jade-wyton · 1 year
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"They passed Coborn and Lif as they went; Coborn looked like she’d been crying, and Ka’harja suddenly felt very sorry for her as Lif quietly led her back to the caravans."
Everyone is so mean to poor onion girl 😭 She's just trying to cook dinner!
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iamdangerace · 1 year
Mauve from Ringo Deathstarr
Ringo Deathstarr, Rip from Mauve (2012).
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Alex Gehring
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Gallery: Ringo Deathstarr @ Wise Hall - Vancouver, BC Date: May 12, 2023 Photographed by: Ray Maichin
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insideoutsolutions · 2 years
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Got the next month's worth of cookies for our clients picked up from our local Coborns! #insideoutsolutionsmn #newprague #newpraguemn #coborns #tates #tatescookies #cookies #experiencedifferent #experience #services (at New Prague, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2LFKGs1qo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukipri · 5 months
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Yessssss i found it!!!! The TruMoo Blue Milk!!!!💙
Review: it tastes EXACTLY like a melted vanilla milkshake. Which, might not sound too appealing, but it’s actually quite nice! It’s very sweet, a dessert beverage, and thicker/creamier than most milks, but still definitely milk and not a milkshake.
It's a completely different beverage from the Disney Parks' blue milk, which I actually love! But this drink isn't citrusy or refreshing like Black Spire Outpost's; it is, again, a melted vanilla milkshake. It's not the most original or unique flavor, but also nothing weird or unusual, despite its coloring.
You can apparently find them at "select Cub, Hy-Vee, Coborn's, Walmart, and Target stores." Found mine @ Target!
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cpericardium · 2 months
Lisa WilBORN
Brian LaBORN
Blake ThorBORN
only Victoria is DIED
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asm5129 · 2 months
The board of trustees filed their 20 day notice to the Vermont AG on June 26, and the AG’s office has given us no real indication that they are taking our complaints about the BoT’s malfeasance seriously.
We need to once more flood their offices. Make them feel pressured to investigate these criminals.
You can find out more at remakegoddard.org as well as donate to help them pursue actions against the board of trustees.
The main Vermont AG office:
(802) 828-3171 [ext. 3]
Other AG relevant numbers and emails at the bottom of the post
Complaints (you can pick one to focus on or pick multiple, but these are the primary concerns right now):
Goddard College’s Board of Trustees have flagrantly violated their fiduciary duties, the established bylaws of Goddard College, and the nonprofit standards of Vermont through the following actions:
1. The Board of Trustees has been operating well below its minimum quorum, in secret, often excluding all but the executive members and the president. On the rare occasions when it has held an open (Zoom) meeting it has not allowed meeting attendees to enter into conversation or even see and communicate with each other.
2. In 2023 the administration contracted with CORE Education Services, a Public Benefit Corporation out of Virginia that specializes in “college transformation.” At this point, the people named as Goddard College’s CFO, Comptroller, head of HR, head of admissions, and head of marketing all work for CORE, not for Goddard. Outsourcing of these essential leadership positions is highly irregular for an institution of higher education and not in alignment with Goddard's mission and guiding principles.
3. Rejecting, damaging and/or ignoring options to increase financial sustainability of the college. A few examples:
A) Staff member Alisha Raby and alumnx George Darling worked together to create and donate apparel and other merchandise for sale by Goddard, to be provided for zero upfront cost, yet the administration refused this gift that could have raised tens of thousands of dollars.
B) A parent of a current student offered a donation of $50,000 to help keep the school running, and provost Noah Coborn refused it on behalf of the administration.
C) Staff members created a plan via which the college could raise funds hosting events and engaging in community partnerships that make use of often vacant property.
D) The administration cut off access to the college by alumni, the most likely donors as well as those most likely to write bequests, by making an enemy out of the Goddard Alumni association. Dan Hocoy, soon after his hiring as president despite community objections, canceled the alumni reunion on campus even as people had already signed up for it, paid, and made their travel plans. He then subsequently threatened to sue the elected board members of the alumni association (which was started by and given official status by the college) for using the college name.
E) The National Labor Relations Board ruled on August 24, 2022 that the College violated labor laws when dissolving the Development Office and laying off all of the employees of that Office.
All of these actions combined with the antilabor practices delineated below and the abandonment of any recruitment or donor cultivation efforts ensured that the college would have streams of revenue except tuition.
5. A complete lack of transparency including:
A few days before announcing the closure of Goddard’s campus the board sent out an email asking for ideas on how to keep Goddard sustainable. Considering that they would have had no time to properly consider contributed ideas, it’s clear that this request was never genuine.
The faculty and staff found out about the closure of the campus at the same time as the students, in what I have been told is a clear breach of contract. The same happened with the announcement of the closure of the school.
Students, faculty and staff alike were told that going online-only was simply an “experiment” to see whether it would improve Goddard’s financial situation, and the administration also said (in writing) that in-person residencies would be reconsidered in the following year. As such, new students were actively being accepted to Goddard that very semester. Yet mere months later the board announced it would be closing the school at the end of the semester. So the notion that it was simply an experiment appears to have been a lie, or they would have waited to analyze the full data from said experiment. Unless there was serious negligence, there’s simply no way they could have miscalculated their financial sustainability so much that within mere months they would go from believing they could run the college for a few more years (even if it had to be online-only) to believing they had to close at the end of the current semester.
The “experimental” closure of the campus apparently resulted from a survey that had been conducted where a majority of students expressed preference for online-only. However, the results of the poll may have been skewed, considering that one of Goddard’s campuses had been closed and the remaining campus for those students was across the country, leaving questionable data as to whether online-only was genuinely “preferred”. Additionally, many students were unaware of this poll in the first place.
6. The board has misrepresented teach-out options to students, providing false information about available alternatives and obstructing their ability to make informed decisions about their academic futures. They falsely presented schools as teach-out options that, when contacted, informed students that no such agreements were in place. They did not facilitate financial aid reimbursement when they failed to fulfill their obligations. They did not provide teach-outs for all programs, not in degree type or subject. They attempted to send students to for-profit and non-accredited schools. They refused to assist students who offered to facilitate teach-out outreach, and provided no point of contact for students.
7. They have ignored serious purchase offers from potential buyers, such as Cooperation Vermont. CVT is an organization dedicated to using the campus as a center that would have benefited Vermont in myriad ways including working with former faculty, staff, and students to keep the Goddard spirit and programs alive. Yet CVT received months of radio silence from the administration, which delayed any meaningful progress on its ability to negotiate effectively.
8. Union-breaking behavior. Two semesters ago the staff went on strike for around thirty days. After the first week and a half or so, the board threatened that if the staff did not stop striking within a very small allotted window they would lose access to their health care benefits. This threat was followed through, and the staff only recovered their health care once a new contract was settled.
9. The Board has as of this moment not guaranteed severance for the faculty despite their legal obligation to provide it.
10. Here is an article about how the stakeholders of Goddard college are reacting to the current crisis: https://montpelierbridge.org/2024/06/rumored-goddard-sale-sparks-community-protest/
Contact point is my email [email protected]
Spread this to everyone you can. The more people who call in asking for the same thing, the better chance we have of getting it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say. We need to be LOUD and we need to be IRRITATING, and we need to call and email EVERY DAY until we succeed.
Other Vermont AG numbers and emails:
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5514
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-0392
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5512
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-0096
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-279-7572
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-1422
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-917-6373
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-279-5496
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5511
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-498-3392
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-371-8375
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5507
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-371-9012
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-371-8029
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-4605
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-595-9893
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5514
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-595-8679
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5531
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-2378
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-6906
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-2315
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-279-7215 A
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-3176
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-793-6633
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5500
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5520
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-2366
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-388-7931
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-1105
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-595-5161
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5344
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-3166 A
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-1963
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-5521
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-498-4016
Email: [email protected] Voice: 802-828-3176
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libbee · 1 year
Moon in 3rd house Question
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3rd house is that of the siblings. One dimension of this house is the relationship with siblings, coborns.
I have noticed this theme with 3rd housers that they spent lots of time with their siblings in childhood. Even as adults, they have an irrational attachment to their siblings. In the worst case scenario, even if their siblings are abusive they will not set up any boundary. They will still go back to the sibling. In best case, they will have very strong bonding with their sibling as if they are best friends.
In some ways they are like a love struck girl who cannot let go of her toxic lover. She is so intimately hooked to her lover. In the same way, these natives are hooked to their siblings. They have an unconditional blind love for their sibling.
Do you think this interpretation is true? Although all of us have love for our siblings but when it becomes a dependence then we may ask if they have moon in 3rd house?
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prowl-mun · 4 months
David Allen's The Primevals review.
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I saw this online at the SIFF Virtual Film Festival. I loved it! It reminded me of a simpler time when my family would rent a film at Coborns or Mr Movies ( there wasn't a Blockbuster near us), like the 7th Voyage of Sinbad or Jurassic Park on the weekends.
I heard about this film when I was a kid, and I didn't think they would ever finish it due to the director David Allen's passing in 1999, but Charlie Band and Chris Endicott did it.
The Yeti was the best stop-motion primate ( or a primate, dog, or feline hybrid) since King Kong, and like Kong, you feel sympathy for the poor guy thanks to David Allen's fantastic stop-motion animation.
The lizardfolk are terrifying and cruel.
However, I wish it had more stop-motion creatures to make the Lost Valley feel more alive, like the cut River Lizard from the poster or the Monoclonus/Mammoth hybrid mentioned in an article in Cinemafantastique magazine about this long-gestating film.
All in all, it was a fun B-film for special effects fans.
i give it 4 stars.
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graffiticanada · 7 months
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jade-wyton · 1 year
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"At the mention of Coborn, Lif leapt out of the tree. ‘I’ll help, too,’ he said coolly— Though not coolly enough to distract from his attempt to fix his hair. ‘It’d be rude to leave all the work to the both of you.’"
I love Lif so much. His introduction is a little rocky cos he's shit-talking the girl he likes to try and impress a friend, but then throughout the rest of the book you get all these little hints that he's actually super kind and soft and is really looking out for her <3
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happybirthdaymrbaskets · 11 months
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I call this one "Seven Fifty Two A.M. at the Coborns Parking Lot"
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vtgbooks · 1 month
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JOHN COBORN Mice Guide Beginners Guide to Mice Illustrated Mice Breeding
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in the coborns parking lot picking up a grocery order for doordash and my trunk is absolutelu riddled with car eyelash packages fromvthe years ive been collecting themvdo u think the guy loading the groceries into the trunk noticed
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ihategaysforever · 8 months
where’s coborns
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astromiracle · 2 years
Life Miracle Personalized Horoscope
Obsessed with your Life Horoscope ? What will life be like in the near future? Purchase your Life Miracle to figure out your personality.
As humans, our capacities are limited and miracles are beyond our grasp. When it comes to miracles, the custom horoscopes of Life Miracle is the only hope that can save us from our miseries and problems. The Life Miracle is the only thing that can work miracles. So the only way out of the issue is to pray to the Almighty and comprehend the idea of the future Life to grow the future.
The solution to every issue is found in prayers because god listens to the prayers of each of His followers and never refrains from showering us with His blessings, but an understanding time is equally important. In moments of danger, it is always necessary to seek the help of the divine. Our prayers are never empty when He gives us grace, and His grace works miracles in our lives. The Life Miracle gives you all the positive remedies and periods for controlling the negative effect of the next bad sync in life.
Life Miracle Personalized Horoscope
Number of Pages:More than 70 pages in Life Miracle Report Available in multiple languages :Click to Check Free Language SampleEnglish Hindi Tamil Telugu Bengali Gujrati Marathi Spanish Malayalam Oriya NepaliRelated 5 Year HoroscopesEDUCATION HEALTH FAMILY FINANCE PROFESSIONAverage Rating :     Reviews 6266
Are you getting ready for the future opportunities that birth can bring? With the Life Miracle , you can get all the prognoses, right and wrong, as well as customized solutions and timelines. This custom report outlines your financial projections for the next two years on a monthly basis, so you can choose your goals based on both positive and negative projections . This is part of the Life Miracle:
 Your Birth Details & Lagna Charts
 Planet reading (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu)
 Your Physique, Health & Nature
 Your Finance, Family, Eyes, and Speech
 Your Coborns, Publications, Music & Short Travels
 Your Education, Mother, Conveyance & Property
 Your Love Life, Children & Intellect
 Your Disease, Enemies & Servants
 Your Family life, Marriage & Business Partner
 Your longevity, Accident & Insurance
 Your Fame, Worship & Long Travels
 Your Profession, Father, Status and Power
 Your Friend, Society & Elder Brothers
 Your Foreign Journeys, Debts & Net Saving
 Your Favorable point are redical number, Lucky no., Fav. Days, Month, Years etc.
 Your next 10-Year Dasha Analysis with explanation.
 Help to understand Your 2-year Yearly prediction are Profession, Wealth, Property, House, Family and Socity, Children, Health, Career and Competition, Travel and Transfer, Religious Deeds and Propitiation of Planet.
 Know about your 26 yogas (Shashaka Yoga, Vaashi Yoga, Raajkulotpanna Yoga etc.) Your Nakshatraphal
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Visit On:- https://astromiracle.in/life-miracle
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