#cme asks
Was I the only one sensing some vibes when jill went 'how' s jj' and emily turned around to leave so fast after basically dodging the question lol? Like, the last time they could have talked must have been late season 2👀 maybe it was just the way it was framed but at first i thought that scene was going to go somewhere else haha
Hahaha yesss same! I really love Emily’s proud little smile when she hears about JJ 🥰
I wonder how Jill met JJ (or at least the whole team other than Gideon and Rossi). Bc it also sounds like Jill was very fond of JJ too and maybe… haha she sensed a vibe between JJ and Emily, especially with what I think JJ is trying to get closer to Emily and getting to know her better in early seasons. Emily probably feeling more relaxed with JJ in s2. So I wonder if the two of them were all giddy about the other person and Jill smirked and said “I think you like her.” 😅
So yeah. Emily was sooo giddy this ep and JJ had a very huge part in that from last ep hahaha so hmmm
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jenny-from-the-bau · 3 months
Honestly from what I’ve seen on Twitter, I think the cheating thing was more of a joke than anything (not denying that some people genuinely feel that way though). I feel like most people have generally been saying that 17x06 was a good set up for Jemily to actually happen and that they want it to develop from there, not that it needs to be instant. Also the queerbaiting allegations seem to be more directed at the cm social media etc for interacting with shippy posts and responding in ways teasing the ship (e.g. saying that they ship Jemily too) but then referring it to as just a friendship later and the show seemingly having no intention of making the ship canon. Of course whether it’s actually queerbaiting is kind of debatable but I guess people feel like they’re being used for views.
Idk if we're seeing the same tweets, but every time I go on twitter, there's genuine anger and vitriol. People saying JJ needs to just cheat so Will is gone, wishing Will dead, saying that they don't want JJ and Emily being together unless it's canon (romantically), etc etc. It all seems very real and genuinely harmful. I've seen way more people saying they hated 17x06 because Jemily didn't become canon than anyone saying it was a good episode.
Also, like, I understand that it can be frustrating to see the CM accounts say they ship Jemily, but that doesn't translate to "because it's going to happen." A PR account isn't in the fandom. They're interacting with popular posts, and they may even ACTUALLY ship Jemily, but that really doesn't mean anything. It's never been said that Jemily is going to be made canon. No one has said that, I'm pretty sure.
Jemily IS a great friendship. The ultimate moment WAS wonderful and heartfelt and funny and fulfilling. They're best friends and they're there for each other through thick and thin. That doesn't mean they love each other romantically and they probably never will. JJ is happily married, and she also has an amazing, deeply fulfilling friendship with Emily.
Interacting with "shippy posts" isn't a promise or hint or anything like that. It's actually awesome that they're acknowledging queer fans and talking about queer ships! That's crazy to me, as someone who grew up with Rizzoli and Isles and Swan Queen. We're a valid audience!! That doesn't mean it's going to be canon, though. Romantic Jemily has never been promised.
Being acknowledged as fans of a ship in a positive way isn't the same as being used for views. Are the showrunners wrong for thinking that we love JJ and Emily as characters? Are they wrong for thinking that we want to see them be happy and close?
Want a queer ship on CM? Tara and Rebecca are right there! Why are they not good enough for people??
JJ and Emily are a wonderful, wonderful example of adult female friendship, and how important it is to care for your friends when you also have a romantic partner and a family.
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eyesontheskyline · 4 months
So you saw that post too? I was genuinely so baffled but the op seems serious about it
Yeah I did, but I bet that person isn't the only person thinking it. The new season isn't available where I am yet but I'd guess watching JJ react to seeing porn of herself she had no say in making hits home a little much for people who are essentially writing (presumably reader insert?) porn about JJ.
This fandom at this moment in time, more than any other I've actively engaged with, seems to not be great in general at separating the actors from their characters. Along with that comes a bit of a blurry line where the characters can be treated a little bit too much like they're real people and the actors treated a little bit too much like they're not.
I think it's always - in literally every situation in life - worth being aware of whether what you're doing is objectifying a real person. I just also think it's important to really pay attention to the line between a real person and a fictional character, and make sure real people are being respected as fully human (like maybe don't put them in a position where they need to figure out how to respond to being publicly sexualised by people half their age in their mentions).
It seems like two sides of the same coin to me - feeling guilty about potentially objectifying JJ (for example) while not quiiite treating AJ Cook and her coworkers like living breathing human beings you admire and find attractive.
Like, if a complete stranger had a crush on me, I would not expect them to be like MOMMY SIT ON ME in my insta comments or my DMs or on the street or whatever, you know? That's not a way we should be treating real people. That's much more concerning to me than writing smut about a fictional character. I think the guilt is... misplaced.
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rewrotethestars · 5 months
I still wanna know what Elias whispered to Luke that prompted him to slam him against the cell
i need to find a good lip reader bc im sure there is someone out there that could figure out something close to what he said lol.
from the trailer, the first word he whispers KINDA seems like jennifer (like i see 'fer'). so my wild guess is maybe he mentions jj which would explain why luke got so mad, but again, a wild take from me lol.
and as for why luke went to see him, tara says something about the rangers and luke was part of the rangers unit i think? so it could be something about that as well. (not sure why he'd have to whisper it tho)
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hotch-girl · 2 months
I know you didn’t ask me lol but tbh I liked the finale! But I think that’s the softer side of me liking that they got through to the kids and Emily was still advocating for them and not really looking at it from a tv point of view if that makes sense
plsss im so glad u gave me ur thoughts bestie!!!!!! it helps me be more positive and actually look forward to s18 more 💀
i get what u mean. and that was definitely one of my favorite parts too <33 we dont really get to see that side of her anymore. and on the positive side, it was good to see jj standing up for herself and being the one to notice voit's plans. i just wish they could make rossi a side player for a while and actually rmr tara is part of the show 😭
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keep-dreaming-killjoys · 11 months
How dare they make us care so much for a character just to take him away like that? I don't care if it is for Edward's development or whatever bs... this is the show where the main character gets hanged and stabbed and somehow survives it. where a merman can pull back the other main character from fucking limbo, where someone turns into a seagull!!!!! but somehow a bullet wound cannot be offered the same amount absurdity because reasons!!!!! god, I'm not even sad anymore, I'm just offended :))))
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davidtennantpussytulpa · 11 months
actually think im gonna throw up watching the troye sivan one of your girls video like. i literally think i hauve covid
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HAVE YOU WATCHED THE NEW EP YET?? I have so many thoughts about it
i haven't!!! i've seen so many people that are unhappy with it :( i started off with really high hopes for cme, i even commented about how well they'd gotten the characterisations...but that seems to be going down the drain really quickly. what's sad for me is that the actors don't seem to be having any input - what was paget's 'there's no time for hugs in the field' excuse for why emily and jj didn't hug when she had time to hug luke???? also they're pushing so hard for bemily and i just, i can't do it. if they were gonna put emily with a man, with a colleague, with a superior...it should have been hotch and i'll stand by that till i die. i've definitely not given up on cme yet, but i'm like abby miller. waiting for it to be great
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But the fact that JJ literally indirectly said that all the trauma she went through the last years was totally worth it because in the end she got Emily?! Can it be even more obvious?!
Yesss!! JJ would go through hell and back for Emily, and Emily would do the same for her without hesitation. Ahhhh there's so much to say about the scene and their relationship, but they are each other's ride or die and persons 😭😭😭 JJ would do it all over again, if it meant she got to see Emily every day for the rest of her life bc she knows Emily would tell her to never give up and to always keep fighting.
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reality-detective · 2 years
What are the solar flares and the CMEs and how they effect us at the physical and spiritual level…✨
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jenny-from-the-bau · 3 months
to add in my two cents, the social media pages liking and interacting with jemily posts means absolutely nothing! it’s literally their job to interact with popular posts in the fandom and that person, or people, may actually ship jemily, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be canon. for some reason, fans (especially younger ones) don’t realize that the people who run the social media accounts have nothing to do with the writers and the showrunners. getting mad at the social media accounts about the ultimate jemily moment or begging them to make jemily canon does literally nothing except spread negativity. 17x06 was a great episode, and i like that it’s obviously about their friendship but can totally be interpreted as romantic if you want. i may like to joke about wishing the moment was a full hour-long episode of sloppy jemily make out sesh but obviously that wasn’t going to happen and people were deluding themselves if they thought it was. the moment was honestly everything we (or at least i) could’ve hoped for in giving us a jemily moment and keeping it realistic with the rest of the show
Yeah, it's totally just their jobs hahaha
I loved the episode! There's plenty there for shippers, but also it's just a really nice acknowledgment of the depth and breadth of their friendship. They're ride or dies and like Emily needed to be reminded that she isn't the only one who's suffered, you know? And like JJ's strength is admirable, and Emily can find inspiration in that. JJ has an unwavering belief in Emily, and that lets Emily believe in herself!
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As much as I talk about Luke confessing his love to Peneleope in the reboot
If she beat him to the punch
I would lose my fucking mind
In the best possible way
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fat-slobby-jojo-girls · 9 months
Speed Wagon Foundation:CME FILES
C.M.E:Critical mass events-a naturally occurring phenomenon where blobs suddenly expand in body weight due to unstable metabolism and cell reproduction. Along with intense gaseous release.
Subject:Trish Una.
Cause:Over drinking of carbonated waters causing an intense air bubble.
Scenario:Ms.Una consumed 200 gallons worth of carbonated water over the course of a multi hour private flight. As soon as the plane touched down the air bubble caused her body to experience a CME.
Note:Trishs CME expulsions are possibly infectious. As several employees including her manager Rose experienced intense belching some time after the incident.
Incident report: January [REDACTED] 20XX
Ever since the outbreak of CME's the foundation had been on high alert. Everyone was on edge when they got the call. A friend of the foundation and wealthy business woman blown up to comical proportions on the landing strip of a international Airport. Containment had to be quick but given the random nature of CME's problems were bound to occur. All passengers including the pilot's had been affected with the carbonated gas from subject A: Trish Una being highly infectious.
Thankfully the affect seemed to dissipate in open air and wouldn't travel farther than a few meters from around the subject. However in the chaos more employees of the airport and rescue workers were affected being blown up to smaller sized sphere no bigger than your average mini-van. However miss Una, her manage and personal body security personnel all experienced the worst of the CME.
Subject #1
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Name: Trish Una
Estimated Weight: 200,000 lbs at the least, hard to Estimate given quantity of gas inside her at the time.
Comparable size: dwarfed the airplane traveled in on.
Description: miss Una was completely unresponsive only able to communicate through loud burps and flatulence sounding lisps as her cheeks and face had become immensely swollen as a result of the CME. Before she reached critical mass our initial response team record several cries for help, swears, demands for her "mommy", and complaints of stomach pain. The smaller subjects infected by her gas seemed to bounce and bob around subjects 1's body most likely do to her being the source of the CME combined with the light weight gas in their bodies.
Subject #2
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Name: Rose [REDACTED]
Personal records and history sealed:
Estimated weight: 150,000 lbs
Comparable size: large semi truck
Description: unlike miss Una. Rose's exposure to the CME resulted in an increased production of gas, milk, and fat from her body. While smaller than Subject 1 she still attempted to console and help miss una even though she herself was infected. Samples of her milk revealed it to contain a mixture of lard, milk and other fattening substances.
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Name: Sheila E
Estimated weight: unknown
Proper measurements made impossible due to conditions.
Comparable size: large hot air balloon
Description: in the initial panic of the CME subject 3 was sat on by the rapidly growing Trish. For a full minute subjects 3 was stuck directly subject 1's rear and was rapidly inflated to the size of a small blimp or hot sir balloon. She remained floating just above the containment sight until personnel could properly deflate her after the gas inside her had been expelled for her to be within reach.
Finishing statements:
While foundation personnel were able to contain the CME and all affected have returned to normal sizes two agents were infected after faulty hazmat suits resulted in gas leaking into their helmets. This induced almost immediate immune response and the two quickly joined the rest of the carbonated gassy subjects surrounding subject 1. Post CME evaluation revealed psychical and cognitive changes remained after initial exposure. These were not limited to prominent lisps, slowed metabolism and increased appetite, noticeable loss of maturity, inability to control gas expulsions.
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rewrotethestars · 2 months
The lack of colors in evolution!Garcia's wardrobe is disappointing, not helped that the costume designer is different from the one who worked on s1-15. It's funny how Garcia mentioned how beige is one of three things she hates (alongside bad kissing) and yet her wardrobe is lacking color nowadays
Oh definitely!!! They literally do not want her to stand out with the terrible lighting they have 😭.
I expected way more especially for her birthday outfit, but I guess maybe it just represents her just being a little more chill? Idk! But it’s sad.
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hotch-girl · 2 years
even though I didn't watch the reboot, I like reading your thoughts on it lmao. a lot of what I've seen kinda cemented my fears of them doing a reboot in the first place
I heard mentions of some pretty awful ableism earlier in the season. don't know how much it carried through the season but it's still not ok
another dead wife, because apparently they haven't beaten the dead loved one trope into the ground enough ☠
they still managed to underutilized tara and luke from what I've heard. I'm sad that it seems like they just have luke hung up on garcia, even though she has little to no regard for his feelings imo??
I don't know the full story but I'm mad about what they did to tara and rebecca (got caught up in the euphoria of queer characters, forgot it was criminal minds so always expected disappointment agsghfj is that harsh? lol)
I don't even know if emily had anything going for her this season??(other than looking hot)
this is probably really long and opinionated for someone who didn't watch it 😬 sorry lmao
bestie u got everything its like u watched it!! it was so disappointing. the team chemistry was abysmal. emily's development was nonexistent. i saw there was some terrible excuse of how pb didnt want a personal storyline for emily but that didnt mean give her NOTHING professionally 😭. the whole season was mostly cringe penelope scenes, sad rossi, and so much jj and will (which was basically- will we kill will??? keep watching to find out <3)
and u could tell the writers wanted to show the "criminal mind" this season, but all it did was take away any suspense. the unsub was a letdown and i was actually excited about the case at first!!
possible next season spoilers below
in the finale theres this plot twist where the unsub knows about some gov plan called "gold star." in an interview the show runner said they dont even know what its supposed to be yet 💀. i dont want to be mean, but reading the interview it sounds like they had no plan for this season, which is ridiculous because it was only 10 episodes
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
hello I have been a silent but OBSESSED with your work reader up until now but I need to break my silence to say that I have had a wildly emotional few days (re: finishing up a job of 8.5 years on Saturday and starting a brand new one today on Monday - I am so overwhelmed and have cried so much lol) and to have had Galatea to read on Sunday and cyosa 8 to read tonight has literally been lifesaving. you have single-handedly dragged me out of my pit of existential dread and I am so grateful. you are so talented it’s insane like my friend and I genuinely have had multiple conversations about how wild it is that you don’t have a book deal yet and somehow after has like 8 books. like huh. ANYWAY just wanted to say thank you I love you and your brain and your writing and I literally will read anything you create. thank you for helping me cling on to my sanity these last few days (even though galatea wrecked me it at least wrecked me in a different way to the way my brain has been treating me hahaha) okay I’m done ILY BYE
this was such a nice message to receive!! i am very happy that my fics were able to brighten your day a little and make things easier for you. that’s all a writer could dream of! i did really hit y’all with the hurt/comfort this weekend lmao. cyosa8 was aftercare😭
and you are so so sweet to have this much hope in me lmao. i love that you guys all root for my success i love u all. again still so crazy and funny that people talk about lottiecrabie with their friends😭
i hope it gets better for you bff i’m giving you so many forehead kisses
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