#collingwood kid
avoteforme · 5 months
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mossiestpiglet · 1 year
Out of all of that I still think the four women sitting together and Marcia holding Kerry’s hand hit me hardest. At first it was such a bitch move from Caroline and seemed so much like it was just done to cause everyone else pain, and on some level she absolutely got pleasure from their initial discomfort, but she was right. They all deserved to sit up front and they all needed each other. They have survived him.
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pynkhues · 1 year
literally sooo fascinated by logan and caroline's marriage tbh. give us all your thoughts!! (if you want ahah)
Oh, man, I could talk about them all day, haha. I kinda feel like people can sometimes rob both Caroline and Logan of any nuance, because yeah, sure, they’re often the central antagonists of the series, and their abuse and neglect of their children permeates the series, but the show’s always also been careful to show that the cycle of violence never started with Logan, and Harriet Walter’s talked in interviews too about the cycle of neglect not starting with Caroline either. They’re victims and perpetrators in the same way that Kendall, Roman and Shiv are victims and perpetrators, and the fact that neither of them were able to break that cycle is the exact sort of tragedy that's at the broken heart of this series.
It makes it really fascinating to me in that sense that Caroline and Logan found each other at all, and I think really slots into what we know about his three marriages – namely, that he marries women who are in some ways as damaged by life’s cruelties as he is. We understand that explicitly with Marcia, who pretty much says out loud that their connection has been born out of the fact that they’re both survivors, but I think it’s implied in his relationships with both Caroline and Connor’s mother too. At least Marcia and Connor’s mother became somethink like partners for a while too – Marcia was a co-conspirator with Logan for the bulk of season 1, and the RECNY Ball episode I think also showed that Connor’s mother, for at least a while, was the sort of socialite who could lubricate and work politicians alongside Logan.
We don’t really know what role Caroline played in that sense, but she’s obviously intelligent and savvy enough to have worked to secure the kids real power in the divorce, something we see her give back to Logan in 3.09. We also know that her title gave Logan the class elevation that he wanted (even if its one he also seems to bitterly resent), and that his money gave her security, and in a lot of ways, that’s a strategic match that sees them both step forwards in power together.
I was actually listening to an old episode of Vanity Fair’s Succession podcast recently where they interviewed Dame Harriet Walter, and she talks quite a lot about Caroline’s backstory.
She says that Caroline was born into a neglectful aristocratic family, an only daughter who due to the social structures of British aristocracy, wouldn’t have inherited her father’s estate as a result of her gender. Instead, his estate would’ve gone to a distant male cousin, which ties into what Connor says in 1.09 to Willa about the house being the ancestral home Caroline didn't inherit.
She was disregarded by her family but encouraged to marry rich, and she sees Caroline as having gone through a bit of a wild child phase, that she partied, used drugs, tried to escape herself. That she was probably featured frequently in the social columns ‘in disgrace’, and then married young to a rich British man who bored her. She sees Caroline as having escaped to New York on a trip, and met Logan who dazzled her. Who was the opposite of the men she’d grown up with, the men who’d cut her out of her own inheritance, and that he was exciting and creating something and married too, and that they likely left their spouses for each other. That he married for a title, but he also married her because he found her fun and funny and different from the other women of her class and station.
I actually love that backstory a lot, and in particular I think it feeds into the themes of cycles on this show, both with Shiv, but also in Caroline being cut out by her own family, and then cut out by the one she tried to make for herself, and the damage that likely caused her. It also I think really beautifully depicts this idea of legacy and succession which is so crucial to the show – that Logan can spend a childhood brutalised by a man who’d give him just enough to build an empire on and that Caroline can spend a childhood in luxurious neglect with parents who will leave her with nothing.
What that meant for their relationship - - I think they did love each other, as much as they could love anyone, and I think that vulnerability between them was something that probably allowed them as true an intimacy as they’d ever have for a while. I also think that that vulnerability and that intimacy gave them power over one another that they’d use often and likely cruelly, and that the final years of their marriage were probably torturous for both of them.
After all, at the end of the day, Logan had the wealth Caroline could marry but never inherit, and Caroline had the title Logan could marry but never inherit, and what is that if not a reminder of the poisoned soil they sprung from?
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waystarresourceco · 1 year
Harriet Walter on how Caroline has influenced or realtes to each of the golden trio.
“She probably is a bit frightened by Siobhan because she’s quite like her dad and is very very smart about stuff that maybe Caroline isn’t. I don’t think she resents – I think she’s quite competitive for her affection because she admires her. I think it’s very possible for a mother to look up to her daughter if she’s not very like her, because I don’t think they are very alike.
I think If anything, funnily enough I think the one who’s most like – Caroline has flowed a bit into Kendall in that I think she has more depths than we’ve seen. A bit more inside torture than we’ve seen. And I think she’s also flowed into Roman because she’s got that glib “ha ha ha” every line is a joke defense mechanism. So I think those are the people she’s influnced or influenced by – I think Shiv is very different from her and very much her own thing and I think she’s quite scared of her really. And of course Shiv probably wants big affection too but just really doesn’t beg for it in the same way that Caroline probably never begged for it from her parents. It’s a terrible kind of poisoned challice, all that welath and power if you’re born into it.”
Excerpt from Excerpt from Still Watching: Succession Season 2 "Dundee" with Dame Harriet Walter – Sept. 29, 2019
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alicentsargent · 1 year
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Oh, yeah, where's the onion? You were quite a piece of work. You were my onion.
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nakedmonkey · 1 year
omg shivlina + 5 pls thank you? <3
Hiiii! This is uhh, a tad over 5 sentences.
5. "My mother adores you"
Karolina's met Caroline before, of course. Divorcing Logan isn't the same as divorcing his money or his brand, and while most Caroline-related matters are delegated to Hugo, Karolina's dealt with her plenty and is well versed in her particular brand of language. That dry wit humor that's always delivered with a cunning smile, fangs out. Karolina's well-armed for it and can even appreciate it, might even be fluent in it herself. After all, the only way to survive Logan Roy is by knowing how to fight back. However, meeting her again, in casual wear, sans work matters to lean on for support is very different, and that presents all new anxieties.
"My mother adores you," Shiv whispers to her, seemingly impressed, and gives her hip a little squeeze while Caroline makes a show of carrying a tray of iced tea out for them to enjoy in the garden.
"Stop it," Karolina hisses, pushing Shiv's hand away, and well, that only makes matters worse because Shiv's got that look in her eye, like she's been called to a challenge. Blood in the water and all of that. Shiv would hate to know how much she resembles her mother sometimes.
"What? You think if we stand too close together my mother's going to know you finger-banged me to high heaven in the study this morning?"
Karolina holds her palm up, a shushing gesture that makes Shiv laugh.
"Let's--tone it down, okay? At least until your divorce is final."
Shiv holds her hands up in mock surrender and takes a respectful step back.
"As you wish."
"Come along girls," Calls Caroline. "You can flirt just as well in the sun."
Shiv flashes Karolina a toothy grin while Karolina tries her best to not look mortified. With a sigh, she follows Shiv outside, and well, at least they're getting along.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
Kendall's backstory of being promised a kingdom at 7 combined with Shiv saying that Kendall "bores the shit out of mom" explains a lot actually
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myplasticadversary · 1 year
Still thinking about "he created life" and "it was warm in that light", how Logan is glorified as this nurturing presence (however violent the form it takes) in contrast to Caroline being characterized as cold and distant and irrelevant to the making of her children, as if he was the one who had grown them inside of his own body. And then all of that also in contrast to how Shiv has to tell everyone she won't be in her child's lives to be taken seriously for a potential position of power. But also, it's not like Logan was ever particularly affectionate or emotionally present as a parent either, and I can see Shiv maybe trying to utilize that material "provider" status the way he did as a substitute for that expression of love. And I do believe that she wants to love and care for her child, she just has to be careful of it being seen as a weakness for her.
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midnight-els · 2 years
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[Image ID: Black and white GIF of Phryne Fisher from the opening scenes of the episode Blood and Money. The image shows her head and upper torso as she stands outdoors. She wears a sequined evening gown and fancy headdress. /End ID]
While it is very funny that, at the start of Blood and Money, Phryne shows up to the morgue in her outfit from the night before, I was recently thinking about why she wouldn’t get changed??? We know she loves to have the perfect outfit for all situations and see her make some pretty quick changes in other episodes. There’s no reason to delay getting to the morgue by, what, 10-15 minutes? It’s not like the body will go anywhere.
But, then I consider that she’s got a young boy sat in her kitchen, scared because his brother is missing, now thought to be dead. She’s been almost exactly where he is and spent agonising years in search of answers. You bet she’ll be damned if she makes him wait a moment longer than he has to for closure, especially at the cost of something so frivalous as her clothes 😭 
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chaos-footy · 7 months
its round 0 and footy is back in less than 4 hours and I haven't even made any predictions yet so lets do them here so that at best I've recorded my oracle abilities for the annals of history OR if I fail at least only two people will see it
Sydney Swans vs Melbourne. Look. I know Melbourne has been controversial BUT Trac and Gawn are two of my favorite players in the league and I really don't love Sydney's play style. Plus, to not base this purely on vibes you've gotta take a look at the lineup - Sydney has a few outs
Brisbane Lions vs Carlton. I'M SORRY I'M BIASED. Also I'm going to this one so of course I want Brisbane to win. Carlton also has a few major players out with injury which really sucks. That being said, our round 1 record Is Not Good. Good thing this is round 0 instead!
Gold Coast Suns vs Richmond. I'm pretty 50/50 on this one. The thing is, the Suns managed to wallop us in the second half of last season. I also want the suns to go well this season so I can go back to hating literally everything to do with the Gold Coast without feeling bad and needing to stick up for an AFL team north of the Barassi line. Also Dusty is out :((((
GWS vs Collingwood. lbr if the finals were umpired like the H&A season (I'm not saying they should be - it's a different kind of game) then GWS would have made it to the grand final. But again, this is another one that could go 50/50. I don't mind if Collingwood win, but it is funny to wind up my younger magpie-supporting brother.
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agent-ford · 1 year
the thing about caroline and logan not remembering who stewy was is that while logan clearly does remember stewy and knows for a fact that he isn’t just kendall’s college drinking buddy, caroline genuinely doesn’t have a clue who he is. she has been introduced to him a thousand times and each time she was like “i’ve never met this man in my life”
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avoteforme · 7 months
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here's looking at you kid
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fazcinatingblog · 7 months
More like IF I come back amirite, also stop making me feel guilty, also learn to spell (paralegal? Parallel? ...never mind doesn't parramatta), also like it's my fault she hires 53 accountants that can only do accounting and 1 admin person to send out the tax returns and invoices and
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spacelessbian · 1 year
caroline mocking the importance of the board meeting is a direct attack of the corporate fans. in this essay
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waystarresourceco · 11 months
Harriet Walter on how Caroline actually feels about Peter Munion.
"She wants to get in with her kids, you know? If you only see your kids seldom, and we know that it’s more complicated than that she walked out on them, there’s a huge story behind, I think, which we haven’t really gone into but it’s hinted at in that scene, about the way she was sort of bought out in a way. And at the time probably felt that sacrificing that was worth it, she was just chocking. And so to find someone who’s just a flip-flop, who kind of – is actually quite fun and, you know, we’ll get on fine because I’ve got some dough.
But you want to sort of keep in with your kids and be somebody that they want to visit and want to see so I do sort of crack jokes with them and say ‘I know he’s awful, isn’t he ghastly’ but actually – because I’m sort of reading it though there eyes  – but I think actually she doesn’t care if he wears ghastly clothes.… He’s fun and he adores her and we can go to Italy and she makes out like she doesn’t want those things and didn’t want it but I think she probably feels very happy."
Excerpt from Excerpt from Still Watching: Succession Season 3 "Chiantishire" with Dame Harriet Walter – Dec. 5, 2021
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hurremsultanns · 2 years
'Yeah I might have been a bit of a spotty mother, but you've been a shitty daughter'
Accusing 13-year-old Shiv of choosing Logan over her
'You tend to get what you want anyway.'
'I don't think I've ever won a single battle in my whole life.'
'You knew how to twist the knife. You knew then and you know now. And I might cry.'
'You are my onion.'
'Truth is, I probably never should have had children'.
I hate how much of a toxic mother Caroline is towards Shiv so much. She's so manipulative in trying to make herself seem like the victim of Shiv somehow and does not seem to care at all how she affects her.
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