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sincerealev · 5 months ago
Can you draw the treebros kissing? I want them kissing pwease 🥺
My favorite scene in DEH was when they kissed at the end and lived happily ever after (Here's some treebros kisses for your troubles 🫶)
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The last one is a work on progress, but I wanted to post it :) I always get nervous about posting sketches/incomplete stuff ngl 😭
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 94
Danny has no clue what he’s just agreed to but Ellie seems happy about it, so it can’t be too bad. Ellie is honestly surprised but more than a little touched her template-dad gave her permission to let her new clone-union-totally-not-a-revolution use his lair as a home base. Now she just needs to help Klarion figure out how to make those portal-bracelets for each of them…
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xheartstopperxx · 6 months ago
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5 other photos of season 3!!!
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coolprettyleo · 8 months ago
it's me, hi! I'm the problem it's me! - connor bedard ☆
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wc: 1.5k
tw: angst. rooting for the anti-hero. villain arc? self-destructing
ryan leonard x ex! hughes sister oc
connor bedard x hughes sister oc
frankie found that the older she got, she never got wiser.
everything happened so fast. she was in the midst of getting ready for her very first appearance with connor in tears. she hadn't spoken to him since this morning when she walked out of the room with her tail between her legs, and she honestly couldn't believe he agreed to do this. she couldn't belive she agreed to do this. I mean, what was she doing? she didn't know if she was dodging a bullet or losing the love of her life.
"can I come in?" she heard her mother knock on the door before opening the door.
"yeah. is this cute?" she asked with swollen eyes as her mother looked at her with sad eyes.
"of course. you sure you want to go through with this?" ellen asked, studying her daughter. she knew she couldn't possibly be okay. she had jumped head-first into ryan, and her daughter normally never did that.
"I don't even know," she said before sitting on the bed and putting her head in her hands as she cried, wondering when the hell her life began to lose all its meaning. before her mother came next to her to wrap her in a much-needed hug.
"you don't have to go through with this if you don't want too. I'll stand behind any decision you make, beautiful," her mom said as she wiped her tears.
"It's just- ryan. mom, I can't believe it's over. I haven't even had time to mourn him; everything's just been so crazy, and it's all feeling really real," frankie said, sniffling as her mother continued to hold her.
"I think you need to communicate this to connor so he doesn't get confused. i also think you need to speak to ryan before the photos drop tonight" her mother told her.
"i know. i just haven't talked to him since we broke up, and I don't even know if he'd answer"
"he loved you a lot. i think he would" ellen told her as she nodded trying to pull herself together.
frankie was waiting for the car to come pick her up from the hotel with connor in it. with shaky hands she dialed ryans number and felt her heart in her ass.
“frankie?” Ryan said confusingly over loud music. he was at a party.
“hi ryan” she answered with a deep breath
“what’s going on? are you okay?” he asked worriedly. even though he ended things he knew he’d always still care for the girl.
“yeah im fine” lie. she was anything but fine ever since that night.
“oh, well what’s going on” he asked hoping she wasn’t calling to beg him. he knew he’d give in and saw how amazing she had been doing without him. she was better off.
“i need to tell you something can you talk?” she asked still hearing the music.
“uhm— now’s not really a good time” he said. he was currently at a party with a busty blonde on his lap trying to oh so desperately forget about frankie.
ryan had done the opposite of frankie after the breakup. while she worked till she quite literally dropped, ryan also worked but still found time for hookups. he had actually gone back out that night she left in DC and made out with a girl that couldn’t be more different than the youngest hughes. he knew frankie would lose her shit if she ever found out.
“I really need to tell you this right now ryan” she said desperately as she saw connors text about him being five minutes away.
“why? it can’t wait till tomorrow?” he snapped a bit.
he had been holding a lot of resentment for the girl ever since the breakup believing she was the reason he had to end things. why hadn’t he been enough for her?
“no, because I need you to remember I’m a human being after what you’re going to see tomorrow,” she said with tears stinging her eyes.
he didn’t know what to expect so he pushed to blonde off of him and went to a quieter corner.
“okay. what is it?” he asked not wanting to know the answer.
“I’ve been seeing connor bedard and we’re set to make our first appearance tonight. It’ll be in the tabloids by the morning” she said in one breath waiting for ryan to say something but he hadn’t known what to possibly say to that.
“ryan? please say something” she said in a small voice.
“I don’t— i don’t know what you want me to say. good for you,” he said, feeling like crying, but he wasn’t going to do that.
“i’m sorry. I love you ryan, i do. I think I always will, but I just thought it’d be better to hear it from me.” she said, feeling her tears drop down her cheeks.
“how long have you been seeing him?” he asked.
the question she was hoping he wouldn’t ask. the NDA she and the connors team had come up with said that they’d been seeing each other for the past two months, meaning ryan would think it overlapped with their relationship. she couldn’t tell him that it was fake, so the end really was near.
“we’ve been speaking for two months. but ryan-“
“wait—were you cheating on me?” he asked as she took a deep breath.
“no. but-“
“I can’t believe this. there are no 'buts,' frankie! while I was fighting for our relationship, you had already checked out with another guy? are you serious?” he asked, pissed.
“don’t say you fought for anything ryan. because you didn’t,” she said, beginning to get pissed off.
“yeah, whatever. have a nice life, frankie,” he said with a sarcastic laugh before hanging up.
leaving frankie to stand there shocked. it seemed like Ryan had finally gotten tired of all her scheming. She knew he'd be mad, but she really thought she could some way get through to him. she just felt so stupid because the only reason she agreed to do this whole thing was because she was trying not to lose him for good, but she managed to do just that. even worse.
but poor frankie would always be the girl she's always been. she'd rather stare directly at the sun but never into the mirror, afraid of what she'd see in the reflection. making it exhausting to anyone who cared for her.
"the car's here. you ready?" jack asked, peeking his head into the room to see his sister in tears.
"yeah," she said, wiping her tears as jack looked at her with sad eyes. the exact same ones her mother had given her about two hours before.
"franks, you don't have to do this," he said cautiously.
"I want to," she said, looking at her reflection in the mirror, fluffing up her hair before walking past him. she was done feeling like shit over a guy. It was her time to shine, and her little heart knew it.
connor sat next to her nervously, playing with his watch as he tried not to make eye contact with the three hughes that sat across him and were giving him a death stare as they drove to the club.
"relax," frankie said, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers as she settled it on her lap with a smile.
he turned to look at her as her blue eyes looked into his. it all felt right to him, and he knew this was fake, but something was telling him it could turn into more, and he'd be stupid to not jump on that bandwagon.
"get a room," luke gagged from across them, breaking their little moment.
"shut up. I can still tell the bouncer you're not with me," she threatened as he glared at her.
"still can't believe my baby sister can do that," jack said, chuckling as they laughed.
they soon pulled up in front of the place as her brothers got out.
"you ready?" she asked connor with a smile.
"not really," he answered honestly.
"if you don't want to do this, we don't have to," she said, wanting to make sure he was comfortable. She never wanted to drag him into her little games, and she was afraid this was going to be her biggest one yet.
"no i want to," he said standing up and stepping out of the car as the flashes began to go off. she smiled before accepting his hand and stepped out with the help of connor with a picture-perfect smile.
if the cameras had already been going off, it times that by one hundred. the photographer's fingers never left the capture button, afraid they were going to miss a moment of the newest 'it couple'.
their fingers laced as connor pulled her into the club, not before looking back at her with a smile as she looked up at him capturing the perfect tabloid picture.
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year ago
"I want x spinoff, I want a book about y"
I want to meet the woman who had not one but TWO kids with Hermes. Two kids so close in age and are so alike people just assume that they're twins, two kids who are chaos personified, who singlehandedly run the camp shop, who are in charge of the biggest cabin at camp and look after their equally chaotic gremlin siblings plus every unclaimed kid at camp like Lou Ellen a daughter of Hecate and another being of chaos who learnt it all from them, and who take every opportunity to fuck shit up, to prank their camp mates or to steal shit. Their last name, which they get from their mama? Stoll by the way. Neither child notices the pun.
I want to meet Mama Stoll, who saw the chaos, who saw the bullshit Hermes brought into her life the first go around and said tonight's the night let's do it again. She is either the world's greatest cat burglar who enticed the god of Thieves or the messenger god was enchanted by the best god dam delivery woman on the planet. There's no in-between. It was just a bonus that her surname was the perfect pun. Her and Hermes laugh about it. In my head, it's all canon. Regardless, she unleashed two agents of unlimited chaos onto an unsuspecting world, and I love her for it. I take my hat off to her, I kneel before her.
Oh, and the oldest kid, Travis? He's dating a girl called Katie, who is the daughter of Demeter. Her last name? Gardner. Fucking Gardner. She has a sister called Miranda Gardiner, by the way. Mama Stoll finds it hilarious. Her sons still don't get the pun, but at least she gets on with her future daughter in law like a house on fire.
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elposting · 8 months ago
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tomorrow is a latter day. good luck tomorrow soldiers 🫡🫡
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abby-from-hell · 2 months ago
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“You’re my homeboy”
Connor and Evan chilling on a cold night after work…
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paws-of-the-quill · 3 months ago
In honor of college finals strss
I did something stuipd I did I want to share.
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@tamiisnthere poor Altair
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mashollings · 1 year ago
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Connor always has my heart 💙
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sharkyy599 · 7 months ago
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clemclamdoodles · 3 months ago
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I’ve been absolutely obsessed with @autiacorart ‘s amazing art lately, it’s done wonders to keep me motivated with my own art, so I dedicate this silly piece to them lol
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sincerealev · 8 months ago
I have a headcanon I wanted to share, I think Connor and Evan own a Saint Bernard when they are older
I'm listening. This is such a cute idea 😭 (so I absolutely had to draw something related to it)
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I actually headcannoned already that, when they start living together, they also adopt a golden retriever and a white ragdoll cat. But, y'know what? They could absolutely have a Saint Bernard too. You can't ever have enough pets
The golden retriever is named Aspen, and the cat is named Winter. Name suggestions for the saint bernard? :-)
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philconnorz · 8 months ago
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I want them to fight to the death
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leavesgalore · 2 months ago
now that i have more people here! first of all hello! i love you all! what would you like to see from me? exp: queer advice, gender identity, college advice, life advice, poetry, arts and crafts, heartstopper hot takes, etc! just lmk! have a good day everyone! ❤️
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year ago
What if Chris doesn't show up at Clarisse's house pre botl? What if he's guided (maybe by Hermes) to Connor and Travis' instead?
Chris, who is to me at least implied to be unclaimed as yet in the show, who is suffering severely mentally as a result of what he endured alone in the labyrinth, shows up on Connor and Travis' doorstep. They haven't seen him in years now, not since he ditched camp to follow Luke to Kronos. He's clearly unwell and barely recognises them. They worry it's a trick, and that's when Chris is claimed by Hermes. The Stolls decide to take the risk, well Connor mainly does; Connor has more faith in Hermes than Travis ever did. They bring Chris to camp, where they and Clarisse try to help him, to keep him going until Mr D returns. Mr D does save the day, Chris' mind is restored, but then there's the hard part. The initial distrust, the slow and painful path to reconciliation and redemption. If done right, it could be a banger of an arc.
It gives a reason a better reason for why Katie accuses Travis of being the spy in tlo; "you brought your brother - who wasn't claimed until recently and only you and Connor saw it - to camp after he showed up apparently randomly at your doorstep? After he joined Luke - your other brother - and Kronos? After he went on a mission to try and use the labyrinth to destroy camp?" Travis, of course, wasn't the spy, but at least there's a reason for suspicion on the others' parts outside of 'he's Luke's brother' (which is the general consensus and interpretation from the fandom, which never really made sense to me as Luke had left camp four years before tlo and there's a high chance Katie wasn't even at camp at that point).
They've already started by introducing Chris so early, but I hope they expand his story and the Stolls' roles, especially in botl and tlo. Let them have complicated feelings about Luke. Let them mourn him, and let them hate him. Let the angst hit.
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kelvingemstone · 2 years ago
just like we don't know the roy family's past and it has only been hinted at through a veil of secrecy--the covering up of the aftermath of something truly horrible--we will not know the roy family's future. there will be no definitive ending, there will be no closing the file, there will be no way to stop thinking about it and no way to save it. we don't know what happened to rose, and we will never know what happened to her.
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