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ivy - twenty 1 - music major
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
her head tilted back in laughter. “bitch !! we’ve been doing shots !! but i’m getting too old for this shit. leave me and my weak fruity drinks alone,” she spoke with a smile. really, margo was in her prime. only twenty-two years old, she should be able to rock and roll all night long. but she got a head start at an early age and was honestly getting sick of the party scene. been there done that. however, anytime she was with ivy was considered a good time. she’d travel to the ends of world to find a place to let loose with her. “i’ve missed you too, babes. damn school and ‘adulting’. i don’t wanna do it anymore. there’s no time for FUN anymore.”
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“hm, time to find some new friends.” ivy joked. “first of all you’re only a year older than i am, second i should probably slow down too, but guess fucking what? i’m not. i can’t even remember the last time i’ve gone to a party. i spend so much time with people old enough to be my grandparents that i forget how old i am sometimes.” she laughed softly. ivy couldn’t blame margo for being tired of the party scene since she was in the same boat, but sometimes she enjoyed letting loose the only way she knew how. “i know you’re excited as hell to graduate this year. i’m gonna miss you so much don’t leave me!”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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Wrong day. Wrong time. Wrong place. Wrong person. This day couldn’t get any worse. She could barely breathe when Ivy had entered the elevator. It was like a ghost from the past. And Ana wanted to disappear, to die right here and there. Pushing herself into the very corner of the elevator, arms were wrapped protectively around her upper body. There was no eye contact. No noise. It was only when the elevator stopped out of sudden, Ana sucked in a sharp breath. Fine, now they were stuck together. “Well, isn’t this amazing ?!” Ana whispered sarcastically and finally eyed the other. At least there was no one else, but them. @ivymartinx
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Ivy’s entire day has been a total mess and at this point it couldn’t get any worse. Or so she thought. As soon as she’d stepped onto the elevator, Ana followed. Great. She thought to herself. This was just what she needed right now. Ivy had gone out of her way to avoid Ana since ghosting her a few weeks ago. Of course it wasn’t the best way to handle her feelings, but then again Ivy’s never been the best at expressing how she felt about anything, ever. This included actually catching feelings for the shorter girl. She stood against the wall opposite her, struggling not to look over at her out of fear that they’d make eye contact, then she’d start to feel even worse than she already did. Ivy pulled her phone from her pocket and almost as soon as she’d opened up Instagram, the elevator stopped. “What the fuck?” She whispered, hoping maybe someone was getting on. After a few seconds had passed, Ivy quickly realized that they were stuck. “No, no.” She whined, pressing the button to open the door.  
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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“Well, I was serious,” she said, deflated body slowly moving to shove her laptop into her bag. “But I reevaluated the situation in my head and as it stands, if I don’t know the material now, I simply never will,” she said with a shrug. Jolene knew better than to drain herself too much, as that would only make her finals impossible to conquer. “Where do you want to go? I’m too tired to even Google a good spot for drinks. Anywhere with alcohol about 5% will suffice.”
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“Ah, good girl. That’s the right attitude to have.” Ivy had already gotten up from her seat and tossed her bag over her shoulder, waiting for the girl to do the same. She’d already studied long and hard enough and was almost certain she’d end up passing this exam. “I know the perfect place. Great drinks, live music. There’s even a grill if you’re wanting food, like I do.” She answered. 
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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Zeke’s eyes lit up at the mention of her need for another drink, his can of beer having been drained minutes earlier. Nodding his head, he didn’t argue with her offer, gesturing toward the bar. “After you, then,” he said, hand on her shoulder mostly to keep from getting lost in the sea of bodies. It’d been quite some time since Zeke had been to a place like this and it was rather refreshing, a breath of fresh air he didn’t know he needed. “Don’t usually go to places like this,” he announced needlessly as they leaned over the bar, waiting for a chance to signal the bartender. “Gets so hot. I’m baking,” he complained, elbow propped up on the bar. “Think we can sneak our way into VIP?”
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“Yeah, me either. I’ve actually never been to this club before. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t...this.” Ivy replied. She quirked an eyebrow and nodded, “VIP? VIP. Shit, I didn’t even know they had a VIP section. This place is a little...uh...not what i’m used to.” She ordered and paid for their drinks, then turned to look towards the section. “We won’t have to sneak in. I’m pretty sure I could get us in and probably a bottle too so we won’t have to come back down here.”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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Luana usually preferred to have a night in, play video games with a cup of hot tea or chocolate and get cozy in her sheets. That didn’t mean that she didn’t appreciate a good party or having fun at a club though. “ Didn’t you just get one ? ” She questioned with a soft laugh, considering she had been sipping on the same drink for almost an hour. She just wanted to be careful not too drink too much around people she didn’t know that well “ Wait, I’ll just need to finish it real quick. ! ”
“Yeah. And? We came here for a good time Lu, remember?” Ivy sighed softly, even if she should have been the responsible one tonight, she never knew how to stop drinking once she’d reached her limit. “Damn. do you drink slow.” She laughed. “What were you drinking anyways? I bet it was all juice.” Ivy teased.
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
Magda had a startling capability to zone in on the best target to sponge off in a room within seconds of stepping foot inside it. Stood at Ivy’s side in a leather jacket two sizes too big and blonde hair as dishevelled as Kate Moss during a nineties coke binge, Magda flashed her a vampire smile, all incisors. “On you as in paid by or on you as in body shots? Potentially confusing phrasing. Could be anything.” Regardless of her commentary, she sidled up to the bar besides her, tips of her fingers carding lazily through her hair to get it out of her eyes. “Mind if I stash my ID in your purse? Always dropping it places. Classic me. Total butter fingers.”
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Ivy looked over the blonde and licked her lips at her question, cup still in hand. “Both, if you play your cards right.” She teased with a wink. After getting the bartenders attention, she ordered a few shots for each of them and had him add it to her tab. “That’s what boobs are for, cutie. They’re basically a natural....pocket?” She laughed softly at how ridiculous that sounded. “But sure. Can’t promise I’ll do any better. About four shots in and things start to get a little wild.” She joked. 
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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work hard, play harder. that was jagger’s motto. well, one of them. he was known for his inviting charms paired with an ever smoldering gaze. his version of a resting bitch face. nothing ever phased him. prior to him meeting her, jagger was drowning in a sea of paperwork. now, his only wish was to drown in a sea of whiskey. mesmeric dark chocolate hues bore into the girl, a small curl finding it’s way to the corner of his lips. “bottoms up” he agreed, finishing off his own drink. his hand settled comfortably on the small of her back as he called the bartender over for her. 
ivy wasn’t feeling staying in tonight, whenever she had a day off or free time from studying, she liked to spend that time doing things she didn’t get a chance to do on a regular basis. the two had meet at the bar, the stress of school being enough to make almost anyone want drown themselves in a bottle. ivy looked over at him with a smirk tugging at her lips. “whiskey on the rocks?” she asked, before ordering a shot and a vodka and pineapple juice for herself.
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
if there was one thing naomi knew how to do at parties, it was being a leech and a freeloader, but in all honesty what kind of student would she be if she didn’t take any and every opportunity to not spend money ? besides ivy offered, couldn’t just say no, that’d be rude. “ what a coincidence, mine too. ” she exclaimed before downing the rest of her drink, shrugging it off as she finished. “ i’ll buy a round of shots later then. ” she told ivy “ not running from my promise this time, i swear. ”
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between her pay from escorting and her allowance that she received weekly from her parents, ivy had more than enough money than she knew what to do with. whenever she wasn’t recklessly spending it on shoes, clothes, and make-up, she liked to splurge on her friends. tonight wasn’t any different. she laughed softly at naomi’s promise. “don’t worry about it. i’m always game for buying a cute girl a few drinks.” she replied, a flirtatious smile playing on her lips. “whatcha having, beautiful?” she asked, eyes focused on the brunette. 
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
with the bumping music and the sweating bodies moving around her, margo’s mood had elevated to a height it didn’t reach often. she was really enjoying herself. her whole body practically buzzing because of the music and the energy in the room. or maybe it was just the alcohol. yeah, probably just that. “whoooooo !! i love when you go all big spender on me, baby !!” she hollered over the music to her best friend. “i’m sticking with mixed drinks for the rest of the night. gimme something fruity, i’m feeling fruity.”
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ivy loved going out with margo because there was a never a dull moment with her. the two were alike in so many different ways that she honestly couldn’t have picked a better person to spend her free time with. she laughed and led them over to the bar, rolling her eyes as her best friend mentioned sticking to mixed drinks. “what’s with you and this weak shit? we should do shots!” ivy stated loudly over the music. “but whatever the princess wants, the princess gets.” once she’d gotten the bartenders attention, she ordered their drinks and turned to look at margo. “i’ve missed you, bitch. I hate that we don’t get to do this often anymore.”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
He looked up at the girl as she complained about getting her from the wrong spot. He smiled at her and cocked his right eyebrow up as he shook his head at her. “Bad angles? You have bad angles? Impossible.” He let out and chuckled a little bit as he licked his lips.
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Ivy chuckled softly, rolling her eyes playfully at him. “You’re lucky you’re so damn cute or this situation would have had a totally different outcome.” She teased before closing up her notebook. “What’s that for anyways?”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
Ivy hardly had time to go out and party much, but on the nights that she did, she always made sure she made the most of it. Tonight was no different. She’d already had a little too much to drink and should have probably called it a night, but the DJ at this club was amazing and all she wanted to do was to do was shots and dance all night long. “Okay, my cup is empty which means it’s time for a refill.” She giggled softly looking at the person next to her. “The next round is on me!”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
Elijah was under a tree in the courtyard with his camera, leaning against the tree. Working on his lately project that he had no muse for whatsoever. He took a few pictures of the people, but when the person looked over he made a slight face. “Sorry!” He called out. “Doing work, move on with your day.” He said as his blue hues returned to his camera.
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Ivy was hanging out in the courtyard, studying. Something she couldn’t believe she was actually doing in the middle of the day. She had about an hour left before her next class that she had an exam for and wanted to be sure she’d do her best, even if she had studied all night long. She looked up for only a moment and spotted someone a few feet away with a camera. Her brows furrowed and she brought a hand up to block her face once she’d heard them speak. “Stop, that is the worse angle you could get me from!”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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“One more hour,” Jolene said from behind her laptop, peeking up over it to eye her current study partner. She felt it was easier to work in the library when studying for finals, but with the unwelcome distraction, she was struggling. “Just one more hour and we’ll do something else. We need to study. If I fail this semester, I can guarantee I will not come back. I don’t take failure well.” Jo sighed, shaking her head and slamming her computer shut. “I can’t do this. Can’t do this anymore. I need — I don’t know… Maybe a beer?”
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Ivy looked up from her notebook at the brunette sitting across from her and rolled her eyes. She absolutely hated studying in the library but also knew it was the only place she’d actually get anything done. “Question? When you say we...you’re only speaking for yourself, right? Because my grades are fantastic, failing is the least of my worries.” Ivy had to keep her grades at least somewhat decent since it was the only way she could continue being supported by her parents. She grinned and nodded, closing her book and slipping it into her bag. “God, i’m so glad you weren’t serious. I thought I was going to have to come up with some lame ass fake emergency to get out of this shit. I’m so bored this is literally sucking the life out of me.”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
“Yeehaw, motherfucker!” Nora declared, comically bright red cowboy hat on her head as she slung herself into someone’s lap. She wasn’t intoxicated, not yet, just feeling especially jubilant to be out at a party after escaping the snowstorm. Nora placed the hat on their head, wide grin on her face. “Come do a shot with me. I’ll even make it a body shot, if you say please. Nothin’ a cowgirl loves more than stripping down,” she joked, brushing curls off her loose Led Zeppelin tour shirt. 
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Ivy groaned softly as someone landed right into her lap just as she was bringing the cup she’d been nursing most of the night up to her lips to have a sip of the contents. “Girl! You almost made me spilled this shit all over me.” She stated with a soft laugh before wrapping her arms around Nora’s waist. “A body shot, you say? Well, i’ll be crazier than a horse with two legs if turned that down.” Ivy teased with an exaggerated southern accent. “Let’s do it! I’m not nearly drunk enough.”
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ivymartinx-blog · 6 years ago
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( elizabeth gillies, cisfemale ) did you hear how IVY MARTIN is applying to columbia university as a MUSIC major ?! the 21 year old is living in the EAST CAMPUS. i heard that they got in because they are + OUTGOING and +WITTY, but honestly i think SHE can be -SELFISH and -IMPULSIVE. they’re a real HOTSHOT. oh well, only time will tell if the JUNIOR  will make it til the end.  
what’s good, babes? i’m bee, i live in the cst timezone, i’m 21+, and i use they/them pronouns. this is my baby ivy. total mess. spoiled brat pretty much. throws a whole fit when she can’t have her way. can you believe? basically a 21 year old baby.
ivy layne martin was born october 24, 1997 in houston, texas to david and maggie martin.
she is the youngest of four and is the the only girl so she’s real rotten
her dad is a physician and owns his own practice in their hometown and her mother is a court judge.
growing up ivy hardly saw her parents because they were always working so she was taken care of by a live in nanny that she loved very much
ivy basically raised herself, but her nanny taught her everything that her parents failed to
really she still acts as if she doesn’t know anything lmao
literally thinks the entire world should revolve around her
straight up shopping addict
there was nothing she could ever want that her parents didn’t get for her.
when she was fifteen their nanny was fired from the job for sleeping with her father and ivy was pissed, more so at claire being fired than her father’s infidelity. she could have cared less. ivy never looked at them as her parents. just two people she shared the same dna with. so she didn’t care much about them at all but loves spending up their money! (:
she’d always been a very complicated child. ivy attended the very best schools in her town, though she was constantly in trouble for talking so damn much and getting into altercations with other students. she was popular and definitely took advantage of it.
she eventually got her act together long enough to at least pretend to care about her studies and think about a future of her own.
ivy’s never wanted to attend college, but her parents threatened to cut her off if she didn’t. they refused to take care of her for the rest of her life and knew she needed an education of her own, so she applied for columbia university along with a handful of other colleges close to home.
ivy’s always loved music. it was the one thing she could always turn to no matter what. she enjoyed singing the most. as a child she’d taken piano lessons and would perform for guests at her family dinners and different gatherings. she was never sure she could make a career out of it, but the more she thought about her own the future the more she realized that being a musician was her calling.
although she doesn’t necessarily need the money since she’s still being supported by her parents, ivy’s been working as an escort since her sophomore year at columbia. she loves attention almost as much as she loves sex, so it was the perfect mix of the two along with the fact that she got paid to spend time with men and women more than half her age.
this girl is a total dumb ass. very impulsive. there’s honestly not very much she hasn’t tried. she parties when she has the time between work and school. she has to keep her grades decent enough to make her parents happy. she’s a good person once you get past her hard shell but she’s very guarded because all her life she’s just felt like no one really gave a fuck about her, so she tries to protect herself by keeping everyone at a certain distance.
connections i’d like for her:
best friend - someone she met maybe her freshman year at columbia. they’re almost always together. probably one of the very few people who knows the ~real~ her.
fwb - people she’s hooking up with on the regular. (m/f)
an ex fling - she doesn’t bother getting into serious relationships because she’s never really been the type, but this was the one person she’s managed to actually catch feelings for. (m/f) 
enemy - this can be someone who is a music major as well. someone she’s constantly bumping heads with because they think they’re better than the other. (m/f)
also i’m open to anything so just hmu or smash that like if you wanna get a connection going with her! i look forward to writing with all of you awesome ppl. <3
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