#cold cures
nemfrog · 8 months
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The cure for catarrh. llustrated sketches of Death Valley. 1892. Back of the book advertisement.
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Lemon Ginger Infused Honey | Clover’s Cookbook
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Hey everyone, it’s Clover here and this is the Lemon Ginger Honey Infusion!
Originally, this recipe was passed down to me through my mom who learned it from my paternal grandmother. We found around the time I was in third or fourth grade that over the counter medicine was starting to lose effect on me, so my grandma told my mom this recipe to see if it helps. And, to everyone’s relief, it did!
(Although, Mini Clover was not a fan of the taste originally—it’s grown on me immensely.)
My mom needed to tell me that it was “Magic Tea” to get me to drink it. And, after trying Theraflu a year or two later, I agreed that: “yes, it was magic because it was medicine that tasted better than anything else”. Now this infusion is my go-to cold cure.
(I also drank almost half of my batch that I made almost a year and a half ago when I was laid up in bed with the flu in March. That thing is very shelf-stable.)
Without any more preamble, here’s the recipe!
What you will need:
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An airtight container
Fresh Lemons, I usually use three or four but it depends on the size of the container.
Fresh Ginger, I usually use a handful of ginger root but it depends on the size of the container.
How to make it:
1. Rinse and slice the lemons and ginger
You can shred the ginger if you like, but I usually slice it up whenever I use it. Shredding ginger takes a lot of time that I personally do not have—and our grater is a pain to wash.
2. Layer the sliced ginger and lemon on top of each other in the airtight container, getting as close to the top as possible.
I use an empty instant coffee container, if you want ideas for it. It is a bit larger than I need, since I’m the only one in the house that drinks this infusion when I’m sick, but the trade off is that I know it’s airtight and there will be enough for at least a year. You can use mason jars or any other airtight containers you have on hand. The old instant coffee jar is just my suggestion.
3. After layering the lemon and ginger in the airtight container, add the honey. You want to fill the honey all the way to the top of the container if possible. If you can’t, at least so it covers the top layer of the lemon-ginger tower.
You will probably be using all the honey in the bottle, just so you know. When I first did this myself, I was unaware how much honey I needed and had to go out and buy another bottle because the container was bigger than expected. So just a heads up.
4. Seal the airtight container and let sit out overnight then place it in the fridge a month before use.
So I was unaware until recently that, for max potency and a proper infusion of the ingredients, you want your honey infusions to sit for a month before use. I just ended up getting super lucky the past few times I made it because I replenish my infusion when the house runs out, not when I need it right away. So my suggestion is make it in late July or Early August, that way it sits the month and you have it for cold and flu season.
5. Add to your preferred tea when sick and drink it throughout the day. For me, doing this kicks whatever is brewing in my system—and usually works in about a day for the few people I’ve given the infusion to. But take it as long as you think you need it, you’re the only one who knows your body.
Why this works:
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Lemon is high in vitamin C which helps boost the immune system and shorten the duration of colds.
Vitamin C is also helpful to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke (healthline.com), which aren’t important to this cold cure, but good to know anyway.
Hot Lemon Water is also good for sore throats and congestion in a 2008 study, as per medicalnewstoday.
Ginger is good for the gut as it helps settle stomachs, and the bitterness of the root kicks your digestive system into overdrive to clear out what the body considers to be possibly poison due to the taste (any Holistic Herbalism podcast episode where Ginger is involved).
Ginger’s anti inflammatory properties also help reduce pain and inflammation with a sore throat you usually get with a cold, as per this medicalnewstoday article (link here).
Ginger is also antiviral and antibacterial just like lemons are. So it helps get rid of any unwanted viruses or bacteria building up because of the cold, flu, etc.
Important note about ginger—if you or a loved one is on blood thinners don’t take ginger. Ginger’s chemical compounds will have a reaction with your blood thinners and make the blood super thin. This will cause excessive bleeding that is potentially life threatening.
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Honey is a natural cough suppressant and throat-soother. It is also antimicrobial. A Harvard Health article (link here) indicated that honey works well for upper respiratory viruses (such as a cold) and some studies observed that taking honey shortened the duration of the cold in some participants.
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Well that’s it! That’s my Lemon Ginger Honey Infusion that I have with my tea when I’m sick. My preference as a tea pairing with this concoction is usually Moroccan Mint, Peace of Mind Tea, or just normal green tea.
It depends on what we have in the house.
I usually pour it into the tea with the intent of helping me feel better soon as well. Just to add a boost of magick to an already great cold cure.
Have any of you tried this before? Do you have alternatives for this cold cure? If so, tell me!
Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day!
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A bus is basically the classic thing to wait in the rain for
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
There was a zombie apocalypse yesterday. The next day, a couple friends went to a diner, and one said, “Either I just have a cold or I was bit,” and another replied, “Nah, it was cured yesterday.”
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ohmerricat · 5 months
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source: slashfilm review article
we have not had an ‘all-hetero’ TARDIS team since the Ponds. every female companion since 2012 has been some form of queer woman. absolute WIN
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lonesomedreamer · 5 months
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I expect nothing, Mr. Scott. It is merely logical to try all the alternatives. Doctor McCoy, a reading on the atmosphere, please.
STAR TREK | The Galileo Seven
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doctor-direst · 8 months
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I freakin’ SEE you
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fbfh · 16 days
Had to take this to the professional 🫡
We need more dad tony stark content (literally anything you got)
Literally starving
Thank you 😌
thank you for giving me more excuses to talk about this. Tony is such a good fucking dad in general, but he's especially great when you get sick. if you're in new york, he probably notices cause you're not up as early as usual. idk where this came from, but I can hear him clear as day walking into your room and smoothing your hair to wake you up, saying
"Hey pumpkin, sun's out." you only grunt in response, but it's not your usual sassy I don't wanna wake up grunt. It sounds softer, like you actually can't get up yet.
"You feeling okay?" before you can answer, he's totally on it. "jarvis, run a vital scan."
He rolls you over onto your back so he can look at you. you look... pale. you don't have the usual vibrance to your skin, it's gray and faded. you look like if you weren't lying down, you'd pass out. Your eyes are puffy and watery, your lips are chapped. You're not yourself. While Jarvis runs a diagnostic scan on your vitals, Tony also gets to work. he carefully sticks a microneedling patch on your arm to check your blood - something Strange helped him whip up, among many other ways to monitor your health without all that clunky invasive hospital equipment - as Jarvis gives him the low down.
"Elevated body temperature of 101.3 degrees fahrenheit, swelling of the sinuses, elevated white blood count..." Jarvis rambles on and on while describing your simptoms, only interrupted by an agressive coughing fit.
"And a rather nasty productive cough."
You look up at him and try not to get teary, you know crying will just make you feel more dehydrated and achy.
"Dad... I don't feel good..."
He looks down at you so warmly, and with so much love.
"I know, kid."
He stands up, determined to do everything he can to kick this cold in record time.
"Alright, your schedule for the week is cleared." He cuts you off as you object. "Ah-bup-bup-bup. I don't want to hear it. You are officially on bedrest until further notice. Jarvis, order out for some of that soup we like, some cough drops, and popsicles."
He looks down at you.
"You want ice cream? What am I saying, of course you want ice cream. Jarvis, throw in a few pints of Stark raving hazelnuts and bunny tracks."
He grabs the remote for your tv, putting on your favorite movie and has dum-e wheel you in a box of tissues. He grabs some vaseline and cold medicine, along with a fresh cold water and your favorite flavor of sports drink.
"Now. I want you to lay back, I want you to stay cool, and I want you to get some rest. And you're a Stark, so staying cool should be no problem." He gives you a kiss on the forehead, then stands up to move all his work to stuff he can do at home, and tell Pepper to cancel or reschedule the rest so he can spend the rest of the day watching movies and tv shows with you between naps. You can hear him muttering to himself as he calls Steven over to come check on you. If you weren't so tired, you'd find it funny that the only person your dad trusts to be your family doctor is also a wizard.
"Can stop aliens from invading earth, I can make an arc reactor that can fit in the palm of my hand, how have we not cracked this cold and flu season thing yet?" he mutters, making a mental note to discuss it with the rest of the Avengers at the next team meeting. you drift off to sleep feeling a lot better than you did when you woke up, and thinking about debrief folders titled Avengers v. Rhinovirus.
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antygona · 2 years
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anaisthete · 5 months
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current diy project i am working on!! :)
i plan on adding more, but i am pretty happy with it so far <3
(fyi i actually dont (really) like christian death under valor kand, but the old logo was too complicated to make with the fabric pen i have :( and i really wanted to include them, because i love christian death under rozz williams)
i also made a typo in xmal deutschland and had to erase it (thats why it has a little dark spot lol)
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jt1674 · 27 days
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possessable · 4 days
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There was a little debate going on in the Reddit about whether who qualified more for the descriptor "Just Straight Up Evil"--Jiequan or Eigong, and one person made the argument that Eigong was more befitting of that title because she had no sad backstory reasoning for doing what she did and also was "completely sane" the entire time and i mean. i mean like. I Think Saying She Was Completely Sane The Entire Time Is A Bit Of A Stretch,
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avida-heidia-5 · 11 months
I went down a bit of a Martian rabbit hole today and came across these pictures of Sebastian Vettel congratulating Mark Webber for winning the 2010 Monaco Grand Prix.
Uhh…let’s just say I went a teeeeeny bit feral. *glances guiltily down at my broken fingernails* Oops…! 😳
Look at these pictures and tell me they don’t look like they were about to kiss each other right there and then. I DARE you!
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Apologies if these images are all out of order. That’s just how I ordered them! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Counteracting the sun sinking down at 4 pm by standing in a patch of sunlight for at least 10 minutes every day
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rizumuj · 3 months
I know this season centers around human-animal bonds, but I'd really love to see more of Komugi & Yuki's friendship... or trying to get along😅
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usercrybaby · 6 months
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Your name like ice into my heart </3
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