#combo of two headcanons I'm thinking about here as well
omegamoo · 10 months
thinking about how pearl won double life. she won it! she won the game where she was hated, where she was the odd one out, where almost everyone was loved except for her and she won! she defied the game. pearl won the game that hated her the most can you hear me in a game of love pearl was hated and she won its about defiance its about persistence its about love im sorry its still about love
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frogletscribe · 3 months
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Im back with more biodiversity rambling!!!
Went for a simpler style to doodle these guys out a little faster bc i have MANY thoughts always (warning this may or may not be coherent, i apologize in advance)
IMPOARTANT NOTE: the only thing even remotely canon here is the Forest and Reef Na'vi (debatable bc they are still my own interpretations), everything else is just my own musings and personal need for more variation among Na'vi.
In previous posts i think i mentioned the insane venn diagram that lives in my head of forever overlapping and endless combos of Na'vi yadayadayada, this is (LOOSLY) that.
SO, if you have seen my initial post (here) some of these guys might be familiar, but since then, i added Wetlands, Highlands, Glacier and Ash? people! And I have Thoughts ™️
Now I'm gonna hold off on Ash? people for the most part here, mostly because i am a creature that likes at least some level of "Canon Compliance" and we really won't know anything about them until the next film, so i have yet to form any solid headcanons. That being said, I do have a couple quick things:
The name 'Ash People' leads me to think that their generally building lives/evolving around volcanic areas, grey/darker skin tones from evolving around ash?
Thicker/rough skin (volcanic rocks are sharp!) and less fur/fluff on their tails.
Wetlands I imagine as clans that have evolved as a combo or River and Reef, but also Plains, as wetlands (at least as I understand them, i know that there's more to them than this but I am simplifying here) are effectively big wet fields.
I liked the idea of how if River Na'vi developed 'armor' due to swimming in constantly moving water with lots of rocks/fish/debree/etc, that Wetlands might be similar, but not quite on the same level.
Comparatively, Wetlands have no claws, and a thinner more paddle-like tail, more similar to Reef Na'vi.
Highlands I see as Plains Na'vi that evolved for colder biomes, so they keep the builds, maybe in general larger on average, closer coloring to Plains Na'vi and the longer tails, fur and claws of Mountain Na'vi.
Lastly Glacier Na'vi is the Mountain + Reef combo to create the giant spotted seal people of my dreams. I did not show it well here, but I think both Mountain and Glacier hold more fat in their bodies than other Na'vi, as well as Reef Na'vi being physically larger as well. That combo probably makes Glacier Na'vi massive (like 12-14 ft tall). Living in significantly colder climates, they need to be able to hold more heat in their bodies too, so they are physically much larger all around.
All of these are still just loose and I continue to be vague about a lot of it bc biodiversity and cultures that evolved around a given biome are two separate things to me. I like that these can be used as like umbrellas that the actual clan cultures can be born under, but not 'rules' or anything.
(I do have at least 1 (possibly 2) fan clan situations cooking in my noggin that i am slowly working on, but that's also something i want to be very conscientious about as I build it out.)
Anyways! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Let me know your thoughts, I love talking about this sort of thing, hearing people's feedback and building off of it!!
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artforinfinity · 4 months
I color coded them and you can't do anything about it :]
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Reblogs appreciated <3
Elaborations for my color choices under the cut!
Siffrin, grey: ok this is probably the color choice with the least amount of meaning. One pattern in particular that I have noticed within the fandom is that with headcanon colored designs for the cast Sif always manages to still be in black and white. I, like a normal person, find this to be hilarious. You give these characters wonderful new pallets except poor Siffrin who remains in the emo dimension, brilliant. Keep doing this.
Mirabelle, pink: I love Mirabelle so so much of my gyoddd. I chose pink (plus my heart motif) for two reasons.
1. I like pink and I like lovecore
2. I like characters whose designs contradict their personalities in small ways
As a feminine aroace person myself I really really resonate and see myself in Mirabelle, like to a sort of crazy degree. So why not take her feminine traits and amp them up a bit? Why not allow myself to relate to her more? I can have fun around here! Also she is incredibly magical girl coded to me and she is technically the leader of the group so pink was just the only possible choice I could make.
Isabeau, mint/teal: so Isabeau is such a ginger to me. There is no other possibility in my mind this man is GINGER. And I associate orange with teal colors because that color combo goes crazy hard, so bam! Teal Isa was born! Also I think the color fits well as he is the most masculine character in the party.
Bonnie, orange/tan: this one is simply due to the fact that I associate both childhood and cooking with sepia tones. Do not ask me why, I couldn't explain if I tried. Also I gave them some freckles bc they deserve them.
Odile, purple: MY BELOVED ODILE!! Ok this one has a few reasons. Besides Sif her pallete is the most muted of the bunch signifying both her age and the fact that she is not from Vaugarde. I associate purple with magic, maturity, regalness, and gemstones which are all things that fit Odile well. I've shown off this coloring choice in the drawing I made for her birthday, actually, which is the piece that inspired this whole color coding ordeal anyway.
Btw Loop is red (🙂), Euphrasie is yellow (gold, high ranking in the House), and The King is blue (sadness, memory)
Anyways thanks for sitting through all that have your bonus
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It's midnight I'm tired
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The insanity doesn't stop
This time, we're going to be looking at into the spiderverse, specifically this scene (sorry about the weird cut at the ending, I accidentally zoomed in/out lol)
Which I have gone through frame by frame..
For fun. You can see what he's doing for the most part, but I needed to share my thoughts on it.
(It's mostly me being a homosexual though... happy pride month)
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Nothing important here really I just think this little sequence of him drinking is cute. Also WHY IS THE CAN CLIPPING THROUGH HIS HAND THAT POOR GUY THAT CANNOT BE COMFORTABLE LMAO. Also what the hell is going on with his laptop who needs that many tabs open. Loving the laptop + PC combo. This boy uses so much electricity...
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Awwwww look at him. He needed a little light because his blind ass couldn't see to write his invisible notes (Me too Ganke, me too. What are you writing about though why is it so important it has to be on paper and cannot simply remain a computer file? Are you doing homework.... at this hour?)
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Also he has the same getting up/sitting down sequence!! I think that's cute too, and it's probably just the animators being lazy and not wanting to animate a billion different ways of sitting down, but, hear me out; OCD Ganke. Now, I don't know much about OCD, but I do know that people who have it tend to repeat the same behaviors/patterns every day for every single activity. This could also explain the three of the same hat thing he has going on. Now, that's just a silly little headcanon to play with, so don't take it too seriously.
Is his ass really getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (courtesy of his one billion energy drinks) amd leaving the fucking door OPEN?? BUDDY? YOUR ELECTRONICS ARE RIGHT THERE DIRECTLY IN SIGHT OF THE HALLWAY... AND YOUR ROOMMATE IS SLEEPING THERE.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
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Hehehehehehehehe aww look at him putting his headphones on I wonder what he's listening to. Also who texted him it's like 12am rn. GO TO BED (He checks it twice. It's 15 close friends reminding him to go to bed. He responded "I'm asleep dw" to every single one)
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Look at this EEPY FUCKIN GUY. OH he is so SLEEPY if ONLY there was SOMETHING he could DO ABOUT IT. Oh what's that? Put down the energy drink can and turn off my computer? What a ludicrous idea who would have ever come up with that. Pff. Psch. Apffttr. He looks like the bottom of a sting ray in that middle photo. Someone get this kid a break and also some fucking melatonin. And water. Stat. He's like a plant. Put him outside.
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Oh, look, he's finally decided to ditch his uniform that he's been wearing all day and get into something more comfy. Not the hat tho. The hat stays on every second of his life. Oh well at least he's probably a lot more comfortable. And would you look at that hes.. still wearing..... his shoes. B.. buddy you... you know you can take those off right. It's okay I promise. You got this. Is he barefoot in those too. Is he still wearing the same damn pants from before.
Do you think that while making his cup o noodles in the microwave he was playing music too loud and forgot to hit the stop button before it beeped and he just... kinda froze.... and looked up at Miles (who is sleeping like a fucking bear during the peak months of winter in hibernation. Not even a fucking jet engine could wake that boy up) and then kinda just awkwardly resumes what he was doing. Because I do. I do.
(ALSO, this is the second time his phone lights up. He does check it, I'm just not including it for sake of space)
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What is he doing in that first Pic. Clearly whatever he wrote down was important, but, like, is his computer updating? Is he just checking to make sure he input something correctly? What is this boy doing somebody please give me a 2 hour movie or a 500 page novel just on him immediately thanks
He's finally taking a brain break and... relaxing by reading comics. Not sleeping, no. Oh god no. But looking at comics. This kid has autism you cannot convince me otherwise. Who does this if they don't have some form of neurodivergency. Please bonk him on the head cartoon style for me I love him.
Also as you can tell by his million energy drinks and now empty and just juice cup o noodles, he doesn't clean up after himself ever. Maybe instead of buying a fourth computer, we invest in a trash can for your dorm. Hmmmm? Silly boy. I love it when they give teenagers teenager habits. Please give me more of this.
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This may not be 100% accurate, but take a look at how many energy drinks he goes through in one night.
The first clip is at the beginning of the scene, where most of them are unopened while there are already still five open ones (I can't figure out how to get the best picture of how many drinks there really are here while making it a collage... anyway). Since we don't see the beginning of the night, we don't know how many drinks Ganke has had prior to now, or what the interval he drinks them at is.
At the end of the clip, there are an estimates 12 open drinks total. One on the floor, two(?) By his comic, six by the right side of his computer, plus three on the left side of his computer. That means he drank 6 energy drinks in the span of however many hours we watched him for.
Bro has a serious caffeine addiction and needs to be grounded from money. ALSO, HES DRINKING THEM WARM??? BRO..
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And I know that they are energy drinks, because, well. One, just look at them. Two, how do we think Ganke manages to stay up all night doing God knows what for hours on end. We didn't even ever see him go to bed! He's still on his computer when Miles wakes up! Bro pulled an all nighter and for WHAT. BUDDY. And three: the design on the cup literally reads "ENRGY" bottom text "drink"
Drink it.
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Also them having part of their schedule on the wall is so cute too!! Do they share classes? How many? Also that says Ceramics. As per my first post of this series, if you look at the horribly lopsided bowl beside Ganke on the bed, that looks a lot like something someone who struggled in arts would create.
Who is that someone?
Well, it's not Miles. We've seen his art.
Is it Ganke?
Ganke the nerd? The Ganke among the most gifted students at Visions? Ganke who pulls all nighters and picks for on his computer often?
Hell yeah. Give him pottery. He brings home lopsided mugs and bent in bowls and dented plates for them to use instead of buying their own dishware, and Miles is so supportive of it even through the kettle he was using had a hole and leaked boiling water all over his hands. He's doing his best, he's not good with crafts. Give him a break.
Part One
Part 1.5
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dedtoot · 10 months
Remember this thing that i made?
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Good times, good times
Either way, i actually wrote down a more detailed responses!
Get ready for dat headcanon action!!
I'll type it out in seperate categories
The "thanks" category:
Beat: "Thanks? I don't know what are you trying to achieve here"
Rhyth: "Awww thank you!! I love you too, you're my best friend ❤️❤️"
The "laughs nervously" category:
Yoyo: *pulls up his hood in embarrassment*
Garam: references the "stay cool" line, after which it cuts to him throwing a person in the sewers halfpipe
Doom Rider: runs away in the most goofy way possible (probably falls down the stairs too)
The "I'm sorry" category:
Corn: literally says the thing. Probably also says the rawest line about how this is truly the moment when the leadership gets tested(or whatever that one line was)
The "who doesn't?" category:
K: goes on about that he's aware and but he can't accept the confession, because he prefers his ladies to be cel-shaded
Gum: literally says this after which bombards you with whatever tutorial she has to say to you at this point
The "horrible decision, really" category:
Cube: just her saying this, while sitting in her evil chair in the evil lair while being in the evil mask lit up by evil li-
The "laughs hysterically" category:
Rapid 99: "Hah! What, are you kidding?"(reference to that dialogue when you don't have enough souls)
Love Shocker: laughs, and says "What a joke. KILL THEM GIRLS!!" after which two more LS appear
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The "finger guns" category:
Boogie: optimistic looking *finger guns* (while thinking: "I DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY EVEN ARE")
Jazz: unamused looking *finger guns*(while having a very compressed image of a 😳 in her mind)
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The "i know" category:
Roboy: "Well obviously. It couldn't be any other way. Unfortunately i don't date noobs so get out"
Combo: something referencing that post-game line of "be careful not to crush on me" or accuse them of being a goldfish liker
The "why" category:
Soda: literally saying this, but with the most dramatic possible angle and rendering
The "YEET" category:
Clutch: *steals your graffiti souls*
Poison Jam: throws you off a high place and references the "nothing in life is free you gotta work for it" line
Last "if only there was someone who loved you" category:
Zero Beat, Noise Tank and Gouji standing together and silently judging
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dragonmarquise · 22 days
Do you have any trans hcs for any BRC characters?????
Yes I do!~ :D
This isn't gonna be too terribly long, but I'll put it under a Read More anyways. Also will be including nonbinary headcanons here, since being nonbinary is (usually?) considered a subset of being trans. At least that's my perspective as an agender person. :u
(I realized I was going to also include sexuality for some of these characters, but since you mentioned trans specifically, I'll just cover that here. I can do one for LGBT+ headcanons in general too, maybe as a separate ask/post, if you want!)
Solace is a trans man, which is something I think most of the fandom here on Tumblr agrees on, lol
Mesh is a nonbinary man! In his case he defines it as a combo of nonbinary + trans man, and he's fine with he or they pronouns.
Shine is a trans woman and I will not let anyone take that away from me :P
Twoson and Fourside of DOT EXE (so the two ball and four ball members) are agender and nonbinary, respectively! Already mentioned in my big DOT EXE post, but might as well mention it here too. Also to reiterate from that post, the two of them falling under the nonbinary umbrella was the case even before they went full-cyber. I say that since some people might assume that them going full-cyber caused the nonbinary-ness, but that is not the case.
Charles (summer palette for the Franks) is a trans man, Flesh Prince did his top surgery!
Lyra (autumn palette for Eclipse, the one with blue hair) is a trans woman. The rest of Eclipse know and still love and accept her, especially since they ain't fuckin' TERFs. I have actually seen some people insist Eclipse would "totally" be TERFs, and I'm just like, nah nah nah, get out of here with that absolute garbage idea. >:U
Lastly there's Nunchaku, my Devil Theory OC for the summer palette for that crew. She's a butch lesbian! I never did specify whether she's cis or trans, and even though I might say she's "probably cis", at the same time I don't think she'd want to answer either way.
In the sense of, if you asked her about it and you're a stranger to her:
If she were trans, she wouldn't feel comfortable saying that to a stranger, and so she'd decline to answer.
If she were cis, she'd think it isn't a stranger's business to know either way, so she wouldn't answer out of spite.
The only certainty is that, if a friend or girlfriend asked her about it, she would say, "Dude, my gender is basically just 'butch lesbian' in and of itself. Not just woman, specifically butch lesbian as a gender." And then leave it at that!
So I guess depending on how you think/feel about it, Nunchaku might or might not count as trans. Definitely LGBT+ though. :P
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segasys · 8 months
Me again >:3! I'm here to ask about what Headcanons you have with Hunter and Survivor (I'm not asking about monk because my boyfriend wants to ask about his baby so he left it to him when he dares xD) I'm really curious, and also what your inspirations were in Your designs are so beautiful! Have a nice day/night :3!
thank you!! raaagh ok surv and hunter teehee
i actually have a bit of candy cane in my AU, though it doesnt really go well.
hunter is an interesting character to me. in my AU im thinking of making the rot grow based on the natural urges the creature with the rot pursues. for hunter that is karma 1 [violence/anger]
hunter has a hard time controlling their anger, and it progressivly get worse as different events happen, some of those events being the two heartbreaks she endures, unrequited love by spearmaster, and a breakup with survivor [they were just not compatible in personalities]
artificer tries to help him out, and it kinda works, but hunter still lets karma 1 consume them until it becomes hll
this is as much as i got to say for them, im a bit tired, my brain has stopped working hehe, hope this is good
for designs, i recalled i got a tag on my hunter designs saying one looked like a nurse, and i thought that was so fitting and wanted to keep that vibe, i hope i was successful. i also just think the pink fits them alot, i like pink hunters. very valentines to me. if i could do digital art again, id totally try to do a valentines day art with them but i dont think thats going to happen. and of course i had to add some nsh in there with the green and the mark on the back of their neck. hunter is also kinda like a maned lioness, i tried to convey a more lion like look on her.
for monk, it was just a really pretty yellow combo and i think it was the best yellows i got. the purple goes well with it, and kinda matches surv's eyes too, though that could just be me.
surv i tried to keep more monochrome and dull, but i really liked the more warmer brighter colours, i think it gives more life to them. heres two things i did when comparing and seeing which colours looked best in contrast with monk.
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the colors i used definitely go better. i also really like albino survivors, but i wasnt successful with that, the only thing that could be albino would be the eyes.
heres what ive already shared of survivor and monk personality wise.
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blushydrangea · 4 months
so curious on your thoughts on the latest shenanigans lol, also missing your nymphia thoughts in general 💗
it's been a while. cracks knuckles.
(under a read more because it's quite long!)
a lot of things happened since my last time answering an ask about ✈️🍌, even claims that they were long gone apparently. the taiwan trip was so sweet and i'm happy they spent time together & with mirage, something i love about this cast is that they always find opportunities to hang out with each other in different combos, their bond is so cute! i'm curious about the music they're working on, although it seems like we won't get to hear it for a while 😭.
kissgate (that's what i'm calling it lmao) soured my feelings a little bit, because we shouldn't be attacking real people for not acting according to our headcanons. it was sad that plane had to explain herself on twitter, and it's good that the girlies still interact normally after that but i honestly wouldn't blame them if that caused for them to hide their friendship a bit more. still i'm 110% sure they'll never lose what they have, it seems to be something important for both of them and that they wouldn't let go of 🩷.
the drought reminded me of early march (i believe...) when they didn't talk for two weeks (!), i think most people weren't here for it and that is why a bunch of you freaked out. don't worry if it happens again, ✈️🍌 are fine, have some faith in them!
THE PAST DAYS WERE WILDDD. we got bratty nymphia demanding plane's full attention, nymphia with morphine which goes so well with my seven stages fantasy, and planymphia being super sweet with each other 🥺 it was a great moment for the enjoyers, both of them looked so goooood and nymph is like a vocaloid come to life in that cute outfit. their whole live on morphine's ig was absolutely wild & i'm sure a lot of people have shared their thoughts already and i don't wanna repeat them, so i'll just say that the forehead kiss was very important to me <3 and very seven stages. i love winning!
onto nymphia thoughts since you mentioned that!
1) she seems so exhausted and it breaks my heart. nymphia appears to be the type of person who gets more energy from being around her close friends, so she was happier with the s16 cast, but when she's alone it's sad to watch how tired she is. she also mentioned not sleeping in her ig story. i hope the princess can find some time to rest and take care of herself, she deserves it :(
2) on a lighter note... HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME LA GRANDE DAME IS A BANANA BELIEVER– she liked two!!!! nymphia tweets!!! and commented "oui" on a team nymphia post!!!!! if you were around here in 2022 you'd know how obsessed with lgd i was then, so i'm sure she did this for me 🤧. the pretty & silly fashion girl liking the other pretty & silly fashion girl makes so much sense <3 they follow each other too and now i need a dada and nymphia encounter. pls someone book them both for something. PLEASE. i need to see nymphia look tiny next to her.
that's all i have! even though i've been dethroned lol it's still nice to know someone cares enough about my thoughts to shoot me an ask through my inactivity. i love fandom 🥰
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ddwcaph-game · 8 months
Hi there! Hope that you're doing well ^-^ I know I'm kinda late, but I just catched up with the new update and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE every bit of it!! So many new secrets! (not sure if I found all of them, so I'll be replaying more) and I adore all the crush moments with all of F6E and the confession scenes with Rosie and Wayne, they're so adorable!
Also also I love that you add options for us to decide what to call Tita Julie and Tito Robert, and even use nicknames for MC's best friends. And I'm not sure if this is a new feature or if I missed it before, but I had a lot of fun editing/adding notes to the diary! I like having headcanons about my MCs and it's nice that I can type them into the diary and make them feel more canon.
Here's one from my MC, Auri (star twin)
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And here's another from her twin sister, Elise (heart twin)
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Ok, uh. I just realized I typed a wall of text without even getting to the ask yet. I'm so sorry for the long ramble 🙇
For the ask: how would Rosie and Lily react about the nicknames my MCs made for them? Would Lily know about the meaning? And since Rosie would know about hers, would she have a hint about MC's crush? And I haven't made up similar nicknames for Wayne, JM, and B (it's harder to work with their names), but how would they react in the same situation?
Ahhh I'm so glad you liked all the crush scenes! They were very fun to write. 😊 There's actually two possible confession scenes for Wayne (one at The NeStore and the cheek kiss), and three possible for Roselyna (the cheek kiss, her BFF scene, and after the bus scene).
You can also check all the secrets in this guide, but I'll be adding a bunch more in the next update!
And yup, the diary postscripts are a new feature! 😄 This is exactly the kind of thing I hoped people would do, so thanks for sharing them!
As for how F6E would react...
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I actually have this idea that Lily had a whole researching session at one point about lilies for that exact reason, so her winning that debate would be accurate, hehe. She probably knows what calla meant, but she wouldn't really think twice about the meaning cuz they're just flowers (unless MC starts acting really weird), and crushes are probably the last thing on her mind anyway.
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Ohh I love Reyna as a nickname! Rosie is pretty much a nickname collector, and I almost wanna include it in the preset options since I also like the idea of nicknames out of a nickname.
She'd absolutely like it especially because she wants to be a princess, but the nickname itself won't make her think that MC has a crush. As romantic as she is, she isn't really expecting anyone to have a crush on her.
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Wayne's fairly good at sensing if someone has a crush on him, but if MC gives him a special nickname, he'll take it as a challenge and return the favor by also giving MC a cute nickname, if he doesn't have one prepared already. (I think a flower/bird-related nickname combo between Wayne and MC would be really cute, hehe.)
If you have enough chemistry points with Wayne in Chapter 2 and ask him to sing with you, you'll learn that he's actually preparing a special song for MC's birthday. 😄
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There's a very low chance that JM would realize the crush if the nickname was very subtle. If someone does point it out to him, he'll just try to brush it off and think that MC is just teasing him. That's totally going to be on his mind all night and all week, and he'll try to distract himself with work/studying until he gives in and confront MC if they really mean the nickname (half-hoping that they don't because he thinks they shouldn't be thinking about that yet). He'd admit that it's very sweet though.
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Well, B already has seven possible nicknames for MC (it depends on your traits, but the default is "Weirdo"), so it's likely that B will keep teasing MC lightheartedly with that nickname if it does come to that point in their relationship (unless MC hates it of course).
As for B's actual reaction to MC giving them a nickname, they'll just say "No", turn around with an eyeroll, and leave. It'll be on their mind all day and try to be obnoxious to MC and avoid them as much as possible because that obviously isn't happening.
Anyway, I have to say that I'm surprised how well you managed to write the diary entry like how I write MC's thoughts. 😅 I'm actually thinking of adding a separate nickname/term of endearment for the crush options later, so that should be fun.
Again, thanks for sharing this with me. I really appreciate it! 😊
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💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 21💙
Top 3 tropes in media/fanfic
So in terms of general concepts/tropes I enjoy in all media, there def any iteration of (Enemies/Rivals to) Friends to Lovers; then Found Family <3 and hurt/comfort -> especially in combo with one of the other two tropes!
When in comes to which types of fanfics I specifically seek out most of the time:
(putting these answers and the fanfic recs under the cut, cause this is once again getting way longer than I intended)
I know this is super unpopular, but I love well done miscommunication in fanfics! Hate it in most movies tho!!
-> also what I think constitutes “good” miscommunication basically boils down to “ is the miscommunication plot or character motivated?” cause in a lot of media the miscommunication feels forced and only meant to prolong or escalate the story
-> but if the miscommunication happens bc the characters are, for example, insecure about sharing certain info/feelings it is way more captivating and relatable (to me)
-> so this is ofc directly related to (Mutual) Pining <3 (plus also connected to another fave of mine: Memory Loss/Amnesia & also secret identity)
2. Forced proximity!!
-> I’m counting both sharing a bed and stuff like fake relationship under this umbrella
-> I just love when characters are forced to interact with each other in a different and typically more intimate way than they usually do! (and what it reveals about themselves and their relationship to eachother!)
3. Fix-it fanfics
-> I actually love original stories that have tragic endings! But there are many ways a story can end in a disappointing way and make me immeditaly turn to what all the wonderful fanfic authors have come up with in order to clean up the mess!
I have way too many favourite fanfics tbh... SO I'm actually gonna do both general and smosh ones I enjoyed a lot recently!
Multifandom (I am a huge podfic girlie, so I'm gonna give them a shoutout here!)
Harry Hart and the Honey Pot: An Indiana Jones Adventure - reena_jenkins, samanthahirr - Kingsman (Movies) [Archive of Our Own] -> I love me a good movie based AU from time to time and the kingsman fandom has so many great writers!
2. [podfic] tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) - Matriaya - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own] -> this fic changed me as a person istg; like it is such an incredibly well done take on the timeloop trope, I'm-
3. Be My Savior - Chapter 1 - jessebee - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own] -> this is me coming out as lowkey more of a Sabriel than Destiel fan 🙈 Like ofc Destiel have the better canon story, and I do love them very much; However Sabriel fanfics captured my heart when I was a teenager and are still hanging on by a thread! (also I can still make myself cry instantly via a headcanon I created for them ages ago and that's gotta count for smth 😹)
Smosh Fanfics &lt;3
In general of course any and all fics by Katie @jovenshires 🩷🩵 (love you and your writing to death istg🫶) but having to choose one for this, I'm gonna go with right where you left me - jovenshires (imdeansgirl) - Smosh [Archive of Our Own]
2. doing something like this right on the first try - halfwheeze - Smosh [Archive of Our Own] my most recent bookmark and 100% my fave fic I've read these past few weeks! But Mer 🖤💜@tommybowefuneralattendee has so many banger fanfics, it was super hard to choose! <3 But this fic made me truly ship nintendogs, so it deserves this mention
3. I abstained from choosing any of the amazing spommy fics by the lovely ppl I mentioned above, bc I might have spommy brainworms 24/7, but I cannot lose my multishipper rep! 😹🙈 But here is one of my other fave spommy fics from a different author! maybe my animals live in your zoo - creepysounds - Smosh [Archive of Our Own] edit: by the lovely @tommybones 🫶
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salthien · 2 months
8 and 10 for the isat ask game!
this one is going under a cut also because Even More Spoilers and Even Longer. oops i have a lot of words to say i guess
answers for the ISAT ask game!
8- any post-game things you’d like to see?
i've been turning over the idea of what it would look like for sif to settle down after traveling so much. while i think a lot of travel with their family would do them very well after the sheer traumatic monotony of the loops, i also think they'd be the kind of person who would eventually want to set roots down somewhere (at least some of the time, not discounting future travel) - to make someplace familiar in a comforting way instead of an anxiety-inducing way. i'd love to think about/read how that feels for them, longfic is just not my forte so i don't know if it's something i would ever be able to do myself.
isa and mira would obviously stay extremely close with them - i can honestly see all three of them living together, or Mira staying at a close-by House of Change and she's over so often that she practically lives there anyway. of the group I think it'd be hardest for Odile to stay close for good, if only bc she does still have her father back in Ka Bue (? afaik, i don't think she mentioned him passing?) and I can't see her just going "yeah bye forever dad". idk. maybe she can work something out. i honestly haven't thought about nille much since i want to wait for the artbook but I don't see her having a huge problem settling down wherever.
speaking of those two, i also think postgame, a lot of the "bonnie and nille leave the party first because Bonnie Has To Go To School" worries could easily be assuaged by a kind of combo homeschooling-via-odile-and-isa (those two are so fucking smart!!! i know plenty of people homeschooled by parents who were much less capable than those two would be at teaching) plus classes at Houses of Change, since I'm sure children's classes exist and I'm assuming their travel can be a lot more "okay we spend a month or two in this place, a few weeks here" etc. than just On The Road All The Time. I just think Nille might be relieved at not having to be sole provider for her sibling, after the initial "you took bonnie WHERE to do WHAT", and isn't going to pull bonnie away just for the sake of school.
10- any headcanons about the in-game world? (about the forgotten island, craft types, just like. world building hcs, etc)
I think basic craft types and people having a proclivity towards one of the three is actually much more mutable than what the game tells us (i.e. someone might be born with only a slight affinity to Protecting craft, but figuring that out sets them on the path to aligning much more closely with Protecting craft. Sort of like being ambidextrous, but then gradually learning to favor one hand?). Craft as a type of magic seems like it would all fundamentally come from the same un-aspected source, with different methods or avenues of accessing it - with some of those methods producing side effects, like the RPS weakness system or Wish Craft's sugar smell.
Sometimes this avenue is through a god, especially if it requires a lot of Craft. (which. I also have thoughts on. I think gods as an entire concept, including Ka Buan expressions, are fundamentally shaped by the Craft rituals of the people who venerate them and that's why Wish Craft is so particular, because the Forgotten Country essentially observed these rituals for so long that it shaped the Universe to respond only to those rituals.) But sometimes it's much more mundane and easily accessible, and it's why everyone can do Craft even if they don't believe strongly in a god. The simpler rituals just ensure you get the result you want and don't channel too much of it at once - making sure you're not trying to run a firehose through a straw kind of deal.
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hangmanbradshaw · 1 year
I go to sleep after reading Darkest Little Paradise and I wake up to another story? This is going to be a good day! Coincidentally, last night my besties and I were just talking about how Americans seem to have gone bananas over this Traylor thing; I don't totally get it, because you know, I'm still too European for this whole American football stuff, but it's endearing to watch, it's basically you guys' royal relationship. And if it generates more Hangster content, well, bring it on!
DLP though has absolutely got me hooked! Bradley is still my beloved tragical Greek hero and that's comforting -I do not let headcanons go that easily- and Jake's character is incredibly intriguing and probably the most thoughtful demon ever. By the way, when Bradley was talking about how Mav deserves to be fine more than he does, Jake was one hundred percent thinking 'well, now that you are stuck with me, I am going to love you and take care of you so hard you'll grow some self-esteem'.😈😍
I went a little wild hahaha. I used to be like I can only write ONE story at a time and now I'm over here like Oprah like YOU GET A CHAPTER AND YOU GET A CHAPTER ALL MY FICS GET CHAPTERS.
God it really is a royal relationship. It's just so americana like popstar america's sweetheart with one of the most loved nfl players. Seriously a fic come to life. Don't even get me started on it cuz the combo of my two lifelong favorite things is really wild for me. I had to use it for inspo obviously. And now here we are with a freaking series of famous stuff lmao. I have some fun ideas for ficlets in that series though.
oh demon au is ahhhhhhhh. He is a tragic greek hero. There's a lot going on there, lots of *things* that will be revealed and I'm so excited. Cuz it really is gonna be two lonely people finding someone who loves them for exactly who they are. But also Jake's a demon so he's gonna be a little insane about it hehehe. He took one look at Bradley 'I don't care about my own life' Bradshaw and was like okay bet. Hope Bradley's ready to be his demon hubby
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away-ward · 6 months
Rearrange thd dn couples just for fun? From what i have seen, ppl's choices were pretty predictable. I just wanted to see yours😃
Just for fun?
Well, of course most are going to be predictable. Some are obvious from the get-go, such as KaiRika and DamonEmory. There's also the fact that Damon can't be shipped with Banks or Rika, unless your interested in incest, which I'm not.
I guess I should clarify that when I ship, I ship with the idea of longevity. What couples can last; can sustain through difficult times. So that's what I'll be considering here, and not so much who would work well together for the moment. But if this were a show, be sure that every single one of these people would trade partners five times at minimum.
Emory and Michael traded, what? two words through the entire series? Still, I don't see anything between them. And if the series made sense, Emory might have a problem trusting Michael. He is an older sibling that let his friends bully his younger sibling, and who hated him so much he eventually killed him. Wonder if Emory would see the comparison. I wonder if she'd ever ask him about it, trying to understand her brother a little more. Not that Michael and Martin are the same, but it couldn't hurt? I would have loved to see them interact some more.
Personally, I find Kai and Emory to be a more compelling ship. Emory did say she liked Kai the most in school, and ignoring his dip in quality during Nightfall, I don't hate the idea of them. I mentioned in the "Emory's relationship with the others" (will link later but can be found on the headcanons page), that i think their friendship would probably be easy and tranquil. Which would be a nice change of pace.
Winter probably looks enough like Rika that Michael's thought about her once or twice. And they're both kinda boring (in my humble opinion). But they are both athletes of some kind, recognized talents in their field. They both have pretty horrible parents. Dads are backstabbing business men, their moms will tolerate any behavior because they're more concerned with the status quo. And they have the absolute worst siblings. Lots to bond over.
...wait. Are Michael and Winter the same person in a different font...?... kidding.
Anyway. I'm sure there's more than a few people out there that would be happy if Banks and Emory left their husbands and disappeared into the sunset. Banks and Michael always feel more like step siblings to me and I don't wanna change that. It's fun. And I don't understand Winter well enough to see her with anyone else.
So I guess those would be my odd ships. KaiEmory, MichaelWinter. Thanks to PD, is hard to break the pattern.
I think I might use the click and drag game along with prompts to see if I get any fun combos. That could be interesting...
Let me know yours!!
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m34gs · 1 year
You know, we talk a lot about the Housewardens, but I want to know what are the vice housewardens' favourite ice cream flavour? 👀
Ooooh this is gonna be lots of fun to answer! Thank you for asking, I agree we should discuss the vice housewardens more too!!!
Trey - Honestly, I think Trey would like vanilla the best. It pairs so well with almost any baked dessert, and it isn't an overwhelming flavour. I think he would enjoy the sweet simplicity of it. I also think he would love having it with fresh-baked pies.
Ruggie - Ruggie comes from a family that probably didn't spend a lot on ice cream, and it's hinted at that there's young ones he helps look after (siblings? cousins? neighbourhood kiddos? I don't really know but any of those is just as likely) so I imagine that when ice cream was bought, it was bought in a large quantity that was probably on sale, in a flavour that was probably "safe" as in, popular among the majority. For this reason, I think Ruggie would be in love with stuff that is more unique than plain old vanilla or strawberry or chocolate because 1. he didn't get those as a kid, and 2. it means he gets to have it to himself and enjoy it all. I think his number one favourite flavour would be pumpkin ice cream, because it's a different flavour...not too outlandish but definitely not one that is common among ice cream parlours.
Jade - Jade...Oh, Jade. Why must you torment me even in my own headcannons. Alright, so Jade has a favourite ice cream (technically a gelato). It's called "Byakuya". BUT, he's only allowed it on Very Special Occasions. Why? Because it is $6696.00 per serving. PER. SERVING. JADE. Why is it so gosh-darn expensive? Because it is made with Very Expensive white truffles. And look me in the eye and tell me that Jade wouldn't try an ice cream that comes packaged with truffle oil? (I'm sorry I just...I don't know what truffles taste like but research says they're savory, and my personal taste does not like to mix a lot of sweet and savory). And a hand-made metal spoon???? Part of me wonders if he lists this one as his favourite just so he can watch Azul break the bank on the twins' birthday. But honestly, I read about this ice cream here, and couldn't help but think about how it was Such a Jade Thing.
Jamil - I think Jamil would like Vanilla ice cream with some Cinnamon sprinkled on top. It's simple, but a yummy combo, and I think at the end of the day he wants an easy dessert he can enjoy. Plus, he pretty much never runs out of it; those are two ingredients you can find anywhere.
Rook - Rook likes a soft serve vanilla and chocolate ice cream in a cone. It's swirled beautifully and the two different colours really bring out that shape. He enjoys both chocolate and vanilla for taste, so in his mind this is the perfect mix of both. Also, it means he gets romantic ice cream cone dates with Vil. :D (in my opinion, ice cream is completely fine in either a bowl or a cone, but it is 100% More Romantic in a cone).
Ortho - Bubblegum for Ortho. It's a fun colour (usually blue or pink) and it has chunks of candy in it! What's not to love? I think Ortho is a "try everything" kind of person, but I think he would just really love the appeal of the bubblegum flavour ice cream. I also feel like it reflects his fun attitude and child-like wonder very well.
Lilia - Again. Why must I be tormented. But you cannot expect me to think Lilia would go for something normal...No no, he likes to experiment. He is out there trying anything and everything that he can, for the experience. Just a dude living his life to the fullest, and I love that for him. I think Lilia would list Pizza Flavoured Ice Cream as his favourite. Based on the pizza ice cream listed here, made with tomato, basil, oregano, salt and garlic, it would be very savory. Maybe a bit like a cold slice of leftover pizza? I'm not sure...but regardless, he is thriving off of it.
There you go! Those are my headcanons! What are yours, friend??👀 Also, no judgement towards anyone who likes the savory ice creams, it is just my personal preference that I do not.
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idyllcy · 9 months
good day! congrats on the milestone! i’ve been a lurker on your account for a few months now and you definitely deserve it!
i’m here to request a matchup for lovebrush chronicles, i just got into it recently and i’m hooked.
starting off, i’m 19, an infp, and a libra. i’m also asian so i have the typical black hair and eyes combo, i’m around the shorter side though at 5’1”. i’ll try not to put too much info 🙇
i’m the kind of person that is quiet at first until i get comfortable, but it typically depends on my mood. i prefer to hang out with people with the same interests, because i find it hard to socialize in general, things are just easier when it’s online. i was one of the “weird kids” growing up. extremely lazy with academics, but still ends up as an honor student due to expectations. i’m kind of a perfectionist? i’m a cat person, however, i want to have a pet snake in the future. i love reading, writing, and listening to music! i guess, to make things shorter, my biggest kin is hajime hinata… so…
my ideal date has always been going to somewhere fun like an amusement park, but i’d love dates at a cafe/bookstore as well :)
my ideal type… artem wing from tears of themis. kidding aside, someone kind, caring, mature, responsible, and understanding. i don't think i'm that picky...??
this is getting way too long, so i'll end it here. congratulations again! best wishes. <3
snowstorm, snowbird
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You watch Alkaid stumble on the ice, holding on to the railing as you offer a hand to help.
"I... I got this." He mumbles, trying again, pushing himself off the railing and into your arms, holding your elbows as you guide him through the crowd, eventually letting go as Alkaid chases you on the ice.
You stick your tongue out as he races after you, blades scratching the ice as you swerve and stop before you hit the side, Alkaid's hands caging you into the wall, lips curled upward cheekily as you smile and shrug.
"Caught you." He hums, pressing a kiss to your eyebrow.
"Caught me." You mumble.
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he's super sweet. He's totally the type to try new things just for you and pick up your hobbies to have something in common
He tells you about the stars a lot. like. a lot. You can point at a random ass star in the sky n he'll be like "oh it's this one. Wanna know the lore?" n you're like "wtf"
I saw a couple let go of each other bc of smth in the way and immediately link hands again today and that strikes me as you two
Also, Alkaid takes photos of you. he will risk his life for your social media post (his sd card is also full of photos of you)
Also, he totally bear hugs you. It's a little strange to see him sort of engulf you, but it's super warm so you let him, wrapping your arms around him back
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samisadeangirl · 2 years
Happy belated Wincest Wednesday! (As Jimmy Buffett sings, It's Wincest Wednesday somewhere, or something like that) My question is, do you have any Wincest headcanons and/or fic tastes (tropes, genre, etc) that have changed drastically since you started shipping it?
Hi there!!
My apologies that I didn't have a chance to answer this earlier, so this is now a week late (but still Wincest Wednesday).
First thing off the top of my head that's changed since I started shipping Wincest is my preference for who tops vs. who bottoms. I initially started out preferring top!Dean and bottom!Sam probably because I'd come from reading yaoi where the seme (top) was usually the older of the pair and the uke (bottom) the younger. At some point though, my tastes flipped so now I prefer top!Sam and bottom!Dean instead. Some of the reason* for the change is due to the brothers' lovemaking styles in canon, where Sam tends to be more aggressive and domineering while Dean tends to be softer and more passive (as in letting his partner take charge). Some of it goes back to yaoi again because the uke is always the prettier/more feminine-looking of the pair, regardless of age, and some of it is just plain old size kink because Sam is huge (and proportional in fanon!) and can make even a tall guy like Dean look small.
Similarly, my preferences in D/s fics changed too. I again started out preferring Dom!Dean and sub!Sam since Dean is not only the older but also the bossier of the two, but my tastes changed when I realized that was too superficial of an interpretation. Sure, Dean is more often in charge on hunts and stuff, but that wasn't by choice--he had the responsibility of "taking care of Sammy" pushed on him since early childhood, so it makes sense (at least to me) that he'd enjoy the chance to put that burden down and let someone else be in charge for a short while (just like some powerful businessmen, politicians, etc. prefer being a sub for similar reasons). Likewise, Sam has had control of his life taken away far too often, between John, Azazel, Lucifer, the various possessions, etc., so it again makes sense that he'd want the opportunity to have control in a D/s relationship--as well as being able to take care of Dean after so many years of Dean taking care of him.
Beyond that . . . I guess my interest in normal life AUs has diminished. IMO you can't have Wincest without the codependency, and you can't have the codependency without the shared trauma of their messed up childhood (where they were taught to only rely on family, particularly each other), losing everyone they cared about, having destiny forced on them, and so on. So in a non-hunter, no supernatural AU where Sam and Dean didn't have some other trauma to make them codependent and instead had normal, happy childhoods, I just don't see how they wouldn't be like any other regular siblings and probably wouldn't even be very close since they're so different.
*Objectively I know that topping vs. bottoming (or switching) is purely a sexual preference and has nothing to do with personality, behavior, or anything else, and that some of my reasons are decidedly influenced by heteronormativity. But 1) we can't always control what makes our kinks tick, and 2) fiction =/= reality, so I wouldn't apply this sort of thinking to real-life queer people. It does bother me when I see posts going "X is totes a top/bottom because he's [insert trait or stereotype here]!" and people who claim to be triggered by whose tab A goes into whose slot B are heading into special snowflake territory (I may have a preference, but I'm not going to avoid a potentially good fic because it has a different top/bottom combo).
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