#color steves
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itsgirlcraft · 3 months ago
Ehhh screw it. Gacha life Steves be upon ye!
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I think that's??? Everything???
This is. Mostly from like 2021 btw.
There's no way I can tag all of these fuckers bro 💀
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Y'all what if I told you I ship Pyramid Steve with Stan like fr now
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blueberryblowfly · 6 months ago
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more minecraft titbits
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mysharona1987 · 4 months ago
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The masks are off.
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lovelylittlegrim · 3 months ago
Steve Harrington who has been trying for weeks (maybe even months) to woo Eddie and keeps failing UNTIL he makes an offhand comment correctly referencing one of the groups nerd books. Weeks and weeks of using smooth lines that have never failed him until Eddie, and this is what gets him the guy? Nerd lingo he’s learned purely through osmosis.
Steve who is just standing there like “really? That’s what did it for you? Jesus Christ I can’t believe I’m going to kiss you.”
Eddie, completely shocked by this turn of events: “you want to kiss me?????”
And the whole party is in the background like: “he has for a while thank you for finally catching up before we took drastic measures”
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morganbritton132 · 2 months ago
Eddie is observant the way that only an outcast can be. He’s always existed on the periphery of the student body and when no one wants to even make eye contact with you half the time, it’s easy to be invisible. It’s easy to watch.
Because of this, he knows too much about people. And because of his great big crush, he knows wayyyy too much about Steve.
It’s a problem.
He’s bad about dropping lore that no one else knows because Steve has never mentioned it before. He’s getting increasingly weird looks that all comes to a head at Family Videos one evening.
Eddie there, listening to Robin and Dustin debate what they think Steve’s favorite movie is when he casually says, “It’s Romancing the Stone.”
Steve raises an eyebrow, “…I’ve never told anybody that. How do you know that?”
Eddie’s not going to say that he saw Steve buy tickets for the movie on four separate occasions when he was sneaking into The Hawk. No. He’s going to say something worse like, “My friend, Gareth. He told me. He likes to… watch you.”
That is, you know, weird and Steve says that. He also lets it go because it doesn’t even crack the top 10 weirdest things to happen this year. He’s actually impressed by how much Gareth knows because, “I don’t even think my parents know that, wow.”
Eddie and Steve become better friends, get closer, and it’s smooth sailing. Steve doesn’t even mentioned Gareth’s ‘stalker’ habits when Eddie invites him to watch the band practice.
And then Gareth brings out cookies with cinnamon in them and didn’t mention it even though he “knows” that Steve is allergic so now Steve thinks Gareth wants him to die.
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artrealla · 1 year ago
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who-the-fuck-are-you-bruh · 4 months ago
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hello-sweetheart · 4 months ago
Neat Freak
Steve’s parents don’t make him keep the house spotless. He really is just that clean and when Nancy tries to tell people there like “lol, sure” but she knows.
He’s a neat freak.
When she would stay over she would change into her pjs and make a small bundle of her day clothes on his desk chair, and steve would just. Fold them. Before getting in bed with her.
Doesn’t take long after for the others to realize it.
Robin thought it was just a guy thing, caring that much about their car. Scolding her for kicking her socked feet up on the dash, and leaving crumbs of toast when she had breakfast to go.
But then she visits his house the first time and Robin has never been good at using a coaster, too scatter brained to pay attention where she sets her drink down each time.
Steve, though? Without missing a beat he will move her glass to the coaster. Every time. Doesn’t even break his strike or pauses his conversation it’s just muscle memory by now.
The kids have had their will broken and no longer put up a fight.
Without being told to anymore, they toe off their shoes and hang their coat by the doorway. They don’t even do that in their own home. How Steve was able to get those wild animals house broken? No body knows.
His mom didn’t actually choose his room decor. It looks a bit barren but Steve likes it that way. It looks clean, easier to do so, too. Everything has its place tucked away from sight so it’s not an eye sore.
Even his plaid wallpaper and curtains he chose for himself. He spent all day finding the curtains that matched the closest and he was really proud of himself when found some.
“Steve, buddy, this looks mental.”
“But look,” (closest the curtains to show that even the pattern lines up seemlessly) “you almost can’t even see the difference between the wall and fabric. It’s like magic! It’s cool!” >:(
He’s very meticulous about his appearance. Dustin is absolutely flabbergasted when he sees his full hair routine for himself. Everything must be done a certain way in a certain order every time. It’s routine.
“Three puffs of the Farah Fawcett! THREE!”
When they discontinue it, Steve has a mini breakdown. He doesn’t like that his very specific and set routine has been broken. He’s convinced he’ll never find a hair spray to replace it. Everybody stocks up on cans of it to try and lower his anxiety.
He just loves cleaning, okay?
Ironing his kakis and polos until there are no wrinkles is so satisfying. Glass without finger smudges is so nice. His closet being organized by color is so efficient. When he’s worried, anxious, or angry he likes to keep his hands busy and it just calms him down going ham on a water stain in the bathroom.
When he hangs out at Eddie’s, he mindlessly starts picking things up here and there. It’s like heaven for him. He sees a mess and just wants to go to town. Eddie doesn’t mind as long as he knows where everything is in the end. He’ll admit that having his music organized alphabetically is pretty convenient.
It’s also a little funny to watch Steve iron his ripped jeans and battle jacket with an iron he brought from home.
“You’re a freak, Harrington.” Eddie has a shit eating grin. Steve flips him off.
“Fuck off.”
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ahhrenata · 4 months ago
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yay!! it’s that time of year again 🥳 thank you Lex (@thefreakandthehair) for your Spicy Six -Ber Month Challenge! I’ve missed these two 🧡
my prompt was orange (my favorite color)
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purplepri · 6 days ago
It's been running around my head the idea of Eddie and Wayne inheriting a house from like, a distant aunt or something, and then they move to a distant small town
It's nothing fancy, actually pretty much the opposite, what with it being abandoned for some time. The lawn is overgrown, the roof is falling, the plumbing is shit, but it's theirs and nobody can take it away from them.
They start working pronto, with Wayne assessing what they'd need to make it somewhat liveable until they could make it a true home. He sends Eddie on his way to the hardware store, where two bored employees were behind the counter.
Eddie nods at them, and grabs everything Wayne put on the list that he can find, then goes to the cashier to pay.
He smiles at the guy, who's looking at him a little wide eyed. Maybe he's never seen a metalhead before. He eyes the name tag pinned to his (very form fitting, very flattering) shirt.
"So, Steve. There's some stuff I couldn't find in store, where could I buy them?"
The guy clears his throat.
"Can I see what you're missing?" Eddie gives him the list, some of it crossed out. "Yeah, we can order it for you, but it may be a while until it's here ."
"Eh, I don't mind. My uncle and I just moved in, we're fixing up a great-great aunt's house, just down the street. I think it's okay for now, with what I have. I'll just order in and pay for what I already got."
Steve rings him up, throwing some discreet looks at him, then turning away and blushing lightly. Eddie finds him adorable.
"So, that house looks a lot run down, do you guys need a hand?" Steve says while giving Eddie his receipt. Eddie smiles.
"We certainly wouldn't mind a little help. Look, here's my number." He pulls Steve's hand closer to his, snatches a pen from the holder and scribbles down his number. "Bye, Stevie."
Eddie winks before walking to the door. He doesn't hear Steve answering a trembling bye, nor Robin's (his co-worker and best friend) slapping his shoulder.
"I know, Robin."
"I know, Robin!"
"You're a disaster with any type of construction work!"
"I fucking know, Robin!"
She looks at him.
"You're a lost cause, doofus."
"... I know, Robin..."
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lefthandarm-man · 10 months ago
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Steve Rogers // Captain America
and his habit of putting his hands on his belt
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vader-anakin · 2 months ago
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JOE KEERY as Steve Harrington | Stranger Things S04E07: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
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imtiredshow · 7 months ago
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Older art from last year!
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rotteneldritchhorror · 1 month ago
Eddie obviously knows how to sew (hes not only dirt-poor living off of a single consistent paycheck and whatever he earns selling drugs, but hes also a punk- theres no way he DOESNT know how to sew), but steve most definitely does. not. one of his shirts get a hole and he throws it out.
When eddie first witnesses this, hes fucking MORTIFIED and ends up digging a t-shirt out of the trash and sewing the hole closed and fixing the loose stitching on the hem and gives steve a lecture about not wasting fabric and money.
And from then on, steve just shows up at the munson household every now and then with various clothes in his arms, asking eddie to fix them for him.
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microknifeyuri · 5 months ago
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art style test
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