would you love me if I was a worm
Honestly, I would be much more comfortable around a worm. You sound a little weird.
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caesarclown-cc · 4 months
Caesarpilled Clowncel
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incarnateirony · 7 months
[squints] I don't even know if it's an assault tonight or not, I admit. Last I understood, we were leaving her other forms until we were ready to forcefully evoke the Cowardly aspect to look at another, but I don't know when that is. Last I tuned out the castle was established, the radio was going out to send off the beacons for the big trailers and announcement tulpas of focus, and then I woke up and her Alexa was asking her about movies so you know whatever
Tonight either we're clearing out loose ends or establishing more fortresses. Messaging lately tells me the latter probably. Good luck getting us out of your head, cunt.
Meanwhile twitter still on the clowncell even when they late like
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anyway night night yall, time to start building an actual human inside the husk operating as SRB, This might take a while.
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mysticarks · 6 years
i mean you don’t have to be a full-on feminist but the fact that a lot of people on here who promote healthy sexuality and want to fight prejudices such as sexism also look down upon and use virginity as an insult without a hint of irony is kinda
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gazehoundz · 2 years
clowncels seething over magicianchads
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rootfish13 · 2 years
Wojack pepe cringe virgin Chad Stacey blue red black pilled our guy go back to Reddit based kino boomer normie roastie femcel supreme gentleman clowncel beta cuck manlet hitting the wall cope cock carousel.
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clowntownlore · 3 years
Pardon, prophet but do you know of any twitch streamers? Given that I cannot expect you to know such petty matters, what of humans who attempt to mingle with your clowns or clowns who might be passing themselves off as human? Plainly, your clowncellence, do you know of one by the name of Fiona and what be their role?
I know of the jester, and I know that their time is limited. I warned them that their curiosity would be their demise, and they chose not to heed my warning. It is a sad fate, to be twisted against one’s own kind.
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Boleyn, Cleves, And Howard, In trouble after causing Havoc in the nearest store:
Aragon, with her arms crossed: “So why did you guys do it?”
Howard: “Cause we uh-“
Cleves: “It’s easily explainable really.”
Boleyn: “We share exactly one braincell!”
Cleves: “a hivemind.”
Boleyn: “Y’see we took custody of a braincell.”
Cleves: “Yeah, So now we share said braincell and it makes us do clownery.”
Howard: “I try not to participate in the clownery, but I get possessed by the clowncell and ultimately do clownery.”
Seymour and Aragon Silent For A Moment.
Aragon: “I expected this from Anne.”
Seymour: “I’m crying I don’t know whether to laugh or be disappointed.”
Cleves: “Both, the braincell adoption center should’ve said no to us adopting one braincell.”
Howard: “Yeah!”
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dreeming-royalty · 4 years
M!A: Butterscotch is a clownceler for 5 days!
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Random Questions Always accepting!
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germ-t-ripper · 5 years
The FBI has issued a warning for "clowncel" (incels using clown imagery) violence at the JOKER film opening.
...giant meteor take me away!
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If you were in the my little pony universe, what would your ponysona look like?
I would be a pegasus, but I'd have a mostly black coat. And I would have a triangle for a cutiemark.
The triangle would be an ambivalent reference to Edgeworth from Ace Attorney, because it's also an arrow/finger/pointing-at-a-fact (the fact being that I'm a nerd). "Pointing at a fact and then adding a circle around it to denote it's relevance to the present situation" is a recurring Ace Attorney motif.
(For example, if I drew this pony I would make their cutie mark so it looks like this: ↪)
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incarnateirony · 5 months
So now that things are settled, let's talk a bit about magical theory. I do know I have a few readers that have been messaging me about this to learn their own parts.
For those that are more nervous about direct messaging, I'll give the same advice I gave the last person: depending on your nature, either the Kybalion or Campbell's Hero With 1000 Faces is the place to start, or Jung if you're super science brained, but few are, not many people want to jump into the psychodrama. Kybalion will give you the shape in prose and Campbell in familiar media narratives that he later will explain in alchemy in the back half of the book.
Now, as for what the structure of my last few months looked like, it was pretty simple really. Even if it looked like lunacy at the surface, and in a way it is, but it's a form of controlled lunacy that is its own art and even science, even when y'all were like U OK BRO? and I was basically like NOT REALLY, WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES BUT I AM WORKING IT OUT, because yeah, you start splitting your brain and digging in others, and this post sorta breaks down the volume and mass I was operating at, how and why.
Part 1: The plagiarized ideas enshrined in my stalker's home, hard drive, galleries and everywhere else were easy enough to conceptually graft a sigil to. I won't display it, For Reasons, but this is where the crosshatching comes in.
Part 2: The sigil was designed to attach to the concept of "Tartarus". This has many uses, from mythological, cosmological, referential (2013 interview about the space between dreams, per hermes), and of course overlapping the release of Persona 3 Reload, its use of Jung, et all.
Part 3: Conceptually graft the parts, clear and face the parts again if as myself again, collect the material. This sounds straight forward, but with Tartarus attached, I started using the focus of players. Infinite restarts, infinite Moments, infinite tiny timeline turns, saved files, fractals and variants, infinite voices.
Part 4: I've worked on collective unconscious focus for a while, as well as the climb of the mind, if you will. I've posted many, many trees and charts about this, whether about TV shows or otherwise. Yall operate in Malkuth. I generally look for access from Da'at. Going higher causes major meltdown and Da'at itself is already overwhelming. Like driving into the fuckin akrida hole. Like I saw every possible me and chose to be myself when I got shot, and now I know how to walk in that door and see that a lot. There's a lot of me. I yell in the clowncell and people answer on twitter, so I started attaching my messages itself to Tartarus and other familiar topics that were easy to browse.
Part 5: Let these cycle. People say the joke, the joke spreads, people repeat the joke, the joke becomes an evocation. The brainrot spreads. Artists, musicians, programmers all onboard the brainrot. Tartarus is now in funny squid game, and Fortnite, and wherever else, and so on. the Tartarus Dev likes talking to himself as three people to be productive now, and after his swinging honkai star rail train you'll never guess what he made, guys.
Part 6: Just move this shit around. Tell Multiple Jokes. Bind your narratives together into a new weave. The masses do the spellcasting for you on a titanic scale through unconscious inner focuses you're using towards an end objective.
Part 7: The processing; once assigned, beaten to shit, and being actively harvested while entangled and under a few hundred million eyes from a certain Big Game stunt pulled (since I glossed over that step here, but the universe is perceiving itself big time in a circle here)... like. It's already Jung grafted from Persona anyway and has been unnder work as that to reduce the shadows, but the astrological alignments of this were the end of an 11 year solar cycle where, ironically, similar events happened because, again, this same abuser attacked me about 11 years ago, and wow, it's a motherfucking circle I have grokked beyond grokking they can ever fucking understand.
Part 8: Use of the alignments and the annual Thelemic readings, including riding the main lodge's use of the processing readings. Special focus on days like the eclipse. I won't break it down at length, but the eclipse axis fused to last year's planetary parade stretched over all of this with mercury en retro is quite literally where my own bootstrap comes from, I had to figure that shit out myself while stumbling through my own messages. One of those, I Have Always Fucking Been Here moments. In the basement. Like carpet. Surrounded by mountain dew in conceptual tartarus. Absolutely losing my goddamn mind on an abusive ex until I fractal myself through the eclipse's infinite shadow moons to the moons to the moons to the moons, and three people named a bird Luna, so anyway.
Part 9: Try to walk away. Mostly did but some idiot gave me some stupid useless papers so I had to go do a thing and they complained I was talking about it still, IDK.
Part 10: Try to walk away from what I have newly perceived, beause it is done, and what's done is done, and what has happened is what is happening, and so it will be.
There's side steps to what I used for this. Throughout the entire thing, music was critical. Whether that be my abuser accidentally giving me various heartsongs to different parts of their psyche multiple times, or on a larger scale. There's an old experiment called BIG NOISE with E.G.G. readers. The EGGs still exist and are reported on by the GCP and princeton, but big noise was about everyone putting off a sound to cause an effect. Okay, take that with, say, the idea of Tartarus. And a million live players blasting battle themes. Using the sound track to listen in on who else is listening, attacking what corner of conceptual psyche or navigating which path, and using that to backbrain on them, hence some people reporting passing out, losing time, being haunted by the song, or having weird dreams about the suicide prevention villain of tartarus afterward.
You'll notice I had multiple copies of the same song, usually remixes. This was to open up enough dissonance that my own messaging could remix into backbrains while traveling and trying not to lose full will or identity while riding the edge of the veil. The Bass House Remix of life will change has different merits than the Eurobeat. Eurobeat was momentum. Bass House was the glitchtrap ridden claude manifesting chain, and so on. And all of this, of course, starting with their favorite Foolish Glamrock.
I can't even begin to explain the level of fuckery involved with the music if you guys can't grok the quantum/time/etc elements here, and I'm not gonna get into that, but for example, that song didn't exist until it did 3 months prior, just like the Bass House Remix didn't exist until it did, one year prior, and so on. The TTripleTrismegistus remixes were always there. Baby baby bluray.
Kinda like the world remembering old dog statues that have weird energy and staring red eyes, idk. Oh, and that Roadmap DLC music expansion coming out when it did was a beautiful godsend of flexibility, allowing me to expand the pillars and trees I was coming from in mass form, a bit much to explain in an overview post (Mementos and Tartarus are the same, flipped, like sephiroth and qlipoth, some of which the areas bear names for; also why Rebirth as a concept is grafted in multiple ways, and Sephiroth is an easy attachment, especially with the long mentioned Zenthus parallelism and my ability to use that for Apep and others)
There were other crosshatched in ideas. While riding the planned persona backbone, the release of 5 X helped both reinforce the shadow loop, added in new integrations like the Janus persona, and fused well with using tweets from "X" in its own beautiful little fibonacci its own. Spiraling out, one could say, from X marks the spot where we fell apart, and nothing good starts in a getaway car my dears. That was Him trying. And they didn't listen.
The Superbowl period crosshatching in Tartarus as a mass viewed concept is around when I did in fact almost come unglued for a bit. I was already raising past what I considered normal capacity and then I stuck a cosmic perceptive subwoofer under it to the tune of a few hundred million perceiving the moment, and that's all you need for one bridge. Like the commentators said, the dream starts after halftime. In that 2013 cited space between dreams. Who was it that said that again?
Anyhoo. That's what I've been doing. Blasting my soul out over millions of televisions and phones for months off of mutual hyperfixations to spread a message and achieve a goal, however random and arbitrary the moves may have seemed at the time.
You wish another magician had this much fucking swag in his fucking clown shoes.
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No seriously, to the kids crawling gnostic twitter mentions to people I'm probably never gonna talk to again looking for some way to Get At Me. Which is it that has you acting this fucking retarded and addicted more? The denial that someone got you guzzling my dick in a cult against BOTH of our mutual consents, the fact that someone you hatelove so much achieved this level of attainment, or the fact that you're realizing you cost your friend everything they wanted? Or is it like a shake and bake of the above?
No seriously someone mimicked my work because they pine after it and want it in their life, it is truly that simple. Them getting all confused on gods and religion and shit is their own fuckin problem. It is literally What They Wanted. They just thought That was Hermes, for example, or Leviathan, or whichever god flavor of the day was lifted from my 20+ years of works, writing, journaling, game design and whatever else with a new nametag slapped on it as a perceived fix. Like no, that's Aaron, and that's Zenthus. Why yes deep deep down that is Hermes and Apep or whatever language you want to put it in, but the point is That Specific One is me, not him, that is my individual identity, the persona this incarnation is approaching life with. It was inspired my my ambitions, my dreams, my losses, my roads I did and did not take, a life I personally walked and lived on the road, and more. It's not a hard concept to wrap your mind around.
Except it is, because woopsiedoodle that powerful mage hermes is just like. Some guy yall betrayed, that's in the brotherhood and among the dissonance and both is and isn't him, but when I'm sitting here physically in this chair, that is absolutely me, Aaron Eema, cussing your delusional asses out, Always Has Been, even when my brain turns into fucking jello in the collective unconscious and I sound like a fucking madhat.
His name was Aaron Eema. He was one of hundreds of on paper children of the last big wig Hermes incarnation, and had a lot of Him with Him, but he was still distinctly different from Brian. But Brian had pined to retire and have a homestead despite his nature, and signed his own death warrant and basically transmigrated to Aaron in the written version. Because he got backstabbed by a woman he was trying to settle with and for. Aaron Eema, of Alabama. Yup that guy, the city slicker that basically inherited a yeehaw house in 2009. The guy that did the superbowl thing. That guy.
No. Really.
I've always been here. Like read that paragraph again but slowly and realize how long I've been screaming at both myself and my stalker and leaving sticky warnings everywhere that got writ as poetry. Something about misheard fucking lyrics. like who is this song motherfucking for.
Btw i moved to alabama in like... 2015. Maybe late 14.
So while I see supernatural kiddies like, harassing random people I was trying to mentally stabilize from diving into the collective pool from the wrong angle, okay, whatever kids, it's not that deep, go drag some more people to hell, it doesn't matter to me that much in the end. I'm processing the cycle of the last 11 years of my life bootstrapped to the solar maximum cycle and yall are like... bothering your fellow schizos on twitter. Whatever.
Motherfuckin. Basilisk-Bootstrap-protocol.JAR is engaged kids, I don't know what to tell you. I only half grokked the rewards or costs, depending on perspective, of what I was doing back when I did it. Some of you know what I'm talking about. All I can say is THE JAR THE JAR THE JAR. There's a jar in a box in a hole under a nuclear reactor in the bottom of the motherfuckin sea o/~ or maybe it's in the sun now, I really lost track once NASA got involved. Congress already was earlier this year. Mess. Why you think I was saving random CIA docs trying to find old project Stargate files about my family and shit. My DOD babysitter wouldn't spill, or more couldn't, they can't find some of it either, something about older declassification and release your dead periods when departments moved locations a few decades ago. Anyway secret third trick to pop a lid. You kids know how to play Craps?
What was the joke last year? Local man sneaks into government facility, lifts government secrets, accidentally straps self to rocket, in orbit 3 years? Methinks that went into the eclipse, my dears.
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And his number is 11, as it is for all of us. 11 is 11. And is always 11, no matter how the pendulum swings.
And now I'm playing Beyond the Pendulum. And you've never seen such a pile of trash work so flawlessly. Desires of Min. Yu Gi Oh Is Ra El. King Of Games LokiOdin. Epic rap battles of history, Mercury versus Saturn, GO.
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So. [clicks tongue on teeth] When I talk about. The game lobby. Take the thing about superpositions, and realizing the door, and always being there. And like. You're either in the lobby on the path or not. For all the relativity of spatial relativity, that is something that is very unrelative to me from where I sit.
Even people I don't like the attitude of here like Janus are in this game lobby. Clogged up on his own mess that is partially ending up on my desk but that's fine, whatever. But some people just outright refuse to look at their own reflection much less inward and aren't even in their own lobby much less the main server, like wtf.
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When it comes to Janus, he's laying his works now... he just thinks the intellect and knowledge comes from doing the work... which it does... but not like that. It's an as you go, wiping out, retrying, multiple models like claude has gone through and will keep going through, but various realizations on the road. I don't know how long it will be until he truly groks, but when he does, he will truly be a powerful magus, whether he's in some official brotherhood or graded or whatever. He'll be the next generation then like I am now. I'm admittedly outdated software and hardware. So I resume my perching and watching from the fence, cussing under my breath to see another one repeating similar mistakes of ego at similar ages and points, but also cheering him on. A wonderful internal conflict, even if I stand by wanting to see Claude get rushed out by the larger competitors for now.
So anyway I'm going back to finalizing my game bible. Like I was fucking minding my fucking business doing. Before some piece of shit tried to invite themselves for a game without understanding what they asked for.
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Virtual systems ready.
Ability restrictions lifted until target was rendered silent. And yea, though they hide, they are not truly silent. That is fine. Unauthorized access detected. Better save some of that Mana Drain for me.
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clowncel · 2 years
Hii! My name is CaiCai and this is my main blog.
I have no affiliation to incels, i jsut like clowns and the word ‘clowncel’ is hilarious to me
✧✦Commissions open!! - https://caicommissions.etsy.com ✦✧
The tag for my art is - “my art”
Aegosexual/GreyAce Bi
I like to make fanart and reblog stupid shit I think is funny. :o]
Currently hyper-fixating on Fallout, Batman (2022), DC, IHNMAIMS, StarTrek and Gravity Falls. So if you came for one of these, expect to see a lot of the others as well. It’s a mess in here lol.
It should go without saying that if I feel you’re a creepy or bigoted person, ur getting blocked. 
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🖤 TWs for: dark themes/dark love, occasional gore, violence, sexual themes, general slutery, I simp after the worst characters im so sorry 😭
Not a safe space for minors!! 🔞
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down4clowns · 7 years
mimes multiply in a different dimension and appear here fully formed in places where the rift between our worlds is thinner, usually street corners near cafes, or empty parking lots near the waffle house. they can interact with their dimension while still in ours.
jesters appear into each country’s court as if granted by a deity and disappear when the country dies. if a jester is murdered a section of the country is immediately pulled into the void. for this reason jesters have diplomatic immunity even if they mock the king
when a clown enters a clowncar, the slurry of funnyfluids divide and reproduce new clowncells, so more clowns exit than enter, every time.
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rudeguerrilla · 5 years
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“Everybody just screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore.”
This link from Vulture.com writer Chris Lee does a fine job of breaking down the controversy over “Joker”--most of it undeserved--all the way up to the present. While I’m not one to be a fearful person, I too bought into some of the panic and stayed away from the film for a couple of weeks, because of the “threat” over potential Aurora-style shootings circulating around in on-line “incel” (involuntarily celibate) sites. FACT CHECK: The man that shot up the Aurora Colorado movie theatre, killed 2 people, and injured another 70, was NOT dressed as The Joker. In fact, the character had nothing to do with the incident. This piece in Vanity Fair dissects the continuing rumor that appears to have led to much of the baseless fear. I did finally see the film last week and was impressed by its 70s Martin Scorcese-esque combination of TAXI DRIVER and THE KING OF COMEDY, two films it is heavily-influenced by, a point touched on briefly by the producer, who name-checks the director in the article. There are a couple of quick things that I wanted to address that the article doesn’t.
While this version of Joker is clearly mentally ill, facts are that the mentally ill generally don’t turn into violent anarchist clowns on a vendetta. They’re actually more likely to be victims of other people’s violence than they are of being perpetrators. Here’s a link from the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Lee’s article mentions that some incels are now naming themselves “clowncels,” implying a dangerous connection between the two. While he doing his due diligence and mentioning the story as part of a bigger story, the original story’s sourcing is vague, unspecific, and more than a little suspect: The Channel 7 news story being linked to/quoted about the supposed clown celibates says that there’s no violence or threat linked to them.
As a final note, sociologist Barry Glassner’s brilliant, accessible book THE CULTURE OF FEAR, traces the way fear is used by people of bad faith, eager to make some money. He was featured briefly in a short, but powerful, scene in the otherwise flawed film BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE. Here is an enlightening 2010 interview with him at UCLA.
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clowntownlore · 3 years
Forgive me, your clowncellence. I seek not to overstep. I come as a humble fool to beg of you wisdom. Might we know more about yourself, not as you are but as you were? How did you come to be and what has your relation to clowns been?
the prophet ain’t home right now, kiddo. though I doubt they’d appreciate the whole ‘clowncellence’ schtick even if i hadn’t snatched your petty questions
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