#coating market
tony789456123 · 4 months
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lovekarsten6things · 3 months
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edwinisms · 2 months
i get such a sense of primal envy when looking at edwin’s clothes up close because god you can just tell his coat is real wool and made to last and not cheap flimsy mass produced garbage and auggagghhhh that was just STANDARD in his time. by no means am i saying i was #borninthewronggeneration because i like having vaccines and household appliances but. man. to have a personally-tailored coat like that that’d last for years and years……. and fabrics of fine thread-dense quality………. if only
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sennamaticart · 1 year
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I've been reading about and taking lots of notes about the art of Heraldry. Scanned some notes and digitally colored them!
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whatudottu · 3 months
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Wouldn't it be funny for the hot doctor Knock Out to not actually be that big a fan of sex. Still tho- it doesn't stop him from tormenting his husband with horny thoughts <3
Hah, instead of leaving him cold and sleaveless in just scrubs alone, I gave dear KO a puffy racer jacket (you know damn well it's ruby red), and to give himself an excuse to wear it in the medbay and on the field, he's got the Decepticon medical symbol patched on his arms :)
hmm does the implied impregnation mean i need to tag this as something?
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theadventurek9 · 3 months
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She is everything to me.
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
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Valentin Da Silva | 176/??
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purple-worm · 2 years
Choi Do-il really said "you're financially illiterate because you've never had the privilege to live beyond supermarket reward points or learn anything that wasn't absolutely required for your family's survival and NOT because you aren't intelligent enough". and that was very sexy of him.
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tevinternet · 2 years
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My wonderful, sweet, shy, little Rowan! She’s my @night-market-if MC. Mostly a Milo girl, but I play her for Gabriel’s route too. Thanks so much to the ever amazing @mooreaux for bringing her to life. 
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namesconfuseme · 11 months
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So I uh... finished the fanart alit quicker than I thought I would. Though I'm not holding onto the hope that my enthusiasm is back.
Anyway, my take on Micheal distortion. I wanted to do a huge background for this, but I don't have the energy.
Hope you enjoy him!!
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A ridiculously extensive critique and analysis of Sannyo Komakusa Touhou Lost Word art.
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the time has come to analyze and critique the Lost Word art for Sannyo Komakusa.
[This also gives me an excuse to show select angles from Lotus Eaters, her Alphes style art by Dairi, stuff like that ]
Love it or hate it, the Touhou lost word gacha game could potentially be someone's first introduction to a given touhou character, so it's important that character portraits leave a good first impression. So with that in mind, I'm gonna critique their art for the booker Touhou cutie that, honestly, just from her profession alone she deserves their utmost respect.
(I can only hope she pokes fun at gacha within a gacha game in the same way she pokes fun at gamblers within her gambling den)
I'm gonna be zooming in to each part of the outfit to discuss the benefits and downsides of each design choice. I'm gonna be comparing pieces to the Zun art or Lotus Eaters for references and also generally to showcase things for comparison.
Since it surrounds the whole design I think I'll need to mention the smoke dragon and pipe first. On the whole, it's cool, and her pipe does match her zun art. Unfortunately it covers up a lot of her outfit and pose. And lastly regarding this there is definitely one detail that's remarkably annoying.
The smoke isn't coming from the pipe.
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Its just coming from around her feet
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but you will notice an important detail while looking her feet
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she's got painted toenails like in Lotus Eaters.
Next, I will move up to her skirt
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All in all, it's a pretty good version of her skirt, it has a crease on the side thats catching a little too much light though. it's got the pretty pattern she has in her zun art, but they lowered her coat so it's all an even line of pattern. It even ends up lining up with her sleeve for some reason. It's pretty, but I think it makes the transition from her skirt to her top look a little more drastic, since there isn't a fresh line of coat pattern to break it up. Frankly, it just looks really cool as a long or mid length jacket like in Lotus Eaters and the Zun art instead of a big skirt length coat like they did.
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(Yes, I realize Lotus Eaters doesn't feature color or her intricate coat pattern, [presumably since it'd be a nightmare to keep track of. Though I like to imagine it's just yet another outfit of hers]
but anyway, it at least demonstrates my point about a coat with a different length then her skirt creating a cool contrast.
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Next is the chest, first I must say her buttons and clothes look perfectly fine. Though they generally pin to the side in Lotus Eaters as well as in her Alphes style art by Dairi (Though these buttons do look like they are struggling)
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There are many different different ways people draw Sannyo's chest, but eventually they can be categorized a bit, because at some point there is a tempting result to what the size can make you want to do with her outfit
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Naturally, if someone wants to draw her breasts in a larger size, like in Lost Word, it makes it more difficult to draw her coat over her shoulders. The reason being that when you get into the much larger anime sizes, the cloth from a coat would start to just drape over the lower sections of her body from her breasts. So I think people try to avoid that in different ways, often she often ends up with her coat lowered and hanging loosely above her elbows, which can actually serve a double purpose and give her a ton of personality.
As an example here is some gorgeous art by "syuri22" I found here
Syuri22 even extended the line of her skirt up into a bow to make her breasts pop out a bit more, which was really clever.
sometimes fan artists part her coat around her breasts which is a clever way to have her coat over her shoulders without hanging over her breasts too, sometimes she tucks the coat under with her arms in a pose. Sometimes they have it drape a bit but ultimately return to her waist. My point is there are a lot of creative ways artist do it. To lostword's credit the way they did it does kinda accentuate her smug energy. Though adding it together with how thick and soft they made the hem of her coat does kinda make it look like she has a comfortable blanket draped over her.
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As for her face. It's good, of course. I mean it's Sannyo's face, hard to go wrong with that. It's got her cute bow. She's got a good expression mixing cute and smug energy. Her ponytail is looking good. No complaints there.
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looking at the art as a whole, it's fine. Sure, it looks more like she's wearing a blanket than a coat, but I guess it does make her look kinda soft and huggable. Oh, and I completely forgot to mention her fan is freaking massive. But She's ultimately got the right energy. Though I honestly think it would be better if she had her coat line up a bit less. The way her sleeves and coat and skirt all make an even arc along the design sound like a interesting idea, but it kinda makes her design have less interesting stuff going on.
I do prefer her Alphes style art by Dairi by quite a bit tbh
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Even still i hope some day they do her winter outfit, I'm curious what that would look like. it's actually got the fuzzy energy they were going for.
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filmap · 1 year
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Multiple Maniacs John Waters. 1970
Street 2 606 S Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA See in map
See in imdb
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lovekarsten6things · 3 months
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Hey, what the fuck does star wars call newspapers? news holos? newsholos? news flimsies, with or without a space? option not listed?
for context the sentence is:
He particularly liked the shot that had graced the front page of the Coruscant Courier — an otherwise middling gossip rag of a [newspaper] that he'd spent years carefully cultivating to be the exact amount of respectable enough to be believed without hesitation yet lurid enough for maximum distribution; it'd been taken by some enterprising photojournalist with even less of a sense of self preservation than the usual for that lot, and featured himself, blood dripping down from his brow, helping support Master Windu down the ruined steps of the Senate dome.
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dhampir-dyke · 2 days
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kangals · 2 years
on one hand i do bemoan the fall from popularity for collies quite a lot because i think they are wonderful family dogs and more people should have them. but, i'm also equally grateful that they lack the popular appeal that would make them victim to terrible trendy breeding practices (i.e. wacky colors and XXL/tiny sizes and other hypertypes)
i feel similarly about greyhounds - the fact that (in the US) they have had such incredibly limited breeding outside of tracks has been good because it results in a very healthy, regulated population. but with the closures of tracks we're already seeing more and more non-sport, non-show breedings start popping up and i am very concerned about what a BYB greyhound population will have to deal with. but given that it's ether this, or the breed becomes incredibly limited... not really a good option either way.
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