#colin writing an unmarried lady
maefansblog · 3 months
Colin carried Pen's Letters with him! 🥹😭
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jackoshadows · 7 months
It's so confusing and weird that Bridgerton introduced in world racism both with Lady D and Simon in season one of the show and in Queen Charlotte and at the same time they also want the audience to accept that somehow Marina Thompson or the dark skinned Indian Kate Sharma has more privilege and power than Penelope Featherington?
Kate Sharma was also poor, so much more than the Featheringtons. She depended on Lady D to host them. The Sharmas were looked down on by the ton because Mary Sheffield married an Indian. The Sharmas were disowned and ostracized by the Sheffields.
Kate was also an unmarried spinster. No one was asking Kate to dance. As much as Kate wanted love and romance and to dance at a ball wearing pretty dresses, she got none of that. She was also the woman on the sidelines watching as others danced and fell in love.
Racism and colorism is also very much a thing in eurocentric notions of beauty considering the setting and characters of Bridgerton is 99% white.
We got so little of Kate's backstory, of who her parents where - we didn't even get their names!! - of the trauma (explained for both Simon and Anthony using flashbacks) that had Kate overlooking her own happiness for that of her sister.
Despite bragging nonstop about the diversity of Bridgerton the showrunners thought that the white Featheringtons needed more screentime in season 2 rather than the South Asian family.
And Kate was planning on going back to India and work as a governess to pay for her livelihood. Because, you know, there's more honest ways of being a 'working woman' than running the equivalent of the regency 'Daily Mail' dragging other women down. The modiste Madame Delacroix, Kate planning to teach and Sienna in season one are all working to pay a living. Black, brown and lower class women looking to alleviate poverty.
And considering how much harder Kate already had it as an outsider in the ton, it wouldn't have been easy with Penelope using her gossip rag to describe the unmarried Indian woman as ' a Spinster of a beast'. What did Kate do to Penelope to warrant this? Nothing. Just a way for Penelope to make money at Kate's expense.
That's the thing I dislike the most about the way the character of Penelope is written on the show - her victims don't deserve her vitriol and are often in much worse circumstances than her. From Kate Sharma to the unnamed seamstress who apparently lost all her customers because Penelope wrote falsely about their work in the her tabloid as a bribe for Madam Delacroix.
And I think that's what I find problematic about the writing of the show and even the discourse surrounding it - when characters like Marina Thompson (the poor black cousin who would have ended up destitute on the streets because of Penelope) and Kate Sharma arguably have it far worse than Penelope Featherington as per the show's writing and yet we are supposed to have the most sympathy for Penelope because her crush Colin didn't love her back and she's a curvy white woman?
I guess that's the difference between how I perceive this world and these characters as a woc and the majority white female audience for this show and it's such a huge disconnect for me. I guess this is also partly because the show has this badly written and 'strangely toothless racism' as Ash Sarkar beautifully put it. As in the racism is treated in this world as a little problem solved by handing out a few titles to black people instead of being a white supremacist ideology which treated black and brown people as inferior, serfs and slaves.
From what little we got from season 2, Kate Sharma definitely did not have it easy navigating the ton as a poor outsider and that certainly contributed to her poor choices. She is also put through the wringer, treated like the other woman, is miserable for several episodes, had to apologize again and again and nearly die before Edwina forgives her!
In contrast Penelope's actions have hurt so many and yet she gets a pass by both the show and a fandom that wants Colin to grovel before her because of a single offhand remark and because he didn't return her affections.
Also making it clear here that I am not comparing Penelope to the male characters who always get the better writing, flaws and all. I am comparing Penelope to the female characters of colour - Kate Sharma and Marina Thompson.
I mean, Marina Thompson gets so much vitriolic and sexist hatred for not having told Colin Bridgerton the truth of her pregnancy. How dare Marina hurt this privileged white man Colin Bridgerton. When she was desperate to not end up destitute on the streets or get raped by old white men. And yet Penelope gets a pass for hurting women like Marina and Kate.
It continues a trend of white female characters never being held to the same standard as female characters of colour. Daphne sexually assaults Simon in season one and that was not even addressed on the show. Male rape is apparently no big deal because Daphne wanting children is what's important. It's Simon who has to apologize and within one episode resolve his trauma and accept being a father. This is despite both Daphne and Penelope having more screentime and more writing that builds their character unlike the stick thin writing given to Kate Sharma in season 2.
So yeah, I will be checking into season 3 to watch the ten minutes we get with Kate Sharma since we got so little of her in her own season and it's so singular to get dark skinned south Indian characters in a period drama romance like this. It's just the way the writing on the show, the production and even the fandom treats it's characters, especially characters of colour has been disappointing to say the least.
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shy-taylorsversion · 4 months
The Courting Season
Pairing - Colin Bridgerton x Reader
Requested by anonymous
Word Count 1.4k
Warnings - none ◡̈
A/N - I’m absolutely horrible about writing consistently so this took forever to post but here it is!! in honor of part 1 of season 3 ◡̈ enjoy!!
Candlelight coated the room in a dreamy glow. Skirts swayed amongst the dancefloor as young women made their best attempts at gaining a suitor and securing a comfortable future.
Over a month into her debut season, her dance card remained blank and her days empty. She hadn’t one visitor, much less a definite suitor since the day she was presented to the queen. Eloise was frustrated by her disappointment, not understanding why it mattered so much. The lack of interest in the girls left them with the time to continue their daily endeavors. Mainly, reading and speaking of the unfair challenges thrust upon them in their society.
Y/n enjoyed their days together but with pressure from her mother to find a match soon and the prying eyes of the ton, she couldn’t suppress the feeling that she was doing something wrong. The lords seemed to flee from her, never more than a polite smile or nod during their daily promenade.
So for the umpteenth time, she found herself residing in the corner of the room, a glass of lemonade in hand. She would have opted for champagne but her mother insisted that it was not ladylike for an unmarried woman to drink. She rolled her eyes at the thought and sipped her drink, swallowing quickly when a figure approached her.
Colin Bridgerton was the one constant in her life as of this season. He seemed to be there at every turn, ready to relieve her of the dreadful outings and painful looks given at seeing her alone.
He was the one exception to her blank dance card. Though it was deemed improper for a man to dance with a woman more than twice before officially courting, Colin didn’t seem to care. They were probably causing a scandal but she couldn’t be bothered to mention it. She enjoyed their dances and conversations. When they were together, the stressors of the ton seemed to evaporate and for that she was grateful. Even if that's all it was.
“Hello, Miss Y/n,” Colin said, stopping in front of her. He extended one of the glasses he held. “It seems like you could use one of these.” She tilted her head, confused since she was already having a glass but he didn’t pull back. She sat her old glass down on a passing tray and took the offered. Not wanting to be impolite, she took a sip. Bubbles hit her tongue instead of the expected citrus causing her to gasp. He’d handed her champagne.
“Momma said I could not.” She tried to give it back discreetly so as to not cause scandal but he shook his head.
“No one can tell.” He shook his head and shuffled slightly closer to her, “With the way you were eyeing the glasses, you should enjoy some.”
She looked around the room, only to see no one paying them any mind. She relaxed a bit and took another sip, sighing with contentment. There was really only so much lemonade a lady could drink.
“Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton.” She grinned up at him. She could never look at him for too long or the blood rushed to her cheeks and she began fumbling over her words. Her eyes flitted away but back to him as he spoke.
“I believe I have asked you to drop the formalities.” He raised an eyebrow at her which caused her to look away again. She smiled at his teasing. “Now, finish up quickly because I believe you have been standing all alone for entirely too long. It is time for our dance.”
The next week was filled with much of the same. Outings and sporting events, promenades, and balls moved her through the days. Colin was there at her side for nearly all of them. He’d missed a few for business at Bridgerton House but for the most part, he was with her. Eloise was slightly vexed at her brother’s constant presence but y/n didn’t mind. His jokes were funny and just improper enough to not bore her, and she couldn’t help but secretly savor the way his hand would linger in hers as he helped her from her carriage.
She absentmindedly flipped through the book in her hand. After rereading the same passage for the fifth time, she decided that she simply wasn’t in the headspace to focus.
Her sisters were flittering through the house preparing for tonight's ball and her mother was rushing after them. It was endearing but distracting. She would also be lying if she didn’t admit to the pair of blue eyes that kept drifting through her mind. There wasn’t much she could do to stop it either.
No matter how much she pushed him from her thoughts, Colin was there. She sighed and blinked away the few tears that had formed, a mix of disappointment and sadness filled her. She couldn’t love Colin Bridgerton. He was Eloise’s brother and a Bridgerton for Christ’s sake.
The door creaked, revealing their maid who let her know of a visitor. Her mood was immediately raised at the idea. The maid had a small smile on her face which was abnormal. The older woman was typically brooding and huffy but she almost seemed giddy now.
She nodded to let the visitor in, trying to stifle the smile threatening to cover her face, and stood to her feet. She deflated a bit when Colin walked into the room.
“Should I be offended at your lack of enthusiasm towards my presence?” He grinned as he made his way towards her.
“No, No.” She shook her head, hoping to not have offended him. “I was just-”
“Expecting someone else?” He was teasing and it made her face go warm.
She rolled her eyes and sat back down on the sofa. He followed, knee against hers as he angled to face her. His eyes lingered on her for a moment before he seemed to remember himself.
“I have something for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. There was a glint in his eyes and a slight tension in his shoulders, he didn’t seem stressed but nervous.”It was my grandmother’s, my mother’s mother.”
She took the box from him and flipped it open, revealing a gold band with a small diamond. She gasped and her brows knit together in confusion. It was beautiful but why was he giving her a ring? It was too familial to just be a friendly gift. On top of it being an heirloom, it was valuable. It reminded her of her mother’s engagement ring from her father.
Y/n’s thoughts slowed at the mention of the word engagement. Colin Bridgerton was giving her a ring, a diamond ring. She stared at the glittering jewel until her surroundings faded.
“Do you not like it?” He said, worry lacing his voice, “We can find another if you would prefer. It is quite old-fashioned but I had assumed with your love of history and-”
He was rambling, talking faster and faster with each word. She’d sussed him out correctly. He had been nervous.
“No, Colin. I love it, It's beautiful.” She breathed out. Memories of the season fell into places like pieces of a puzzle. His seeking her out at every event, dancing with her at every ball, and whispering with her in the corner of every room she found herself in. The way she’d feel his eyes even when she’d looked away, his hand in hers for longer than necessary, every small touch. It made sense but he’d never said anything. “Though, I must be honest. I am not sure why you are giving it to me.”
He let out a huff of a laugh. Her eyes found him and the expression of confusion written across his face must have mirrored her own.
“I do believe we have known each other long enough to not draw out our courting period.”
She looked at him incredulously.
“You are asking for my hand?” Gaping, she looked from him to the ring and back, “At this very moment?”
He chuckled again and nodded. “I thought that much was obvious.”
“Colin, Since when have we been courting?”
It was his turn to gape at her, opening and closing his mouth before speaking again. His face went white with realization.
“I never formally asked you, have I?”
A laugh made its way through her before she could stop herself, body shaking in amusement. He looked at her, soon joining in her laughter.
She wiped the tears from her eyes as she caught her breath, letting out a small giggle before fully being finished.
They were quiet for a moment as she looked at the ring still in her hand. His eyes were on her once again and she glanced up at him, beaming. They stayed there, not looking away from the other.
“Yes, Colin Bridgerton. Of course, I will marry you.”
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sw4nduckling · 3 months
holy fuck my heart
i would just like to share with polination this absolute BOMB of an excerpt from this fic i'm reading HES DOWN BAD FOR HER PENMANSHIP GOD I WANT TO CRY
“Are those my letters?” he asked smilingly.
Blue eyes met his a little shyly as she nodded. “I’m searching for a passage that I can’t stop thinking of.”
“I wasn’t aware that you kept them. Or that you brought them with us.” He took in the wide yellow ribbon that Penelope had tied the stack with, noticing the care she had taken to preserve his missives.
“I treasure them, for they are a part of our story.”
Colin reached for her hand and kissed it. Each sweet moment where she opened her heart to him felt like a precious gem that she was entrusting to his care. That they were shared at a cost, for her eyes still held a flash of worry when she confessed such things, made him all the more grateful.
He rummaged through his bag without a word, handing her a leather folio that she opened curiously. 
“You saved mine as well!” she cried.
“Of course, dear one. And now you have the complete set in your possession, although our story is far from finished.” He smiled at her affectionately, noticing her shoulders relax at having her sentiments mirrored by her husband.
“May I keep them for now? Our correspondence has inspired an idea, and it would be useful to have both perspectives.”
“What is it? A special edition of Whistledown?” he asked hesitantly. They still hadn’t approached the question of her column, and Colin wasn’t eager to. It filled him with discomfort to think of the risk involved and he still didn’t fully approve of her methods. Meddling in others’ lives could easily lead to unintended consequences.
“No, no. To be honest, I haven’t thought much of the column on our journey. There are too many other lovely things to consider.” She paused, worrying her lip. “I will, of course, respect your opinion on the matter, but I’ve been thinking of writing a romance. A story of friends who fall in love through a secret correspondence.” 
She looked at him hopefully, and Colin gestured her toward his lap, seeing that she needed reassurance of his approval. “It’s a delightful idea, Pen,” he said, squeezing her tightly. “And it’s inspired by our letters?”
Penelope hesitated, “Well, yes, although I understand that they weren’t love letters, Colin. But I believe I could make it an exciting tale, especially given the impropriety of an unmarried gentleman and lady writing and hiding their activities.” 
He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “So you never wrote to me with romance in your heart? What a pity, for my own would beat faster every time I saw my name written in your hand.”
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x2 - Shock and Delight (Part 2)
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Hi! Welcome back to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
In Part Two I will be doing a deep dive analysis on the structural arc of Daphne and Simon's Courtship No, I'm kidding, but unfortunately, I won't be talking about a whole lot of Pen or Colin either.... At least lack of screen time gets us to better things quicker ;)
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Okay, so we pick up with Penelope bringing Marina a few treats - because Marina is staying home due to her 'condition'. And here's my thing... Penelope is so happy to be coming to see Marina. Even after Colin has been courting her a little, Penelope is fine with Marina. And this is the one unfortunate side effect of this whole plot line, because I think Penelope and Marina could have been friends.
Marina is generally nice to Penelope -- I'm assuming that she hasn't made fun of Penelope, hasn't made snide little comments, and has noticed Pen as an actual person, and it seems as no one other than Eloise and Colin has done this for Penelope. Plus, she's someone new and someone who isn't seemingly a terrible person, so of course Pen is excited to sneak up to see her.
Plus -- all of the pregnancy stuff is terrible exciting for her. Not because of the Lady Whistledown, gossip of it all -- no, because stuff like this doesn't happen in her world. And she's incredibly curious about all of it. She wants to know to understand her world better. And Marina offers her a view of the outside world that she never gets to see.
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So, we learn that Marina will be sticking around and Penelope takes a moment to inquire how the pregnancy happened - since clearly she and Eloise still haven't found anyone to give them answers. (I wonder why they didn't go find a servant and ask them, anyway, I digress...)
Marina, amused, answers that cake is the reason for her condition.
And I love how Penelope is so confused... and hesitant about eating the piece of cake in her hand. But I mean, girl... my dear, sweet, summer child Penelope, listen up because cake is gonna be how you end up pregnant, too ;)
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*ah-hem* I'm sorry, what was I saying? Oh, right back to Season 1...
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So we get a really long boring explanation that Marina fell in love with a dude named George Crane and they fucked around and found out and then George Crane went to fight in the army and Marina was shipped off to be with her unimaginably mean spirited cousins.
And, look, I may not be into this story but Penelope totally is. Because it's a love story. It's about two people just finding their way, and doing sweet, little things for each other, and just falling in love with each other. And Penelope is eating this right up. This girl has the biggest, most romantic soul, and it's endearing to her on every level.
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Marina reveals that she and George have been writing, and Penelope is both scandalized and titillated. And I mean, unmarried men and women who were not related to each other weren't really supposed to be writing letters -- let alone love letters -- to each other. This is a BIG FUCKING DEAL, and Penelope just loves it. But I mean, it also speaks to her -- it speaks to her as a writer, and a romantic, and this idea that two people fall in more in love through writing is just... something that's going to be a part of her own story, so this is a very meaningful thing, here.
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The last beat of this is a little funny to me, because even though Pen is so invested in this love story, Marina is still being vague, so Pen asks straight up -- how did you get pregnant? And Marina just simply replies... love. And I mean, it's an incredibly sweet moment -- and I love that it's punctuated by Penelope holding a letter -- because, again, the written word will be so powerful in her story but also...
She's just dumbfounded because -- love? Love got you pregnant? Thanks, Marina, I was hoping for a mechanical break down of how that works, because no one will actually give me details on that, but I suppose a metaphor will work...
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Wondering what Colin is up to? Not a whole lot, hanging out with his mother and brother, being very good at not really being in this scene. BUT I'M TRYING TO BE THOROUGH!
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No, okay, but here's my thing. We have this whole picnic thing going on the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons are around. And the Bridgerton siblings are all kind of playing around, and honestly, I love this little moment of them all playing this hoop game. I mean, Anthony is there, sure. But I think it's important showing Colin fooling around with Gregory and Hyacinth in this game -- it kind of a nice visual reminder of how young Colin is. And a nice complement to the next scene where Pen asks if she can go 'play' with Eloise.
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And, I mean, I love this moment. Penelope and Eloise have been 'playing' for a long time, and it's another reminder that Penelope is also incredibly young here. She may have been pushed out into the world sooner than she wanted to, but she is still childish at heart, too.
And, as an aside I should note -- Nicola Coughlan was 32 when she filmed this. 32!! And she makes Penelope seem so, so, so young. Coughlan also has talked about how she used a much higher voice when doing Season 1 Penelope to help give the illusion that Penelope is still a young girl. It's such a cool acting choice. I'm glad Coughlan is really beginning to get the recognition she deserves.
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Penelope fills Eloise in on the gossip that 'love' was what got Marina pregnant, and they are both still confused. I kind of love that Penelope is more so confused because her own mother had three children and clearly that didn't happen because her parents' loved each other. I mean, it's wise of Penelope to acknowledge that, but also kind of sad, too. It's one reason she gravitates towards the Bridgertons so hard - their family love is something she doesn't have.
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Eloise wants to know if the 'maid' is frightened, but Penelope lights up because she is caught up in the love story of it all. Marina has told her she's going to run away to the country side and get married. To Penelope, this is the best possible outcome -- a woman finding love and starting her family based out of that love. I'm sure it's happened in the books she loves to read, and getting a front seat to it all is even more exciting.
Eloise, of course, does not share her view, and we get another instance of the two of them not being on the same page. Eloise exclaims that it's terrible and frightening that this is all happening -- because marriage is the worst option. It means succumbing to the will of man and society yet again, and Eloise just cannot have it.
There's a little moment towards the end where Eloise is slightly forceful with Penelope -- in a way where Eloise is trying to shake the silly love story out of Penelope's head and remind her what's actually at stake -- the poor 'maid's freedom. And I can only imagine that Eloise has spent a good amount of time reminding Penelope that she shouldn't want to be married and that the two of them are going to go off being great, single dames with many adventures.
(But also - as an aside - one reason Eloise is so afraid is that she still remembers her mother going into labor after her father died, and that has made a profound impact on her. She doesn't want to go through that nightmare herself. It's just something I wanted to note, because Eloise is a pretty complex and interesting character, even if I'm only tangentially hitting on her character in these posts.)
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Back at the Bridgerton camp, Lord Berbrooke is causing a stir as he's trying to stake a claim on Daphne.
And I mean, the thing about Colin in the background is that he's taking this all very seriously. Berbrooke is scandalizing his sister and making a mockery of the Bridgerton name and Colin really isn't about to let anyone do either of those things. But, this isn't his story, and Anthony is handling it so he's just on guard and waiting...
I also think it's kind of funny that Lady Whistledown was named checked during this scene. Whatever would happen if she knew what was going on?? Meanwhile, Lady Whistledown is busy asking her mother if she could go play with her bff and trying to figure out how babies are made. The fact that LW carries so much weight already and yet, Penelope really doesn't know what power she has yet.
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The next sequence I actually really like. It's been hammered into us these first couple of episodes how little power that women have. So, since they can't go duel people, they can do what they do best -- talk. And talk they do. And the gossip is spread about how Berbrooke got a maid pregnant and sent her off to the country side and the rumors start to swirl.
It's very intentional that they showed a clip of Varley, Portia's hand maid (and right hand man) getting the news. Because this is undoubtedly how Penelope finds out about it.
But here's the thing. Here's the thing I really, really, really want to stress. You know what saves Daphne from having to marry this asshat? You know what stops Anthony from having to punch the dude or Simon from taking measures into his hands or something much worse happening? Lady Whistledown. Lady. Fucking. Whistledown.
Penelope, when it comes down to it, always protects the Bridgertons. Always. She may make some questionable choices at times, and may not always be kind to them in her writing, but she will always protect them when she can. She may not know or fully understand her full power, but it's no doubt that the Queen will eventually think it's a Bridgerton writing it -- because they are always, ultimately, shielded in column.
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And I mean, look at the look in her eyes as she watches her mother gossip with other women. Look at her pretending to read what she, herself, has written. She knows the gossip is working. And she delights that her own handiwork is at play.
It's a great little moment in an otherwise brilliant sequence.
However... that's all we get in this episode. Stay tuned for Episode 3 where... even less happens! :D Thanks for reading! :)
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maevelin · 3 months
Is it the timeline or did Colin actually succeed?
I mean...he asked Cressida for mercy and she blackmailed him for more (while seeing right through him). But then? What does Cressida do? Her aunt came to retrieve her and Cressida had quit and said nothing mattered anymore. Before Penelope's revelation she had all the time to do more damage. She didn't know about the letter Penelope had sent to the Queen, the ball took time to organize and by the time Penelope confessed in public she was Whistledown Cressida could have pressed more for the blackmail even if it got her nowhere. She couldn't know that. And she did...nothing.
So from the moment Colin speaks to her all the way to the time Cressida gets into the carriage to go to Scotland there is a time gap that is not explained. Did Colin's words got to her?
And given how Eloise went to Scotland too. And how Cressida didn't actually write the fake LW pamphlet but it was her mother who did it and targeted the Bridgertons to Cressida's dismay...I do not know where they are going with this.
There is the juxtaposition here of Eloise going to Scotland being a blessing while Cressida going being a curse.
I have to say that even though I despised Cressida for a long time this season showed her under a different light and I didn't like the way Eloise treated her (Eloise has the tendency to get so self centered into her own drama and talk non stop that she pays no attention to the actual drama unfolding next to her as was Cressida's fate to marry that old man, then to have no family support, to get her dowry withdrawn, to panic to find a way out, to get exiled to Scotland and in contrast while Eloise talks Cressida actually observes which was why she made the metaphor about Eros and Psyche and while she read Colin so well and that may not be literary 'cleverness' but she is certain perceptive).
And this Cressida is not the same as she was in the books given how here she is powerless and unmarried and at the mercy of others.
Not that her actions/bullying are justified but they come from a point where it is all about survival and indoctrination and that I do get and I can empathize with in contrast with her book counterpart.
So do you think Colin failed in his plea of mercy or did he succeed but they didn't realize it?
I am not sure if this was the intention of the writers or they messed their timeline given how the published Lady Whistledown pointed out to Cressida's failed blackmail attempt and wished her the best for the future.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 5 months
If you found good recs please share, Im looking too
Hiya love! This is what I’m reading right now, and it’s really really well done (and totally scratching the itch for Season 3!)
🐝 The Gentlemen’s Wager by wantisamlindyla
After his careless words ruined Penelope's prospects on the marriage mart, Colin is determined to do everything he can to restore her reputation and to find her a good match, even if it means pretending to court his best friend.
However, outside forces with a grudge against the Bridgertons inadvertently transforms a wallflower into the most coveted prize of the London Season of 1815.
This was my first introduction, and it was really fun!
🐝 Hang Society by ktbeets
Colin comes home to discover that Penelope is no longer the girl he once knew and no longer acting like the lady she was raised to be. Intrigued by her mystery and tempted by her secrets, just how far will Colin go to satisfy his curiosity?
And this is what I’m planning to read next!
🐝 Letters by ktbeets
While Colin travels, he and Penelope have taken to writing each other, growing closer in the process. How will their newfound closeness translate to polite society, which scrutinizes every interaction between unmarried ladies and gentlemen?
If I find anymore, I’ll let you know! ⭐️
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
(Today on another episode of stories I'm too sleep deprived to write. I present)
Catching up to Polin week DAY TWO: 
Amnesia AU
After his trip to forget Marina, Colin happens to sustain a bad fall that leaves him without memories of the past year and somehow, he's also left with the mistaken belief ( gained after going trough all his letters from the summer), that Penelope Featherington must be his intended. Because what gentleman would exchange such personal letters with an unmarried lady unless he was indeed in the middle of a courtship.
The Bridgertons, in an effort to not aggravate his injury and help his memory come back, decide to play along with Colin and ask Penelope to stand in as his fiancee for the time being. Just for a while until the swelling in his head goes down and Colin's memories return.
Poor Penelope is left with a dilemma, between pushing for Colin to remember he's not actually courting her. And losing herself in enjoying the actual courtship of the man she loves, who will break things off once things go back to normal.
Unfortunately Colin's memories return when he accidentally discovers that Penelope is lady Whistledown and knowing fully that his dear Pen, will use that as an excuse to break things off with him, while she continues living her double life as Lady Whistledown, Colin continues to pretend he's amnesiac, determined to seduce Penelope into marriage, even if he thinks she's only with him because she pities his condition. He's grown to love her and he will use any underhanded trick he has in order to keep her.
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astridthevalkyrie · 9 days
to add to that last ask, portia featherington is a beloved character despite the fact that she: encouraged marina to trick colin, manipulated her by forging the letter from george (because before that marina was NOT planning on pursuing colin like that), fearmongered her and made sure marina didn't stay unmarried despite her wanting to, slapped her after finding out she was pregnant (marina was a teenage girl!), and is generally emotionally abusive to all her daughters especially penelope and everyone says it's okay because she loves her kids!
so we have our answer, if marina was white, i think everyone would love her. because portia is like 70% of the reason marina did what she did. and sure, she has somewhat of a redemption arc in season 3, but people loved her even before that. and that's not to say i don't find her entertaining. she's funny, she delivers lines well, she's the worst and it makes for enjoyable scenes. but i do give more grace to the pregnant black teenager than to the middle aged white woman for "protecting her kids." in quotes because even if portia did see herself in pen, her treatment of pen is in no way protective or loving and flipping it around once she sees that colin genuinely loves her seems incredibly insincere.
also this isn't unique to bridgerton. you remember when the little mermaid live action came out? even going past the absolute vileness and vitriol that halle bailey faced leading up to the release you remember how when it came out? and everyone and their mothers LOVED vanessa? vanessa who had no lines? vanessa whose singing voice was halle bailey and whose speaking voice was melissa mccarthy? the white actress who just had to spin around for a minute and make a very evil expression? and people said she stole the movie? and you can't say it's racism because people will be like "omg so just liking a white actress/character is racist???" no. and you know that's not it. it's that you would go out of your way to put such heavy praise onto a white actress that did absolutely nothing special aside from being a pretty white girl when it was halle who made the movie and even that scene with her acting and her voice.
remember how in ginny and georgia people are absolutely insane and disgusting when it comes to ginny a young mixed girl but praise abby the mean and edgy white girl and go so far as to call her a victim? and sure some of it just comes from a concerning lack of recalling media but it's also just this unsaid perhaps unconscious dislike people have of black characters (and all characters of color but especially black characters). it's the fact that many writers write them to be disliked. and people fall for it, take the bait, hook line and sinker.
and it's in little doses. god i just. people can think i'm reaching at straws all they want but lucas in stranger things. how in the first season he's MADE to be disliked despite being in the right. kenny in cobra kai who is humiliated again and again in show and we're supposed to dislike him or maybe just laugh at him. whatever the fuck is happening in that shameless scene where fiona fires the only black employee that works for her. i haven't seen shameless but that scene unfortunately comes up on my feed once every few months and each time i hate it more. because people will say "b-b-b-but that lady was a bad employee! she was lazy and coming to work late and then playing the race card!" yes! precisely! why did the writers write a scene like that? why did they play into such a negative stereotype just to give their woe-is-me white woman a #badbitch moment? the sinister thrill that people get from seeing black characters and especially black women "get what's coming to them" is so concerning!
how people talk about jacinda in the last season of once upon a time and say henry had more chemistry with ivy. no the fuck he did NOT. if jacinda was white and ivy was black, that would not be such a popular opinion. and it does get trickier when it comes to shipping because sure, everyone likes different things in fiction. i haven't seen star wars so take the following with a grain of salt but yeah sure people will like rey x kylo more than rey x finn. her dynamic with kylo is probably more interesting. but WHY is it more interesting. why could the writers not make her relationship with finn more engaging if he was supposed to be her love interest? would more people not be calling reylo toxic if kylo was played by a black actor? would more people not be saying that rey is a lesbian if she was played by a black woman? that is to say, i am in no way saying that people who ship reylo are racist. i think there are very few people who actively had the thought "i'm not going to ship rey with finn because finn is black." however i think there is a combination of a, writers not wanting to make black characters outright evil because they'll be called racist so they just sneak in ways to make them either annoying or boring, and b, fandom either ignoring or actively disliking black characters whether the writers do it or not. again, haven't seen star wars, but i can also talk about how lucas and max from stranger things are now more popular post season 4 when they were given better scenes, but how before that everyone shipped max with eleven.
or what about the mess of a movie that is set it up. where the two bad characters are the ceo guy who is portrayed as angry and aggressive and cheating on his girlfriend, and the main character's girlfriend, who is portrayed as vain and selfish.
the only beloved black character from a POPULAR fandom (because there are beloved and well-written black and other poc characters in smaller fandoms) that i can think of off the top of my head is jesper from six of crows. he's a MAIN character, first of all, and he is clearly written to be liked. the show and book make him the charmer, the funny one, gives him an actual plotline and secrets and family and angst and engagement just like all the other characters in the story. perhaps characters like t'challa in marvel could be considered popular. but on ao3, out of 500k marvel fics, 10k have him tagged as a character. whereas in 10k fics for six of crows, jesper is tagged in 6k and him x wylan is the second most popular ship.
idek where i'm going with this. i'm not trying to be mean. it's fine and valid to say that someone wouldn't like a character if they're white. i think it's also valid for me to say that black characters are villainized or ignored by writers and fandoms alike in a way white characters aren't, and that sometimes it's very obvious.
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
The Whispering Wallflower: A Polin Season 3 Storyline
(Thanks to YellowDressesAndYearning for the inspiration💕)
Penelope wants nothing to do with Colin when he comes home and she tells him as much. She implies she was humiliated when some unkind people (possibly Cressida Cowper) mention loudly and in the presence of many eligible gentlemen, that she was the youngest Featherington girl, the one Colin Bridgerton said he would never dream of courting, and with her family’s scandalous past, who knows what she’s hiding.
Colin heard about the incident from his family and feels terrible. He calls on Penelope to say he wants to make things right because he values their friendship, mentioning that he missed her sending him letters on his latest travels. He asked why she didn’t write to him and she said that after she wasted her first two seasons focusing entirely on her childish fantasies and worrying about her friends, she realized she was risking her future and needed to better prepare herself because this season has to be different. She has to find herself a husband, or risk becoming exactly what everyone expects her to become, a spinster.
Colin says someone as good as her could never become a spinster, and he promises he’ll help her attending all the same parties that she goes to this season. He promises to stick to her like glue to make sure that everyone understands that she is his dearest friend in the world, that he thinks very highly of her, and that she will make an incredible wife and mother to a very lucky gentleman.
Colin’s plan works nearly immediately and Penelope starts to become more popular thanks to her witty and pleasant nature. People who never talked to her before now know she’s a lovely young lady, kind, funny and smart, and a lot more people begin seeking her out at balls, parties and events… and some of them happen to be eligible gentlemen.
It dawns on Colin that finding someone as fun, and understanding and who he likes and trusts as much as Penelope might never happen again and he starts to second-guess whether he should consider courting her even though he’s publicly sworn off women and love and relationships ever since what happened with Marina.
At one point while they are once again ignoring the rules about unmarried couple being alone together, they are behind closed doors enjoying some of the contents of Colin’s flask but Penelope is a light weight and loosens up when she’s drunk. Her flirty banter, wicked humor and voluptuous figure are much appreciated by Colin. There’s a moment between them and they kiss. It’s a good kiss and they are both very into it! He pulls her body tightly against his, her fingers are in his hair and they are wrapped around each other completely overtaken by passion.
Penelope tells Colin she doesn’t want him to stop, she’s never felt anything like this with anyone before. Surprised but also feeling very much the same, Colin agrees. They have sex.
Afterwards, Penelope asks if what they have done is how babies are made. Colin says yes but tells her he withdrew from her to not risk Penelope becoming with child. She nods in understanding and asks of it is always like that or is it different between a man and his wife than it is with mistresses and whores. Colin says he wants Penelope to marry him but she turns him down because they were drinking and got carried away.
Colin looks stricken and asks why she won’t even consider him after everything they’ve been through. He asks if it’s because he’s merely a third son and lives completely off his brother’s charity, or because he was a young fool tricked by her cousin, or perhaps it was that thoughtless comment he made about never courting her. He looks away, grim faced and whispering how he hates himself for having ensured his own misery. But she says it’s none of that, that he’s asking out of his sense of honor and she will not force his hand to steal his future. Especially knowing that he intentionally did not spill inside her so she wouldn’t get pregnant.
Colin insists that he wants to be with her, she’s the best person he knows and he would be thrilled to be her husband. But Penelope tells him he can’t ask her when he doesn’t know so much about her, that she has secrets that could ruin any life they built together. And because she thinks he’s settling for her because he’s afraid to risk his heart loving someone who could hurt him the way Marina did.
Colin tells Penelope that the way he feels about her is completely different, that their relationship is special and how he feels about her is unlike anything he’s ever felt before. He says that she’s nothing like Marina and she never could be. But she stops him and says she’s no different than Marina. She too has made choices that she regrets and done terrible things because she felt she had to… things that would forever change the way he saw at her and when Colin still insists he wants her, Penelope confesses she’s Whistletown.
Stunned, Colin demands Penelope explain everything and she does. It’s messy and complicated, truly the perfect storm of impossible situations, desperate, impulsive decisions and he understands why she did what she did, and knows her well enough to believe that she never intended to cause the hurt she caused, but it’s clear to him that her actions have wounded her deeply as well. Particularly the pain she caused him, Eloise and of course Marina.
Penelope admits she knows no man would willingly marry Whistledown and it’s horrible that she’s planning to keep this from her suitors and future husband but she has to think of her future. She has no choice but to trick someone into marrying her and pray the secret stays hidden.
She tells Colin he’s the only man who might be able to look past her being the notorious writer and see her, the girl he’s always known and the woman she’s become. But she couldn’t ruin his life by accepting his hand without telling him when this could potentially destroy his future. Before she leaves, Penelope tells Colin she would marry him in a heartbeat if she thought he loved her but she could never trick him, because she’s always loved him.
They stay away from each other for a few weeks. Colin is miserable. He knows if he married Penelope and her secret were ever revealed it could ruin his entire family. He can think of no other course of action but to stay away from her, hoping that his infatuation would end but everything makes him think of Penelope. His yellow curtains, the red haired child he saw in the park, the letters she’d sent him when he searched for his journal in his traveling trunk. He’d even begun dreaming of her and the life they could have. The happy family she would give him, traveling together, laughing little daughters with her eyes and smile, strapping sons with her clever wit and imagination. Every moment without her cast him further into darkness. He was drinking more and snapping at his family, avoiding friends and people were worried about him but didn’t know what was wrong.
One day he receives a letter from Penelope asking him when and where to meet her secretly to discuss something and to not tell a soul. Seeing her again sparks a feeling in him like he’s been drowning and Penelope was his lifesaving breath but something about the look in her eyes is different. She’s clearly distraught but focusing to keep her voice steady as she informed him that her courses were a week late and she was feeling unwell so her mother called for a doctor who confirmed she is with child. She can barely look him in the eye when she tells him but she mentioned she refused to tell her mother who the father is. Penelope informs Colin that her mother intends to tell people that Pen is going to visit her aunt in the country but she’s really being sent to have their child in secret. She confesses that she doesn’t trust her mother not to arrange a marriage to avoid scandal, and may try to have their child taken from Penelope at birth.
Colin is horrified at the very thought of what Penelope has endured alone and what she’s facing and then she looks into his eyes, pale faced but with a ferocity he did not know she was capable of, she assures him that she would sooner die than let anyone take her baby. He’s never seen anyone so serious, she tells him her plan to use her Whistledown money to support herself and the child. Penelope informs Colin of her intention to run away and assume the identity of a young war widow but that she couldn’t leave without telling him because he deserved to know. She vowed she would never tell a soul he was the father or keep him from his child. Penelope never asks Colin for anything and even says that after all her past secrets, he probably doesn’t even believe that the baby is his, and she can’t even blame him.
It’s more than Colin can bear and he immediately wraps her in his arms, saying he knows she would never lie about that, which is a relief to Penelope. She tells him she’s sorry she’s ruined everything and promises to write to him from wherever she goes and he pulls back and says she will do no such thing and Pen looks stricken, as though he might forbid her to ever contact him again.
Colin tilts Penelope’s face up to look in her eyes when he tells her she’s the love of his life and they’re going to marry and start their family, he’s not letting her run off alone and scared to live in secret and shame. He admits he’s been trying to forget her but it’s like trying to cut out his own heart and he would rather be exiled than to live another day pretending life without her was worth living at all. Colin gets on one knee and asks her again to marry him and Penelope accepts. He calls on Featherington house the next morning with flowers for Penelope, her mother and even Prudence, finally asking for Penelope’s hand.
Their mothers plan a small but beautiful wedding a few weeks later and everything seems right in the world… until they receive an anonymous letter from someone claiming to know their secret.
Fearing the worst, Colin and Penelope request a private meeting with Anthony, Kate and Violet to tell them everything and strategize how best to handle the situation. Thankful that the blackmailer is unlikely to have the same reach as Whistledown’s column, they are hopeful that they will find a solution which protects the Bridgerton name and their entire family from ruin.
Eager to know what her family is up to, Eloise is listening at the door of Anthony’s study and overhears everything, including a lot she was not aware of when she first found out Penelope was Whistledown and ended their friendship.
Hating herself for abandoning her dearest friend and assuming the absolute worst instead of trying to understand why she did what she did, Eloise bursts into Anthony study, telling them she too has played a part in the problem they’re facing by being reckless and impulsive herself. She insists she can help and shares that when the queen threatened her she also offered her protection if Eloise confessed and agreed to allow her majesty to use Whistledown.
Violet suggests they bring in Lady Danbury because she’s a dear and trusted friend who has been one of Queen Charlotte’s most trusted friends since they were young ladies. Together they approach the Queen and her majesty is surprisingly enthralled and fascinated by the story. Finding Penelope remarkable for all she accomplished as a lonely wallflower.
The Queen assures that they have nothing to fear. She calls in Brimsley and with a wink and nod, it is made clear that he is to spread the word of the true identity of Lady Whistledown and that the information was to be spoken of as though it were of the utmost secrecy since any threat of harm or retaliation towards the author would not be tolerated in any way and that anyone who tried to harm the gossip would answer to the Queen herself.
Assuring all that the whole of London would likely spread the word within days and no doubt be in awe of Penelope Bridgerton, the Queen promised their family should be safe from harm or ruin. Penelope is grateful but rightly apprehensive and eager to know how the Queen wished to use Whistledown in the future, to which her majesty replied, that since Penelope was a new wife and about to be a mother, her days writing as Whistledown were officially over. Whistledown was never to publish again. But for the remainder of the season, her majesty would expect private correspondence from Mrs. Bridgerton with whatever juicy little morsels of gossip might entertain.
Not long after that when the new private gossip to the Queen and her husband were resting at home, they received another anonymous letter which their butler informed them had been delivered by the Featherington footman. So the two decided to call on Featherington house where Prudence rather stupidly revealed that she thought they would never figure it out since she signed her notes “anonymous.” She told them she found a mostly burnt draft of Penelope’s letter asking Colin to meet her and figured out that Penelope had trapped Colin into marriage and if they did not wish for Whistledown to find out, they would need to buy her silence with fancy chocolates and pretty flowers every week for the rest of the season.
Prudence was so proud of herself for discovering her sister’s supposed secret, that neither Colin nor Penelope had the heart to remind her that there was only one more week until the season was over. They kept the fact that Whistledown would never publish again to themselves. But Colin, thankful that it wasn’t Hyacinth trying to blackmail them because she would have asked for sweets, flowers, a small fortune and probably naming rights for their first born, saw to it that Prudence was sent the biggest assortment of sweets and flowers they could find the very next day.
And as word spread over the course of the next week of the true identity of Lady Whistledown, London’s worst kept secret about the best anonymous gossip columnist the ton has ever known, led to Pen receiving quite the surge of invitations for tea. For though she may not be publishing her column anymore but everyone loves good gossip, and who better to share pleasant company and devilish conversation with than the Queen’s personal friend and renownedgossip, the whispering wallflower herself… Mrs. Penelope Bridgerton.
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gleefullypolin · 2 days
Stacy's Tipsy Musings: Battle of the Stans Round 2 Penelope
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We are back for round 2 of Stacy's Tipsy Musings: Battle of the Stans Version
Yes you heard me, it's when one side of the ship screams louder than the other about a certain opinion. Well I wanted to tear those opinions up one by one and see what a Polin Stan thought about it.
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun, I'm not trying to start a real fight here! These are just personal opinions that I feel come from one side and should really be looked at from the middle more. Peace love and shipping!
Round 1: Penelope| Colin
On to Round 2
Penelope Stans Round 2:
Why can’t you just get over it and accept her?
This one baffles me. The argument is from Pen’s stans is that Colin’s love was not enough for her because he could not immediately forgive her and accept lady Whistledown and instead ruined their wedding and made Pen suffer needlessly while he pouted and raged over it like a child.
Ok so this one bugs me a lot because the argument usually goes hand in hand with the same people being ok with Eloise being angry for a year over the same revelation, yet it’s not ok that Colin was angry for a couple of weeks. Le Sigh!
So, let’s go back to what happened. Pen did not get the chance, nor did she make the time before she was caught, to tell Colin herself that she was Whistledown. Now to be fair, I did not expect her to tell him herself since the books didn’t do this either. But she had the opportunity. Multiple opportunities to do so. El tried to force her hand through blackmail, then El told her not to do tell him to protect herself and sort of her brother. Either way, Pen should have done more talking and less listening to El’s advice which was only there to serve El’s own purpose and was not there to actually help Pen.
Either way, Pen did not communicate with Colin and thus he found out about it himself.
Now close your eyes! Imagine the person you love and trust most in your life. Someone who you are about to dedicate yourself to. Now imagine something that hurt you greatly in your past. Then imagine you find out that the person you trusted is connected to that hurt, that they lied and deceived you for years with that lie.
It changes how you see that person, right? However, Colin never lost his love for Pen. The conversation between Kate and Anthony shows that he didn’t. He responded that it didn’t change how he feels for her.
He was however lost and confused on many things. He’s upset with who she is, he’s wondering if he truly knows her, what and why she has written what she did, and his own jealousy over her success.
Colin was just finding his purpose, Pen brought him a new dream. Writing. And yet now he thinks she was just playing with him! Colin saw her as this adorable girl musing about his writing, and then he finds out she’s a famous writer. Suddenly so much of his understanding of Pen changed.
It wasn’t just a tiny white lie; it was everything he thought he knew. Now put them in Regency times when an unmarried man and woman can’t just sit down in a room and talk it out. They are literally stuck alone with their thoughts right before their wedding. He is lost adrift, and his closest friend isn’t who he thought she was. This is the person he would have gone to with an issue like this, but he can’t because she is the issue, and she is no longer who he thought she was.
And we blame him for not just immediately being ok, for not immediately accepting everything about the situation. But El was fine to be angry and sulking in her feels for a year? Considering that what Pen wrote about her was due to the QUEEN OF ENGLAND coming after her and she knew that. Please make that make sense to me.
Polin Fan Knockout Punch: Colin was appropriately upset and took his time to come around to his feelings. Pen gave him grace and space to work through them. Yes, she got tired of waiting, hence her leaving him to pout like a child on the day of Fran’s wedding. Even Pen had her limits, God bless her. But at the end of the day, they were married and worked it out and Colin accepted her completely as LW and Pen, he was proud of her and did not set limitations on their love. He was unconditional on his love of her when he came around to his acceptance. He deserved his time, and she gave it to him, which is what marriage is about. And we are lucky we have a couple who understand that.
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swallowedbyfandom · 14 days
Cressida has never believed in the hell the priests all rant about. Now however, she is a believer. What else could explain the indignity of being passed over repeatedly for frumpy Penelope Featherington?
Eloise had been her only ally against Penelope Featherington and her brute brother sent her away. She had felt so victorious when Eloise accepted her friendship. Still all her efforts were wasted. The Bridgerton's never welcomed her into their home. The Bridgertons had no problem loving that insipid wallflower. Yet they all shunned her when she made overtures! Even the youngest two turned their noses up at her. Her friendship with Eloise did not softened them to her at all. Oh, they were polite enough but they always watched her with suspicion. It was so insulting, she is a beautiful, wealthy lady of much higher status than some lowly Baron's third daughter.
Was that the end of her plights? No. She has been forced to witness all the most eligible gentlemen in society trip over themselves trips to keep that chit attentions! Even the Queen's special quest lost his head over her. It was disgusting to see a girl so pathetic rise so high. The Queen even seemed to approve of their match. It was madness! Penelope Featherington is a plump dull looking girl from a destitute family. What could she possibly have to offer anyone!
To add insult to injury her father has been lambasting her and her Mother over their failure to secure her a husband. He scolded mother over how poorly she trained Cressida. The gall of him! He claimed that if Portia Featherington could secure both her daughter's wealthy husbands with barely any dowry there was no excuse as to why Cressida was still unmarried. He claimed it was obvious that Lady Featherington knew how to raise proper genteel daughters. He believed with Penelope's success this season, that Lady Featherington was some sort of expert in motherhood.
Then he ranted at her for not befriending Penelope Featherington. As if she would ever lower herself in such a manner! He claimed she could have ridden the coattails of her success if only she had not been so openly mocking toward the girl. Father finished by telling them that they had two weeks to secure a match for her or he would see her married to Lord Greer. He even reduced their pin money!
Hell is real, and she is living in it! She will be shipped off with that vile old lecher while Penelope Featherington will be living the high life in Vienna. No, she will not have it! Surely there must be someone she can blackmail to save herself? Perhaps she can compromise Colin Bridgerton? How hard could it be! Yes, that will be her best option going forward. Eloise had told her enough stories that she can surely stroke his ego enough to get him alone. She must find her mama!
The gods are conspiring against her. After that Sunday sermon Colin Bridgerton hides away for three days. After he reappears in society he is never alone. His uppity mama or his obnoxious siblings, escort him everywhere. Worst her attempts at charming him have branded her as some sort of desperate light skirt. Lord Greer turned down her hand in marriage. That fossil said he wanted a bride with an unquestioned virtue! Her father's rage is boundless.
Her mama does not even try to help her. She claims she has her own problems. Her father declared her a failure as a daughter. He is sending her off in shame to live with his sister. He told her she can come back if his sister declared her ready to be a proper wife. He will not even allow her mama to write to her. What is she to do trapped in the country side?
Violet wants to rip all the hair from Portia Featherington's head. While she understood Portia was lashing out at Colin over his continued slights against Penelope, did she really have to go so far? Since that awful Sunday Service where her dimwitted son was proclaimed base there has been no end to her headaches. Someone painted the word jezebel on the door of his new home and on his personal carriage. Her only child who has managed to court without scandal is to be married by special license to avoid the church. The rumors now claim they only allowed Colin to travel to hide his lusty nature from the Ton. If she doesn't blame Portia she will smother Colin in his sleep. The day after that mortifying service Penelope sent her a discreet letter via maid.
Lady Violet,
While I am no longer in the business of gossiping, I still hear quite a bit. In this vein I must warn you of the current plotting that is afoot. The Ladies Cowper apparently hold quite a few grudges against your family. They are hoping to tie you all up in scandal to secure their futures. The grudges go as follows.
Lady Cowper blames Daphne for stealing her daughter's chance at becoming a princess. She also blames Anthony for ruining Cressida's prospects last year. She believes him not considering her daughter for the role of Viscountess to have tarnished her reputation.
I will not repeat Cressida's slander and grievances over Kate's heritage as it was most vile. I will however tell you that she was overheard questioning whether Anthony's future children should be considered heirs for the family title considering their mixed heritage. Miss Cowper is also miffed that Eloise was sent away as El was to help her secure a husband. This all ties to their current plot.
Lord Cowper has issued them an ultimatum. They are to secure a husband in the next two weeks or Cressida will be married off to Lord Greer. She was overheard by her household staff plotting with her mama to get a drunk Colin to compromise her. If he is not drunk she means to lure him away alone so she can be caught by her Mama and company.
She claimed Eloise has given her enough information on Colin that she is confident she can get him away for a "talk." I do not know for certain the validity of such claims. However El is not one for discretion.
While I am still hurt and angry with Colin over his disregard for my person, I would never wish to see him entrapped in a loveless marriage. Nor would I ever let someone bring ruin to your family. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
Please pass along the parcel to Francesa. It is a wedding gift for her and Jon. Also please give Hyacinth and Gregory a hug and kiss from me. I miss those little terrors, dearly.
All my love,
Violet gives herself ten minutes to calm her wrath. She is going to ruin Miss Cowper. She will see that girl run out of town if it is the last thing she does. The nerve of the pit viper to question the birthright of her future grandchildren. Oh, she will have Anthony pull their investments from anything even remotely connected to Lord Cowper. Then she will tell that man exactly what his wife did to cause him such hardship. Her children may all be scandalous messes but that does not mean she will not destroy anyone who tries to hurt them.
It is clear they have gotten too soft. Penelope dear girl that she is, had sorted so many of their problems effortlessly that they have lost their teeth. It is time to stop playing nice. She will meet with Lady Danbury tomorrow to deal with this offensive accusation about her grandchildren's mixed heritage.
She is going to sit Colin down tonight and give him Penelope's closure letter. She is going to finish breaking his heart, but she needs him to grow the hell up. Their family cannot afford for him to become a liability. It is a harsh thing to do but she has 7 other children and her future grandchildren depending on her.
First she needs to call a family meeting, they are going to war. Then she will deal with Colin. Then she is going to send Eloise a blustering letter. No more, Eloise will shape up or she will stay in exile until all her siblings are safely married. The Cowper's will wish they never heard the name Bridgerton, when she is done.
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choster33 · 3 months
Bridgerton Season 3 Ep 6 Reaction
This is my take on Episode 6, if you want to read how I felt about episode 1-5 please go to my history and you will find them there! Well, here it goes! Read below, there will be spoilers!
Firstly, I love the writing on this show and Pen's vicious lines! Comparisons to the devil lol! And I love Portia in the corner chaperoning and being nosey. Her little face when Colin takes out the ring! Priceless!
Aw, the ring is so pretty and Colin is so sweet. That's why we love Colin and Bridgerton in general isn't it. Modern men just aren't going around saying stuff like "only half as beautiful as you". Swoon. Penelope is living a lie and a fantasy right now, but I can't blame her for not wanting it to end. Colin saying and doing everything she ever wanted him to? Yes, please.
That look when she's alone though. Poor Penelope, there is a world of drama ahead of you. Nicola Coughlan is a queen and a really great actress. She really sells all the different facets of Penelope from being in love to being scared and having sobering realizations.
Cressida, Cressida, Cressida. I don't know what to feel about you. I was enjoying the Cressida Eloise friendship and totally understand not wanting to marry that old man, but I don't think this plan is well thought out and she's going to get caught or look a fool. I have mixed feelings about Cressida, but I'm not mad at the storyline. I think it's interesting and really highlights the plight of women during that time and how hard it was for unmarried women without getting too preachy.
I was critical of Lord Anderson in the past and though I still don't find him wildly charismatic I am starting to warm to Violet-LW coupling. I think the subtle enjoyment of each other's company is cute and for their age and circumstances the subtle and slow approach is rather refreshing.
Bridgerton family hijinks are the best! One of the reasons we love the show and the characters are for the love we have of this family. They are hilarious together! John is so funny and witty. I love his line about the plague. He is not like the Bridgertons, but he likes them and finds them amusing. Yes! I knew this was coming and was soon to happen- Francesca and John are getting married! I like them so much, they just make sense together and it is so natural. The actors portray them so well.
Colin and Eloise having a heart to heart, yes. I think this season is about two relationships- Colin and Penelope and Eloise and Penelope. The writers have not highlighted the Peneloise friendship from Season 1 and have dramatized their breakup for no reason, I think that Polin is important, but so is Peneloise and the revealing of Whistledown is going to be messy, but necessary to get Peneloise back together.
I love Eloise's plotline so far. It makes her so much more of a grounded, complex character than the shrewish, preachy mode she sometimes gets in. She is not telling Colin the truth because it's not hers to tell and knows it will hurt him and she's also still got lingering friendship feelings about Penelope.
Oooh, the talk between Penelope and Eloise is so good! "You're name is about to be Bridgerton." I get why Penelope is upset and why she's holding on to Lady Whistledown, but right now I'm kind of on Team Eloise- she's not wrong, Colin would be devastated to find out and she could just stop, it's not like she needs more money and the column isn't changing the world, it's just petty gossip for the most part. I love Penelope, but it's true!
The queen is written and acted so well here. She is the power player here and is not taken in by Cressida Cowper. I love the Queen and even though she is Penelope's foil and causing all this drama, I still respect and love her. She's a boss. She can read people and almost did catch LW almost outsmarting Penelope.
Portia- I knew this conversation was going to go sideways somewhere and here we are. Penelope is a ballsy and intelligent woman who has outsmarted the queen with her infinite resources and the entire ton for years. She is so clever and best friends with Eloise and so spent years not merely wanting to be someone's wife. I read somewhere that this scene is what makes Pen want to hold on to LW even more and I agree- she doesn't just want to be some lady some wife with no dreams, She's Lady friggin Whistledown. Although, I must say that Portia is not being deliberately cruel here or anything, she's just a product of her times.
I love the boys having a boys night and for being good friends to Will. I like how it shows the kindness of the Bridgertons and shows that they are not stuck up or snobbish, only befriending those that are of their class and whatnot. I also like the dynamics and seeing a side of the different men as friends and not just as lovers. It really grounds them and makes them even more likable!
Awwww, Colin and Pen together in the church, so cute! "In what world would I not". "I will spend a lifetime begging your forgiveness for not seeing you sooner." "There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than being with you." And then they dance, too! Oh my god this scene is the cutest scene ever!
Ok, I knew that I was going to have problems with Cressida going forward and here it begins. She asks Eloise to help her write, pretty smart actually because Eloise is a capable writer, but then Cressida became petty and mean so quickly. I think Eloise was letting her down gently and then all this vindictiveness and fury. I really hope that Cressida gets taken down eventually!
I love seeing the subtleties of Francesca and knows that she is slightly jealous of the attention that Penelope and Colin are getting. She doesn't want to be in the spotlight, but she is in love with John and wants to get married right away.
Penelope throwing the LW papers out is so telling because at this moment she loves Colin more than Lady Whistledown and all that that entails. She would rather be his wife than have her own voice and her own dreams and I think that is heartbreaking, but cute. She really does love him a lot.
Also, I really love that they put the book story line of having Colin be a writer in the TV show. I think that connection to writing is important for the relationship because Penelope is foremost a writer and it's nice for her to have someone understand her and have a love of writing as well.
I love Madame Delacroix. I think she's such an interesting character and I love that she as an independent woman recognizes the importance of LW on Penelope's life and calling it her life's work. She recognizes what it has given to Penelope and she admired Penelope for having a dream outside of just being a wife. I love her line about liking the glow she gives to others.
LOL! Cressida's attempts at writing is so laughable! I love that they included such awful writing proving how dumb Cressida is and how it can't possibly be her. I would feel bad for her, but I think the show is back to making her the main villain so I don't really. She is choosing violence and malevolence now and it's disgusting, it isn't even desperation or getting away from the old man now, it's just scheming and power grabbing at this point.
Benedict scenes kind of bore me which kind of scares me for the Benedict Sophie season. So here we have an awkward dinner party, let me guess the other guy is into guys isn't he? He's going to try to get it on with Benedict because Benedict attracts artsy gay guys.
The Mondrich ball is gorgeous and Penelope looks gorgeous! Even the queen is impressed! I love the oversized pop up thing they had going on it was cool.
Aha! See I was correct in that Francesca was annoyed that her wedding was being delayed and Violet definitely has some reservations about John which I understand sort of. I think that they are cute together, but they're both weirdos. Cute weirdos, but they have some social issues that might be exacerbated by being together and so similar. Violet is worried that they might encourage each other to be anti social and awkward and not bring one another out and I don't think she should be, but I see where Violet is coming from.
The Lady Danbury and Lord Anderson argument is so juicy to me. I knew there was something deep and hidden there and this hate goes back years! I love Lady Danbury from the show and in the books, so when she was mad at her brother I felt it and didn't trust him. I hope they resolve it, but this is some deep stuff.
Oho! I knew it! Benedict was being pulled into some threesome business! I think he will not partake because he is straight and a one person at a time kind of guy, but who knows he might be tempted. He is very pleasure seeking.
Cressida with that hair and the red dress walking into the ballroom uninvited to "Confident" playing in the background is a whole mood. I love the actress that plays her, she did a fabulous job this season.
Penelope and Eloise seem to be friends again now, huzzah! Things seem to be back to normal with Peneloise together and Cressida is the villain again. I like the fact that it took Eloise coming to Penelope for her to pick up the pen again because she sees how they have created a monster and Eloise is sure that Cressida is coming for her and her family. She says that she's finally doing some good with her pen and she now has Eloise's blessing to be Lady Whistledown.
"You are Lady Whistledown?" Argh! No! I knew this was coming, but still I don't like it. I knew that this reveal had to happen, but now I see drama for the next few episodes from this. This is no easy thing to overcome or forgive and is going to cause a tsunami in the Polin relationship. Cringe. It's juicy and necessary, but major cringe.
I can't wait to see what's next!
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androgynous-barbie · 4 months
Bridgerton S3 thoughts thus far
spoilers under the cut i guess. but i dont have like anyone to talk about this show with so
Reasons I do ship Polin
i want Penelope to be happy and being with Colin would make her happy
it's gonna happen anyway
his growth/development is making me like him a little bit
maybe if he grows to accept the Whistledown thing, he can also help Eloise realize that Pen exposed her to save her from the queen cuz god why are we not getting this Eloise ur supposed to be the smart one ffs
gets her the FUCK out of that house (like she wants). her mom's bad but god her sisters just SUUUUUCK
Reasons I don't
he literally does not deserve her (or really, so far, anyone in my mind) after years of her just being a thought in his head and then espesh the bs in the s2 finale - then again really idrc much for any of the bridgerton men thus far.... i know the show's named after them but (as is a pattern with me in life) i really care about the female characters so much more. s1 was daphnes story. s2 was kates story. s3 is penelope's. i know im supposed to see it the other way round in the latter 2 cases but.... (i dunno. maybe make the men cooler than 'he was a rake/slept around alot and didnt know what to do in the world til he found love in her' ? although to be fair they DID make Anthony a compelling character in his season. they just have yet to do that with Colin)
she deserves someone who didn't HAVE to grow to love her after writing her off or suddenly realize she's always been beautiful
the Whistledown plotline.... like... is he just gonna shut up and accept it? is she gonna have to convince him its okay? is he gonna become a co-Whistledown the way Dan and Jenny were BOTH Gossip Girl? this gripe gets its own point later on
Rest of the season thoughts
i wish it was explicitly stated if the match Edwina made overseas was Prince Friedrich cuz my god my girl deserves to be a princess omg
why are we still supposed to care about the Mondrich plots? its leading to NOTHING. this is just as bad as the con artist plot from s2 that i literally just started fast forwarding thru until the finale. - and even THEN all it did was give Penelope more reason to fawn over Colin so really it led to NOTHING
LOVING Cressida Cowper being in her character development era.
Lord Debling is so gorgeous
Lord Debling is so adorable
Lord Debling is so sweet....... and I wish he had said 'yes i do believe love CAN grow' or at least 'fondness/deep fondness' rather than his (truthful) 'i don't know'. cuz damn that was a cute courtship but again we all know this is gonna be Polin season (no pun intended)
solely because of her shit ass parents, i hope Cressida becomes Lady Debling. They COULD be cute but it seems like asking for romantic chemistry is asking alot so if they approach this like a contract ('you receive a wife and eventually a son we hope and i receive a title and money and my parents off my neck') then it could work to everyone's happiness or at least contentment (s2 Marina flashback omg)
i hope at SOME point we get some redeeming qualities from Penelope's sisters. They're so two-note (stupid and mean) and I really think if they're going to insist on putting this bitches in our faces they should at least be bearable
I hope we get some redeeming qualities from Lady Featherington too. It does seem like she cares for Pen but for some reason can't find a way to say it. I hope we find out WHY and then undo that
like i seriously hoped that when she said 'a life unmarried doesn't have to be miserable' (paraphrased or whatever) that pen wouldve been like 'i can do unmarried i can't do unLOVED' and then her mom wouldve said she DOES love her or something
AND i was hoping Pen calling her out wouldve led to something but of COURRRSSSSSSE the moment had to be interrupted
so i'm hoping I just have to wait a little more
The Whistledown identity plot. GAWWWD.
so i havent read the books but from what i heard about them the queen isnt a character in them and so i think the whole 'who's the gossiper' isnt a plot in the books too
and so i wish that this and gossip girl 1 had just been like 'she's here she exists we tolerate it lets go' cuz it's causing ANOTHER plot line to be added into this very loaded season
and it's TEDIOUS especially because we KNOW this wont end with Pen on trial for treason or her and Colin shunned by society cuz this isnt THAT DEEP of a show so WHAT are we doing here?
Benedict gets his own story soon doesnt he? so why are we getting another him + random woman plot?
that being said, i love this season's random Benedict-girl. gorgeous and has some bite. wonder how thatll pan out tho since she doesnt bare the name of the girl he gets with in his book so..
speaking of gorgeous: FRANCESCAAAAA!!!!!!!
she looks like a mix of Phoebe Dynevor and Lily James
I was gonna say 'where has she been hiding' but i found out the actress has been in 2 things ive seen before omg
but ughhhh i was so happy for her and Lord Samadani until the 'i want 8 kids thing'
espesh cuz this'll lead to the queen lashing out cuz she feels like a bad matchmaker and that'll be bad for the bridgertons or whistledown or both and like ughhh
i was SO on francesca's side about being fine and being paired with whoever
but now that she's finding love or fondness with the earl omg im loving that for her too
the giggliness at the piano, their comfort sharing silence its SO CUTE
but knowing just the plot of the books i wonder if this means that [redacted] is gonna end up with her and then she'll still be widowed and [redacted] will end up pursuing her.
maybe THATS why theyre giving her a plot this season. to lead to that
i miss daphne a little. i get it tho
i DEF miss Kate. and Kate and Anthony but i get it tho
come to think of it. i think i'd actually just be happier if Pen's mom and sisters just died tbh (that could change tho. please give them positive qualities QUICK)
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love | regency!bucky
pairing: regency!bucky barnes x regency!reader
warnings: sexism, fluff, angst, regency style dialogue, 18+ ONLY, not historically accurate with writing liberties
masterlist (touch)
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these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me ...
An end of the season wedding. She guessed it could be worse, after all the Queen could’ve easily put her family to shame or deem her unmarriable after breaking off the engagement. Thus, an end of the season wedding was the best of news. However, it was soon; much too soon. It was in one month and it was sure to be attended by everyone. The last end of the season wedding had been rather popular with Lady Mary marrying vastly outside of her social standing and every single upper class woman and man marking their presence. If that had been a popular wedding, she couldn’t imagine how a mere daughter of a Viscount marrying a Prince would be. She never really enjoyed a big wedding, she always pictured herself marrying at the Autumn Estate where her mother and father had gotten married, surrounded by her family. An end of the season wedding sponsored by the Queen was anything but that small wedding outside of upper class London. 
      - I am sure me and my bride will attend to that request. - James held her hand, his thumb grazing the top of her hand. 
      - You shall have children in your first year of marriage if the rest of Europe is to believe the Romanian royal line is strong. - her gaze moved to Y/N. - Shouldn’t be a problem considering you come from a big family, Miss Vernillane. How many siblings do you have?
      - Seven, your Majesty. The youngest is merely seven. My brother Laurence is the eldest at twenty and six. 
      - Children shouldn’t be an issue if you’re anything like your mother. 
Children. Children came with marriage and her mother and father had sure had a lot of them. They were a big family, yet again, her father and mother loved each other very much. Yet, she could barely promise that she would be able to have them on a deadline; after all, her sisters didn’t have as many children as their mother had had. 
     - Me and my bride will take the strength of the Romanian royal line in consideration. 
     - Then I believe I should allow you to leave, Miss Vernillane. I’m sure you have various wedding preparations to attend.
She couldn’t get out faster from that tea room, her poor maid following behind her as she kept walking. She maintained the posture of a debutante, smiling at everyone who passed by her yet wanting nothing but to be gone. Her small wedding had turned into the event of the season and she was to birth eight children. She couldn’t stand the thought of birthing eight children; she could still remember the screams of her mother when she gave birth to Colin. The coach helped her into the carriage, the moment she sat down opening her fan. She moved the fan faster, attempting to regain her breathe as someone entered the carriage. Except, instead of being her maid, it was her future husband to be. 
     - James! - she closed her fan. - I cannot be alone with you unchaperoned. 
     - Your maid is outside, you are not unchaperoned. 
     - How would you know what counts as unchaperoned? - she opened her fan once again. - I do not intend to have all of London think the reason why our very close nuptials are due to ... being improper. 
      - I needed to speak to you. - he moved to seat next to her. - Mostly because I considered you’d be upset regarding my hiding of ... marriage rules. 
      - I’m no longer surprised at your mystery, my lord. 
      - I would also like to present you with an engagement ring. - he took a box from his jacket. - It is up to you if you wish to wear it, my lady. 
      - Are you trying to distract me with fine jewels? 
James smiled like a little kid, opening the box to reveal a gold engagement ring. It was nothing like the one her mother and sisters had; this ring was personal, almost too personal. It was of a flower made with pearls and a centre piece of emerald. She judged it would’ve belonged to someone else, perhaps his mother or another ancestor. He unbuttoned her glove, slowly peeling it off her hand and sliding the ring on her ring finger. She inspected the ring on her finger but not before he rose her hand to kiss it. 
      - I shall call on you as soon as I’m allowed. - his hand reached for the door handle to get off her carriage before anyone could comment. 
      - Milord? - her hand touched his arm. - Are you not gonna kiss me goodbye?
      - I thought that would be most improper. - he smirked, sitting next to her. 
      - We’ve done it before. 
Bucky smirked to himself before leaning to kiss her. She knew it was improper, she knew it was bad but if it was so bad why did it feel so good? His lips were soft against hers, his hands holding her hips it a manner which made her core tingle. She rubbed her thighs, a small motion which didn’t go unnoticed by him. He couldn’t fucking wait for that wedding night. He smiled once they broke apart, his eyes never leaving hers even as he exited the carriage. Her maid rolled her eyes, climbing into the carriage but even her could notice how happy the youngest Vernillane girl was, her eyes glistening every time she looked at the ring on her finger. However, as she walked into the drawing room, her smile fell apart as she saw her mother flooded with people surrounding her.
     - Oh dearest ... - her mother broke to them. - The Queen is willing to host your wedding, isn’t it marvellous?
     - Uhm ... it is very kind of the Queen to do so but she merely asked us to have an end of the season wedding in the country. I was still thinking of getting married at Autumn Hall. 
     - Dear, you are marrying a prince and the Queen wants to throw you a wedding. It’s gonna be the event of the season. 
     - Well, I’m sure it’s for the best. - she forced a smile. 
Everything had become ... too much. She had always been used to being part of a prestigious family but becoming part of royalty had put a target on her back and a spotlight on her face. Everyone wanted to be her friend and everyone was her enemy. If she wasn’t being paraded around in balls or talking to high standing people, she was being inundated with wedding details. The Queen had decided to even host it in palace grounds with dignitaries from everywhere coming to witness the match. She was meeting everyone yet spending almost no time with her fiancé; except for the promenade.
The two were promenading yet the whole ton wanted more than to ask them questions, to compliment how well she looked. Some happy the diamond was out of the market and other envious of her match. James felt nothing but proud and happy to be next to her, his hand holding hers yet when he looked her way, she appeared anything but the blushing bride.  
     - You seem upset. - he moved away from the crowd. - Do you require another kiss, my lady?
     - I am alright, my lord. - she sighed. - Just overwhelmed. 
     - I heard they had you trying 60 cakes. Didn’t even know they had that many types of cake. - he attempted to lighten the mood but all she gave him was a polite smile. - What is upsetting you, my lady?
     - It’s all too much. - those words escaped her lips as if they had meant to escape for much longer. - This is not what I wanted.
     - Are you regretting accepting my offer? - he turned to face her, holding her hands in his. His heart beat faster, the echo ringing in his ears. 
     - I wanted a small wedding in Autumn Hall and for it to be about us and not this ... diplomatic royal event sponsored by the Queen. I have not even seen you for the past two weeks.
     - Your highness! - another couple approached them, - Your highness, you must pass by our establishment before you leave town.
She remained there, smiling as yet another couple attempted to get the royalty seal of approval. This wasn’t right, he thought to himself, unable to hear what was being told to him, all he could see was how upset she was. He didn’t want this, he didn’t want her to hate her wedding.
She was stirred awake from her slumber by her maid. Her sight was blurry at first, her sleepy brain barely registered her words as she was hushed out of bed and wrapped with one of her velvet capes. She didn’t understand what was happening, her maid rushing her down the stairs of her home and into the carriage where her brother was. 
     - Wow, you’re going dressed like that? - Andrew asked, looking her up and down. 
     - What is happening? - she felt the wheels of the carriage start to move. - Where are we going?
     - I have been strictly told not to disclose where we are going. 
She attempted to look through the windows but Andrew quickly shut them. She furrowed her brows, if this was yet another prank by her brothers or she had to yet again tend to bruises from a stupid bar fight. She leaned her head against the couch, her mind rushing through what excuse she could tell her parents about yet another bar fight. Surely if they weren’t on the face, they could just hiding it with cloth or a scarf. After an amount of time which she couldn’t account for, the carriage came to a stop and the door was opened to show Autumn Hall at night. Oh lord, what had they done now?
     - My lady. - James came up from behind the door, offering her his hand so she could easily step out of the carriage.
     - My lord ... Whatever it is my brothers have done, I strictly apologise from their intrusion. 
     - I asked them to bring you were. - he pushed the hood of her cape down. - I was wondering if you’d marry me. 
     - I’m pretty sure I already answered your offer, my lord. 
     - Tonight. I know an archbishop from Bucharest who’s holidaying in England and agreed to marry us in secrecy. 
     - But the end of the season wedding ...
     - You said you wanted a wedding in Autumn Hall. - he interrupted her. - We can get married tonight, just us two and then we’ll have the big royal wedding where we can appease everyone. 
     - Is that what you want?
     - I don’t mind having fifteen weddings as long as you’re happy, my lady. 
     - Is she getting married or not? - Andrew poked his head out of the carriage. - Because if not Laurence will have my head for waking him up. 
     - Yes. - she wrapped her arms around him. - I’m getting married.
taglist: @esposamultifandom @learisa @alyssiamarierenee @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer​ @deaniu​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​ @reader-without-a-story @bbgem329​ @janita​ @bluevxnus​ @sebsgirl71479​ @maan24​ @thewritersoldier1918​
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shiveringsands · 2 years
Okay. But what if season 3 opens with Colin traveling abroad and writing letters to Penelope only to receive a letter back from Penelope that says something like
Dear Mr. Bridgerton,
It is inappropriate for an unmarried lady to engage in a private correspondence with a gentleman of no relation. I must request that you do not write to me again.
And Colin is 😢 and frantically writing letters to Eloise to figure out whats going on. Eloise writes back super cryptically like
I have not seen Miss Penelope Featherington since the end of the London season. She appeared to be in good health.
And Colin is so bummed because he has all these THOUGHTS and FEELINGS that he wants to tell Penelope about his travels and he CAN'T! So he starts writing them all down in a journal...and that's how he figures out that he wants to be a travel writer.
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