#clone trooper do-si-do
jgvfhl · 2 years
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OC-tober going digital!!! Here's Trees enjoying his beloved morning Routine; and there's Do-si-do teaching Elevensies a cool dance move! Do-si-do is a very coordinated person, and definitely tears up the dance floor at 79s on Disco Nights (@soclonely 79s has Disco Nights, right???).
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fandom-friday · 4 months
NEXT from Owlie's Gallery is this wonderful piece I drew of two of my Number Lads, Sevenset and Do-si-do 🥺 I love them so much I just want more people to see this....
Sevens' tattoos were so much fun to draw!!!
I think I remember seeing this one come through the recs before, and I loved it then, and I still love it now! The colors are SO VIBRANT and cool, and I adore the tattoos and designs of both of them! Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Unseen Scars
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Summary: Female Jedi survived order 66 hides out in the underground of Ord Mantell. Hiding out in Cid's parlor keeping your head down you see Rex's face and get sent backward in time. (Gif by @dreamswithghosts)
Warning: Order 66 Jedi Trauma, Feeling Haunted, Soft Rex, Angsty and Love
Word count: 2.7
(part two)
The costs of war can never be truly accounted for, you spun the disgusting bottom shelf liquid around your glass pondering Master Yoda's saying noting how right it was. Your head swam back to when the order was given, feeling all the death and pain through the force. The betrayal on the deepest level, soldiers we fought beside for years trusted with our lives killing us like discarded bantha fodder. We never saw it coming, we speculated something was coming but we never dreamed that our dearest allies would turn on us. You wondered if anyone had made it and if they too lived like womp rats hiding in darkness.
One must let go of the past to hold on to the future. The saying twisted in your guts like a knife, how does one even move past something like that? How could I even think of the future? Your mind wandered to your closest... friend and confidant then the rage seethed like it normally did when you envision his face knowing it was one of countless who gunned down Jedi. You slammed the drink back. Looking up you saw another hooded stranger walking sitting in the other dark corner. Your mind went blank at this presence, body screaming at you to run... it didn't take long to find out why. Frozen to your seat like the ice of Hoth itself held you down forcing you to watch the scene unfolds. In the commotion your hood most have fallen back, the four men and him stared at you you didn't hear a word that was said before that your ears rang and your mind fell blank. Puzzled looks fell on the four men's faces as he softly said "Commander..." The title use to make your heart flutter everytime he called it out but now it just filled you with terror. Any minute now he was going to shoot, your heart pounded and your feet finally started moving.
Rex fell to unabashedly to his knees for a moment watching you flee from him, she's not dead, the relief flooded him followed by agonizing truth that you were horrified of him, why wouldn't you be? Why didn't you hear that his chip was gone? His hand wiped the revolution that trickled from his eyes. Rex's head was spinning but he pulled himself up one leg at a time. He looked at Echo who was staring at the door before turning to him gripping his shoulder, "We'll find her, Captain."
"Who was that, Rex?" Hunter asked.
"A Jedi," Echo whispered, "a very dear friend of ours."
Hunter waited staring at Rex knowing there was more to the story, "Found her," Tech said interrupting the silence.
"Where is she," Echo said taking the data pad from Tech, "She's on the move-" finally noticing the wetness he wiped from his face.
"Girlfriend, wasn't she?" Tech said filling in the unspoken blanks.
"Soldier's can't have relations with the Jedi-" Rex stated.
"The Republic is gone and to the Empire you are dead," Tech said flatly.
"We have to go, Captain," Echo urged, Rex nodded and the Five of them started running.
What is lost is often found. Ord Mantell had become your darkness, a sliver of peace and privacy in the blossoming chaos of the Empire spreading through out the galaxy. A chance to fade into the shadows as a relic of an era that was over. Now this home had to be abandon just like everything else. Your feet kept running and the hair on back of your neck stood up. You looked back, nearly tripping noticing the four's armor. Commando's, the deadliest troopers, designed differently and raised to endure. They probably have everything mapped out in their hands, it's like shooting a rancor in a cage. Not even with my saber do I stand a chance against four... Although one seems familiar... You looked back noticing the one with a stomp, "Echo... Clone Force 99," you ducked sideways into the nearest building. Crosshair has to be up above some where waiting for his trap to spring.
You cut through the building hopefully buying yourself time to think. Running out of breath you rested for a second against the wall. You mentally listed Hunter's, Tech's and Wrecker's enhancements. Anyone but Wrecker even with his strength I doubt it would be quick... Then again with Crosshairs temperament I doubt he would be either. You hit your head back against the wall before taking off again. Turning your head again you saw Hunter catching up, you stopped for a second using the force to rip a door and shoved it in his direction, but you knew it was to late his hunters sense of smell and hearing... If I could just get to the nightclub... I could use that against him- You're body collided with a solid mass and tumbled back, Echo. You scrambled back to your feet defensively reaching for the lightsaber that was no longer there.
"I'm putting down my blaster," Echo said eyeing you like a rapid animal waiting to lounge, "Commander, you're safe. None of us are going to hurt you nor to turn you in."
"The clones betrayed us," you gritted out slowly backing out of the room.
"Not all of us, Commander," Rex said behind you and his arms come around you. Feeling you thrash against him, "Mesh'la..." he got out pained softly whispering your name, "You're safe," he felt your legs buckle slowly took both of you to the ground holding you against him wrapping his arms around you tighter hearing the sobs start. He gave Echo a weary look as he sat looking at the two of you.
"Commander, I'm glad you made it. Both of you," Echo said taking off his helmet setting it off to the side, "The three of us together again," he added quietly with a small chuckle.
"Say something..." Rex whispered, "anything..."
"Let me go.." as you finished the sentence Rex's arm came off, always the loyal solider following orders. Pathetically you crawled away from both of them curling your knees to your body. You looked at them resting your head on your knee, "Is this some sick trick?" You whispered.
Rex's fingers went to the scar on the side of his head, "It's gone," he paused reaching out his hand, "Ask me again."
Anxiously you took his hand and asked again feeling the truth in the answer and Echo did the same, "The others need to get their chips out but they haven't activated, I promise."
Finally you genuinely looked at Rex, the fine buzzed blonde hair, the poncho hiding his 501st armor and earthy tones eyes staring back at you. You stared at him the red veins in his eyes, you wiped the tears from your own looking up out the windows. There was no imperial ships above waiting because they would have been here by now. Glancing down you found your hand visibly shaking you pulled your arms into your lap handing them. You looked back at Rex as much as you wanted to see him your mind kept slipping backwards seeing the troopers fire at you and the others fleeing. Shutting your eyes you buried your head in your lap.
"So... why are they just sitting there?" Wrecker asked.
"Given the last time she was around regs they tried to terminate her per Order 66," Tech offered, "If she around them when the order was given which I am assuming she was given her behavior."
"Shouldn't we be in there because we're not regs?"
"No, we still have our chips however deviant we are if what Captain Rex says to be true, the three of us are the dangerous ones. I would leave them be."
"Commander..." Rex said softly.
"The war is over, you don't need to call me that," you said lifting your head to your knees. Rex whispered your name softly and you forced yourself to look at him, "What?" you whispered.
"I'm glad you're still here."
You reminded silent for a moment, How do I even answer that? I'm not. "Thank you," you decided to be polite.
"Do you want me to give you two a couple minutes?" Echo asked softly.
No, "Yes," forced its way out through your strained vocals.
Echo looked at Rex hesitantly before prying himself off the hard ground heading outside to meet up with his squad, finding the anxious look on their faces discussing what had compelled Rex to cry given it was next to impossible for a clone. Everyone in the had 501st gossiped about what was going between them but neither of them had every winded any truth to it, Echo aired that curiosity to them which silenced them in understanding.
Rex moved closer to you watching you flinch moving his hands under his poncho watching you tense up as he took it off. He slowly took off his armor laying it to him revealing the plain civvies underneath, "Just me," he whispered watching you relax a bit. He cautiously scoot forward waiting to see if you would move away when you didn't he came a hands width away. He looked at the ponchow with an idea putting it over both of your heads surrounding both of you in completed darkness to keep the reminders of his face at bay but also privacy, "Just us."
"Why did you chase after me?"
"I always protect my Jedi, I'll always protect you."
"Why did you send 99 after me... it was horrifying."
"That wasn't my idea albeit it was a good plan to get around you sensing me if you were distracted," Rex admitted, "It worked in my favor, albeit to well." Weakly Rex let his finger tips touch your knee waiting to see if you'd jerk away but you didn't and he slide his palm on your knee resting it there. He gave it a gentle squeeze, "I'm sorry."
Shakily you put your hand on top of it and squeezed it back. The familiar warmth radiated off him, "Rex," the name rolled from your tongue like a distant pleasant memory, "it's getting hot under here." He laid one hand on top yours and used the other to cast aside the poncho to the ground, "Better" you whispered.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?" it pained him to think about finding you again and losing you again but it comforted him that you had survived. He smiled watching the emotions coast through your face, you'd always been so good at hiding them but now they were as plain to see as the stars in a clear night.
Your mind screamed yes but the familiar warmth in your heart said no. Staring at the scar on his head, you shook your head Rex isn't a threat, Rex isn't a threat, Rex isn't a threat. Your stomach turned but you allowed yourself to reach out to him through the force finding the familiar honesty, courage, loyalty, the secret in his heart that did his best to hide from the outside world was so blatantly on display with his touch. You watch pain on his face slowly relieving.
You felt him slowly weave his fingers through yours, "Is that okay?" he asked.
"I can feel Echo's contentment and laughter from here," you weakly laughed.
"They did speculate about what was going on between us," Rex smiled looking up at Echo laughing in the window giving him a thumbs up hearing him faintly say 'Called it'. Rex groaned still smiling, "Will you allow this humble man to walk you back to the parlor?"
"Yeah... I need a drink... or a dozen," you said prying yourself up with him still holding your hand as he stood up himself temporarily letting go to reaffix his armor and poncho.
"When did you take up drinking?" he asked arching an eyebrow relacing his fingers through yours noting you wouldn't look at him to long but the expression said enough as to why. His thumb traced the reminiscent intimate skin of his love, each swipe solidifying that you were alive and there not just some figment of his imagination holding him to the past, "I've missed you with each breath of life my soul expels."
Your face flames at his words, "When did you become a poet?" you jested.
"To many late nights wondering what happened to you."
Echo rejoined the two of you but everyone else gave you breathing room. Even with his fingers gripping to yours he still brought his other hand across his body holding onto your arm for dear life. You looked up at him almost crying again, even before all of this you never publicly got to walk down the street with him or show any interest in him.
"What is it?" he whispered, "My fabulous hair getting in your eye?" he attempted to crack a joke.
"That was horrible, Captain," Echo chuckled.
You squeezed his hand, "Never got to do this before... walk down the street just as me and you."
"It's a different time," he offered.
"So Comm-" Echo caught the title switching to your name instead, "How long," he said motioning his finger between the two of you."
Rex looked at you a bright scarlet sweeping his face, "Well... somewhere between the whole time and now," he offered.
Echo gave him a flabbergasted look, "What."
"Help?" Rex choked out taking his extra hand off your arm to rub his head awkwardly which got an even more expressive reaction from Echo,
"Tibrin," you offered back smirking at the unspoken about mission.
Echo groaned knowing the answer was going to get him no where. He looked at both of you smiling, "Everything in the galaxy has changed but I'm glad something stayed the same."
"I didn't think it would," Rex said flatly staring at the ground for a couple minutes before looking back up.
You stopped as much as the anxiety about the clones put you on edge, that comment stung worse, "Commander?" he asked staring at you. Even Echo had stopped.
"To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe. Do you believe I would so easily changeable?"
"We change everyday to adapt to this new world. Who we are now is not who we were when we met."
You dropped his hand continued walking, "Cyare," he groaned wrapping his arms around you pulling you to him, "You didn't let me finish. We as people change but in no galaxy, nor time apart nor in death will my heart ever beat for anyone else. Looks at me Mesh'la," Rex swallowed although his mouth and throat were parched, "Let me kiss you to prove it."
You looked up at him, Rex had never been one for public affection even so much as holding his hands behind his back and side stepping if he was even within a foot of you even in moments of privacy outside of a confined bedroom. He peeled his gloves off sticking them in his pocket, "It's only ever been you," he said lightly touching your face with one hand waiting before bringing the other to your face caressing you pull you close to him lowering himself to you waiting and when you didn't move he took your bottom lip between his.
It was like thrusters coming online, an inferno blazing between the both of you. Every feeling of love, pain, lost and aching of the soul. Somewhere in the distant you heard Echo laughing and calling the two of you cute. Your fingers shakily found the side of his feeling the familiar cut of his cheeks and strength of his jaw. Then up to the scar flinching you pulled away. There was a temporary look of disappointment on his face followed by understanding. He grilled your fingers tighter, “I’ll spend the rest of life protecting you from the unseen scars with my love.” Rex pulled you closed, “I love you.”
Maybe a part two?
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toska-writes · 2 years
“Seppie Tag”
Summary: Downtime on the Dominator could only mean one thing. A “training” in stealth and stamina
Pairing: 501st x Gn Padawan reader (ok ok ok take a guess what it is…. Did you say platonic? Good job!)
Warning: None please enjoy!
Word count: 1179
Notes: don’t be scared to suggest any ideas or pairing!
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The halls echoed and magnified any footsteps near, at the moment they were quite. Too quite for a ship housing the infamous 501st.
You peaked down the corridors for any sign of life. The silence eased you a little as you turned back to the panel on the wall to open the next door.
'Tup, I repeat Tup was tagged I saw it with my own eyes!' The voice that belong to none other than Fives sounded from your comm. Echos voice going over what you could assume was a strategy was heard from the background.
That made Tup, Jesse, and Hardcase the 'Seppie' of the game, their goal is to tag everyone else aboard the Dominator.
The door swooshed open as the comms erupted by a few troopers and their comments on the new tagger.
Looking ahead down the new hall the bottom half of some plastroid armor quickly vanished behind another corner.
Listening for a moment the quite footfalls gave no hint about who it could be, but it definitely ruled some heavy footers out.
Making your way down the corridor your head constantly on a swivel listening for anything that could hint at another person.
Quite shouts filled your senses as you started a brisk jog trying to get to the bridge of the ship. It was one of the better options you had to hide out in.
"Why would we ever do that?" Someone whispered from somewhere to your left.
"Do you have a better idea Vod we need to find more people." A voice responded "it's better so we wouldn't get picked off as quick.
You crouched down by a nearing vent assuming that’s the place some people were holding a normal conversation. "Planning to sacrifice your brothers Fives? How noble of you."
There was bumping around for a moment until the hatch popped open.
"Maker Y/N" Echo grabbed his chest as he slumped against the wall after he crawled his way out. "I thought someone found us."
"No no." You put your hands up as a mock surrender. "But we could help each other you know."
Fives stood behind you now he added. "You know that wouldn't be such a bad idea si-." He was cut off by the comms buzzing before he could finish.
"We have news boys." Jeese laughed onto the comm channel. "Rex has become a Seppie and is on hot pursuit of the General."
You looked around at each of the clones for a second, this was bad- if anyone could finish the job quickly by tagging everyone it was the Captain and the General together.
A dangerous duo on and off the battlefield.
Fives looked at you now , giving the 'Well now what commander?' face.
Another door further down the hall scraped open. In a flash the form of General Skywalker came rushing towards you. Close behind was Rex very hot in his tail.
Echo was the first to react jumping from his seated position and booking it in the same direction Anakin was heading .
Fives and yourself were quick to follow, the laughter of Anakin and Fives filled the halls.
"Run men. I'll hold him off." Anakin shouted and slowed a bit.
"Noooooo Master!" You shouted playing at the role he set.
Rex came up on Anakin after his small lead, Anakin now with his back to you outstretched his arms and slowed Rex as well.
Rex laughed as he almost crashed into Anakin himself. Reaching to his wrist Rex spoke into his comm. “Hate to disappoint you boys but General Skywalker fell to the Seppies.”
On your own comm as you continued further and further down the hall erupted with laughter, complaints and well wishing to anyone still left running.
You followed Rex and Fives cutting through more and more hallways and doors. The noise of Rex and Anakin faded into the background as the twist and turns became too confusing.
“We could loose them in the bridge if they’re still on to us.” Echo called back keeping his pace. “Good places to hide.”
“Only problem is.” Fives panted “It’s closed off so if we don’t do it right we’re going to get flanked.”
The ARCs and yourself now stood waiting for some noise to die down before turning another hall. “The vents or maintenance hallways could work.”
Earning a few nods from the men you waited a second more before turning again. This final corridor would lead you straight to the Bridge of the ship
Your trio paused right before opening the door, Fives and Echo falling into position in front of you as you listen and felt for anyone in that room.
The skills and trust you acquired from training and campaigns blossomed now.
“Should be clear, maybe one or two others but I can’t make out who so stay alert.” You spoke strongly “let’s move.”
Echo went through the door first followed by you and then Fives bringing up the rear.
“We make it to those vents or hallways we’ll have the entire ship we could get to.” Echo looked around the room, empty enough.
Clearly it wasn’t.
“Well well well what do we have here.” Rex emerged from the shadowy wall he was leaning on. “Lost your way.”
The mocking tone of the captian made everyone stand on edge. Fives flashed you a glance but you were out of cleaver ideas. All you could hope now was to run.
Hardcase stepped out into the light next from the left flashing a devious smile. Soon enough Tup himself emerged from the vents you were planning to get to.
Talk about dramatic entrances, maybe everyone was picking a few things up from the General.
Now moving into the center of the room to get away from the taggers, behind the stuck trio the doors just previously went through opened.
Through them came your master, the smuggest smile on his face. “I thought I taught you to be less predictable Y/N.”
“Maybe it was just too good of an idea and somehow you thought of it Master.” You responded back.
The four men closed in on your group. In an instant the three of you dispersed. Echo and Fives were taken down by Rex and Hardcase before they could get a few feet where as you were almost to the door but your own master tagged you.
“How could you betray me to the Seppies master.” You grabbed your chest and flopped into his side.
“Alls fair in love and war my padawan.” He stated matter-of-factly. “Thought it was tricky to try and mask 4 people with the force, I’m surprised it worked.” Rex came up besides you now “there’s still a few other left.” He hinted at you.
You sprang from Anakins side smiling at the group of taggers now. “I call going after Dogma! Ooo or Appo I might know where they would be.”
You pulled rex with you to the exit, some laughter sounded behind you about your enthusiasm.
Rex smiled alongside you. “Let’s go get ‘em commander.”
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monako-jinn-stories · 2 years
Captain Howzer X Fem! Reader FanFic
Rebels on the Run
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Multi-part Stories Master List
Chapter Two
Chapter One
Ryloth is less than ideal of a place to be stranded, but you don’t exactly have any way off the planet. Your starfighter was destroyed when the men of your battalion fired at you, and ever since you narrowly escaped with your life, you’ve been hiding in the wild of the planet. That’s not to say you haven’t gone to the cities every so often, but you wore layers of cover when you did. Not only do you stick out as a human, you don’t want to be recognized as a Jedi.
It’s been months of hiding, and there’s been no variation in your weeks. Each day starts the same; scouting the perimeter of wherever you’re currently hiding before settling back down to make your meager breakfast. Certain days involve different activities after breakfast.
Primeday is when you would clean up your area, making sure everything is washed and put away, or neatly placed out of the way. Centaxday is when you go to the nearest city for food. Taungsday, you head to the farthest city for other supplies, like toiletries. Zhellday you sneak over to your lookout near the imperial base, spending the day listening in on what you can and observing the work of the empire. Benduday is when you allow yourself to relax, as much as possible given your state of being a fugitive. 
There was one recent Zhellday where some very interesting events went down. First, what appeared to be a batch of rogue clones attacked the imperial refinery, and then a guard was sent to guard Lessu. Imperial forces were deployed from the Capitol building, but another squad had set up a trap at one of the Capitol’s exits, seemingly for the rogue batch of clones. After some happenings inside of the building, one lone clone exited and stated his defiance to the Empire. Then, he was arrested and escorted inside the Capitol building.
Once you’d been sure that nothing else interesting or important was going to happen, you’d decided to head back to your current hiding spot. As you had walked, you’d thought about the events you’d witnessed and how it might change things for you. If there were insurgencies within the Empire, then perhaps you could get to some people who would help you escape without asking too many questions. Not that you could ever trust a clone trooper, not after what happened with your own. 
You can still remember the feeling of panic as your starfighter was shot down, the voices of your beloved friends ordering your death. And then the sound of your commander ordering his brothers to take his life, afterwards.
“Commander Sans, General Jinn’s ship has been shot down. It crashed and exploded on impact. There is no way that she could have survived,” Captain Hex had said over the comms, not knowing that you had in fact survived and could still hear.
“Our job is done then,” Sans replied. “Except, I have one more order for you and Major Steele.”
“Yes, sir. What is it, sir?” Steele asked.
“I have done what I was ordered to do, but I do not wish to live in a world without y/n. I know she was a traitor, yet my heart continues to betray me. My love for her will never overcome any other feeling I feel towards her. I could never hate her, and because of that, I will only ever hate myself for continuing to love her after taking her life.”
“What are you saying, sir?”
“I need you and Captain Hex to kill me.” The words had left Sans so effortlessly, almost matter-of-factly, as if this should have been the most obvious request.
“Sir?” Hex said, stepping closer to him. “I will not kill you, Sans.”
“Hex,” Sans said, and you heard his feet shuffle as he turned to face him, “I am ordering you and Steele to kill me. Shoot me and take my life, for I cannot live in this galaxy without y/n.”
“But Sans-”
“No, Steele. There is no argument. If you will not kill me, then I will take my own life.”
A silence followed these words, and you could only assume Hex and Steele had exchanged glances, a silent conversation playing between the two.
“Alright, Commander,” Hex said, “but we’re coming with you.”
“Then I will be waiting to march on with you,” Sans said before a brief silence followed by two blasters firing, and then both of those blasters firing again. And then endless silence on the comms. 
You still feel guilt for not saying something, for not revealing that you had survived. But you couldn’t, because you would have been hunted down and killed. As much as you wanted more than anything to save their lives, you knew, in the end, it would have only delayed the inevitable. And you perhaps might have condemned Sans to killing you as you faced him, which you’d much rather him not have to bear the weight of. The only consolation is knowing that Sans, Hex, Steele, Aid, Tie, and Bomber are now all together again.
A week had passed, and you’d returned to the imperial base. It had been busier, and you could only assume it was because of the defiant clone and the rogue clones. You had heard whispers in the cities that General Cham Syndulla and his wife Eleni, along with their daughter, had been rescued and taken off planet by the rogue clones. A bitter feeling flooded through you as you’d heard the news. Of course you weren’t lucky enough to also be saved by them. It’s what you get for remaining hidden in the shadows.
As you had watched, your mind kept drifting back to think about the defiant clone and the few followers he had raised. You wondered what the likelihood of him still being on planet is, and the likelihood of you being able to help-
No, you’d told yourself before you could finish the thought, you are not going to risk your life for a clone that will just end up killing you or betraying you.
And yet, a few weeks later, you weren’t given much of a choice in the matter.
It’s earlier than normal when you wake up today, and your body is rigid with tension. Something feels off, it’s what had awoken you early, and you can’t tell whether it’s danger or just cautionary. You don’t give yourself much time to debate it. You crawl out of your make-shift bed, which is in reality just a slab of stone, and put your bounty hunter mask on before grabbing your blaster and heading close to the entrance of your hiding spot. You keep hidden while you listen to their steps, trying to sense their location through the force. They seem to be curious about whether or not this area could provide shelter. 
“Huh, I wonder how easy it would be to carve out a living space in this rock,” the person says, and his voice sends a chill down your spine. “No doubt that it would be hard to find me out here.” Your grip on your blaster tightens, sensing him continuing to look around, getting closer to you. “That’s weird,” he mutters, and you can tell from his force signature that he’s found your secret path, the one that leads directly to your entrance. His footsteps echo down the short, hollowed out corridor, and you let out a steadying breath before you make your move.
In an instant, your blaster muzzle is pressing into the side of the clone trooper’s head, and he’s frozen in place, his hands up in surrender. A silence fills the room, and you fight every instinct that tells you to shoot him now, taking away his chance to shoot you.
“You’ve wandered a long way from your little imperial base,” you say, “what led you all the way out here?”
“I’m wanted by the Empire. I’m trying to escape the planet and join the clones who are rebelling.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Look at me,” he says, beginning to move his hand to gesture at himself. You grab his wrist, fearing him possibly reaching for his blaster. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. Besides, I have no reason to hide anything. If you just look at me, you’ll see proof that the Empire was holding me in prison and was trying to torture information from me.”
“Anyone might have tortured you. For all I know, you’re trying to make your way back to the Empire.”
“How can I prove to you that I’m being honest?” You think for a second, trying to decide what could possibly reveal to you that he’s not lying. There is one way, but it’s risky, especially given that he is a clone, but you take the risk anyway.
“Say it again.”
“Say what again? That I’m being honest?”
“No, your claim about fleeing the Empire.” Your grip tightens slightly on him, and your fingers wrap around to feel his pulse. 
“I’m wanted by the Empire. I’m trying to escape the planet and join the clones who are rebelling.” You close your eyes as he speaks and sense his words. Unsurprisingly, he’s telling the truth. You knew his voice had been eerily similar to the defiant clone, and this is all but a direct confirmation of his identity.
“I believe you,” you reply after a minute. You let go of his hand and lower your blaster, motioning for him to sit on your make-shift chair while you sit across from him on your make-shift bed.
“If I may ask,” he says, “how did you know you could trust me just by holding my wrist?”
“When people lie, their heart rate typically spikes. I felt your pulse, and it remained steady.” It isn’t exactly false, but it’s not quite the method you had used. But you also aren’t going to outright admit that you’re a Jedi when he could still kill you.
“Ah, I see,” he says, his hand subconsciously rubbing his other wrist. “Now I guess it’s my turn to ask who you are.”
“None of your business,” you reply simply, and he looks at you silently for a second before nodding.
“I understand you might not trust me completely-”
“The only thing I trust about you,” you begin, cutting him off, “is what you told me about your condition with the Empire.”
“I guess that’s fair,” he replies. “But, I can promise you that I’m not a threat.”
“Not a threat to who?”
“You. Anyone. Well, anyone except the Empire.”
“You’re a clone trooper.”
“You’re a threat to the Jedi. You’re a threat to citizens who do not want to align with the Empire, even if you’re not with them anymore. People will still see you and fear occupation.”
“The Jedi have all been wiped out,” he responds, “and it is not the clones that forced the occupation, it’s the imperials that order us around.”
“But they’re the sign of occupation, are they not?”
“I mean…I guess.”
“And how can you be certain all the Jedi have died? I’ve heard quite a few rumors about some surviving and in hiding.”
“Well, those are just rumors,” he counters.
“But if you knew there was a Jedi nearby, you’d kill them, right?”
“I-” he begins, but then his face scrunches in thought, almost as if he’s in pain. His hand goes up to his head, but then he shakes it, clearing his throat before looking back up. “Part of me believes that it is my duty to make sure all the Jedi are dead, but the other part of me believes that the Empire lied in order to take control.”
“How come you aren’t convinced of this like you’re convinced that the Empire is wrong?”
“Well…I don’t know,” he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s almost like…it’s natural for me to think the Jedi deserve to die.”
“But you fought alongside them for years, did you not?”
“Yes, I did.”
“And did they ever show signs of betrayal then?”
“So what makes you believe that they might have betrayed the Republic?”
“I…don’t know. Like I said, it just feels natural.”
“But there’s no evidence to support this natural feeling?”
“No, there’s not.”
“Then perhaps there is no reason to believe they betrayed the Republic. Perhaps the Empire lied about it.”
“Is that what you believe?”
“Yes,” you say simply. “From the moment he became Supreme Chancellor, I have never trusted Palpatine. Everything he said was always too vague, too…interpretive. I believe that he’s always been up to no good, and never truly liked the Jedi.”
“I guess that does explain some things that he did and said,” the clone responds. “I’m willing to change my opinion on the Jedi if I’m shown that they did not betray the Republic.”
“I’m afraid there is no concrete way to prove this. There is no evidence that the Empire betrayed the Jedi. All you can really do is take the word of those who knew and were close to Jedi.”
“Did you know a Jedi?”
“Yes…I did,” you reply. “He was like a father to me. He cared for me in ways that no one else ever had. And he always had the best interests of others on his mind. Especially my best interests. He taught me how to be the person I am today, how to treat and care for others, while always looking out for myself as well.”
“He sounds very important to you.”
“He was. And he never would have betrayed the Republic. He loved the men under his command as a father loves their sons. And the other Jedi that he introduced me to had equal love for their men. They were all pure of heart and just wanted to help others.”
“I see. I’m sorry that you lost so many people, especially the one who was like a father to you. What was his name? I might have fought under his command.”
You hesitate, not knowing whether or not revealing his name could reveal your own identity, but you decide to take the chance, because you hadn’t spoken his name since his death, other than in screams of despair and nightmares. “His name was Codo Daawa.”
“Codo Daawa? General Daawa?” the words are almost sad, regretful even. “He was a very kind person. I did fight under his command a few times. I looked up to him and how he always looked out for us and protected us. I’m sorry, again, for your loss.”
“Thank you,” you reply quietly. A few minutes of silence pass between the two of you, both of you in your own minds. You are again thinking about the feeling that you’d had when Codo had died, how you instantly felt a difference in the force. You’d known without a doubt that he was next to you, but within the force, and he wanted more than anything to comfort you, though it was impossible. 
“My name is Howzer, by the way,” he says, breaking the silence. “Formerly Captain Howzer, in case General Daawa ever mentioned me.”
“No, he didn’t,” you reply, and he nods understandingly.
“And your name?”
You bite your lip under your mask, a new wave of panic taking over. Do you dare reveal your real name? What are the chances that he knows who you are? Even if he’s heard of you, would he immediately assume you’re the same person as General Jinn?
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” he adds as you remain quiet, “I understand you still don’t trust me.”
“It’s better for both of our safety if you don’t know.”
“I see.”
“But,” you say, clenching your hands in your lap, “I won’t get anywhere in life if I never trust again.” He looks at you curiously, patiently waiting for you to continue with where you’re going. You let out a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You lift your head to gaze at him through your mask. And after closing your eyes and preparing for the worst, you open your mouth to speak.
“My name is y/n. Y/n Jinn.”
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fionajames · 11 months
ocs pt. 2
apologies but i love making characters
@lovejoysoots u asked to be tagged so here :) also, hope its okay i included xane in taki's info!
Taki Caileth
Taki is a Nautolan Bounty Hunter with dark violet skin and magenta, lilac and pastel purple. His eyes are purely black (as Nautolan eyes usually are).
He's eighteen in 22 BBY and became a Bounty Hunter when he was merely a kid - because he grew up on Glee Anslem until he was eight and then was hurriedly taken away, growing up on Tatooine and Corellia, as well as all over the galaxy.
He fights best with a sword or a blaster rifle. Taki is decently well-known as a Bounty Hunter under the name of Maverick (not related to Top Gun, it literally means an independent person). Whilst many know Maverick, not many know Taki.
Taki works - as the word maverick means - independently. It's not because he hates people or anything but because of trust issues after his family's death.
During the Clone War, Taki sides with whoever pays - and usually the GAR, because he feels bad for the clones. Not the senate, not the republic, not the Jedi, the clones.
He's smart and calculating yet sarcastic and loyal. His loyalty can be his downfall as he tends to trust easily and so his solution is to not get too close to anyone.
On several occasions, Taki has teamed up with fellow Bounty Hunter Xane. They are a scarily and shockingly good team and share several views over things, although Taki sides with the GAR more, Xane has a disliking towards a certain Jedi named Anakin Skywalker.
Although Taki is moving alot, he has a place on the lower levels of Coruscant which he uses as a base. 
During the war, as everyone is desperate for money, Bounty Hunters become very valuable. One Bounty Hunter was doing a job for the Separatists and kidnapped a Jedi Youngling - an eight year old Rodian boy. Desperately, the GAR hired Taki, who went and retrieved the boy. In the process, he lost his left leg from the knee down. In thanks, the Jedi gave him a black-metal prosthetic and paid him about 70% of what he was originally supposed to earn, even though the prosthetic cost about the same price as the original payment. Taki begins to side even more with the GAR because the Separatists captured an innocent child - which he sees as very wrong, as something similar happened to him when he was younger.
Taki doesn’t really have a best friend but he’s closest with Xane and the Rodian Youngling he rescued.
Satsuki Noriko
Satsuki is a Human girl with light freckled skin, short, fluffy (dyed) red hair and black eyes. She’s seventeen in 22 BBY. Her grandmother was a Mandalorian who left Mandalore for reasons she refuses to explain.
Satsuki has a shop on the middle layers of Coruscant where she paints armour and helmets, as well as ships and speeders occasionally. When the clone wars came around, Satsuki decided to increase her work hours - in hopes of getting more customers and more money - so she could allow Clones to come in. Because the Clones aren’t paid, Satsuki doesn’t charge them for any money.
She’s kind and generous, but also sarcastic and stubborn. Her best friend is a Clone trooper named Trinket. Trinket once saved an old, rich woman off-planet who insisted on giving him her expensive jewellery as thanks. Trinket gave all of it to Satsuki as payment for the paints, materials and her time on behalf of all the Clones.  
Satsuki is part of a rather large family with one fourteen year old sister, one eight year old half-sister and one six year old half-brother. The family do family dinners weekly and Satsuki gets along best with her sisters and brother and grandmother. Her grandmother is your resident badass grandmother who is incredibly scary and awesome. 
Satsuki has and will beat up anyone who talks shit about the Clones and is their number 1 protector. She hangs out with Trinket, Fox, Rex, Cody and Vyper (the unnamed Commander of the 13th Battalion who I’ve named) the most.
Satsuki sees the Clones as her brothers and best friends, and has to be daily convinced not to sneak on board to join the fight. 
One time, Satsuki introduced Rex to her grandmother and her grandmother instantly called him bu’ad and he almost cried. 
The Clones and her have frequent conversations in pure Mando’a and it’s rather entertaining. 
Rin Keiko
Rin is a human girl with long black hair, dark brown eyes and tan skin. She’s 16 in 22 BBY making her one of the youngest Jedi Knights, although not the youngest ever. Rin fought during the Battle of Geonosis alongside her Mirialan Master Aoi Tsumugi. During the fight, Aoi was struck down and Rin was forced to continue fighting for her life, feeling alone even though surrounded by hundreds of other Jedi.
After the battle, Rin managed to convince the Council into Knighting her using her points that one; Aoi was going to Knight her in a few months anyway, two; they’re scarce for Knights and need all they can get, and three; she is ready. 
Rin was then Knighted and given a battalion of her own to lead as General. Alongside her Clone Commander Warden, of course.
Rin is what many describe as insane. She is protective to her troops and friends and would rather lay down her life than any of theirs. She’s reckless and smart but overconfident and cocky in a scary way. Her laugh is maniacal and intertwined with trauma, plus her troops are convinced she's either seeing ghosts or hearing voices. That doesn’t mean they don’t love her though! Their General is their sister and they are extremely horrified when they find out months after meeting her that she's still just a kid.
They are terrified for her when they accidentally somehow witness one of her PTSD-induced dreams (something a lot of Jedi get and are extremely dangerous) as she floated midair and objects swirled around her like a hurricane. She - frankly - looked possessed.
Rin starts losing it with the council a lot, laughing inappropriately and insanely and muttering loudly with huge grins. It’s terrifying for a sixteen year old to do that. If Rin wasn’t such a good fighter and General, the GAR would have probably forced her into some sort of insane asylum - or at least gotten her daily therapy.
Rin’s best friend is Warden and their like brother and sister, and all her friends are the Clones and some of the Jedi. 
Iniko Edge
Iniko is a fourteen-year-old Pantoran Youngling boy. He has violet blue skin (colour hex code; #4157A2), golden yellow eyes, soft yellow markings on his arms, legs and hands, and curly raven black hair that is actually very dark, deep purple but only really obvious in certain lights.
Iniko has a double-bladed dark purple lightsaber that can be split into two separate lightsabers (like Cal’s). He got both crystals during the Gathering, and panicked because of it. 
Iniko was apprenticed to Shaak Ti at the start of the Clone Wars and lives on Kamino. He trains there and has befriended many clones. 
Iniko is a kind and quiet boy, but not shy. He loves befriending the Clones but is a bit quiet at first. All the Clones see him like a younger brother. After a few months of training with his Master on Kamino, Iniko is sent to assist other Jedi with missions and use Kamino as his base instead of Coruscant. He is sent as a Commander alongside Captain Rook and a small battalion of Clones. They aren’t really like battalions such as the 212th and 501st because they're a lot smaller and they have never gone on missions just with themselves. They don’t even go on missions as much as others, because thats how they work.
Iniko secretly cries for every Clones’ death and is a sweet Clones’ rights supporter. He befriends lots of other battalions’ clones - such as Cody, Rex, Jesse and others. He is best friends with Captain Rook, Ahsoka - who he teams up with during missions and was actually créchemates with - and several members of his squad - in particular Tripp, Kaz and Tempest. 
Iniko also met Rin and sees her as an older sister, although Rook lectures him regularly about not taking after her reckless nature. Rook is extremely protective over him, and it shows through a lot. In fact, the entire squad - and others - are protective over him. But not in an obsessed way. They know that he can handle himself and that's what scares them. 
Iniko is a wholesome boy and very similar to Dhole in a few ways because of it, but also different. 
Iniko hides his breakdowns and illnesses and injuries and all that from everyone, because he believes he doesn’t matter as much. That’s one of the Temple’s faults. They brought up all the Younglings, Padawans, Knights and Masters to believe that peace was the most important thing, and to get it at all costs. Accidentally, they taught Iniko that he wasn’t worth as much as the battle, and so he remembers that. The Clones are slowly helping him but he’s still fragile.
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
MLWTBB: My Friends Bolo & Ketch
aka the (continued) journey into my self insert nonsense✨
notes: this is a continuation of my story, “My Life With The Bad Batch”; I highly recommend reading that first before this one! I created a few new planets for this AU. I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! each chapter will be rated accordingly, as opposed to the overall fic. lastly, there is romance in this story. hope you enjoy! 💙
add. notes: this chapter was edited and proofread by my sis @jam-n-ham! thanks sis!! 😋💙
Chapter 5, 4000+ words, rated G (someone’s constantly smoking a cig, that’s it)
previous chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
next chapter
It had been a while since Hannah had been in a landspeeder. Even though they weren’t going very fast, Hannah enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing across her face and hair. She remembered all the times she would go for rides with her dad when she was younger; back then, it was the closest thing to flying she could get. And even now, after having actually ridden in a starship, the sensation of her hair getting whipped around by the wind felt more akin to what she imagined flight was like.  
The environment was special for this instance though. It felt weird going through the back alleys and side streets of Ord Mantell, but also comforting in a way. For the first time all day, Hannah felt like she could relax. In the pit of her stomach, anxiety was building at the thought of whatever awaited them at the end of their journey. But she didn’t want that to stop her from enjoying this moment. As the slivers of light beaming between the different buildings flashed onto her face in various patterns, Hannah leaned her head back and shut her eyes to let herself slip into brief euphoria. A calm before the storm.
Ketch’s voice suddenly made Hannah alert again, and she slowly opened her eyes to find him staring down at her from the back seat.  
“Uhh, you asleep?” Ketch asked her curiously.
Hannah stared up at him blankly for a moment. “No...”
Ketch just grinned in response, and she sighed.  
“Just thought you might wanna know what I’ve been lookin’ into here,” Ketch said, waving a datapad in his hand.
Hannah sat up straight and turned around to face him, holding her hair back so it wouldn’t whip into her face from the wind. “Did you figure out who we’re going to see?”
“I think so, yeah. Although...” Ketch shook his head. “If it’s true, then we might be in over our heads...”
“Well, spit it out already!” Bolo exclaimed from the driver’s seat next to Hannah.  
Hesitantly, Ketch began explaining how he had looked into all the different vendors near the area they were heading towards. None of them fit the description Master Gildish had given them, but in the process of his research, Ketch remembered some stories he’d heard in the parlor about a crime lord who lived in the mountains. He began doing research based around those parameters, and sure enough, there was one person who fit the bill.
“They call him ‘The Krag’,” Ketch told them with an added dramatic flair.  
Bolo gasped, while Hannah let out a small snort. “The guy who lives in the mountains is called ‘The Krag’?” Hannah snarked. “Does everyone around here use the Clone Trooper naming method or something?”
“I’ve heard of The Krag!” Bolo exclaimed. “They say he’s nearly impossible to please, that some have had to literally sell their soul away to get something from him.” In a loud whisper, he added, “he’s supposedly even meaner than Cid.”
Hannah and Ketch looked at each other with worry. Although it sounded like they were over exaggerating, Hannah’s anxieties began to grow exponentially. She didn’t want to believe Master Gildish was sending them somewhere straight up dangerous, but after everything she had been through since leaving Astreon, it wouldn’t surprise her either.  
The rest of the ride was spent in silence. Bolo kept his focus on driving the landspeeder, while Hannah fidgeted nervously with the power cable in her hands. Ketch had already been keeping his focus on holding the transparisteel dome even while doing his research, but he seemed to be clutching it a bit more nervously now.
Gradually, the buildings around them became more sporadic and transitioned altogether into rocky cliffsides. Hannah’s heart began to beat faster in her chest. They were close.
Then their path came to an abrupt end. The cliffs pincered into a small valley with a single cliffside at the end of it. Portions of the cliff had clearly been whittled away to form a sort of housing unit with only a single door in the middle of it. The valley was eerily quiet, to the point where they could all hear themselves breathing once Bolo turned the landspeeder off. Hannah was certain the boys could hear her heart beating loudly in her chest too.
“So uhh,” Ketch began hesitantly. “Who’s goin’ in first?”
All three of them looked between each other with the same level of nervousness and uncertainty. Then Hannah let out a deep breath and shut her eyes to center herself. “Stay close, boys,” she said and began heading for the door. Bolo and Ketch were right on her heels, not intending on going far from her even if she hadn’t asked.
The closer she got to the door, the louder Hannah’s heartbeat got in her ears. It became almost unbearable by the time she was within arm’s reach of the door. With another deep breath, Hannah reached out for the door to give it a knock. Her hand got hardly a Tooka’s length from it before the door suddenly opened on its own. The three of them stood unmoving, eyes wide.  
Bolo gulped loudly. “Uhh... a-anyone home?”
There was no response.
“Nope, don’t like that,” Ketch mumbled nervously to himself.
Hannah tightened her fists and swallowed her fear, then took a few steps inside. Bolo and Ketch barely waited a second before joining her.
Stepping inside, it was almost impossible to believe they were inside the cliff. The interior was surprisingly posh, with lavish carpets lining the floor and decorative lamps hanging overhead that gave the space a dim yet pleasant glow. Various items of seemingly high value decorated the walls and were strewn throughout the area on display. It reminded Hannah of a cross between Cid’s office and a museum. All three of them were completely enamored with the space.  
Which made it even more of a surprise when the door suddenly shut behind all of them. Hannah gasped from shock, and Bolo and Ketch each gave a small yelp and grabbed onto each other out of fear.
Then a light appeared at the end of the room. An elegant desk with a large empty chair sat near the back wall. A staircase wrapped around behind it that led to an upper level. And at the top of the staircase stood an absolutely massive figure mostly cloaked in shadow.
“Well, well,” the figure began. The voice was gravelly and deep, with a bit of a muffle sound to it. “Looks like I got some new clients ta do business wit.” They began stepping down the stairs, which allowed the others to finally see who it was. An extremely tall, quite rotund male Besalisk wearing a nice suit and holding a cig in his mouth was coming down the stairs. He carried himself with a presence equal to his size. There was no question that this had to be The Krag.
Once he had come down the stairs, the Besalisk beckoned to Hannah and the boys, saying, “Come, come, make yaselves comf’table.”
Very cautiously, Hannah began to approach, with Bolo and Ketch once again close behind her. The Besalisk yanked the chair behind the desk away, which made a loud screeching noise, and he sat down on the chair with a hefty sigh. As Hannah got closer to the desk, she saw several smaller chairs placed nearby, which the Besalisk said they could pull up closer if they wanted.
So far, aside from his sheer size, Hannah didn’t see anything to worry about regarding The Krag. But if meeting Vin Drazundr had taught her anything, it was that nice people aren’t always good people.
After they had pulled up the chairs and sat down, the Besalisk leaned back in his chair with all four of his arms folded on top of his round belly. He took a puff of his cig and let the smoke trail out for a moment before finally speaking again. “So. Who do I haf da pleasure of speakin’ to t’day?”
It was silent for a moment as the three others tried to decide who was going to speak first. Hannah eventually cleared her throat and said in a somewhat shaky voice, “Umm, m-my name is Hannah. And these are my friends, Bolo and Ketch.” She gestured to each of them, and they both gave a nervous wave.
“A pleasure,” the Besalisk responded, nodding his head respectfully. “Ya probably already guessed it, but dey call me ‘Da Krag’.” He took another puff of his cig. “Now before we get into da business side’a tings, I always like ta know a few tings about my clients ahead’a time. Mainly, I like knowin’ exactly how ya got ta hearin’ my name and how ya found my place. I ain’t exactly a well-known celebrity around heah, if ya catch my drift.” He chuckled a bit, which prompted the boys to respond with nervous chuckles of their own.
“We were sent by Master Gildish,” Hannah hesitantly responded.
“Oh?” The Krag raised an eyebrow at her. “Dat ol’ coot’s still kickin’, huh? Figguhs. Must be sumtin’ real important ya lookin’ for if he sent ya ta me of all people.”
Hannah nodded. “He said you could get almost anything we asked for.”
“An’ he was right,” The Krag replied. “For da right price, o’course.” He took another puff of his cig with a massive smirk spread on his amphibian-like face.
“Of course,” Hannah responded with another nod, this time her face tilted to the floor.
“So tell me den, Miss Hannah,” The Krag said, leaning forward a bit more in his chair. “What do ya need Da Krag ta get for ya t’day? Sumtin’ fancy? Sumtin’ rare? Maybe sumtin’... ya don’t wan’ nobody ta know about?” He pulled the cig out of his mouth with another puff and began twiddling it between his massive fingers.
Hannah chuckled nervously. “Well, I guess that depends on your definition.” Her hands wrang together nervously in her lap, which she was certain hadn’t gone unnoticed. “It’s actually kind of silly, but... w-we need a... radio transmitter.”
The Krag blinked a few times and then threw his head back with a hardy laugh. “A radio? Ol’ Gildish sent ya ta me for dat?” He shook his head with another laugh and pinched the bottom of the fin between his eyes. “Now dat... dat’s hysterical. Tell me I’m not da only one who tinks dat’s hysterical.”
Another moment of silence before Ketch raised a hand. “I thought it was kinda funny actually...”
“Oh, it’s betta den funny,” The Krag replied. “It’s kriffin’ hilarious. Ya know why dat’s hilarious?”
Silence again. None of them knew how to respond.
“It’s hilarious cause dat means all’a you are real desperate. Which is good news fo’ me.” The Krag chuckled again and rested three of his arms on his belly again, using the fourth to hold the cig in his mouth.
Hannah was beginning to seriously question if coming there was a grave mistake.
“A’righty den,” The Krag said after taking another puff. “A radio, it is. I got one’a dose, no problem. Hell, I got more if ya need ‘em.” He began punching some buttons on his desk with a snicker. “Dat all for ya? Nuthin’ crazier den dat?”
Hannah looked between each of the boys, then back at The Krag again. “N-no, that’s it.”
“Yeesh, people’ll really do anythin’ fo’ anythin’ dese days,” The Krag responded, shaking his head. “Ok den, dat’ll be out shortly.” He leaned forward, resting his lower arms on top of the desk and clasping his upper hands together. “Now comes da fun part.”
A small flap suddenly opened on the front of the desk, which spooked Hannah enough to make her gasp. Then what appeared to be a piece of flimsi began poking out of the opening.
“Dere’s ya receipt,” The Krag stated. “I don’ like usin’ datapads or whateva fo’ dese tings. Too easy ta hack into.”
Hannah pursed her lips together to hold back a smile. In her head, she could just picture the long rant Tech would’ve gone into if he were there, with Echo joining in of course. And she already knew it would end with them both ultimately agreeing with The Krag’s belief as well.
Almost like she was afraid something might happen if she touched it, Hannah hesitantly pulled out the piece of flimsi and began looking it over. Her eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped, which prompted Bolo and Ketch to come over and look at the receipt as well.
“What the--?!” Bolo exclaimed.
“Are you kidding?!” Ketch also exclaimed.
“That much?!” Bolo exclaimed again.
“For a radio?!?” Ketch once again exclaimed.
“Da best radio ya gonna find on Ord Mantell,” The Krag replied. “And apparently da only one...”
“Which raises the price,” Hannah solemnly added.
“Dere, ya see?” The Krag said, gesturing to Hannah. “Dis gal knows how it works. I see why she’s da mouth’a dis group.”
Bolo and Ketch then pulled Hannah away for a moment to discuss what they should do. Even with all their current money combined, there was no way they’d be able to pay what The Krag was asking for. There was the potential to ask if they could pay another way, but they all knew that could lead to more trouble for one or more of them. The boys suggested that maybe there was another way, that maybe The Krag wasn’t the only one on Ord Mantell with a radio; they hadn’t searched everywhere, after all. But that ended up devolving into an argument between the two boys about what Cid was going to say and how they didn’t want to have to do that much work and even going into whose fault the entire ordeal was in the first place. Hannah literally had to put her foot down to get them to stop arguing, and she could feel The Krag’s gaze staring them all down intently.  
“Both of you,” Hannah quietly addressed Bolo and Ketch. “Let me handle this, ok? I said I was gonna handle it, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
Bolo and Ketch looked at each other with worry, then back at Hannah again.
“We believe you,” Bolo quietly replied. “It’s just...”
“I-if anything happens to you, Cid and your friends will kill us,” Ketch interjected, equally quiet. “And well... we don’t want anything happening to you either.”
Bolo nodded in agreement.
Hannah gave them a grateful smile. “Thanks, boys. I’m glad you both have been with me today. I don’t think I could’ve done this alone.” She let out a small sigh. “But I’m not giving up. We’ve come too far for that.”
“You’re not... scared?” Bolo asked.
“Oh no, I’m terrified,” Hannah replied with a soft chuckle. “But... I’m doing it anyway.”
“Are ya done mumblin’ over dere?” The Krag loudly asked from his seat. “As much as I like dis chair, I ain’t got all day ta be loafin’ around down heah.”
“Sorry!” Hannah sheepishly replied as she turned to face him. “We just needed to discuss how to deal with this.” She waved around the piece of flimsi in her hand.
“I see,” The Krag replied. He leaned back in his chair and took a puff before continuing. “So den, what’s da conclusion?”
“Umm...” Hannah started, but then went silent for a moment. Her mind was racing with all the different ways she could go about dealing with this predicament. Normally, she was able to come up with some sort of lie to deal with a situation like this. But she knew that probably wasn’t a good idea with this guy. He was too good at reading people, it seemed. He actually reminded her a lot of Cid.
“Take ya time, girlie,” The Krag snarked. “I don’ got nowhere betta ta be.”
Yup, he definitely reminded Hannah of Cid. Which brought up an interesting idea in her mind...
“So, here’s the thing,” Hannah started as she pressed her hands together. “We don’t currently have the amount that you’re asking for. But, if you’re willing to hold onto the radio for us, I might be able to convince my boss to make up the rest of the payment. We could even give you what we currently have now as, like, a down payment. How does that sound?”
The entire time Hannah was talking, The Krag was making small puffs of smoke and thoughtfully stroking his rubbery wattle. He at least seemed to be listening to what Hannah was saying, which was good. He continued to think for a moment, then hummed thoughtfully and took the cig out of his mouth.
“Ya sure ya boss would be willin’ ta go along wit dis deal?”
“Well,” Hannah replied. “Like you, she appreciates good business, so I feel like she’ll see the value in it. This is technically for her, after all.”
“Interestin’...” The Krag stroked his wattle a few more times. “If ya don’ mind me askin’, who exactly will I be havin’ da pleasure’a workin’ wit on dis deal?”
Ketch surprisingly spoke up before Hannah could respond. “Her name’s Cid.”
“Yeah,” Bolo added. “She’s always doing business with guys like you, actually.”
As the boys were speaking, Hannah watched The Krag’s murky yellow eyes grow wider and wider in obvious recognition. She assumed that he already knew Cid, but the recognition on his face wasn’t blatantly positive.
“Oh, well, ya should’a told me ya were wit Cid,” The Krag said as he began fiddling with his cig again. “Dat definitely changes tings quite a bit heah...”
“You already know her then?” Hannah asked, almost hesitantly.
The Krag laughed. “Know ‘er? Yeah, ya could say dat. Dat ol’ bat an’ I go way back.”
“That’s great!” Bolo exclaimed.
“We won’t even have to introduce you then,” Ketch added. “Makes sense that you two are already friends.”
The cig in The Krag’s hand began twirling just a bit rougher between his large fingers, to the point where Hannah was worried it might snap in half. “Yeah...” he said in a much gruffer tone than before. “Friends... dat’s what we are...”
That was all Hannah needed to hear to realize she’d definitely just made another mistake. A memory of a passing comment Cid had made once flashed in her mind, and she was struck with the realization that The Krag fit the description of an old flame Cid used to have. There was no way they were easily getting out of this situation now.
“Y-you know what,” Hannah started, a nervous hitch in her tone. “Maybe there’s another way we can deal with this. A way that doesn’t have to involve anybody else.”
“An’ what would dat be, Miss Hannah?” The Krag asked with blatant irritation.
“Umm...” Once again, Hannah went silent as she searched her thoughts. She began by berating herself for not coming up with a plan ahead of time to deal with this. More so than any other time that day, Hannah sorely wished that Hunter was there with them. He was good at handling these sorts of things, and also good at formulating plans on the spot. She also very much wished he was there to help get her out of there, as her nerves were definitely starting to get the better of her by then. But Cid’s voice still echoed in her head, the voice that told her to keep her chin up and act confidant. Maybe some confidence would help her figure out what to do next.
“Honestly,” Hannah finally said, letting her newfound confidence show. “I’m not exactly sure. Is there maybe something we can work out as an exchange? Like a trade, maybe?”
The Krag pondered for a moment. “Dat depends on what ya offerin’. I saw ya got a nice lookin’ landspeeda out dere. Dat’ll get ya more den a radio from me, I’ll tell ya dat.”
Bolo and Ketch both immediately protested, making it perfectly clear that the landspeeder wasn’t theirs and was simply being loaned to them. The Krag shrugged, saying that he didn’t see why any of that mattered, but that was none of his business, and he took a long puff of his cig. Then he turned back to Hannah again.
“You’s a smaht one, girlie,” he said as he gestured to Hannah with his cig. “I can tell just from ya face. So I’m gonna let you do da negotiatin’. You tell me what I’m gettin' in exchange fo’ ya precious radio.” He put the cig back into his mouth and leaned back into his chair, folding all four of his hands across his belly. “Gimme an offer I can’t refuse.”
On the outside, Hannah was keeping it together as best she could. Internally however, she was a living hurricane of anxiety. It felt like she’d backed herself into a corner with no way out. Again, her heart ached for her friends to be there with her, to somehow get her out to safety like they always did. But no, no she told herself. She couldn’t expect them to come rescue her all the time. This was her problem, and she had to deal with it. She could deal with it. She just had to be strategic about it. But how?
Maybe she was using the wrong kind of strategy. She’d been trying to think like Hunter, like a well-trained commander who knew all the ins and outs of every situation. But Hunter wasn’t the only strategic one of the group. In fact, it could be strongly argued that the smallest of them was superiorly strategic to all of them.  
So Hannah decided to do what she thought Omega might do. She was going to be kind and honest.
“Time,” Hannah confidently said. “I... I offer my time.”
Bolo and Ketch looked at Hannah in confusion, while The Krag simply raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
“I’m offering you the same thing I offered Cid,” Hannah continued. “I have nothing else. But I get the sense you don’t really need anything else, do you?”
There was nothing but silence for a moment as they waited for The Krag to respond. Then a large smirk began to grow on The Krag’s face, and a throaty chuckle escaped his lips.
“You really are da smaht one, ain’t ya?” The Krag chuckled again and began to sit up straight in his seat. “A’righty den. Offer accepted.” One of his hands came slamming down on the desk with a loud thud, which spooked the others. “Go on, get outta here you two,” he said, waving off Bolo and Ketch. “Ya ain’t got nuthin’ fo’ me.”
Immediately, Bolo and Ketch protested, even stronger than before. They actually both linked arms with Hannah, refusing to leave her side. Hannah appreciated their concern, but she told them not to worry and that she would be ok.
“We’re not leaving you alone with this guy!” Ketch exclaimed.
“We made Cid a promise!” Bolo added.
Again, Hannah reassured them that she would be fine. She trusted that The Krag wasn’t going to do anything harmful to her, and The Krag actually reaffirmed that statement. Gently, Hannah released herself from their grasp and gave them both a reassuring squeeze on the arm.
“Trust me,” she said in the most confidant tone they’d ever heard from her before. “It’ll be ok. Just wait outside. If I’m not out after sundown, then go back to Cid’s and let her know where I am, ok? Can you guys promise me that?”
With sorrowed looks on their faces, Bolo and Ketch nodded and began heading for the door, leaving Hannah alone in the room with The Krag. Once they were gone, The Krag chuckled to himself and leaned against his desk to address Hannah directly.
“A’righty, Miss Hannah,” he said with his cig still stuck in the corner of his mouth. “It’s just you an’ me now. An’ I know exactly how you an’ I are gonna be spendin’ our time togetha.” Another throaty chuckle came from his mouth as his lips curled into a sly grin.
Hannah should’ve been scared. She should’ve regretted everything. But she didn’t. She’d done exactly as she’d intended. And whatever was about to happen to her, she wasn’t going to regret later.
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Baby!CCs first family vacation!! As somone with lots of cousins where most were born within 3 years of eachother... Kot to the Alphas. Getting everyone out the door was something else.
The Alphas missed the babies okay. It just makes sense you know. Better for the Alphas to take care of them than to leave them largely unsupervised. They're being reasonable.
6 folded at the sight of a teeny tiny glove and I'm crying.
Squad Chekar have a system okay. It works. Knowing how to haggle is an important skill.
That Fox "adopted" Ponds, and not the other way around is hilarious. Ponds likes to be carried now. It's also why he likes hugs. All Fox's fault.
Neyo and Fox really went full seagulls from Finding Nemo "Mine!". They saw the Alphas got baby brothers, so they acquired their own baby brothers. It's 17's fault for not paying attention.
Poor Colt, he has a mission, he's trying so hard to keep his brothers in his line of sight, but they got pets and it's so difficult to keep track of them all.
17 and 6 end up compromising, making a shared custody arrangement because 6's twins claimed two of 17's and at least it keeps them all preoccupied.
Did 17 have to piggyback Cody because he tripped while walking? Baby Kote has zero control of his limbs and I love. Snarky Wolffe is just annoyed 17 makes him walk infront so he can't be bitten.
Let Gree Explore The Vents 2k21!! This is the only time he'll be small enough to fit.
This makes me dream for the Softest Soft Wars where Jango wakes up from whatever manic episode he seemed to be going through and steals the clones away Oya Vode style but 10 years early, tells the Jedi everything, Palpy is dealt with, the war never happens, and the Alphas get to raise their babies without any snakes or sadistic trainers in sight.
Time for some camping survival training! Very vital stuff, survival training. Very important for a trooper's development. Yep. Also absolutely zero chance of it backfiring amusingly horribly. Nope.
It was just a novelty, ok? They don't get to see Littles that Little, and were curious. This second time is definitely the last time, fingers crossed no take-back-sies.
(He did, he's already completely a mush for the babies!)
Chekar has a system that not only works, but visibly and clearly works so much better than 17's and 6's. (Of course, we're going to ignore the fact that Jangotat only seems to know where two of his kids are and doesn't quite mention knowing whether or not he's already lost half his brood somewhere... fake it til ya make it!)
Fox went: you are smol and kinda squishy and fun to hold. Mine now. And Ponds went: well that sounds perfectly logical to me! And naturally Neyo immediately followed suit. My baby now. Mine. See, I'm carrying the baby so it's mine; I don't make the rules.
17 looked away for a second. Well, he'll learn exactly how fast the little munchkins are.
Colt would really like it if folks could just stay in places where he can keep an eye on them. It would make his life so much easier...
There's definitely a reason 17 and 6's teams ended up in the same hallway and it has everything to do with the fact that it was much closer to retrieve their relevant truant Littles that way. (Also the other Alphas were attempting to contain the chaos. Look how well that turned out...)
So what I actually had in mind was 17 decided, after suddenly losing two of his brats in the half a second he had his back turned, that he was using Go-Bag rules. Go-Bag rules state that if there's an emergency and your go-bag is not attached to you, it's a left-behind bag. So he attached his remaining two brats to himself before setting out to hunt down the others. But also yes, tiny Cody was a coordination disaster and this also does neatly side-step the risk of him tripping on a perfectly smooth stretch of durasteel and braining himself on an entirely flat wall.
Gree just wants to explore! It seems so exciting in there! (Do you think he and Barriss went exploring the Jedi Commander Highways on their ship? I like to think so <3)
Just a normal man trying to make his way in the galaxy and take care of his 1,000,000 children.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha man I hope Mij has a camera because every shenanigan inflicted on Jango he deserves a chance to immortalize.
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hannah-schooler · 3 years
Fic writer interview!!!
Thanks so much for the tag @stormwarnings sorry it took me so long to do this!!! <33
how many works do you have on ao3?
what’s your total ao3 word count?
39,086. huh somehow I expected it to be higher than that
how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Just Star Wars! pretty much entirely The Clone Wars with all of my current fics and most of my WIPs focused on Anakin and Ahsoka
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
don’t just stand there staring, honey— a silly little fic about the Jedi and their troopers (Everybody Lives!AU) going undercover and they don’t understand that they’re all incredibly attractive. A sequel is coming....one day...
long after you’re gone (gone, gone)— 5+1; Five times Ahsoka left and the one time she came home. Happy ending, mostly
as if you don’t remember, as if you can forget—some post-Zygerria angst and healing. Aayla Secura and Ahsoka Tano centric. Lots of feels, angst, and hurt/comfort. Inspired by @webtrinsic1122 ‘s “Show Me Your Teeth”
once the last drop of rain has dried off the pavement— some MORE post-Zygerria recovery. This one is a little bit more pointed with what happened to Ahsoka and features a very distressed Anakin trying to figure out how to help his traumatized little sis. 
said you’d always be my white blood (i need you right here with me)—post Trandoshans/Padawan Lost arc. I LOVE this arc and there’s not nearly enough content about it. Wrote this to fill a tumblr prompt not long ago so I’m actually surprised it’s in my top 5!! Hurt/comfort, recovery, scary!Anakin and Ahsoka bringing him back from the edge
do you respond to comments? why, or why not?
Yes!! people take the time to write them and they make me so so indescribably happy! I literally end up gushing about readers leaving comments as much as they do about my work!
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Never Let Me Go, but that was also my first ever work, and not my best. Pretty much all of my works have at least hopeful endings, if not happy, but my angstiest fic is you drew stars around my scars (but now i’m bleeding) so I’m gonna say that one
do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
no, never have. I don’t think I could do it well and there’s not really any fandoms that I want to see mixed together
have you ever recieved hate on a fic?
thankfully, no. I think I would cry ahahaa. My readers are literally some of the kindest people in the world I love you guys so much!!!
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
no. never say never, but it’s unlikely. again, I don’t think I would do it well
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i’d probably be down!
what’s your all-time favorite ship?
like....ever?? idk if i can pick! Star Wars though is hard bc i’m not the hugest anidala fan but also don’t really ship Anakin with anyone else. I like Ahsoka ships, just cause she’s my favorite character, but not all of them work. My guilty pleasure ship is probably fives/ahsoka, but there’s not a lot of content for them. i’ll pretty much read anything that’s well written except for the ones that i really don’t like (not going to list, no hate here!)
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
ugh right now it feels like i will never finish the don’t just stand there sequel, but i will one day! I have several multi chap fics that I want to write including one about Rex and Ahsoka saving the 332nd, and one in an Anakin doesn’t fall-verse where he and Ahsoka free the slaves on Tatooine, but long fics are not my strong suit. (looks guiltily at my original novel i haven’t touched in 3 months)
what are your writing strengths?
i’d probably say the emotional aspects of the characters?? that’s what i most enjoy writing. I’ve also been told that my prose itself is good so maybe that too?
what are your writing weaknesses?
plotting lmao. and action sequences. 
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i mean my only other language i use is some sparse mando’a. I don’t speak any other languages so it’s probably not something i would think about. but i definitely enjoy fics and books that incorporate it because it adds such a cultural depth to the characters!! (i’m also such a sucker for the trope where Character A says something cute to their love interest in their native language, and when asked what they said they say something bland)
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
i have NO idea. I’ve been writing since I was really young, but maybe percy jackson? I remember writing for maze runner when i was like 12 but....
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
definitely you drew stars around my stars (but now i’m bleeding). I worked on it for so long and am really proud of it and the response it’s gotten
this was so fun!!! thanks again, @stormwarnings
Tagging: @ashgryff @lynnpaper @webtrinsic1122 and anyone else who wants to participate!! <333
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jgvfhl · 1 year
From list 2 for all the Lads!
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Commit a crime? Uh... I get jokes that I'm illegally cute. I also think petty theft is definitely a crime. But I'm in the Guard so no one's gonna tell :) -Elevensies
Crime? Girlbossing too close to the sun. Arrested for? Being fabulous 💅 -Do-si-do
..... jaywalking????? -Trees
I worry I'll accidentally put something in my pocket in a store and walk out with it 🥺 But I know I can't get arrested for that... I'd probably get wrongfully arrested at someone else's burglary attempt -Fours
Uhhhh what have we been arrested for? Drunk and disorderly, a few noise complaints? Property damage. Oh yes property damages... But most likely to commit? Lying under oath. Assaulting an officer -Fives and Echo
Most likely to commit? Aggravated assault. Arrested for? Nothing they can prove -Sixes
I commit crimes daily according to Commander Colt. But! Probably tresspassing... Definitely getting arrested for being a public nuisance tho -Sevenset
Tax fraud on both accounts -Loops
Tax fraud but they wouldn't catch me -Nines
Number-versary Ask Game!
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retrodaft · 3 years
I feel sad and mad at the writers for making Omega’s only interaction with the clone troopers negative. Like you your telling the whole time her was on Kamino all the clones ignored or where mean to her?? I understand the feeling like an outsider part. BUT are you SERIOUSLY saying that none of them , remember all clones come from Jango meaning they got that dad gene and all the clone refer to other as brothers too. NONE of the clones went :
Random trooper: boom hey kid congratulations your my little sister now.
Omega: huh wait what just happened?-
Other random trooper: wait that’s not fair she’s my little sister too! You already a squad of brothers!
An Arc trooper shows up: aww that’s cute but I here before you, so she’s my little sister.
Another trooper comes in: STOP FIGHTING your all making her nervous! She can be all our little sister!
I’m imagining them fighting who is the older brother, only for omega to break it by saying you’re all my bro’s and them going “ aww thanks sis 🥺.” And trying to do her hair only to be criticized by another clone, “bro you’re doing it wrong.” “but she said she wanted something different.”
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✨Bad Batch E11 Spoilers✨
Ok let's get into it y'all...welcome to my brain while watching E11
-Clone without helmet?  Clone I don't know? What???? We haven't seen a reg without their helmet as far as I can remember...Why do I get the feeling this guy's chip isn't 100%? Why else would they show us his face/give him some personality. Wait that's the other thing! Mans still has his armor painted and everything unlike all the other regs (not counting the Coruscant guard). Plus based on his pauldron I'm guessing he's an ARC trooper and they were more independent and creative thinkers than most of the regs........oh no Mr. Cowboy Hat Man is gonna kill him isn't he :(
- My god there are no words to describe how happy I am to see Hera
- Ohhhhh his name is Howzer! Have we seen him before? I don't think so...I didn't forget a clone did I?!?!?!?!?!?!
-Not gonna report it? Yeah his chip isn't fully working is it. He seems nice pls don't murder him Dave. I know you will, but like don't. 
- I get what Cham is saying, but like Gobi sounds more like Cham than Cham does
-WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!!!! HIS BRAINS BE BURNT ON THE CHIP SIDE!!! DOES THAT MEAN??? SOON??? (if someone has an extra clown wig and red nose hand it over i have a feeling imma need it) 
- I seriously don't think there has ever been a moment when I was even remotely ok with Orn Free Taa
- Hera's mom is an absolute QUEEN! I love her already...oh no I'm getting attached I can't do that oh no stop it I can't deal with more sad
- BABY HERA FLY SHIP! Look at her go!!! Yay Mom!!!
-Awwwww Tech's been teaching Omega about the ship! Wait does that mean he has someone who will sit and listen to him because he just wants to share his knowledge??? AWWWWW THAT'S SO SOFT I LOVE IT!!!!! I really wish they would have shown us that. Like yeah there have been some short Tech teaching Omega moments, but nothing substantial. Seriously if they showed us Tech getting all happy and excited that someone actually wanted to learn from him I think I would simply pass away from pure joy. I just want some character development and happiness for my love is that too much to ask for? 
- Hera talking about flying is so cute! Omg and Omega being so proud of her room!!!
-Lol like 0.5 sec into hearing that Omega and the Bois™ get shot at regularly, Hera's like "Are you in trouble? I will adopt you right now" (and then Omega pulled the Uno Reverse card on her and was like "sis we are literally the ones bringing you weapons"). Glad to know Hera has always been the mom friend. 
-"Did you know flying is about a feeling?" "wHaT fEeLiNg?" My dear Tech, I adore your vocal inflections so much......oh stars.....I'm freaking out over crumbs......my apologies  
- Ok kind of a weird statement, but am I the only one that used to get really excited when a LAAT would show up? I used to be all like "My BOYS! 🥰" and now it's more of "My BOYS! 😥". Ya know what I mean? My poor clones...I miss them.
- Oh yeah I'm 100% calling it, Howzer's chip isn't doing the thing.
- Hera's mom could run me over with a blurrg and you know what that's on me. I got in her way. I'm so sorry.
- Aww Howzer really cares about Hera and her parents. This is gonna hurt like a bitch isn't it 😒
- Idk what I was expecting from this episode, but it certainly wasn’t seeing Ryloth this soon.
- MOM!!! Agh I love Hera so much
-Howzer’s pretty. Good for him. 
- So like for our clown outfits, is there color scheme or dress code or something? Because I'm really hoping that seeing Cross' ✨melted marbles✨ on the right side of his head means the chip got damaged and it's gonna stop working soon...right?
- I know both of them were only around the batch for a few minutes, but do you think Kanan and Hera ever had a moment were they were telling stories about their past and somehow connected the dots that they both knew them kinda? Idk probably not but it's fun to think about.
-So here's the thing (to finally wrap up my rambling), they were soooo close to Cross. Like I know the batch is going to have to go back to bring them more weapons, but they were sooooo close. I get it that they wouldn't have known he was there and it was interesting to see what is going on in the galaxy outside of the squad, especially with Ryloth's history of being constantly under occupation and seeing how they are dealing with the shift from the Republic to the Empire, but I need them to TALK ABOUT HIM! Like let's at least start there. Where's the energy from E3 about not leaving Cross behind? I know that getting him back is going to be really hard, really complicated, and really dangerous and that's why they haven't got him back yet, but at least try to come up with a plan. Start there boys. Please. I love you all so much. I really do. But could you just TALK TO EACH OTHER BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S BOTHERING YOU INSIDE BUT YA NEED TO BRING THOSE FEELINGS TO THE OUTSIDE!!! Ok thanks xxx
Yeah I think that's all I got for today's episode. Good night? Good morning? Whatever y'all know what I mean 😘 
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isitmadness · 4 years
Needed Company
summary: After Umbara, Obi-Wan and Cody find themselves unable to sleep. Both men have different ways of coping, but sometimes coping together is better than coping alone.
characters/relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, pre-relationship Obi-Wan/Cody
words: 2.4k
tags: pre-relationship, look at these idiots pining again, mutual pining, post-Umbara, light on the angst - just a dash, i tagged both relationship types, because it is both, and i didn’t want to trick anyone...if that makes sense, Jedi positive
a/n: I saw this tweet and ran with it - “underrated trope: when character a can’t sleep and character b finds them wandering or tinkering or painting and decides to keep them company”
Read it on a03
Obi-Wan strolled slowly down the quiet halls of the Negotiator, hands clasped behind his back, no destination in mind. The Force felt mostly still and calm surrounding the thousands of lives on board, and for that he was grateful. And as it was the middle of the night—such as that was flying through hyperspace—the quietness was to be expected. It still didn’t keep Obi-Wan from passing troopers and officers in the halls, but they were more scarce than during the day.
As he got closer to the training rooms, one Force signature he knew rather well was projecting a lot of hurt and that was concerning. He slowed his steps and finally heard grunts, thuds, and slaps which became louder and more insistent as he rounded the corner. It certainly wasn't a strange noise to be coming out of the training room, but it was out of place in the wee hours of the morning.
He found the door to the room open, light from inside spilling into the dim hallway. Obi-Wan could sense strong frustration, anger, guilt rolling off his marshal commander in waves. He stood in the doorway and leaned against the frame to watch Commander Cody taking out his frustrations on a punching bag.
He moved with precision and finesse, muscles rippling each time he twisted or landed a new blow. His warm brown skin sheened with sweat in the light, and the movement was mesmerizing. Obi-Wan tried not to ogle, but was finding it difficult. He had only very recently realized his attraction, but had attempted to put it out of his mind due to their circumstances. He was Cody's general, his superior in rank, in addition to being his friend, and Obi-Wan couldn't, wouldn't jeopardize that.
But objectively, the man was handsome.
He straightened up when the noise stopped and Cody turned. "You just gonna stand there and stare?" Cody said, unwrapping his hand, "Sir." There was something biting in the way Cody addressed him. Obi-Wan frowned and stepped into the room.
"I apologize for disturbing you, commander," Obi-Wan stood at the edge of the mat, hands still clasped behind his back. “I just heard noises in the hall and thought I would stop and see if I could be of any assistance.”
Cody looked him up and down quickly, attempting to do so undetected. The general looked like he just rolled out of bed, and at this hour, he no doubt had done just that. He was wearing his leggings, boots, and only his undertunic which exposed a V of pale chest covered in darker ginger hair. The lighter sandy-colored hair on his head was delightfully sleep-mussed and Cody found himself with twitchy fingers, wanting to reach out and smooth it down. He was his general—that would be wrong and unprofessional.
He sighed, "You didn't disturb me, General Kenobi." Obi-Wan’s eyes tracked Cody as he walked to the bench on the edge of the mat and grabbed a drink from his water bottle. “You knew it was me already though, didn’t you? In the hallway?”
"Please, just Obi-Wan," Obi-Wan replied. "When we're alone," he hastily added. He winced thinking about how that sounded, and Cody pretended not to notice. “And yes, I knew it was you.”
"Well, Obi-Wan, I was just finishing up, so," Cody said as he wiped a towel across his face, around his neck, and over his chest and arms. "I hope I didn't wake you." Cody knew that was unlikely considering the General's quarters were nowhere near the training rooms, but the Jedi was always so in-tune with the lives around him, he had to wonder if the Force worked like that.
Obi-Wan waved a hand dismissively, "Not at all." Truthfully, Obi-Wan had had a hard time sleeping since the Umbaran mission two weeks prior, Krell's betrayal weighing heavily and irrevocably on his mind. "I was just taking a midnight stroll, if you will, and I heard noise and found you."
"Hmm," was all Cody could find to say as he turned to face Obi-Wan finally, neither really knowing what to say. That was new...and odd.
"I just…" Obi-Wan started carefully, unsure of what he wanted to ask, always afraid he might overstep. "I figured whoever was in here was having difficulties, like I am, and I thought maybe they needed company." Obi-Wan shrugged one shoulder, and in that moment, he looked younger. Cody briefly wondered what he must have been like before the war, when he was just a Jedi, and not a High General, unburdened by the cares of war.
Cody leaned over and picked up his black shirt from the bench and slipped it over his head. He really wanted to shower now, but his general was here—a shower could wait.
"Would you like to walk with me? Or perhaps you'd care for tea in my quarters? Absolutely no pressure, perhaps your destruction of this punching bag did the trick,” he smiled. He knew it was a dangerous question, but he and his commander had been alone in his quarters many times—whether for tea or conversation or to go over battle strategies. It wasn't an unusual question, but the request felt heavier than usual.
Cody debated. He had of course been to Obi-Wan’s quarters before, several times, alone and with others—but this time the request felt different. "I...that would be nice, sir." Obi-Wan looked at him pointedly with a small quirk of his lips. "Pardon, Obi-Wan."
"Very good," Obi-Wan said with a smile.
They walked back to Obi-Wan’s quarters side by side, both aware that a gap of a few feet between them would be smart, but instead both finding the nearness of the other a small comfort. Cody wished he had more than his blacks to wear but, well, it was what it was. And Obi-Wan didn't seem to mind the informality, especially dressed as he was.
The door slid open when they arrived and everything was just as it usually was except for an untidy bed—Obi-Wan really had just rolled out of it. There was the usual stack of datapads on his desk, a flimsi book opened facedown on the end of his bed, and his outer tunics draped carefully across the back of his desk chair. "Pardon the mess," Obi-Wan said as they walked in.
Cody huffed a laugh, "You're a real slob, sir."
That made Obi-Wan laugh an honest-to-goodness laugh. "Whatever will you do with me…" he replied, unthinking, as he walked over and filled his electric kettle with water.
"Quite frankly, you're past all hope," Cody added, teasing some more. It felt good to laugh and joke with his general, especially after…
"That sounds like something my old padawan would say," Obi-Wan turned to face Cody again and smiled, a far-off look in his eyes.
Cody became serious again. "And how is he, si-- Obi-Wan?"
"Ah," Obi-Wan leaned against the small counter and stroked his beard. "He is angry, as you can imagine. Feeling betrayed."
"As we all are!" Cody interjected more forcefully than he intended.
"Yes, you are right." Obi-Wan sighed and motioned to the small two-person table in the corner near his kitchenette. "Would you care to be seated, commander? Of course, you’re welcome to sit anywhere you'd like."
"Just Cody," he said with a tight smile and took a seat at Obi-Wan’s small table. Obi-Wan remained standing so he could fix the tea.
"And how is Captain Rex?" Obi-Wan asked, cutting right to the chase. He knew why Cody was awake—it was the same reason he was.
"Angry, as you can imagine," Cody said, parroting Obi-Wan’s words back at him. "And I don't think he's telling me everything. Sir, I--" What could Cody even say? It was a betrayal of the highest order and none of them saw it coming. Rex was taking it very personally and very hard—questioning his choices, his command. Many good men were dead now, by their own brothers’ hands, too. How did you come back from that?
"Take your time, Cody," Obi-Wan said as he busied himself getting mugs and his tea out of the cabinet.
Cody was silent a little longer. He felt responsible, of course he did. As marshal commander, he was responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives, and every good man's death weighed heavily on him. And he knew it was the same for his general. He considered himself damn lucky that his general was Obi-Wan.
He knew the Jedi felt a very heavy responsibility being pressed into command of an army—they were guardians of peace and justice, negotiators, not warriors. They were not created for war like he and the clones were. And, belonging to the Galactic Republic as they did, they could have been subjected to the leadership of more Republic officers, none of whom gave a shit about the lives of mere clones. They were a means to an end. Even to the citizens of the republic, they were just a white helmet. But Jedi like Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon...Cody knew that they cared about their men.
The kettle's whistle tore through the silence, startling them both. "Apologies," Obi-Wan said as he poured the water. Unsurprisingly, the silence dragged on as long as it took the tea to steep. "Sugar, honey, milk?" Obi-Wan asked when it was finished.
"How about a little honey?"
Obi-Wan nodded. When finished, he brought the cups over and sat across from Cody, sliding his over to him. They sat in silence for several more beats, enjoying the warm and soothing amber liquid. Cody didn't like the stuff at first, but he had grown used to it, and anyway, this little ritual was something he could share with his general—that alone was worth learning to love the drink.
In the harsh light of his quarters, Obi-Wan was slightly greener and paler than usual, but the artificial light could never truly detract from his handsomeness. Cody buried his nose in his cup wondering why he was thinking these thoughts and desperately hoping that the general couldn’t pick up on them.
"I think, Cody," Obi-Wan started again. "That perhaps Rex, and you, could benefit from a mind healer. I don't want to overstep, but as your general, you know it is my duty to look out for the both of you—all of you. And I think you and I are awake for the same reasons.” He hesitated again, taking another sip of his tea. “I myself have been unable to sleep since…"
Umbara went unsaid. It had been a rough two weeks.
"You're very perceptive, as always," Cody smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Obi-Wan took another long sip of the tea, letting it warm him from the inside. "I'm sorry I didn't have anything stronger."
Cody chuckled, "Maybe next time."
Obi-Wan coughed lightly, "Yes, next time."
They sat in more silence, the only sound was the gentle hum of the Venator-class destroyer hurtling through hyperspace back to Coruscant. They had grown accustomed to that in a short period of time, too. Sometimes it could lull Obi-Wan to sleep, but other times he missed the quiet of the Jedi Temple.
“If you were ever interested—and others, too, of course—I would also be happy to teach you some meditation techniques. It’s not a perfect solution, but I find it helps quiet my mind,” Obi-Wan finally added. “Anakin never took to it too much, but I think you might.”
Cody gave Obi-Wan a genuine smile and agreed. Before he knew it, he found himself feeling rather drowsy—like the tea was some kind of sleeping draught. "What did you put in this tea?” He asked with a grin.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm feeling oddly relaxed all of the sudden," Cody replied.
Obi-Wan smiled, "Well, I'm glad to hear it. But it's only tea and honey, if you're trying to insinuate that I drugged you." Cody laughed. "I guess I can't help that I'm such a lively, interesting person and I can put people to sleep with my conversation." Obi-Wan arched his eyebrow, teasing Cody.
Cody scoffed, "You're one of the most interesting people I know, maybe the most interesting…" Oh, he was tired and saying too much.
"Hmm, oh I doubt that," Obi-Wan chuckled and took another sip of his tea, finally emptying the cup.
"It's true! Your company is infinitely preferable to many." Forget the sleeping draught—there was a truth serum in here, making Cody confess secret thoughts. Cody finished it anyway.
Obi-Wan smiled again, "Well, that goes both ways." He stood and collected their mugs then washed them out in the small sink.
Cody was surely imagining this conversation, he was dreaming up this entire scenario, he was sure of it. He decided that maybe he should go try and get some sleep before he hallucinated any more scenarios where his general told him he cared for him, placed his palm on his cheek and--
He stood suddenly, nearly upsetting the chair, "Well, I think I might try to go get some sleep. I'll be returning to my quarters." Even though Obi-Wan’s bed was right there, looking warm and inviting now...
Obi-Wan stood, too, something aching in his chest. "Yes of course, commander, shall I walk you back?"
Cody chuckled, "I think I know my own way, but thank you , sir."
Obi-Wan nodded with a smile and walked Cody to the door. "Well then, thank you for the company, commander."
Cody turned and gave Obi-Wan a lazy two-finger salute, "Thank you, sir."
"Yes, Obi-Wan," Cody returned the smile finally.
"Find me if you can't sleep again. I'll find some topic of conversation to drone on about that'll put you right to sleep."
"Ah, but the sound of your voice would keep me awake," Cody said, wincing internally, and Obi-Wan wasn't quite sure how to take that. The door slid open as they got closer and Cody turned to face Obi-Wan again. "Good night, sir, try to get some sleep."
"Good night, commander," Obi-Wan said as Cody walked through the door.
Cody nodded once more then headed down the hall. Obi-Wan stood outside his quarters and watched him until he turned the corner then walked back inside. He sat on his bed and pulled his boots off then his under tunic and tossed it at the chair. He slipped back under the covers which had unfortunately lost all their warmth. With a flick of his wrist, he turned the lights off and nestled in hoping finally for some sleep.
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Notas: El Lote Malo ep. 15
Nos queda un episodio más ): aquí mis notas del episodio, no saben la ansiedad que tenía el día que lo vi, creo que hasta se me bajó la presión :'
Para este episodio se me hizo muy complicado dividir en actos, no sabía si la batalla en el campo de entrenamiento contaba como uno solo, no sé, por eso voy a marcar cada acto con un emoji (tuve un accidente con una foto y no me quedaron ganas de volver a usarlas).
Primer acto
La neta es que yo pensé que Crosshair se iba a poner del lado de Hunter... en plan "somos hermanos, acabemos con el Imperio juntos"
Pasado de rosca tenderles una trampa
Omega desesperada me puso bien nerviosa :'
Gonky está bien, eso es bueno
Me gustó muchísimo el ángulo que utilizaron para Tech haciendo sus reparaciones, muy wonito
Ora si, amonos a rescatar a Hunter
Segundo acto
¡¡Eh!!, ¡¿escucharon la música?!, los feels :'
Así es mi querido amigo mam*do, ya no hay vuelta atrás
Omega: ewe, acercate al awa we, sin miedo
Que pedo con los kaminoanos, bien científicos que eran jajaja
Omega con el cabello mojado se veía muy bonita :')
Echo: ¿Tas bien Omega?
Omega: simón ahorita
No, enserio, que ella reprima sus sentimientos por el bien de la misión fue... muy duro ):
Tercer acto
Me da coraje/nervios que Crosshair haya amenazado a Hunter
"No dejan a los suyos atrás, generalmente" 💔 aquí me quité los lentes porque sabía que más adelante iba a llorar
No manches, la música es la del episodio 2 pero bien lúgubre
V*rga we, esta escena me dejó en jaque porque no creí que llegaríamos a conocer el lugar de origen del escuadrón, fue MUY fuerte para mi (y para Omega ): )
Chale, ya empezaron a desplegar a los TK troopers, ya valió m*dre
¿Porque algo me dice que va a salir todo mal?
V*rga, si jajajajaja
¡Reunión familiar!
Obvio que salió mal Omega, no te quedes ahí
Cuarto acto
¿Cómo que se acaba el tiempo?, ¿de qué mi*rda hablan?
Si los quisiera muertos ya lo estarían x2, analizen las veces que estuvieron cerca de Crosshair, ellos ya lo hubieran estado desde el episodio 1
"No me fueron leales a mi" esto me partió aún más, Crosshair se siente traicionado y actúa con puro resentimiento hacia ellos ):
Y do babes, las expresiones de Hunter y los demás ante lo que dijo, esta escena es el careo que yo ansiaba desde hace mucho tiempo
Espera, ¿sacar a la niña del planeta?, ¿qué va a pasar?
Crosshair: si la amas déjala ir :u
Y dale con eso xd, que no, entiende que no se van a unir al Imperio xd
El detalle de las madres que rebotan el tiro me recordó tanto a Clone Wars :')
Y Tech se dió cuenta de lo que iba a hacer, eso de alguna forma lo tranquilizó
Crosshair: bajen armas / Sus hombres: oblígame p*rro
M*mes, se los echó a todos :0
Wey, nunca fueron sus enemigos ): por el contrario, solo que no sabían cómo traerlo de regreso sin que el los pusiera en riesgo
Quinto acto
A webo, vamos a pelearnos en lo que llegan estos droides con disparos reales
Buen detalle a la música, se escucha como si de verdad les doliera a ambos estar peleando ):
M*mes, yo pensé que le iba a disparar a Hunter
¡Volvió a escucharse el tema del escuadrón!, ojo, ya se había escuchado en el episodio 8, pero el tema no estaba completo, faltaba algo
¿Cómo que mueran juntos?
Hunter le echa un ojito cada que puede a Crosshair, no quiere ser traicionado pero también quiere cuidarlo
"Puede disparar cuando quiera", ¡¿qué?!
Sexto y último acto
Que agresividad caray, no seas así Crosshair xd
"El chip me fue removido hace mucho tiempo" ¿¡COMO!?
Hunter: no digas mam*das Crosshair ): de verdad sentí mucho dolor en él ):
¡¡Omega abrazó a Hunter!!
"Tu hiciste lo mismo por mi" ❤❤
Hunter revisó la cabeza de Crosshair porque cree que está mintiendo, lo cual es probable ):
Amonos alav*rga compas, aquí ya no queda nada más que hacer
¿No tienen el presentimiento de que algo muy malo va a pasar?
Las escenas vacías del comedor, las barracas del escuadrón y el laboratorio me hicieron recordar muchas cosas ): sientes y sabes que una era está a segundos de terminar
Omega: ¡noooooo, mi casa tío!
¡¡Se quedaron adentro!! D:
¿¡Que ch*ngados acaba de pasar!?
Tumblr media
Vaya, que paliza nos acabaron de dar :'
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okay screw it, I’m gonna regret this and be super embarrassed in the morning but here’s a snippet from my current WIP where Obi-Wan learns about the horrors of reconditioning and why Kamino sucks 
this is unedited and cringey as hell so enjoy it while its up lol
There was a gasp from one of the beds at the far end of the bay, and Obi-Wan’s mask of cool neutrality snapped back into place. Quietly, he clasped his hands together and let the wide sleeves of his robe fall over them as he spoke. 
“Forgive me, I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
The privacy curtain rustled before the clone let out a quiet curse and stumbled into view. Obi-Wan’s guarded expression nearly crumbled as he took in the trembling figure before him. The clone was familiar in his appearance, as they all were, but altogether different than any he had seen before. This clone, he concluded, was perhaps the youngest clone he had ever met.   
Instead of a firm, set jaw, this clone had a softer face, with a hint of baby fat still resting beneath his cheeks. His shoulders were leaner, and overall, his frame wasn’t nearly as bulky as the clones Obi-Wan had come to know. What struck him the most, however, was just how small the clone looked in his plain, white armor. 
“S-S-Sorry, s-sir,” the clone (the boy, Obi-Wan’s mind screamed) whimpered, his wide, brown eyes on the floor.
Obi-Wan smiled and delicately stepped closer. “Whatever for? You’ve done no wrong.” He waited patiently as the boy projected wave after wave of absolute terror into the force. “I don’t believe we’ve met,” he tried instead, “I am-”
“Gen-General Kenobi,” the clone cut in, his eyes flicking up for the first time. “I’m CT-0679, sir.” 
“It’s wonderful to meet you, CT-0679,” Obi-Wan bowed his head. “Do you have a name, trooper?” The clone tilted his head to the side in curiosity. Obi-Wan grinned. “You are under no obligation to share it with me, of course, but if you have a name you’d rather use-”
“Twitch.” The very tips of the boy’s ears grew red, a trait Obi-Wan knew many of the troopers shared, but rarely witnessed himself. “The tra-trainers called m-me Twitch.”
Obi-Wan frowned. The trooper’s gaze retreated back to the ground, and then the ceiling, really anywhere but Obi-Wan. He watched the trooper clench and then unclench one of his hands as his right brow, involuntarily, Obi-Wan guessed, jerked up and down. 
In truth, he didn’t know much about life on Kamino. What little his troopers had let slip hadn’t seemed altogether pleasant, but never outright cruel. He worried the inside of his cheek as he thought it over. Master Ti had mentioned butting heads with the Kaminoans on some of their more heavy-handed methods, and hadn’t Master Koon once asked the Council- 
The trooper began to shift from foot to foot, pulling Obi-Wan from his thoughts. There would be time for that later, he decided. Instead, he willed his voice to stay even as he spoke.
“And you’re happy, with that name?”
Eager to please, the boy nodded. “O-Oh, yes sir. Ab-Absolutely.” 
Obi-Wan hummed and bowed his head. There was more to the skittish, small clone before him, but he felt entirely unqualified to handle it alone. Despite that, his heart ached to help, to comfort, in any way he could. As he noticed the data pad in the trooper’s hand and the red symbol on his left pauldron, an idea began to dance within his head.
“Well, Twitch, I am happy to have run into you,” Obi-Wan beamed, “I’m afraid I couldn’t sleep, and I heard we had a new medic on board, so I thought perhaps a visit to medical wouldn’t be a terrible idea.”
It was a lie, and his Commander would have rolled his eyes if he had been there. No one avoided the med bay quite like Obi-Wan, and, of course, no one had told him of their new medic. He couldn’t bother to feel guilty about lying when the trooper began to smile.
“Th-That’s me, si-sir, uh, General Kenobi.” 
“Obi-Wan, please,” he casually waved a hand, “Too much General Kenobi and I’m afraid it all goes to my head.” 
The clone laughed, though it came out more like a gasp, but Obi-Wan happily let himself be swept away into a prolonged conversation about his diet and sleeping patterns. His chest constricted with the warmest of feelings when he noticed, deep into their conversation over the most mundane aspects of his medical history, that the boy’s stutter and painful twitches had all but disappeared. He tucked that knowledge away for later. 
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