#cocky whumpers i love you
goforro · 1 month
we’ve all heard of kidnapper whumpers that hide their face, right?
I raise you: kidnapper whumpers who don’t.
- whumpee who knows whumper isn’t planning to let them go once they see whumper’s face, so they close their eyes through all of it
- intimate whumper who forces whumpee to make eye contact, and whispers a very thinly veiled threat.
- “you’re never getting out of here, my love.”
- rescued/escaped whumpee who can’t pick whumper out of a lineup, and has to go off of voice alone
- whumpers who don’t make whumpee stare at the ground. quite the opposite, actually. whumpee is severely punished for even breaking eye contact with whumper, let alone looking away
- whumpers who are incredibly cocky and proudly show whumpee their face, believing whumpee’s never going to escape
- whumpers who are going to kill whumpee anyways and feel no need to hide their face.
- ^ said whumpees escaping and getting whumper arrested
- ^ said whumpees not escaping. whumper comforting caretaker after the death of their friend knowing they were the one who did it
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jordanstrophe · 10 months
Can we pretty please get a part 3 to the abandoned whumpee story pleeeeease????
(Only if you want to though!!)
Yes yes you may ^^ Edit: I had no idea how much fun it is letting personalities of a cocky whumper and whumpee clash
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CW: Defiant whumpee, taken captive, whumper having to caretake, abandoned whumpee, manhandled, blood loss
Whumper held both of whumpee's arms trying to wrangle them still. They fought hard as whumper could barely keep them in their arms.
"Let go of me!" Whumpee shouted. Whumper motioned for their team as two grabbed whumpee and pried them apart.
"Be gentle with them; we're keeping this one alive." Whumper huffed, fixing their jacket.
"This is all that's left?" One of the team members asked.
"No, most of them got away. This is what was sacrificed." Whumper cupped whumpee's chin and tilted their head up.
"You're not understanding it was willingly." Whumpee retorted back.
"Willing or no, it looks like your team didn't feel you were worth fighting for." Whumper spoke lightly, thumbing their cheek. Whumpee winced and twisted their face out of whumper's hand. "Regardless, we're taking them back with us." Whumper announced.
The team all groaned in unison.
"Whhhyy, let's just kill them and get it over with! What if they run?" Someone argued.
"Then make sure they don't! Killing them now would be a waste, wouldn't it?" They turned around and gave whumpee a smile.
"How's that going to work for you?" Whumpee spat, squirming in the guards hold.
"You have information; intel I would love to have my hands on." Whumper's eyes trailed down and they noticed blood starting to soak through whumpee's clothing.
"And you think because they, -Oh what was it you said-... Abandoned me, that I would give them up? That I'll roll over and join you?" Whumpee retorted. "That won't happen. It'll never happe-
"Stop. Shh sh sh sh, stop arguing with me, you're making yourself bleed out. Easy now." Whumper folded a cloth and pressed it against the blood as whumpee gasped in shock.
"We've stalled enough. Let's get you home before you bleed to death. And whumpee dear," Whumper tethered the bandage to their side and gripped their shoulder.
"I would never abandon you. Unlike someone we all know..." They fluttered their fingers.
"I'd actually rather you would." Whumpee cocked their head to the side. 
"No you rather wouldn't." Whumper's eyes flicked up. "You're stranded far from help, I presume your team -that left you behind- also took the transportation you came in on, so you would wander around until you start suffering from blood loss until you crawled around in vain. Then, you get to be the sacrifice you always wanted to be."
Whumper bent on their knees to whumpee's level with a smug smile waiting for their bite back. 
Whumpee's face was blank. They didn't have one. 
"Mmm.  .... That's what I thought. Now, let's go home, shall we?" 
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
I don’t really know if you like this type of whump but i gathered up the courage
Human caretaker who has a rough backstory with vampires (maybe their whole family got killed or they almost died to vampires in the past?) saving vampire whumpee from vampire hunter whumpers
Sorry this took so long to post back. I absolutely love vampire stories, and I love this idea so much. I hope you never feel nervous about asking me for a request, I absolutely love doing them. Thankyou so much, I hope you enjoy.
Caretaker sat by the fire, the only noises were their occasional sip from their tea, and the gentle crackle of the fire.
Caretaker had been reading a book their father had written before he died. It was titled **How to Kill Vampires**.
Caretaker read the book, feeling as though their father was telling the stories in person. Unfortunately, their father had gotten to cocky in a fight with a stronger than average vampire. They died from their injuries soon after.
Caretaker hated vampires. They only wished they had enough courage to hunt them. They could never follow in their families foot steps. Every member had met tragic ends.
The next morning Caretaker stepped outside to enjoy a leisure walk around their gardens.
The home they lived in had been in their family for generations. It still had remnants of the families' past. Caretaker had tried to make it more inviting now. They seemed to be ending the families' traditions.
Caretaker turned a corner and almost had a heart attack.
A body lay against one of the fountains. It was mostly in the shade of the statue, but the fingers was sticking out in the sun. Black smoke rose from the fingers.
"Vamp...vampire", Caretaker stepped back in fear and aww.
Tiny weak whimpers came from the body.
Caretaker inched cautiously to get a closer look. From a few feet, they could see a wooden spike laying in the limp hand of the vampire.
The vampire made a grimaced face and weakly pulled their body in from the sun. They didn't have long until the sun would fully envelope them.
Caretaker slowly turned and walked away, "the sun will take care of them soon and finish the job of whoever stabbed them. No need for me to get my hands dirty."
"Ple....", the vampire pleaded, "ple....", they gasped in pain.
"You dare beg me for mercy... you slime. Allow the sun to do the honor of killing you", Caretaker growled, "your kind killed plenty of my family. Why should I show you mercy?"
"I pro... protected yo.. your father Gerald", the vampire panted, "I'm Whum... Whumpee... the... they promised me a safe place if I-I ever needed it. He said I was th.. the only one he... he'd show mercy to", the vampire frowned, "I just ne..need to reco.."
"Whumpee?", Caretaker stepped back to get a closer look.
The vampire squinted their eyes open and nodded weakly.
That was a story Caretaker's father purposely left out of their books. They didn't want anyone to know they had been saved by a vampire, then showed them mercy.
"Is Ger..Gerald around?", Whumpee sighed as they felt the sun come close to their foot.
"He died a while ago", Caretaker knelt down, "how did you know about me?"
Whumpee groaned as they tried to pull their body in tighter.
"Oh right... give me a second", Caretaker got up and ran for a nearby shed.
They pulled out a tarp and hurried to the vampire.
"I allow you into my home", Caretaker stated loudly before running inside of the house and down to the dungeon.
"I'm sorry, but I still don't know if I trust you", Caretaker laid the vampire on the floor and reached for some shackles hanging on the wall.
"I don't care", Whumpee winced as they felt the cuff tighten around their wrist and click, "just as long as you let me lay like this, I don't care what you do to me."
Caretaker knelt down a few feet away, "how did you know about me and where this house was?"
"While Gerald was healing from his wounds, he told me stories and showed me a few pictures of his family. I brought him here when he had enough strength", Whumpee whimpered as they moved their hand.
It was the first time Caretaker had seen the wound.
"They got you good, huh?", Caretaker frowned.
"Ymph", Whumpee grunted, "that's what I get for taking blood so close to the road. It wasn't even worth it either. The blood was dead already."
Caretaker made a terrified face.
"Relax. It was from a dead animal that had just gotten run over", Whumpee whispered, "I don't take from humans unless I'm desperate. They consent most of the time for me to do it."
"May.... may I rest for a while", Whumpee whispered, "I'll answer more questions later if you want."
Caretaker nodded and got up to leave.
"Thankyou for giving me sanctuary. I will be out of your hair soon", Whumpee mumbled into the floor.
Caretaker nodded, then left.
"I don't have the heart to tell them they are staying. I may not be able to kill them, but I can keep them here. I can protect people in that way at least", Caretaker crept up the stairs, "in a way I will be protecting them too... right? Maybe I can honor my father by protecting them and others."
Just before Caretaker decided to go down to the dungeon to break the news to Whumpee that they were being kept as a prisoner a knock came to the door.
Caretaker hurried to answer it.
"Hello" a person in heavy equipment greeted, "I was hunting vampires last night and I seemed to have lost one. A witness said they were seen on your property."
"Yes I found them this morning. They have been taken care of", Caretaker smiled, "I'm from a family of hunters myself. Thankyou for what you are doing though."
"I need to check to ensure they are gone?", the person grinned with fire in their eyes.
"I let them fade into the sun, all that's left is the stake that was stabbed into them", Caretaker watched the judgemental look, "how many vampires do you know that can survive the sun?"
"Not many, but I know you aren't one for killing them. That's why I started to do it", they smirked, "so where are they then?"
"Fine, you caught me. In my families dungeon, where they will remain for good", Caretaker frowned, "you may not go check on them. Matter of factly, you can get off of this property."
"No need to be so testy. I'm only doing what you wouldn't. You're a shame to your father and your family", they frowned.
"I mean you're fresh meat... a newbie, you probably have markings all over your back. A vampire is just waiting to take your life force", Caretaker sighed, "I don't need you coming in here with targets on your back. You'd be allowing vampires in without them being invited into my home. I don't need that."
The hunter made a confused face.
"You really didn't research, did you?", Caretaker frowned, "not all vampires survive soly on blood. There are other ways they take your life force as well. Have you been blessed by a priest to protect against that."
"You're speaking nonsense", the hunter forced themself in and overpowered Caretaker, "lead me to the dungeon."
A dagger was poked into Caretaker's back.
"You don't know what you're doing", Caretaker started to walk.
"Shut up, you don't know what you talking about", the hunter warned.
"Right, the rightful descendent of a family of vampire hunters doesn't know what they're talking about", Caretaker frowned.
"I said shut up", Caretaker received a slap on the back of their head.
They followed Caretaker into the dungeon and down the steps.
Whumpee had sat up now. When they saw who was coming, they lifted their knees to their chest and frowned.
"You again?", Whumpee frowned, "not much in way of sanctuary if you deliver the killer to their prey", Whumpee looked at Caretaker.
"I tried. There's a dagger pointed in my back. What do you want from me?", Caretaker argued.
"You've left me quite defenseless even. Chained to the wall. What is a vampire to do?", Whumpee grinned, revealing their fangs.
Caretaker was thrown to the side, and they fell to the floor.
Whumpee looked at the hunter angrily, "you're weak. You can't call yourself a hunter if you haven't had the right training."
"And yet, I'm about to kill you", the hunter laughed, "they are about to keep you a prisoner here. I'm only saving you from permanent imprisonment."
Whumpee frowned at Caretaker.
"I was coming to tel...
"Oh shut up", Whumpee snapped their fingers at the hunter.
The hunter automatically froze in place.
"You did mark them?", Caretaker frowned, "so you take life force as much as you take blood?"
Whumpee nodded, "I need to feed from them, I can't heal my wounds completely without it."
"I can't let you", Caretaker frowned.
Whumpee stood up weakly and limped to the hunter, "you don't get a say in this. My mark is on them. I'm not taking it away. I have to save myself too."
Caretaker got up and stood in front of Whumpee to block them, "I won't allow it."
"Look, I gave up a lot of things after I protected and healed your father. That included drinking human blood unless I absolutely have to. Animal blood will not heal me", Whumpee limped forward, ignoring Caretaker. The chains jingled at their movements.
"Why would you do that?", Caretaker frowned, "vampires are monsters?"
"I use to think the same about hunters until I met Gerald. Not all hunters are bad and not all vampires are bad. At first they were as uncertain as I was, but they allowed me to do what needed to be done to heal them", Whumpee gulped down a knot, "I'm staring at the one who killed them. Am I not?", Whumpee looked past Caretaker at the hunter.
Caretaker turned to see the hunter nodding with tears running down their face.
"Your father allowed me to mark him as mine. They were my special human. They couldn't be killed by vampires, I do hold some respect for actual hunters. Your family was always respectful. There was no way your father was killed by one of us. A human did it."
Whumpee frowned, "the stake they used on me had your father's markings on them. I looked after I pulled it out."
Caretaker looked at Whumpee sadly, tears threatened to fall.
"I need you to allow me to avenge their death. Your father was dear to me, let me have this", Whumpee pleaded, "you don't have to watch. Your father always said you were sensitive to these things. He always said you would amount to so much because you were not wanting to follow in the family business. Let me avenge Gerald for you."
Caretaker turned to the hunter.
"Did you really kill my father?"
"Answer them", Whumpee knelt down weakly, "tell us what you did", they ordered.
"I surprised Gerald from behind while they were hiking in the forest. I attacked them and killed them. Then staged it to look like a vampire attack. I stole what was left of their equipment", the hunter still looked like they were in a trance, "after taking their things to my home, I led the police to the scene. The story was retold and retold until it became the truth. No one would ever know it was staged. I would fall in line as the next great hunter."
"Though you're an idiot who did it all wrong?", Whumpee frowned, "nod your head to agree."
The hunter had more tears as their body obeyed the vampire.
"That's why hunters get blessed by priest so they don't become mindless puppets", Caretaker stated.
"Give me a while to feed", Whumpee frowned, "they killed my friend. Gerald's blood screams for vengeance, and they almost killed his legacy."
Caretaker's legs felt like lead as they started to walk away from them.
"Come, kneel before me" Caretaker heard Whumpee order. They didn't dare turn and look.
Whumpee sank their teeth into the hunter's neck and snapped their fingers.
Caretaker heard the person scream then gargle cry as they climbed the stairs out of the dungeon.
They waited until late evening before going back down into the dungeon. They didn't want to see anything, and they dreaded the knowledge that the body was still down their.
They came closer to where Whumpee was.
"I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever come back down here again", Whumpee smirked.
"Where is the body?", Caretaker frowned. There wasn't any sign of them.
"You hit the nail on the head when you asked if I took life forces. I don't leave anything behind when I feed", Whumpee frowned.
Their was silence between the both of them.
"So you want a vampire prisoner huh?", Whumpee snickered.
"Th-that was before I knew all of this", Caretaker frowned, "I'm sorry I've spent so long hating all of you because I didn't know. I almost let you die because of it. I'm sorry."
"It's alright", Whumpee grinned, "I can be a prisoner if you want. As long as a few rules are followed. I think you could use a vampire roaming the house, keeping you safe. You don't exactly carry the same presence your father carried. Plus, that idiot burnt my hideout down last night."
"Oh so you need a place to stay is what you're saying", Caretaker grinned.
"It will be perfect for the both of us", Whumpee grinned, "you can keep me in shackles if you want, I don't care. I'm old enough, I've had my fun. I guess I could use a change. I enjoy letting humans think these things can keep me controlled."
Caretaker frowned.
"I mean, oh no chains", Whumpee stated sarcastically, "I won't injure a descendent of Gerald though. I will protect you."
"As comforting as that sounds. I-I don't know about this. It kind of defeats the purpose of this building", Caretaker sighed.
"You defeated the purpose of this place a long time ago. You refused to hunt vampires. Now you have gardens growing where blood was once shed", Whumpee frowned.
Caretaker looked down shamefully.
"I'm not saying that to make you feel bad. My point is things can change, this place your family. You don't have to hold onto those traditions so tightly. Your father was proud of the person you were becoming", Whumpee looked around, "you could use some protection though."
Caretaker agreed, "can you tell me about those days when you healed him? I feel like he didn't tell us everything."
"They probably didn't. It would go against the hunter's code" Whumpee laughed.
Caretaker sat down, "and how were you able to mark them."
"As long as your father allowed me to, I could break through the seal the priest set. I am very old, I've learned to do a lot of things", Whumpee sat for a minute to think, "okay I'll tell you the story."
"It was cold that night", Whumpee started, "I had been following Gerald for a few miles. I knew who they were, and I kept my distance, but I was still curious. They had gotten attacked by a bear. Their camp was destroyed, and they were badly injured. Their blood was actually what got my attention."
"They were trying to get home or to safety. They collapsed and kept mumbling that they needed to get home. I showed myself after they collapsed."
Whumpee laughed, "they were startled when they saw me. 'Typical bloodsucker like vultures. I won't let you eat me'. I only rolled my eyes. I wanted to see the great hunter up close, I told Gerald. Leave it to a bear to do you in."
Caretaker listened curiously. It sounded just like their father. This was a different story though, not how their father told it.
"After a few minutes of watching them fail to kill me and cursing at me, I offered them a hand after they fell face first into the snow."
"They asked why I would help them. I told them I needed to have some fun. Plus they helped keep the vampire population low. I knew they planned on killing me at some point, but that was the fun of it. I got them to my hideout and into my bed. Cleaned and dressed the wounds, fed and hydrated. It took forever to get Gerald to rest though. They were so tired by the time they fell alseep."
Whumpee smiled, "I had that pain in the butt for a good month or more. I carried many messages between Gerald and your mother. That is the true reason why I knew where this house was. Finally, they had enough strength for me to get them down the mountain and here. They allowed me to leave my mark on them to keep them safe after that. I could check in occasionally, but I've been gone for a long time apparently."
"Yes its been a while", Caretaker nodded.
They sat in silence for a while again.
"I'll let you have this dungeon for your own space... if that's alright. The other rooms have windows", Caretaker sighed, "be careful if you go up there during the day. It's very sunny. You'll be safe down here. It's not like this is being used anymore."
"Thankyou", Whumpee grinned, "so I take it the Madame has passed as well. She tried to kill me the first time I came here as well. She was very kind after that. She would occasionally offer the neck of a prisoner to feed me", Whumpee chuckled.
"That sounds like my mom", Caretaker laughed, "she passed a little after my father."
Whumpee nodded, "I see."
In the night Caretaker found themself awake staring at the ceiling. Many thoughts on their mind.
They heard the floors creak outside of their room.
"Oh right, on top of everything I've allowed a vampire into my home", Caretaker sat up as they heard the creaking go down the hall, "where are they going?"
Caretaker quietly wandered down the hall until they heard Whumpee whispering.
They peaked around the corner to see Whumpee sitting on the floor looking at a painting of Gerald and the Madame.
Whumpee turned to see Caretaker.
"I didn't mean to wake you. I was just, uh, talking to my old friend."
"I do that occasionally. You didn't wake me, I have a lot of things going through my mind. My world feels like it was turned upside-down today", Caretaker came closer.
"I know the feeling", Whumpee nodded.
"So what's next?", Caretaker frowned.
"I don't know. That's for you to decide. I'm not limited by time anymore", Whumpee stood up, "I'll be here to protect you now. I promise Gerald that much."
"Thankyou", Caretaker watched Whumpee take another glance at the picture before they walked away.
"Dawn is approaching. You should get some rest', Whumpee spoke over their shoulder.
Caretaker nodded in agreement.
They went to bed after that. Mind still racing.
"What a turn of events. The descendent of vampire hunters is now being protected by a vampire", Caretaker smiled as they rolled over to fall asleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinx
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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chaotic-orphan · 9 months
Master post of series:
All the links bring you to part one and the next parts are linked at the bottom of the post!
I will add the once off Whump drabbles overtime :)
Intoxicating fear (updates every Saturday)
(Scared hero x telepath Villain)
Delirious villain x hero caretaker
(heroes vs villain war)
Defiant Leader x confident villain
Supermax prison
(Supervillain and rookie guard)
[There is only one part to supermax prison but it will be updated soon :) ]
Heroic betrayal
(hero betrayed by other hero)
The stranger
(vigilante Whumpee)
The immortal Hunter
(vampire whump)
Villain’s gift
[Supervillain gives Villain a present for their birthday]
The hero and the infant
(grumpy hero x superhero sidekick)
Partners in Crime
(Charismatic Whumpee, goons and Powerful Whumper)
A Benignant Mischief
(Fantasy found family, young elf outlaw captured by enemy kingsmen whose orders are to capture any elf for trial before the King/ hurt/comfort— ish, it’s giving fuzzy vibes)
Twisted Love
(Hero lady Whumpee x villain male Whumper; creepy, intimate Whumper, absolutely zero consent, villain is a freak, be warned)
Febuwhump Masterpost
Hero/Villain Drabbles:
Cocky Hero to the rescue
Noble consequences
Whump drabbles:
Choose me (whumper x whumpee/ forced to watch Caretaker beating)
That’s enough
Supervillain's brand / Part (2)
Guardian angel (cold caretaker rescues Whumpee)
Semantics (royal whump)
Russian Roulette (whumpee plays whumper for Caretaker’s life)
Waterboarding (sweet, sweet team whump)
June of doom (JoD):
JoD Day nine: part one / part two / part three
( I intend to make this into a series I just forgot about it until today)
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dinkflocculent · 8 months
Contents - pet whumpee, hurt whump, horned whumpee
The soft creak of the door caused whumpee to curl tighter in their ball. Their horns shone in the light of the hallway. The sound always pierced their heart. Whumpee wished they could turn invisible, away from whumper’s sight. Or pull these cursed horns from their head that whumper loved to gawk at.
“Whumpee,” whumper’s soft coo caused whumpee to try and move away from the light. “I have a surprise for you.”
Whumpee perks up their head in curiosity. Whumper would never give them a gift. Whumpee anticipated it; it made their heart beat faster.
Whumper shuffles their hand through their pocket, pulling out a leather collar. A small bell rang as whumper shook it. Whumpee’s heart beat like a drum. Their necks were so sensitive. With that thing on, it’ll feel like it's burning their skin.
“What?” whumpee shook out, going deeper into their corner. “N-No, please… I don't want it-”
“Don't bite the hand that feeds you,” whumper jeered. Their cocky expression turns serious.
“I'm not wearing a collar. I'm not your pet, I'm not your pretty little thi-”
Yanking whumpee’s horns, they slam their head on the cold hard floor. Their ears stabbed with ringing as they tried to pry off whumper’s grip. It was no use. It only made their grip tighter, making whumpee whimper.
“Oh, you are wearing it,” whumper hissed, pulling the leather over whumpee’s sensitive neck. “You will appreciate my gift.”
The soft click of the lock made ehumper grin, as he let go. Whumpee scratched at it, trying to rip it off. That bell already drove them mad. They wanted it off. It was too tight. It was so humiliating.
Whumper grabbed their horns to yank them closer, glaring. “I expect you to leave it alone and leave it on.”
Whumpee tries to push away from them, only making the grip tighter.
“If I or you ever take it off, you will be severely punished. Do I make myself clear?”
Whumpee sniffled, shaking. 
“Oh, so now you're deaf?”
“Y-Yes, master. I-I won't touch it.”
Leaving whumpee in a shaken mess, they walk to the door. Giving their pet one last glance, they close the door. The clicking of the locks made whumpee lose every ounce of hope they had left. There was none. 
They would be here forever.
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No Place Feels Like Home
a version of this from whumpee's perspective, with ocs cuz i'm planning on turning this into a series <3
cw age gap, intimate whumper, power dynamic
The freezing air outside was a stark contrast to the inside of the house. The heat of so many bodies pressed together in the basement had left Thomas sweaty and flushed in his wool sweater, but now, standing on the porch, he wished he’d worn more layers. Winters in Jersey were unforgiving. He took another drag from his cigarette in hopes of keeping warm—it didn’t quite do the trick, but the burning in his chest was a distraction, at least. 
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” 
Thomas looked up in surprise at the guy walking toward him, leather jacket over a Refused shirt. Dark hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, and he was wearing the kind of smirk that Thomas knew would get him into trouble if he wasn’t careful. He'd always been a sucker for bad boys. 
He held the other man’s gaze, raising the cigarette to his lips again. Thomas blew out a cloud of smoke before replying, “What makes you think I have a bedtime?” Surely, he didn’t look that young. 
The guy leaned one shoulder against the wall next to him, leaving just enough distance to be casual. “I don’t mind,” he said, not answering the question. “I mean, we do all ages shows for a reason. I think it’s great for kids to see live music.”
What a jerk—this guy had to be fucking with him. Thomas gave him as scathing a glare as he could manage. “I’m eighteen, actually. But thanks for your concern.” 
“Sorry, you just look young is all.” He was still smiling teasingly. “Didn’t mean to offend you—maybe we could start over? I’m Mateo Ruiz. But everyone calls me Matty.” 
“I know, I came to see your band,” Thomas said, taking another drag on his cigarette. 
He shivered when Mateo looked him up and down. “Yeah? Didn’t realize you were a fan.” 
“Why’s that?” 
Mateo hummed, eyes shining with amusement. “Just don’t look like you’re in the scene. Where’s your sweater from, pretty boy—The Gap?” 
It was, actually, which made Thomas fume even more. “My friend Liz put me onto you guys. She’s really into hardcore stuff, she played me your CD.”
“You’re gonna love it, I promise,” she’d insisted, grinning as they sat cross-legged on her bed. “These guys are gonna be big someday.” 
Thomas rolled his eyes. “That’s what you said about The Unholy Pizza Parlor Apocalypse. And they’ve already broken up.” 
Liz smacked him on the arm. “Okay, but I mean it this time. The melodic hardcore stuff is totally taking off. Aaaaannd the guys are wicked cute.” 
“You’re sick,” Thomas said when she wiggled her eyebrows at him. 
“Oh shit, Liz?” Mateo’s eyes lit up with recognition. “Like, Liz that does the Soundboard zine?” 
Thomas nodded, stubbing out his cigarette on the wall behind him before flicking it over the porch railing. “Yeah, she's here somewhere. Probably chatting up your bandmate—she has a thing for bassists.” 
Mateo nodded, pushing off the wall and closing the distance between them. “And how ‘bout you?” he teased, looking down at Thomas with big, dark eyes he could get lost in. “You look like the type who’d be into singers.” 
“I don’t know...singers are too cocky,” he shot back. “And they’re not as good with their fingers.”
Mateo laughed at that, flashing him a devilish smirk. “You’re funny, kid... Never told me your name, by the way.” 
“Thomas.” The chill that ran down his spine had more to do with the hungry way Mateo was looking at him than the February air. His heart pounded in his ears. 
“Thomas,” Mateo repeated, the name dripping from his tongue like honey. “Suits you.” 
His hands fidgeted with the bottom of his sweater, and he wondered if he should light another cigarette to keep them busy. 
Mateo reached out and brushed Thomas’s hair behind his ear, not paying any mind to the people milling around outside. “Well, I’ll tell you a secret, Tommy,” he said, lowering his voice. “I kind of have a thing for preppy boys who shop at The Gap.” 
“It’s just Thomas,” he whispered, throat dry. 
“Listen.” Fingers trailed down his jaw, and then Mateo’s hand was cupping his cheek. “I haven’t seen you at any shows before, but you seem cool. There’s an afterparty at my place if you wanna come.” 
Thomas hesitated. “I don’t know...I have class in the morning.” 
“Your call. But I'd really like it if you were there.” 
Mateo’s eyes drifted down to his lips for a moment, making the unspoken implication in his statement clear. Despite Thomas’s nervousness, he made no move to back away. “Yeah?” he breathed. 
“Yeah—come party with the rockstars.” He leaned in, breath hot against Thomas’s ear when he spoke. “I promise you’ll have a good time, honey.” 
“Okay. I’ll come,” Thomas agreed. He felt a sick thrill run through him as he wondered if Mateo was as passionate in...other ways...as he was when he performed. 
The singer grinned, fingers ghosting down Thomas’s neck. “Awesome. Let me pack up my equipment and then we’ll get going.”
taglist: @morning-star-whump  
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Swipe Right - Part 1
This new series comes from the pitch featured below, and is adjacent to my series Operation Valkyrie. This has been ready for a bit but I wanted to hold off before I felt I had the rest of the series more fleshed out in my mind. I hope to continue both this series and Redwood Institue in the new year.
CWs: pet whump, abduction/kidnapping, yandere whumper, non-con drugging, needles (vague)
Charlie approached the cafe, swallowing hard. His hands were sweaty, and he wiped them off on his pants and rolled his shoulders back, trying to display confidence. Then, he realised he didn't want to be too confident, lest he appear cocky, and dropped his shoulders.
Charlie sighed. This was not the first 'first date' he'd been on, and it certainly would not be the last. He'd been on many dating apps for the past year, hoping he could at last find someone who loved him for who he was. None of these dates or subsequent relationships had gone very far. Most people sooner or later 'politely' rejected him, telling him he was too socially awkward and quiet, or too absorbed in his music, reading and self-deprecating thoughts. Though rejection didn't feel good, he knew they were right. He was trying - trying to be more outward, to be caring about his dates' interests to socialise and be a more.. contributing member if society instead of a hermit.
So this date would be a test, of sorts, to see if his had efforts paid off.
"Charlie?" A voice called.
He looked up, spotting a young, deep brown-haired woman sitting at a table inside the cafe, wearing a beautiful white dress with small purple flowers, and waving to him with a big smile.
"Lacey? Hi." He rushed inside to the table and shook the hand she offered as he sat down across from her. "How... how did you know it was me?" He asked, running a hand through his constantly-tousled mousey-brown hair.
"Well, you were standing in the door like a lost puppy for a good five minutes. I figured you had to be Charlie." She laughed, a beautiful laugh that tinkled in his ears.
He went beet red. Had he really been standing there in the doorway for that long? "...Oh." He murmured.
"It's fine, Charlie." Lacey smiled broadly. "It's really nice to meet you. How are you?"
"I'm, uh, good. How- how are you?" He stammered.
"I'm excellent. It's just so wonderful to meet you in person.." She drawled, twirling a strand of her long hair around her finger.
"Oh- oh, thanks."
"Should we order?" She flashed another smile.
"Yeah. Um. Yeah." Charlie murmured.
Lacey poured over the menu for a few minutes, before passing it over to Charlie. After he closed it and slid it back into the centre of the table, Lacey waved over a waiter, and they placed their orders.
"That's better. So, tell me - what do you like to do? You said in our messages you love music, what do you play?" Lacey asked.
"Oh, I, uh. Original stuff. I play the piano and stuff." He shrugged.
"Oh really! I'd love to hear some of your music. What kind of music do you listen to?"
"I uh, I like, um, classical but also some pop and stuff. What about you?" He asked, trying to show some interest in her and her personality.
"Ooh, I quite enjoy a little bit of jazz - though I mostly listen to alternate and pop." She replied. "So you work in the industry, doing what exactly?"
"I freelance.. write my own stuff, occasionally perform.. My parents are well-off so I don't have to worry about putting food on the table." Charlie shrugged.
"Ooh! How wonderful." Lacey smiled as their food was delivered to the table. "Do you get many shows?"
"A couple throughout the week, at local bars and the like." Charlie sighed, digging into his croissant. "What did you say you do for work?" He asked her after a bite.
"Oh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. You know, freelance stuff." She replied, vaguely. "You read too, don't you? Tell me more about what you like to read."
"I enjoy reading non-fiction - biographies about musical artists and war history, but I also like some fiction - fantasy, historical fiction.." Charlie finished his croissant off and wiped his fingers.
"This.. may be an awkward question, but can I ask- what would you say people see as your faults?" Lacey asked.
"Um, that's okay. I guess people say I'm really quiet. I'm bad at opening up, and I'm a bit of a push-over."
"Really? I wouldn't say you seem like that... People often say I'm too.. detached." Lacey raised an eyebrow.
"I guess we have that in common."
"Yeah. Hey, do you want to go for a walk? Go somewhere a bit more quiet, less.. crowded?" Lacey suggested.
They paid for their food, then she offered Charlie her arm, and he took it awkwardly, walking at her side as she gracefully strolled out of the cafe and down the street. There was an entrance to a park, and she stopped on the footpath next to the park. Cars were parked on both sides of the street, but the park and nearby areas were fairly quiet, during a tuesday morning.
Lacey leaned in, and put a hand on his shoulder, "You know, I think you're a great guy, Charlie. I personally don't feel a connection with you, but I'm sure we can make you a bit more desirable."
"What?" Charlie froze, perplexed.
It all happened so fast. One minute Lacey was beside him, the next there was a sudden sting in his arm, and then he was in her arms, swaying on his feet, and she was pulling him towards a car on the side of the road. She opened the door, and tossed him inside onto the floor between the front and back seats.
"Mmmph!" He uttered, landing flat on his face. His body betrayed him by not responding to his commands as she pulled his arms behind his back and tied them there with practiced ease, before draping a blanket on top of him.
She climbed into the front seat. "So that you can't be seen, darling. Have a nice rest now!"
And everything slipped away into darkness.
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fallenwhumpee · 8 months
Hello! I’ve been rereading recently some of your stories and I must say that I really like your writing :)
So… if you don’t mind…👉👈 I have a small writing request for you (It’s cliche but I don’t care, cause I love this prompt):
Two characters are given an important task: they should steal something from a well-guarded facility. The thing is, these characters aren’t really doing well together. One of them is a little slimmer and shorter than their partner (they are also the cocky one) and they have to crawl/get into the place where the item is contained. So, the item is successfully stolen, but on the way back, the cocky character gets shot with a drugged dart or something like that. Maybe they don’t really notice at first.
The other character has to carry both the item and their not-feeling-so-well partner :3 Or will they finally use the opportunity and leave that annoying little bastard at the hands of their enemies? It’s up to you :)
Hi Anon! You flatter me <3 And please don't be shy. I love requests! (Also, let's be honest, we all love cliches. It's only a matter if its done well or not. I hope I can be on the former part.) Please enjoy my short try.
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Drugging, abandoning.
Whumper was furious.
Whumpee was the most ridiculous, most annoying person ever. Their cockiness knew no bound (Whumper ignored that they sounded like a hypocrite— they always did).
"Are you even listening?" Whumper snarled.
"Yes, well, we have been looking at the plan for hours. It's not changing today, and it definitely won't change when I get in, too." Whumpee smiled arrogantly.
"Don't forget that the disk—"
"The disk is in a cylinder that is covered with a drug that is absorbed through skin, and we don't know what that drug does. I'll keep my gloves on." Whumpee said with a bored voice.
Whumper glared at Whumpee. This attitude was going to he the end of Whumpee. "Yes. Remember it well, idiot, or I'm leaving you there."
Whumpee smirked. Whumper wanted nothing more than wiping that arrogant smile from their face.
In less than five minutes, the black van dropped them a hundred meters away from the building. Whumper moved to the big maintenance tunnel. Though, worryingly, the space got smaller and smaller until Whumper's bulky shoulders started to touch to the sides.
"Here ends your plan," Whumpee chuckled.
"Just shut up and get the flash disk," Whumper grumbled.
Whumpee disappeared from their sight. Meanwhile, Whumper occupied themselves with exploring the other vents— they stopped just over the meeting room. When they realised that it was empty, they opened their computer and disabled the cameras there, connecting to a port as they closed the security system around the cylinder.
"Ugh. This place is so filthy." Whumpee whined.
"Stay focused." Whumper returned.
"Can't you be more understanding?" Whumpee snarled as an opening sound came. "I'm in. Just need a password."
Whumper hacked into the system again, from backdoor they left this time. It took a few minutes to find where it was stored and another few minutes to crack.
When footsteps came, Whumper left the security system as they used the table as a step stool and got back into the vent, closing the grille. Whumper let out a nervous breath when the room filled with people, but no one remarked on a change.
"Perfect." Whumpee grumbled.
"What happened?"
"The otomatic glass on the cylinder closed, and now my right glove is stuck under it. You did a perfect job, Whumper."
"It's not my fault that I had to disconnect. I'm not getting caught for your sake. And stop whining. You can get out with one glove."
Whumper heard a sigh before they heard Whumpee climb back to the vents. They meet in the middle, Whumpee carrying the cylinder in their gloved hand. They left the cylinder on the floor as they slumped and leaned to the wall of the vent.
"See? It's not a big deal." Whumper said through their gritted teeth.
"That glass could chop my fingers!" Whumpee shouted.
Whumper immediately closed their mouth, voices under them continuing to chatter undisturbed.
Whumper took the cylinder, pushing it to Whumpee's chest and snarling a shut up. Whumpee held the item with both hands before taking it with their right hand and crawling after Whumper.
They went in silence for a while before Whumper was pulled by their leg to demand attention.
"What's it again?"
Whumpee was staring at them, eyes glassy and dazed. Whumper immediately took the cylinder and helped Whumpee to lay down.
"I told you so." They murmured as Whumpee lifted their hand and failed to hold it. Whumper swore. "I'm not carrying y—"
The ground of the vent couldn't carry their weight.
Whumper groaned as they blinked, their body aching, especially their head. Whumpee was lying on the floor, unmoving.
A loud alarm wailed.
Whumper didn't think. They had told Whumpee that they would leave Whumpee there.
They grabbed the cylinder and ran.
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headcanonasks · 1 year
Villain Whump Prompts
Things have been a little slow, so I decided it’s time to post some villain-centric whump prompts! Below are two lists, one for a villain caretaker and one for a villain whumpee. 
Feel free to use these prompts for fanfiction or original fiction! Consider tagging me though- I’d love to see what you’ve written!
Villain Caretaker
One of the villain’s lackeys or subordinates dies (most likely in a confrontation with the hero or the authorities) and leaves behind a scared dependent whumpee (ex. A child) who the villain must become a caretaker for.
A hero whumpee is tortured by a new villain and escapes but can only make it to villain caretaker’s doorstep before passing out.
Villain caretaker leaves a loved one whumpee with the heroes, believing their sense of morality will prevent them from harming whumpee. However, when villain caretaker returns for whumpee, they find that a vengeful ally of the hero (whumper) has hurt whumpee. Bonus points if whumpee leaves their encounter with whumper with a scar.
The one, the only, the classic: “Who did this to you?” Villain caretaker says.
Villain Whumpee
Caretaker is forced to leave whumpee when they need them most, leading to whumpee’s descent into a villain. Caretaker unexpectedly returns at the height of whumpee’s villain arc.
The final battle leaves villain whumpee scarred and defeated but things only get worse when they return to their superior, who takes it upon themselves to punish villain whumpee. Villain whumpee is only saved by the hero, who steps in as caretaker and vows revenge on the villain whumpee’s superior.
A villain whumpee who’s aware they’re fictional begs the author to end it all. They don’t even notice when caretaker approaches them, but caretaker eventually soothes villain whumpee. Bonus points if this leads to the caretaker’s own revelation that they’re fictional.
Nice and simple: “Where’s that cocky grin now?” Whumper smirks.
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yeolwhump · 2 years
Yeah, okay- sure.
Physical Whump is cool and all, but do you know what I crave? What I’d get on my hands and knees and beg for?
Emotional whump.
The two go hand in hand. You need to weaken the whumpee’s mind before their body. Attack their mental walls before their physical ones.
For example, I’d love to see:
The somewhat ignored, cocky, perfectionist scientist character. The only reason they’re kept around is for their smarts, their brains. And they know this. But when they’re told by the whumper that their miscalculations is what got the whole team into this mess. That their brains are a lie, that they’re just like everyone else. They go from being a loudmouth and lashing out at the whumper, to keeping quiet and following orders. When they return to the team, their a totally different person, which you’d think would be a good thing, for the annoying child of the team to finally shut up, but… they’re just so quiet.
The tank of the team. The muscle. The one who’s first to help out in any physical task. They’re being taken advantage of. They’re simply a tool for battle, nothing more, nothing less. Sure, the tank knew this, but it still breaks their heart. The team think they’re okay. “They’ll beat up the whumper and escape.” But when they finally do leave, despite their size, they’re now just a kid again. Afraid. Scared. But, they’re no longer a pushover.
The leader of the team. The cool and stoic one. They’re strict, but not unfair. Scary, but not unapproachable. They don’t talk about their past much, but whatever it was clearly taking a toll on them. Well, when the whumper reveals that baggage, let’s just say, it doesn’t end well. Embarrassment. Guilt. Anger. Not necessarily directed at the whumper, well, not completely. But at themselves. For being so stupid, so undeniably naive to think that this would never get out. And so, perhaps to save themselves further embarrassment, they willingly hand themselves over to the whumper.
Give me that juicy emotional trauma 💕💕
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auroragehenna · 11 months
AI-less Whumptober
Day 18 (Bloody knuckles)
TW/CW: Punching a wall (kinda sh-y), torture trauma, threatening whumper, manhandling, defiant whumpee, scared whumpee, isolation whump-cold whumper (at the very end), Word count: 721
Pix is the lovely whumper oc of @yourlocalgaefae33 from an rp she and me are creating. If you wanna read it let me know and I can see if you can get the link to the whump discord server.
Lyra was staring at the heavy door that had shut behind Pix. She listened to her footsteps disappearing  and tried to calm her heavy breathing. It was no use and shortly after she found herself storm towards the next wall and punch it with her fist. It hurt and damn it felt good. So she kept on punching until she barely felt the pain anymore. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did I mess up!? How could I mess this up!! How could I let her see so much, how-what she saw. The fear. No. NO. No! And now I’ve lost privileges. Okay smallest of my problems. Follow! The! Gods! Damn! Rules! That’s the only fucking thing!! Adam. Girahim. Lilith. Lucifer. Belial. Crow. Zestia. Electra. You’ve always done it. SO STICK TO THE DAMN PLAN! Each thought undermined with a strong punch. Suddenly through her panicked anger she sees red. Literally. There’s streams of red on the wall in front of her. She looks down on her fist and sees its bleeding. Shit. She thought. But then she heard footsteps come closer to the basement door. Her eyes go wide and she scrambles to go back to her stance in the middle of the floor. Arms legerly crossed, trying to hide her bloody knuckles from Pix. Every touch burned but it was better than giving the bitch the satisfaction.
Pix entered the door and made sure to lock the door behind her before walking down the stairs.
Lyra sees that her before injured hand is now bandaged and it gives her a little bit of satisfaction. That’s gonna suck for her for a while, she thought grimly.
Pix walks straight up to her, stopping only a meter or so away. Definitely inside Lyra’s personal space bubble and definitely in arm’s length. “What are you so cocky about huh? You failed in every possible way. And the only thing that came out of it is that I got to see your panic. Your fear.”
“No. It also proved that you’re not untouchable, you’re not invincible or perfect. And now we both saw that.”
Pic quickly takes a step toward her and grabs her chin roughly before smiling ever so sweetly. “Oh honey, you just got lucky. You caught me lacking simply because I was happy. And how could I not be if you’re giving me everything.”
Lyra imitates a Russian accent: “I am not giving everything.”
“Aww still trying to play your little games?”, Pix taunts before grabbing Lyra’s arm and ripping it down, breaking her kidnappee’s confident stature. A short, pained hiss escaped Lyra and Pix looked at her arms in confusion. Her gaze falls on Lyra’s bloody knuckles, then to the closest wall with the blood smears and a sadistic grin breaks the tension in her face. “Well, well, well, what is this? Were you trying to already punish yourself by yourself?”
“Yeah, sure.”, Lyra bit back.
“Or was there maybe another reason why you redecorated my wall?”, Pix drills in a luring tone.”
“I simply felt like it. It’s actually kinda fun, I used to sometimes do it at work with the soil bags we sell. Outside in the cold.” “-Lyra. Stop trying to stall. Or distract me. That might have worked with Adam but not with me.
Lyra paled but she didn’t flinch. Even if, wouldn’t flinch.
“Why would you punch a wall, Lyra?”
“It’s none of your business!”
“What were you thinking, hm?
Lyra gasped softly for air.
Bullseye, Pix thought triumphantly.
“Nothing of interest. The wall just looked very punchable!”
“Se defensive.”
“Uuugh! You’re impossible.”
“My best guess is-she digged her nails further into Lyra’s face when she tried to pull her head away-that you were frustrated with yourself. That you were trying to remind yourself of your rules-she drew goosefeet into the air at that word. Tell me, is that how you teach yourself, Lyra? Do you learn well through pain?”
Lyra’s eyes go wide. Noup, fuck no. “Nice try, but no.”
“Hmm. Guess I’ll just have to see for myself during the time you’re here don’t I.”, and with that she released Lyra’s chin and took a box Lyra didn’t even notice she brought back upstairs with her. A few sausage sticks and bread flew down the stairs before the door fell shut.
Bonus for the ones that get the Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow reference. Lyra is a huge (quoting) nerd!
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, @ailesswhumptober
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montammil · 2 years
So glad to see your updates! You are awesome. I would like to request superheroes au: Lawrence as supervillain (obviously), and he kidnapped 3 young heroes, because he wants villain family. I also would like to see how would Nathan, Sadie and Marshall interact and help each other. (I imagine Sadie will act as big protective sister for others some reason) .
Have a good day! \(*0*)/
Aw, thank you!! I'll make a part 2 soon if anyone wants me to!! Sorry its a little short, I love writing for villains and heroes and just sci-fi in general, I'm just a little inexperienced writing for it. I hope its ok!
CW: Parental whumper, kidnapping, shocking, manipulative whumper, multiple whumpees, mentioned depression, mentioned insecurity, mentioned parental abuse, mentioned stalking
Marshall looks around the abandoned warehouse with anxiety. He recently just got a note threatening to destroy half the city if he didn't show up, which made him want to laugh, since that's the most stereotypical thing a villain could do.
He can assume who it was from, considering there has only been one villain that's been really annoying him recently. He doesn't even have a villain name. Marshall wishes he did, considering this complete stranger keeps referring to himself as 'Dad'. He can't tell if that's just some smug way to get him angrier at him, or if he's just crazy.
Probably both.
"Ah!" Marshall jumps at the voice, just to see its Nathan. "Oh. What're you doing here?"
Next to him, is Sadie. "You got that letter too, didn't you?"
Marshall sighs. "Yeah. I thought I was the only one."
He's not very well-acquainted to either Sadie or Nathan, but he's interacted with them a few times. Between the three of them, Nathan is obviously the strongest, Sadie is more experienced with stealth, and Marshall... doesn't really fight. Or at least, he tries not to. He'd much rather be on the sidelines and heal anyone who needs it. That's not to say he's completely inexperienced, though.
"Shut up, I hear something." Nathan pushes both of them behind him protectively. "Hey, asshole! Show yourself!"
Just like that, the masked villain hops down from some platform they weren't looking at. He's tall, and wearing an expensive-looking suit that doesn't look fit for fighting. It looks more like a fancy business suit.
"I'm so happy you're all here!" he exclaims, clapping his hands together.
Sighing, Marshall asks, "So what do you want? A fight?" He's used to this guy's unsettling enthusiasm, and he just wants to go back home and not have to deal with this. If he knew Sadie and Nathan had it covered, he might've not even went.
"Well, I'll let you decide," the villain says, taking a step closer. "We can fight, or we can talk. Which do you prefer?"
"Talk about what?" Sadie puts an arm in front of Nathan when he tries moving forward to attack.
"We're not negotiating with him," Nathan growls at her.
"Oh, c'mon, I'm not meaning any harm," the villain chuckles. "Here, I'll even show you how honest I'm being right now." He takes off his mask, dropping it to the ground.
He has short blond hair, electrifying blue eyes, and looks to be in his late thirties or early forties. Marshall glances at Nathan and Sadie to see they look surprised. Marshall wishes he could say the same, but with how cocky this guy has shown to be, he really isn't.
"My name is Lawrence Cross, but of course, I would prefer you call me 'Dad.'" He grins, as if he thinks they'll all have a positive reaction.
Nathan chuckles bitterly. "You're insane if you think anyone in their right mind is gonna call you that." He pushes Sadie's arm away from him and forms gauntlets around his hands, both lighting up neon purple.
Lawrence smiles. "I know everything about you three. You, Nathan Lam, fight anything and everything in your way, blindly. You think you're better than everyone else because you're 'brave.' I see that 'braveness' for what it really is. You just don't value your life."
Taken aback, Nathan goes silent.
"And then there's Marshall Jackson," Lawrence continues. "It takes no genius to see you're insecure and have nobody in your life who loves you. Those fakers you call your parents treat you so horribly, and those so-called friends of yours aren't much better." Lawrence steps closer. "You let those around you abuse you, because you value yourself so little, you don't think you'll get anyone better."
Marshall stares at him in shock.
Lastly, his eyes sweep over to Sadie. "And you, Sadie Mills... you don't even want to be a hero! The only reason why is because you come from a poor family and just want to help them out. You're so selfless that you exhaust yourself emotionally and physically, just to make those around you happy."
Sadie's breath hitches. "What are you talking about?"
He's suddenly standing right in front of all three of them. "I've been watching you all for a while now. Almost two months, to be exact."
"Why?" Nathan demands quietly. "What do you want with us?"
"You three are my kids, of course! I've made that obvious, you just keep overthinking it. It's no act or bit, and it's definitely no joke." He looks directly at Nathan again. "You'd all have a much easier life if you lived with me. So I'm making you an offer."
"We don't want what ever offer you're giving us," Sadie states firmly. She's ready to attack now, hand ghosting her sword.
He sighs. "I thought you, out of all people, would be more willing to negotiate. Well, you can't blame me for trying." Before any of them can react, he throws some kind of smoke-bomb their way.
Marshall tries running in the opposite direction, but only gets two steps in before falling to the ground, overridden by a sudden sleepiness.
He turns his head to see both Sadie and Nathan lying on the floor, too. He tries to fight the blackness dotting his vision, but he gives in.
When Marshall wakes up, he's in bed, but not a familiar one by any means. His first thought is he must have been drugged. He tries to sit up, but his limbs feel like lead.
"Don't try to move yet," a voice says. "You'll get dizzy."
He looks over to see Lawrence staring right at him.
"You..." He still feels a little paralyzed, but he still tries to move. "Where is Sadie and Nathan? What did you do to them?"
Lawrence chuckles. "They're fine. I wouldn't hurt my own children, silly. That includes you."
Marshall's heart skips a beat. "You're not my dad." He wishes he could put things more harshly like Nathan, or be as calm as Sadie, but he can't hide the fear crackling in his voice.
"Nonsense," Lawrence says with a wave of his hand. "You're my child. Maybe not biologically, but that doesn't change a thing. Now, your siblings are already awake I'm sure are eager to see you! Take a bit to rest, and then we can all have breakfast together and talk."
"Please," Marshall whispers. "Please, I don't know why you're doing this, but... but stop. You aren't my dad."
"Oh, Marshie..." Lawrence coos, and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Just like I said earlier, you aren't used to people actually caring about you. I know you're unsure how to accept this, but you will eventually. You'll just come to see I want what's best for you."
Marshall stays silent. He really doesn't know what to do or say.
"I need to go check on your brother, he was throwing such a fit just a couple minutes ago," Lawrence mumbles, leaning down to kiss his forehead and then stand. "Oh, and don't try anything funny, m'kay? There's a whole lot of security outside and if you try escaping, the only thing you'll get is a nasty shock."
"Great," Marshall grumbles to himself. "Thanks for the warning."
It takes an hour for Marshall to get feeling back in his body. He steps off the bed with wobbling legs, and notices a single silver band on his wrist. It looks high-tech, and seems to be a tracker of some kind, especially judging from how heavy it feels.
Marshall jumps when he hears a loud voice and a crash. He opens the door-- surprised it's unlocked-- and goes to the source of the noise, the only thing on his mind being Sadie and Nathan, hoping they're okay.
"I'm not your fucking son!"
No doubt it's Nathan, Marshall thinks. He rounds the corner to the kitchen to see a broken chair, and Lawrence glaring. He sees Sadie next to Nathan, yanking on his arm and telling him to stop.
Lawrence folds his arms disapprovingly. "Listen to your sister, young man. This is your last warning."
"I am not related to anyone in this room, especially you!" Nathan yells. "The other heroes are gonna find us, and then you'll wish you were dead. That is, if I don't kill you myself."
"I didn't want to do this..." Lawrence grabs a remote out of his pocket, and a loud cry rips from Nathan's lips as he falls to his knees.
"What did you do to him?" Marshall whispers.
Lawrence sighs. "Just a little something to calm him down."
"Nathan..." Sadie kneels down and looks at him nervously. "Hey, are you okay?"
Gently pushing her away, Nathan glares right back up at Lawrence. He opens his mouth to insult him, but when the older man's thumb ghosts the button again, he snaps his mouth shut. That doesn't stop him from keeping his defiant gaze.
Lawrence pockets the remote and claps his hands together. "Now! Who's ready for breakfast?"
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whumpsday · 1 year
Whumper Royale - Bracket 1 Round 1
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Aden Wilson (Tag) by @pinkieglitterheart
Aden is snarky and has a great dislike for others, he generally won't get along well with anyone else. He sees nonhumans as weaker and would put himself as higher then them in terms of what he believes and insult them. He thinks he's just above everyone and will fight anyone regardless even if their stronger. He finds most outfits people have to be tacky if their not a suit or old fashion.
Aden can take a beating to the face and his ribs well for a while. It takes a while to tire him out. He'd knock his opponents down from the back of their heads or legs before choking them and trying to stab them.
Though hitting his back hurts him, making it take longer for him to get up. He can has quick agility and will rip the weapons from the hands of others so they can't use it and would attack them with it himself. He has quick speed and can dodge well for a while but after a couple of hits he gets tired.
He would take a break but wants to not be seen as weaker and would push through it as much as he could till he can't move as well or till he falls over. When he's to exhausted to get up again.
"Darling you did good, even though you're pathetic most the time."
Rudy from Land of Liars by @whumpy-daydreams
An explosive and tyrannical sadist he's always loved inflicting pain and torment on people. Dishonorably discharged from the army he was recruited to keep unruly 'patients' (prisoners) in line. Strengths - hand to hand combat, loves using knuckle dusters, familiar with knives and guns and can use them well. Weaknesses - his cockiness means he often underestimates people and when angry loses all sense of tactics. He specialises in defiant whumpees and takes pleasure in winning a fight (verbal or physical).
"Go to hell." Rowena snarled, pushing herself up away from the pressure of his arm on her neck. Rudy let go, appearing to turn away before reeling back and landing a fist on Rowena's jaw, sending her toppling to the floor with a cry. Quickly he dropped to the floor and yanked Rowena up by the front of her shirt, pinning her back against the wall in a sitting position. “I told you I’m not a patient person. Luckily for you, I’ve been told not to damage you too much, but when that instruction no longer stands then you’d better learn to do as you’re told.” With a final push, he stood up, wiping his hands on his trousers. The burst of rage dissipated as quickly as it had appeared and he grinned. “See you tomorrow!”
(Image sources: Art by @pinkieglitterheart, Picrew)
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years
do you have face claims for your ocs?
Im especially curious to see how you picture Alicia. 👀
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OKAY SO JACKS VIBE. we have sorta quite lightish brown hair thats messily organized and HIS EYES ARE LIKE- SORTA LUGHT GREEN/BEIGE i think. thats what we're going with anyway- HUIIDKDJJ his face just screams innocent bean because- i mean cmon- its jack, hes the sweetest most innocent precious bean <3
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Asher has very dark brown hair with also very dark brown eyes AND A JAWLINE THAT WOULD CUT YOUR LIL PINKIE IF YOU TOUCHED IT- okay im getting carried away0 HIDHDJHD ONE OF MY FAVOURITE FEATURES OF MY LIL ASHY BOI- the scar. his scar runs down from just above his eyebrow, through it and down under his eye. also another feature is just a cocky smirk all the time HUIDJHDKDJJ
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THIS FUCKING BITCH IS THE ONLY CHARACTER I DONT HAVE A CLEAR IMAGE IN MY HEAD. His hair definitely dark blonde, his eyes bluey-green- and just like. Rich asshole- daddy issues and mommy issues vibes, yk? HUIDJKHDKJDH
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IDK IF I 'CAPTURED' HER VIBE AS WELL AS I COULDVE BUT THIS IS HER. Daaaaarrrrkkkkkk brown long hair, eyeliner, long eyelashes, long dark red nails, AND ALWAYS. ALWAYS VELVET RED LIPSTICK.
im going to tag the people from my taglist just incase peeps are interested <3
@likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @tears-and-lilies @heathenwhump @whumpkinpie @jadeocean46910 @shywhumpauthor @cursedscribbles @whump-queen
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Whump Of May || Day 16 - Threats
"Forsaken? You think Forsaken scare me?" Whumpee laughed, pulling out their blade. "I've killed thousands of these frail skeletons! I've killed their god! The Great Serpent! This is child's play!"
Yes, it was somewhat of a bluff. Sure, Whumpee could fight, and could fight well. But she usually had a team behind her, she usually had help... and it wasn't usually this many at once.
Whumper didn't answer, idly playing with a deck of cards as they hummed. Setting them down one by one before Whumpee.
Each card was meticulously decorated with the visage of said team. Her friends, her lover... everyone she held dear.
How... how had Whumper gotten these cards?! How long had he been watching her?
"It seems you've forgotten why you gave yourself to me. Pet. I've traded my prize for you once. This time, I won't be so negotiable."
When I saw 'threats' as a prompt, I knew immediately what I was going to do.
I had a roleplay with my DM, who plays Lucius, my main antagonist. Where Wolve first offered herself in exchange for her friend, she was cocky and full of herself. Why shouldn't she be? She'd defeated the Great Serpent!
When she found the room quickly filling with Forsaken, she still felt confident, surely Lucius was just trying to scare her... right?
The thing is, Wolve doesn't care about herself. If anything, she's eager to find a glorious death in battle. But when Lucius pulled out the tarot cards, subtly threatening people she did care about... well, her tune changed.
I know it's unlikely anyone will read this far down, but I did my best to make the cards accurate.
The Stars - One foot in water to represent Instability, one on land representing stability. One big star representing her core essence, 7 stars for the 7 chakras, and the water pouring on land is in 5 rivulets, representing the 5 senses.
Strength: flowers representing gentle nature, hair like a mane representing the lion/strength, at peace look with hand on chest, representing inner calm and self-love. Infinity sign representing the infinite patience and wisdom. (most inaccurate out of the three tbh. The card is meant to have a woman taming a lion, both with flowers. They are both calm, but the woman is in charge of the situation.)
The sun: red cloak representing blood of life, 4 sunflowers to represent the 4 suits of minor arcana, and the sun represents positivity and source of all life on earth.
Also, rather than my usual style, I kept it as flat colours with minimal shading to mimic the Rider Waite deck.
List I'm using.
Wolve and Lucius belong to me.
Do not steal, repost, or alter my art in any way.
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Can you please do the "I'll punish your friend for your failure" but w hero Whumpers and superhero whumper? 👁️
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"You could have killed half your team," Superhero snapped. "And for what, one person? There were five of you out there, yet you'd rather let three die to save one? They made their sacrifice, and thanks to you, it was almost in vain."
Hero winced. When Sidekick had thrown themself at Villain to give the team a chance of getting away, Hero hadn't been able to stand the idea of ordering their comrades to retreat. They hadn't been able to stand the idea of leaving anyone behind, let alone the person they'd trained alongside for years.
"But I saved them all!" they protested, their face growing hot with shame. "We all made it back... Sidekick didn't die from a stupid decision and the rest of us didn't have to have their blood on our hands. We didn't have to have any blood on our hands."
Superhero scowled. "You're reckless," they snapped. "You're cocky and vindictive and you need to learn how to give the fuck up. That wasn't a good strategy, it wasn't physical prowess, it was dumb luck. If your attachment to Sidekick is getting in the way of your performance, you'd best get used to seeing them get hurt."
"Wait here, arrogant little hero. I'll be back in a moment."
Hero's chest pooled with dread as Superhero strode from the room, they couldn't help but wonder what would be done to them. Was Superhero going to beat them? Burn them? Drug them until they couldn't feel anything, let alone their love for Sidekick?
Yet when Superhero returned, it was with Sidekick in tow. Hero's friend was gagged, their arms bound tightly behind their back. They didn't struggle— anyone in their right mind knew that attempting to resist Superhero would only lead to pain and failure.
Hero resisted the urge to throw their arms around their friend, instead clasping their hands together and staring at the wall behind Superhero.
"Hurt me instead," they blurted. "It isn't Sidekick's fault— they were just trying to be noble... they didn't mean to make me fuck up, I was the one who—"
"I'm making the decisions here," Superhero interrupted sharply. "You need to learn not to be distracted by them more than you need to learn not to make rash decisions."
“They did nothing wrong!” Hero cried. “Hurting them won’t do any good, it was my fault!”
“If they’re not enough for you to learn your lesson, who do you suggest to go next?” Superhero snapped. They shoved Sidekick to their knees, and Hero’s friend let out a muffled groan. Hero watched in horror as Supervillain flicked the switch on the electric baton they’d plucked from a rack of weapons, and it ominously crackled to life.
“You’d better not fail me again, or I might decide Sidekick isn’t worth keeping around,” Superhero finished. And with that, they cracked the baton down over Sidekick’s back.
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