#clown breeder
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months ago
Janeway doesn't need a therapist when she gets back to the alpha quadrant she just needs Tuvok to tell her [in detail] the psychological observations he's made about her over the past 11 years and she can go from there <- Untrue but much more likely for her to agree to
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blackmoldmp3 · 30 days ago
SIGH i want a dog that’s just like a boston terrier but with a functioning face 😑 i lucked out w frida my kijiji mutt puppy but i know lightning can’t strike twice…
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reemerarius · 6 months ago
I managed to get a pic. Kinda.
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She hasn't come out of the box yet.
So, I called that breeder I was talking about. They denied they would ever abandon a clown. I had asked if they had a clown missing, not if they abandoned a clown, but okay.
They told me never to call again. So, I'm wondering if I should call, like an association, or something? Like that's sketch right?
Anyway, I guess she's mine now. I'll have to take her in for a checkup, hopefully, they can tell me what kind she is.
I don't have everything I need yet because, well, I was trying to take my time with adopting a clown. But, you can't make appointments with the clown distribution system.
If she comes out of the box, I'll try to get a better picture.
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muttsandmustelidae · 10 months ago
as much as i prefer the working Clumbers over in the UK and would LOVE to get my hands on one some day, importing a puppy is just not something that’s going to be feasible any time in the near future. HOWEVER. I’ve found a US Clumber breeder that I’m really liking so far, and they’re only about 6hrs away as well 👀👀 Big Spaniel dreams may not be crushed just yet!
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twobigears · 2 years ago
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this dog is fucking ridiculous
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your-werewolf-boyfriend · 1 year ago
Yes I bully backyard breeders for even daring to show me an advert on their shitty ass frenchies, keep it moving
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dansepants · 2 years ago
Block one "ethical clown breeder" and Tumblr will just suggest another and another one.. whyyyy.. I do NOT want to see clown fuckers or muppet fetish content in the 'for you' page.
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foundaclown · 8 months ago
Scare plush mixes are super sweet!! I had one as a kid. They still require lots of meat, all scare mixes do, and ofc plush mixes require lots of physical affection
Best of luck!!!
Scare clown advice
I’ve been honestly kind of obsessed with scare clowns ever since a troupe of them appeared in a park nearby to where I live. It was all over the news because we don’t really get many large clowns in my area as I live in a city. I’m pretty sure they were escaped pets because scare clowns went locally extinct in the wild in my country in the 1600’s. Don’t worry they were captured by animal control and sent to loving homes. Anyway back to the point. I’ve been fascinated by scare clowns for years but I’ve never looked after one. My family did have a hobo clown when I was a child so I’m not a complete move though. I’m currently living in a townhouse with a medium sized garden and I work from home for context. If anybody could suggest some scare clown subtypes/breeds which would be more approachable to someone in my situation I would be very thankful.
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dashcon-two · 5 months ago
Hi, I'm not sure if you know this or not, but promoting the ownership of purebred clowns like Knox is kind of problematic! Purebred ringleaders often suffer from a number of genetic health conditions, such as susceptibility to nose rot, chronic chucklelung and balloon-knot hip displaysia! Please tell me you've had his squirt-flower pies de-cremed, otherwise I may be forced to make a callout post (including your address, full legal name and SSN, which came to me after using a top-notch prophetic dream spellcasting kit I bought from WhiteWhichDeborah on Etsy).
Provide me with evidence that Knox was not purchased from a breeder and has had his pies de-cremed by a reputable circus vet within ONE WEEK, or I will pull the trigger. The draft is already in my files, do NOT fucking test me.
believe me, Edmund was not obtained on purpose, he just kind of appeared
as far as his creme-pies, I certainly won’t do it after The Incident, though I believe it does get done? Edmund and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms
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thesillysanctuary · 1 year ago
Please do your research when picking the perfect silly companion, as we see far too many clowns getting brought to our sanctuary that were apparently ‘the wrong fit’ for the family.
For future reference here are some options of good first time clowns:
Birthdays, a subspecies of Party clown that are perfect for families with a few children. They’re not as outgoing as regular Party clowns but they are just as loving. Though be aware that they do need the same mental stimulation as all party clowns do.
Next is a Mime mix, Purebred Mimes can be a bit much for some people, but Mime mixes come with the quiet serene energy of a Mime without the more expensive lifestyle. They’re good for teens or older children.
Plush, Plush clowns are a bit pricey, but they’re the perfect clown for someone who wants a cuddle with their new friend. Plush clowns are good for older children, not toddlers, as toddlers tend to mistake them for actual stuffed toys.
Please look into clowns before buying them, they’re living creatures and need your help to live. Look into reputable breeders or go to your local clown shelter or sanctuary. Hope this helped, Have a lovely day!
— Sanctuary Owner Bug :•}
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kanthonyprompts · 3 months ago
Kanthony Prompt #57
Anthony is the happiest he has ever been with his wife and their precious one year old baby when he wakes up one morning just before the start of season two. Like the CLOWN that he is, he decides that the best thing that he can do is repeat the entire story to get back to where he was. The problem is that Kate has decided to stop being invisible to her family and once she has warned her sister of her opinion about Anthony she decides to step back and focus on her own life. Maybe it has something to do with the handsome man she met on the ship returning to England, a young horse breeder who offers her something she no longer expected for herself.
(Just imagine they have been married for two years and now he sees another man looking at his wife the way he does and what is worse she welcomes it. He also has to see how her family treats her as if she is not the most beautiful, smart and kind creature has ever walked this earth.)
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blackmoldmp3 · 11 days ago
me, stupid: i could handle a jrt
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buffoons-clownbreeder · 10 months ago
so i’m thinking of adopting a clown soon and was wondering if there are any particular breeds that are good for apartment living? i also have a cat and idk if clowns and cat can even live together
so do you have any recommendations?
I’d suggest a Toy Party Clown! They’re small and need a lot less space than breeds like circus clowns or rodeo clowns. They’ve also been specifically breed for living in small quarters as people in big cities, like New York and Chicago, wanted to be able to keep clowns to entertain for children’s birthdays however Party Clowns need a bit more room as they’re accustomed to the suburbs and smaller towns.
On the issue of your cat, just like any other pet each clown is its own individual and will have its own comfortability with other pets. That being said Toy Circus Clowns as a breed do tend to get along well with other pets and have even been shown to bond themselves to cats on some instances. So I’d either go to your local no kill clown shelter or talk to some local licensed ethical breeders and try to find a Toy Circus Clown who’s been raised around cats! I hope this helps and I hope you can find a clown that’s right for you!
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plaguedocboi · 2 months ago
HELLO fellow clownfish breeder! I saw your baby fish orb post and went Leo pointing meme and had to dig to see if we'd been at the same place. I interned at Sustainable Aquatics in college while I was doing my senior research project for my biology degree. I'd been breeding clowns myself as a hobby before and was doing undergrad research at a lab doing work on ocean acidification and sensory development in fish (before she got disgraced for a data faking scandal rip). Anyway hope you're having a good day, just wanted to say hi from one fish person to another!
HELLO FISH FRIEND!!! I’m glad you are also an appreciator of Baby Fish Orbs because it’s my favorite thing ever.
Sustainable Aquatics is actually my company’s competition but I think all aquaculture facilities basically look the same. There’s only so many ways to breed fish. I hope you also have a great day, and I will say hi to all my clowns for you!
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theroyalbard · 1 year ago
Hello, hoping I can get some advice.
I recently saw something odd when looking through some clown adoption ads on Facebook Marketplace. Not looking to adopt at this time but was just looking at local breeders in the area.
I came across someone claiming to be selling a pure bread Bard, no crosses, not mixed at all, pure bread 16th century clothing wearing bard. Complete with a Lute and what looked like handmade parchment. With pictures to prove it.
I was wondering if there has been some kind of mistake in my presentation of clown species. I was under the impression that Bards had largely gone extinct or have been cross bread with other species into non identifiable subspecies. If anyone has any insight on the topic I would love to hear it.
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3rdmissingsock · 4 months ago
hey, im new to clown husbandry and such and found your blog cute and interesting. so now im here asking, what breeds are your clowns?
HiiiI!!! Thank you for taking an interest in my little family :3 I hope you enjoy clown husbandry! It's such a fun way to meet new people, both human and clown alike. My clowns are all Teacup mixes of some sort. I used to believe that Bookmark was pure Teacup Party Clown but I feel like there's probably something else in there too! Skiggly-wump is 100% some type of mutt but I know he definitely has some Mime in him, and I'm thinking also a little bit of Cursed Amulet Beast in as well (I know cross breeds like that are rare, but he's been known to exhibit some.. unnatural abilities). He is also a little bit of a runt so in my eyes he is like the little Chihuahua of the group! Cakepop is purebred Dark Jester and I got her from an overseas breeder! If you're not good at reading clown needs do NOT get a clown with muted colors. They're either really intense or really laid back, but they still have the same basic needs as any other clown and it can be hard to tell what exactly they need at any given moment. If you want one "for the aesthetic" only and have no experience I highly recommend you either 1. Don't get a clown or 2. Make absolutely sure that you can take care of them before adopting. Clowns are real creatures with real responsibilities attached!!! I trust that you will be good, but I can't in good conscious let a new clown husbandry fan out into the world without warning them that they need to be responsible!! There is a lot of power in caring for something.
Sorry for the rant but it's been so long since I've gotten to talk clown husbandry with someone! Good luck in your clown journey, friend, and I hope I didn't scare you lol
My clowns say hi!!!
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