#college transfer
autisticmuppeteer · 4 months
I may have just been rejected by my dream school but hey Muppets From Space is on amazon prime so you win some you lose some
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enchantedseaglass · 2 years
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10.05.22 | It’s been a minute
I’ve been IA for private reasons, reasons that are confusing and muddied. I don’t know who or what I am. I don’t know my name. But today, I got some work done, finally. Yesterday too. I got on the phone with an ESL instructor and interviewed them for a major assignment. I have to transform it into a paper somehow.
I went upstairs for the first time and it was lovely! I was mesmerized by the aesthetics and book selections. Perhaps you will be too.
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fictionalnormalcy · 1 year
You know what I have to say swells me up with joy?
I’m a college transfer student. Spent four years in community college to get my ADT (Associate Degree and Transfer), and am taking a gap year before applying for transfer to in-state universities. I’m currently working a part-time job to try to gather money for university. 
And it’s been an agonising time awaiting college acceptances. I applied for seven schools, and from ends of December have been receiving notices. Acceptances all the way. But one still remains. That one their notice won’t be out until April 25th, this upcoming Tuesday. 
I even applied for financial aid too because well schools are expensive. Minimum starting at $10k and going as far up as $40k. My parents are supporting a large family, they’re not paying a cent. I dont’ expect them too either.
My mum and siblings are excited for me for having been accepted to these schools, and to an extent some of them are even offering to cover my full tuition and fees. 
But there’s no joy in telling my dad. Every notice of acceptance, no “oh I’m proud of you, I’m happy for you”, it’s “how are you going to pay for it? have you applied for financial aid?”
It just leads to those heavy breaths that eek out of my chest for a near minute.
Telling my discord friends tho, seeing how excited they get, saying they’re proud of me and they’re so happy I’ve made it this far, it makes me cry. 
I’m thankful for the friends and family in my life and the endless support. He’s just one negative voice, but ya girl is going to university. She gonna come into independence. 
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a-serene-place-to-be · 4 months
okay i’m trying to pick a college to transfer to so im gonna do a poll
college #1: about an hour and a half from home and about twice as expensive. it would get me so much more independence and immerse me in a good environment and give me that college experience i always thought id have. it also has the undergrad and masters programs i want. but it is farther from family and much more expensive with room and board.
college #2: close enough i could live at home and much cheaper. i would get less independence unless i got an apartment that i cant afford right now. it doesn’t have the masters program i want and im iffy about the undergrad program but it is a great school that is like a branch of the biggest university in my state. i would come out better financially for sure because i would be paying like half of what the other school would cost and i would be near my family.
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spyderlillies · 1 year
returning to the godforbidden website that is common app (i hate filling in all the data)
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septune13 · 2 months
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its pathetic businessman griffith’s crush: former construction worker, current engineering student, himbo guts
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demonzoro · 10 months
none of this is proofread but here's my ideal modern au for the goth fam. wall of text incoming, sky is blue, etc.
mihawk: World's Most Reluctant College Professor. history/archaeology. reluctantly employed because his place of residence (half-wrecked castle) is owned by the university and one of the terms for him to live there for free is to teach classes. initially hired as a publicity stunt that petered out. actual respected swordsman in the modern age but the reality is "swordsman" is... not very lucrative. really important to me that he is forcibly employed while having gigantic unemployed energy.
his ass is not showing up to a lecture hall unless under extreme duress (shanks showing up to his place unannounced again🙄). fully aware his papers are only taken as a credit filler (robin lectures the papers that are more practically applicable). almost exclusively "teaches" by emailing out reading lists and assignments. actively trying to get his students to drop his paper so he can do fuck-all for the rest of the year.
zoro: phys ed major. he's so serious about his main courses as well as mihawk's stupidly niche paper. probably the first person the "Dracule Mihawk Teaches Here!" publicity stunt has worked on in years. has trouble with the heavy focus of book-smarts this paper requires but powers through it best he can until mihawk sets some indecipherable tome as part of a reading list and zoro is like. okay. you leave me no choice.
he fully shows up on mihawk's doorstep at 9:44PM on a tuesday night brandishing this tome. mihawk answers the door because he is two bottles into his wine.
zoro, furious that this piece of shit tome has no audiobook alternative: this. YOU. explain. NOW. mihawk: a student. at my doorstep. did shanks blab to you. zoro: your address is publicly listed as a minor tourist attraction. mihawk (<- didn't know that): hm. come in.
zoro is treated to a full drunk history session and the supermarket gift wine mihawk has been avoiding but accidentally opened. he wakes up the next morning and zoro is still there in one of the guest rooms. he's like what are you doing here and zoro is like. i don't have a whole day to waste getting back to my dorm i need to do your assignment.
mihawk, fully aware the dorms should only be a max twenty minute walk away: interesting. get out.
safe to say, zoro thinks visiting mihawk's home is easier than emailing him. which is true in some ways since mihawk takes small joys in putting unread emails straight into trash.
perona: fashion major OBVIOUSLY. really interested finding vintage/archival sewing patterns/designs and modernising them. LOVES using essays as outlets for her rants. blase on everything else in life but takes her course so seriously. HATES zoro ever since he almost made her fail an assignment because he had checked out a book she needed and held it for fucking aaages.
similarly zoro hates perona bc she almost made him fail an assignment by hogging the only lightbox on this side of the campus that makes it possible to read some of the archival material mihawk puts on his impossible reading lists.
zoro gets lost in mihawk's castle and meets perona in-person for the first time outside of a name on a booking sheet and they have a huge stupid argument. zoro storms off and accidentally finds mihawk again this way and he's doubly mad because he can't believe mihawk has been chasing him away all this time while letting another student just live in the east wing.
mihawk (<- didn't know that): there's a what.
turns out perona just said "umm dorm fees? rent? in this economy? there's a wrecked castle 20mins away from campus it's free real estate". and she's right. she also finds out mihawk has staff access to archival materials not readily open to students and she immediately whips out a wishlist.
anyways i imagine perona graduates and becomes a fashion designer. zoro decides booksmarts is not for him and drops out to focus fully on a professional athlete career or make his way as a stuntman. models for perona on occasion. mihawk fully quits his job after those two leave bc they were the only ones in years that made it interesting. retires but robin recommends him as a consultant to the museum society and he does some work there. ALWAYS calls zoro or perona if he's restoring smthng cool he thinks they would love.
jfc are you still here. i kiss you on the lips
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woman-respecter · 5 months
also like i think calling the nypd on the columbia protesters was absolutely the wrong call for a multitude of reasons and i’m sure some of the protesters there are reasonable but you can’t deny that the ones chanting “go back to poland” may have made some jews feel unsafe.
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whoblewboobear · 4 months
Jace was totally a Hudol kid right?
He failed wizardry 101 three years in a row, he probably hooked up with your crush, ​he was voted most likely to be arrested on account of all the pranks he pulled around campus. He smokes cigarettes in the parking lot. He’s at the top of his sorcery classes and his name is on everyone’s lips, he’s Jace Stardiamond and if you don’t know him, then maybe you’re just not cool enough to.
By the time he’s a junior, everyone has an idea of who he is but when he’s alone with himself, he has a hard time deciding if he knows who he is. Every moment of his life he’s been told the whos, whats and whys and he feels trapped inside of the labels and high standards so he takes comfort in the unknown.
For once he finally feels in tune with his magic. He doesn’t need to know where it comes from when it comes to him as easy as breathing. He still has such a keen eye for it, though. He approaches sorcery with such a precision and resolve that leaves people in awe of him, the attention doesn’t hurt either.
He always admired that quality in the wizards surrounding him, there’s no reason he can’t borrow that kind of self discipline for himself if it leads to better self discovery.
Still, he can’t take the way his old wizardry textbooks mock him from where they live on his bookshelf. He finds a home for them far at the top of his closet and doesn’t look back.
Is2g the way he told Adaine he couldn’t take a level of wizard, “I tried.” And then him saying he always thought wizards were a bit stinky has haunted me since the finale aired. That man has a deep vendetta associated with wizardry, you just know it. That shit haunts him.
#ngl I feel like Jace’s mom was probably a high elf and wanted her kids to go to the most prestigious school in Elmville but his dad was a#human adventurer that just wanted his sons to be happy#they get divorced by the time Jace is 15 and he chooses to stay with his dad bc the thought of going to live in fallinel with his mom makes#him itch#fallinel reminds him of Hudol and he doesn’t /love/ Hudol#his brother does though and his brother is definitely the good boy pragmatist wizard of the family#Jace’s dad tells him if he doesn’t wanna go to Hudol anymore he can transfer to aguefort and he does it. he doesn’t even attempt to try#wizard classes and it’s way too late to find an adventuring party#that final year is kinda a blur but it was fun.#he spent most of his time at parties and hooking up with more people than he could count#also in my head Jace has a brother and then when he’s like starting college his mom remarries and has his sister with his stepdad that he#haaaates#he hates visiting fallinel but he wants to get to know his sister#his dad also dies on an adventure during his college years#he comes back to an empty house because his brother just couldn’t#it’s the first time he’s really left to be the responsible one and he’s not bad at it but he’s so out of depths#he sells the house and starts couch surfing until he sees that Aguefort is hiring for a sorcerer teacher so he takes it#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#fhjy#jace stardiamond
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Guys how does Jean Moreau pay for stuff
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autisticmuppeteer · 1 month
my RA just put our whole floor into Slack to communicate with us for the year and I have come to the conclusion that it is the corporate version of discord
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
frat boy barty vs frat boy james who would win
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crushedsweets · 1 month
Today was my first day of university (Transferred from a community college 😈😈😈!!!!!!!!!) . It was lovely however I already deeply miss creepypasta. This might just mean I’m gonna return to my unfinished university crp au
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applebees4prez · 8 months
kristen needs to get her adhd diagnosed it won’t fix her but it sure will be a stepping stone to get there
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magpiesbones · 1 year
truly the modern au that preserves most directly the Impact of orufrey is:
Olruggio and Qifrey are married, and Oru mostly gets referred to by Qifrey as ‘my husband’ while Qifrey is at work. Qifrey is an untenured physics professor at some out of the way college.
Qifrey does tend to be the sort of professor who’s fun, but wants to pretend that his personal life doesn’t exist while at work. All his students know is that ‘my husband’ does his IT. Slowly by things Qifrey mentions his students learn that ‘my husband’ is also a night owl, also has a physics degree, and likes to cook.
And then Qifrey attends a department social with the man who Won the Nobel prize three years ago for revolutionizing the combustion engine. Olruggio spends the whole night referring to himself as ‘Qifrey’s trophy husband’. He has been on at least one variety show (he hated it).
Qifrey, three glasses of wine in, mentions they got engaged after he was almost thrown out of his phd program on charges of academic dishonesty, but his advisor, Beldaruit (credited with 1/3 of fixing the standard model to incorporate massive neutrinos) came through. The charges were false, and the investigation toppled a fraternity.
Coco, a freshman, studying physics bc she’s obsessed with being an astronaut, doesn’t know who any of these people are because she doesn’t follow engineering news and doesn’t know enough physics to care about massive neutrinos.
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8thsniper · 11 months
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big bird shirt is real now
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