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beverlyvandross-blog · 6 years ago
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“then she told me that brittany mcknight told her that zach ferro said she was hot. but zach’s with some other girl and brittany was crying—are you listening? this is crucial information. anyway, zach’s bad news but brittany doesn’t even care. this is way worse than her time obsessing over caleb presley two weeks ago.”
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luanaxsilva · 6 years ago
Luana: id love, love, love u if you did me a favor
Luana: tmi but im weeping because of pain and no hot water bottle or so is helping right now and i cant move without wanting to curl up
Luana: .. can you buy me some tampons ??
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rcsiehq · 6 years ago
rosie: so...finals
rosie: thoughts?
rosie: are we participating or are we considering a new life?
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ofmelrose · 6 years ago
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     ever since he was a kid camden loved stories. it was very ironic that it had taken him so long to realise he’d love to write them himself someday. in the meantime though, he was always down to spend an entire day within the walls of the local cinema. walking into the semi dark auditorium for the third movie of the day, he tried to avoid tripping over people’s feet as he and the friend he dragged along made their way over to their seats. all went well until someone decided to quite literally stretch their legs out in front of him as he was trying to step over them, making him trip. he could avoid a fall by grabbing a seat, the popcorn he was holding was not as lucky however, spilling almost entirely over the person sitting next to him. he looks at them with a sheepish expression, trying to silently hold in his laugh. of course he feels bad for them but also... he’s getting kind of delirious from all these hours of sitting in auditoriums. “uh... enjoy? free popcorn?”
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imogenexdixon-blog · 6 years ago
She sat in the library trying to prepare herself to start working on some last minute assignments. “Alright I have 50 math questions due at 8:30 am tomorrow, I did a whole semesters worth of work yesterday for Psyc I can do this no problem.“ Imogene said to herself trying to hyped herself up in order to do this work but of course as soon as she opened her laptop she started online shopping instead. 
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elijahdcnt-blog · 6 years ago
Elijah was under a tree in the courtyard with his camera, leaning against the tree. Working on his lately project that he had no muse for whatsoever. He took a few pictures of the people, but when the person looked over he made a slight face. “Sorry!” He called out. “Doing work, move on with your day.” He said as his blue hues returned to his camera.
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simoanes-blog · 6 years ago
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with arms holding two full paper bags of things that are good remedy for a flu, simone couldn’t possibly crouch down to pick up what she just dropped on the ground. upon seeing a familiar face, she sniffled her stuffy nose and went, “hey, hey, can you help me out?” she asked kindly, “can you pick that up, please?” she pointed at the ground with her lips. “thank you!”
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carterharcourt · 6 years ago
He had been reading the same sentence for the fourth or fifth time and his brain continued refusing to take the information, maybe it was an after effect of only sleeping four to five hours a day or could also be that this book was so dense and boring that he was sure even the author had fallen asleep several times over the course of writing it. Letting out a sigh of frustration, he put the book aside and took a large gulp of his coffee. "Please tell me something to keep my mind off this nightmare," he started, looking at the person sitting in next to him. "Seriously can be anything, about your day or about flying squirrels. Just talk to me."
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nicolastrauss-blog · 6 years ago
lola: just saw a man thrashing around on all fours with two peanut butter cups shoved in his ears and when i approached him he hissed like a feral cat
lola: mass sending this text bc i need everyone to know
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dvrothy · 6 years ago
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dorothy had just come from the library printing out fliers and she was handing them out to anyone she could reach. she knew some people probably found it annoying but she knew that was she was doing was worth it so she didn’t really care about what any of them said. “hey!” she called out, thrusting a flyer near someone. “there’s a protest going on in central park this weekend where we’re standing in solidarity for the migrants coming in from the caravan.” when the person ignored her, she glared and said, “fine, don’t support immigrants as if you don’t come from them! asshat!” she grumbled as she handed another flyer to another person and said, “come to the protest this weekend if you’re a decent human being who supports immigrants.” 
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beverlyvandross-blog · 6 years ago
imessage | open
beverly: i'm really craving a nice cup of hot chocolate. with marshmallows. lots of them.
beverly: just saying...
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luanaxsilva · 6 years ago
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"Oh my god ! Look what I just found," the Brazilian squealed in excitement as she came upon a pair of golden, glittery wings inside of her small closet. To be honest, yes, her wardrobe was messy but this was so much better than her jacket anyway. A bright smile was plastered on her soft features as she slid out of the tiny space to show them off, the gold glitter basically flaking everywhere. “Every Christmas I had to play angel for my aunt and uncle back home. I can’t believe I still kept them.” 
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rcsiehq · 6 years ago
rosie: did the world ever figure out why catdog’s parents were sasquatch and a frog?
rosie: jw
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mineficlds · 6 years ago
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jude could think of about a million other things he’d rather do than be at a stupid friendsgiving. he was already dreading the real thing, and now this. what kept him from bailing was the fact that his band was playing later in the night. “this music blows,” he complained to no one in particular, eyes searching for someone to boast to. “if you wan’t to hear some good music, you should stick around for some saint.” 
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
Ivy hardly had time to go out and party much, but on the nights that she did, she always made sure she made the most of it. Tonight was no different. She’d already had a little too much to drink and should have probably called it a night, but the DJ at this club was amazing and all she wanted to do was to do was shots and dance all night long. “Okay, my cup is empty which means it’s time for a refill.” She giggled softly looking at the person next to her. “The next round is on me!”
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ofprescotts · 6 years ago
📲 max to open.
MAX: uhh i'm out with this girl i met on tinder
MAX: don't judge me about the tinder part but LISTEN
MAX: she won't stop talking about sucking my blood
MAX: if i stop replying pls call the police
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