#com's family
les-mis-in-space · 2 years
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(dotted lines indicate a non-blood relationship)
Calisuma "Leela" Broque (b. 18 BBY)
Kaltha (37 BBY-11 BBY) Than Meehal (55 BBY-24 ABY)
Broque (82 BBY-7 BBY) Com Narcom (62 BBY-9 ABY)
Cam "Cammie" Narcom (68 BBY-34 BBY) Druv Gariste (66 BBY-36 BBY)
Caddie Gariste (47 BBY-34 BBY) Cohor Gariste (44 BBY-34 BBY) Corrie Gariste (42 BBY-34 BBY) Cavla Gariste (40 BBY-34 BBY) Curel Gariste (39 BBY-34 BBY) Coll Gariste (38 BBY-34 BBY) Clem Gariste (36 BBY-34 BBY)
Coriantum "Cor" Narcom (100 BBY-39 BBY) Cae-Lan Jinn (102 BBY-38 BBY)
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wintersoldier2005 · 2 years
sorry but the idea of bruce being dick's father in his mid 20s. he's always a little tired but otherwise he's young and looks it too. he can pick dick up with one hand to put him on his shoulders. he doesn't know jack about taking care of kids. they play a game that they both love where bruce picks him up and just like... throws him off of the spiraling staircase to watch how he catches himself in the air and lands unharmed. they play soccer together in the backyard and bruce is so young and spry and he can do a bicycle kick (dick goes to school and tells everyone that bruce can do a bicycle kick. not to flex but he's really cool guys.) he lets dick make dino nuggets as their dinner three nights in a row when alfred is gone and they make a stupid big everything but the kitchen sink sundae and split it afterwards. kid you're killing me, he says, because he has a sweet tooth that alfred doesn't enable. maybe sometimes they argue and argue bad, especially as dick grows up, but at the end of the day that's his dad.
one day like ten fifteen years later when damian is young dick looks at bruce and all the sudden what happened.... his dad has crow's feet and his hair is graying a little...! that sort of tiredness that people get as they age! he's still strong he's the fucking batman but when damian wants to play a game (being hurled off the balcony into the pool) bruce looks at dick and smiles and he's got lines on his face. he's aging. and that's still bruce but he doesn't laugh with his head thrown back anymore and he doesn't style his hair the way he used to when he was in his 20s and he's stopped wearing the loose button ups with the first button undone he wore when he picked him up from school in the convertible. his dad is getting older and even bruce wayne can't escape the passage of time. he tells damian no being thrown off the roof. damian protests. but grayson says you used to throw him off the staircase when he was my age. bruce throws his hands up and turns away and gives dick a look before he goes that tells him he'll be in his office and if there happens to be a loud splash from the pool... well that's none of his business is it.
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mahmoudalnahhal01 · 27 days
Do you condemn these crimes?
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plonk97d · 7 months
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Boy why are you so rat
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haunted-xander · 3 months
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tfw ur parental figures are all too busy being evil cult members to parent (or even greet you)
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lady-charinette · 8 months
Rei is the emotionally malnourished, materially wealthy adult who hangs on to life by a frayed thread and Kazuki is the emotionally explosive, mentally ill adult who will shove more color into Rei's life by force bc Kazuki has experienced a life full of grey and black and white and he cannot bear to see his friend fall into that suffocating pit.
They weren't supposed to work so well together, they weren't supposed to live so well together, but they do. They're more than roommates, more than friends, they're family and they stopped wanting to die for their family and rather want to LIVE for it.
Miri is the sunshine child surrounded by shades of grey and splashes of color that follow her everywhere, she's surrounded by danger but her inner world is mostly colorful, and thanks to Kazuki and Rei, her surroundings get brighter too.
Their surroundings get brighter, more colorful. There are still grey and black and white splotches here and there, but they're together and they tackle them together.
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curi0uscreature · 7 months
* Besides his “seems weird and suspicious but is literally just like that” and “he’s just like me” factor I swear this was also another reason I loved Otto so much. She has the cool grandma swag
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rustycopper4use · 4 months
The Intern!
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He looks very polite.
also side note, everyone is like intern definitely dated Stacy, which I love HOWEVER here me out what if they dated Stacy’s mom. (Ehh get it, like the song-)
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d-thwish · 1 year
sumeru's cast feels like a family, one we haven't seen since mondstadt. in mondstadt it really felt like it was that group of people vs the world. then you get to liyue and there isn't a set group of people (unless you count the teenagers plus hu tao who are all friends) that feels like a family. then in inazuma it's the yashiro commission and the resistance against raiden. in sumeru it feels like we finally found another unified group of people. dehya, cyno, alhaitham, tighnari, collei, candace, nilou, kaveh. they're a family. the sumeru cast feels closer (excluding mond) than the other nations and it's really nice to see.
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mint-flavoredd · 8 months
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♣️♥️Flash your Cards rom-com movie cover + doodles!! definitely give it a read!!!♦️♠️
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sideblogdotjpeg · 3 months
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hey guys does anybody know whats the date today
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Happy end of the holiday season, here is the Spider Hallmark Christmas Movie. Sorry it ended up way more serious than I meant for it too, it was supposed to be silly and fluffy. I will take criticism to make it fluffy:
-Spider used to live with his foster family next to the Sully's. The MsCoskers weren't great to him, and definitely never saw him as one of their own, but things were good. They never really cared where he was, and he spent all his time in the woods with the Sully kids, climbing trees and building treehouses and pretending to be forest people. He would help Kiri rescue baby birds that had fallen out of nests, and race Lo'ak up the tallest trees they could find until the branches get thin and breakable. Sometimes he would just sit and talk with Neteyam, about anything and everything. Neteyam always insisted on being the king of the forest, meaning Kiri and Lo'ak were the prince and the princess, but Spider was never quite sure what he was in the kingdom.
-He's been gone for a long time, after his dad got out of prison and got custody of him and took him far away to some military base out of the country. It wasn't good, and now that his dad is back in prison Spider has one year left before he turns eighteen and he's not quite sure where he'll end up. But, it's December and he's back and he's meeting his new foster family out in god knows where and through some insane fucked up version of fate it's the Sully's.
-They bring him to a new, smaller home than he grew up in, this one by the ocean and closer to other homes than the big forest properties from their childhood. But it turns out Lo'ak is good at surfing now, just like he used to be good at climbing trees, and Kiri likes to go protect turtle nests at night. Things are different but also the same.
-Tuk makes him decorate the entire house with her. Neytiri is not good at decorating, Christmas is not her thing, but it's not Spider's either. Santa never brought him things like he does for Tuk. They kind of let Jake and Tuk direct them into activities. Picking the tree is a very serious process, because it has to be one Lo'ak has climbed, but also can fit in the house. According to Kiri it gets harder every year. Kiri (and Neytiri) teach him how to bake sugar cookies, and Tuk teaches him how to decorate them to a nearly inedible result. Lo'ak takes him beach sledding, which is an activity his new girlfriend taught him. Jake makes him watch Die Hard four times.
-Neteyam hovers at the back of every activity in a way Spider isn't used to. He's usually right in the center of every activity, in Spider's memory. The king of the forest. Well, if Spider has to be involved then so does Neteyam.
-When Tuk directs Spider to put lights on the porch railings, he hands Neteyam a strand. When Kiri asks him to measure the flour, he asks Neteyam where the cups are. When Tuk goes to get the frosting for decorating, he gives Neteyam a blank canvas cookie snowman of his own to decorate. Spider does not let Neteyam leave him to go beach sledding with Lo'ak and Tsireya alone, and Neteyam watched Die Hard at least twice.
-On Christmas Eve, the family go with Kiri to check her turtle nests again. Neteyam is hovering in the back, not checking a nest, and it's just so weird Spider finds himself walking over and questioning him about it. What happened to the king of the forest that was always the center of everything going on?
-Neteyam says there isn't a forest here, and ever since they moved there, he hasn't been the center of much. He doesn't fit in here anymore. Well, that's just fine for Spider, he wasn't sure where he fit in in the forest, even if he loved it. He can't just not be involved at all. They can just not fit in together.
-And maybe, that is where they do fit in. Together.
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nashvillethotchicken · 5 months
I wish there were more black people who were into iwtv so I can talk about how Louis's class and race interests intersected
#iwtv#amc iwtv#iwtv 2022#its so crazy cus hes from a rich lightskin family in new orleans#like he says hed be a free man of color (not black) if not for jim crow#the intraracial dynamics of new orleans pre-1970 is so genuinely interesting to me and we never get to really get into them bc louis spends#all his time with white/nonblack people and when he is with his black daughter its different bc theyre so isolated from the great black com#like louis was absolutely in jack n jill as a kid. hed be in a blue vein society. hed be an alpha based off his name alone like#hes the black bourgeois class and its so crazy that people say hes middle class in fanworks like no babe. they had darkskin servants#i think it also stems from people relating blackness to poorness. ldpdl is not poor in any sense of the word#he inherented a literal plantation!!!! but because hes black people downplay his class interests (except for other black people)#yknow who really was poor? lestat! like eating syrup sandwiches with the lights and water cut off by the city poor#and yet people act like he grew up hyper rich in fanworks and its like... thats not what happened#you can talk about how jim crow and white supremacy squashed/manipulated the black elite class in nola while acknowledging louis' class#like they both came into the relationship with money (louis' money might have been shorter than lestats#but they still had money)#ldpdl#like i would even wager that louis family dont even consider themselves black like that#cus blackness is defined by whiteness and since louis spends all his time with white people bc of his business hes treated as and sees him-#self as black in a way that his family isnt. theyre only black when theyre made black if that makes sense#theyre black when white people are around
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jomiddlemarch · 5 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Chapter 4
Some people, primarily Muggles, count sheep when they have trouble falling asleep.
Wizards preferred Puffskeins or occasionally crups. Molly Weasley had once admitted she counted crups in Weasley sweaters, after George had spiked her tea with something she made him pull from the store shelves.
(Hermione did not believe anyone who said they counted dragons other than Hagrid, who listed them off by their forenames.)
Hermione preferred facts.
Fact: the Eguzkiko continued to think she and Draco were a married couple.
Fact: Draco was fluent in at least five languages.
Fact: Draco wore a subtle cologne that smelled like Hermione imagined the Silk Road would, minus the camels.
(Unconfirmed fact: this was exactly what Amortentia now smelled like to Hermione, forget cut grass and parchment.)
Fact: Hermione’s facts were usually about statistics, geopolitical historical alliances, and characters in Dickens’ novels because her father had loved those dearly but since the start of this mission, her facts had increasingly, exclusively become All About Draco.
Fact: Hermione appeared to have Feelings for sodding brilliant, widely accomplished and knicker-incineratingly fit Draco Black Malfoy, Esq., Feelings she felt ill-equipped to express.
Fact: She felt no more drowsy now than when she’d extinguished the reading lamp and turned on her side to avoid trying to make out his profile or the exquisite line of his neck against the pillowcase.
“What was that?” she exclaimed.
“I don’t—” Draco began.
THUMP. Thump. thump.
“What the bloody fuck?!” Draco said, sitting bolt upright. There was a yelping quality to his cry, that couldn’t be denied, though his voice was still pitched low enough that no one would have called it a shriek. Also, being bolt upright showed his broad shoulders to notable advantage (who knew pyjamas could be so impeccably tailored?)
In any case, Hermione had that covered, the shriek-department that is. She did manage to keep it to one solitary shriek that she choked back at the end, right at the moment when Draco reached over and grabbed her upper arms. She only had a split second to evaluate the grabbing, but it was definitely from the making-sure-you’re-real and I’ve-got-you-don’t-worry categories, not the get-a-hold-of-yourself-witch or I’m-about-to-shake-you-silly-for-being-a-silly-bint. Also, his hands were big and warm and transiently made her feel very much cherished and she was glad she’d tied back her hair so he didn’t accidentally pull any of it, though the prospect of his hands gently running through her curls was dreadfully appealing.
When she wasn’t devoting her not inconsiderable brain-power towards the mental recitation of facts, she was capable of noticing quite a bit.
“Are you all right?” he asked. With the grabbing, he’d closed the distance between them and they were close enough she could see the hints of green and blue in his grey eyes, the faint shadow of his beard, a darker shade than his hair. There was a small scar near his left temple and she wondered at what curse had caught him there, how badly he’d been injured to leave such a mark impervious to the Healers at St. Mungo’s. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, are you?” she said. Her heart was still beating very fast, but it had more to do with Draco than the earlier noise.
“Yes,” he said. He loosened his grasp on her and let his hands drop, but they still rested on her forearms, lightly enough she could shrug him off. She did not.
“What was that?” she said when the moment had started to grow too intense, the hollow at the base of his throat too tempting.
“I don’t know,” he said. “At home, I’d guess it might be an old house settling for the night or a storm brewing, but here—”
“Could it be something magic?” she said. She swallowed, then said what she’d first thought, when all she had felt was terror, when she’d wanted to call out his name. “Don’t laugh at me—”
“I won’t,” he said.
“A monster. Under the bed. I know it sounds foolish,” she said.
Hermione was absolutely certain that every single one of her acquaintances, with the sole exception of Luna Lovegood, would agree it sounded foolish. And even Luna was likely to give her reassuring smile and tell her that kidakomori were far fonder of people than people ever gave them credit for and Hermione would have to pretend that she was aware of kidakomori and their undeservedly dubious reputation.
“It doesn’t sound foolish. Not to me,” Draco said. 
“I didn’t want to say it first, because I agree it makes me sound unhinged, but I also thought of a monster under the bed,” he replied.
“You were supposed to talk sense to me. To tell me I was overreacting,” Hermione said.
“Are you even capable of overreacting?” Draco countered. “I realize I am tacitly validating your prior assault on me—”
“We were children! And you were beastly,” Hermione said.
“And I deserved it,” he said.
“Well, no one deserves to be hit,” Hermione said.
“I understand the progressive Muggle approach to childhood discipline and in general, I don’t disagree but in that particular situation, I must say I did. And not only because I was making a point.” He smiled at her and she liked it far too much.
“Do you really think there’s a monster under our bed?” she said, trying not to whisper and failing. 
“You said our bed,” Draco replied.
“That’s what you’re choosing to focus on? Not the monster part? And the fact that we have no wands and even wandless magic is verboten in here, even assuming either of us knew what spell to cast for a monster under the bed,” she ranted. Her exposure to Parseltongue had been so negative (whose wasn’t?) she kept herself from hissing, but it was a close call. Draco moved his right hand from her forearm to her wrist and then laced his fingers through hers. It would have been the sexiest move she could remember any man making except for the possible monster beneath them.
“Inanis belua, but you have to put the emphasis on the bel and let the final a drift. Like leviosa,” Draco said.
“Inanis belua,” she repeated.
“Perfect,” he said. “You’ve always had an ear for incantation.”
“How did you learn it?” Hermione asked. It seemed he wasn’t going to make her face the implications of our bed. At least not at the moment.
“Narcissa,” Draco said, again referring to his mother by her first name. Hermione almost wished for another round of eerie thumps to distract them both from the ticking bomb that was his relationship with his mother. “She coddled me, as much as she could—the Malfoy heir was expected to be superior in all regards, but the Blacks tend to be high-strung, overly sensitive. It was a secret, that she taught me the spell. I wasn’t to tell my father.”
“I don’t think it’s coddling to make your little boy feel safe,” Hermione said, hoping she’d picked the least inflammatory aspect of what he’d shared. The less she said about Lucius Malfoy the better. Even after all these years, she wasn’t sure she could talk about him without venom and however Draco felt, the man was still his father, albeit immured in Azkaban .
“Perhaps,” Draco said.
“I suppose you think it’s horribly middle-class of me. Or Muggle,” she said.
“I think you were raised by kinder people than I was,” he said. Hermione thought of the estrangement that existed between her and her parents and also how it had been as the Grangers’ little girl, the plush calico kitten that had been tucked with her under her covers, the bedtime stories, the trips to the library with a trolley to bring home her latest acquisitions. When she thought of them, they were still Mum and Dad.
“It was Bellatrix who taught her the spell,” Draco said, watching her face. His own eyebrows were drawn together, a serious expression similar to one he wore when wrangling with a particularly thorny bit of medieval Eguzkikan legislation.
“I take it you’re of the confront your fear persuasion,” Hermione said. “Or is this some kind of weirdly roundabout apology Or a Pureblood thing? If it’s a Pureblood thing, you’ll have to give me some context, like whether it’s all the Sacred Twenty-Eight or just the Blacks. It doesn’t feel authentically Malfoy.”
“I’m not sure what it is,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand, still hanging onto her right with his own. “I thought, we’re talking about monsters, from our past, we’ve never spoken about what happened with Bellatrix. We’re sleeping together every night, it seemed odd not to address it but perhaps that was better—"
“It wasn’t better. But this isn’t necessary,” she said.
“I think it is,” Draco replied. “Necessary, but not better. She’s so hard to talk about and no one wants to, beyond cursing her, and I understand, but to not talk about her, it’s as stupid to me as blasting Andromeda off the tapestry. And I’ve never told you how terribly sorry I am that I couldn’t figure out some other way to help you, when she was hurting you. I don’t know what I could have done but that’s not enough, Hermione. It never was and now—”
Draco broke off and Hermione found herself raising her left hand to cup his cheek, stroking her thumb across his cheekbone. It went on far to long for him to mistake is for only gentleness.
“D’you know, I think we’ve had enough of monsters,” she said. “Only I wonder—”
“What?” he said.
“There’s been no more noise. Might we have done wandless magic with that spell of yours, banished the bedframe’s resident horror to parts unknown? And if we did, will the Eguzkiko be deeply offended and break off diplomatic relations?” Hermione asked.
“I won’t tell,” Draco said. “Wandless is near-impossible to trace and tandem wandless hasn’t been recorded. Or regulated in any magical region. I think we’re safe.”
Fact: Draco’s eyes weren’t only grey.
Fact: Draco had been a little boy afraid of monsters.
Fact: Hermione wanted to fall asleep holding Draco Black Malfoy’s hand. And he let her.
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letmesleepy · 5 months
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Happy birthday Mr. Data, only 312 more yrs till yer made!
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losticaruss · 10 months
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