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amamaia · 9 months ago
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enigma pra acender feitiço no brilho
Quando minhas mãos forem asas, desejo voar beirando o amor que perfuma o beijo entre mar e areia.
E abrir abismos nos sulcos dos troncos pra olhar o visgo dos líquidos percorrendo a sinceridade de cada caminho.
Quando a Lua desenha o ritmo insondável das sombras que sabem tanto de mim, retorno ao quase delírio da ambivalência sedutora desprendida a cada giro.
Da saudade só eu sei o quanto.
E o que há após o infinito da Morte?
Digo que há a Dança, exaltada, desviante, impetuosa, petulante.
A Dança da serpente luminosa que se faz de ponte entre os mares-espelho do meu altar.
Brinco nos fachos sorrateiros mergulhados nos ruídos literais que se erguem agudos quando meu coração ressoa a festa que pulsa inteira em cada encontro na Noite.
Renasço no laço.
Sim. Ainda estou aqui. Cresço além dos ais, porque ouso dizer. Quero ser mais.
Sim. Feiticeira. Curandeira. Cúmplice.
E tudo está tão no princípio que a gargalhada sabe ser livre e olhar no fundo de meu veneno pra escolher permanecer.
No risco, as curvas são marcas da Fonte, guardiãs dos segredos, convites em qualquer direção.
Paixão. Movimento. Vida.
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seafoamreadings · 1 year ago
awhile back you led me to discover that i had my Scorpio (balsamic) Moon/Mercury/Pluto AND Libra Mars in the Via Combusta. (not my Scorp Sun, tho, which is at 26 deg lol.) you mentioned it's traditionally considered "cursed" and i've read some not-nice things. i've had some considerable emotional turmoil in my time, but i've tried to lean on my Sag Rising/Venus and Jupiter in Aries house to try to bring in faith/optimism (my chart is a bucket with everything in 1st-thru-10th and then my Jupiter in 4th). do you have any advice for these 'dark' energies? thank you so much! 💖
well traditionally yeah but also a lot of traditions are pretty goofy and i think this one has some religious/patriarchal baggage along with it. i think the via combusta "dark" energy is a sort of wild feminine magnetism (whether you are a feminine person or not) that our present society frowns upon. view those vibes as your magic powers. a busy via combusta means you're a "witch" - you can do anything. you're not the falsely accused women who got executed for it, you're the real deal. how you channel your specific vibes with those planets into that sort of power is up to you but for me, i'm a via combusta rising/1st house and i find that it's like casting a convenient glamour over myself whenever i need it. my power comes out in how i look (other things too from other sources) and seem to other people - a penetrating gaze, an outfit, a strategic smile. it'll likely be other things for you, you will have to find them, but i hope this helps! also great work using your jupiter and sagittarius that way!!
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ilguardianodelfaro · 7 months ago
Non ho che te, la cenere che giace
combusta da febbraio nel camino,
avrei dovuto spargerla e non posso,
perché nei giorni madidi di pioggia
odora di un amore consumato.
Non ho che me, le membra magre e stanche
che più messo oserà abbracciare.
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talonabraxas · 1 year ago
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On November 8th, Venus enters Libra (until December 4th).
Venus In Libra Talon Abraxas
Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra. Taurus, an earth sign, wants to build, while Libra, as an air sign, critiques. As the airy part of Venus, Libra uses words and artistry to express themselves.
Via combusta, which is known as the “fiery path,” is a point between 15 degrees of Libra and 15 degrees of Scorpio. This intensifies the energy. The caveat is that 23 degrees Libra is a very auspicious degree, because the benefic fixed star Spica is positioned there. This year, Venus in Libra will be via combusta from November 24 to December 4, except for November 28 when Venus aligns with Spica. Therefore, we can expect to have erratic and compulsive romantic tendencies from November 24 to December 4, except until November 28, which brings us luck and abundance in love.
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santoschristos · 1 year ago
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Venus Ishtar Neith, 2018 by Daniel Mirante Atelier.
On November 8th, Venus enters Libra (until December 4th).
Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra. Taurus, an earth sign, wants to build, while Libra, as an air sign, critiques. As the airy part of Venus, Libra uses words and artistry to express themselves.
Via combusta, which is known as the “fiery path,” is a point between 15 degrees of Libra and 15 degrees of Scorpio. This intensifies the energy. The caveat is that 23 degrees Libra is a very auspicious degree, because the benefic fixed star Spica is positioned there. This year, Venus in Libra will be via combusta from November 24 to December 4, except for November 28 when Venus aligns with Spica. Therefore, we can expect to have erratic and compulsive romantic tendencies from November 24 to December 4, except until November 28, which brings us luck and abundance in love.
Venus Ishtar Neith Puja
The Aeon VENUS arises from the ocean flecked with primal foam
like a boiling star she rises in screaming fury and loving laughter
brightest star, veiled with the patterns of eternal sacred geometry
outstanding her face blazes like a new sun
lightning pours from her tongue and boils clouds of dew in the air
clear vision her eyes are rainbows
from her heart flocks of birds fly to new skies
and from her crown arrows terminate erroneous forms
her feet stamp upon the coiling bones of false promises
Neith sets herself upon the vault of the sky
and mortals wax and wane to her journeys in the land of the celestial dominions
and meets her consort, the Red God, to discipline and free each other
kingdoms and mountains melt at her passing
and deserts wax with new life and in time burn to ash
all earthly power is vanity to the holy fire of ISHTAR
trying to penetrate a mystery, earthly alchemists measure the patterns of her hems
earthly daughters take inspiration from her magic and woo the plants and animals
but nobody has ever understood NEITH, nobody has ever lifted her Veil.
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wonderfulspells-122003 · 2 years ago
An introduction & what the Pink Moon means to me.
Hello, how’re you all doing today? Please call me ‘W.S’ or just ‘W’ as I don’t wish to give my name out online. I am a… relatively young practitioner; I’d say. You can check my bio for my age and how long I’ve been practicing. But anyways, here’s a little bit more about me; astrology wise.
My Sun sign is Sagittarius, which is also in my second house. My Moon sign is in Scorpio, which is in my twelfth house, and my Ascendent is also in Scorpio, but that’s in my first house.
If anyone is interested in me going into more detail about what I just said, please like and/or reblog this post; or comment/ask me to go over it. Whatever works, really.
I’m not really sure what else to put here, so here’s what the Pink Moon means to me.
Okay, so; the Pink Moon is arriving at 12:37 a.m. EST on April 6. Which is tomorrow morning if you’re also in the US. The first full moon of spring has the chance to heal us, and those around us — but growth comes with its challenges. As the full moon in Libra lights up the sky, we’ll take notice of what we need to do in order to improve our circumstances and relationships.
And it’s actually nicknamed the Pink Moon because of the wild pink flowers that bloom with spring. This specific lunation is often associated with rebirth, renewal and newness. After a long winter, we're getting a glimpse of the beauty the season brings, welcoming the sunshine back into our lives (and our hearts). 
And since this is technically Aries season, this full moon in Libra so, with any luck, its energy will help us balance out Aries' bold spirit with Libra's relationship-minded energy during this exciting time of year.
And another thing to note: On April 11, Venus and Pluto will make a trine, and the sun and Jupiter unite in the same sign, Aries. This is the luckiest day of the year!
But before we get there, we have to go through the full moon. The full moon falls within the via combusta, from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio. It's known as the fiery path, and it adds some intensity to the full moon. You might see people dig their heels into the ground more.
Chiron is a small solar system body, per NASA, that also represents the healer of the zodiac. It's opposing the moon at this time, which can add a healing energy to the mix.
Okay, that’s all I have to say, have a good day.
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rosateparole · 2 years ago
Siamo così tornati, dopo lungo giro, alla siticulosa Apulia del mondo classico, che oltre le selve garganiche e le loro propaggini daune si stendeva eguale e miserabile, combusta dal torrido Atabulus, in un paesaggio ove tutto nasceva nero, anche le messi, e l’orizzonte era segnato dalla polvere delle transumanze, e così per ampio tratto, sino all’improvvisa fioritura degli orti di Taranto e al dolce Galeso ombreggiato da pini e bianco per le greggi che vi si specchiavano: isola verde dopo tanto squallore, angolo di terra dalle lunghe primavere e dai tiepidi inverni, dove il miele non cedeva a quello dell’Imetto, gli ulivi gareggiavano con quelli di Venafro e prosperavano viti che non invidiavano il Falerno.
Ernesto De Martino, La terra del rimorso
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lapolani · 2 years ago
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Mare internum, mare nostrum
Opera di Lapo Lani, realizzata con plastica combusta, acrilico spray e carbone pestato in acquaragia minerale; successivamente elaborata con processi digitali. Dimensioni: cm 42x52. Anno: marzo 2023. Collezione privata.
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sediti0niv · 8 months ago
Including link: https://www.biblegateway.com/
"Et cum aperuisset sigillum septimum, factum est silentium in caelo, quasi media hora.
2 Et vidi septem angelos stantes in conspectu Dei: et datae sunt illis septem tubae.
3 Et alius angelus venit, et stetit ante altare habens thuribulum aureum: et data sunt illi incensa multa, ut daret de orationibus sanctorum omnium super altare aureum, quod est ante thronum Dei.
4 Et ascendit fumus incensorum de orationibus sanctorum de manu angeli coram Deo.
5 Et accepit angelus thuribulum, et implevit illud de igne altaris, et misit in terram: et facta sunt tonitrua, et voces, et fulgura, et terraemotus magnus.
6 Et septem angeli, qui habebant septem tubas, praeparaverunt se ut tuba canerent.
7 Et primus angelus tuba cecinit, et facta est grando, et ignis, mista in sanguine, et missum est in terram, et tertia pars terrae combusta est, et tertia pars arborum concremata est, et omne foenum viride combustum est.
8 Et secundus angelus tuba cecinit: et tamquam mons magnus igne ardens missus est in mare, et facta est tertia pars maris sanguis,
9 et mortua est tertia pars creaturae eorum, quae habebant animas in mari, et tertia pars navium interiit.
10 Et tertius angelus tuba cecinit: et cecidit de caelo stella magna, ardens tamquam facula, et cecidit in tertiam partem fluminum, et in fontes aquarum:
11 et nomen stellae dicitur Absinthium, et facta est tertia pars aquarum in absinthium; et multi hominum mortui sunt de aquis, quia amarae factae sunt.
12 Et quartus angelus tuba cecinit: et percussa est tertia pars solis, et tertia pars lunae, et tertia pars stellarum, ita ut obscuraretur tertia pars eorum, et diei non luceret pars tertia, et noctis similiter.
13 Et vidi, et audivi vocem unius aquilae volantis per medium caeli dicentis voce magna: Vae, vae, vae habitantibus in terra de ceteris vocibus trium angelorum, qui erant tuba canituri."
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gralhando · 1 year ago
Um voo lento irrevelado
Pedra negra que flutua sobre a areia não andarei mais em teus caminhos.
Dei à luz tua segunda chance portanto os mistérios logarítmicos me chamam mãe.
Um sangue antigo ainda me escorre e apenas tua mão grossa o absorve da vergonha.
Mancha ébria entre os cactos as lentes dos teus óculos examinam a vergonha em minha face.
Faísca cega em direção aos álcoois sinto as cinzas da profanação combusta em tua boca.
O corvo em queda lenta sobre o fogo discernido pela nuvem de luz que as tuas palavras graves formam após teus lábios.
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amamaia · 4 years ago
A aura típica das fixas
Quando era moça, lá pros meus 13, me encantavam mulheres específicas que eu via nas revistas fechativas da minha avó Therê. Não eram os adornos, não era a moda, não era o anúncio. Era a provocação. Era a aura típica das fixas. Faz o que quer. Diz o que sabe. Colhe o que planta. Banca quem é. Almoça o mundo com a boceta. Colo pra quem encontra. Espinho pra quem finge. Conhece o Tempo. Atira pra acertar.
Eram poucas. Imantavam meu olhar. Parecia que quanto mais eu olhasse, mais fundo poderia mergulhar nos oceanos da intensidade insondável em seu semblante. Passava horas tentando entrar. Queria alcançar. Queria beijar.
Hoje sei da fusão agridoce de imagem e matéria viva. É e não é. Mesmo assim o Desejo me guia. Eu quero. Foi bem lá que aprendi essa frase que tomei de volta no Agora. Eu quero.
Nas Gibosas, lambuzo tudo de mel. Acesa como a Combusta que me rege no Agora. Ainda mais essa que vai desaguar em Mar de Espelho Aberto e eu já sou toda líquido incandescente pra queimar juízo tolo. Veneno ardente. Risco de Fogo.
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seafoamreadings · 2 years ago
what do you think of sag rising, scorpio sun, and scorpio moon? (and libra mars lol)
are your mars and scorpio stuff in the via combusta? because if so you are WITCHY
it was a "bad" omen in old times but i like via combusta people. (i am a via combusta person.)
even if not you have that scorpionic, alchemical side. all scorpios are alchemists of a sort, especially with sagittarian influence because sagittarius is the philosopher, so of course the philosopher's stone becomes relevant there.
of course this does not have to be literal old school isaac newton nicolas flamel alchemy but it is transmutation, it is burning up what needs to burn in order to shift it into the "pure" "gold" of a life well lived, service well rendered, etc.
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human-antithesis · 2 years ago
Lumina Aurea
Lyrics: Illic, ubi olim meum cor erat in abysso lacrimarum acrium, saxum iacet, illic, unde tenebrae numquam possunt excedere, nec iam lux penetrat. Sidus arenteum matutini. Omnia in me signata sunt.
Ferte mihi capita deaemonum omnium, quae feram ubi verae tenebrae sunt. Vos non timeo, nam vos iam persepae vidi. Ac vos nihil eratis ad alam nigram et cor album.
Te procul a pseudoprophetis, quorum verba cava sunt, per cor meum, per has portas nocte portavi te, donec lacerti vacui te requisiverunt. Te ademptus et ereptus sum, nun denIqeu omnia templa combusta sunt, incensa procellis et noctis tenebris De nebulis in terram occidimus, Abiecti longe Eva atque homo De illis spei turribus ardentibus,
Qui portus erant usque ad spiritum extremum. Nunc et usque ad horam ultimam temporum te confidebam, et te semper condifam. Te per illud flumen nigrum secutus sum, quod fluit usque ad fines terrae, sulcos aquae aureos sequens, qui e primis digitis tuis effundunt.
Canite mihi, daemones, nam vos non timeo. Gladios vestros cepi et vos mihi submittitis, et luci eius, etiam redis ad meos amores, sidus aureum.
Armor, deorsum per flumen, ita puncto tempore, ut lux pulchritudinis tuae domum tristem illuminat. Iam lacerti vacui mei te requirunt, donec iterum conveniemus, in insulam, meus amor, in insulam. Interim ut Eva et homo longe abicierum. In itinerem aureum te sequor, meus amor, in itinerem aureum per aquas nigras, Vectus imagine illarum avium noctivagarum, in intinerem aureum, meus amor.
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thenamesblurrito · 5 years ago
also, from the Fan Cont Ask thingy Roster Brainstorm
Roster: where is x character in this AU? Who are they, what are they doing?
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Finally finished this one! I got halfway done with Brainstorm and then decided to do his roommates too, because background characters are fun.
Brainstorm is an excitable, clever youngling, happy to be a student at the JAAT but always setting his sights for more. He’s going to be the most famous (or infamous) scientist on Cybertron someday, and these pesky school rules are just getting in his way. His roommates have long since learned to step back when he gets going, as he’ll likely bat them on the helm with his waggling wings without even noticing. He wants to push the limits, even as a student, and gain some notoriety so that he’ll draw the attention of some premiere apprenticeship opportunities. The high-caste physicist Quark is the one he hopes to be mentored by, and his celebrity crush on him only heightens that desire. He’ll need to pull off something incredible in order to be noticed, and watching that Decepticon hero Cyclonus use the Blades of Time has given him an excellent idea: time travel.
Mirage got into the Academy from the get go. Of course he did, he’s a well-forged mech from a high-caste family with good connections. Principal Shockwave might say students are accepted on merit instead of class, but Mirage knows this must just be pretense to gain him a broader vote. After all, why would anyone allow idiots and brutes from lower castes into such a prestigious institution? The rude awakening of his fellow classmates from all walks of life hasn’t managed to humble him. His arrogant and framist attitude hasn’t won him many friends, but a student named Cliffjumper seems particularly willing to blow up at him whenever he gets too overbearing.
Bulkhead has never been to Cybertron before! It’s his first time off of Luna 1, and there’s so many new and fascinating things here. He’s rather surprised that he managed to pass the entrance exams, but he scraped by with exceptional marks in a couple areas that made up for his worse subjects. While he’s always known that he’s destined to go into construction and/or demolition because of his frametype, he’s never quite enjoyed it the way he does learning under his teachers. With the opportunity to study anything he’d like, he’s also discovered a love for art he never knew he had before. There’s a group of rowdy younglings who call themselves the Wreckers that he usually hangs out with, a solid presence of joviality that lends a little calmness to so many wild personalities.
Twirl and Combusta are from the same aerie on the other side of Cybertron from Iacon. Combusta is a little grateful that she’s rooming with her aerie-sibling, if only so she can keep an eye on the energetic wildchild Twirl. The two of them do decently in their classes, and Twirl usually drags Combusta into her wide social circle. So far their greatest challenge has been surviving Brainstorm’s mad science and Mirage’s framism.
Here’s some cropped pics so you can see them better!
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speedfreak01 · 5 years ago
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hey guys, here’s a big ol’ digibash commission for @transgirlsoundwave, it’s a combiner made from the Extreme Competition Team and the Sonic Assault Team, two mini-con teams made entirely of girls! (their individual names are in the image captions)
the idea with this set is that the combiner is an upgraded form of Heavy Metal, with the presence of the Sonic Assault Team helping balance out the unstable rowdy Extreme Competition Team girls
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autoacafiles · 6 years ago
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