#cn radfems
CN: RAPE (descriptions of rape), TRANSPHOBIA
This is who TERFs are (gender critical is the rebrand of TERF)
Vile misogynists, anti-feminists, rape-apologists, perpetuators of patriarchy and rape culture. They'll protect and defend rapists as long as they are even remotely anti-trans
"Believe women" is the bare minimum of feminism. And even that TERFs can't do. I hope at least some fringe cases open their eyes to what a hate movement it is, and leave.
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999-roses · 17 days
preface //i know half of what im saying has been said before. south korean women being subjected to the deepfake & spycam crimes is awful & clearly something should be done about it (oh hey the offenders are getting arrested)
that something to be done isnt stand around and protest in terms of ideals, a) it doesnt do anything b) 'what an awful thing to say' why do I say that? because you have to look at results. metoo was visible & technically big but did it pull any repeat offenders off of their social standings? what happens when you're not a perfect victim? just look at how half of the metoo people turned on amber heard. victims are perfect victims in the realm of ideals but this is reality. protests at least should have a demand for a specific concrete action if not policy
this has been said by many other people but these kinds of peaceful protests work when there's teeth behind it. there is no material threat if their demands are not taken seriously; at least it's not being made front & center. if you advertise it as an angry parade then thats what youre getting in terms of publicity and turnout
also the men who were doing this are getting caught. i dont see any mention of that or demands for serious punishments (in the case that sk law lets them off easy for example if the men claim mental illness etc #misogyny/patriarchy/etc) in ⬇️
cn feminists in jp, publishing in english, rallying infront of sk embassy in jp; reposted to tumblr being passed around by radfem blogs. their publicity even mentions metoo, but do they just want a repeat of noise & no real consequences? need I say more
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menalez · 2 years
i seriously believe that more male-partnered radfems would feel more "comfortable" if more lesbians/febfems/celibate het radfems on here would stop supporting or voicing any kind of support for the radfems of SK/CN/TW as radfems from those countries do not think male-partnered women are feminists and think they are only helping uplift the patriarchy. For some reason, with the new year, a lot of radfems from those countries have been posting on here in their own languages mostly to others who also speak their language, when you translate their posts, a lot of them are the type of woman who would 100% be outcasted by radblr for their misogyny.
You reblogged a post from pierriq who literally has a post saying women who don't move forward to 6b aren't feminists and they can't live without dick and need to find freedom. pierriq has also reblogged from another Taiwanese radfem who has a post saying she doesn't have any solidarity with gay men nor any sympathy for them, thinks gay men who use surrogacy should die - which is blatant homophobia and dividing the community helps no one. Western radical feminism and Asian radical feminism are two completely different ideals and do not mix at all, asian radfems are primarily het women who think other women who don't engage in 4b/6b aren't feminists and do not claim them, call them names and blame them for lack of progress, this kind of behavior isn't acceptable or compatible with western radical feminism and only further alienates osa women, especially ones who are male-partnered.
tl;dr stop supporting radfems from SK/CN/TW if you're against women speaking badly about male-partnered women, those women are incredibly misogynistic and their beliefs are not compatible with the beliefs of western feminists.
I seriously believe that more male-partnered radfems would feel more "comfortable" if more lesbians/febfems/celibate het radfems on here would stop supporting or voicing any kind of support for the radfems of SK/CN/TW as radfems from those countries do not think male-partnered women are feminists and think they are only helping uplift the patriarchy. For some reason, with the new year, a lot of radfems from those countries have been posting on here in their own languages mostly to others who also speak their language, when you translate their posts, a lot of them are the type of woman who would 100% be outcasted by radblr for their misogyny. I've read and followed many radfems from asia in the past on twitter, and they are all like this as in their minds, this is what radical feminism is.
You reblogged a post from pierriq who literally has a post saying women who don't move forward to 6b aren't feminists and they can't live without dick and need to find freedom. pierriq has also reblogged from another Taiwanese radfem who has a post saying she doesn't have any solidarity with gay men nor any sympathy for them, thinks gay men who use surrogacy should die - which is blatant homophobia and dividing the community helps no one.
Western radical feminism and Asian radical feminism are two completely different ideals and do not mix at all, asian radfems are primarily het women who think other women who don't engage in 4b/6b aren't feminists and do not claim them, call them names and blame them for lack of progress, this kind of behavior isn't acceptable or compatible with western radical feminism and only further alienates osa women, especially ones who are male-partnered.
tl;dr radfems who say they are against women speaking badly about male-partnered women stop supporting or voicing encouragement for radfems from SK/CN/TW, those women are incredibly misogynistic and their beliefs are not compatible with the beliefs of western feminists.
this just sounds racist honestly. sorry but western radfems are not somehow better bc they’re less radical and eastern ones aren’t worst bc they are more for separatism and more radical action 😭
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muppetjokerno1haterrr · 2 months
So wait, now that the croaker is friends with milton officially, do we start hating milton aswell?
no way miilton2 cool n he2 never di2played weiird radfem e2k men r eviil women cn do no wrong braiinworm2 liike harlecroak ha2 he2 never betrayed a movement he created liike harlecroak n they’’re 2 niice even iif they’’ve never red home2tuck
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
CN TERFs, radfems, transmisia, genitals, sex
What I find so sad about rafems is the fact that they actually have a point, but then ... decent into TERF-dom. Because yes, feminism has to be radical, is has to be loud and aggressive to give a voice to the marginalized people around the globe. We need a loud, unmistakable feminism. But we need it in the form of intersectional feminism and not whatever shit radfems are doing.
I make a bold assumption: Most radfems are white cis women, and those are among the most privileged people, literally ony surpassed by white cis men. You have to understand that privilege is not a binary, you are not either privileged or marginalized. Reality is that you can be privileged in one aspect (i.e. skin colour) and marginalized in another (i.e. gender) and everything in between.
Trans women are women but at the same time get denied privileges cis women have precisely because of TERFs. They demonise trans women, frame them as predators and stealing rooms for women. But where do belong trans women then if not into rooms meant for women?* TERFs claim, that every man now can clam he’s a women and invade saferooms for women, while at the same time ignore statistics that proof that trans women are also vicitms of male violence as other groups. And who says cis women can’t be perpetrators themselves? Women are not inherently less violent than men, two X chromosomes doesn’t make you magically a peaceful creature.
And then there are all the other genderqueer people out there who also get ridiculed by TERFs. I got called ugly simply because I’m nonbinary. I got called woman, after I said I’m nb, which is as violent as being slapped in the face. Assholes insisted that I’m mentally ill (nicely said, they used different words) because I use neo pronouns. Some people even got as far as saying that no one wants to see my mico penis and that was the point where I simply laughed out loud. Because c’mon, how lost do you have to be to put that in my mentions simply because I have neo pronouns in my bio???
TERFs are obsessed with genitals, but claim that trans people are perpetrators violating safe rooms. Who is the creep here? Not me, that’s for sure.
TERFs shout out that no one want to sleep with trans people because *insert a lot of nasty shit here*, but it has never occured to them, that trans people also don’t want to sleep with them simply because they are very nasty persons. I at least would never sleep with a person I detest. Would you?
TERFs ignore science. TERFs ignore that it’s long prooved that there aren’t only XX and XY chromosomes. TERFs ignore anything that doesn’t fit in their narrow world view and demonise it without being provoced. Some people simply want to exist and they attack them for simply existing. Isn’t that utterly disgusting?
TL;DR: Radical feminism isn’t per se bad, because we need loud feminism. But we need it in the form of intersectional feminism. But then TERFs happened and ruined everything.
*And where belong other genderqueer people? My German bubble therefore uses FLINTA for safe rooms of any kind. F(Frauen, women), L(esbians), I(nter), N(onbinary), T(rans), A(gender). I haven’t seen a similar acronym in English speaking corners.
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josukecourse · 5 years
TERF arguments against trans women: disgusting perverts, literally all of them rape women
TERF arguments against trans men: poor little things that feel the need to pretend to be men to escape misogyny :’(
It’s painfully obvious they’re only perpetuating negative gender stereotypes in the name of feminism to prove their own bs point. Everyone assigned male is automatically a violent pervert and everyone assigned female is automatically weak? Got it.
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siberianchan · 2 years
TERFs: Violence against trans women is no concern of us!!!!! We are only concerned by the struggle "real" women face!
But like...
If you don't care about how the patriarchy affects people of all genders, how are you planning to change things?
Homophobia, lesbophobia, transphobia (towards men, women and nonbinary folks) - these are ALL expressions of an absurdly toxic idea about who has to fit what box and how to behave in that box based on their genitalia.
(Overly simplified. Race adds a whole other layer to it my white ass is seriously not qualified to talk about.)
So if you dictate who can be who and how they are allowed to express that... how is this going against the current system?
(CN: Transphobic, acephobic, islamophobic shit RadFems spout
Good grief if a Muslim.woman decides to wear a hijab. Oh no, an asexual woman! How dare she not fight the feminist fight! Oh, you're nonbinary or a trans man. Yes, sure, nice attempt at sneaking past the glass ceiling, traitor. No. No YOU are not a woman, you are an perverted monster.)
How do you plan on smashing the current system, let alone building something new, if you insist on splintering off?
(Really, I don't get TERFs. I mean... on an intellectual level I think I can map their reasoning but... once I managed that I only can quote Kronk.
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 years
A White Knight (literally a white man) just told me he knows exactly 0 homophobic radfems, and all the radfems are flocking to like the Tweet. After he told someone else that radfems are "just women who don't need a man".
I on the other hand have never talked to a radfem that wasn't on some level homophobic. But if it doesn't affect you, and doesn't interest you, you won't notice it, of course.
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goyangii · 3 years
How much radfems do you personally know in Korea? What do people tell you when they know you're a radfem?
ok so like just first off i live in america? idk why ppl assume that asians don't...exist in other places like. yes my family is from korea, yes i am korean. but that doesn't make me Korean Authority 101 and fwiw i wouldn't want to live in korea for a multitude of reasons so i can't answer your question the way you probably want,, 
also ive gotten DMs from ppl with weird questions like this as if even if i lived in korea i'm somehow like, this mouthpiece for the culture or as if koreans are some alien species like? i already have to deal with ppl assuming i don't speak english, that i'm not from here, when i go outside fdssgdgds like idk how to impress upon you that it's super highkey annoying to get the online equivalent of ppl saying 'oh! ann yung horse say yo' to me at work, on my blog,,, pls if this is how u guys interact with poc online, don't do this offline. also koreans aren’t like what you see in kpop, kdramas, etc. i have encountered a weird and surprising amt of ppl operating on this assumption and i just. screams. koreans aren’t a monolith, korean culture is heavily patriarchal and this has an impact on the way misogyny is inflicted upon kr women but it’s the minutiae that’s distinct and unique, kr women face (generally) remarkably similar issues to jp women, sea women, white women, hispanic women, etc. such as male violence, restriction of reproductive rights, religiously motivated misogyny (fsr ppl don’t seem to know a lot of koreans, esp korean americans, are at least passively religious? i think they get this assumption bc a lot of cn aren’t, and ime a lot of jp aren’t), sexual assault/harassment, pay gaps, familial issues like second shift, etc. this isn’t to say koreans don’t have unique cultural issues — beauty culture is a big one ime — but rather that there are a lot more similarities than differences when it comes to misogyny across the world. addressing this intersectionally doesn’t mean othering woc or their cultures, imho, but rather recognizing the differences that do exist. idk if this makes sense..          
all that said i put my exp under the cut, i hope it helps! 
my exp is that most younger koreans, esp korean americans, i know are libfems if they are feminists (which isn't really common at all ime, at most it's younger women who buy into libfem beliefs but wouldn't go as far as calling themselves feminist. the ones who do are very much edgy art student socjus types and i've only met them on my college campus lol). i have never ever met any older korean feminist here, and older koreans (men and women) tend to be pretty regressive/conservative in general. i can't count how many times i've been told off, directly or indirectly, by older koreans for how i talk, dress, groom myself, not having a bf/husband, and so on. younger koreans aren't much better, even the 'woke' ones, just the verbage changes.
interacting w/ korean relatives living in or visiting SK, radical feminism is the feminism of choice there but it is not by any means a "normal". feminism, even libfem, is not looked upon highly and being openly feminist is not normal or 'cool' outside of western facing circles and even then you'll probably get backlash from other koreans (usually men) for it. when i talk with my korean friends, fob or koream, about women's issues a lot of the time they might agree on certain things or join in on the ‘men suck!!1!!1′ venting, but once the topic veers towards feminism they're usually pretty withdrawn on it. i think it's interesting that doesn't seem to really change.
the only woman i know who is even vaguely feminist or accepting of me being feminist, let alone a radfem, is my mom surprisingly. maybe bc she's from busan lol. but she's very much unusual for a korean woman and while not feminist let alone radfem, refuses to date or marry men ever again (so ig she's an unintentional separatist queen? ..i'm joking gsdgds) and agrees with me on a lot, but not all, feminist topics like abortion and reproductive rights, women's rights in the workplace, domestic violence (which she/we were victims of, so ofc), etc. even lgb rights she's warmed up to quite a bit since i was a teen. but she is literally the only one, even my halmoni and aunties — who had abusive relationships with men! — think/thought feminism was unnecessary or even useless, despite being strong women in their own right.
what is interesting imo is that trans issues are a little complicated in sk. there are notable trans celebrities, but i’ve only known them to be hsts mtfs. when i came out as a tif, the logical conclusion was i was a super butch who was so gay i wanted to be a man to be ‘normal’ (i mean...not wrong in a way?) and this is the general perception a lot of koreans have of trans ppl. and while most are probably going to be polite about it, i don’t know any koreans, even younger ones, who are super pro trans rights or anything. i’ve met only one korean trans person who was a transbian mtf, but dozens of white trans ppl. that said i do find it interesting koreans seem to at least turn a blind eye to hsts mtfs but there’s still a lot of bristling about homosexuality. again this isn’t that dissimilar to how it is with other cultures, i guess, but it is interesting. 
last disclaimer that this is my exp and maybe other koreans have different experiences? feminist movements seem to be particularly strong in unis/college campuses and ive never been to a korean college/uni. maybe there is a stronger radfem presence there? but the only big radfem groups i know of operate mostly online (like WOMAD), much like in the west. imo radfem is just too radical to really make it mainstream, regardless of the culture. 
this ended up super long sorry 😩
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notebookundermydesk · 7 years
(Not responding on the post because not sure asker wants to see this and I’m not very up to rephrasing, and also I haven’t read all of it at the moment).
(cn for post; cis person talking about trans-relevant things. cn for link; radfem stuff is brought up. 
Pretty like ‘I am saying things out of my head’ type.)
https://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/168087435016/hi-for-a-long-time-i-basically-sided-with-trans (um, @theunitofcaring ?)
So I don’t know if this is going to be mentioned in the post because as noted, so very sorry if it already was said, but,
So a huge thing for me with this is -
So, ok, let’s say person from 2300-with-no-sexism (very yay) and-no-gender-availability (eep) shows up, and she looks at gender things here, and specifically the woman part for her, (not sexism, not gender roles, those are bad, but like, the ‘what you can know yourself to be’ and potentially ‘things you can want relevantly to that’ (like social acknowledgement, or representation, or (which to be clear, often we *don’t* have available well, because we also have sexism etc which sucks. but))). And she’s like - oh, wow, yes, I want this, this is me, this is a thing I never knew I was missing but I was, and I want it, I need it’. (Or, like, various other forms of this, those aren’t less valid I’m just worse at having words etc for them).
Then - I want to give that to her! It sucks that she couldn’t have it before and to whatever extent is possible I want her to be able to have it now, and I think she very gets to!
And like - if she came from 2300 with a vagina and estrogen-type stuff and etc, then I want to give her that and think she gets to have it. And if she came from 2300 as a landwalking octopus-like being, I want to give her that and think she gets to have it, just as much. And if she came from 2300 with a penis and testosterone-type stuff and etc - I want to give her that and think she gets to have it, just as much! Because like, that’s not what determines it for me at all, I want her to be able to have it because she couldn’t before and that sucks and now maybe she can and in as much as it might be possible she should *be able to have that*. And like, obviously there might be problems or obstacles or tradeoff stuff to deal with, but I want to deal with them very much with this ‘she should be able to have that, she gets to have that’ there.
And, well, likewise of course I want people from our time and etc to have that too, and very much think they absolutely get to etc.
(And like, don’t tend to have great feeling about people who not only like, don’t care about that/are actively in the way of it, but like, additionally kind of do that at me too, in some sense (er, not the same thing or anywhere near, but) and, also like, just erase and get gaslightly over *that being an experience that exists or can exist to begin with*. So, well.)
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Oh My Fucking God could u guys calm down for literally three seconds, NO ONE IS SAYING LEAVE YOUR BF u can keep ur precious bf u cn even talk about him on tumblr! I'm original anon, what I was actually saying was people like allm0ther and Oreosomething who literally. Never. Take. A.Break. like stfu about him for two seconds please!! And before u say unfollow I have, I just wish radfem women would see that maybe radfem tumblr isn't the place to worship your Nigel? -someone who loves their Nigel
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
May I introduce you to Shinigami Eye?
CN for TERFs and anti trans talk in the following, mention of rasism, JK Rowling
Shinigami Eye is a little browser extention that makes your social media experience much saver, especially when you’re trans and/or genderqueer. The tool marks accounts as trans-friendly or anti-trans and is extremely powerfull when it comes to detecting TERFs and radfems. Sometimes I see a harmless post on my dash that has nothing to do with any topic gender related. But then one person is marked red. Like this:
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it usualy doesn’t take long to unveil a TERFs and it was again true in this case as well. Just click on the profile and you find stuff like this:
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Or this:
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The last one is especially funny because it’s in reaction to what happened recently to that disgusting Rowling terf. She whined that she got doxxed by trans right activists. Her villa is a public tourist attraction you can find on google maps .............. After that Rowling threw the twitter handles of said activists to her 14 million followes. She’s not throwing knives, she’s handling out 14 million knives, and that is much, much wores.
I hate Rowling will all my heart and wish her all the bad in this world.
Okay, but that’s not the point here. All I want to say is, that terfs will always defend terfs and will flock together. Shinigami Eye marked them all. From the initial post I would have never thought that this person could be a Terf. She is. Shinigami Eyes helps you to unveil them with one look.
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elenyafinwe · 2 years
TERFs claim to fight for trans men as well. So, are they suddenly back off from their ideology, that all men are rapists and oppressors? Awesome! No? Oh.
Right. Of course they don't because they beliefe that you being born with a penis makes you inherently violent. That's why they hate trans women so much. TERF rhethorics breaks down to the idea that penetrating someone with a penis is rapy, which is of course not true. This is pure misandry and transmisogyny.
TERFs claiming that they fight for trans men as well is nothing more than misgendering. Because they see trans men and mspecs as women and not as the gender they truly are. They reduce those people to their agab.
Don't do that. Never. Referring to someone's agab is extremely rude at best and violent. It may be relevant in very few contexts and only if the person themselves bring up their agab.
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elenyafinwe · 2 years
CN cissexism, genderism, radfem discussions, abuse, transmisogyny, binary talk
The problem with terfs is, that they don’t always talk openly about their hatefull propaganda and disguise it. After all, they are still a branch of feminism and their beliefs sometimes overlap with other trends in feminism therefore attracting people who would otherwise disagree with them. I think, the take, that patriarchy is one of the core problems in society, is something many can agree with, me included. Terfs also basically say this, but their arguments are different and not differentiated enough.
That’s what makes them so dangerous and that also is probably the reason why they can fly so easily under the radar in many fandom spaces. This is how they recruit all those baby radfems, this is how people fall for their propaganda. We must talk about this issue, we must name terfs for what they are and learn to recognize their rethoric. Not always is a terf talking about the obvious “sex not gender” bla. That doesn’t make then any less terf-y.
There is one person in the Naruto fandom who is probably a good example to illustrate this dynamic of how those people honeycomb fandom spaces under the disguise of “reasonabe feminism”: @/mira--mira (Mari_kel on ao3) is a radfem, and if you maybe follow me for a while, you know that I see radfem as almost interchangeable with terf. Therefore that person is definitely not safe to be around especially for any queer and genderqueer person in the fandom! Mira--mira got criticized for her hate for the queer label in the past and didn't back from that stance. She also reblogs from and agrees with open terfs not once or twice but many times. This is no coincidence since she also uses rethoric from radfems, terfs and swerfs.
Whatever abuse that person suffered in the past is her thing alone and I genuinely feel sorry for every victim of abuse. But your personal trauma is never an excuse to be a shitty person to others.
The following list isn’t complete, but those screenshots already illustrate the issue. I don‘t have the spoons to add image descriptions for all screenshots. If someone wants to do that, please contact me.
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More on that context here and here and here I talked about why queer is not a slur and a terf dogwhistle.
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in case you don’t know: The red square around the name is Shinigami Eye marking that person as anti-trans. For the following posts: That also applies to puttingherinhistory, that is also a terf account (not always are those accs marked right away by Shinigami Eye).
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CN for discussion of self harm and kink shaming in the following
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What we see here, is typical radfem rethoric, the rethoric of terfs and swerfs. All those posts frame sex work as inherently bad, are anti-kink and especially frame men as sole oppressor and inherently violent. Hornscheidt and Oppenländer call this phenomenon genderism in Exit Gender and it's another form of oppression other than sexism, a prescription of attributes based on assumed gender and the concept that goes with said assumed gender.
According to these posts, men are the sole cause of women's oppression for the sole reason that they are men. The posts exclude men from feminism and say flatly that men cannot be feminists simply because they are men. They are framed as "false allies" and toxic masculinity is seen as something that cannot be an issue of feminism. A little ironic in the context of the last screenshot, which claims to be under the banner of intersectionalism, which actually explicitly states that marginalisation is multi-layered, thus toxic masculinity is, must be and has to be a central theme of feminism.
Stylising men as the enemy is anti-trans rethoric, aimed particularly at trans women. This is one of the big arguments of terfs, making all these posts part of Rowling's and her ilk's shtick’s agenda. They attack trans women simply because they are not cis women. In the same breath, however, they stigmatise trans men simply for being men, subjecting them to cissexism in complete ignorance of the very particular form of marginalisation they experience.
Quite apart from the fact that the talk here is exclusively about women and men and that a binary world view is erroneously drawn. Just the usual enby errasure by binary cis people.
I don’t talk in length about the issue with the so called q-slur here, I did that already in length in the above linked post. In short: it’s terf rethoric and a terf dogwhistle.
Looking at the evidence my conclusion is that mira--mira is a terf.
If you tag that person in the notes of this blog and therefore expose me to abuse you'll get blocked and reported.
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josukecourse · 5 years
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[tags via liveisbutalie]
One look at my profile would have proved you wrong, buddy. TERFs are so obsessed with dick they think all trans people were born with them ig.
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elenyafinwe · 3 years
How to recognize a TERF
CN TERF, transmisia
In the following post I will talk about some of the mind sets of TERFs. This can have triggering effects on some people, so please look after yourself. I won’t discuss, why these takes are shit. They are, end of discussion.
I talk about TERFs from time to time without ever going into detail how to recognize them. Because often they word their agenda in different ways unter the disguise of feminism. One thing straight up: Your feminism isn’t an up to date feminism if it doesn’t include trans people.
I often recomend the browser extention Shinigami Eye, here’s the link to github. If you install this, you can already see how this works, because it should highlight said link in this post with a green box. Shinigami Eye marks links and accounts on social media as trans friendly (green) and anti-trans (red) and you can mark accounts on your own by right clicking them. Shinigami Eye is currently availabe for Chrome and Firefox.
Not all TERFs call themselves TERFs and rather use the term Gender Critical or short GC. Their idea is to critically question the trans ideology or trans cult, als some call it. Those terms are all red flags, that immediately give away a TERF. Especially on Tumblr they also use the # sex not gender because they falsely disgregard the idea, that gender is independend from sex. Another indication is how they talk about biological gender/sex and that trans women are biologically men.
While radical feminism per se is not necesarrily identical to TERFs, people who call themselves radfems often also have the same mindset and exclude trans people from their feminims. And I mean ..... Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism ..... So I’m at least wary around them.
A while ago TERFs on twitter used the t-rex emoji 🦖 for themselves. As far as I know it was because some politician called them dinosaurs and also t-rex can be short for trans exclusionary. Poor dinosaurs don’t deserve that, they are far too cool for TERFs, therefore the trans community immediately reclaimed the emoji.
The newest take of terfs on twitter is to use three heart emojis in their username with the color lavender, white and green 💜🤍💚 because these are the colors of the suffragette flag but sadly also by coincidence the colors of the genderqueer flag. They stole the flag from the genderqueer people and it sucks hard.
This list is not complete and can go on a long time. But those are the most obvious signs, that you’ve just stumbled over a TERF.
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