave with hearteyes) 😍... wait. How did he know what the beast was called?😨
In "Excalibur"
Merlin: (debating with himself if he should let Arthur fight the Black Knight this time around or let Uther do it again)
Arthur: (arriving) Merlin.
Merlin: (utterly surprised) You are here! 😱
Arthur: Of course I'm here. You thought I would withdraw? I'm not a coward, Merlin.
Merlin: No! I'm just... surprised Uther let you.
Arthur: He did try to drug me to stop me from coming. (Looks at Excalibur in Merlin's hands, recognizing it) Where did you get that?
Merlin: Oh... I just thought... you would need a new sword for this. So I asked Tom to make it for you.
Arthur: You got it made... for me?
Merlin: Yes. (Thinking) Please use it, please use it, please use it.
Arthur: (holding the sword) It's good. Thank you.
Merlin: (blushing, still not used to Arthur thanking everything he does) I'm just doing my job. There's no need to-
Arthur: There’s every need. (Touching his shoulder fondly and smiling) Thank you, Merlin. For thinking of me.
Merlin: (screaming inside)
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maple-the-awesome · 9 months
He Becomes a Dad! || Part 1/2
Pairing: Time, Four, Legend, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: Congratulations, you're new parents 🎉 Some of the Links are prepared. Others...might need a moment to gather themselves. But rest assured! At the end of the day, they're all going to get a handle on this whole dad thing. I'm a sucker for family tropes and there simply aren't enough out there for the Chain to quench my thirst, so here it is, I'm adding my contribution👍 Btw, there will be only two parts for this prompt since Wind will be excluded for obvious reasons. Baby making isn't a platonic activity🤷‍♀️
Zelda Masterlist 🩵Fandom Masterlist
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You only brought the topic of children up to your husband once. It was at some point during the early half of your marriage and after a particularly lengthy day of enduring Malon’s well-meant pestering. Time, beside being caught slightly off guard, delivered a straightforward answer:
“It wouldn’t feel right bringing kids into this world, especially when I would hardly be home to help you rear them.”
Now, you can’t lie and say you weren’t at all disappointed by this answer, although you wouldn’t say you had the rug completely pulled from beneath you. You understood the true implications behind Time’s statement right away. It’s the same reason he took so long to let himself marry you. It’s not you nor a disgust towards children, but rather an unspoken fear of building a life where he’s too happy - one that could be ripped away from him at a moment’s notice as has seemed to be the case for his younger years.
Although his worries are needless, you never pushed against his boundaries because you could at least see the sense in his argument. Sure, the idea of having children did always appeal to you deep down, however between Time’s constant traveling and your hard work helping at Lon Lon Ranch, it would be difficult to squeeze a family into the schedule. There was no sense in forcing him into a commitment he wasn’t ready for nor one you weren’t in a  position to properly foster.
Twelve years of blissful marriage passed before your plans changed. The blame lies with those other heroes, too. One would think traveling alongside a group of unruly young boys would’ve made someone more certain of their decision to never again subject themselves to such a headache, yet it apparently had the opposite effect on your dear husband.
Discovering first hand how much pride he could feel towards a descendant was life-altering, to put it light. Twilight was living proof that somewhere along the line, Time does something right. Whatever kids he might have will grow up to have children of their own and so on…Not to mention Twilight isn’t a terrible outcome by any means. To raise someone with the possibility of them turning out like him and to do so with you of all people? Well, needless to say, it was settled rather quickly after that: Time wanted kids.
Call it baby-fever if you will, but he was suddenly rather eager about the concept he had once avoided like the plague. He brought it up through not-so-subtly hints at first, then when you outright asked him if he was being serious, he went on a slightly nervous spew about your home being too quiet and how he could officially retire from traveling to be home more and it’s really a shame that you have an extra bedroom just sitting around - You just had to kiss him to shut him up which eventually led to…other things. Let’s just say you both got started right away.
It took you twelve years to realize you did indeed want kids yet less than a year to actually be holding them for the first time. It turns out even the universe was impatiently waiting for you both to come to your senses, so once you finally had, it decided to award you with not one, but two beautiful girls whom you affectionately named Saria after Time’s old friend and Mallory, a mix between melody and Malon, their ever-so-excited godmother.  
It’s safe to say that the twins are pretty spoiled. Malon has been over almost everyday, bringing you plenty of baked goods as a bribe to let her spend more time with her favorite goddaughters and you have practically every baby related item that you could need, courtesy of the Queen of Hyrule herself, but of course, it’s their parents who love them the most.
Never in his wildest dreams did Time think it would be possible to feel so at peace with the life he’s built. For so many years, he feared true happiness was impossible - that every turn would result in the same cruel fate he had been subjected to during most of his existence - and yet for the last couple of nights, he’s held it in his arms. He’s watched the moon rise outside his window while playing soft lullabies on his ocarina, you cuddled by his side with your daughters shared between you both. You wear a small smile even in sleep and he swears the girls match it, too; he definitely does himself…This is a priceless treasure he’ll give his life to protect.
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Four and you had already been married for a few years by the time you found out you’re pregnant. It’s not to say you were actively planning for it, although you also weren’t actively trying not to either. 
It had been agreed upon early in your relationship that kids would be nice should they come your way, therefore you were both equally excited that your wishes were finally being granted, so much so that the nursery was finished within the first month (courtesy of your handy husband). It’s painted in beautiful pastels that are easy on the eyes and decorated with many toys Four had hand-carved himself; a useful craft he’s now very appreciative towards Sky for teaching him.
Seeing as this was already a somewhat anticipated next step in your lives, Four’s pretty relaxed throughout the process despite its many challenges. For starters, pregnancy itself unfortunately isn't as much of a 'blessing' for you as some have made it sound. You’re rather sick from beginning to end. If it isn't your inability to keep food down (especially in the early stages) or your fluctuating blood pressure, then it’s the aching you constantly feel thanks to both your very heavy bump and extremely active baby who just loves to make sure you never forgot about their existence by kicking you as hard as possible day and night. 
Worry not. Four has made your struggles more bearable by being a darling husband through and through. He’s by your side during each doctor’s visit, does his own personal research on all things baby-related, and helps with every chore he can to give you at least some rest even if just for a quick nap, however most spectacularly, he does all of this without ever being too overbearing. 
Although certainly concerned for your health, Four can recognize your strength any day of the week, especially when you've been rolling with the punches like a warrior queen during such a draining pregnancy. Anxious, sure, but not afraid. Why would he be? He’s confident that you’re both prepared to face anything together! …That is, until you actually went into labor…
Yeah, remember that previously mentioned, relaxed and darling husband? Forget about him. Your water broke and so did Four's calm demeanor, but can he really be blamed? You went into labor early - and not just by a couple of days either. Oh no, we're talking a couple of weeks early. 
Regardless of his newfound fear, Four does his utmost best to still present himself as calm and collected in front of you, not wanting to freak you out any more than you’re already freaking out yourself. He first helped you lay down with plenty of pillows and cushions before running to get help. After that, he doesn’t leave your side, encouraging you throughout the process with a smile on his face, however don’t be fooled: the second you turn your head to the midwife’s voice or close your eyes to scream, your poor husband’s face reflects his inner thoughts as the situation fully begins to sink in. 'Scared shitless' - that's a good word to describe it; eyes wide in terror with a mouth that’s hung agape and slightly twisted in pain as your nails clawed into his hand.
As said, he never leaves your side - not even for a millisecond. You don’t have to worry about him being the type of guy to get grossed out by natural fluids or complain about your expressions of pain; none of that is remotely a concern of his. He’s just grateful to see you okay and even more so to hear his baby crying as they should.
A girl; small like her daddy, but healthy all things considered. Four couldn't wait to hold her, knowing damn well he was going to cry the second her soft skin touched his, but he isn’t ashamed of it in the slightest. Who wouldn’t cry holding something so precious?
Then you scream again. He thinks something must be wrong until the midwife announces that it isn’t over - that there are more squeezed in there waiting.
At the end of the day, you're just relieved to finally breathe easy without going through agonizing pain while Four, on the other hand, is left in shock staring at not one, not two, but three little babies, all healthy girls who wiggle and whimper in their parents' arms, but oh well. The nursery may have to be expanded, although there's plenty of love to go around. At least he can thank Hylia that it wasn’t quads (he's had enough of those).
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Legend and you have been in a relationship for several years, although you had mutually agreed earlier on that neither of you were big fans of the whole 'marriage' thing. What difference would a ceremony and piece of paper make, anyway? You already act as any officially married couple would. You live together, go on dates, occasionally argue, and even share a bed which is exactly what resulted in a recent, unplanned detour in your lives: a baby.
When you first told Legend the news, he panicked, asking himself all those stupid questions like ‘what now’ and ‘how could this have happened’ even though he knew damn well how. Then he left. Giving some half-assed excuse about needing fresh air, he turned his back to you despite your pleas and didn’t return for hours. 
Now, rest assured, he did immediately regret having that reaction and apologized for it as soon as he came home. He didn’t mean to scare you with the thought of abandonment, but as he would quietly confess during his apology, the thought of being a parent had just been too overwhelming in the moment. Neither of you had ever talked about having kids, and while he could at least have some peace of mind knowing you’ll obviously be a great mom, he fears that the same won’t be applied to him.
You have always been the light in a dim room, as Legend would put it. You’re fun, sweet, and amazing with kids. Any child of yours, planned or not, will love you with all of their heart exactly as he does. Meanwhile he’s stubborn, cranky, and the last kid to cross his path literally started sobbing. Maybe it had to do with him being covered in monster blood after just having crawled out of a dungeon but he’s pretty sure he traumatized a kid nonetheless…The thought of being just as bad around any kid you share together scares the crap out of him.
Deep, deep down, Legend’s actually somewhat excited to be a father. Although he’s too stubborn to admit it to anyone other than you, he’ll sometimes daydream about how nice it would be to tell a little replica of you both about all his adventures or to teach them how to use some of the items he’s collected over the years like his trusty boomerang. Seeing the excitement in their eyes would definitely be worth listening to you scold him afterwards. If that’s all there was to being a father, Legend wouldn’t have a single concern, yet it’s his insecurities that always have a habit of souring things. Would his kid actually find his stories cool or would they just be tempted to throw the boomerang right at his head?
You’ve done your best to reassure him, often falling back on the argument that the baby will be a part of him. Like father, like son, right? Legend was almost ready to believe you, too, especially upon laying eyes on his child for the first time. As you passed the tiny bundle over to him, he thought that maybe being a dad wasn’t going to be that scary after all, and it might not be so bad to even have more someday either…However, his worries were quick to return when the baby started screaming two seconds after being set into his arms…
Baby screams if he holds him. Baby whimpers if he looks at him for too long. Sometimes, Legend swears the thing starts crying simply by hearing his voice in another room. It doesn’t happen with anyone else, though. The baby just adores you as predicted, but what Legend can’t stand is the fact that the baby seems to like Ravio, of all annoyances, over his own dad.
He’s forced to watch as the little brat happily lets Ravio cradle him, the sight filling him with bitter jealousy and sorrow. You’re convinced that he’s just overthinking everything - that he should give himself time to adjust to his new position as a father instead of holding himself to unrealistic standards, but how long is he exactly supposed to wait until it clicks? It’s been a whole month already and he still feels as confused as day one! Will he ever get the hang of this whole dad-thing or is he a lost cause…?
If there’s any comfort Legend can have, it’s that even Ravio doesn’t know what to do with the baby once he starts crying, so at least he’s not alone in that aspect. The only problem is you’re busy making lunch and stubbornly refuse to pause your efforts. Instead, you shove a bottle over to Legend, insisting that he be the one to feed his son since it should be a ‘good bonding exercise’ for them. You won’t take ‘no’ for an answer and judging on your glare when he tries to protest, you probably wouldn’t be happy if he tries passing the task onto Ravio either.
Thus, Legend is left to awkwardly sit down and take the baby into his arms. He already knows it’s obvious he has no idea what he’s doing, Ravio doesn’t have to point it out, but luckily after some swift around, he manages to hold his son more securely against his chest before shoving the bottle in his face. The baby continues to fuss while turning his head away from the bottle, and Legend’s almost tempted to call for you in defeat until at last, the room falls silent.
Looking down, he watches in quiet awe as his son accepts his meal eagerly. His little hands quickly rise up, gripping onto Legend’s which holds the bottle in place. They’re so tiny; barely able to wrap around a single finger - Oh, and his eyes as well! They’re wide as he stares up at his dad with unbroken eye contact. It’s like a wordless conversation - one more valuable than any he’s heard before.
You return, offering to take your son now that your work is done, but Legend is quick to shake his head. Why don’t you take a well-deserved break while he handles this little troublemaker? It would be a shame to bother him when he looks so comfortable in daddy’s arms.
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You've been dating Hyrule for longer than either of you can really remember, however you aren’t in any big rush to get married, figuring that it would make no real difference in your commitment to each other. You love Hyrule and he loves you. What more is there to say? For a while there, you were both perfectly satisfied with simply taking things slow and letting fate decide your course, although more recently you’ve had to switch up that method to something more stable for the baby. Yes, a baby.
You wouldn’t necessarily call it a surprise, but you also can’t truthfully say it was planned either. You had agreed that kids might be nice if the goddesses ever blessed you with any in the future, however you weren’t exactly trying for them…You just weren’t being very careful…
Hyrule must admit he was rather nervous at the start. The only prior experience he really had around kids was with Wind, but there’s a pretty big difference between a young teen and newborn. Pair that with his not so ‘kid-friendly’ world and there’s plenty to worry over. Anything could happen, but Hyrule’s determined to be the best dad and partner he can.
First thing was first, of course: you needed a place to stay. Traveling is fun and you both enjoy being on the move, but that’s no life for a baby. Hyrule and you had actually already considered the idea of settling down someplace before, so you didn’t think of it as a massive loss to take off your adventure boots for a while. If anything, it was a welcomed change once you remembered how lovely it is to be able to kick your feet up for a rest or be surrounded by warmth during a terrible rainstorm.
Again, Hyrule takes his job as your partner very seriously which wasn’t ever a surprise to you. He found a small house for you both to rent in one of the safer villages around; a perfect place for raising a child. While he might not have a talent for decorating or making a place feel ‘homey’, he does thrive when it comes to making sure you’re comfortable, his spare rupees definitely going to fluffy wool blankets and a rickety rocking chair that he saw at a market.
Early on in the pregnancy, you noticed that your boyfriend also began showing a new found determination for cooking which did scare you a bit at first - Okay, so maybe a lot. Hyrule began taking cooking lessons from some kind elderly ladies in town who must have an endless pool of patience because while you can’t say every dish is a masterpiece (or even editable for that matter), you are happy to say Hyrule can now make things like toast and tomato soup successfully. It’s progress.
There aren’t a ton of doctors in your time and none in your village, so you have to take a lot of notes from local women regarding the process. Hearing all their stories and the possible ‘what if’s for what could go wrong made you anxious, especially once you finally go into labor, but it doesn’t faze Hyrule - not on the outside, anyway. He does an excellent job of swallowing his own fears for your peace of mind, talking you through each painful contraction and doing his best to distract you from it all until it comes time to start pushing.
Some people may get squeamish at the thought of childbirth, however Hyrule isn’t one of them. He’s fought through some terrifying dungeons and has bore witness to more than a few gory injuries over the years, so bodily fluids don’t bother him one bit. He’s kneeled down right in front of you without a second’s hesitation, multitasking between mentally reviewing what he’s been told to do and reassuring you even though he’s sure you don’t hear a word of it over your own screams.
One minute Hyrule’s encouraging you to keep pushing, the next he’s holding a small, crying baby in his arms. His movements after that feel almost automatic as he carefully cleans her off and just admires the fact that this baby - this tiny, precious gift of life is his. She’s yours and his and she’s beautiful despite having come into existence within such a broken world filled with more hardships than he could count…
Your tired voice brings him back to reality - asking if the baby you hear crying is okay. You clearly feel the same thing Hyrule does upon seeing your daughter for the first time, the two of you sitting side-by-side as you soak in this wonderful emotion. Hope...That’s what she represents. Hope for a brighter future...
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
from a post by @parrishjeanna
I shouldn't have left Evan on the curb. Tommy kicks himself mentally when he gets home, and slumps into his armchair. But it stung when Evan told Eddie that they were going to look for "hot chicks". Stung in a way that Tommy didn't expect it to. It's not as if he expected Evan to declare out loud and proud that he's into dudes now, it's just that Evan panicked so fast in the presence of his best friend, and Tommy doesn't want to make him feel bad about any of this. He doesn't want to be shoved back in the closet either. It's taken him a lot of work to be comfortable with being gay, and Evan hasn't gone through all that yet.
He sighs again. Evan had looked so adorable, too, all flustered and blushing, too nervous to eat much but still engaged in their conversation. Tommy almost wishes he had taken that one step further, got a farewell kiss, but he would have caved to those big puppy eyes and he would have taken Evan to the movies and then there will be a more painful heartbreak for him in the future because he hadn't been firm this time. He knows this for a fact; it's not his first rodeo.
Nonetheless, there is a sense of wistful regret. He really wants to have kissed Evan a second time.
Evan's sitting there in the sun, glancing left and right, and Tommy's heart leaps into his mouth at how charming - yes, that's the word - the scene is. He takes a deep breath and sticks his hands in his pockets and walks closer.
He sees the exact moment Evan notices him, the way the younger man's smile widens.
"Hey," Evan says, and he's still as adorable as he was the first time Tommy saw him, when Howie led him and Eddie to the helicopter and they made hasty introductions.
"Hey," Tommy replies, and cringes inwardly at how forced-casual his tone is. It's the talk, he guesses, the one the guys give when they want to let Tommy down easy, to let him know that they were mistaken about feeling like that about him.
"Thanks for agreeing to meet me," Evan continues
"Of course."
Motioning to the coffee he ordered for Tommy, Evan smiles and says, (rambles, really) "I didn't know how you take it, so I, uh, just took a guess."
Tommy tries it. He debates for a second if he should lie, but puts that thought away. Better to be honest. "Mm. So, not like that."
"Seems like there's a lot we don't know about each other," Evan chuckles and Tommy's heart skips again. God, Evan is so good-looking, especially when his smile lights up his whole face like that, and Tommy braces himself for the letdown.
He meets Evan's eyes. "Practically everything."
"Well," says Evan, and Tommy steels his heart, and Evan continues, "I would like to change that."
What? Tommy suddenly is unable to breathe. He listens to Evan's apology, reassures him that there's nothing to apologize for (this part he has done three times in the past four years, and he means it - he doesn't want to force people out of the closet if they didn't want to be out), explains his reasoning.
Evan smiles wryly. "Still. The way I-I reacted was... not my proudest moment."
This part's new. Tommy nodded. "Noted."
"So you said before, um, th-that you don't think I'm ready."
Oh. Here it is. Tommy keeps his hands under the table, his fingers linked tightly. He's gonna say that he thinks I'm right. That he really isn't ready.
"And the truth is, I don't know what I'm ready for," Evan says, and it is unfair how sincere he looks in that moment, because all Tommy wants is to lean over and kiss the uncertainty out of him, and he can't do that. Not if Evan wants to just be friends. Oblivious to Tommy's internal struggle, Evan continues, "...but I am ready for something. And I think that something... could be with you."
Tommy's fingers clench together. His heart forgets how to beat. He forgets how to breathe. He takes a moment. He can't hide his smile.
"You already know that I'm interested," he manages to say, hoping it comes across clearly enough that it's not merely interest but also desire, yet afraid to be too blatant about what he really wants out of this.
Evan grins and breaks through all of Tommy's defenses. "Come with me to my sister's wedding."
"What?!" Tommy doesn't even know his voice can go that high-pitched, but the sheer enormity of what Evan is offering, just days after that date...
"I want you," Evan repeats, "to be my date for my sister's wedding."
"Evan." It's an Are you sure? and it's not just about the date, it's not just about being his date for his sister's wedding, it's about everyone knowing, and Evan has to understand, he must understand what a huge step it is...
Evan doesn't even hesitate. Tommy's still processing the invitation and finally hears Evan say, "...already know half the people there, and she wants to meet you."
His sister knows about me. He's told her about me. Tommy's never been thrown into the deep end like this. He can't remember being anyone's date to a wedding, let alone a family member's wedding, where his colleagues will also be present. Everyone in Evan's life that matters to him will know.
"Are you... absolutely sure about this?" Tommy asks, needing to confirm this.
Evan's smile is brighter than the sun. "Yes, I'm sure. There's gonna be free food, and I need someone to dance with."
How can anyone say no to that? As Tommy accepts the date, he feels a lot lighter and freer than he has done for a long, long time. This feels right, he thinks, gently squeezing Evan's hand tucked between his own. Let this be right for us both.
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trafficlife · 1 year
I Could Even Learn How To Love (Like You)
As the last greens on Limited Life, Tango and Scott are hiding from the yellows on the server. They bump into each other underground and temporarily team up, until they can naturally turn yellow. There is some tension, but not the kind that Tango anticipated...
word count: 2192
AO3 link
(inspired by this artwork)
"He's here! He's here, I can hear him!"
"No- No he isn't."
"Etho, don't protect him! This is for peace!"
"Well, he's not here, so you can just turn around and look somewhere else."
"You know, even with the mask covering half your face, you are terrible at hiding your facial expressions when you're lying."
Tango, several blocks underneath Grian and Etho, threw a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. He kept his low stance, mining through the stone, his fiery hair being his only source of light. He didn't think being one of the last greens on the server would be so intense. But at the same time, it was pretty hilarious, hearing Grian shout in frustration whenever Tango squeaked "polo" in response to hearing his name.
The commotion from Joel, Grian, the clockers, and the rest of team T.I.E.S. changed in volume several times, giving Tango's heart constant whiplash. If anything was going to kill Tango at this moment, it would be these heart attacks.
Tango heard stones breaking from above and bit back a gasp, deciding to move down. Unfortunately for him, his pick broke and he didn't have a spare on him. He cursed and sets down his crafting table, quickly crafting a new pick as the stone-breaking noises became louder and louder. 
Just as he was about to pick up his crafting table, he heard a hushed scream from above, then a thud as someone fell directly onto him. 
"Ow..." Tango opened his eyes and found Scott sitting on him, smiling sheepishly. Tango almost forgot how exquisite Scott's new outfit was. As one of the "mean gills," he went above and beyond with his aquatic theme. Coral and seaweed wrapped around his cyan hair and arms. A couple of scales were visible on Scott's skin as well. Tango assumed they'd be more prominent once Scott became yellow or red. He always went above and beyond with his designs, which was something Tango never really appreciated until now. "Ah, hey Scott. Nice to see you dropping in."
Scott rolled his eyes, crawling off of Tango. "Haha. Come on, we need to move. I have no idea where Martyn is but he's covering for me..." He took Tango's hand and helped him up, took out a pickaxe, and continued to mine. "I am hoping we can find a cave," Scott whispered, "and that nobody is in the cave ready to ambush us."
Tango nodded, following close behind, and covering their tracks with the blocks Scott mined. He and Scott never really talked in these games, save for some hellos. But Tango always wanted to talk to Scott, to apologize for taking Jimmy from him last season. He knew about the flower husbands, and how much Jimmy and Scott loved each other. But Double Life came along. And Tango was bound to Jimmy. And they fell in love as if 3rd Life never happened. Though Scott didn't seem to care, he was good at hiding his emotions, masking them with a smile. Who knows what Scott thought about the situation? 
But it was a terrible time to apologize now. Any noise they made would've alerted the group. It didn't help that they were outnumbered. Yet, Tango knew he couldn't hold his tongue much longer. And what if they never got the chance to be alone again? He took a deep breath, his tail flicking behind him. "Scott..."
Still mining, Scott turned his head to face Tango, making his face burn up. Void, he was pretty. But he couldn't get distracted this fast—just apologize and get it over with. "I'm sorry." 
Scott arched a brow. "For what?"
"You know... Jimmy."
"Ah." There was silence, save for Scott's pickaxe (which was much slower now) and the muffled commotion coming from above. How was it that Jimmy's name held so much weight? Scott managed a smile. "You don't have to apologize for that, you know. It was just the mechanics of the game."
"Really?" Tango was surprised. "I thought you'd be upset about that. It was kind of a shitty thing I did, taking Jimmy from you..."
Scott sighed. "Tango, if we were still at the beginning of Double Life, and I saw the message of you and Jimmy dying, I'd probably make it my mission to cause you hell."
"So... You hated that we were soulmates at first?"
Scott nodded, a little embarrassed to admit it. "I was upset, for a while. But then I learned I was teamed up with Pearl..." He shuddered, as though trapped in powder snow. Fitting imagery for the woman who often froze herself to spite Scott. "You know how that ended; I went off with Cleo and I felt good. And then I realized I have no reason to hate you. Yes, you 'stole' Jimmy from me, but you still made him happy. And I think that's what matters more—that Jimmy is happy."
Tango nodded slowly, his tail swaying behind him. He remembered watching his former soulmate go off with Joel, shouting "Sorry, rancher!" as he left. Tango would have been mad if Jimmy didn't look so happy. Tango always adored it when Jimmy smiled and he wanted to make sure that smile was permanent. And if it meant a slight change in scenery, so be it.
"Besides," Scott continued, "it's a new season and it's fair that Jimmy wants a change in pace. It's the only way we can grow."
"Right. We can't stay stuck in the past."
"Exactly!" Scott put his pickaxe away and leaned into Tango, his breath gently tickling the blaze's lips. "And, not to be self-indulgent, but I like to think I've grown." 
"I think I can agree with that," Tango whispered, eyes flicking down to Scott's lips.
"You know, Tango, I used to think about why Jimmy loved you so much. At first, it was because I was jealous. But now, I think I understand better now. Except..." There was a mischievous glint in Scott's green eyes. "There are still things I want to know about you."
Tango raised a brow. "Well, what do you want to know about me, Mr. Major?"
Scott leaned in closer, barely closing the distance between them. Tango's eyes widened, his tail curling up in anticipation. "Are you as good of a kisser as I've heard people say you are?" He whispered.
The blaze chuckled, cupping Scott's face in his warm hands. "Only one way to find out." 
Once their lips connected, Scott and Tango completely forgot about the yellow army coming to hunt them down. Tango could only focus on the softness of Scott's lips, the taste of sweet bread and saltwater—which tasted much better than Tango would've anticipated—and the slight roughness of the scales on Scott's cheeks. One of Tango's hands slid down to Scott's lower back, grabbing it tightly to pull him closer. He felt Scott's lips part in a gasp but he made no effort to break the kiss. Neither of them did. It was so intoxicating and passionate. The area felt much warmer, all thanks to Tango, but Scott didn't seem to mind.
Scott threw his arms around Tango's neck, and one of his legs around his waist. Tango flinched at the sudden motion but smirked against Scott's lips. He grabbed both of Scott's thighs from underneath and hoisted him up, gently pressing him against the stone wall. If Scott wanted to be this fiery, Tango could easily match him.
That was a similarity between him and Scott, Tango noticed: their fire. But the main difference was that Scott's flames were more suppressed, or at least less expressive. So when he did let the flame ignite, it was definitely a moment to remember. It was probably how he got so far in both Last Life and Double Life. Tango always admired Scott's passion and his desire to survive, as long as he could. He often played by his own rules to do so: refusing to kill the second time he was boogeyman in Last Life, choosing his own soulmate in Double Life, and killing Skizz much earlier than he should have this season. Tango loved that.
Tango loved him.
He wasn't sure what Scott thought of him now—he didn't elaborate on that—but he was confident that Scott felt the same way.
The two pulled away once they were short on breath, taking heavy breaths. Scott appeared dazed and his eyes were half-lidded. His face was flushed and he managed to smirk up at Tango. Tango pressed his nose against Scott's and whispered "Did that answer your question?"
"Yes," Scott gasped breathlessly. He played with Tango's green tie, loosening it slightly. "And suddenly, I find myself a bit jealous of Jimmy. He was definitely lucky to be soul bound to you." He huffed playfully. "I like me a man that can kiss me breathless."
"Well, now you got one," Tango rasped, going in for a second round.
Since they were hypnotized by each other's lips, neither Scott nor Tango were aware that the yellows were getting closer to them by the second. Even though the talking slowly crescendoed in volume, the two managed to tune it out. Scott was nipping at Tango's bottom lip, a muffled groan escaping the blaze's lips. He continued to hold Scott, refusing to let go of him, because nothing mattered more than what was happening now.
Until Grian's cackling disturbed the two, interrupting their moment. They quickly broke away and turned towards the noise. Of course Grian had to be the one to catch them. "Oh my God!" The avian poked his head through a hole in the wall, his wings flapping behind him. "Guys, I found Tango!" He called out in a sing-song voice, still giggling.
"Grian—" Scott's face was redder than Tango's eyes.
"Well, this also explains where Scott was the entire time," Grian teased. The rest of the group came over to Grian, who completely broke through the wall, so they could see the whole picture.
Joel leaned against Grian's shoulder, whistling softly. "Oh, Tim's going to love knowing that his exes hooked up." He smirked a bit, peering at the two over the rim of his glasses. "Though he might be upset that you didn't think to invite him." Tango bit his lip at the thought. That'd be something to look forward to.
"Oh, you guys found Tango?" Martyn was the next to show. He gasped upon seeing Scott and Tango before smirking. "Ohoho! Well, now I feel a little bad for interrupting."
Scott rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Martyn, we all know that's not true."
Then, Skizz's voice could be heard from the distance. "I don't get it, why won't he just give me his time?!" He showed up with Impulse and Etho behind him. Skizz's eyes scanned the two, up and down. He pursed his lips and put his hands on his hips. For someone who was an angel, Skizz had quite the devilish look on his face. "Well, that makes sense now, he's clearly occupied with Scott."
"Skizz!" Tango laughed nervously, finally putting Scott down. "I-I was going to give your my time, I just wanted to get away from... Everyone else."
Impulse snickered. "Well it's clear you got distracted." Tango's tail flicked behind him as confirmation. "Alright, let's go back to the surface so Skizz can kill you, Tango."
"Well, who's going to kill Scott?" Grian asked.
"Me," Martyn declared. "I'm also low on time. Besides... I'd like to get some more details about what happened, in private."
Scott and Tango looked at each other in embarrassment. They should've seen this coming and they probably should've put up more of a fight. But they were already caught. Besides, it wasn't entirely a loss: they got to kiss each other, which was definitely their highlight of the season so far. "I guess I'll see you later? With Jimmy next time?" Tango asked, his voice a husky whisper.
Scott nodded. "Yup! Though this time, we'd like some privacy." He glared at the interrupters who just smirked and put their hands up defensively. Scott went back to the Coral Isles with Martyn, while Tango went back with his team. As for Grian and Joel, they had a lot of news to spill to Jimmy.
For Scott and Martyn, their trip back to the Coral Isles was silent. Until Martyn asked Scott a very important question.
("Does he kiss well?"
"I mean, you were gone for a while, and you seemed to enjoy it! It's a valid question!")
Meanwhile, Team T.I.E.S. was quick to tease Tango for his moment with Scott.
("So you like fish, huh Tango?" Skizz said with a smirk.
"Fraternizing with the enemy... I wasn't expecting it but it's an interesting twist," Etho chimed in.
"Listen... I can explain," Tango said sheepishly.)
After Tango and Scott became yellow, Grian announced "IT IS TIME FOR YELLOW PEACE!" in the chat. Tango and Scott spent the first hour of their yellow peace with Jimmy, giving him many of the kisses that he missed out on.
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 days
Second Chances, a Shouto and Touya fix-it one-shot ~
tags: healing todofam, todosibs, Shouto and Touya focused, some dabihawks and bktd in the time jump part
note: this ended up a lot longer than planned, and I even added a time jump for some dabihawks and tdbk in there hehe! And as usual I'm playing a little fast and loose with the ages of the Todoroki kids for plot purposes, so let's just go with it and have fun, yeah?
~ ao3 link ~
He got life as a gift for a second time.
That's what the doctors and nurses keeps telling him, at least.
But right now, Touya's not sure he agrees with them.
The sterile air in the hospital room makes his nose and mouth feel dry, his eyes feels tired of all the white; the white walls, floors, sheets, his white bandages.
But honestly, while his body is covered in bandages and skin grafts and the intense pain that flares through his very bones every time he takes a breath, he still thinks the worst part is the embarrassment.
Turns out nobody tells you how embarrassing it is to almost die.
The nurses treat him like he's some little baby, which he isn't, he's 13 and a half, and the doctors talk all over him.
Meanwhile his family is all being totally awkward and weird, even more so than before, which quite frankly is saying something.
All Touya wanted had been for his dad to see him, to listen and to give him a little attention; how stupid and unknowing he had been.
Now his father refuses to leave his side, always just sitting there, teary eyed and sad looking, which is ridiculous when Touya's not used to see him show any emotion besides anger.
At first he has tried to hold Touya's hand all the time, but Touya managed to put a stop to that sooner rather than later.
His mom is quiet, and she's usually smiling and telling him about her day and how the wildlife in their garden is doing, but Touya sees the sadness in her eyes, too.
No matter how much she tries to hide it.
Fuyumi and Natsuo clearly thinks the hospital is scary, and Fuyumi keeps berating him for hurting himself, but she also loves to whisper to him about how dad is different now, that he barley goes to work, and Natsuo said that he even tried to watch SpongeBob with them recently.
Touya would love to have witnessed that, but all he gets is weepy dad.
No fair.
The only one he hasn't seen yet is Shouto, and he understands why.
Touya is way too scary looking for a little kid like Shouto.
One of the changes Fuyumi and Natsuo mentioned is that dad is no longer super focused on training Shouto, and Touya thinks Shouto should be able to enjoy that without being traumatized by seeing his brother looking like a freaky mix of a mummy and Frankenstein's monster.
So no, Shouto had not come to visit, yet.
But apparently he's been asking about "Nii-San" all the time, and their mom is insisting that Shouto is ready, but Touya isn't so sure.
The next time his mom comes through the door to the room to his hospital room, she looks weirdly nervous, but she's also smiling.
Like she has a secret.
Touya's not a fan of secrets.
She sits down next to him carefully, and when he finally looks at her properly, she puts her hand on his.
"Someone's here to see you, today," she says softly, and Touya sighs.
"Is it dad?" he asks in his new, creaky voice.
"Is he crying?"
Touya swears his mom hides a smile behind her hand.
"No dear, your father is home with your brother and sister," she informs him, and Touya nods.
Rei tilts her head.
"Your little brother really worries for you, Touya," she says softly, and Touya has a feeling she's not talking about Natsuo.
"Probably because you guys are making such a fuss," Touya mumbles grumpily, before he adds.
"And dad crying all the time."
Rei actually fully smiles this time.
"That might be, but he refused to let me leave without him today, so he's sitting outside in the waiting room as we speak," she tells him, and Touya's heart starts speeding up.
"You let him come?!" he asks, and Rei sighs.
"Like I told you, he refused to let me leave," she says.
"I think that was the first temper tantrum he's thrown in his whole little life, actually."
Touya's eyes widens.
"He did?" he asks, only half believing her.
"He did," Rei confirms, before she continues.
"He's also refusing to see you with me in the room, so I'm gonna go outside and send him in now."
Touya doesn't protest, but he can't meet her eyes.
"It's time, baby," Rei says softly as she strokes his cheek, before she gently tilts his face so he has to face her.
"And be kind to your brother."
Touya nods.
He doesn't have enough energy to put up a fight.
His mom gets up to leave, and Touya keeps looking out the window, trying to show how disinterested he is.
The door closes, and he hears two quiet voices outside for a bit, before a tentative knock hits his door.
Touya sighs heavily.
"Come in, Shouto," he calls out as loud as his fried vocal cords will let him.
The door creaks open, and the sound of little footsteps comes closer towards his bed.
Touya really doesn't want to turn around and face his little brother.
What if he scares him?
With his burned face and bandaged body, with his new voice and his pale face, those parts that aren't burned at least.
Turns out Touya doesn't have to turn around, because Shouto's already made that choice for him by walking all the way around the bed.
Suddenly Shouto is standing right in front of him, his mis-matched eyes staring straight into Touya's, and for a few seconds his expression is unreadable.
Touya's heart is beating so fast and hard he worries it'll alert the nurses.
Then, as if someone pulled away curtains on a sunny day, Shouto's face lights up with pure joy and relief.
"Nii-San!" he squeals, and clumsily tries to climb up into Touya's bed.
Touya just stares, trying to figure out if this is real.
Shouto finally clambers up into the bed, and he gently reaches out to put his hand on Touya's cheek.
Exactly like their mom.
"Nii-San, does it hurt?" he asks quietly, and Touya blinks down at him.
Then he nods.
"Yes, it does," he says carefully, and if Shouto is scared of his voice, he doesn't show it.
Shouto's face falls a little, so Touya hurries to continue.
"But they give me great pain medication, and the doctors says my skin gr-"
Touya cuts himself off mid-sentence to not traumatize his almost-seven year old brother more than necessary.
"Uhm, my brand new skin is growing quick and it's strong!"
Shouto's eyes are huge, but not from fear, rather... awe?
"You're so strong, Touya-nii!" he exclaims eagerly, and Touya feels a blush creep up on his cheeks.
"I'm not..." he starts, but once again cuts himself off.
No need to take his own self hatred out by airing it out to his baby brother.
"Well, thank, Shou," Touya says quietly as he gently ruffles the kid's two toned hair.
Shouto beams.
"When I grow up I wanna be like you," Shouto declares, and Touya's heart squeezes.
Had he always been this goddamn cute?!
Touya gives him a wry smile.
"Maybe a little less fried, tho, right?" he asks in a teasing tone, and Shouto giggles, before his face gets serious again.
"You were very hurt, Nii-san," he says in his serious little voice.
"Dad cried."
Touya sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Well, dad cries every time he's here now, so you don't get to complain!" Touya says, trying to lighten the mood.
Shouto doesn't smile.
"I was really scared, Touya-Nii," he whispers.
Touya averts his eyes.
"I'm sorry about that, Shou," he says quietly, and suddenly a small hand grabs Touya's.
"Just don't get hurt like that again, okay?" Shouto asks, and Touya looks back at him.
"I'll try my best," he says with a small smile.
Shouto shakes his head.
"Promise!" he insists.
Touya chuckles.
"Fine, I promise," he says and he ruffles Shouto's hair again.
At this point, a trip to the hospital is like a trip to the grocery store for Touya.
Even his family doesn't kick up much of a fuss for these smaller procedures anymore, which is quite nice honestly.
Especially now that he has a boyfriend that takes care of all that worrying for him.
This was the first time since he and Keigo got serious he had to go under anesthesia for a small procedure, and Keigo had not been coping too well.
He was pretty good at pretending to keep it cool, but Touya knew better, and it was obvious he'd been a nervous wreck.
Which is why he's rather surprised when the first person through his doors when he's come to after surgery isn't Keigo.
Touya should have known.
"Nii-San!" he exclaims as he hurries over to Touya's bedside.
Touya can't help but smile.
"Hi, Shou," he says tiredly, and Shouto sits down on his bedside.
Even now, 18 years old, interning as a Pro-Hero and with a steady boyfriend, Shouto still gets that look in his eyes sometimes.
The one he had when he told Touya that he wanted to be just like him when he grew up.
To be fair he wasn't doing half bad on the matter.
Shouto was interning at the same agency that Touya (and Keigo) currently worked at, and he was already taking an extra interest in rescue and first aid work.
Touya couldn't be prouder.
"So, why is your face the first I see, and not my doting boyfriend?" Touya asks dryly, and Shouto shrugs.
"Because I told him to wait outside," Shouto said simply.
Touya felt a headache coming on.
"Why?" he asks, and Shouto tilts his head.
"Because I'm the first one who sees you," Shouto says simply, and Touya rolls his eyes.
This kid.
"I hope you were nice to Keigo at least?" he asks, and Shouto nods.
"I'm always nice to Keigo, I like him a lot."
Touya feels a small smile tug on his lips.
"I'm not so sure about Kats, tho," Shouto adds thoughtfully.
Touya's smile drops.
"...please tell me you did not leave Keigo alone with Bakugo?" Touya asks, and Shouto blinks.
"Why would I tell you that?" Shouto asks genuinely.
Touya sighs heavily.
"Nevermind Shou, could you just tell Keigo that he can come in now?" he asks, and Shouto nods.
"Oh, sure," he agrees and gets up off the bedside.
Before he goes to save Touya's boyfriend and keep his own in check, he stops and gives Touya a genuine look.
"I'm glad you're okay, Nii-San," he says quietly, and Touya smiles.
"Well, I'm glad you cam to check on me, Shou," Touya says back, and Shouto beams.
"I'm planning on keeping it that way," Shouto informs him.
Touya chuckles.
"I'll tell Keigo," he says dryly, but Shouto nods serious.
"Yeah, you probably should."
Touya waits to roll his eyes until Shouto's turned around.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, Touya-Nii."
Touya huffs.
"Just get my boyfriend, you menace."
Shouto turns back to give him a final smile before he goes out the door, and as soon as the door opens the sound of Bakugo's voice hits them both, and Shouto suddenly seems in a bit more of a hurry.
"Yeah, hurry up you little weirdo," Touya mumbles as Shouto scatters off.
He's rather grateful he still has his biggest fan, after all.
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bigmanroykent · 4 months
some royjamie fic & podfic recs
i've been trying to make my Grand Return to Reading Fics for months because i miss royjamie so much and i have so many fics marked for later that it makes me cry but turns out. i'm not doing so well reading from a screen these days and only manage physical and audio books which makes reading fic a bit more challenging. so this isn't the huge spreadsheet with recs i had prepared in hopes of sharing it but here are the few i did manage to put there these last few months (with a special thank you to podficcers as well!!), please enjoy them too if you haven't read them yet:
from the mouths of babes by Dyece - Phoebe says something devastatingly insightful, and Roy has a minor Feeling about it.
as weak as a violet by tooshyforthis - After Keeley shuts the door in your face, you stumble your way to the place you call church. Jamie follows you. Always does. When you stumble your way to bed, he follows you there too.
Can't Start A Fire Without A Spark by Blackmustache - Things are changing at Man City and somebody needs to convince Jamie to come home.
i don't know what it is but i got that feeling by aisjustrunning - Jamie has been invited to a party (?) and now he has to buy a present for Roy Fucking Kent.
What you'd do to me tonight by fangrrlsing - “Vanilla vodka.” He shakes his head and Jamie is frozen under his eyes. “Such a child.” There is a gasp stuck in his throat, a protest. It hurts even though it shouldn’t. What should he care what a washed-up has-been thinks about him? Except this is Roy fucking Kent.
Their Love Was There by things_renew_themselves - Jamie and Roy hang out after the bonfire. Shit gets real.
everything by swimmingfox. I'm not kidding, their writing is wonderful and their podfics have been a lifesaver and I already have them linked because I was preparing a podfic rec post before I remembered that I had some other fics ready in my spreadsheet:
A Windmill In Old Amsterdam - Extra scenes from Roy and Jamie's night-time bike ride. Soft and sweet. Four in the Morning & Babe - Starting from S3E4, but then going off on its own. First Time - Jamie and Roy talk about Jamie's experience with his dad in Amsterdam. Jamie has a panic attack, and Roy is there to help. The Death of James Tartt - Jamie arrives on Roy's doorstep with the news that his dad is dead. Roy helps him through the first day and starts to realise his feelings for Jamie have changed. Sweetness prevails! Date - Jamie asks Roy out to dinner. It's nothing special. Honest. Or: Roy finds himself accidentally on a date with Jamie Tartt. Set post-S03! Brazil or, Shag Marry Avoid - Jamie invites Roy to Brazil, and incredibly Roy agrees. Jamie keeps getting erections. They're very much about Roy. Smug Fucking Prick - Jamie and Roy don't go for a kebab after their fight. Instead, Roy turns up at four the next morning, as they've got one more training session. Jamie is not having it. A Cute Little Roy of Pitch Black - Jamie gives Roy another one of his very thoughtful presents for Christmas. It's more of a hint than the last one. Shameless Christmas fluff! roy who by armadillo1976 / original - “Never heard of Roy Kent?” Jamie’s nose scrunches up.
strong (and capable) like an elephant by jedusaur (podfic by Silverkat1620)
it’s a long walk home by antspaul, swordguy - “If there’s a big man coaching Richmond…” Roy gestures broadly—as insultingly broad as he can. “I haven’t seen him.”
Jamie looks unimpressed. Like he’d been waiting to be hurt but expected more. Looks fucking disappointed. Roy’s not done.
“All I see is a little boy, barely two years into a job he thinks he deserves because he’s got the loudest mouth in the room. With a cheap win under his belt because he probably got on his knees for the referee.”
first, violent love by liesmyth - “What, you think you’re the first young prick who’s come round begging for a fuck? I told you, Tartt. You’re not half as special as you think you are.” - All the lads are cursed to speak their minds. Jamie and Roy fuck about it.
Scentr by PGHumfort - Freshly retired, single, and a little lonely, Roy Kent, who hid his omega status throughout his entire career, lets Keeley talk him into trying out the new, exclusive, anonymous dating service for the rich and famous she’s doing PR for. The twist? It’s purely scent-based with the idea that the body will intrinsically know a good mate on smell alone. You’ll never guess who smells the best to Roy!
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canirove · 3 months
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 23
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“Yes. I know, yes. I… Yes, Erin. I know” Mason sighed. “I will. Ok. You too. Bye” he said before hanging up. “Erin wishes us all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
“It will be merry and happy if we manage to get rid of her.”
“Mum!” he said, trying to look serious and not laugh.
“Sorry” Toni shrugged. “Anyway, have you decided yet what you are going to tell her to not go back to London and sign the new contract?”
That year for the holidays they all had decided to spend them in New York with Luca and Alex, hoping that putting an ocean between Mason and his agency would help them forget about them and everything that what was coming for a while. But judging by how Erin was calling him daily, it was going to be more difficult than they thought. 
“That I got sick. Like with a cold or something like that. Then that Addie got sick too and I want to be with her. And if in the meantime it wants to snow so we can't fly…” he shrugged.
“Your wish may be granted very soon” Adele said, joining him and Toni in the living room of the house their parents had rented. “It has started to snow.”
“Yes” Elizabeth said, walking behind her daughter. They had gone out to do some late Christmas shopping, Adele not being able to find one of her gifts for Mason back home. “It isn't too much, but if it continues during the night, it's very likely that this year we will also be having some white Christmas.”
“Ready for another snowball fight, Turlington?” Mason asked Adele with a teasing smile, walking towards where she was standing.
“I was born ready, Mount” she replied.
“Have I told you today that I love you?” 
“Not enough times” she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Ok, I think this is our cue to leave” Toni said, getting up from the sofa. “Fancy a cup of tea?”
“Please” Elizabeth replied. “Who knew they would become so…”
“Cheesy?” Toni chuckled.
“Yes. Adele has never liked that.”
“Growing up you were allergic to anything romantic too. But then you met the love of your life, and boom! You became a real life heart eyes emoji. It must run in the family.”
“I never giggled like that.”
“Oh, you did, Elizabeth. You did” Toni laughed.
“But do you… Do you really think he is the love of her life? The one?” she asked while looking at Mason and Adele kissing and giggling like two teenagers.
“I do. And she is his” Toni smiled. “C'mon, let's go make us that tea and give them some privacy.”
“Yeah… I don't want to be here when your son starts putting his tongue down my daughters throat.”
“Oh, shush!” Toni laughed again, linking her arm with Elizabeth's and leaving the room, Mason and Adele definitely not noticing.
“Addie… Adele… Don't.”
“Too late, Mount.”
“Addie, I swear I didn't mean to hit your face with that snowball, it was just my bad aim” Mason said.
“Excuses, excuses.”
“Addie… please. Remember that I need my face for work, that I make a living out of it.”
“But you are taking a sabbatical year, aren't you? You won't be needing it any time soon.”
“What about you, tho? Do you want an ugly boyfriend? One that can't kiss you because his lips are all swollen after getting hit by a snowball? Think about it.”
“Umm…” Adele said. “You actually are a really good kisser.”
“I am.”
“Then I guess I'll have to hit you somewhere else” she shrugged.
“What? Addie!”
“I'm sorry, Mase. It is what it is.”
“But I also need my body! Like, what if you hit my chest and hurt my heart?”
“What?” she laughed.
“And think about my abs. You love following the shape of them with your finger, and if you hurt me there, that will be painful and you won't be able to do it.”
“And what if you miss and you hit me between my legs, uh? Goodbye to our children!”
“Mason!” Adele laughed again. “I'm going to throw this snowball at you whether you like it or not. I'm sorry.”
“But Addie… Addie!” he said when she threw the ball. “Oh my God, Adele. And then I have bad aim” he laughed. 
“That was so bad, Addie.”
“Mase…” she repeated.
“You had to hit me, not the tree behind me.”
“Mason!” Adele said, throwing herself at him and pushing him down, a huge chunk of snow falling from one of the tree's branches just where he had been standing.
“Shit” he said, Adele on top of him. “That was close.”
“So close” she whispered, flashbacks from the previous Christmas coming back. “Did you know that during winter you have nineteen freckles?”
“What?” he laughed. 
“During the summer after being in the sun you get a lot more, but right now you have only nineteen.”
“Have you counted them?”
“I have.”
“Oh my God, Addie” he chuckled. 
“They are cute.”
“Because I am cute” he smirked.
“Seriously, guys? We are in a park, a public place where there are children!” Luca said behind them. “Can't you wait until we are home to have sex?”
“Oh, fuck off” Adele said, standing up.
“Hey!” Luca complained when she hit him with the snowball she had made as she got up. “That hurt, Addie!”
“Not sorry” she smiled.
“Not sorry? Oh, you asked for this!” he said, making another snowball to throw at her but hitting Mason instead as she hid behind him. 
“I'm sorry, Mase. But you deserved it for hitting me.”
“I… come here” he said, making a snowball and starting to run after her while she laughed and screamed.
“Urgh” Luca groaned. “I liked you better when you weren't together. You are insufferable now with your cute couple crap.”
“Shut up and let them be happy” Alex said from behind a tree before hitting him with a snowball. 
“You little shit” Luca said before starting to run after him just as Mason was doing with Adele, the four of them ending up fighting against each other like they used to do as kids, laughing and screaming until they were soaking wet from all the snow.
“Three, two, one… Happy New Year!” everyone in the room screamed.
“Happy New Year, Addie.”
“Happy New Year, Mase” she smiled before kissing him.
“Urgh, you two are seriously insufferable” Luca said, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, stop it” Adele laughed, hitting his arm. “It's not our fault that you are sad and single” she teased him.
“Actually…” Alex said, Luca giving him a murderous look.
“Actually what?” she said, looking between him and her brother. 
“Luca may be seeing someone.”
“What?” Adele and Mason said at the same time.
“You are seeing someone and you haven't told your sister about it?” she said, hitting him again.
“I'm sorry” Luca said. 
“Who is he? Do I know him? Have I met him?”
“Don't lie to her, Luca” Alex said. “She's into football, she's definitely seen him play.”
“He's a football player?” Adele gasped. “Oh my God.”
“Shh, lower down your voice” her brother said. “Anyone could hear you.”
“People are too busy dancing and celebrating. I don't think they are paying attention to our conversation” Mason said.
“Exactly. So spill the beans, Luca. Who is he? How did you meet? I want all the details.”
“Again, I'm not gonna tell you everything about him in a place like this. He isn't out, you know? But we met this summer in Miami.”
“Likely place for a footballer to be during his holidays” Mason chuckled.
“Yeah, well. A mutual friend introduced us. When he said I was your brother, his friends started to talk about how hot you and mum are, that Mason is the luckiest guy…”
“I am” he grinned, kissing Adele's cheek and making her giggle.
“But then when we were kind of alone, he told me that he thought I was the hottest member of the family.”
“Smooth” Adele laughed. “So is he the reason why you've been going to London so often these past months?”
“Yeah” Luca said with a shy smile. “He can't travel because he is playing all the time, so since my schedule is more flexible…”
“He's actually thinking about ending his degree back home” Alex said.
“Yeah” Luca said again, his shy smile growing wider. “But I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet. What I do know is that I like him a lot, that I have never felt this with any other guy, and that even though it isn't going to be easy because of his career and everything that surrounds it… I think he's worth it.”
“Aww, Luca” Adele said, hugging his little brother. “I am so happy you've found someone.”
“Thank you, sis” he said, hugging her back. “It was about time, wasn't it?” he whispered, doing a little nod towards Alex and confirming what she had always suspected: that he had feelings for him. 
“Yeah” she smiled. “Should we make a toast? To Luca and his new love!”
“To Luca and his new love” Mason and Alex said before drinking. 
“I guess there won't be a New Year kiss this time since you are seeing someone” Mason said.
“We actually made that up” Luca shrugged.
“You what?”
“Yeah” he shrugged again. “We don't have that tradition. We kissed so you would also kiss and realize that you were in love with each other. Though if I had known you were going to end up being so annoying, I would have not come out with that plan.”
“Idiot” Adele said, hitting his brother once again. 
“Anyway, I have to go. There is a phone call I have to make.”
“To your boyfriend living on the other side of the pond?” she smirked. 
“Precisely. So if you'll excuse me…” Luca said before leaving, Alex disappearing somewhere else too.
“I can't believe they made that up” Adele said.
“I actually can” Mason laughed.
“Was that kiss the reason why you were so weird the next morning? Because I said it meant nothing but to you it actually did?” she asked, remembering that night and what had happened after.
“Yeah…” he sighed.
“I'm so sorry I hurt you, Mase” she said, caressing his cheek. “But I was so confused and scared… Because I did feel things when you kissed me last year, you know? I just… I just didn't understand them. Or wanted to.”
“It's ok, don't worry. What matters is that everything worked out, and that here we are. Together” he smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Together” she smiled back. “I guess it did bring us good luck.”
“Definitely” Mason chuckled. “And we are gonna need a lot of luck this new year for your crazy plan to work, so I think we should kiss. A lot.”
“Can't think of a better plan.”
“Not even if I suggest…” he said, whispering into her ear some of the naughtiest things he had told her yet. “Shall we?” he said, meeting her eyes and making her feel goosebumps all over her body, her body temperature rising. Will she ever stop feeling like that when he gave her that look? Probably not. 
“Let's go” Adele said, taking his hand on hers and leaving the party.
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strawberryfairi · 6 months
Hello girl!! I love the stuff you write, it’s so immersing and fun to read,
To start off, how about JJK men and where they’d take you on a first date! Maybe also if they fumble or not? Or something along the lines of that if you’d like!
Note🧚🏾‍♀️: Omg hey🙋🏾‍♀️ that is so so sweet, thank you so much🥹!! I really appreciate that 'cause sometimes I be like dang, is my writing ass🧍🏾‍♀️🤡💀?? Lol but anywaaaayssssss...I decided to go and try the short fic kind of route for these so they'll be on the longer side, therefore I'm gonna make it a multipart thing! (P.S. Lmk also if the short fic version gave as opposed to the just straight bullet point thoughts)
JJK + First Date Headcanons
Choso, being new to the dating world and not having really anyone to go to for advice on this particular field, chooses what he believes is the smart way to go....to the internet. There's so many articles, Youtube videos, and even movies that discuss the topic of "The Perfect First Date". The options are overwhelming, yet there's one idea that really catches his eye.
It's a Saturday, just hitting around twelve in the afternoon, and Choso is right on time just as he said he'd be. He's at your door, dressed in a black- fairly loose fitted- button up top, with acid wash black ripped jeans. His hair is in his signature style, the two spiky buns that you absolutely adore on him. You could smell the subtle hint of cologne on him, a very earthy and mellow fragrance that seemed to match his overall personality well. It was highly attractive.
He looks so nervous, and honestly, a huge part of you was relieved as you were shaking in your own boots as well.
"H-hey" He stammers cutely, "You ready to go?"
A sweet smile etches it's way across your glossy lips, "Yeah, I'm ready!"
He extends his right arm, allowing for you to link yours with him as he takes you to his car out front of your place. "You look beautiful by the way;...as always." He compliments with a faint dusty pink hue across his pale cheeks.
"Thank you. You look great as well; as always." You chuckle lightly, feeling your own cheeks heat up right along with him.
The drive isn't too long, and you figure out exactly where he's taking you as he pulls up to a beautiful looking arboretum parking lot, in the outskirts of Tokyo. You let out a soft gasp, heart warming at his choice in date destination.
"Oh wow, Choso this looks so beautiful already!" You beam excitedly, staring out the window in a rather childlike way as he puts the car in car.
"I'm glad you think so. I was so nervous you wouldn't like it." He admits with a timid chuckle. He gets out of the car, then comes around to give you a hand as you step out. You watch as he goes to the back seat, taking out a large blanket along with a basket that you hadn't even noticed. As if his idea couldn't get any sweeter. You feel your heart swell with warmth, watching as a happy, wide smile plasters itself across his adorable face.
"Ok..." Choso nods, grabbing your hand gently and leading you past the tall, black metal gates.
He chose such a perfect time of year as well, mid spring, when all the flowers have bloomed and the trees are full of lively colored leaves. The scent of all the flowers fill the air, being carried around by the soft breeze. You spot plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, camellias, and even lavender. Choso practically follows you around like a lost puppy, taking in all your explanations of each flower and how you love their shape and color. Even he can't help but squat down and gently touch some of their soft petals.
Finally, the pair of you reach the main event of the whole arboretum, a small stream with a beautiful, traditional looking red bridge in the center of a field. Beautiful lines of cherry blossom trees surround the area, and patches of flowers grow along the bank of the stream.
Choso sets the blanket down while you smoothen it out along the grass, and place the basket filled with foods he hopes you'll like down. The two of you talk, getting to know each other better while enjoying both the scenery, and overall, each other's company. You're already so enamored by Choso solely due to the amount of effort he's put into the first date alone.
So far, he never comes across like you're a burden or that it's some kind of obligation to take you out on a date, and you really appreciate that attitude from him.
He's made his intentions very clear with you, and this first date is just the icing on the cake. Inwardly, unbeknownst to either of you, you both wish this date would never end.
A/N❥: Choso does NOT fumble the first date bag whatsoever in my book! He's just too much of a sweetheart for that; he gon' do his RESEARCH🧐🔬 okaaaay!!!! But fr though, this was very fun to write! I really like this idea of doing date headcanons in this kind of short fic form, thank you so much for the ask🙆🏾‍♀️
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drawsdenfiles · 2 months
Isn’t Trump in the Epstein files approx. 70 times? Also didn’t he pay off that woman with money from his own business? How can you trust a man like that to run a country?
This is a really, really long one you guys. I'm trying to seriously address all these points anon's making, because I think they're really good ones... but that being said, this post is really freaking long.
Seriously, before reading it, you should just scroll to see how far it goes. Maybe not the longest post ever on tumblr, for sure, but wow. I surprised myself. Maybe get a snack before you start reading.
Warning: I will be discussing the Epstein case as well as the hush money trials, so if there are aspects about those two things that disturb you, I'd suggest maybe skipping this one until you feel you're ready.
Okay, here we go.
Isn't Trump in the Epstein files approx. 70 times?
So, okay, I unfortunately don't know too much about the Epstein stuff, only because I started really paying attention to things back in 2023(after October), and the big, big Epstein stuff came out sometime in... 2019? Maybe 2018? How disgusting is all of that, by the way, how freaking sick.
For the first time, I started really looking into this Epstein thing because you brought it up(thank you for that), and I found an interesting article on The Washington Post that was published... Wow, July 11th! From the time of me answering this question, that's literally just 4 days ago.
I also took a minute to look up whether the Washington Post tends to lean left or right(you should do this with every news source you look at), and it appears they tend to lean left. Also, it appears their fact checkers tend to lean left as well, so that's something to keep in mind. I didn't know fact checkers were allowed to lean on either side, but apparently that's a thing. Ew.
So, that being said, the fact that the Washington Post tends to lean left should make this article all the more fascinating to you. They seem to lean one way and yet, here's some passages straight out of the article that actually defend against the alleged connections between Trump and Epstein:
... But Donald Trump’s name never appears anywhere in the transcripts. That hasn’t stopped Democrats — perhaps seeking to distract from President Biden’s travails — from suggesting on social media that there’s a disturbing connection between the former president and a sex predator. Some social media posts have claimed that Trump was mentioned in a draft indictment released last week, but that’s false. Only 2006 grand jury testimony was released."
... Trump has acknowledged that he and Epstein were in the same Palm Beach social circle decades ago. But their relations appeared to have ended by the time Epstein’s legal troubles began.
...the relationship soured in 2004 after the two men battled over acquiring a choice Palm Beach property, an oceanfront mansion called Maison de l’Amitie. Trump won the auction, and phone records — the call logs Lieu referenced — indicate that the two men did not communicate after that. Two weeks after the auction, Palm Beach police received a tip that young women were seen coming and going from Epstein’s home — which led to the grand jury investigation.
It just goes on and on and I think this article addresses a lot of the questions/concerns you might have about the alleged link between Trump and Epstein. Here's the article. I think it's a pretty solid read... Again, I'm skeptical of everything I read, but I liked that this source apparently leans left, and yet says Trump isn't the guy people on tumblr/twitter/instagram seem to say he is.
Also, didn't he pay off the woman with money from his own business?
Okay, so you're bringing up the hush money trials. That's totally fair, because yes, Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts. Since I already brought up the Washington Post, here's an article from them that talks about all of this stuff- the evidence provided and the other people who were involved. I am... still so new to researching this stuff, but that is a big case and here's how I feel about it:
I just... I don't really care. Is that bad? Sure, fine, but it's the truth. This isn't me blindly following Trump, this is me saying that I find it suspicious that they waited until the election year to prosecute him, and that there are some things he's involved with that I just don't find to be that significant.
It's kind of like how they keep saying "Jan. 6th is as bad as 9/11!" when it really wasn't. Look at the videos, the loss of life, and the international reactions of each event, and tell me without the anon feature on, that Jan. 6th was as bad as 9/11. Anyway, sorry, I got distracted. I just find it icky that they waited until the big election year to prosecute him.
Like okay, he was found guilty, but there's a reason why millions and millions of people still want to vote for him. I mean, doesn't it feel like election interference, or is it really just me? And how many other politicians have icky stuff like this that- if they ever decided to do what Trump's doing- could be used against them to keep them from campaigning?
First there was the Russian collusion thing, then we had this huge federal prosecution thing, and then the debate, and now the assassination attempt... Ugh, say what you want about July 13th, but there's a lot of questions I would like to have answered about that. I mean, it had literally just happened and reaction not only on tumblr, but on the media/news sources we're supposed to trust, was crazy. Just crazy. Not to mention that some things during the assassination attempt... they just don't make sense. Let me know if you want me to talk more about that, but understand that it's all still really, really fresh. I'm just someone asking questions, that's all.
Ugh, sorry. I got distracted again. Anyway, the 34 felonies just aren't that important to me when placed next to all of the crazy stuff we're seeing not only in America, but around the world. If that makes me a bad person, well... meh. I'm just impressed that nothing seems to stop this guy from continuing his campaign, not even a freaking bullet through his freaking ear. Jesus.
How can you trust a man like that to run a country?
I didn't always trust him. Actually, I never really even cared about him, but I trusted the people in my life who supported him and who were upset by the nonsense. Whether it's the people who are close to me irl or the people I've found on youtube since starting down this path after October, I think they're making a lot of sense compared to the the people who... Ugh. God, I don't know if I should get into that right now. I don't want to point fingers unless I'm asked to, so I'll keep this about my feelings for Trump.
I think partly why I trust him to lead the country now, is because I started looking into all the mean stuff almost 100% of the media are saying about him. I started listening to the speeches they were referencing, like the one where Trump said to "Get over it." Has anyone actually listened to that speech? because I personally found it to be really genuine and really sad. I'm having the hardest time in the world trying to locate a link for you to watch that speech, but if you're able to find it- please tell me so that I can include it in this post.
It was a really sad speech. He basically said to the victims of... I'm so sorry, I can't quite remember, but these people are suffering and they lost loved ones in what I'm pretty sure was a shooting... and Trump gives this speech and he tells these victims something along the lines of, "This was a tragic event and you're going to be stuck in this place for a long time. The rest of us have to move on and get over it, so we're going to do that, but we'll still be with you here as we move forward."
It just... It broke my heart. Seriously, if you can find it, tell me. I'd love to link it. It's been so buried by the assassination attempt that I'm having a really hard time looking for it.
Your question reminds me of the time I took a "Race/Gender Representation in Media" class(I can talk more about that experience if you want, but maybe later) and the teacher spent a lot of time teaching us that not only are we all racist, but we also couldn't trust the media. Did anyone else take these classes and had to write papers on these things? It's been a few years, but I remember having to make a power point about the media.
This one lesson went something along the lines of, "Did you know that all major news media all around the world is owned by six companies???" Which is... uh. Kind of true, if you look into it... and if you were told that and you were disturbed by it, good! Now take a minute and ask yourself why almost 100% of the media seems to be pushing the same thing at every turn, and why it's almost always anti-Trump. Almost. The times when they're kind of nice to Trump are the times when I'm REALLY wondering what's going on behind the scenes, hahaha. Like, uhhhh... You compared him to Hitler a month ago and now you're being nice? Hahaha.
Oh, what's the latest thing they're pushing right now? Project 2025? I swear that's a total red herring and I'm not asking you to believe me, but I am asking you to think about why they're all suddenly talking about it. Why did it first seem to explode on reddit and now, why is it all over the news media and the social media, as well as why is it all these high-ranking government officials seem to be talking about during the insane senate hearings that are going on right now. Seriously, please. If you're going to hate me for supporting Trump, then I'm going to tell you to think about a couple of things here and there.
Oh, by the way, I also happened to take that class on the year Trump was first elected. WOW, what a thing to see. I swear, I really got the feeling that the teacher was encouraging her students to fear for their lives after that. It was a lot like what you're seeing people posting now- "Be careful! Now that Trump survived and is their martyr, the right is going to be meaner than ever!" Fear mongering. The term you're looking for is fear mongering.
It's all just so wild. I'm losing a lot of sleep over all this, but... honestly, I think it's worth it.
Jeez, see? I warned you it was going to be a big post. There's a lot to talk about and I want to talk about it in a way that people can understand. I want to give you these sources that I found and I also want to be as real as I can be. The "I don't care about the 34 felonies" thing can totally be used against me, but... I don't know, I'm over it.
I'd just like the opportunity to vote for a presidential candidate in a fair election this November. That's it. If I have to know literally everything about this guy in order to defend my vote for him to the people who are grieving about the fact that the bullet missed, fine. It is what it is.
If you made it this far, WOW!!!!!!!! Thank you for reading what I had to say about all this stuff! I hope I didn't make too many spelling mistakes, haha. I'm an artist, not a writer!
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Ngl my best friend and I are doing a kind of rewrite of totk for fun and like. We had a more nuanced story in around thirty minutes, and I kind of want to work on it more. Here's the thing though, it's so easy to write this as a good story because it has so much potential, and it's like you said!! Taken at face value it's so boring!! I'm genuinely so frustrated with this!!
I know, right? Something I've noticed is that like literally anytime I mention the story being kinda shit, it takes like maybe a minute for people to look at the existing setup and think of something more interesting. Like, I briefly complained about the boring writing in a youtube comment, and I've seen three different people reply to that with more compelling takes on the story using very minor fixes. There's just so many bad decisions in the writing, I have no idea how the fuck Nintendo thought this was acceptable.
I mean goddamn, even putting aside all of the Everything with the imperialism in the memories, the memories existing at all is a horrible decision! They seriously made a role playing game where 95% of the story occurs in the past, where the only involvement the player has is our character being namedropped a few times. It worked in BOTW, because Link was there the whole fucking time, and also the memories WEREN'T the story - that was everything leading up to the actual plot kicking off! If a player just totally ignored the memories, the only real consequence was that you didn't really get to know Zelda! If you ignore the memories in TOTK, you are missing the entire fucking plot.
It's such an easy fix too, I mean ffs if the ancient past is where everything interesting is going to happen, just send Link and Zelda back in time together. Link can actually interact with the story and characters, he can develop his own beef with Ganondorf instead of them literally having nothing to do with each other beyond other people saying they should fight, and it'd fix the gaping plot hole of literally all the Sheikah tech being gone - none of it's been built yet. The story could take Link through working with the Sages, finding a way to heal the decayed Master Sword - fuck, he could even wield the ancient Master Sword in its place while he's in the past! They fight Ganon, seal him away, then for the grand finale Link and Zelda return to the modern day Hyrule shortly after they left, and discover it's basically an apocalypse kicking off, because why would Ganon bother to just wait for his enemies to get ready to stop him, he can just go apeshit the second he's free of the seal. This works in story, but also excuses the finale having some railroading - the chaos of the apocalypse stops Link from going off track, ensuring the devs don't need to put in the entire BOTW map just for that one finale sequence. Link retrieves the formerly decayed Master Sword from wherever he left it to heal for the last ten thousand years, and then him and Zelda go fuck up Ganon together, for real this time. Bam, problem solved. Link's in the actual plot, Zelda gets to actually exist for more of the story than just the ending cutscene, there's a reason for the map being completely different, and the Sheikah tech isn't just retconned into non-existence. Fuck, they could explain the runes being gone as just Zelda dropping the Sheikah Slate in the chaos before being yeeted into the past, or the slate being hit by Gloom and destroyed as well. Also, the expanded list of monsters and old monsters having different designs to include the new horns makes sense; they're ten thousand years in the past, of course things are different. Yeah it'd suck that we wouldn't really get to see the characters from BOTW, but... come on. They barely did anything with them anyways.
Alternatively, they could just do the story in the past with Zelda as the player character, if they're that hellbent on ensuring Link isn't allowed to do anything. It'd be a really cool twist! They wouldn't even need to change the gameplay that much, it's been years since the Calamity and Zelda's been travelling around with Link the whole time, it makes perfect sense that she would have learned how to fight over the years, and Link teaching her would give her a very similar fighting style.
It would have been so easy to give the game a more interesting story, it's just embarrassing that they fucked it up so badly.
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fuka-petals · 3 months
Long post but I need to put this out there ig please read it fully if you have any interest in my non fandom posting or my art direction in the future
I'm going to try and work on my art more, I'd like to be able to finally make stuff for myself that I can enjoy now without relying on others for that.
This also means i will probably be redesigning many of my ocs. My sona and some newer guys are the only ones that will stay the same but will also have secondary designs.
Also I do not plan on ever finishing AB anymore, it no longer interests me as it brings back bad memories. All ocs from it will be most heavily redesigned and repurposed for a new story or scrapped, though litan is my only guarantee that will have a new story as I associate her with my online friends who are important to me
My main stories currently are Dysphoric Wishes (also more so community, I'd love for others to join in on the project), Project BIBLICAL (this is my sona's story and is extremely personal but I'm working on explaining it and publishing it, I'm not an sane or mentally stable person and I need a place to vent my frustrations at the world), and finally Wired Angels. I also have a fourth project that isn't ready for publication yet.
If you haven't noticed I care a lot more about other media than my own and I'd like to fix that and make something I'm truly happy with and proud of. Also, most of my hyperfixations will definitely influence my works more than they have before as I think that would help me find more appeal in my own work
Also, I plan on finishing my game wips. I have a lot and I want to finally finish some. Dysphoric wishes will have a vn followed by a ynfg, the vn will be lucidete centered and the ynfg will come out once I have enough people in the project to have enough of an world to build off of. Project BIBLICAL will consist of bullet hells once I am talented enough to make one, and Wired Angels shall also be a vn despite being a ynfg, as I think it'd be interesting. I also do have a few other vns of other stories I'd like to finish.
Sorry for rambling but it's now dawned on me after reading something that I've always hated what I make and have never truly liked any of it and I need to stop relying so heavily on others
Thank you for reading
Ps. If you'd like to join dysphoric wishes you can find the project on toyhouse, which mine is linked in my bio, just head to the worlds section and it'll be there, you can join by applying for membership and just throw some random bs in the reason why section and I'll let you in. I'm also going to make a tumblr page for it.
Secondly, you will see a drastic shift in what I make to be more horror centered. This is because 1. The genre interests me 2. I wish to be like the person I had looked up to in a creative media sense
Thirdly, I will also be starting an oc content only account. You may ask questions about them there. I'd heavily appreciate if you do as they are extremely important to me
Okay now actually thanks for reading
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tylerfound · 10 months
The new introduction for my character, Tyler.
Hi, I'm Vea. I'm 26 she/they, and this is Tyler! Tyler's from a Purgatory roleplay which was built from the ground up with me, my best friend, and our other friend at the time. Various people have characters or such though, now (through the last... Two years? It's existed.) Sometimes we grow inactive, if we're in another group project. Currently, I'm alone and that's resulting in Tyler being alone and ready for a new group project! I'm excited to be here for however long, I was happy interacting with my friend (Minnie's mod!) but I'm ecstatic to interact with all the other characters now I'm here!
Name: Tyler. Not his birth name. Age: He died on his 6th birthday, so he's eternally 6 I suppose, but he's probably more matured [mentally]. Maybe around 10 [mentally]? Maybe. [but he's also existed for a couple thousand years now, so he might have wisdom. Maybe. <3 Gender: He's a mouse now, but he was a little girl when he was alive. Year: He died around 1893 [neglect, starvation] and is eternally hungry. No known effects are seen in the other Purgatory's Children; so his hunger might be psychological trauma induced, rather a typical feeling in Purgatory. [The feeling of one's cause of death.] Why does he bite people? Trauma response due to his [unknown length of] time in Hell. He never knew affection when he was mortal, and he was alone in Purgatory until he met Pride. The affection he saw in Hell wasn't what we typically refer to as affection. [He was not hurt himself. Nor did he see much first hand. He saw enough, and he saw Pride's reaction.] [Long story of why Pride wasn't being treated as one of the 7 deadly sins, and instead was a prisoner during this time.] Tyler scratches, kicks, bites, while he is hugged and squished until calmed. He's learning more to not harm others when they're upset, however.
Why does he love moss? Consume moss for [the feeling of a full stomach] hydration, when he was alive. Then the moss came, and consumed his body. The body that was all wrong, anyway. He never understood the appeal of having a body. Not until the Moss.
Moss? If you take a close look, feel his fur- Is that moss? How thick is the moss? How deep does the moss go? Is it all moss? Moss? Moss? Moss. Any mod questions, address Vea. (: Thank you! Oh, more about Tyler's FAMILY! Here's a link to Millie's blog, it might help explain a little. At least, it has all of the [family members that have blogs] Family, to make it easy! A lot of pages are WIP currently, and I know it might LOOK like it'll be that way forever, but now that I'm here, they'll totally come back and update them! (... Right?) (<3) (Yeah they will lol) The only person I think is worth mentioning that isn't on Millie's page is the Wisp, a Void Demon. This void demon, recently named Labree, is the Creator of Tyler's universe. Labree is sort of like God and the Devil's creator (parent? god?) Labree has a NEW rp page! I don't believe it's been active yet- Labree is separated from it's mindless self, so it is now it's own entity. It has friends; but I know it's page looks daunting because the mod only just made it's new page, after leaving our last group. So Tyler and Labree are both refugee's currently. However, Labree has the power to (do whatever it wants, create, destroy, timelines, people, universes.) But, we've only done this as Mods. Agreeing to change something in an rp (removing people who leave the group without an outro, tying up loose ends, destroying things we've decided to veto or what not. It's basically a personification of us as Mods into a character. ) So I would suggest if you are going to interact in character, don't antagonize it, but I think Labree might have plans. I felt like mentioning it because I LOVE Labree! So cute! Baby! New to life, first hand! <3 <3 <3 And if anyone ever want's to have fun and needs the Wisp's powers, you know where the Wisp is! We extend it's power everywhere! (With Communication and consent bc It's a last resort, as mods we can just rp however we want. Lol. What I mean to say is the Wisp is not there to abuse it's power and hurt anyone, it will only ever act if all parties are consenting to whatever it is we plan.) I feel silly mentioning Labree. Teehee. ... I'll be honest I'm not sure this is all making sense <3 Okay! ... Anything to add... Anything to add... Not really I don't think anyone would read SO much. 😰 I have something important to say, but I keep blanking... I just KNOW I'm gonna post and remember it! Ugh! Also if you find my main congrats! It's my public page. I have a personal page, too! It's the same as my discord. No one knows my discord. Yet. 👀👀👀👀 (Please love me) (LOL) Oh here's a Song that - GOSH REALLY- I LOVE THIS SONG OK? OKAY SO- Totally Tyler's unofficial voice claim!!! It kinda looks like him too. Look at that THING. Gosh it's so cute! Baby! Baby baby! But it's also Tyler's song. </3 He grew up in a time where it was common to not survive childhood, and he just wants attention! So much! because he never got it. He's finally living his party. Tyler’s pronoun page! Tyler is a ESFP personality type. Lil babey. <3
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 9.1
Her mom was sitting on the couch, rigid, hands together with fingers hooked, fingertips digging into the sides of other fingers, until it was all a jumble.  And her eyes- That look as she saw Lucy.  Lucy could see the tracks of tears on her mom’s face from the fleeting light outside.
oh no
The sound of her mom’s voice was so like her mom that it pulled her right back.  “It’s Booker.”
... supernatural or mundane? At least if it's supernatural, Lucy can address it directly
“The car rolled,” her mother told her.  “They said it would have been instant-”
oh god. That's so much worse than I was worrying. Fuck.
Was there an enemy?  She wanted there to be an enemy.  She wanted to not have to think about- about if she’d made him stay, or if she’d….
I guess something with karma, or some indirect use of the practice, could easily make a driver drunk, or an accident worse than it would be.
Fuck, if this was retaliation for Alexander or Bristow, it's going to destroy Lucy.
Even if it isn't, this is going to destroy Lucy
“They said it’s been a problem this summer.  Crime, drunk driving, people getting away scott-free.  If they’d just-”
or the influence of the Carmine Beast being missing. Gods, Lucy's going to blame herself.
If we’d just… if they’d gotten on top of this situation instead of leaving, if they’d been ready, if they’d stopped this situation from coming up…
You're children! Caught up in a mystery way larger than you, with no good ways to resolve the judgeship. And you only left so you could get stronger. It was the right call.
Her mom was condemning her.
please don't have this be your takeaway :(
“Dinnae gang’n do tha’!  Stop!” Lucy turned, her face streaked with tears. “Ye’ll wake yerself up, ye tit!”
oh. oh! OH!
okay. So it's (just) Alpeana. Showing Lucy her worst nightmare. Okay.
I wonder why? But mostly I'm just relieved.
“I am sorry.  Thar’s no good way tae talk, otherwise.”
hmmm. They've talked before, outside of nightmares, so I wonder if Alpy specifically means talk unobserved?
Alpeana strained to make her words clear, suppressing her accent, “…I’m fairly sure that the one who killed the beast ain’t going to be putting it right when they take its seat.”
welp. Does this mean she has some idea who the killer is? Or is this just based on them not having come forward yet, letting things deteriorate.
An’ the new ones, I can tell ye, none trust ye yet. Especially now ye’ve been at tha school.
drawback of the school: it isolates them from the Kennet Others, gives them less ability to influence without forcing
“…Last night, I dreamed my way through the longest, most intense drunk driving PSA ever.”
I'm assuming also courtesy of Alpeana? I wonder if it was an attempt to stop Lucy's nightmare from coming true :)
“He’s okay.  No hearts broken, boundaries were laid out on both sides,” Verona said.
I'm also a bit worried about this, given that Jeremy had previously said he wanted to avoid physical stuff because he'd want more feelings from it. But Verona's been clear about her boundaries.
The girl had light brown skin, red-brown hair with a faint wave to it, that extended halfway down her neck, and a smattering of freckles.  She wore a dark red V-neck top with a yellow symbol on the pocket, and denim shorts.
averaging out the three of them. Though Verona's getting drowned out, feels like only the short are coming from her.
“Since you asked nicely,” Lis replied, sticking her elbow out.  She waited, then frowned, reaching over, and making Avery link arms with her.
this has been a busy couple of days for girls linking arms with Avery!
“I’ve really been looking forward to you guys showing up.  The Others are great, they’re neat, learning about the town and the ins-and-outs of this place, that’s been super great.  Thing is, I’m derived from people and I operate off of people.  Sometimes you just want to talk about movies, or hockey.” “You like hockey?” Avery asked. “It’s alright. I feel like it’s better for going to watch than anything.”
yeah, Lis is pulling from the three of them right now. Makes her pretty dangerous, I think it's probably hard to distrust her when she's around. She's only been talking for a few lines so it's hard to tell, but I'm not getting any wariness from Lucy, either in dialogue or narration. Lis just... slotted into their Trio like she's always been a part of it.
“Oh, check this out!” Lis said.  She pulled her bag off, unzipped it, and then reached inside.  She pulled out a wooden mask.  Grey, carved, of a rabbit.  “Interesting, huh?  I’ve got a hat and cloak in here too.”
okay, that's hilariously blatant
And people are noticing. Practitioners trying to stop things, and ones trying to catch them so they can use them. Witch hunters.
fuck. Witch hunters are bad news
Lis reached over, and Snowdrop startled awake.  Immediately, the opossum began to hiss, raising her paws and scratching at the air.
Interesting. I guess if Lis's thing is specific to human crowds, it wouldn't work on Snowdrop
“I don’t know, Lis.  There’s only so many people who I’d call responsible, here, and we loaded ourselves down with sponsorships.”
and Matthew seems to be treating Lis more as an old friend than as a new and untested ally
The goblins sat in front of them all, except the difference now was that there were a lot of goblins.  Lucy could remember when there had been only the four.  Now it was Toadswallow, Bluntmunch, and Gashwad, followed by Nat, Butty, Doglick, and a half-dozen more.
since the goblins tend to be counted as one power block, these conflicts have allowed Toadswallow and Bluntmunch to swell their influence dramatically. Even more so when the new goblins get individual votes
“Did Cherry just lose a fight against an inanimate object?” Avery asked.
I love her
“You want us to stay out of it?” Lucy asked. “I want to give you the freedom to. John told us that what happened wasn’t easy.”
given how suspicious Edith has been overall, this reads as trying to keep the girls out of the way (and not getting to know the new others) rather than altruism. That said, I do agree with the sentiment. Things have escalated past what the girls originally signed on for, and it's been hard on them.
Matthew looked concerned.  “We could reduce your responsibilities, at the least.  You witnessed a murder and that’s not something I wanted to put on your heads.”
yeah this is an attempt to sideline the girls
Most of the Kennet Others seemed on board, but for many of the new Others, it seemed like they couldn’t wholeheartedly agree. Why the frig not?
I wonder if someone's been working to bias the new Others against them? It could just be that the girls are now being introduced from a place of some knowledge and power, rather than novices who could easily be shaped.
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grapenehifics · 1 year
Any or all of: 10, 25, 43, 51, 78, 79
(for this ask game)
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Bare minimum two, so I can switch off and take a break on one if I'm not feeling it, but I try to limit myself to (actively) writing no more than four at a time. Like, if I want to add in a new one, I need to at least move one to 'editing'.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Editing! This isn't an original thought, but I like having written. I'm no longer staring at a blank page, I'm simply rearranging things I've already written to make them fit better or work better or deciding I don't even need them. More fun, less pressure.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I don't think I've mentioned this one yet? I've been trying to talk myself into tackling Obikin Thomas Crown Affair for *years*. Not because I don't want to write it (I really, really do), just that I don't think I'm ready to do it justice yet. But I *want* it.
(I am going to do it. Even if it's not perfect, I'm going to do it. I'm just full up right now. See #10 above.)
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Ooh, tough question! Yes and no. I write what I like to read, but I also read a lot of stuff that others do so, so much better than I would. I have very few hard 'no's' in my reading, and I can appreciate a lot of stuff that would simply be too far out of my wheelhouse to write. (Off the top of my head, this includes but is not limited to, PWP, heavy angst, historical fiction...)
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Being done, lol. (See #25.) Moving from first draft to second draft, more specifically. Once I have a beginning, a middle, and an end - even if I don't particularly *like* any of them - that's when the real fun begins.
I find the actual act of creation - moving from 'ooh, that's a cool idea' to 'words on a page' - frustrating and difficult 90% of the time, is what I'm trying to say, and try to move past it as quickly as possible.
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
I think the only writing advice worth a damn is 'read'.
In terms of inspiration, though, a random selection of some things that have meant something to me:
Lemony Snicket's NaNoWriMo pep talk
Bob Dylan's Nobel Lecture
I can't find it again to link to it, which is an important lesson in backing up your shit all on its own, I suppose (maybe 'back up your work' also counts as writing advice?), but I once read an interview with Steven Spielberg where he talked about the truck chase scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and that he always tries to establish very clearly what is happening, and where it is happening. Don't use up your audience's brainpower making them wonder, even subconsciously, where people are or where they're going or what direction they're coming from. Keep it simple. Establish what is happening, when, and where. Then, that frees your audience up to pay attention to the why this is happening, and why those characters are making those decisions, and that's where the real story happens.
(What I'm learning from typing all this out is, I need to start taking advice from people other than white men. Yeesh, that's embarrassing.)
Thank you, @palfriendpatine66, this was fun!
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rabbitindisguise · 2 years
I think I'm coming to the realization that "thanksgiving was created on a bedrock of racism" isn't like the point of the holiday
it's to eat food, have the day off, and encourage people to exist together who don't always exist together at the same time- like most holidays. A lot of the tumblr traditions, like posting donations links and the Adams gifset, that I was participating in for years . . . have started to feel like sort of empty sniggering at racist family members. And sniggering particularly because they weren't sad and miserable the day of, like I (the enlightened one) was. That feels like kind of shitty and more about my superiority than focusing on tribal issues. Being miserable isn't something to be proud of, for one thing, and for another it doesn't do anything productive to be mean to someone on a holiday and hope that I completely change their worldview in one angry conversation. That's something that has proven to not work (though setting boundaries and limiting contact in an otherwise healthy family situations because of repeated racism does often work fairly well from what I've heard, which people can see as "an argument").
Stuff that's missing for me now is the celebration of small and big wins for tribal nations, involvement with action groups and letter writing to government officials, voting literacy, awareness of growing concerns related to things that people can actually help instead of the helpless weight of all the bad things, and the hope that the united states can and should do better. Thanksgiving could still be fun because it's a day off. A structure might be a week of lead up covering the history, the current problems, calls to actions, and then ending with positive work towards a clear goal for the future, leaving the time when people are supposed to be relaxing doing something that can help alleviate stress and contribute socially just like volunteering at soup kitchens. These seem like very natural things to do in response to current tragedies, and happened with the coverage of the big pipeline building projects, but doesn't happen so often for small voting measures or things that can easily pass under the radar. The effects of past/current colonialism is an ongoing issue but treating it as a constant crisis led to burnout for me, and hijacking the holiday made to further entrench colonialism makes a lot of sense too.
I think it would be easy for a capitalist society to seize on unrest with the holiday by removing a national holiday with no replacement and contribute to more working days. That leads me to believe that the restorative answer to help fight back against the ongoing wrongs of thanksgiving, to change the narrative that silences native tribes by not even including their voice when discussing racism against them. Thanksgiving could be a day of mourning and the celebration can be focused on efforts to support tribal sovereignty, with of course eating and having the day off.
I think this is a good example of the way that activism I was doing rarely considered human psychology and even basic needs like "eating" and "resting." It was all theoretical- poor children relying on school lunch, amazon workers not having rest breaks. In order for me to help fight for human rights I often pressured myself to deprive myself of the very rights I was trying to protect, to both the detriment of myself and the people I was trying to help. It would also be more relaxing ways to spend fraught holidays for me to do this sort of thing because I don't really do the "activism" anymore yet still have the same values. Earth day, Christmas, and 4th of July of obvious choices, but I'm not sure what to do for Easter. Maybe Martin Luther King day but that already has a lot of that, plus ready made reading material and things. New Years, birthdays, Halloween, Julius Caesar stabbing day (March 15th), and other tumblr holidays are definitely just Days. I think it's important to have things that are just Days without the homework.
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