thebotanicalarcade · 5 months
n616_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: English botany, or, Coloured figures of British plants / London :R. Hardwicke,1863-1886. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/32608884
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skelevenn · 11 months
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Repostober 27 - 2015
A small series of "Flower Language" (and leaves) portraits for some gems. I definitely did research (though couldn't tell you the sources anymore) and picked stuff out for all the major characters but only finished these three. Actually I found the notes doc I made, helpfully with reference pictures, so I can tell you what each of these ones are and what they mean! Under the cut.
Clematis (large light purple flowers) - Artifice/Trickery
Larch (pink and berry-looking) - Audacity
Sloe (blue berries) - Difficulty
London Pride (white with pink spots and middle) - Frivolity
Jewelweed (purple heart-shaped flowers) - Impatience
Coriander (background foliage, small ruffled leaves) - Hidden Worth
Hollyhock (white, sort of trumpet shaped flowers) - Ambition
Euphorbia (small yellow flowers in clusters of three) - Persistence
Rose, yellow (...I think you know what a rose looks like.) - Jealousy
Clotbur (large three-pointed leaves) - Rudeness
Lapis Lazuli
Mourning Bride (large bunches of tiny white flowers) - "I have lost all"
Anemone (white star shaped flowers with deep blue middle) - Forsaken
Columbine, blue (Small white flower with long periwinkle outer petals) - Desertion
Jacob's Ladder (small purple flowers with long stamens) - "Come down"
Aloe vera (long thin spiked leaves) - Grief
Oak Leaves (wiggly? hopefully recognizable lol) - Bravery
I remember looking at a lot of different sources to get the kinds of meanings I was looking for. Not the usual stuff for bouquets that all mean varying levels of love and friendship and whatnot. So some of these could be kind of made up! You can never trust the internet. But I tried.
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delightingintragedy · 8 months
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Saturn Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: His houses are Capricorn as his Night-house, and Aquarius as his Day-house. Exalted in Libra, Fall in Aries, and Rules Aquarius.
Nature: Diurnal Planet, Cold and Dry and moist Vapors, Melancholic, Earthly, Masculine, the greater Infortune, author of Solitariness, Malevolent
Profession: Curriers, Night-farmers, Miners under ground, Tinners, Potters, Broom-men, Plumbers, Brick-makers, Malsters, Chimney-sweepers, Sextons of Churches, Bearers of dead corpses, Scavengers, Hostlers, Colliers, Carters, Gardeners, Ditchers, Chandlers, Dyers of black Cloth, a Herdsman, Shepherd or Cow-keeper.
Sicknesses: All Impediments in the right Ear, Teeth, all quartan Agues proceeding of cold, dry and melancholy Distempers, Leprosies, Rheumes, Consumption, black Jaundice, Palsies, Tremblings, vain Fears, Fantasies, Dropsy, the Hand and Foot-gout, Apoplexies, Dog-hunger, too much flux of the Hemorrhoids, Ruptures if in Scorpio or Leo, in any ill aspect with Venus.
Savors: Sour, Bitter, Sharp
Herbs: Bearsfoot, Starwort, Wolf-bane, Hemlock, Fern, Hellebore the white and black, Henbane, Ceterach or Finger-fern, Clotbur or Burdock, Parsnip, Dragon, Pulse, Vervain, Mandrake, Poppy, Moss, Nightshade, Bythwind, Angelica, Sage, Box, Tutsan, Orage or golden Herb, Spinach, Shepherd's Purse, Cumin, Horsetail, Fumitory
Plants & Trees: Tamarisk, Savine, Senna, Capers, Rue or Herbgrace, Polypody, Willow or Sallow Tree, Yew-tree, Cypress tree, Hemp, Pine-tree
Beasts: The Ass, Cat, Hare, Mouse, Mole, Elephant, Bear, Dog, Wolf, Basilisk, Crocodile, Scorpion, Toad, Serpent, Adder, Hog, all manner of creeping Creatures breeding of putrefaction, either in the Earth, Water or Ruins of House.
Fishes: The Eel, Tortoise, Shell-fishes
Birds, etc: The Bat or Blude-black, Crow, Lapwing, Owl, Gnat, Crane, Peacock, Grasshopper, Thrush, Blackbird, Ostrich, Cuckoo
Places: Deserts, Woods, obscure Valleys, Caves, Dens, Holes, Mountains, or where men have been burried, Churchyards, etc. Ruined Buildings, Coal-mines, Sinks, Dirty or Stinking Muddy Places, Wells and Houses of Offices
Minerals: Lead, Loadstone, the Dross of all Metals, as also the Dust and Rubbish of everything.
Stones: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, all black, ugly Country Stones not polishable, and of a sad ashy or black color.
Weather: Cloudy, Dark, obscure Air, cold and hurtful, thick, black and cadense Clouds: but of this more particularly in a Treatise by itself.
Winds: Eastern Winds
Angel: Cassiel
Planetary Alliances: Works well with Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury. Does not work well with Mars and Venus.
Week day: Saturday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Mars] [Jupiter]
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A bouquet for: Evil.
wether it be your arch nemesis, an ancient dark force you're up against, or someone you just generally really hate. this bouquet is for them!
Crown Imperial (Majesty, Power) Crowsbill (Envy)
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Dahlia (Instability)  Dittany of Crete, White. (Passion)
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Fern (Fascination) Agnus Castus (Coldness, Indifference.)
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Thorn apple (deceitful charms) Basil (Hatred)
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Bilberry (Treachery) Catchfly (snare)
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Clotbur (Rudeness)  Fly Orchis (Error)
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Flytrap (Deceit)  Garden Anemone (Forsaken)
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 Hemlock (You will be my death) Hollyhock (Ambition)
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Hydrangea (Heartlessness)  Larch (Audacity, Boldness)
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Lichen (Dejection, Solitude) Lobelia (Malevolence)
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African Marigold (Vulgar minds) Cypress (Despair)
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Milfoil (War)  Oleander (Beware)
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Snakesfoot (Horror)  Trefoil (Revenge)
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aaaaaah thank you all for the follows and asks! i will get to requests as soon as i can, i thought this would be a good kickoff post for the blog, enjoy!
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Flowers with negative connotations
Abecedary: Volatility.
Abatina: Fickleness
Achillea Millefolia: War.
Aconite (Wolfsbane): Misanthropy
Adonis, Flos: Painful recollections.
African Marigold: Vulgar minds.
Agnus Castus: Coldness. Indifference
Almond (Common) : Stupidity. Indiscretion
Almond, Laurel: Perfidy
Aloe: Grief. Religious superstition
Anemone (Zephyr Flower): Sickness. Expectation.
Anemone (Garden): Forsaken
Apple, Thorn: Deceitful charms.
Apocynum (Dog’s Vane): Deceit
Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower: Separation
Aspen Tree: Lamentation
Asphodel: My regrets follow you to the grave
Auricula, Scarlet: Avarice
Balsam, Red: Touch me not. Impatient resolves.
Balsam, Yellow: Impatience.
Barberry: Sourness of temper.
Barberry Tree: Sharpness.
Basil: Hatred.
Bay Leaf: I change but in death.
Bay (Rose) Rhododendron: Danger. Beware
Bee Ophrys: Error.
Belladonna: Silence
Belvedere: I declare against you.
Betony: Surprise
Bilberry: Treachery
Birch: Meekness.
Birdsfoot Trefoil: Revenge
Valerian: Rupture
Borage: Bluntness.
Box Tree: Stoicism.
Bramble: Lowliness. Envy
Burdock: Importunity. Touch me not.
Buttercup (Kingcup):Ingratitude. Childishness
Butterfly Weed: Let me go
Cardamine: Paternal error
Carnation, Deep Red: Alas! for my poor heart.
Carnation, Striped: Refusal.
Carnation, Yellow: Disdain
Cardinal Flower: Dittitutim.
Catchfly: Snare
Catchfly, White: Betrayed
Champignon: Suspicion.
Chequered Fritillary: Persecution
Cherry Tree, White: Deception
China or Indian Pink: Aversion
Cistus, Gum: I shall die to-morrow.
Citron: Ill-natured beauty
Clematis, Evergreen: Poverty.
Clotbur: Rudeness. Pertinacity
Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron: My best days are past.
Coltsfoot: Justice shall be done.
Columbine: Folly
Columbine, Red: Anxious and trembling
Convolvulus, Major: Extinguished hopes
Corn, Broken: Quarrel
Creeping Cereus: Horror
Crowsbill: Envy.
Crowfoot: Ingratitude
Currant: Thy frown will kill me.
Cuscuta: Meanness.
Cyclamen: Diffidence. (Modesty/shyness resulting from a lack of self confidence)
Cypress: Death. Mourning
Darnel (Ray grass): Vice
Dead Leaves: Sadness
Dogsbane: Deceit. Falsehood
Ebony Tree: Blackness.
Eglantine (Sweetbrier): Poetry. I wound to heal
Enchanter’s Nightshade: Witchcraft. Sorcery
Fly Orchis: Error
Flytrap: Deceit
Foxglove: Insincerity
French Marigold: Jealousy
Frog Ophrys: Disgust
Garden Anemone: Forsaken
Garden Marigold: Uneasiness
Geranium, Scarlet: Contorting. Stupidity
Hand Flower Tree: Warning.
Harebell: Submission. Grief
Heath: Solitude.
Helenium: Tears
Hellebore: Scandal. Calumny
Hemlock: You will be my death
Henbane: Imperfection
Hop: Injustice
Humble Plant: Despondency
Indian Plum: Privation
Jasmine, Carolina: Separation
Judas Tree: Unbelief. Betrayal
Laburnum: Forsaken. Pensive Beauty
Larch: Audacity. Boldness
Larkspur, Pink: Fickleness.
Larkspur, Purple: Haughtiness
Laurestina: A token. I die if neglected.
Lavender: Distrust.
Leaves (dead): Melancholy
Licorice, Wild: I declare against you.
Lobelia: Malevolence
Love lies Bleeding: Hopeless, not heartless
Madder: Calumny
Manchineal Tree: Falsehood.
Mandrake: Horror.
Maple: Reserve.
Marigold: Grief.
Marigold, African: Vulgar minds.
Marigold, French: Jealousy.
Marigold, Prophetic: Prediction.
Marigold and Cypress: Despair
Meadowsweet: Uselessness
Mesembryanthemum: Idleness.
Mezereon: Desire to please.
Michaelmas Daisy: Afterthought
Mock Orange: Counterfeit
Moschatel: Weakness
Mosses: Ennui
Mourning Bride: Unfortunate attachment. I have lost all
Moving Plant: Agitation
Mulberry Tree (Black): I shall not survive you
Mushroom: Suspicion.
Musk Plant: Weakness.
Mustard Seed: Indifference
Narcissus: Egotism
Nettle, Burning: Slander
Oleander: Beware
Pasque Flower: You have no claims.
Passion Flower: Religious superstition
Pea, Sweet: Departure
Peach Blossom : I am your captive
Pennyroyal: Flee away.
Peony: Shame. Bashfulness
Persimon: Bury me amid Nature’s beauties
Pine: Pity
Pink, Variegated: Refusal
Pomegranate: Foolishness
Poppy, White: Sleep. My bane. My antidote
Prickly Pear: Satire.
Pride of China: Dissension
Ranunculus, Wild: Ingratitude.
Raspberry: Remorse.
Ray Grass: Vice
Rhododendron (Rosebay): Danger. Beware
Rose, Carolina: Love is dangerous
Rose, Deep Red: Bashful shame.
Rose, Dog: Pleasure and pain
Rose, Unique: Call me not beautiful
Rose, Yellow: Decrease of love. Jealously.
Rose, York and Lancaster: War.
Rose, Full-blown, placed over two Buds: Secrecy
Rue: Disdain
Saffron: Beware of excess
Saffron, Meadow: My happiest days are past
Sainfoin: Agitation.
Saint John’s Wort: Animosity. Superstition.
Sardony: Irony
Scabious: Unfortunate love.
Scabious, Sweet: Widowhood
Snapdragon: Presumption.
Snowball: Bound
Sorrel, Wild: Wit ill-timed
Straw, Broken: Rupture of a contract
Sweetbrier, European: I wound to heal.
Sweetbrier, Yellow: Decrease of love
Syringa, Carolina: Disappointment
Tamarisk: Crime.
Tansy (Wild): I declare war against you.
Teasel: Misanthropy
Thistle, Fuller’s: Misanthropy
Thistle, Scotch: Retaliation.
Thorn Apple: Deceitful charms
Throatwort: Neglected beauty
Trefoil: Revenge
Tuberose: Dangerous pleasures
Tulip, Yellow: Hopeless love
Tussilage (Sweet-scented): Justice shall be done you
Whin: Anger
White Rose (dried): Death preferable to loss of innocence.
Whortleberry: Treason.
Willow, Creeping Love forsaken
Willow, Weeping: Mourning
Yew: Sorrow
Zinnia: Thoughts of absent friends
Aconite: Beware
Barberry: Bad temper
Carnation (Striped): No, Refusal, Sorry I can't be with you
Carnation (Yellow): Disappointment, Rejection
Cyclamen: Resignation, Good-bye
Daffodil: Regard, Unrequited love, Respect
Everlasting: Never ceasing memory
Geranium: Stupidity, Foll
Golden-Rod: Be cautious
Hyacinth (Purple): Sorrow, Please forgive me
Hyacinth (Yellow): Jealousy
Hydrangea: Thank you for understanding, Boastfulness, Heartlessnes
Marigold: Grief, Despair, Jealousy
Marigold (Common): Pretty love, Sacred, Affection, Caress, Sorrow
Monkshood: Beware, A deadly foe is near
Petunia: Resentment, Anger, Your presence soothes me
Phlox: Our souls are united
Poppy (General): Eternal sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
Rhododendron: Danger, Beware, I am dangerous
Roses (Assorted Colours): You're everything to me
Roses (Single Full Bloom): I Love You, I still love you
Sweet William: Grant me one smile
Black dahlia: Evil, dishonesty, betrayal, doom
Butterfly weed: Leave me, You’ve been warned
(Yeah some of these aren’t flowers. What of it?A few of them aren’t so negative- I thought about Jesse’s train of thought/outburst when picking them.)
(If you see any repeats No You Don’t.)
*buried under several flowers and at least one tree*
But ooh. ooh. ooooooooooooh these would be soooo much fun to play around with >:3
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faewitchsherbs · 2 years
𝕭𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝕽𝖔𝖔𝖙
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𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓/𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖐 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Burdock, Arctium, Batroot, Beggar's buttons, Clotbur, Foxes Clote, Fructus arctii, great bur, great burdocks, lappa, Goba, thorny burr, and happy major 𝕭𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Arctium Lappa 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞: Asteraceae~ Daisy, Composite, Sunflowers, marigold, chamomile, etc.
𝕸𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘: Cleansing the urine and purifying blood, used to help treat scurvy, boils, rheumatic afflictions, ulcers and scaly skin disorders, dandruff, itch scalp, bruises and swellings, indigestion especially in people who suffer often. General tonic, and helps with impotence and infertility 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖊𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖘: large amounts induce sweating and some people get dermatitis from topical exposure so do a spot test and wait 24 hours.
𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑/𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘: Counter magic Cleansing Flushing out negativity General protection Healing Male potency Persistence Root can be carved into figures and shapes, then dried and work as an amulet Used in potions, baths, incense and amulets for general healing Used in rituals, amulets, and spells to ward of negative energy Warding
𝕯𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖞(𝖎𝖊𝖘): Hel, Hecate, and Cerridwen 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙(𝖘): Earth, Water 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖙(𝖘): Venus 𝖅𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈(𝖘): Libra, Taurus 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗(𝖘): Fem 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖐𝖗𝖆(𝖘): #1 root/base
𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖘? 𝕴𝖋 𝖓𝖔, 𝖋𝖑𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖘 & 𝖔𝖗 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘: no- though it closely resembles Belladonna which is a nightshade and the flowers (I don't think) are edible. Has an earthy, sweet flavor 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓: Used in hot or cold tea
𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓- Grows wild just about everywhere, and is considered a weed, so collection in public is usually fine 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙: full sun or partial shade, just about anywhere 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙: Autumn or early spring. 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙: Sow seeds directly in the soil about 18" apart. 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘: Light, well drained soil 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖘/𝖘𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖘/𝖊𝖈𝖙: When the fruits are dry in appearance and stick to your clothing, collect and shake out the seeds before spreading them onto a paper to dry out. 𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖎𝖕𝖘: Not actually too fussy with soil
𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖞: Has an earthy, bitter smell. Large wavy edged leaves that are light in color, woolly on the underside and darker and smoother of the upper side. Has spikey pink flowers with green bases (often with white petal tips.
𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙- 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙: Best within the first year during mid-autumn (mid-late summer for flowers and early summer for leaves) can be done as early as 8 to 12 weeks after sowing the seeds 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖋𝖔𝖗: Leaves should be harvest while they are young and tender. In its second year of growth it will produce purple flowers. 𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙: Leaves, flowers, roots, fruit, seeds 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙: dig up the whole plant using a shovel or garden fork. 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖗𝖞/𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖊: Slice roots into small pieces so in can dry thoroughly and properly, and lay leaves flat to dry.
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blackmouthdog · 6 months
📝 Yoshi (steppeup2)
[Entry has been translated roughly into English. Some terms and phrases are redacted due to lack of adequate translation options]
"Crude tongued and vile, speaks with the (coarseness) of am old ass. Despite this, I find him amusing. Unlike others he speaks freely and does not waste words. Distamce keeps me from crushing his skull. Seems like he would appreciate good cooking though. Cedar and clotbur. Just...so many,"
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jacks-obsessions · 2 years
OC asks
Based on the language of flowers
Feel free to use!
Acacia: how are they in a  friendship?
Flos Adonis: what is their most painful memory?
Agnus Castus: how cold are they?
Flowering Almond: what is their hope?
Allspice: how compassionate are they?
Amethyst: who do they admire?
Balm: how sympathetic are they?
Yellow Balsam: how impatient are they?
Borage: how blunt are they?
Kingcup Buttercup: how childish are they?
White Catchfly: how do they react to being betrayed?
Champignon: How suspicious are they?
Clotbur: how rude are they?
Daisy: how innocent are they?
White Dittany of Crete: what is their passion?
Dogbane: how good are they at lying
French Marigold: do they get jealous easily?
Garden Chervil: how sincere are they?
Hemp: do they believe in fate?
Hollyhock: what is their ambition?
Imperial Montague: how powerful are they?
Indian Jasmine: how fast do they form attachments?
Lavender: who do they not trust?
Liverwort: how confident are they?
Meadow Lychnis: how witty are they?
Mossy Saxifrage: how affectionate are they?
Moonwort: how forgetful are they?
Moschatel: what is their weakness?
White Mulberry Tree: how smart are they?
Oak Leaves: how brave are they?
Orange Tree: how generous are they?
Ox-Eye: how patient are they?
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scriptflorist · 2 years
Is there a way to say "They're your problem now, bitch!" In Flowers?
Hi autochorizo,
I have been waiting to do this ask since you sent it to us because boy I wanna know if this is possible. *cracks knuckles* Let’s go! – Just to get this out up front, insults like that are not a thing the flower language does by default, so that part requires some creativity in translation.
bay (wreath) – reward of merit
belvedere – I declare against you
berberry – sharpness/sourness of temper, petulance, sharpness, sourness
borage – bluntness, rudeness
carnation (yellow) – disdain, rejection, disappointment
celandine – joys to come
clotbur – rudeness, pertinacity
corchorus – impatient of absence
dianthus – make haste
eschscholzia – do not refuse me
liquorice (wild) – I declare against you
monarda bradburiana – your whims are quite unbearable
osier – frankness
pennyroyal – flee away(!)
pink (China or Indian, single) – aversion
poor robin – compensation or an equivalent
pride of China – dissension
rest harrow – obstacle
sloe – difficulty, austerity
witch hazel – frankness
Depending on whether this would be a bouquet or a planted arrangement, but these are what could bring the meaning across. There is no flower that directly means problem, so that has to be conveyed creatively too.
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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chaoticdilfkisser · 2 years
Acacia for Madison
Champignon for Ben
Clotbur for Caisen
French Marigold for Tilton
‘Acacia: how are they in a  friendship?’
Madison is one of those friends who are always joking, and their speech is mainly too quick to understand. But for her it does depend on the character who it’s in a friendship with.
Lets take Tilton and AJ here as a example, as they are in her main friend age range (16-17), it’d feel more comfortable with some topics. For example the things that interest her, and more expressive with its feelings.
But then lets take someone like Deans age, who is NOT in her age range at all, it’s more likely to not talk much about her interests as much as her teenage friends by the thought of being judged by a adult. Someone older than her that she considers a friend, she’d be less open than how it is around her teenage friends, but for a adult who she trusts, she may make a acception to be more open with that
‘Champignon: How suspicious are they?’
Ben can be.. awfully suspicious at times, but other times he is not. Personally I’d give him a 3/10 in a suspicious level, other adult OCs not so much. There’s not much to say about Ben and being suspicious as he doesn’t have much going on.
Ben does have more times though where he is, he does often lie for a laugh with other people in Jerome Horwitz, but all reality he finds it funny. No bad intention, but it does form suspicions by the staff, only staff like Krupp.
‘Clotbur: how rude are they?’
Caisen and being rude.. ooohhh god. He can be pretty rude, infact he can be a dick. His rudeness mainly stems from his anger issues during some things
Lets take Tobias and Marvis as a example, as they constantly do have Caisen in games, they’d probably make him more angry, which means he’d be more rude towards them if they laugh at him. Of course, teenagers are teenagers, and they’d probably laugh at him getting angry a few times at the beginning, which definitely would cause him to be more rude to people like them.
‘French Marigold: do they get jealous easily?’
To answer it simply, yes. There’s not really much to say about Tiltons part.
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adamkamerer · 3 years
You go inside for more drinks, and I wander your garden.
You have left it to weed over. Old perennials suck desperate at the slums of the soil. A plastic windmill sways on a rusty stem, one vane lost. All the rest hang their faded heads.
I found a fat Buddha in a tangled flower bed; hands upturned, he invites the seasons back, ever the optimist; he laughs even as a vine wraps her hands around his neck.
I’d like to reincarnate this garden. I’d like to pull up the clotbur and the crabgrass, lay down fertile new soil, plant dozens of little bombs ready to explode in spring.
I’d scrub fat Buddha and let him breathe. I’d fix the windmill, I’d make barren into beautiful
but when you wobbled back, with drinks in your hands, I decided I always try to fix wasted gardens, and not this time, not this time.
- Adam Kamerer Patreon || Website
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flawediamond · 3 years
Floriography Masterpost
Abraham’s Balm - Coldness, Command
Adder’s Tongue - Jealousy
Adonis Vernalis - Bitter Memories
Achillea - War
Aloe - Superstition
Anemone - Estrangement, Forsaken, Brevity, Sickness
Anemone Field - Sickness, Illness
Anemone Garden - Forsaken, Withered Hopes, Illness
Apocynum - Falsehood, Deception
Basil - I Hate You
Bee Balm - Your Whims Are Unbearable
Begonia - Beware, A Fanciful Nature
Belvedere (Wild) - I Declare Against You
Bilberry, Whortleberry - Treachery
Borage - Bluntness
Bramble, Dew Berries, Black Berries - Lowliness, Remorse
Briers - Envy
Bouquet Of Withered Flowers - Rejected Love
Bugloss - Falsehood
Burdoc, Beggar’s Buttons - Importunity
Candytuft - Indifference
Carnations (Stripeed, Yellow) - Rejection, Disdain, You Have Disappointed Me
Carnation (Purple) - Capriciousness
Catalpa Flower - Beware Of The Coquette
Cherry Blossom - False Hopes
Chrysanthemums (Yellow) - Dejection, Slighted Love
China (Pink) - Aversion
Clematis - Artifice (Deception, Trickery)
Clotbur - Rudeness
Coboea - Gossip
Convolvus Major, Bindweed - Dead Hope
Colt’s Foot - Justice Shall Be Done You
Columbine - Folly
Coxcomb - Foppery
Creeping Cereus - Horror
Crown Imperials - Arrogance, Pride Of Birth
Cyclamen - Resignation And Good-Bye
Daffodils - Vanity
Dahlia - Instability
Darnel - Vice
Deadly Nightshade - Falsehood
Dendrobium - Selfish Beauty
Dodder - Meanness
Dragon’s Wort - Horror
Dogbane - Falsehood, Deception
Flytrap - Deceit
Foxglove - Falsehood, Deception
Fritillaria, Guinea-Hen Flower - Persecution
Fraxinella, Cultivated Dittany, Gas Plant - Fire
Furze - Anger
Geraniums (Horseshoe) - Stupidity
Harebell, Campanula - Humility, Grief
Helenium, Sneeze Weed - Tears
Hellebore - Scandal
Hemlock - You Will Be The Death Of Me
Hyacinth (Purple, Yellow) - Jealousy
Hydrangea - Frigidity, Heartlessness, Boastfulness
Ice Plant - Your Looks Freeze Me
Laburnum - Forsaken
Larkspur (Pink) - Fickleness
Larkspur (Purple) - Haughtiness
Laurel - Treachery
Lavender - Distrust
Lettuce - Cold-Hearted
Lichen - Dejection, Solitude
Licorice - I Declare Against You
Lily (Tiger) - Pride
Lily (Orange) - Hatred
Lily (Yellow) - False And Gay, Falsehood
London Pride - Frivolity
Lythrum, Loosestrife - Pretension
Madder - Calumny, Slander
Manchineel - Falsehood, Deception
Mandrake, May Apple, Devil’s Apples, Satan’s Apples - Horror
Marigold - Cruelty In Love, Despair, Grief, Jealousy, Vulger Minded
Meadow Sweet - Uselessness
Milford - War
Mistletoe - You Are A Parasite
Mock Orange - Counterfeit
Monk’s-Hood, Monk’s-Head - Beware, A Deadly Foe Is Near, Danger Is Near
Morning Glory - Coquetry
Mourning Bride - Unfortunate Attachment
Mush Plant - Weakness
Narcissus - Vanity, Self Love
Nettles - Slander, You Are Spiteful
Night-Blooming Cereus, Queen-Of-The-Night - Transient Beauty
Night Shade - Bitter Truth
Nuts - Stupidity
Oleander - Caution, Beware
Orange Lillies - I Hate You
Orange (Mock) - Deceit
Pennyroyal - You Had Better Go
Peony - Anger
Petunias - Resentment, Anger
Pink (Indian) - Aversion
Primrose (Evening) - Inconsistency
Quaking Grass - Agitation
Quamoclit - Busybody
Queen Of The Meadow - Uselessness
Queen’s Rocket - You Are The Queen Of Coquettes, Fashionable
Quince - Temptation
Rhododendron - Danger, Beware, I Am Dangerous, Agitation
Rocket - Rivalry
Rose (Black) - Foreshadow Of Death
Rose (Carolina) - Love Is Dangerous
Rose (Dark Crimson) - Mourning, Bashful Shame
Rose (Dried White) - Death
Rose (Garland Or Crown) - Beware Of Virtue
Rose (Withered White) - Transient Impression, Fleeting Beauty
Rose (Yellow) - Decrease Of Love, Jealousy
Rose (York & Lancaster Together) - Conflict
Scabious, Mourning Bride - Widowhood, Unfortunate Love
Sardonia - Irony
Snapdragon - Falsehood, Deception
Sorrel - Wit Ill-Timed
St. John’s Wort - Superstition
Straw (Broken) - Broken Agreement
Sunflower (Tall) - False Riches, Pride
Sweetbrier (Yellow) - Decrease Of Love
Tansy - I Declare Against You
Thistle - Austerity, Sternness
Thistle (Fuller’s) - Misanthropy
Thistle (Scotch) - Retaliation
Thornapple - I Dreamed Of Thee, Deceitful Charms
Thorn (Black) - Difficulty
Thorns - Severity
Thornapple - Deceitful Charms
Throatwood - Neglected Beauty
Tiger Flower - May Pride Befriend Thee
Touch-Me-Not, Jewel Weed, Impatiens, Balsam - Impatience
Tuberoses - Dangerous Pleasures
Tulip (Yellow) - Hopeless Love, No Hope For Reconciliation
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acwhiteart · 4 years
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My complete set of M9 floriography portraits!  The descriptions of each image will give you the details on what each flower means.
All of these are available as charms, sticker and prints in my shop!  The charm for Nott and Veth is double sided, Nott on one side, Veth on the other.
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Send "💐" and my muse will give your muse a bouquet to symbolize their relationship.
Eden brings dumaria a bouquet of clarita, clotbur, and deadly night shade.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Alexis J. Cunningfolk
During these hot summer months, cooling herbs are key allies for our health and wellbeing. There are a number of cooling herbs we can befriend, including Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), Rose (Rosa damascena), and Aloe (Aloe vera). One of my favourites is Burdock because it has such a wonderful way of balancing heat in the body, is mild in taste, and is one of those herbs (like Oats) that act as much as food as it does medicine.
I created this profile for the students who attend The Plant Sabbat but thought it would be fun to share with you, too.
What are your favourite ways to use Burdock? Let me know in the comments below. If you're looking for all my plant profiles click here and you can learn how to connect with any plant with the Plant Ally Project. Enjoy!
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Common + Folk Names : Bardane, happy major, hardock, hareburr, cockleburr, clotbur, love leaves, hurt burr, beggar’s buttons
Element : Water
Zodiac Signs : Taurus
Planets : Venus, Jupiter
Moon Phase : Waning Moon
Parts used : Root and seed.
Habitat : Native to Eurasia and grows throughout North America. Thrives in damp areas, disturbed soil, and roadsides.
Growing Conditions : Self-seeding and relatively easy to grow. Prefers full sun and moist, rich soil.
Collection : Collect the root of a in the summer or fall of the plant’s first year or the spring of the second.
Flavor : Bitter, sweet
Temperature : Cool
Moisture : Dry
Tissue State : Dry/Atrophy, Damp/Stagnation
Constituents : Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, polyacetylenes, chlorogenic acid, taraxosterol, arctigen, inulin, lactone, volatile oils, flavonoids, tannin, mucilage, resin, pectin.
Actions : Adaptogen, alterative, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-candida, antitussive, aperient, aphrodisiac, cholagogue, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, mild laxative, nutritive. The seed is alternative, anti-inflammatory, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic.
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Main Uses : Burdock is a clearing herb. It draws toxins out of the body, especially from the gut, the tissues, and the liver. As a blood-purifier, the herb helps to support the work of eliminatory organs like the liver and kidneys. It is a traditional remedy for kidney stones. As a cooling and moistening herb, Burdock is especially useful for issues that arise from excess heat including inflammation (especially when inflammatory skin conditions are an issues), fevers, and illnesses such as tonsillitis or dry coughs. Acting on the liver, Burdock helps with the secretion of bile and stimulates the actions of the gall bladder. The herb is indicated for poor glandular function in general including the lymph system, pancreas, endocrine glands, prostate, and spleen. As for most liver herbs, Burdock can be helpful for those in recovery from alcohol addiction. It is good to use cleansing Burdock with diuretic herbs such as Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) to make sure that you are pulling out toxins from the body effectively.
The heat and pain of arthritis and gout are alleviated by Burdock as the root breaks down excess uric acid in the joints. Some indicators for Burdock can seem contradictory - excess internal heat can result in a dry digestive tract (constipation and dry fecal matter are indicators) but it can lead also to weepy skin conditions. This is because hot and dry internal heat has pushed all moisture and oil in the body system to the extremities. Of course, to keep things interesting, Burdock can also be strongly indicated in the case of dry and scaly skin conditions. Remember, you are looking for excess heat and how it is manifesting the body when considering Burdock.
Traditionally, Burdock has been used since the Middle Ages for the treatment of cancer including by famed herbalist and mystic Hildegard of Bingen. Modern research continues to look at Burdock as a useful ally in the treatment of not only cancer but HIV, alerting us to Burdock’s immune-boosting qualities.
Burdock combines well with other nutritive herbs such as Milky Oat (Avena sativa) for creating a restorative tonic for undernourished body systems. Insulin rich, Burdock acts as a prebiotic in our gut, helping to cultivate healthy flora. It also helps with the digestion of fats and oils. Enjoy the tea 30 minutes before a meal for best results. Another indicator for Burdock is a sweet tooth and maybe even sugar addiction for those who rely on the quick fix of sugar for energy. There can be a deeper emotional tie to pleasure (or lack thereof) in life and the use of sugar as a quick but ultimately unsatisfying replacement. Approach all diet discussions with nuance and compassion, being sure to examine your own relationship to food and prejudices about size and appearance. Use the essences of Burdock, Crap Apple, and Pretty Face for help.
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Brigitte Mars offers an interesting insight into how Burdock is especially useful for city dwellers:
“During the Industrial Revolution, burdock was used as a medicine to help people cope with pollution or, as John Kelton said in 1870, ‘the constant deterioration of the blood from impure air and exhaustion by day, bad ventilation at night and want of attention to ordinary requirements of life.’” (The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine, 67)
Burdock has a low amount of estrogen content which means that it can be useful for folks experiencing menopause when combined with stronger estrogenic herbs such as Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) and Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa). Use with practitioner support for supporting transgender and gender variant transitions on the transfeminine spectrum.
External uses include using the oil and leaves as a poultice for skin inflammation and rashes including psoriasis, eczema, glandular boils, and ringworm. Make a hair rinse of the root for remedying dandruff and preventing hair loss. Use in after-sun care. Useful for case of hot and red acne that has not come to a head. Made into a facial toner, the root helps to regulate the excretion of sebaceous glands in the skin, making it especially useful for those with oily skin. Use as well for swellings, sprains, and tumours. Skin conditions are especially connected to deep seated emotional imbalances - use flower essences along herbal remedies. The tincture can internally to successfully treat external symptoms, too. “In the Native American healing tradition, the plant was used by the Malecite, Micmac, Ojibwa, and Menominee for skin health. Further, the roots were dried by the Iroquois over a fire and stored for food for the following year.” (1)
Burdock root is quite edible and pleasant in flavor. It’s a popular addition in Japanese, Hawaiian, and New Zealand cuisine.
Magickal Uses : Burdock is considered a protective herb and the root can be buried at the four corners of the home or powdered and traced around the home. The dried root can be cut and made into small button like beads as a protective amulet. The flowers are symbols of abundance. Use the burrs to help the magick stick to something. Use the plant to help you connect with Bear energy - Arctium comes from the Greek word for bear.
The Burdock Personality : The Burdock personality is very good as masking their emotional suffering, but eventually their physical suffering comes to the surface. They embody burnout - their internal heat has burned them up from the inside out. They tend to be anxious and worried about rocking the boat - until they find themselves so angry they can’t not express their anger. Irritability, crankiness, and explosive outbursts can follow and can feel especially overwhelming as this has not been their typical pattern. Burdock helps them to access the liberating powers of their anger. Anger on the surface goes after those we love and has a tendency to wreck relationships. Deep anger that is given space to come to the surface and allowed to breathe and burn off can be healing. The anger of a Burdock person is often from a much earlier period in their life when they weren’t able to safely express their anger then. Burdock helps them get the chance they never had to be angry - it clears the path for a clean, transformative burn.
Contraindications : Avoid use during first trimester of pregnancy - herbalist Anne McIntyre recommends avoiding throughout all trimesters and during breastfeeding. Avoid with insulin and other hypoglycemic medications. Needs careful monitoring of blood sugar levels with diabetic patients. Be aware that Burdock and Rhubarb leaves are similar looking but Rhubarb leaves are toxic.
Dosage : Standard dosage - 1 tsp per 8 oz water; Adults 30 - 60 drops tincture or 1 - 10 drops for drop dosage.
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Burdock + Dandelion Toffee
by Julie Bruton-Seal & Matthew Seal from Backyard Medicine
Dig several roots of burdock and dandelion, in spring or fall. Strip the root bark off, and clean and chop up the inner part. Weight out 3 to 4 ounces of each. Load into a saucepan and cover with a pint of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Allow to cool.
Simmer again until the roots are tasteless (i.e. have surrendered their content to the liquid). This reduces the mixture by about half. Strain and add 1 tablespoon butter and 12 tablespoons of sugar. Boil for 5 minutes then simmer for 20 minutes more. It will become toffee-like. Test the toffee by pouring a drip of it onto a cold plate, as you would in testing jam: when it crinkles into soft threads, it is ready. Pout it into a buttered shallow tin. Before it sets totally, mark out squares and save the toffee slab in greaseproof paper: or stretch it out by hand into taffy: this is ale and pliable, ideal for balls, plaits, etc.
(1) Quoted from https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/products/burdock-root/profile but the original source can be found here: Moerman, D.E. 1998. Native American Ethnobotany at http://herb.umd.umich.edu/.
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Side effects of chai tea
There area unit varied advantages of chai tea however the large question is whether or not there area unit any aspect effects related to this type of drink. the straightforward answer to the current question is affirmative. a number of the aspect effects of chai tea are mentioned below:
1. caffein aspect effects
It’s no hidden undeniable fact that chai tea contains caffein in it. The caffein content in tea is quite in occasional. There area unit a hundred mg of caffein in sixteen oz chai tea. If the caffein content in chai tea is simply too abundant, dizziness, nausea and restlessness may be caused. conjointly owing to abundant caffein within the body, it’s tough for someone to sleep (6). In rare cases, the force per unit area of someone may be raised by excessive caffein consumption. you must limit the caffein intake in chai tea. you'll be able to do that by avoiding tea leaf and victimisation tea leaf for creating chai tea as a result of tea leaf contains a lot of caffein than tea leaf. you'll be able to conjointly go decaffeinated chai to avoid caffein.
2. Dangers for breastfeeding and pregnant girls
Breastfeeding and pregnant girls ought to use caution whereas overwhelming chai tea as a result of it contains several spices and herbs. several aspect effects may be caused by these herbs. the most herbs that you would like to avoid throughout physiological condition embody clotbur, guarana, parsley, thyme, sage, uva ursi, damiana and comfrey. Avoid drinking the whole of chai tea that contains any of those herbs.
Other aspect effects
Other than the higher than mentioned aspect effects, there area unit a lot of aspect effects of chai tea. Iron deficiency may be caused just in case someone consumes an excessive amount of chai tea. Absorption of iron within the abdomen becomes a tedious task once chai tea is consumed, owing to the varied compounds gift in it (7). Also, another aspect result of chai tea is that it will act with totally different medication. So, if you're taking many medications, it's an honest plan to consult your doctor.
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