#close enough welcome back soul eater evans
habken · 4 months
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My Gallant Lad - Part 2
A wonderful anon told me this is their favourite Lily Rescues James fic, it’s part of my canon marauders fic  We Can Be Heroes. But it works as a stand alone, so I’m posting it in four parts here. I hope you like it (Lily is very BAMF here but James here is the bravest I have ever seen as well as very clever so I think they are both fantastic), set during First Wizarding War during an Order mission gone wrong...
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Read part 1 here : 
TW: Lots of angst and violence...
Part 2...
“Leave it to me,” he whispered.
Taking a deep breath, he turned and locked eyes with Severus Snape.
“Fuck you, Severus Snape! You absolute bastard! Stay the fuck away from my wife, do you hear? Don’t you dare go near her, you fucking piece of shit! I despise you, Snivellus! You fucking coward! Bastard cursed Death Eater! Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll kill you with my bare hands!” James screamed.
Voldemort had now reached them and was looking between Snape and James in confusion, and with not a small amount of displeasure.
“What do we have here then?” he said, turning to Severus Snape and smiling thinly. “Someone who is not a fan of yours, Severus? How very interesting. These two Dumbledore followers are clearly not aware whose presence they are in, or they would shut up and keep their heads low unless spoken to!”
Lily made a disbelieving noise at Voldemort. What the hell did that bastard think he was playing at, pretending never to have met them before, she thought.
James elbowed her sharply just as she was about to speak.
“Silencio!” hissed Voldemort, his face contorted with rage as two spells shot at lightning speed towards them. “I am the Dark Lord and I do not recall giving you permission to speak!”
Voldemort looked up at Mulciber, still wrathful, his wand pointed towards the Death Eaters in the room.
“My Lord,” Mulciber said immediately. “They clearly have no idea who they have been captured by.”
Voldemort’s face darkened.
“I am most displeased,” he hissed, so quietly that they had to strain to hear him.  Who are these two?”
“I have never seen them before in battle, my Lord,” Mulciber answered quickly. “But I do recall seeing them in Hogwarts, both in Gryffindor, I believe they were Head Boy and Head Girl, graduated in ’78, James Potter and Lily Evans, blood traitor and mudblood.”
Mulciber was obviously lying, Lily thought, in order not to embarrass Voldemort. It was as though Voldemort had rewritten history, their previous capture and escape wiped out of their collective memories. Perhaps he had. 
“I see,” Voldemort turned towards Snape, with a bored expression. “Lily Evans? Was that not the name of the mudblood you coveted, before you realised the error of your ways? Still do desire, somewhat, as far as I can recall?”
Snape’s face remained impenetrable, but he nodded his head minimally. James’ face blazed with fury.
“Oh dear, I think that the mudblood’s friend is upset by this fact, Severus, am I correct?” Voldemort smiled at James and Severus in turn.
“Potter has always detested me, my Lord,” Severus said, keeping his voice steady.
“They are married now, my Lord,” said Wilkes, interrupting the conversation.
Severus’ eyes widened for a split second. Long enough for Voldemort to notice. Voldemort’s smile grew.
“Oh Severus, how delightful!” he said, laughing lightly, and turning to look at James again. “I suggest you spend some time showing your friend, Mr. Potter, what happens to those who join Dumbledore’s side and fight against us? And afterwards, if you would be so kind as to visit Mrs. Potter in her cell, and do likewise, I’m sure she would love to see you?”
James looked like he was about to explode.
“Wonderful!” Voldemort said, pocketing his wand and giving Severus a forced smile. “I’m exceptionally pleased, Severus, I do hope you arrange an entertaining evening for us! We are sadly very bored at the moment, and your mudblood has provided us with a lively diversion! Don’t disappoint me, Severus!”
“I will strive to live up to your high expectations, my Lord,” Severus said, bowing low.
“Excellent,” Voldemort’s eyes gleamed as they rested on Lily’s white face. “Wilkes, Villiers – take the mudblood and lock her into one of the holding cells, they are currently empty. Mulciber, Rosier – escort Mr. Potter to the oubliette.”
Lily looked at James in confusion and terror, as Wilkes and Villiers began dragging her away.
“I fear the mudblood does not yet know what an oubliette is, Mulciber. Would you care to enlighten her?” Voldemort said, with a wide smile. “I have other more interesting and pressing matters to attend to.”
All the Death Eaters bowed low in front of him, and Voldemort strolled out of the room.
“Certainly, my Lord,” Mulciber’s eyes glimmered cruelly. “It is a dungeon that has only one escape route — through a trap door in its ceiling. Escape is of course pretty much impossible. In this castle it also doubles up as our torture chamber.”
Lily’s wide eyes flew to James’ face, both still unable to speak. What if this was the last time she saw him alive? She had never gotten the chance to say she was sorry about their stupid row, to tell him how much she loved him, she couldn’t lose him now, they couldn’t hurt him, anything but that. She felt unable to breathe. A single tear tracked down her cheek. James looked back, a determined look on his face, she knew that look.
I’ve got this, I have a plan, his face said.
His eyes were burning, burning through to her very soul.
I need you, beautiful, I need you safe, she thought, her own eyes heavy with dread and fear.
James closed his eyes for a brief moment, and when he looked at her again, they were shining brightly, a warm smile, and almost imperceptible wink. She knew that smile.
Alright, Evans…
She tried to smile back.
I trust you, she thought, I trust you, James.
Then Mulciber and Rosier jerked James backwards, and her captors pulled her in the opposite direction, and their eyes remained locked until James reached the stairs leading into the dungeons, and Mulciber lifted his booted leg and pushed James down the stairs, hard.
“Stop it!” Lily screamed, unsure how she had overcome the spell so quickly, pulling so hard that she was momentarily free from the Death Eaters holding her.
They grabbed her again, looking stunned.
“A fall like that down stone stairs could kill him! If anything happens to him, God forgive me, I’ll come after whoever is responsible and-“ Lily was still screaming.
“How the fuck is she able to talk?” stammered Wilkes.
“No idea,” Villiers said, concentrating on trying to hold onto Lily, who was twisting violently in his grasp.
“James!” shouted Lily.
As they dragged her kicking and screaming into the holding cell, she heard the creak of something metal opening and after a few seconds, the sound of a sickening thud as something heavy hit the floor.
“Welcome to the oubliette, Mr. Potter!”
She could hear the cruelty in Mulciber’s voice.
“Wake up, Potter, stop being a drama queen, as usual.”
Snape’s nasal tones, filled with contempt, floated into his consciousness as soon as he awoke. He opened his eyes slowly, intense pain racking his body, making him wish he could sink back into oblivion. As his eyes accommodated to the dark, he noted he was chained to a freezing cold, damp wall, arms outstretched and unable to bear any weight on his feet, he guessed correctly that he must have fractured both his ankles when he was thrown down feet first. He was slumped forwards as a result. It was painful to breath, probably due to a few broken ribs. The difficulty in breathing appeared to be also due to the effort he had to make to lift his ribcage against his own weight. His shoulders were killing him, he wondered vaguely had they been dislocated. His glasses must have fallen off and he could feel bits of glass sticking into his face. There were torches in the corners of the room. And it was freezing cold, his jacket and muggle clothing gone, his teeth were chattering and his body shaking. Mulciber and Rosier were standing behind Snape, looking bored, leaning against the wall. Snape was standing next to a small table, wand in his hand, with a mask-like facial expression, revealing nothing. He concentrated on trying to breathe for a moment. He knew immediately that they had already used the Cruciatus on him a number of times, although he couldn’t remember much, if anything.
“The Dark Lord wants to know what you and Lily Evans were doing here today, Potter,” Snape said, curling his lip as he spat out his surname.
“My wife and I were going for a walk, before we were rudely interrupted by your friends, Snivellus,” said James, smirking openly as he saw Snape’s eyes darken at the mention of wife. 
“Hardly credible, Potter,” Snape said, looking livid as he gripped his wand tightly.
“What Mr. and Mrs. Potter do in their spare time is frankly none of your business,” James laughed, his breathing laboured as he shot Snape a condescending look.
Snape’s nostrils flared.
“Sniv, you should keep your abnormally large nose out of this. Try to remember that Lily Evans hates your guts and that she never once returned your affections. You disgust her,” James said.
Snape appeared speechless momentarily. James saw his fists curl as he stepped closer to him.
“Do I need to remind you who’s in charge here, Potter?” Snape murmured through his teeth.
“You can’t make me tell you anything, Sniv,” James’ teeth were chattering so hard he could barely get the words out, but the utter contempt was clear.
“I can do what I want to you!” Snape’s voice was full of rage as his wand tip touched James’ right shoulder. “Crucio!”
The pain flashed through his sinews and his chest and ribs, stopping his breathing. All remaining colour drained from his face. He couldn’t even cry out with the pain, until Snape moved his wand lower and James heard himself scream in agony as he gasped for air, the pain in his legs intensifying dramatically. He couldn’t breathe and scream at the same time and he began to feel panicked, his pupils dilating.
“What were you saying, Potter?” Snape laughed to himself, glancing back at the two men who were now looking mildly entertained.
As the spell wore off, James looked up at Snape through the hair that had fallen over his eyes, dripping sweat and melting frost, every inhaled breath a struggle.
“I said… you can’t read my mind, I won’t tell you… anything,” he gasped, with a derisive eye-roll.
Snape’s face lit up.
“Wrong, Potter, I suggest you do your research a bit better the next time you say that to a Legilimens, but then you were always infinitely arrogant and stupid,” Snape was wearing the biggest smile as he plunged his wand into the base of James’ neck and intoned the spell.
The unpleasant tingling sensation behind James’ forehead, painful so closely following on from the Cruciatus, confirmed the spell was working.
Took you long enough, James thought, glaring at Snape.
Snape narrowed his eyes, his expression somewhat unsure. He could now read James’ mind completely.
Oh for Merlin’s sake, man, I’ve been hinting you use that spell for bloody ages. I need to talk to you, alone. It’s about Lily.
Snape’s mouth shut tightly as he listened to James’ thoughts, his wand now pushing against James’ Adam’s apple.
“Why would you possibly think I would be interested in doing that?” he said quietly.
Because you’re interested… in Lily’s fate? Because you don’t… want her to die?
Snape watched as James’ breathing became more difficult, as the man pursed his lips together tightly while exhaling through his mouth and inhaling through the nose with his mouth closed.
“Of course not!” Snape said, dread and fear making his fingers shake as he grabbed hold of James’ hair and lifted him upwards roughly.
James gasped a lungful of air as he watched Snape, knowing the other men wouldn’t know what he was thinking.
Please, talk to me… alone… for a few minutes, that’s all I ask… you can bring them back in… any time you want…
Snape let go of James and watched as his body slid downwards, groaning in pain, his weight hanging from his shoulders, his neck hanging down. Snape looked back at the two Death-Eaters, regarding him with mild interest.
“What did you find out, Snape?” Mulciber asked, stifling a wide yawn.
“Not enough,” Snape demurred.
He looked back at James, unsure.
“I need to question him, alone,” he said eventually, sounding displeased. “Leave this room, I shall call you if I need anything.”
“Are you sure?” Mulciber asked.
He sounded disappointed.
“Yes, for now. Stand guard above the trapdoor,” he said, his wand still pressed to James’ neck. “You shall be needed again shortly.”
James’ breathing seemed shallower once more.
Please hurry… we don’t have much time…
“You have very little time and talking to me will do nothing to change that!” Snape snapped back, as soon as he heard the trap door swing shut.
“Talk!” he ordered, removing the wand from the other man’s neck but keeping it levelled at him.
“Of course it won’t change that,” James’ voice was barely a whisper. “We both know I’ll be dead soon.”
“Obviously,” Snape said coldly.
“And if you don’t do something, Lily will die later today too,” James said, lifting his head with difficulty and looking straight at Snape.
Snape’s mouth went dry. He had been trying to avoid thinking about that possibility, probability, but it was true. And it terrified him.
“I…” he said.
Fuck you, Snape, if she dies, I will hold you entirely responsible!
James was making a strange noise as he breathed in, Snape could see that talking was too difficult for the other man.
“I won’t be the one killing her!” Snape whispered, his dark eyes molten. “You killed her, allowing her to be part of your futile resistance group! What kind of husband were you? Did you want her to die? Were you sick of her already?”
“Pah!” James made a dismissive sound in his throat and spat out some blood. “If she dies… it will be… because you failed… to rescue her!”
Snape looked at him furiously, his heart racing, feeling unwell. He didn’t want to hear any more, wanted no part in this entire awful scenario involving the love of his life. Wanted this to be a nightmare that he could wake up from. Most of all, he wanted James Potter to shut up and stop appealing to his conscience.
“I’m going to have to Crucio you again,” Snape said, placing the wand back onto James’ chest.
“Are you now? How astonishing,” James rasped, looking vaguely bored.
“It will appear suspicious otherwise. Wouldn’t want the others to guess what you’re trying to do, would you?” Snape said.
James’ face immediately changed, and he nodded.
“Do it,” he ordered.
Snape hated being told what to do, by Potter, as though he was Head Boy again, in this situation – how was that even possible?
Snape’s Crucio was excruciating and longer than the previous spell. By the time it wore off, James was flitting in and out of consciousness and shaking like a leaf.
Snape stared back at him.
“Please what?” he whispered irritably.
I’m going to tell you how you save Lily.
“I cannot ask Voldemort to spare her! Not now, not in these circumstances!” Snape hissed, swallowing hard.
Not the plan…
He could see James was wilting rapidly, his mind becoming progressively emptier.
“Oh for Merlin’s sake!” he said, throwing a powerful healing charm at James. “What are you talking about?”
James opened his eyes and took a few deeper breaths.
“I want you to go directly from here to Lily. Tell her I’m dead. Tell her you’ve had a change of heart and want to leave Voldemort’s forces. Tell her you’re going to save her, that you’re doing it because you love her. She has a portkey on her. Bring her to whatever part of the castle is accessible by portkey and get both of you out of here. You can decide on longer term plans after that. If you approach the others with Lily, looking for help, they will accept you. Lily will never agree to join Voldemort. Ever,” James whispered.
James was wrong, Severus was sure of it, if there was no option, Lily would cave and join Voldemort. But having Lily Evans at last? He was willing to risk everything.
“And you?” Snape said. “You know I can’t-“
James looked at him blankly.
What do you mean?
“You stay here,” Snape said.
“Obviously,” James said, mimicking Snape’s earlier statement and tone.
“Which means you-“ Snape said, narrowing his eyes.
Yes, I’m quite aware, Snape.
James lips had turned a bluish colour.
“Will she agree to… you know?” Snape said after a pause.
I can’t mind read, elaborate…
Snape tossed his head.
“You know exactly what I mean, Potter!” he whispered irritably. “Do I… have I any chance with her?”
He could see James struggling to think, his eyes closed.
“Maybe, yes,” he gasped. “But tell her… tell her you tried to save me… that I convinced you… to swap sides… she needs to believe that…”
Snape’s jaw tightened. He couldn’t imagine himself saying that to Lily.
“Snape!” James’ voice was fading but urgent. “You have to…”
She won’t go with you unless she thinks… you have… please…
The man’s thoughts weren’t even making sense now.
“If I do this, I shall be risking my life. If Voldemort finds out, I’m a dead man,” Snape’s words were clipped, anxious.
I know… but it’s Lily… your only hope… with her…
Snape stayed quiet.
If he finds… Blame me… Occlumens…
Snape vacillated. He was an excellent Occlumens. He could blame Potter, a trick he had fallen for, and then an opportunity to play Dumbledore? The fact that Voldemort knew about his past infatuation made it more credible, but also more dangerous.
She’s dead otherwise, Snape, dead!
Snape nodded slowly.
“Do you have anything I can say to her if she doesn’t believe that we discussed this? Any secret code or words?” Snape said, leaning down.
James’ whisper was barely audible.
“Graham’s number.”
Disbelief written all over his face, Snape turned to leave.
He turned back.
Be good to her. Please.
His dark eyes widening slightly.
Get her out of here, Severus, I’m depending on you…
It was ridiculous and stupid and laughable. What would he have done, in the same position? Would he have sacrificed himself to save Lily if it meant Potter won in the end? She was better off without Potter. Lily would see that, she’d come around, she would come to love him, he knew it deep down, especially if she thought he had tried to save her husband. Potter was right.
Would he have done the same, though?
He shivered, impatient to rid himself of these thoughts. Get her out of here, Severus, always telling him what to do! Still, there was no denying the man was brave, braver than he had expected, if you valued that. He found himself compelled to look at James Potter one last time – shaking violently with the cold, his lips blue, his body covered in the pinprick rash of the Cruciatus, his breathing ragged, his face grey, unable to stand. Potter’s eyes made his stomach twist uncomfortably – there was pain there, and that glazed look that prisoners got. But there was fire still in his eyes, desperate light, and he knew why they burned.
“For Lily,” he said to Potter, nodding his head.
For Lily… Thank you.
Potter was unable to talk now. Without answering, Snape aimed his ebony wand at the trapdoor and intoned a spell to pull himself upwards, holding onto the rope ladder.
“Get Hugo Avery,” he said brusquely to Rosier and Mulciber. “Tell him he can have Potter. You can help him, of course.”
Mulciber looked mutinous.
“The Dark Lord’s wishes,” Snape said.
Mulciber stormed off, cursing under his breath.
Snape flew down the corridor towards the holding cells, his heart racing furiously, wand out. He had thrown a silencing spell at the oubliette. He hadn’t forgotten anything. This was a dangerous game. But he loved Lily Po- Evans, Lily Evans, with all his heart. It was worth it, if it meant he got to be with her for the rest of his life. He stood in front of the door to her cell, taking deep breaths and flicked some dandruff off his dark robes, before entering the room.
Severus pushed the heavy door slowly, almost reluctantly, now that it came to it. He looked uncharacteristically agitated, his waxy cheeks flushed. Relief swept over him as he looked at Lily. She looked upset but safe. She was shackled to the wall, her hands above her head, tied together. She was trembling and pale. There was no sign of the Cruciatus, or other dark magic.
“Are you alright, Lily?” He said, hurriedly throwing a potent heating charm at her. “What are you doing here?” Lily’s husky voice surprised him, he hadn’t heard her screaming.
“What happened? Did they hurt you?” Severus said, moving closer to Lily and regarding her anxiously. “They hurt me by hurting him,” she whispered.
Tears tracked down her cheek, and Severus wiped it with his thumb. “I’m so sorry, Lily,” he said, his voice trembling – he was slightly scared of her, and then there was unexpected guilt - guilt about lying, guilt about how James was going to die. “I tried to... I tried...”
He stopped and took a few breaths, looking at the ground.
“I tried to save him, I tried some healing charms and... and I sent the others away. I wasn’t sure what to do, Lily, but then I was called away and Avery had... I was too late, Lily, I’m so sorry.”
He couldn’t look at her.
“No, Sev, please, not James, please,” Lily’s broken whisper made Severus’ heart ache.
“I’m so sorry, I’m... you don’t know how sorry I am,” Severus whispered back. “I’m desperately sorry.”
Lily didn’t say anything, silent tears streaming down her face.
“He... James and I, he spoke to me, he thanked me for trying to save him, before he... he asked me to save you, to get you out of here. I promised him I’d do it. Do you understand Lily?” She was looking at him blankly, through her tears, her mind far away in some distant time or place. “Lily!” Severus whispered urgently. “Lily, he wanted you to be safe! He insisted I save you! He told me a code word - I’ve no idea what he meant, but he said to tell you - Graham’s Number.“ “Graham’s Number,” Lily repeated quietly, as though dazed. “James.” “Yes, James,” Severus said, trying not to sound impatient. “We have to leave now, I promised him I’d get you out of here! Do you understand?”
Lily nodded, still crying.
“My beautiful,” she said. “My gallant lad.”
“Yes, yes,” Severus said, eying the door of the cell. “We need to leave! Now! If Voldemort finds us, we’re both dead!”
Lily stared at him intently. After a few seconds she smiled vaguely.
“I’m so sorry Sev, let’s go, I just... it’s so much to take in, you know? I can never thank you enough, for trying to save him, for being such a noble person?”
Severus squirmed.
“It means everything to me,” she said, her red-rimmed eyes looking into his soul.
“It’s nothing,” he said firmly, refusing to hold eye contact and pointing his wand at the chains. “Frangit!”
The chains broke, and Lily collapsed into Severus’ arms.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “Can you help me? I don’t think I can walk?”
He heard the trapdoor groan, one at a time he heard the light footfall of young men jump down the rope ladder. He wouldn’t let himself think of her. She was safe. Lily - the kindest, bravest, truest person he had ever met. Their baby was safe. He had managed to keep Snape’s Legilimency away from those thoughts. Voldemort’s reaction to his rant, his own interaction with Snape - both had played out exactly as James had predicted, practically word for word. In another world, another future - he could see Lily and their two children, all four of them, standing in that field surrounded by wildflowers and joy. It was not to be. Not in this lifetime.
He looked up at Avery, ready. “Fancy meeting you here? I knew we’d get you in the end, Potter!” Avery laughed. “Looks like today is my lucky day!” He was rubbing his hands together with glee, his laughter loud and erratic, his eyes wide. He had changed drastically since James had last seen him in King’s Cross Station all those years ago. There was no trace of boyishness left in him, despite his laughter - his eyes were cold, lifeless, bitter.  “What a pitiful way to die! This is how traitors die, Potter! How your friends will mourn! When I’m finished with you here, I’ll move on and kill your little mudblood. It will be reassuring for you to know what sort of death awaits her, won’t it?” Avery’s shrill laughter echoed around the dungeon. Please, if there is a God, let her be safe, he asked, closing his eyes. “Scribo per Ignem!” Avery cried, as a dark, liquid, ink-like substance poured out of his wand and floated in front of James, suspended in the air, shimmering as though molten. “Proditor!” Avery said, with a slash of his wand.
The liquid rearranged itself into the word “traitor”, that seared into the skin of James’ chest, sizzling as it burned, unbearable. “Crucio!” said Avery, placing the tip of his wand inside the burnt flesh.
James blacked out with the pain. He flirted in and out of consciousness, each time the pain overwhelmed him and he felt everything fade into blessed darkness, one of the three men threw a powerful healing charm at him, which kept him awake long enough for another Crucio. Mulciber and Rosier joined in, Sectumsempra one of the many spells they used.
He could feel his body weakening with the blood loss. Lily would have their child, a boy, Harry. Thinking about Lily would only endanger her safety, in case she felt his presence. His parents would be proud of him for saving Lily, and they would have a beloved grandchild. Sirius and the Marauders would make the most excellent uncles. Nobody was a loser. For a moment he thought of Sirius losing his blood brother, then losing him too. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his brother, ignoring the pain. I’m fine, Sirius old chap, this is how it ends. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m too weak to cope with losing any of you. You deserve a long life with Moony, the best man we have ever known.
He opened his eyes again and saw Mr and Mrs Evans standing beside him, smiling.
“I kept my promise, Sir,” he tried to say.
When he blinked, they were gone. He fought it, yet as he sank into darkness, all he could think about was Lily.
Lily, Lily, Lily…
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sneverussape · 4 years
hc: snape’s most loyal defender
inspired by that one post by @professorss19​, one hc i’ve decided on having is this: hogwarts is sentient and from the time snape set foot in it at the age of 11, the castle had taken it upon itself to defend and comfort the poor defenseless boy as much as it could.
his bed was always warm and even though he knew he kicked the covers in his sleep, they never came off
during his first year his mam had told him it was probably better that he stayed at school during the christmas hols because work was scarce and the house was freezing and not fit for a growing boy, and when he came down to the empty common room on christmas day, a fire was roaring in the grate and there was a plate of iced biscuits and a mug of hot chocolate waiting for him by the hearth
when it became clear that severus was likely to spend more time at hogwarts than anywhere else, it showed him all sorts of secrets: hidden passages behind portraits, secret alcoves in the stairwells, shortcuts to the kitchens, and the quietest, most secluded parts of the library where he could read and study in peace
the castle rearranged pathways for him to get him to his classes so that he could avoid that nasty group of boys. it was difficult, however, when he was with the evans girl, as its protection didn’t extend to her. when severus was with her, the castle reluctantly had to let him fend for himself
every time those boys tried to hex him in the hallways the castle would render their magic useless; they thought they were merely saying the incantations wrong but found that the charms worked whenever they were testing it in classrooms or on each other
the castle regretted this however because the boys gave up trying their hexes indoors soon after and started harassing severus outdoors, where it could not protect him
to help the boy defend himself, the castle showed him the Room of Requirement where he could study and practice the spells he invented and refined in peace
when severus started dabbling more in the dark arts during his sixth year, the castle locked him out of the restricted section and he had to resort to asking mulciber and avery to filch books for him
although it could have, the castle never directed any adult to the secret spots where severus would be plotting or hiding; the adults were not on his side, and inasmuch as it didn’t like the path the boy was taking, it knew that it was safer for severus to be at hogwarts than anywhere else; it could not betray him
during the 2 years that he was an active and rampant death eater, the castle raised its wards and banned him from being able to enter, should he go to hogwarts; in those 2 years, however, he never did
when he did return his soul had changed and the castle saw once more the remnants of the lonely little boy it had first taken in. it welcomed severus back with no aplomb, but did place a mug of hot chocolate and a plate of iced biscuits by the hearth of the fireplace in the Potion Masters’ quarters
in those 17 years the boy was a professor, the castle opened its secrets to him once more, bit by bit, and then when it was sure it was the same boy it had known and loved, secretly allowed him full reign of the castle, in some aspects even more than the headmaster
on nights when the Dark One would call him, the castle never let the headmaster sleep. when severus would arrive, it made sure the headmaster took the shortest routes so he could reach the Potions Master before anyone else and disillusioned corridors so no student could chance upon the scene
when the boy became headmaster that fateful year, hogwarts’ wards were the strongest they had ever been, and even though it could do little about the chaos in the hallways, there were moments it could mute the Dark magic without the carrows knowing, but the children knew because it no longer hurt, and severus also knew because he would touch the walls in the privacy of the headmaster’s office, whispering thank you, old friend
when the boy...their boy...died in the Shrieking Shack, so far from hogwarts’ protective embrace and yet still connected to them by the secret tunnels, the magic of the castle rippled enough to make the stones shudder, and after the battle, when the dust had cleared and the darkness settled, it didn’t stop opening all of its secret passages and reroute it to the Shack so the deputy headmistress had no other choice but to retrieve him and bring him home
when they did, the sconces all flared to life and the castle used the very best of its magic to clear the blood and grime and close the gaping wound at his throat so it looked like the boy was merely sleeping
(severus was not the first child the castle had taken in and accepted as its own, and would not be the last, but it would never forget him, and even when the potter boy had won in his request to put in his portrait, the castle always made sure to let severus know where dumbledore’s portrait was so he could avoid him when he wanted to)
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Gina!
You have been accepted for the role of SEVERUS SNAPE with the faceclaim of Aneurin Barbard! We particularly loved Severus’ ambiguous motivations and how he’s playing spy as a double agent for both the Order and the Death Eaters! He’s not all good - he’s not all bad - and that fits our morally grey theme within this roleplay. So glad to see you playing him again! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Gina AGE: 25 TIMEZONE: MST-Arizona ACTIVITY LEVEL: Weekends are usually when I’m on the most 😊 I’ll try to get on during the week – especially on my early days. All that being said, I’ll definitely will be able to post at least once a week! As long as writing is still fun, and doesn’t feel like a chore, I’ll be on the dash frequently (and I’ll keep y’all informed if there’s ever going to be an issue with an activity check)! ANYTHING ELSE: trigger: non-con.
NAME: Severus Snape AGE: 21 GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis-Male, He/Him, Heterosexual. BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood HOUSE ALUMNI: Slytherin ANY CHANGES: Request FC change: Aneurin Barnard.
Generally, Severus is seen rather than heard.
The mind of Severus Snape is complex – to be sure. Filled with calculations, fragile threads of truths and lies he’s told and webbing them all together, and innovations for many different forms of magic. To keep all of these thoughts collected, Severus keeps a journal that he has heavily bound to keep secret. There, he states the deepest parts of his soul, creates new potions, spells, and whatever else he deems worthy. It is protected by a blood spell that only he knows the enchantment to. Like him, everything is kept very private and close to his chest.
While Severus has plenty of thoughts coursing through his brilliant mind, he does not initiate conversation. In fact, he says much more with his eyes. Even if they can be cold. However, this does not mean Severus will keep silent – nor is it out of shyness. When Snape graces others with his opinions or ideas, they should not be taken lightly. Every single word uttered has meaning.
Being around Death Eaters and the Dark Lord, he’s kept a keen eye – finding everyone’s tells and when it is best for him to speak his true sentiments. As well as this, if he feels provoked or given an opportunity to speak freely, he will not cower. Often, his retorts have a bite to them, thick with sarcasm or bitterness; or both.
Severus Snape is profound in potions – and dare we say even more skilled in the Dark Arts. Books were a comfort for him growing up, finding company with leather-bound pages and becoming well-versed in their contents. A strength he chooses not to boast about is his ability to create new spells, new magic, even. Most of these, however, were being saved to get a slight revenge over his old school enemies. And therein lies the rub. Snape’s insecurities are tightly bound to Hogwarts and being bullied – not to mention his inability to reveal his true feelings toward the one girl who showed him kindness all those years.
A broken family. That was the home of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince.
A Muggle father and a Pureblood mother. Such parents didn’t give Severus an opinion on blood purity – but rather if an individual could prove themselves. While his parents may have had married for love at some point, something shifted their feelings.
For Snape’s father, nothing seemed to please him. Except for, perhaps, a bottle of gin. This instilled a primal instinct for Severus to do better; be better. Strive for power.
As for Snape’s mother, she grew sickly and thin. Her grief taught him empathy. It also made him value any comfort, starving for any sort of love and affection. This was, most likely, the cause for Severus’ immediate interest in Lily Evans – and the roots of his near-obsession with her.
Both of his parents were unhappy, and let it affect both their home and their son. Living near-destitution, the Snape house was filled with hateful words, arguments, loud shattering of priceless heirlooms or objects, and other things that still haunt Severus to this day. When thinking back on his past, Severus prefers the memories of when they both neglected him altogether, rather than any other aspects of his upbringing.
OCCUPATION: Potions Apprentice to Professor Slughorn.
Invaluable to the Dark Lord, the talents of Severus Snape brought him closer to his inner circle. For Voldemort, it also meant he could manipulate the young man’s talents to foil any plots that the Order may have against him. Knowing his passion for potions, Voldemort encouraged Snape to take on an apprenticeship with Professor Slughorn – while also peeking behind the curtain at Hogwarts and keeping an eye on the Headmaster.
Walking a thin line between hero and villain had never once crossed Severus’ mind. Yet, here he was. An Order member. At first, in a plot for the Dark Lord, carrying out the order to spy on the organization; find out how it could crumble. The young wizard had already grown steadily in their ranks, garnered enough trust, and was even listening to Voldemort’s other requests like his employment. All for the sake of war. It was a task daunting enough for anyone; however, Severus knew pretending to be an Order member would bring him closer to Lily. That, and potentially erase any suspicions Frank Longbottom might have if he thought he saw the Slytherin’s face during the arrest. At first, it was all an act.
Now, within the Order, Severus is a black sheep. Many of his childhood bullies are within their ranks, and many who distrust him. Although, with Severus’ lust for power, proving himself is nothing new to him. In fact, he thrives on it. No more fighting behind a mask…watching those he cares for nearly meet their end. An easy task to spy, being a great reader of both people and their minds. However, an overwhelmingly difficult task to want to continue fighting for something he didn’t believe in. Not that he believes in the Order either, but his lust for power has now been overcome with a desperate need to win an old friendship back. Perhaps to take Lily Evans far away from any wars as well, forgetting the two sides; no more choosing between what is right, and what is easy. Severus faces this new challenge, while fighting off those he once stood beside. For now, he’ll leave it to fate – if he’s able to win Lily’s friendship back.
After the latest events of Muggles being slaughtered from his mistakes with the orb, Severus feels a familiar pang of guilt. The same kind he felt after calling Lily that horrid name in school. It doesn’t help that The Order sees him as a risk and has been keeping him away from the center of the action. Severus feels responsible and a need to redeem himself. The night of the engagement party, The Order tasked him with staying with the healers – at least giving him that opportunity. Among the chaos, steady hands and minds are needed. Which, thankfully, Severus was very skilled with.
Severus Snape survives purely relying on his skills – and providing them to whichever side he feels is winning. It was part of the reason why he joined the Death Easters in the first place. Unfortunately for the Order, Snape believes the Dark Lord will win; that they will fall – and not rise from the ashes, as their namesake. A lust for power has blinded him most of all. But with it, he’s earned the trust of Voldemort, become invaluable. A faithful servant. Once the war s over, Severus believes he will be rewarded for his acts. At least, as long as he continues to do his bidding…
While with the Order, Severus has taken up housing in Hogwarts during the school year under his apprenticeship with Slughorn. During the summers, he’s found a small flat down near Hogsmeade to keep close enough. Beforehand, he often stayed with Lucius Malfoy in their incredibly large manor. It made it easy to stay near his comrades and to carry out any dark deeds.
Until there seems to be a clear winner, Severus will carry out his work as a spy. Even if it means slightly changing sides to do it as time goes on. The skills he carries with Occlumency are not to be trifled with. It seems he’s one of the few to have mastered such magic, making him the perfect soldier for espionage. Especially now that he has a desire for redemption for the mistakes he’s caused.
Severus’ relationship with Lily Evans was broken long ago. However, he will try and make peace with her, at the very least. If they rekindle their friendship, Severus would likely switch sides; happily die for her and prove himself. If it blossomed even more (something he fears even daydreaming about will jinx it), Severus would give up everything with the Dark Lord and his following. Everything with the Order. All to be with her – away from the rotting parts of the Wizarding World.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Ships: Snape/Lily & Snape/Chemistry. Anti-Ships: None
Having gone through a very traumatic animalistic incident in his years at Hogwarts, Severus has a large bias against werewolves. The whole experience left a nasty memory for him, left in complete shock and disagreement with Dumbledore. And having Fenrir Greyback at the Dark Lord’s disposal certainly didn’t make matters any better.
There is one thing that will never chance for Severus Snape, and that is his hatred and bitterness towards certain Gryffindor boys he now has to work with in the Order. The thought alone makes his blood boil and skin crawl. Yet, he will do what he must for his cause…and maybe even throw in a snide remark or two every so often.
Muggleborns are something of a mystery to Snape now. When he first met Lily, he thought she was different from any other one – slumping the rest together with the likes of his father. Although seeing how fierce Dorcas has become – and so well integrated with the Wizarding World – Severus has gained a new understanding. Of course, he’s still untrusting, at first, and even a little cold; but that doesn’t mean his mind cannot be changed.
I am excited to explore a redemption arch for Severus! I think it could be really great to see him actually believe in the cause and put his complete loyalty to The Order. I’ve tinkered with this idea before in another RP where his motives were driven by romance. Now, I can see hm relying on changing his mind on his own accord and a longing for his old friendship back to guide him to the side of good and light.
ANYTHING ELSE? Super excited to be re-applying as Sev! 😊
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vernedip · 6 years
Soul Eater x Harry Potter
Man, does anyone even remember Soul Eater? I’ve recently just gotten back into it after nearly ten years, and now that I’m older, here’s a thought: A Soul Eater crossover with Harry Potter. But see, I may have just barely grasped how to write Soul Eater characters, but I have little to no idea how to write the Harry Potter characters right, which is disgraceful, since I’ve known Harry Potter longer. Anyways, I think I have the gist of the houses down. 
Maka Albarn- Gryffindor. To be honest though, she could've fit in any of the houses. Hufflepuff values Loyalty and Welcoming members (like her handling Crona), Slytherin values Cunning and Ambition (like her desire to make both her and Soul strong enough for him to be recognized as a Death Scythe), Ravenclaw values Knowledge and Intelligence (she's quite the bookworm), but Gryffindor values Strength and Bravery, which is a main feat in the anime when Maka basically punches out a God of Fear, so...
Soul "Eater" Evans- Hufflepuff. As strange as it might sound, I've definitely noticed Soul's strong tie of loyalty that he shares with Maka, and his willingness to die for her sake, so I figured this would be the best house for him.
Black Star- Slytherin. The choice is pretty self-explanatory, really.
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa- Hufflepuff. Like her meister, I'm pretty sure the house I chose for her should be pretty easy to figure out.
Death the Kid- Ravenclaw. This one is actually more a close tie with Slytherin, with his ambition for a perfect and balanced world (I genuinely couldn't choose between the two). But then I remembered the small fact that was stated in the manga a couple times: Kid was created as an inexperienced and underdeveloped Grim Reaper (I could say Shinigami, but as this is a story written in English, I'll mostly follow the English terms for them) for a reason, that being so Kid could learn things and develop a sort of compassion and sympathy with creatures like humans (and witches, in the manga) that others before him (Kishin Asura and Lord Death) hadn't been able to completely gain. He was technically an experiment to create a Grim Reaper who would grow to learn things, and be the one controlling the Madness of Order, so he was literally made to learn.
Death the Kid (Alternative)- Slytherin. As I had mentioned before, Kid clearly has quite the obsession for order and balance in the world that was likely implanted there by the late Lord Death, as he was the fragment holding Death's Madness of Order, so I would assume he has set high ambitions revolving around that. There was even the whole ordeal with his madness taking over him in the Book of Eibon where he set his ambitions on the symmetry and balance of "nothing," so there was also that to take into consideration when figuring out what house Kid should be in, maybe he might even be accepted better because of his blood coming directly from the great Grim Reaper himself, unless Death is seen as a follower of Moldy Wart, of course.
Elizabeth Thompson- Hufflepuff. While Liz can be fairly brave at times, I don't think the level was enough to make me think of her as a good Gryffindor. Same for the others. She doesn't seem to have the right level of cunning, her only ambition seems to be the protection of both Kid and Patty, she doesn't seem to have much of a thirst for knowledge, as she slacked off during her studies for the Super Written Exam, and so on. But, like I said, despite mostly lacking in those departments, it certainly isn't hard to see that she's still very loyal and protective to her little sister and young meister, so Hufflepuff it is!
Patricia Thompson- Slytherin. Unlike her older sister, Patty's definitely more the daredevil type. With a personality similar to Black Star, I figured she would be that one type of ambitious where she would take on dares pretty darned recklessly and, even if the ideas are likely not the most cunning, I would consider that behavior pretty darned ambitious.
Then, the adults...
Spirit Albarn- Gryffindor, because, come on, we all must know that he isn't the cunning type, nor the witty type, and it's been established plenty of times that he's cheated on Maka's mother, so maybe not the most loyal either. It was more a process of elimination, really.
Franken Stein- Slytherin..? Maybe? To be honest, it was tough to decide between that and Ravenclaw, and the other two seem sort of out of the question, to be honest, but he didn't come across as a book person (he's a VERY practical man when it comes to obtaining knowledge), so I think I've kind of settled with Slytherin for him. Yeah.
Marie Mjolnir- Hufflepuff. In that choice, I have absolutely no doubts.
Sid Barrett- Hufflepuff. He seems like a caring individual, well, for the most part, anyways.
Mira Naigus- Hufflepuff. While she's the type to stick to the rules, I've gathered that she can be strongly loyal too, and wouldn't mind breaking a rule or two if she finds the actions of another unrighteous (like the deal with Kim being a witch). 
I have plenty of scenes thought out, but I think I need a beta reader to check my depictions of the characters, most notable the HP cast.
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mswisegal · 6 years
Not At All
Warning: vague mention of child abuse, injuries, blood, a little swearing, a bit sexual.
A/N: it’s finally done hooray! i feel so accomplished since it took me so long in editing and writing this, it felt like i had a baby and now it’s all grown up ready to go to college. anyways, enough about me, let’s talk about this piece of work i got right here. it’s not finished yet, it has a second part so don’t worry. i thought it's best to split them cause it's way WAY too long already as i've mentioned a couple times before and thank you so much for being patient and sweet and for encouraging me to write, it helps and it brightens me up for days. i hope you have a fun time reading, muwah!
Tags: @sungoddessra, @@aria-is-trash , @mcrosiers , @aceslytherin, @kaymordeline, @im-on-blue 
Pairings: Felix/MC, Chester/MC
Felix loosened his tie and adjusted his collar, perspiration starting to build on his forehead as he ungracefully sat on his expensive dark green sofa near the fireplace. With a tired wave of his hand, a house elf appeared with firewhiskey on top of a silver tray, head low and arms stretched towards him. He took the drink and with another silent wave, the house elf bowed then disappeared.
He looked like shit, he’s aware. If anyone who knows him sees him now, hair unkempt, dress shirt crumpled in small folded creases, and sweat running down the side just near his temple, they would have gaped in disbelief.
Felix never felt so disorganized.
He knows why he just didn’t want to face it just yet. The sound of ice hitting the glass as he examined the beverage in his hand absentmindedly brought him back to the time when he first met one of his unlikely friends many years ago. The sound of the fire crackling faded and the sound of scraping silverware along with a familiar booming voice took its place.
                                                    Year One
“HUFFLEPUFF!” Yelled the Sorting Hat as it was placed on top of none other than Jane Court. Felix remembers her, he saw her coming in and out of the compartment next to his and buying sweets from the trolley lady. Nose high when asked which house she’ll be getting into.
I’ll be in Ravenclaw no doubt. Have you read Hogwarts: A Histo-
Professor McGonagall took the hat on top of the blonde girls head to reveal half of her hidden face. She was shocked, to say the least, eyes blown wide but silently got off of the chair to approach the Hufflepuff table. She was greeted with an assortment of applause and a few welcoming handshakes.
Shame. Felix thought, his hands behind his back, she has the wits for Ravenclaw but it wasn’t enough for the sorting hat it seems. He wished he knew how the hat sorts them by so he wouldn’t be so-
Despite the confidence that was placed on his shoulders when he left for the train to Hogwarts he can't help but feel nervous.
What if the hat places him somewhere other than Slytherin? Is he even Slytherin enough? His father would hex him if he wasn't. Merlin forbid that he'll be placed in Gryffindor of all houses.
Felix suppressed a shiver when phantom green lights directed at him flashed behind his eyelids.
“Next we have-“
He felt a light tap on his shoulder. Felix stopped midway from listening and looked behind him to come face to face with a boy with coffee brown eyes and neatly gelled hair, shining under the floating candles above. "What house do you think you'll be in?" He whispered as he looked over to the next student getting sorted.
Felix didn't feel the need to answer because the boy opened his mouth before he could even reply. "I think I might be placed in Gryffindor, my little brother occasionally tells me I'm brave. I mean, if that's how the hat sorts us by. Though I doubt it, bit too easy if that's the case."
Felix didn't say a word, he didn’t have to, he kept his mouth shut despite the rising disdain he has for the gelled haired boy already. No one was placed in Gryffindor that didn't cause any trouble. They are loud, messy, and all over the place. His father said.
There was a moment of silence before the boy jumped, a look of realization on his face. "Oh sorry mate, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chester Davies." Chester held out his hand for him to shake and he politely took it in his hand and shook it briefly before letting go.
"Rosier," He paused letting his family name sink in, voice low and devoid of any interest, "Felix Rosier."
"Saw you sitting in the compartment alone earlier in the train. I wanted to say hi but didn't want to disturb you, you seemed pretty preoccupied." Chester chuckled before continuing, "I do that too whenever the situation presents itself."
Felix was yet to respond and Chester raised a curious brow, "You sure aren't talkative, that makes you a good study partner. Say, do you find Divination weird or interesting?"
"Felix Rosier." Called Professor McGonagall looking around among the first years. Felix straightened his back, his name echoing among the Slytherin table. He could feel them staring at him, waiting.
He stepped out of the crowd to sit on the chair the professors provided without a second glance at Chester. After this, they wouldn't be able to talk to each other anymore and he found himself relieved, he didn't want to associate with anyone like him.
The ugly hat was placed on top of his head, almost too slow for his liking. “Ah, I see. You're one of them aren't you?" The Sorting Hat's voice is deep especially up close, Felix could feel it trying to understand him inside his head.
Legilimens. Hissed his father when he thinks he’s being untruthful. "Hmmm.... yes that is quite tragic." Drawled the hat thoughtfully. Felix began to feel uncomfortable on how transparent he is to the hat now and wished nothing more than to get this over with.
"Dangerous, very dangerous." It muttered. "You're a Slytherin no doubt, your ambition outmatches your father and your grandfather's. You have a right to be proud.” The heavy load seemed to have lifted from his chest making him sigh in relief.
"But too much ambition can lead you to a lot of trouble boy, best to stay out of it."
Felix was confused despite the swelling pride blossoming in his chest. "What do you mea-"
"SLYTHERIN!" Yelled out the Sorting Hat and it was taken off of him. Felix stood up, brows knitted together trying hard to decipher what it said.
Now walking towards the Slytherin table, he saw a few familiar faces with others he didn't recognize. They whispered to each other and looked over at him, whether it's mild interest, admiration, or calm indifference he didn't entertain them.
They know who he is and it gave him great comfort and a gut-wrenching distress that he hides perfectly behind a stoic expression.
"Welcome to Slytherin Rosier, the house will expect great things from you." The current Prefect told him before telling a few of his fellow Slytherins to move aside and give space for him to sit.
"Chester Davies!"
The familiar name rang and Felix turned around from his seat to see Chester walking stiffly towards the front, clearly nervous. When the hat was placed on top of his head he was sweating and pulling at his collar.
"YOU WANT TO BE IN GRYFFINDOR EY?!" Yelled the Sorting Hat and the Great Hall erupted in laughter. Chester shrank and a pang of remorse made it's way to the surface. Felix internally sighed, Shame.
The hat was talking to him and it seemed that Chester was the only one who can hear it and the student's laughter died down. The Gryffindors were eager to add another poor soul to their bunch and some were leaning over to try and catch what the hat was saying.
A momentary pause, the hat looks like it was in thought before yelling.
The Ravenclaw table erupted in noise, clapping and standing up with big smiles on their faces as Chester hopped off from the chair to walk over to his table. On edge, the boy almost tripped over the stairs before composing himself and walking much faster than necessary.
Felix wasn't expecting that, maybe there's a small chance they'll be able to talk to each other that now he isn't sorted in that house. 
One thing crossed his mind when he thought of Chester. The boy who was hunched over, overwhelmed by the attention he was receiving.
Felix doesn't envy him, no, not at all.
                                                 End Year One
He let out a dry laugh as the memory, still fresh from his mind like it happened yesterday, came back almost choking him. One glass wasn't enough, not even a bottle. With a silent call, the glass was refilled by a house elf before leaving him again to his own devices.
Felix learned earlier in life that not everything happens the way you expect it to be, that you don't get your way unless you do something about it. It was basic knowledge, everyone knows that.
How did his father reach being a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight? How could they have obtained a large sum of gold? Surely not standing around and doing nothing, his family line would have ended before it even began.
Evan Rosier didn’t stop getting what he wanted, there was no hesitation written in his actions if Felix ever felt like remembering him despite the bitter and burning taste in his mouth that the firewhiskey can never outmatch.
But where is he now?
Evan Rosier died in the war. He didn’t make it because he was a fool for following a supposed 'Dark Lord' who got defeated by a damn infant. 
Felix was twelve when he received the news.
                                                     Year Two
It was October and Hogwarts is in lockdown. Students aren't permitted to leave their common room after six and Felix was in his dormitory anxiously reading Guide to Advanced Transfiguration using the light from his wand to be able to see the text. It was better to occupy himself than think about the ongoing war in the wizarding world.
It's been weeks since he received a letter from his mother and thought that the ministry might have interfered with parents communicating with their children who are currently in school. It wasn't the most practical but it's reasonable, especially when you're a son of a Death Eater.
Felix spent his time alone and some classes were canceled so they had more free time than usual. The muggle-born and half-bloods are all shaking along with other lesser purebloods who, at least, had a higher chance of survival than the rest.
He couldn't sleep.
Thank Merlin the professors weren't paying much attention to the student's school work or else he would be failing class after class. Felix wouldn't stop worrying about his parents or the outcome of this war would be.
He had met the Dark Lord, saw him only once when his father decided to invite him over. The dark wizard's presence was suffocating, he couldn't even begin to describe how his magic surrounded him like fog, ready to take the air out of Felix's lungs to the point he was suffocating during dinner and the only thing that kept him on his toes is his mother's reassuring squeeze on his leg.
Felix has bags under his eyes but kept his posture straight, hair combed neatly, and is as cold and forward as always. Some students were avoiding him, he can tell, they stepped out of his way whenever he walks by.
There's little to no students left appearing in classes, some preferred to stay in their common room until they are called out for food. The professors understood or simply had their own worries to even consider it a problem.
Gryffindors were as ballsy as ever and are mostly the ones who cut through the tension in the air to help forget momentarily about the war along with encouraging Hufflepuffs and reasonable Ravenclaws.
Chester was one of the few who was still buried deep in the books. Felix never thought much about it because he is a pureblood and he doesn't even need to worry about being hexed from this life to the next.
Somehow he was the only one Felix can really talk to during this time. Well, if talking also means reading quietly in the library together until the sun sets then they are quite acquainted.
They would occasionally talk, they don't just sit there in awkward silence. Chester is mostly the one who fills the air with nonsense and Felix would only reply if needed. Neither ever talked about the war.
Chester fits into all the categories his parents would allow him to have in a friend. He's a pureblood, not a Gryffindor, quite book smart, and isn't one to look for trouble.
This continued until November hits. He heard some students whispering, asking each other if Halloween will be celebrated inside of Hogwarts this year. Idiots. Felix hissed at them in his mind. You think of parties when people are out there dying? He didn’t know anymore, he was unsure. There was something wrong but he just couldn’t find it. Felix was so confused.
He questioned his father’s decision for a second and he immediately banished it from his mind. To question his father is to question himself and he wasn’t ready for that. Not now, maybe not ever. Felix feared the day everything he grew up to be was just something that could easily be proven as a lie. 
He breathed, In and out, he told himself as he kept walking. A Slytherin walked past him, head low, their hair framing their tired face.
A letter arrived before the day ends.
He was on his way to the library, a new book in hand when an owl hooted at him from the distance. It wasn’t familiar but he took the letter that was dropped on top of his head. Felix thought that the sender might not need him to reply.
The owl wasn’t familiar but the seal with his family crest was, he picked it up instantly, looking around for any signs of life. When he found none, he opened the envelope.
‘Felix, this is your mother. Forgive me but I have to make this letter brief, I have unpleasant news.
Strange. He thought. Felix began to feel uneasy, he could feel his mother's stress through the parchment.
Your father fought for the Dark Lord bravely my son, he did the best he could to rid the world of impurity. Our Lord has fallen by the hands of none other than Harry Potter and now we are facing a conundrum. With your father gone and our family name tarnished because of Igor Karkaroff, I will be sent in for questioning.
No news as of yet of this matter, only that the Ministry wants to talk to me. For now, you will focus on your studies and will continue to remain oblivious of your father's connection to the Dark Lord and anything relating to his death.
I will be planning a late funeral in December. Until then you won't be receiving letters from me. Destroy this message after you finish it.’
Felix’s hand was sweaty and it dampened the thin expensive paper, he gripped it so tightly in his hand that it crumpled. The boy’s face was blank, hickory eyes darker than usual despite the soft glow of the sunset on his face.
Evan Rosier, a man Felix looked up to most of his life, is now dead. His mother didn’t let him know how he died but knowing him, he wouldn’t have gone down being pliant and begging for mercy.
A hole in his chest opened like a black pit, an endless void. Felix couldn’t feel anything, doesn’t feel anything other than this cold sinking feeling. They lost the war, his father is dead, Voldemort got defeated, and his father is dead.
“Incendio.” He whispered and the letter bursts into flames, leaving no trace of anything other than the smell of burnt paper mixed with thick ink in the air. The thought of visiting the library didn’t sound appealing anymore, he turned and headed back to the Slytherin common room.
“Felix, wait up!” Called Chester in the other end of the hallway, he jogs towards him, robes flying behind him slightly. He grasped Felix’s shoulder to stop him and a pang of something made it’s way up starting in his stomach, to his chest, then to his throat. He wanted to lash out, to yell but his father’s words crept into his subconscious.
You are a Rosier.
A Pureblood
Know your place.
And he swallowed, letting the words die just right at the tip of his tongue. “I didn’t see you today so I thought I’d check up on you.” Chester, the boy with neatly gelled hair, stood in front him. “Are you alright?” He asked, tone careful with barely hidden worry in his features.
Felix brushed it away with a nod. “Fine, I just noticed the time.” With how the sun is nearly disappearing he knows that they’ll be ushered back into their respective rooms soon. “I have to go.” He side-stepped Chester and went back to walking ahead.
“What?” Felix hissed low, irritation leaking out from his steady facade. “If... if you want someone to talk to. You can- I mean, my door’s always open.”
He stiffened, thoughts racing. Did he saw?
“See you around.” Without waiting for a reply, Chester walked back from where he came, hands in his pockets. The quick clicking of his shoes began to sound faint until Felix couldn’t hear it anymore. His knuckles turned white as he clutched The Monster Book of Monsters.
                                                 End Year Two
The glass in Felix's hand crinkled as he gripped it tightly, eyes distant. Evan Rosier died in the hands of Mad-Eye Moody, rumor has it he took a portion of his nose before leaving this earth. 
He took another sip of his drink.
Felix was right, his father is too proud and stubborn to back down even if it was a dozen Aurors taking him all at once. He was given two options, to rot in Azkaban or to die. Both weren't ideal but dying was the easiest way out and what better way to describe a Slytherin?
Felix could feel it again, the empty dark hole that seemed to have made a home in his chest. He would never say it out loud but he was glad that his father died. The old man was better off dead anyway, with him gone Felix can do whatever he pleases.
He can ignore his mother, especially her suggestions of potential wives. She had been showing him photo after photo of women whenever he comes over, it was almost rehearsed. A different month a different girl and she grew frustrated that he wouldn't pick one. She insisted on knowing about his preferences but unfortunately for her, Felix doesn't have any.
Unless if it's-
Felix stopped right there. No. He reminded himself, Stop.
But his mind wouldn't let him. The walls he put up is starting to crack and he couldn't halt the tiny bits and pieces of memory that slips through the gaps. Felix licked his lips, throat beginning to dry instantly.
A girl was running, skirt flying as she ran around the familiar grassy field filled with wildflowers, chasing the pages from her notes that got caught by the wind-
the color of her cheeks, the flutter of her eyelashes, the small bounce in her step-
her bright eyes, her soft lips-
her hair, her voice, her smile, her-
The walls collapsed and thoughts of her hit him like a tidal wave, it was drowning him, Felix could hardly breathe. The hole in his chest is suddenly being filled with something he didn't dare name. It kept pouring in but it didn't make him feel full. It didn't help soothe the ache.
He was still hungry, wanting more of whatever she has to offer. He laps up the attention she gives him, savor the small touches that ghosted over his skin for days, he eats up the words that went past her lips when she's talking to him.
Felix was the dog next to its master's table wishing for a few lucky bites of whatever it is on the plate.
The glass in his hand shattered, unaware of the grip he had around the fragile thing. The sharp pain made him refocus on his dark and gloomy surroundings, reminding himself to breathe. In and out.
The glass dug in his palm and the color of his blood shined almost black in the barely lit room. The light in the fireplace flickered and he felt uncomfortably warm. Felix's palm opened letting the blood drip down to stain the carpet.
“Have you seen her?”
                                                     Year Five
“Yes, I have.” Replied Felix who was facing Chester, “It’s impossible not to.” With a butterbeer in hand, he took a drink to hide his amusement. The edges of his mouth curling upwards as his lips touched the glass. The boy, who no longer gell his hair but let his locks loose, glared at him from across the table.
“Then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t you feel a little bit sorry for me, for what I have to deal with for two more years?” Chester has his arms in front of him, palms open as if asking for Felix something. Unable to stop, he covered his mouth to silence his hysterics.
Chester scowled. “Some friend you are.” Felix coughed before waving his hand. “My apologies but it’s not my fault you have little to no luck in life at all.” He said with simple directness.
“Great. I’m so glad you find my pain entertaining.” He sighed, “First it’s Jacob and now her. I don’t think I’ll survive until the end of the year, let Ravenclaw win the house cup for seven years straight in memory of me.”
Felix rolled his eyes, “Don’t be dramatic, you’ll do fine. She couldn’t be worse than her brother.”
“You don’t know that!” Chester exclaimed, hands on his head, messing his neatly combed chestnut hair. "Have you ever met him? Talked to him? He's absolutely mad, bonkers, at his wits end! He kept talking about these cursed vaults like a lunatic! He wouldn't drop the subject that's why he got expelled!"
Felix was taken aback by Chester's sudden outburst. So it's that bad huh? How can someone be able to cause this much trouble? He thought and immediately try to calm his friend down.
"Listen, she's an eleven-year-old girl. What could she possibly do? Lumos her way in?” Smirking, he could see Chester’s tense shoulders relax little by little. “Besides I’m sure she learned a lot from her brother getting expelled. Do you think she’ll throw away her own opportunities to find, possibly non-existent, cursed vaults?”
“I can see where you’re getting at, I really do Felix.” He sighed again, “But you see, she thinks that her brother isn’t dead. Just, you know, missing.” Chester gestured in front of him, his own butterbeer forgotten. "I ask her why she thought that but she only gave me a short reply.”
There isn't a body so he isn't dead.
“She wouldn't believe it if there isn't any evidence that he is."
"I would say that's quite a solid argument," Felix mused, rubbing his chin. "I wouldn't put it past her if she thought that her brother isn't gone yet. Though I believe that she wouldn't be stupid enough to retrace his footsteps."
"I doubt it.” Chester groaned out pinching the bridge of his nose before taking his butterbeer and drinking it. It already dropped to room temperature but it seems like he didn’t care. “One of the reasons why I asked you to Hogsmeade, besides letting off some steam, is that I wanted to ask you about a first-year named Merula Snide."
The familiar name got him straightening his back. What did she do this time? He hissed in his head, irritation seeping through his being. "And what's so interesting about her that you feel the need to ask?"
"She's taking every opportunity to get Jacob's sibling in trouble. She reported to me that Ms. Snide put Bulbadox powder in her cauldron causing it to explode and after being tricked she got trapped with Rowan Khanna, her friend, inside a closet with a Devil Snare."
“Does she have any evidence that Merula Snide did all these?” Felix guessed that she doesn’t have any but he believes her, Snide caused a lot of problems already at the start of the year by mentioning You-Know-Who carelessly and the urge to set her straight right now increases. Another one to taint the Slytherin name? Not on his watch.
Chester pursed his lips. “No.”
“Then that’s quite a bold accusation.” He stated calmly but Chester only shook his head. "She insisted that it was her, I'm not saying she isn't lying either because I was not there to see it for myself. I just ask of you to look out for any suspicious behavior regarding Ms. Snide. I already had enough headaches to last a lifetime." With a last deep sigh, Chester took his butterbeer and downed the whole thing.
Felix felt pity for him as he watches Chester empty the glass. His hair was messy, his eyes tired, and his mouth was shaped into a temporary frown. Merlin, he hoped one day to never end up looking like that.
                                                 End Year Five
Felix laughed at the irony of it all. He laughed through the pain. How dumb can you be? He asked himself, his own cruel tongue lashing at him, creating wounds that Episky can never heal.
There was a small figure standing not far from where he's sitting, it was a house elf holding a wet towel, looking at him with big eyes filled with worry. The creature didn't dare speak now, afraid of the consequences if he did.
Felix's laughter died down, slumping back against the sofa with a loud thump. Who knew that he would feel for her this way in the future? He was never really good at Divination even if he had good grades in the subject, he always thought that it was a load of bull anyway.
And what good would it do to see yourself years from now pining over a girl that would never want him the way he wanted her? Fuck that, he'll eat his own heart out first then hers. The thought made the corner of his mouth twitch.
Running his tongue over his lips, Felix asked himself what flavor does he think she would taste like. She would be sweet, no doubt.
When have you become so morbid?
"Master, Rico wishes to s-serve.” Stuttered the house elf, approaching the sofa with shaking legs. "M-Master is hurt."
Felix was unresponsive but moved his injured hand to the side. His arm plopped lazily on the armrest, palms open in invitation and Rico rushed to heal him and clean up the mess he made. 
The pain on his hand disappeared when the elf put his own palm over it and with a snap of his finger, the blood stain in the carpet disappeared, along with the broken glass.
"Rico brought Master a towel." Rico offered the wet towel but Felix decline by turning his head away to stare straight into the fire. "Leave me." He said voice hoarse and the elf, with sad eyes, quickly obliged.
                  ��                                    Year Six
Fast heavy footsteps were echoing around the empty library and Felix felt the need to look up, so he did. It was Chester, with fire in his eyes and books tucked under his arm. Felix knew what this was all about and he mentally prepared himself.
The Ravenclaw prefect slammed his books down in front of him and thank Merlin the uptight librarian wasn't there to hear it or else she would have thrown a fit.
"Now, Chester, calm down-"
"No Felix, I'm done." Chester fumed, "I've had enough complaint from my house, from Jane, and from Angelica. You said you'll do something about it but I don't see any progress, it’s almost as if you’re letting them.”
Offended, Felix stood, his chair scraping the floor making a screeching sound. "I'm not responsible for the actions of others nor do I control it." He seethed, "But rest assured that I'm doing my best in order not to let them offend your sensitive ego."
Perhaps it wasn't the right words to say by the way Chester's face gradually becomes red. Felix took great pleasure knowing that he had hit a spot, though it was short-lived. Guilt made its way down the pit of his stomach and he wants to vomit an apology out but his pride wouldn’t let him so he swallowed.
Jaw tightening, Chester narrowed his eyes. "This isn’t about the damn house points, let Jane do the job of throwing heads. You're aware of what this is about, don't act coy.” He retorted, his hands balled into fists. “It’s about the bullying, quite obvious really since your house is fucking full of them!”
Felix gritted his teeth, "And what about Gryffindor? I don't see you both complaining to Angelica."
“It’s more likely that your house is the one who initiated it and this is different.”
“What makes you believe that?”
“Because a snake would do anything to save its own skin and you know damn well Slytherin contains a lot of fucking dickheads." It was quiet, both of them staring each other down. Felix can’t confirm or deny it. Though he expected much more from him than this. It was unfair, he didn’t want it to happen. It wasn’t his fucking fault.
The Slytherin prefect scowled at Chester, closing his book with a loud bang. "You have a thick skull Davies, and here I thought Ravenclaws are supposed to be wise." He picked his book up before walking away.
“This isn’t over Rosier, Slytherin will answer for Eliza Mckinnon’s broken leg!” Yelled Chester from behind him and a familiar "SHHHHHHHHHH-" from Madam Pince was heard throughout the library. 
                                                  End Year Six
Who knew Quidditch could ruin friendships? Felix stood up, taking off his black tuxedo jacket and throwing it on the sofa, then he ripped his grey tie off of his neck before throwing it into the fireplace. He hated that one anyway.
Felix wondered if Chester ever thought of him from time to time while unbuttoning his white dress shirt. He remembered his plan for revenge, how pathetic it was. It was filled with restraint and doubt that it was almost laughable. Felix had a feeling that there was more to it than that but the boy was too cowardly to proceed.
Chester never really was the type.
Sebastian Jaeger, the third year Slytherin beater, knocked Elizabeth Mckinnon, the Ravenclaw seeker, off her broom resulting on breaking her leg. Felix saw it all, he was in the front of one of the stands and could see Elizabeth’s leg bent in an odd angle, lying on her back with a pained expression. The blue of her uniform was a contrast to the color green of the Quidditch Pitch.
Up high he caught Sebastian laughing with his teammates, speaking enthusiastically as if he did the best thing ever known to man. A voice echoed in his head.
You taught them that.
Felix vowed to never share or teach if he knows the other would use it for nefarious purposes, especially for something like this. It was supposed to be all in good fun, a bit of a twist to the game. 
How wrong he was to believe that those boys would ever think differently and to even assume that they see eye to eye with him-
It made Felix's blood boil.
Mckinnon came out in the infirmary good as new with a nicely healed leg, another miracle made by Madam Pomfrey, and the next Slytherin vs Ravenclaw game was canceled due to the incident. No evidence or punishment was brought down on Jaeger.
Though one afternoon he was seen in the Courtyard, drenched head to toe from being pushed by an unknown force into the fountain. He was humiliated but other than that he came out fine.
Nobody knew who did it but they all guessed it was a Ravenclaw since he was tormenting a Ravenclaw student before getting pushed, and the fact that he almost did kill a student from said house made it even more apparent.
A pair of coffee colored eyes burned straight through the back of his head, sending silent curses his way before disappearing. Leaving him dread a pair of hands would wrap around his neck and choke him.
It never came but something else grasped Felix and he was familiar with it. Regret. Which is by far more worse than any physical blow in his book.
Chester was only one of the few people he knew he could easily call a friend. He was different from the rest, he was open, enthusiastic, and he never minded if Felix just distances himself at odd times. He understood.
That’s why he felt a little guilty when he imagined her there in the room with him, admiring his physique on the sofa where he previously sat. Eyes shining under the soft glow of the fireplace when he discarded his trousers.
He felt something stirring in his lower abdomen and he groaned. Dreams and fantasies are all he has, Felix doesn't want him to take that away from him too.
Her smile was wide, inviting, almost innocent. Felix thought how cruel life is as he kicked the last remaining piece of clothing off of his body before making his way up to ready himself a bath.
For a thousand time, he replayed a recent memory. Something he just saw only days prior to his sorry state today.
Felix was walking, his cane hitting the ground on one cold cloudy afternoon, he just visited his mother who is still insisting that he marries before he reaches thirty. The woman looked as if he grew a second head when he brushed off the subject and told her that he might never do so.
He only wants one girl and he doesn't want any unwanted distractions from his work.
This doesn't mean that his mother would stop all of this nonsense, she can be very persistent. It's good that he grew up to tolerate it or he would have succumbed for her to leave him alone.
He apparated just outside the building of the Ministry of Magic. Jane, who would be up there somewhere, checking the clock and guessing if he would come or not. 
The Rosier family became a large benefactor to the Ministry since the tarnishing of their family name. It was to 'compensate' for his father's actions and the Ministry was more than happy to accept.
It's important to build a good reputation. His mother coldly stated after the funeral. So that we could have people on our side when the need arises. Granted, most of them are previous Death Eaters, but they're making their way up again and that's all that matters.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
He went up the stairs, taking his sweet time knowing that Court is getting anxious by the minute. Felix likes making her wait, maybe then she would begin to realize that she isn't the big fish in the pond.
The Ministry of Magic is a wide circle of powerful people who cruelly stomp on those that don't benefit them.
Ah, politics.
Felix looked around, head held high when one or two people glance at him one too many times. He was admiring the stunning pillars when he spotted the familiar shade of chestnut colored hair among the crowd.
It was Chester leaning down to give a girl a kiss, he almost didn't recognize him with that hideous full beard he has on. It didn't suit him at all.
He was wearing an ugly brown three-piece suit with a blue trench coat and Felix grimaced at his choices of clothes. He heard that he had become an Auror, specifically a private investigator, after Hogwarts and it was the most unsuitable job he could think of for him.
He had always imagined him to be the kind of man that will be filing papers behind the desk for the rest of his life. Like Jane. He thought, scrutinizing Chester's appearance once more.
He has his silver cane in one gloved hand. His black robes, despite being simple, stood out because of the patterns of snake scales that he couldn't help but admire. It was basic yet elegant and Felix didn't know why he felt the need to compare.
Felix was ready to leave, not wanting to watch anymore, he still has many things to discuss with Jane. Then as he about to do just that, he caught a glimpse of who Chester was with. 
His eyes gradually widened and the grip on his cane tightened, a sharp pain went straight to his chest and he just couldn't believe it.
It was the girl who had forgotten him. The girl he met years ago at his doorstep asking for a look at his family’s vast book collection for 'research'.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be a bother. Angelica told me you have all sorts of books. May I- may I come in and have a look?
She was wearing black trousers with a light blue fitted dress shirt. Her hair was shorter than he remembered, and her eyes were fixed on Chester's bearded face.
And she was blushing.
Chester took off his ugly trenchcoat to wrap it around her and they started walking away from where Felix stood, his hand never leaving her shoulder. They disappeared- no, apparated away so fast that Felix thought that it might have been just his imagination.
But when will he ever imagine Chester being with her so intimately like that?
Felix couldn't remember what Jane told him but he agreed to it, which is bad since he doesn't know what she asked of him and the woman can be devious when she wants to be.
Then he remembered Cole, if it wasn't for her he would not be in this predicament. He wouldn't have met her and that would have saved him a lot of trouble. Is it that horrible? To have the chance to know her? 
Thoughts of them together went back to the forefronts of his mind and it made his chest ache once again. When he reaches his luxurious bathroom, he closed the door behind him with a click.
One thing crossed his mind when he thought of Chester. The man who was leaning down to kiss the only person he seemed to endlessly want.
Felix doesn't envy him.
Not at all.
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I don’t know what to do with this
I think Soul Eater inspired this, I loved that anime. Made me a fan of Micah Solusod, he did great as SOUL EVANS!
Norah Baldur walked over to a teen boy her age that was playing the piano. “Hi, are you Dante Abraham? I’ve seen you around here.” She said. Dante didn’t turn around, “Yeah, I’ve seen you too. Who wants to know?” He asked. “I’m Norah Baldur.” Norah said. Dante smiled, still not turning around. “Ah, yeah. The straight A student.” He said. “What do you want to ask me?” Norah fidgeted from one foot to the other as she stirred up the courage to ask: “Would you like to be my partner?” Dante whirled around with a smirk on his face. His hand out for her. “Sure, sounds cool.” He said. Norah smiled, her cheeks were pink from happiness. The next day; Norah saw a student’s bag dropped and caught it just in time. Norah gave the gaping girl a smile and returned the bag to her, “Hi, are you new here? Welcome.” She said. And with that, Norah waved and hurried away. There was also something strange about these two: Norah and Dante stepped in classroom to do a demonstration about teamwork. People are amazed by these two of their partnership! But then later during the whole bazaar; Norah was annoyed with the fact no one has bought her old books she was now selling. “Will you not make that face? If you want people to buy this crap, you gotta be friendly!” Dante argued. Norah rolled her eyes. “Uh-uh! Don’t you roll your eyes at me, you wanted to sell this? Just smile and wave! All right?” Dante scolded. Norah glared at him, “Stop bossing me around!” She yelled. However, a customer appeared. She asked about a book, Norah was nice enough to tell to buy it. “It was one of my favorites, I still have a copy with a new designed cover. Take it, really.” Norah offered. The girl nodded, “Thanks.” She said. “Finally, one got sold!” Dante retorted, sarcasm in his voice. Irritated; Norah glared at him again. About one week later; Norah Baldur and Dante Abraham finally got their first mission. They were called in first thing in the morning by the head master. Dante was not a morning person however Norah was, she had to drag his sorry butt over so they bickered along the way. But finally straightened up when they saw the headmaster and seated before him. “Good morning Dante.” Greeted the headmaster. Dante yawned, “Didn’t I tell you that I’m not a morning person?” He snapped. The headmaster turned to Norah, “Norah, how are you?” He asked. Norah beamed after she stretched. “Good, thank you.” She replied. That’s when the headmaster announced about how there is a witch out there that is causing a lot of chaos. Dante and Norah were not surprise however they realized this witch is somewhat of sadist: She uses her voice to make guys aroused enough to want to see her carnage. Norah and Dante are stunned as they glanced at each other. “So what are you thinking?” Norah asked. “Screw it! Let’s go!” Dante said with a deep sigh. Away in a house; a bodacious yet cruel mistress was torturing a guy while blood splatters everywhere! “What’s the matter big boy? Have you have no shame?!” The girl mocked. She breaks down on the Homunculi, taking them all out one by one! She laughed at this and uses her spells. This was the witch that Norah and Dante were going to take down. From outside; Norah and Dante arrived as they stare up at the house. “This must be where she is.” Remarked Norah. Dante looked it over, “Nice place she has but do we really need to sneak in?” He suggested. “I don’t think that’s smart, remember what the headmaster sai…” Norah tried to warn him however Dante broke the door down however he was taken by surprise by the blood, he slipped and fell. He was caught off guard by the corpses, he heaved breaths while trying not to let his gorge rise. Just then, he felt a shadow upon him and turned to see a girl with blonde hair, her dark clothes covered in blood and she wore a witch’s hat. “A…girl? She’s not a witch….?” Dante thought. The girl smiled, “Oooh, have you been a bad boy or what?” She said. Dante felt light-headed. “What is it with this girl? Her voice, her carnage…Why am I feeling so strange? Aroused….I…” He thought. “HEY! I’M TALKING TO YOU!!!” The girl screamed, stamping her foot. 
Dante turned back to her, “Sorry, what?” He asked nervously. The girl folded her arms across her chest, “You look like crap, are you on crack or something?” She snarled. Dante glared at her but had this untrusting smile on his face, “No worries, I’m all right.” He said. “WHAT WERE THINKNING GOING IN LIKE THAT?!” Norah demanded. She marched over while she muttered: “I swear, you are so weird, so…” Norah stopped mid-sentence when she saw Dante’s bloody nose. She came over, “Holy shit, your nose is bleeding. Are you OK?” Norah asked. “Fine, fine. I’m cool.” Dante said. The girl smiled and said in a seductive tone of voice: “Hmm, you sure your boy’s OK? I love sex appeal and blood.” Dante trembled and felt more blood squirting but also felt like he was going to vomit. “Shit!” He cried. Norah gasped but she noticed the witch smiling at Dante crumbling to the ground. “Is it her?” She asked. Dante shrugged, “Sort of. I can’t explain in.” He managed to say however the witch is about to attack Norah but Dante blocks it with his powers. The witch sneered and laughed. “Oooh, now that’s hot.” The witch purred. “The only hot thing is going to be your blood all over the pavement!” Norah said. “Oh yeah? Bring it bitch!” The witch dared. She uses her spells however Norah and Dante are shocked to realize her spells were blood! They managed to escape and hide from her as she searches for them. “We need you to be in total control when you’re around her.” Norah said. Dante sighed, “I’m trying, I don’t know what it is about her.” He admitted. Norah stared at him in concern. Just then; Dante pulls her into a hiding spot and they peeked out. “There she is!” Dante said. He glances at Norah, “What now?” Dante asked. “Hold on, I’m thinking…” Norah whispered. “Hello sweet cheeks.” The witch called out. Dante gasped, Norah groaned. She managed to use her magic against the witch who dodges it. “Man, you are a handful.” Norah retorted. “It’s not my fault, what’s the deal with me having bloodied noses over this girl anyway?!” Dante snapped. “I guess boys have it the hard way.” Norah said through gritted teeth. “I don’t understand you sometimes Norah.” Dante groaned. “Hey Boy, is this bitch giving you shit? Why don’t you forget about her and come away with me? I promise I will keep you safe from the other monsters.” Teased the witch. Dante stared at her in disbelief. But Norah interrupted: “Hang on there, missy! You’re not gonna let Dante get close to you. Not gonna happen.” She scolded. “All right, this is the best part—LET THE BEAT DROP!!!” The witch cried. She kept attacking them while laughing.
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Dead Or Alive: A Canon-Divergent Potterverse AU
They’d made headlines, the pair of them: “Evans and Black at Large!” “Evans and Black Cause Riot!” “Evans and Black Spotted in Hogsmeade!” “Evans and Black Escape Custody!” “Evans and Black: Undesirables One and Two, Still at Large!”
It wasn’t entirely unexpected: Lily Evans had always been a iconoclast, and the name of Black carried an even greater reputation for such behavior — but not the Black who appeared in the pages of the Daily Prophet with her. It was Sirius who had always been the troublemaker, the blood-traitor; nobody would have been surprised to find him running around the countryside with a mudblood, blithely undermining Minister Voldemort’s lawful rule.
         But “Undesirable Number Two” was Regulus.
The good boy, the one who’d followed the rules and joined the team and taken the Mark. The one who’d been too clever for both his master and his mother, and escaped with part of the Dark Lord’s soul hanging around his neck. Escaped, and gone looking for the one person whom Regulus considered so destructive that he’d even be able to destroy a Horcrux: Sirius, his disgraced and distant older brother.
Instead he’d found Lily Evans, sleeping on Sirius’s couch because she couldn’t face the house she’d shared with her husband now that he was dead, and since Sirius had died in the same fight — he and James side-by-side as always, dying like the brothers they’d almost been — it had seemed like the only reasonable place for her to go to ground. When Regulus Black had come bursting in the door, unsealing his brother’s wards with his own blood, black Death Eater robes flapping — well, Lily had Stunned him right off his feet. By the time Regulus had woken up, trussed up tight with his wand in Lily’s pocket, heavy silver locket dangling from her fingers, she’d figured out enough to know what questions to ask.
Shocked at the news of his brother’s death — his troublesome, charismatic, invincible brother — Regulus had actually answered them.
And the rest, as noted novelist Rita Skeeter said in her double-biography Trouble Comes in Twos: the Corruption of a Boy and the Wickedness of a Magical Thief, was history. The Dark Lord rose, the Ministry fell and rose again around him, and the world turned his way — and Evans and Black went on the run and on the offensive.
They started at Hogwarts, of all places — thus proving the inherent savagery of Muggle blood because what kind of monster assaults a children’s school? — and the Headmaster’s Office might never be fully repaired. Their flight to Hogsmeade set a record for casualties in a mid-air pursuit, and they left the Hog’s Head Pub burned to the ground; even innocent businessmen weren’t spared from the violence of their mad spree!
They were captured after breaking into the Malfoys’ stately manor, but managed to escape from custody at the last minute (and wasn’t Death Eater Severus Snape embarrassed that they got away from him!), although without any of the valuables they’d come to plunder — just a solitary book filched from the family’s library, hardly the treasure-trove those greedy criminals had hoped to steal!
The most recent photograph snapped of the pair of muddy malcontents was during their abortive attempt to break into Gringott’s Bank. It showed a pale, freckled woman with jaggedly-cut hair, fire red, in loose robes over Muggle denims and tall boots; that was Evans, Undesirable Number One, the worst Mudblood of them all. She’d been in the lead, casting Curses right and left with abandon; the injuries numbered in the hundreds. Right behind her, just barely turning to face the camera as if he was still somehow shy, had been an unhealthily-skinny young man with gaunt features and straggly black hair, the state of his shabby robes doubtless almost as embarrassing to his mother as the shame he was bringing to the family name, a heavy locket around his neck. He’d been clutching something in a cloth sack that was smoldering slightly in his scorched hands. They looked unkempt, disheveled, deranged — dangerous.
There was a reason the Minister had put a fifty thousand galleon reward out for them, one hundred thousand if they were brought in alive.
Many hoped to claim that reward then, and still do; strangely no one has seen hide nor hair of either since the bank. Their campaign of terror may finally be at an end — but the Minister won’t call off the search parties until he finds corpses.
         That’s fine. Evans and Black mean to find a corpse, too.
General Verse Background Details:
This scenario was originally created by @sunkencrown and is used with permission.
The war ended on the day James Potter and Sirius Black died. They were hardly the only casualties; many of the Order of the Phoenix fell in that battle, leaving the way open for the Dark Lord to claim victory.
Voldemort has seized open control of the Ministry, appointing himself Minister of Magic and placing his Death Eaters in key roles within the government.
Although there are Ministry workers who are muggle-born or half-blood that have been allowed to keep their jobs, many others with less public employment have mysteriously disappeared. People say that they’ve simply gone back from where they came from (the filthy magic thieves!) but something a bit more nefarious hangs in the undertones.
Alterations and addendums to this basic verse-structure are more than welcome!
General Status of Narcissa Lily in This Verse:
There was a second break-in at Malfoy Manor, this one interrupted by Narcissa — whom they didn’t mean to kill, but the Stunner sent her down the marble staircase and, well…
At least Regulus knew where the Malfoys kept their potions cupboard (and what kind of people keep polyjuice on hand like that?) which made temporarily impersonating her to allay Lucius’s suspicions long enough for them to search the place simple…
But Horcruxes aren’t simple. They needed more time. So it stopped being temporary…
Now Lucius is Imperiused, Lily is wearing Narcissa’s face (good thing the woman kept her hair so long; it’ll be years before they run out), and Regulus is masquerading as a foreign-born cousin so he can stay close by. Now they’re racing the clock: can they find what they need before their secret comes out?
Also: Lily was pregnant when James died. She left the baby with her sister because running for their lives was no life for a child, but as long as Voldemort was alive no son of a Muggle-born would be safe. The one upside to settling in to the manor is that no one blinked at the idea that the Malfoys had concealed one of their twins because they’d feared him to be a Squib. All they have to do is keep giving Harry polyjuice so he looks like his “brother,” and Lily can finally be with her son…her sons?
Okay yes technically I am playing a different character here because Narcissa is dead and Lily is impersonating her…but most people won’t know it’s Lily they’re talking to and I love this verse so I’m calling it close enough. Shhh…it’s fine. It’s only cheating a little.
Interaction Notes: I am primarily interested in interactions in this verse set during the period of Lily’s impersonation of Narcissa Malfoy, but am open to “prologue” threads as well. The precise timing of her and Regulus’s habitation at Malfoy Manor is open; any time after 1981 works for me!
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“Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me? Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?”
Rabastan Lestrange
Affiliation: Revolt
Age: Eighteen
Availability: CLOSED
Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario
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+ Charming + Persuasive + Enthusiastic - Hedonistic - Fiery - Calculating
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The second in a pureblood line sounds easy, no pressure of needing to be perfect. After all, you weren’t the heir to anything but that was a grandiose lie. A fib and fallacy. It was almost harder for the second born. No one was allowed to be anything than great if their last name was Lestrange. Rabastan was expected to be a better version than his brother. He needed to know his family history, he needed to know the proper way to conduct himself, he needed to be prepared to make the family proud should his elder brother fail. He was the spare, produced in case the first failed and for little more. He was instructed in etiquette  told that he needed the right friends for the right reasons. As a Lestrange control was key, control those around you and the world would be at your feet. But he wasn’t that kind of child, there was softness in him that his father saw well needed to be stamped out in order for him to either be his brother’s support– or replacement.
His responsibility wasn’t just to his family, he was a pureblood and expected to act as such. Yet his brother’s protection from his father allotted him the freedom of being a child. He would often run off on his own to find some kind of adventure, far off where his parents could not find him. It was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do to watch Rodolphus leave him for Hogwarts. Without his brother’s council he found himself in more trouble than was expected, racing off to play with one Marlene McKinnon. They were just children yet he knew he was violating one his father’s rules. The McKinnons were trash, they were mudblood sympathizers and he was not to even lower himself enough to speak to her. Yet he did anyway, perhaps if her family hadn’t been they could have worked a betrothal; he could have pushed for it if only the McKinnons would align themselves with the right side like they should.  The two were careful enough, developing a code of knocks; never meeting in the same place twice for fear of discovery. If his father discovered them, there was no telling the horrors that would be bestowed upon him. After all, Rod wasn’t there to protect him from the man’s fearsome wrath and with his mother often out of the home as a dignitary for the ministry, he didn’t have any sort of buffer for himself. Yet he didn’t want to give up the one good thing he had, he refused to give up the single friend, the single light in his dark world filled with dark magic. He didn’t deserve the purity of that girl, but he hid the beatings none the less. Eventually she discovered the bruises, the marks and left him. Without the light the darkness came for him and this time he welcomed it with open arms.
When Rabastan started Hogwarts he’d already had training in the Dark Arts from his mother, a Durmstrang graduate. Though she rebuked the idea of sending her youngest to Hogwarts because he was far more talented in curses than he was in charms. Yet, he was sorted into Slytherin, allowing himself to fall into the throng. It was after all the perfect house for him– he was going to be the perfect Lestrange, the perfect snake and the perfect soldier. As a boy he’d known the difference between right and wrong, as a boy he’d struggled to accept because of the McKinnon girl. Her influence was an echo in his mind now, the soft words that warned him what he was doing was wrong. The echo of a time that he struggled to forget. He wasn’t that young when his father used one of the unspeakable curses on him for being disobediant. It wasn’t his mother that came to his aide but his brother, destroying the man that had tortured them both since birth. His mother coming in a moment later to tend to his wounds and destroying any evidence of that man in the home. Rodolphus was heir, he was Lestrange, and he had a plan. Rabastan would do anything to see that plan come to fruition, after all he owed him his life in more ways than one.
When he graduated it was easy for him to take the Dark Mark and move into the throngs of the Dark Lord. That small voice inside him that belonged to a little girl was an echo now, the boy she’d spoken to was nearly gone. He followed the orders set before him, he killed without even bothering to question the notion. After all, power was what mattered now. His brother was his guide, his brother could stay his merciless hand with a simple word. He liked to kill, he liked to show that he was in control and it was easy for him. Yet there was still that voice, that soft voice in the back of his mind echoing for him to try something else. Be someone else.
But he was Rabastan Lestrange, that someone else died as a child. And the execution of his brother by the Minister of Magic reminded him that he didn’t have time to be a child. Losing Rodolphus was hard and at first there was much anger in him about what had happened but when Evan Rosier came to him and told him of the revolution his brother had started things began making more and more sense. He channeled that anger into following where Evan and Bellatrix leaded, he would do anything to help them avenge his brother. Staying under the guise of a Death Eater is easy given that he know that one day they will strike.
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NATHANIAL MULCIBER: Friend - Someone who understands what it means to enjoy the power that comes from killing. While Rabastan enjoys his company and the two have been sent on missions together, the man is probably a negative influence upon him.
SEVERUS SNAPE: Partner - Severus isn’t someone he’d pick for late night chats while on missions but he’s one of few that doesn’t get in his way.
MARLENE MCKINNON: Former Friend - Though it was only briefly the two were together, her influence on him still echoes in his mind like a dream. She was the soul good thing in his life, the light in the dark and while she gave him to the darkness to protect him. They’ve recently reconnected over coffee and he almost wants to be friends again. But Rabastan isn’t sure how he should feel about the woman who was once the warmth he’d needed.
POSSIBLE ALTERNATE FCS: Daniel Sharman, Nathanial Buzolic
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ladylycorine · 7 years
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Dead Or Alive: A Canon-Divergent Potterverse AU
They’d made headlines, the pair of them: “Evans and Black at Large!” “Evans and Black Cause Riot!” “Evans and Black Spotted in Hogsmeade!” “Evans and Black Escape Custody!” “Evans and Black: Undesirables One and Two, Still at Large!”
It wasn’t entirely unexpected: Lily Evans had always been a iconoclast, and the name of Black carried a far greater reputation for such behavior — but not the Black who appeared in the pages of Daily Prophet with her. It was Sirius who had always been the troublemaker, the blood-traitor; nobody would have been surprised to find him running around the countryside with a mudblood, blithely undermining Minister Voldemort’s lawful rule.
          But “Undesirable Number Two” was Regulus.
The good boy, the one who’d followed the rules and joined the team and taken the Mark. The one who’d been too clever for both his master and his mother, and escaped with part of the Dark Lord’s soul hanging around his neck. Escaped, and gone looking for the one person whom Regulus considered so destructive that he’d even be able to destroy a Horcrux: Sirius, his disgraced and distant older brother.
Instead he’d found Lily Evans, sleeping on Sirius’s couch because she couldn’t face the house she’d shared with her husband now that he was dead, and since Sirius had died in the same fight — he and James side-by-side as always, dying like the brothers they’d almost been — it had seemed like the only reasonable place for her to go to ground. When Regulus Black had come bursting in the door, unsealing his brother’s wards with his own blood, black Death Eaters robes flapping — well, Lily had Stunned him right off his feet. By the time Regulus had woken up, trussed up tight with his wand in Lily’s pocket, heavy silver locket dangling from her fingers, she’d figured out enough to know what questions to ask.
Shocked at the news of his brother’s death — his troublesome, charismatic, invincible brother — Regulus had actually answered them.
And the rest, as noted novelist Rita Skeeter said in her double-biography Trouble Comes in Twos: the Corruption of a Boy and the Wickedness of a Magical Thief, was history. The Dark Lord rose, the Ministry fell and rose again around him, and the world turned his way — and Evans and Black went on the run and on the offensive.
They started at Hogwarts, of all places — thus proving the inherent savagery of Muggle blood because what kind of monster assaults a children’s school? — and the Headmaster’s Tower might never be fully repaired. Their flight to Hogsmeade set a record for casualties in a mid-air pursuit, and they left the Hog’s Head Pub burned to the ground because even innocent businessmen weren’t spared from the violence of their mad spree.
They were captured after breaking into the Malfoys’ stately manor, but managed to escape from custody at the last minute (and wasn’t Death Eater Severus Snape embarrassed they got away from him!), although without any of the valuables they’d come to plunder — just a solitary book filched from the family’s library, hardly the treasure-trove those greedy criminals had hoped to steal!
The most recent photograph snapped of the pair of muddy malcontents was during their abortive attempt to break into Gringott’s Bank. It showed a pale, freckled woman with jaggedly-cut hair, fire red, in loose robes over Muggle denims and tall boots; that was Evans, Undesirable Number One, the worst Mudblood of all. She’d been in the lead, casting Curses right and left with abandon; the injuries numbered in the hundreds. Right behind her, just barely turning to face the camera as if he was still somehow shy, had been an unhealthily-skinny young man with gaunt features and straggly black hair, the state of his shabby robes doubtless almost as embarrassing to his mother as the shame he brought to the family name, a heavy locket around his neck. He’d been clutching something in a cloth sack that was smoldering slightly in his scorched hands. They looked unkempt, disheveled, deranged — dangerous.
There was a reason the Minister had put a fifty thousand galleon reward out for them, one hundred thousand if they were brought in alive.
Many hoped to claim that reward then, and still do; strangely no one has seen hide nor hair of either since the bank. Their campaign of terror may finally be at an end — but the Minister won’t call off the search parties until he finds corpses.
          That’s fine. Evans and Black mean to find a corpse, too.
General Verse Backgroud Details:
This scenario was originally created by @sunkencrown and is used with permission.
The war ended on the day James Potter and Sirius Black died. They were hardly the only casualties; many of the Order of the Phoenix fell in that battle, leaving the Dark Lord victorious.
Voldemort has seized open control of the Ministry, appointing himself Minister of Magic and placing his Death Eaters in key roles within the government.
Although there are Ministry workers who are muggleborn or half-blood that have been allowed to keep their jobs, many others with less public employment have mysteriously disappeared. People say that they’ve simply gone back from where they came from (the magic thieves!) but something a bit more nefarious hangs in the undertones.
Alterations and addendums to this basic verse-structure are more than welcome!
General Status of Narcissa Lily in This Verse:
There was a second break-in at Malfoy Manor, this one interrupted by Narcissa — whom they didn’t mean to kill, but the Stunner sent her down the marble staircase and, well...
At least Regulus knew where the Malfoys kept their potions cupboard (and what kind of people keep polyjuice on hand like that?) which made temporarily impersonating her to allay Lucius’s suspicions long enough for them to search the place simple...
But Horcruxes aren’t simple. They needed more time. So it stopped being temporary...
Now Lucius is Imperiused, Lily is wearing Narcissa’s face (good thing the woman kept her hair so long; it’ll be years before they run out), and Regulus is masquerading as a foreign-born cousin so he can stay close by, and they’re racing the clock: can they find what they need before their secret comes out?
Also: Lily was pregnant when James died. She left the baby with her sister because running for their lives was no life for a child, but as long as Voldemort was alive no son of a Muggle-born would be safe. The one upside to settling in to the manor is that no one blinked at the idea that the Malfoys had concealed one of their twins because they’d feared him to be a Squib. All they have to do is keep giving Harry polyjuice so he looks like his “brother,” and Lily can finally be with her son...her sons?
Okay yes technically I am playing a different character here because Narcissa is dead and Lily is impersonating her...but most people won’t know it’s Lily they’re talking to and I love this verse so I’m calling it close enough okay? Shhh...it’s fine.
I am primarily interested in interactions in this verse set during the period of Lily’s impersonation of Narcissa Malfoy, but am open to "prologue” threads as well. The precise timing of her and Regulus’s habitation at Malfoy Manor is completely open; any time after 1981 works for me!
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legatumrpg · 6 years
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full name: dorcas meadowes
age: nineteen
gender and pronouns: cisfemale and she/her
blood status: halfblood
occupation: auror in training
affiliation: the order
i n t r o d u c t i o n »
It is rumoured that you were born with a paintbrush in your hands. Before you can walk, you painted the walls of your home despite the wishes of your parents. You are a soul that longed to be an artist, but in your heart you always knew that you would follow a different path. As your friends go down a line of war, you don’t want them to go without you. You have always stood by your beliefs and fighting might not be one of them but loyalty is. They take on the dangers of life, and so must you.
b i o g r a p h y »
The Meadowes had always found themselves with the desire to have children but desire is hardly key to having a child. For years, they kept saying how much they wanted a huge family but something was always in the way of that happening. When Kathleen found herself pregnant, it certainly wasn’t during one of their periods of trying but nonetheless, they welcomed their first and only child into the world. After her birth, Dorcas seemed to be a little too much to handle. Given the sleepless nights and constant crying, Dorcas just wasn’t what they had expected out of a child. Still, they didn’t give up. Even when she got into her terrible twos and filled the walls with her drawings, despite the wishes of her parents not to. At the end of the day, her parents found that it was all worth it. Dorcas was hardly an easy child, but she was one that had quite a childhood. Every day, there was something new for her parents to deal with and once her magic came in, her parents just had more on their plates than before. They had to pull her out of the Muggle school her mother had insisted she attend until this day, due to an unfortunate accident involving paint brushes disappearing from the art class.
Hogwarts was hardly anything like that Muggle school. Forget about maths, she was in a world that she only knew from the stories her parents told her. It didn’t take long before she found herself in a comfortable spot in the Gryffindor Tower. While she should have spent the years focused on magic, Dorcas spent a little too much time inside her own mind, a blank canvas in one hand and paint in the other. Forgetting to eat, attend class, sleep, anything that didn’t hold her focus the way art did was gone from her mind. It took others to have to remind her to do those basic essentials of life. When the final years crept up on her, she originally just wanted to focus on art but only taking art classes hardly filled her quota without having Professor McGonagall breathing down her neck so taking classes alongside some of her friends seemed like an excellent idea and would definitely result in becoming quite useful once she was out of Hogwarts.
Graduation came and went, and Dorcas spent three months trying to get an art career going. The world seemed to have other plans, along with her parents. They had originally supported her but highly encouraged that she did something else on the side. Really, it was their way of telling her to get a job and make some money so she can afford to live on her own. Lucky for her, Dorcas did take – and pass – the classes that could result in a career of an Auror, much like some of her friends. It was an easy path to take, the road of becoming an Auror, and while she was a bit behind those she cares for, she knows that at least they were in this together. Much like they are concerning the war. Dorcas isn’t quite sure how she personally feels about the war and really isn’t a fan of the whole idea of fighting, but her friends are out there risking their lives so she’s far more than just willing to stand by their side.
It’s easy to think about fighting in a war, but it’s much harder to fight one you don’t really believe in. Dorcas did doubt what they were doing was right, yes of course she believed that Muggles and Muggleborns should not be killed out for just being born but she was naive enough to believe in a way to settle the dispute without wands raised. However, Dorcas would never just leave her friends like that. Never want to put them in such danger. Which is exactly why she gets caught by the Death Eaters, why You-Know-Who throws the killing curse at her like it was nothing. Dorcas went back for a friend, wanting to keep them safe only for those who wish to do harm make an example out of her -- a warning. Look what they can do. Stand down or you’ll end the same way as her. After all, death does not discriminate between the sinners and the saints.
c o n n e c t i o n s »
lily evans and marlene mckinnon » You didn’t feel as though you belonged in the same house as these two. Both were fighters and you, clearly not. They kept you from floating away, with your head in the clouds while you cheered for them at every turn. As they made their own paths, you followed. The idea of them being in danger, having to stand against an evil is something you won’t let happen. Not alone. You want them to know you will stand by them. Even if that means fighting in a war you don’t believe in, even if that results in your own death.
emmeline vance » They say that friendships are supposed to be everlasting but all those who say that clearly missed out on the history of these two. They were once as close as can possibly be but the world decided that would not do. Your friendship with them crumbled before your eyes and you don’t remember what went wrong. Some days you wish to rekindle what once was there but most of the time, you rather it stay in the past and so you have.
gilderoy lockhart » You were once the president of the Gilderoy Lockhart fan club and let’s face it, you still are. It’s hard not to see why. Despite your best attempts, they have never looked your way. At least, not the way you want them to. You may be crazy to ever consider having a chance with them but you love to entertain the idea. Deep in your heart, you know it will never be but that’s what fantasies were made for.
Dorcas Meadowes is played by PAULINA SINGER and is DECEASED
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years
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Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Gina!
You have been accepted for the role of SEVERUS SNAPE with the faceclaim change of Aneurin Barnard! We really enjoyed Severus’ ambiguous motivations that might come back to bite him in the butt later on! Your personality section was on point and we’re looking forward to having the resent grump come back to the Order. We are so excited to have you as part of this roleplay!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Gina
AGE: 25
ACTIVITY LEVEL: First and foremost, I’m a promotions producer at a local news station, so I’m on call if breaking news happens. Thankfully, for my job, doesn’t happen too often. Also, my boss is currently on maternity leave, but will be back mid-March. In the meantime, I’ve been given a lot of extra tasks that sometimes make me work 60 hour weeks. Luckily, The Academy Awards was one of our biggest nights with deadlines, news, etc., so things have somewhat calmed down. Thank goodness! Weekends are usually when I’m on the most. I’ll try to get on during the week – especially on my early days. All that being said, I’ll definitely will be able to post at least once a week! As long as writing is still fun, and doesn’t feel like a chore, I’ll be on the dash frequently (and I’m very good about keeping admins informed if there’s ever going to be an issue with activity check)!
ANYTHING ELSE: trigger: non-con.
NAME: Severus Snape
AGE: 21
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis-Male, He/Him, Heterosexual.
ANY CHANGES: Request FC change: Aneurin Barnard. I can see Adam Driver work as well. Either way, I am comfortable - just happen to have more resources of Aneurin.
Generally, Severus is seen rather than heard.
The mind of Severus Snape is complex – to be sure. Filled with calculations, fragile threads of truths and lies he’s told and webbing them all together, and innovations for many different forms of magic. To keep all of these thoughts collected, Severus keeps a journal that he has heavily bound to keep secret. There, he states the deepest parts of his soul, creates new potions, spells, and whatever else he deems worthy. It is protected by a blood spell that only he knows the enchantment to. Like him, everything is kept very private and close to his chest.
While Severus has plenty of thoughts coursing through his brilliant mind, he does not initiate conversation. In fact, he says much more with his eyes. Even if they can be cold. However, this does not mean Severus will keep silent – nor is it out of shyness. When Snape graces others with his opinions or ideas, they should not be taken lightly. Every single word uttered has meaning.
Being around Death Eaters and the Dark Lord, he’s kept a keen eye – finding everyone’s tells and when it is best for him to speak his true sentiments. As well as this, if he feels provoked or given an opportunity to speak freely, he will not cower. Often, his retorts have a bite to them, thick with sarcasm or bitterness; or both.
Severus Snape is profound in potions – and dare we say even more skilled in the Dark Arts. Books were a comfort for him growing up, finding company with leather-bound pages and becoming well-versed in their contents. A strength he chooses not to boast about is his ability to create new spells, new magic, even. Most of these, however, were being saved to get a slight revenge over his old school enemies. And therein lies the rub. Snape’s insecurities are tightly bound to Hogwarts and being bullied – not to mention his inability to reveal his true feelings toward the one girl who showed him kindness all those years.
A broken family. That was the home of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince.
A Muggle father and a Pureblood mother. Such parents didn’t give Severus an opinion on blood purity – but rather if an individual could prove themselves. While his parents may have had married for love at some point, something shifted their feelings.
For Snape’s father, nothing seemed to please him. Except for, perhaps, a bottle of gin. This instilled a primal instinct for Severus to do better; be better. Strive for power.
As for Snape’s mother, she grew sickly and thin. Her grief taught him empathy. It also made him value any comfort; starving for any sort of love and affection. This was, most likely, the cause for Severus’ immediate interest in Lily Evans – and the roots of his near-obsession with her.
Both of his parents were unhappy, and let it affect both their home and their son. Living near-destitution, the Snape house was filled with hateful words, arguments, loud shattering of priceless heirlooms or objects, and other things that still haunt Severus to this day. When thinking back on his past, Severus prefers the memories of when they both neglected him altogether, rather than any other aspects of his upbringing.
Potions Apprentice to Professor Slughorn.
Invaluable to the Dark Lord, the talents of Severus Snape brought him closer to his inner circle. For Voldemort, it also meant he could manipulate the young man’s talents to foil any plots that the Order may have against him. Knowing his passion for potions, Voldemort encouraged Snape to take on an apprenticeship with Professor Slughorn – while also peeking behind the curtain at Hogwarts and keeping an eye on the Headmaster.
**I read the following note: “Severus will not be in the plotline until a player is accepted in his role. Him turning on the Death Eaters and coming to the Order as a spy will be considered a “roulette” plot drop whenever he becomes a taken character. Until that happens, players should write as though he is not yet in the Order.” AND he plot drops, *so I’m writing him as if he’s newly joined the Order at first as a DE spy, but now as a means to win Lily’s friendship back. 😊
Walking a thin line between hero and villain had never once crossed Severus’ mind. Yet, here he was. An Order member. At first, in a plot for the Dark Lord, carrying out the order to spy on the organization; find out how it could crumble. The young wizard had already grown steadily in their ranks, garnered enough trust, and was even listening to Voldemort’s other requests like his employment. All for the sake of war. It was a task daunting enough for anyone; however, Severus knew pretending to be an Order member would bring him closer to Lily. That, and potentially erase any suspicions Frank Longbottom might have if he thought he saw the Slytherin’s face during the arrest. At first, it was all an act.
Now, within the Order, Severus is a black sheep. Many of his childhood bullies are within their ranks, and many who distrust him. Although, with Severus’ lust for power, proving himself is nothing new to him. In fact, he thrives on it. No more fighting behind a mask…watching those he cares for nearly meet their end. An easy task to spy, being a great reader of both people and their minds. However, an overwhelmingly difficult task to want to continue fighting for something he didn’t believe in. Not that he believes in the Order either, but his lust for power has now been overcome with a desperate need to win an old friendship back. Perhaps to take Lily Evans far away from any wars as well, forgetting the two sides; no more choosing between what is right, and what is easy. Severus faces this new challenge, while fighting off those he once stood beside. For now, he’ll leave it to fate – if he’s able to win Lily’s friendship back. Maybe even try and win her heart as well.
Severus Snape survives purely relying on his skills – and providing them to whichever side he feels is winning. It was part of the reason why he joined the Death Easters in the first place. Unfortunately for the Order, Snape believes the Dark Lord will win; that they will fall – and not rise from the ashes, as their namesake. A lust for power has blinded him most of all. But with it, he’s earned the trust of Voldemort, become invaluable. A faithful servant. Once the war s over, Severus believes he will be rewarded for his acts. At least, as long as he continues to do his bidding…
While with the Order, Severus has taken up housing in Hogwarts during the school year under his apprenticeship with Slughorn. During the summers, he’s found a small flat down near Hogsmeade to keep close enough. Beforehand, he often stayed with Lucius Malfoy in their incredibly large manor. It made it easy to stay near his comrades and to carry out any dark deeds.
Until there seems to be a clear winner, Severus will carry out his work as a spy. Even if it means slightly changing sides to do it as time goes on. The skills he carries with Occlumency are not to be trifled with. It seems he’s one of the few to have mastered such magic, making him the perfect soldier for espionage.
Severus’ relationship with Lily Evans was broken long ago. However, he will try and make peace with her, at the very least. If they rekindle their friendship, Severus would likely switch sides; happily die for her and prove himself. If it blossomed even more (something he fears even daydreaming about will jinx it), Severus would give up everything with the Dark Lord and his following. Everything with the Order. All to be with her – away from the rotting parts of the Wizarding World.
Ships: Snape/Lily & Snape/Chemistry.
Anti-Ships: None
Having gone through a very traumatic animalistic incident in his years at Hogwarts, Severus has a large bias against werewolves. The whole experience left a nasty memory for him, left in complete shock and disagreement with Dumbledore. And having Fenrir Greyback at the Dark Lord’s disposal certainly didn’t make matters any better.
There is one thing that will never chance for Severus Snape, and that is his hatred and bitterness towards certain Gryffindor boys he now has to work with in the Order. The thought alone makes his blood boil and skin crawl. Yet, he will do what he must for his cause…and maybe even throw in a snide remark or two every so often.
Muggleborns are something of a mystery to Snape now. When he first met Lily, he thought she was different from any other one – slumping the rest together with the likes of his father. Although seeing how fierce Dorcas has become – and so well integrated with the Wizarding World – Severus has gained a new understanding. Of course, he’s still untrusting, at first, and even a little cold; but, that doesn’t mean his mind cannot be changed.
Jess and I were talking because I’ve been itching to write again. She linked me to the RP, and there was a spark to my muse once more! Had to apply because I love the Wizarding World and exploring it. This is an interesting take on the Marauders era, in that it’s concentrating on one organization and its inner workings. I’m excited to explore that!
There was a head cannon I had once read where Irma Prince is actually Severus’ mother in disguise. That might be something to play around with! Perhaps to prove his loyalties to the Dark Lord, he must eliminate his parents. Instead of this, Severus uses his connections to hide her as the librarian at Hogwarts and keep her safe.
ANYTHING ELSE? Super excited to be applying! 😊
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