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n0r5k1-ouid · 6 months ago
so much is happening all at once.
never thought i'd be back in Norway, but I guess now's as good of a time as ever. It's nice to see my brother and his friends again, and even get involved in their shenanigans.
But this?
My bastard father hid so much from everyone, and now it is all coming to light.
Jeg skulle ønske alt ville roe seg ned, ikke bare for min skyld, men for min bonus lillebror. Det virker som han trenger det.
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jajna · 2 years ago
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One day late for Megamind Monday.. Alas, I DID draw this yesterday lol Gotta question the morals of the blue alien with a seemingly dead, naked clone of himself as a tank neighbor..... At this point we have to assume Alixon’s explosion powers are drained in this tank. The patience! She never stay inside this long. Absolutely not.
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timmydraker · 21 days ago
Tim, holding something behind his back: don’t be mad.
Bruce, already getting mad: I won’t get mad, you can always talk to me. What’s going on?
Tim, revealing a swaddled baby: I messed up when cloning Kon and accidently spilt my DNA into it and now I have a clone baby with my dead situationship.
Bruce, flabbergasted: ..???
Bruce: why were you cloning- when did you start datin- I’m a grandpa?! No, go back, how did you ‘accidently’ spill DNA aren’t you paranoid too????
Tim, who may or may not have been crying over one of the clones and accidently cut his lip trying not to sob and got blood into a test chamber: that’s not important.
Bruce, hyperventilating: why is it so small????
Tim: cause she’s only two months old.
Bruce; I understand that, but even an average two month old should be-…
Bruce: two.
Bruce: you said two months.
Tim: you said you wouldn’t get mad.
Bruce: you hid a baby for TWO MONTHS?!
Tim: WELL! I don’t know I’m seventeen, what did you expect?
Bruce, actively loosing brain cells: if you can clone your dead boyfriend-
Tim: we never actually started dating-
Bruce: -then you can tell your father you had a baby.
Tim: …
Tim: I’m not exactly sure what stage of being an adult I am, I started a little young I think.
Tim: but I am a mother now so don’t you dare yell at me.
Bruce: …
Tim: …
Bruce: …
Bruce: … can I hold her?
Tim, grinning in victory: wash your hands first and then you can.
Bruce: why is she a girl if you and Kon are both male?
Tim: are you questioning my baby’s gender??? That’s so homophobic, gay men can raise girls.
Bruce: you know damn well I didn’t mean-
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specialagentartemis · 7 months ago
Scenario: a sample of your DNA was taken, popped into a cell, and cloned into a baby, gestated in a sci-fi artificial womb vat. The first time you or anyone in your family meets this baby is after it has already been born out of said vat. You can hold the newborn if you want, it's up to you, but it is a living breathing baby that was cloned from your DNA and is genetically identical to you.
I love clone philosophy. Give me all your philosophy of clones
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supertaliart · 2 months ago
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Thinking about the Coruscant subway system
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primthegreat · 4 months ago
Something that definitely happened during Young Justice:
Kon, trying to be angsty: You just don’t understand Rob, I’m a clone, I’ll never be anything other than that!
Tim: Yours not a clone, you’re a test tube baby.
Kon: What?
Tim: You have Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, You’re biologically their kid, a clone is the exact copy of one’s DNA.
Kon: …
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months ago
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i think about ahsoka's "she was my friend" line too many times a day
(commission info // tip jar!)
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nenoname · 4 months ago
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hunting down a specific image but finding miscellaneous storyboards/some cut panels from the stan comic story instead
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redn1ghtcrawler · 7 months ago
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Was supposed to be a warmup but eh…
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reasonsforhope · 5 months ago
"Once thought to be extinct, black-footed ferrets are the only ferret native to North America, and are making a comeback, thanks to the tireless efforts of conservationists.
Captive breeding, habitat restoration, and wildlife reintegration have all played a major role in bringing populations into the hundreds after near total extinction.
But one other key development has been genetic cloning.
In April [2024], the United States Fish and Wildlife Service announced the cloning of two black-footed ferrets from preserved tissue samples, the second and third ferret clones in history, following the birth of the first clone in December 2020. 
Cloning is a tactic to preserve the health of species, as all living black-footed ferrets come from just seven wild-caught descendants.  This means their genetic diversity is extremely limited and opens them up to greater risks of disease and genetic abnormalities. 
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Now, a new breakthrough has been made.
Antonia, a black-footed ferret cloned from the DNA of a ferret that lived in the 1980s has successfully birthed two healthy kits of her own: Sibert and Red Cloud.
These babies mark the first successful live births from a cloned endangered species — and is a milestone for the country’s ferret recovery program.
The kits are now three months old, and mother Antonia is helping to raise them — and expand their gene pool.
In fact, Antonia’s offspring have three times the genetic diversity of any other living ferrets that have come from the original seven ancestors.
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Researchers believe that expanded genetic diversity could help grow the ferrets’ population and help prime them to recover from ongoing diseases that have been massively detrimental to the species, including sylvatic plague and canine distemper. 
“The successful breeding and subsequent birth of Antonia's kits marks a major milestone in endangered species conservation,” said Paul Marinari, senior curator at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. 
“The many partners in the Black-footed Ferret Recovery Program continue their innovative and inspirational efforts to save this species and be a model for other conservation programs across the globe.���
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Antonia actually gave birth to three kits, after mating with Urchin, a 3-year-old male ferret. One of the three kits passed away shortly after birth, but one male and one female are in good health and meeting developmental milestones, according to the Smithsonian.
Mom and babies will remain at the facility for further research, with no plans to release them into the wild.
According to the Colorado Sun, another cloned ferret, Noreen, is also a potential mom in the cloning-breeding program. The original cloned ferret, Elizabeth Ann, is doing well at the recovery program in Colorado, but does not have the capabilities to breed. 
Antonia, who was cloned using the DNA of a black-footed ferret named Willa, has now solidified Willa’s place as the eighth founding ancestor of all current living ferrets.
“By doing this, we’ve actually added an eighth founder,” said Tina Jackson, black-footed ferret recovery coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in an interview with the Colorado Sun. 
“And in some ways that may not sound like a lot, but in this genetic world, that is huge.”
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Along with the USFWS and Smithsonian, conservation organization Revive & Restore has also enabled the use of biotechnologies in conservation practice. Co-founder and executive director Ryan Phelan is thrilled to welcome these two new kits to the black-footed ferret family.
“For the first time, we can definitively say that cloning contributed meaningful genetic variation back into a breeding population,” he said in a statement.
“As these kits move forward in the breeding program, the impact of this work will multiply, building a more robust and resilient population over time.”"
-via GoodGoodGood, November 4, 2024
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meandtheyeehaws · 6 months ago
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have some uhhhhh clone content based on sth from one of @tattycoram 's incorrect quotes :]
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n0r5k1-ouid · 9 months ago
I finally manage to get away from the fucking soldiers and see my brother
For the first time in ELEVEN YEARS
And I come back to his house being blown up and a man’s death.
What the fuck.
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kelstares · 1 month ago
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jedi master tano and grand master kenobi
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nikscribbles · 2 months ago
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"Ahsoka" acrylic on canvas just finished last night! Might make prints when the Rex painting is done
TBH painting my SWTCW favorites has been immensely therapeutic over the last few days and I can't wait to get them framed 💙
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1300marshall · 16 days ago
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