#clone oc: rift
Who Wants More Clone OCs???
For those of you enjoying my Infectious series, I've decided to give you more information about the clone trooper cadets I created! Because I don't know if they'll be back or not in the fic.
Adding the fic series tag list in case they're interested: @nahoney22 @bethtizda @skippyhopperwisdom @drafthorsemath @idoubleswearimawriter
Meet Phoenix Squadron:
The leader of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name from the metal used in TIG welding, tungsten.
TIG welding is an artistic form of conjoining metal and requires a great deal of concentration, patience, dexterity, and finesse, to which Tungst has all of those qualities.
He has a big heart, loves his squad, and will gladly die for each one of them.
He is usually level-headed, but can become passionate, overzealous, and protective of the ones he loves.
He has an incredible sense of justice and becomes immovable when he dedicates himself to a cause.
The glass-is-half-empty member of Phoenix Squad.
His original name was Brat, because he would complain about absolutely everything and annoyed Tungst every spare moment he had.
He eventually grew out of his bratty ways and his name was changed to Brett, however, he never lost his pessimistic outlook.
He enjoys weapons the most and wants to be the heavy-gunner of the squad.
He will agree to anything as long as it doesn’t require any effort on his part.
He is incredibly loyal and will follow Tungst anywhere and into anything.
The most sensible member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he drools in his sleep and his brothers make fun of him for it, but he’s a good sport about it.
He is the voice of reason for everything, even though Tungst is the leader.
He is the one with the checklist to make sure they haven’t forgotten anything.
He is sometimes referred to as a “worry-wart” or  “always prepared for the end of the world”.
He is anxiety coded.
The most laid-back member of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would consistently leave out important or key details when telling stories or relaying information.
His tendency to “gloss over” things has gotten the squad into heaps of trouble on numerous occasions.
He is soft spoken and doesn’t enjoy conflict. 
He’s a bit spacey at times, but he has a vivid imagination and is very artistic.
He keeps a sketchbook with him at all times and will draw anything, including his brothers.
The jokester and prankster of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he would start petty squabbles between the clones by planting false information, then sitting back to watch the outcome.
He caused so many “rifts” between brothers that he was labeled a menace amongst the cadets, but in reality, he was just bored.
He’s the brainiac of the squad without even having to study.
He likes to keep a rock in his pocket because he’s a chronic fidgeter and fidgeting with blasters does not work out well.
He is ADHD coded.
The beloved “youngest” brother of Phoenix Squad.
He got his name because he enjoyed making bets with his brothers and he always won, every single time.
He was incredibly studious and you could almost always find his nose in a book.
He was training to become the squad’s medic because he couldn’t handle seeing his brothers hurt.
He was more emotional than the average clone, but none of his brothers ever said anything about it.
He unfortunately perished during the invasion of Tipoca City.
Extra Info
After Chance’s death during the invasion of Tipoca City, Tungst refused to replace his “little” brother and chose to leave the squad at five members.
Phoenix Squad has matching tattoos over their hearts of Chance’s name, a phoenix, and the words “morior invictus” underneath, which means “death before defeat”.
Gloss is the one who designed the memorial tattoo.
During the events leading up to the Infectious story line, Phoenix Squad formed a bond with the reader because she reminded them of their little brother Chance who wanted to be a medic.
Reader is aware of Chance's death, but it happened way before she ever got to Kamino, so she never met him.
Tungst likes to share holo-pics of Chance with the reader to help keep his memory alive and also because he misses him.
In Chapter 1, when Gloss mentions that the reader should join their squad as their medic, he was not joking.
They unanimously agreed that the reader could join their squad, which is one of the reasons for Tungst's disdain of Clone Force 99 in Chapter 2.
Tattoo Art
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Made by the extremely talented @commander-sunshine! Thank you, babe 😘
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vod of the day (pt. 1/2) : Ratchet! He is one half of the IT/Repair department of the 142nd! he is a commando class but he doesnt care about that. hes too tired for that. he manages all the ordering and inventory/logistics for the 142nd.
ratchet (he/they) CC-2002 surge protectors (IT) department
<-thetra's office chair for the vod'e to sit in whenever
"no, mau. we don't have the room or the ability to look after a litter of tookas. besides, you five are already enough."
he has long hair because i was listening to hozier while drawing him
-double brewed caf -all-natural eyebags (thanks to the cluster and them being reckless and destroying the BRAND FUCKING NEW equipment he ordered for them.) -reading smut on the work datapad. leave him alone. its raunchy bounty hunter stuff (like those cowboy eroticas. fucking hilarious) ->hes the type of mfer to read fairy smut tbh
the cluster & rest of the 142nd donate half of all their caf rations to him as an apology-in-advance and a plea for forgiveness all in one.
(it doesnt work. he's still the one that places all the orders for it.)
-he has a big ol scar across his face going from the bottom right of his jaw to the top left of his temple. -has a shitton of freckles
he just wishes that his vod'e would stop headbutting those clankers with their band. fucking. new. helmets. (looking at you specifically, clank.)
he and fox get along well because ratchet actually files his orders and reports correctly.
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arolesbianism · 19 days
No more parallel canon angst Jim sees them and goes hell yeah Ive always wanted lil siblings
#rat rambles#oc posting#splat posting#jim is actually quite invested in memverse stuff much to their own surprise and that only increases over time#since they and mark are dating and live together jim joined mark in helping out with the off the hook world tour and as such jim was forced#to interact with these ppl for the first time and was fully expecting to hate them but actually ended up getting along with marnina after#they learned that shes a crazy good programmer since jim has been spending the past few years learning programming#this lead to marina mentoring her a bit and jim learned abt the memverse project early and got to be mildy involved#I say mildly because jim ultimately isnt That good at programming yet but it made for a good learning opportunity#the knowledge that it could help mark also contributed immensely to jims investment in the project#now she did have a bit of a freak out when things went wrong but everything worked out so she got over it mostly#seeing the fun new gaggle of digital second hand clones made for a great distraction for her as at first it was mostly just rly funny to#her that they even existed to begin with but after seeing that they actually did have at least some semblance of individuality she started#to rly give a shit abt the whole thing and became very interested in figuring out these guys deals and maybe handing them a fidget spinner#this does start to create a bit of a rift between jim and marina due to their tendency assuming the worst of ppl#they felt that smollusk was getting special treatment and that marina would never give a shit abt the others#meanwhile mark is sitting there and going idk dude have you tried. asking her abt it. and jim is like no Id rather die
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shootingcookielover · 4 months
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Introducing: Jay!! My ducktales oc!! (If it wasn't blatantly obvious lmao)
Do you want to know more about them? No? Too bad!
Jay, aka January was the first ever clone F.O.W.L. created. However, due to a lab accident, Jay ended up not only with scrooge's DNA, but also Bradford's. Deeming the clone a "failure", Heron drops the created baby off at an orphanage.
(Bradford becomes enraged when he later learns of this - a child with his and scrooge mcduck's dna?? Just out there??? Has Heron no concept how problematic that could shake out to be???)
Jay spends the first 9 years of their life kinda bouncing from foster home to foster home (kinda developing a bit of a thing abt people seeing them eat. Because of how their beak is a bit weirdly aligned, they can't eat quite the same as most others, and people stare.). But eventually they scrape together enough resources for like, one of those online-dna testing kits that spit out who you're related to.
Turns out their parents are Scrooge McDuck!!! (And some random vulture guy? Weird)
Thus, Jay sets out to become an adventurer like their dad, to meet him one day on their adventures!
Except, first adventure they immediately get trapped in a parallel, kind of very hellish dimension. They get out after three years, but they're pretty traumatized - and pretty much pu off of adventuring forever.
(Though they do find and keep a magic amulet in [hell dimension] that they use to cast spells. Mostly teleportation spells, really.)
Deciding they don't really want to meet a guy who's whole schtick is adventuring, they instead begin their search for dad#2, that vulture guy.
They find out he works for scrooge mcdad (of course he does) but don't judge him too harshly yet. From what they can find online (public libraries for the win!) the guy doesn't really... Do anything. Let alone go on adventures.
So Jay decides to find out where he lives and well, just kinda shows up at his door.
Much surprise is had, it's not quite the family reunion Jay was hoping for but they haven't been kicked out so they count it as a win.
Staying with their dad is pretty great, actually. He even hires a private tutor for homeschooling, since Jay missed 3 years of school and has a lot of catching up to do.
(they definitely hoard food in their room somewhere, just in case. They also have a bug-out bag ready at any given time. Just in case.)
Turns out, Dadford doesn't only also hate adventuring with a passion - he has a whole secret organization to take over the world and stop all adventuring! Forever!
(Jay found a secret stash of files on the computer they use for video games.)
Thus, at the ripe age of 13 they become the youngest FOWL agent ever!
And because they are kind of a big security risk now that they know, they get moved out to live in the outpost at the library of Alexandria instead, together with a bunch of the villains Dadford recruited.
(including Phantom Blot who Jay has an ongoing rivalry with just because they use magic sometimes lol)
(they and the villains play mario kart/party together on sundays)
Eventually, (three years later) season 1 happens and seeing the mcduck family successfully overcome the rift that della's absence left, dadford decides to put one of his better pawns into play.
Through some posturing, magic pyrotechnics and a fake mystical artefact, Jay gets planted into the mcduck family as scrooge's "magic child/clone".
(this happens during the episode "The Depths of Cousin Fethry", while huey and dewey are out meeting their cousin, scrooge, louie and webby go to find an invaluable treasure and return with Jay. Cue scrooge introducing Jay as his kid and Huey and Dewey going "wtf did we miss")
They go along on an adventure or two, mainly because saying "I hate adventuring and I don't want to do it because I was traumatized and hate it" doesn't make sense for someone who was just created from an ancient magic artefact. But after a couple adventures they can finally just put their foot down and stay home. It's chill.
They draw sometimes, do a few commissions.
Scrooge wants to bond with them so they teach him how to play video games and they watch some shows together.
Eventually, the last adventure rolls around.
At the point where Webby pretends to be June and kidnaps... Herself (yknow what part i mean. Probably) Jay comes with the clones, obviously shocking Webby.
But they make it to the library without any particular incident - except Huey getting discovered, obviously.
Jay stays behind to "escort June and Webby". They've very much realized the switcheroo that Webby pulled and use their (thus far mostly benign) magic to switcheroo back.
They nod to June, explaining that they didn't say anything earlier so that Director Dad doesn't get on her case too bad about "failing".
After that, Jay kinda just goes off to hang out a bit. Drink some pep. Chill.
On the way to Webby's cell, she wakes up and takes out June. (Because of course she does. She's Webby.)
Cue the rest of the finale.
Right up until Dadford is fighting McDuck and his fam. Because now, he calls Jay forward, who kinda immobilizes the fam with their magic for a bit.
Dadford throws his employees into the death pit, but oh shock! He picks up to throw Jay in as well.
And he does. He does throw them in.
Luckily, Jay is a master at magical teleportation and nobody realizes they weren't, in fact, erased from existence.
Bla bla bla, scrooge signs the papyrus, "family is the greatest adventure of all", boom the other vilalins show up to defeat dadford once and for all.
But what's this? It's Jay, with a magical barrier, protecting her dad from being turned into a non-sentient vulture!
They teleport themself and Dadford outta there.
At this point they're assuming they got thrown in the pit as a sort of surprise/back up, to make everyone think FOWL was already defeated when they were still there and alive. Yknow, a backup plan.
They live on the street for a bit, but Jay manages to get a job, securing the two of them an aprtment.
Dadford doesn't rlly come out of his room for a while.
Jay gets it; having ur thirty year-long plan derailed like that couldn't be, yknow, pleasant.
At some point, Louie finds them at their job and basically blackmails them into helping him out during adventures. (They kinda hide in his shadow, basically/louie summons them, so when something particularly dangerous happens they can subtly magic it away.)
Dadford eventually emerges from his room and drops the bombshell we all already knew: he very much did intend to kill Jay that day.
Jay is kinda shellshocked. They sort of robotically just return to their routine; go to work.
Louie summons them to deal with an adventure again, and wouldn't u know it? Its an adventure in that hell dimension that Jay got stuck in as a kid.
This, coupled with the revelation that one of their dads tried to kill them, kinda makes them very uncareful. They get revealed to the rest of the family but manage to get everyone out of there.
They reveal that Louie's been blackmailing them and the fact dadford tried to actually kill them sorta spills out in the same, emotionally charged rant and to their surprise scrooge offers to allow them back in the mansion, despite everything.
Jay hesitantly accepts, but mentions that they would like to keep working their current job. This is agreeable to everyone.
Jay returns to their apartment later, under the cover of "going to work" and find dadford packing his things.
They're like, what r u doing? Where would u even go?
And he's like, idk, i'll dip into my grandma's account or smth, its not like u want me here anymore, what with the attempted murder.
And Jay's like, I didn't say that.
Stunned silence.
So anyway, Jay sighs and tells dadford he's allowed to stay at the apartment and that Jay will stay at the manor again.
This is how far ive gotten. If u have any ideas/thoughts/complaints, drop 'em somewhere i can see 'em!
If anyone's even read this far lol.
If u have, have a virtual cookie, you've earned it🍪
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bardic-tales · 25 days
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9.3.24: GTKMO: Issue # 3: Bianca Moore
Ah. The third issue of Get to Know My Character is going to focus on Bianca and her time in the Final Fantasy 7 universe. I have to admit that I am so excited for this arc I have planned for Bianca. It's very rare that I will write the villain as the protagonist, but here we are.
As September is upon us and the only remaining of my COVID is a hacking cough, I'm looking forward to getting fully back into writing. I'm also excited that my husband decided to join me on Tumblr as @bigbillythewetwilly. And of course, he names himself off of a cat meme he found on Youtube. lol.
As always, Sephiroth's death is taken from the anime: Last Order: Final Fantasy VII.
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What is your character’s current conflict? What steps are they taking to address this conflict?
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Psychological Distress, Obsessive Devotion, Exile, Loss of Identity, Manipulation, Self-Destructive Behavior, Main Character Death, Canon x OC, AU: Canon Divergent
Bianca’s conflict arose from her fatal flaw: her obsessive devotion to Sephiroth. After she watched her father, Azrakiel, behead her husband with only his claws, she felt immense grief. This allowed her to form an emotional bond to the SOLDIER 1st Class member, Sephiroth. Their mystical link allowed them to read each other’s thoughts, feel each other’s pain, and experience each other’s emotions. This allowed her mind to be vulnerable to emotional highs and lows.
After she emerged from the cosmic rift that sent her crashing into Sephiroth and she woke up from her unconscious state, she found his developing psychosis affecting her, as well as the grief from losing a love one, allowing her to trauma bond with him. Then, when she sees him stabbed in the back by Cloud and begs him to stay with her only for him to step off the platform into the mako vats below, she begun her fall from grace which directly fostered the start of her histrionic personality disorder and devotion to Sephiroth: even as he planned to end the world with Meteor and merge with the Lifestream.
Of course, there is a lot more that goes into shaping her devotion to him. I haven’t touched upon how her love for him exiled her from the Celestial Realm and how she will never feel the Eternal Moonlight upon her skin or how he can influence her — much like he does with his clones, including Cloud — but she gave up her world, her friends, and her very identity for this man.
There is several steps Bianca is currently taking right now to address her internal conflict. The first one is that she is fully embracing her dark side and any powers that come with her Jenova infusion, as well as her natural demonic abilities. This includes and is not limited to learning how to manipulate space-time and reality.
As she delves further into her role as Sephiroth’s ally, she is determine to suppress any memories of her former life with Sesshomaru and her mother, Seraphine, who lives as a living conscious within her. She will use her manipulative skills to control and deceive those around her, as she tries to control her position within the narrative: of finding the Promised Land eventually.
Bianca is a villain who is unabashedly loyal to her partner and will do anything to see his goals succeed.
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mikal0ver · 3 months
My Artfight 2024 Attacks Week 1!
I honestly am taking a break on saturday and sunday for art fight to avoid burnout! So I decided to post all my artfight attacks of the week. I think I may do this every week of July !
I did 18 attacks (4 friendly fire)! This is my first artfight, so I think I got really excited, and I just went ham! I probably am gonna go more slow next week, so I don't exhaust myself.
Warning!! You are probably gonna see me nerd out and gush about their ocs and mines! Especially the Dragon Age and Star Wars Ocs!
I try putting everyone's socials and artfight accs as best as I could!! The ones soley with @ signs use the same tumblr and artfight users!
First Attack ( deinonychus on artfight! I didn't see another socials but I encourage you to attack them if you are artfighting !)
Shandri Amblecrown
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This attack was my first one, and I really enjoyed drawing their oc! The shape was really fun!
Second Attack ( @arimabari ) A Fadeful Meeting
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This one was a dragon age oc, Lulafey Tabris!! It was a fellow tabris origin oc, so I drew them with my tabris (Kaellian Tabris) ! It is really interesting to see every one's dragon age oc have different personalities and different routes in Dragon Age Origins! I decided to have them meet in the Fade because currently Kaellian is stuck in the Fade because of her fellow elf wardens, Eloise Surana and Theron Mahariel, messing with the fade rifts that were everywhere during Dragon Age Inquisiton! And Allistar is there just because our tabris ocs happen to both romance Alistar. He may or may not have been left behind there from a certain decision in DAI, so I set up the premise for Lulafey going to save and find him!
If you like Dragon Age ocs, check out them!! I read all the lore for them on artfight, and it is so good!!!
Third Attack (ukeeyo on artfight, and find ukeeyo on instagram as well !)
Something Something Barbie Princess
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I put ukeeyo's two ocs, clai and ayden, in a barbie princess au!
Fourth Attack ( wintersoldier on artfight, and sieg_lindes on twt)
Atticus Sura
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It is another dragon age oc! I really loved drawing him!! Drawing full colors has been a learning experience!
Fifth Attack ( rainyboii on artfight and rainyrevery on insta)
SHARKBOY!! (Sebastien)
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This was my first friendly fire!! I really liked this oc! It was soo cute!
SIxth Attack ( Lemon_snail_ on artfight and snail.lemon on insta)
A Trolley of Treats
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This is their oc, Avie!
Seventh Attack (@awfulwingz)
Two Jedi at a Bar
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This was my second friendly fire! But this piece was so funn!! Their oc Konar is a Jedi Knight and a consular, centered in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic! (sidenote: I lowkey wanna play this game? It sounds really interesting. I heard there is a remake coming out in 2024 possibly?) And my oc Talon Akos is a jedi master from the clone wars era! I really loved the look of Konar, and I was like wait aren't our jedi from two different time periods? I made Konar stumbled upon Talon who somehow dimension/time traveled by accident. He is witnessing Talon in his most miserable state (he is without his clone captain Poppy).
I am probably gonna attack them again. They have interesting star wars ocs. ┗(`O ´)┛
Eighth Attack ( Zen_chix on artfight!)
Xena Cousland
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another dragon age oc! This time it is a cousland origin one! This one was my first revenge!! I need to practice drawing more armor.
Ninth attack (deinonychus on art fight)
Unnamed Pirate Lady
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He revenged me for my first attack on them, so I had to revenge them back!! They drew my oc Kasenna so beautifull, so I attacked them as soon as possible!
Tenth attack (@arimabari)
Lettie !
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They revenged me as well! So I had to strike at him again! It is was once again a dragon age oc I chose! Her oc Lettie was so cute! I never think to make a dragon age child oc. I may have too hmm!
Eleventh attack ( crankkitx on artfight and @vkeverchanging )
Angel of Music!!
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This one was a friendly fire and revenge attack! It was a Phantom of the Opera 1990s SI ! I actually never watch the Phantom of the Opera miniseries 1990s! I only seen the musical one with Ramin Karimloo and the movie one! I may check it out!
Twelfth attack (felix_3b on artfight and felixbooth.illustration_on insta)
Red 20 fish spotted!!
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Buuryi was such a fun oc to draw !! The colors are really so fun! I tried using new texture brushes to try out new methods! This was also a revenge attack as they drew my mass effect oc!
Thirteenth attack (lunar_strz on artfight)
Sponsered Vampire with Vampire Exclusive Sports Drink
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Honestly, this drawing came out of nowhere because I wanted to draw this oc oliver who is a vampire with a sponsorship. Do Vampire even exercise or do sports?
Fourteenth attack (ItsBubblePuff on artfight and twt)
Painting Time!
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This one I loved so much! The character was so bubbly and vibrant and I loved the colors!!!
Fifteenth attack (@caemetry)
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This one was supper fun!! I really was loving the sketch, and the nose I drew omg I was so happy!!
Sixteenth attack ( Mazeonmars on artfight and Mazeonmars_ on insta!)
Trooper Down Time
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This was a needed friendly fire!! ITS A CLONE OC!!! I was so excited when I saw she had clone ocs! I need to practice drawing clone armor and this was the perfect time!! Deadline is the main oc I wanted to draw, and he is the one surfing! I made him surf with his shield, and I drew another one of her ocs, commander safari !!
Seventeenth attack (Auntie_Wally on artfight!)
Star wars au: Sugie Bean!
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I found her oc with the random character finder on artfight! I drew her oc with my dear beloved padawan oc Rasha! I love star wars too much so I put Sugie Bean in star wars!
Eighteenth Attack ( @catd3mon)
Clone Beach Episode!
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This was a revenge attack because he drew my two star wars ocs Clone Captain Poppy and Jedi Master Talon Akos so beautifully!! Like it fueled me to go crazy and draw all their clones. I had so much fun with this piece! I sketched, lined, and colored this piece! I need to find more clone ocs!!!!! The clone ocs included are SGT. Ripcurl, ARC Trooper Jaro, Socket, Shipwreck, and Chime!
I also did a little thumbnail as well!
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Well, this is all for now!! If u have a artfight account with star wars ocs or dragon age ocs, drop the user please!! Same with DND ocs and other ocs! I am down to draw anything! This week has been such a good start!
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weshney · 1 year
Portal Panic Chapter 17
And A Partridge In A Pear Tree
Danny Phantom x Boku no Hero Academia
Ao3 | FFn | Youtube Audiobook
Mystery, Angst and Humor, Misunderstandings, No Romance, Friendship, Swearing, Slow Build, Rare Characters, Author Regrets Nothing, Except When The Characters Push Me Around And Give Me More Work, Like 5 Different Major Interwoven Plots At This Point
College Age Danny Fenton (20), Danny Fenton Gets a Hug, Or Three, Mostly From the Same Person But It's Fine, Danny's Fenton's Clones Are Little Shits, But Just to Him, Meddling Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Ghost Obsessions But They're Really Just Hyper-Fixation, Valerie Gray Jack & Maddie Fenton Know Danny's Secret, Supportive Jazz Jack and Maddie Fenton, dyslexic Jack Fenton, Phantom Planet Who?, no beta reader we die like danny
Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist, Pre-Overhaul Arc (My Hero Academia), Well Kind Of, Midoriya Inko is a Ray of Sunshine, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Eventual Happy Ending, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, One Main OC Needed For PlotTM, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, All Might's Trying Not To Have Heart Attack Buuuut, Retired Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Loosely Follows BNHA Canon, But in the Background
A white shape suddenly zipped from the portal, and it was barely a second before Danny’s own monochrome blur overtook it. A series of barked coos, loose feathers and panicked flapping exploded from Danny’s hands as he held onto the mysterious creature. Frowning, a miniature ecto-shield formed around the open portal, effectively closing its door. It didn’t matter though, because not a moment later, the rift evaporated.
“What’cha got there, Danny-boy?” Mr. Fenton chirped, stepping away from a laptop that was connected via USB to a monstrous server beneath it.
And then there was that damn Chisaki. Just the icing on this shit cake. If the Shie Hassakai expected the League to bow down and lick the dirt from their boots, they had another thing coming. 
While it was obvious the yakuza were on to something big—whatever they’d shot Compress with was definitely worth stealing—there had to be a way to take advantage of that beaked bastard without ceding power. 
Shigaraki’s red eyes passed unseeing over another row of games, until they suddenly sharpened on a dramatic cover art. Protagonists from several different franchises stood together, working to battle against a sea of Nohearts.
A wide smile pulled at cracked lips, splitting one and causing it to bleed; but he barely noticed. 
Of course. 
Why didn’t he think of it before?
A crossover.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Bangs head on my desk. Its sooooo fucking hard I have literally most of the LMK fandom blocked and I still can’t fucking escape that mid ass pairing I want to explode. Honest to god it sucks because I actually like analyzing LEMH and Sun wukong’s dynamic when it comes to the original story and like the idea of a character trying so hard to be this other person they just fundamentally erase any aspect of who they could be. That shit is interesting (especially if you interpret the two as actual family bc there’s a level of. Tragedy there) but NOOO mfs wanna focus on shipping clones/siblings together instead and painfully writing both characters ooc instead of just making an oc good fucking god. ( that being said I really like the art you draw of LEMH. It’s really cool. Keep up the good work 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾)
fregarewargtfds I once saw someone describe the LEMH & SWK ship as jttw retellings's reylo and. hm. yeah.
BUT YEAH YEAH YEAH to this day one of the things I find most baffling about the western monkie kid & jttw fandom is this widespread refusal to even recognize LEMH's actions in the og classic. Because it's like: here we have what could very well be one of literature's first instances of the "evil twin" trope and it's being done SPECIFICALLY in a way to create the maximum amount of conflict and uncertainty for SWK!
Because on one hand the false monkey of the true and false monkey king arc is essentially the very embodiment of everything that SWK ever wanted; LEMH, in copying SWK so completely, does it in such a way where he gets to be both a yaoguai warlord with a loving family AND a holy pilgrim bound for glory at the exact same time, whereas SWK is constantly being forced to choose between the two! But LEMH's also doing it in the worst way possible! He beats Tang Sanzang into unconsciousness, steals their stuff for his own use, and in so doing drives a serious rift between SWK and the pilgrims!
He clearly doesn't give af about the Mt. Huaguoshan monkeys outside of how they can serve as his personal tools to fulfill his own aims! He just wants them to use their own powers of transformation so that they can serve as his own obedient group of pilgrims! He even eats one of them as part of a merry feast he throws for himself after a violent encounter with Sha Wujing, and immediately has that monkey replaced with another! And he's doing ALL of this wearing SWK's face and adapting SWK's mannerisms! EVERYONE thinks that it's SWK doing these things! It's like LEMH's very existence is throwing it in SWK's face how this horrible version of himself is closer to achieving ALL of SWK's desires than SWK ever was, and that no matter how much SWK tries to change for the better even the two sides of his beloved family automatically think even this version which would inflict such violence on them is the "true" him! No wonder SWK hated him so much!
And AUGH the possibility of LEMH either being a manifestation of SWK's worst impulses or of being his brother just ramps the tragedy and horror of this situation even more! Like if it was part of SWK inflicting all this pain on the people SWK loves most, well there is truly something messed up about this situation where even if it's not technically "you" going along with your worst impulses they will still hurt people! Could you ever trust yourself again? Should you? How much of the blame for this situation lies with you? And can it be enough to fully acknowledge you have violent impulses but don't act on them?
And yes @the-bitter-ocean even in interpretations where LEMH is some random yaoguai who decides to commit identity fraud the story from his point of view of him throwing away his identity so completely that there's basically nothing left of him is just...goddamn. In his ambition he literally reduced himself to one part of SWK's story, just one more obstacle for the Monkey King to overcome.
And SCREAM if LEMH was SWK's brother? Imagine this situation where for SWK he's confronted by what is essentially the culmination of his failures to protect his family, where his beloved brother (I'm saying beloved because SWK loved all members of his monkey family very much) ended up despising SWK so much that he has essentially destroyed everything that he was or could have been in his bid to be the "real" monkey king and bring glory back to that name, but does so in the worst way possible to the point where SWK feels he has to take down LEMH himself. And then for LEMH, you can see how love and admiration for his brother would be twisted into resentment, envy, obsession, and hatred due to the series of atrocities the Mt. Huaguoshan simians faced in large part as a consequence of SWK's challenge to the heavens and his own sense of entitlement, so that eventually he convinced himself he would be a more "true" monkey king than the monkey king himself, and thus completely discarded his own identity to take on that of his brother, and in doing so basically tossed his own morals given how his "version" of the monkey king cares for no one but himself.
Sorry for the rant! But all the pieces for a whole series of interesting tragedies are! Already! Right! There!!!!! Why are we all so hellbent on ignoring/rewriting them!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 years
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Hello there... I am Aelfwynn on Ao3.  I write mostly Tech-centric and Bad Batch fan fiction. I also make amateur art/memes, links below the cut if you’re so obliged.  :)  -Photo from Hunt for Red October when he says: “You’ve lost another submarine?” Lol, what I think of because I keep writing Tech series. 🙃
CX-2 / Tech is Alive Reasons for and by the fandom community
WRITING on AO3 as Aelfwynn:
SEASON 2 AND 3 INTERTWINING FIX-IT SERIES:  The paths of Mayday, Crosshair, and Tech converge at Mt. Tantiss. Part I: Mayday, Mayday - G - What if Mayday survived? [2/?] Part II: Severe and Unyielding - G - Crosshair regrets his actions. [1/?] Part III: The Last Thing I Remember - G - Tech survived Plan 99, but now he must survive Hemlock’s plans.  [1/?] 
An Unusual Alliance - M - Slowburn between Tech and Female OC Layna, Imperial atrocities and the birth of the Rebellion in the background (Andor vibes). Some additional awesome OCs and some canon guest appearances. Angsty, heartfelt, and humorous.  Certified Bingeworthy!  [64/64] AUA Art: Layna Xenton Imperial OC Sheet                 Tech petting a baby goat                 Grenth and Hallee                 Dovok and Tyka                 Telda and Numi
Apocalyptech - G - Ten years after Order 66, Tech has watched his entire world crumble.  He searches desperately for something to live for.  Certified to make you cry!  [11/?]
Interview With A Clonetrooper - G - Tech is interviewed by a historian after the fall of the Empire to tell the history of the clones that they deserve to be remembered for.  Guest clone appearances and more!  [2/?]
Observations and Analysis in the Galactic Empire - G - Tech’s inhibitor chip activates instead of Crosshair’s and to process the events before and after, he decides to record his observations in a personal journal. [8/?]
Tech or Treat - A Bad Batch Halloween Special - G - The Bad Batch celebrate Halloween and have some fun and spooky shenanigans. [1/1]
Activated Mind - G - What If Tech’s chip activates on Bracca? [6/6]
Technically in the Crosshairs - G - What If Tech’s chip activates on Bracca and he joins Crosshair in the Empire? A battle for superiority ensues with a bit of a twist and a lot of mudslinging.  [3/?]
Unfinished Business - G - Tech and Phee have one last chat, or so they thought. [2/?]
TECH-OLOGY - Volume I - G - (Short story collection)[12/12]:
Fare Thee Well, Crosshair - Thoughts on Kamino’s secret platform.
T-Ech-o Taungsday - Cafeteria food fight shenanigans.
A Regular Meadow - Contemplation of the war.
Now TECH is Podracing! - Tech enters a podrace.
An Interview With a Clonetrooper - Tech is interviewed by a historian.
It’s Always Tech o’Clock Somewhere - 79s shenanigans.
Tech-I Mind Trick - The BB learns about Jedi.
Refresher My Memory - Toilet shopping!!! No, seriously!
Just Deserters - Contemplation of desertion from the GAR.
Cross My Hair and Hope to Die - Crosshair haunts Tech.
Home is Where the Squad is - The BB relax in their barracks.
Teching Around the Life Day Tree - Life Day celebration.
TECH-OLOGY - Volume II - G - (Short story collection cont’d)[12/12]:
Tech-tonic Rift - Cid persuades Tech and Echo about Serenno.
WHERE’S OMEGA!?!? - Omega wanders off...again.
Phee-no-Tech-ic - Tech learns something about Phee Genoa.
Cu Next Taungsday - Tech & Wrecker get a bad copper coupling.
Sacrifice and Serendipity - Tech calculates the survival of his sacrifice.
Hunting For a Solution - Tech and Hunter discuss the squad’s future.
A Gaggle of Goggles - Tech teams up with Hondo Ohnaka.
Caught in the Crossfire - Tech convinces Crosshair to escape Tantiss.
Doppel-Huyanger - Tech repairs Huyang.
The Clanking - Tech faces a great fear.  The Raven inspired.
Purrgiltory - Tech and Omega end up in a purrgil pod.
A Life Day Gift - Tech and Phee exchange Life Day gifts.
READERS on ao3 as Techpopstar: Command and Respect - M - Imperial Tech does not like you, or does he? [26/26] Force and Sensitivity - M - You are a Jedi and have a bond with Tech that must survive not only the constrictions of the Jedi and GAR, but also the new galactic order. [33/?] Over the Rainbow - G - You take Tech to a Museum.  The Bad Batch Exchange 2024 [1/1]
Techles tooka doll from An Unusual Alliance Tech and a tooka cat Garfield style Tech and his podracer from Tech-ology story Imperial Tech complete with cap 79s Graffiti by Tech from Tech-ology story Imperial Tech and Crosshair Tech playing Limmie (a soccer/football like sport) Echo Scissorhands and Omega Tooka Topiary Clone Force 99 Jack O’ Lantern Crosshair and AmberOwl24′s OC Luvari Ulren  Tech making a PB&J for Omega Tech dapper and undercover fixing cufflinks B2EMO & Pit Droid Pickle Tech Crudites Crosshair The Hutt Batch Deviled Echo Phee holding Tech’s goggles Tudor Tech Tech and Phee Genoa as Moon-yos Cloudy With a Chance of Tech Black and white Tech sketch portrait Tech Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn style Tech Vampire edit Tech and Phee and Crosshair’s reaction Tech and Phee and Crosshair and Wrecker Holiday style Gonky and AZI holiday song Crosshair as ‘Pickhead Hellraiser style CX-2 Bike Messenger CX-2 Nothing Burger Tech as WWII RAF Pilot
Tech Snoring Tech Twister Champion Tech and Hondo Ohnaka Goggles idea Stefan and Milk! Uncle Owen and Tech Oh, hi Tech. Anakin Attack of the Pornbots Spaceballs “Tech, please!” Gamorrean clown with Tech is Alive sign Bad Batch Fandom Woes Tech’s Alive Young Frankenstein style Omega Part of a Plan Starlord GotG Tech Falling for 180 Rotations Loki style Tech Mostly Dead Princess Bride
Happy to chit chat about Star Wars/Tech/Bad Batch or answer questions about my art or writing if you want to message/ask.   Please do not feed my stuff to ai or whatever that’s all about.
Thank you so much for taking a gander and reading!!!  💜💜💜 ☕
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spotofmummery · 1 year
What was your OC's most embarrassing moment? Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
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Also asked by @mimble-sparklepudding (Thanks!)
Amon tends to chuckle through his embarrassing moments in life - as a Bard, he's given a bit of leeway for being a colorful character, and people shrug it off.
However, it's one thing to make a fool of yourself on stage... it's another when your biggest miscalculation goes down in history as the start of an Umbral Calamity.
So, back in the days of Allag when Xande pushed the Big Red Button to begin siphoning Bahamut's energy into Syrcus Tower in order to create a rift to the Void, the technologists (including Amon) didn't take into account that though the Tower could withstand the force, the earth beneath it might couldn't...
Source: Wiki
While the Syrcus Tower had been fortified to handle the immense aether being funneled into it, the ground beneath it gave way and set off a chain reaction of tremors that shook the entire realm, toppling mountains and tearing the land asunder. The Allagan Empire's power grid was destroyed as the Syrcus Tower, its primary power source, sank beneath the earth. Xande and his followers remained within the tower, saved by powerful time magics woven by a clone of Amon.
Amon is pretty sour about the mistake. Maybe that's why he's not so worried about cutting up on the stage. What could top this in your technologist resume?
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-Send an ask to get to know Amon!-
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Phoenix Squad Personality Quiz
I saw someone else make one of these, and I decided to make one too 🥰
Please reblog with your results!!!
Check out my OCs here
OC taglist below the cut:
@commander-sunshine @coraex @sunshinesdaydream @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @thestarwarslesbian @clonemedickix @moonwrecked @ladyzirkonia @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @trixie2023 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @totally-not-your-babe @arc-trooper-8008 @msmeredithrose @grindeeloo @tesahuy1629 @gjrain20-starwars @nerd-ika @imabeautifulbutterfly @tallrock35 @asyas-daydreaming @t3mpest98 @twincesskorisoka @vodika-vibes
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vod of the day (pt 2/2!): Clank. he got his name by headbutting the first clanker he ever saw. their helmet against the droid's head made the worst noise ever; the vod'e have never let him live it down, hence his name.
he was in active duty for a few battles, but eventually was put out of commission and transferred to the surge protectors instead.
clank (he/him) CT-1206 surge protectors (IT) department
he does a lot of mechanical work, like fixing up the outer shells of the armor n stuff. or the jetpacks n such.
he met ratchet once (1 time) as a little tiny cadet and immediately imprinted on him. ratchet didnt feel like shaking off the little leech so they eventually became ori'vod and vod'ika.
he always has some sort of grease on his bucket. they've never gotten him to clean it off. ratchet gave up a long time ago.
he got a horrible concussion and some brain damage from headbutting the droid, causing him to develop epilepsy.
c: ratchet! i fixed the remaining jetpacks!
r: that's great, clank.
-burner helps him with his hair -single piercing. gayass. -grease smudges -has a toolbelt
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kdc705 · 1 year
My PSO2 characters on Ship 2
Why not. I guess I'll share my OCs here. At least the ones I have on Ship 2, since Ship 2 - ur on Global is my main ship. >.>
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This is my main character, Emil. I've spent the most time with Emil more than any of the other characters I have total, regardless of what ship what character is in. She's pretty much a jack of all trades, master of none kind of character, but I decided to stick to Gunblades for her. I can, in fact, change classes at anytime though, in case I wanna do something different with her. Her lore, at least in my head in NGS, states that she's got amnesia, initially. She remembers a good amount of her memory, and... well... She's suffering from Accelerated aging. O.o It's a slight acceleration, and doesn't have any signs of slowing down nor speeding up.
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I guess before she went "thicc", on the last week of a freebie Salon period's end just because. >.> She was a "sticc", whatever that means. In all honesty, she was just a bit slim. Also younger. Thanks to the lively face some updates back pre-Version 2, she looked even younger than when I stuck with the Snipt face. I'm back on the Snipt face now for the current look of Emil cause it makes her look more mature looking. Also she started with short hair, and glasses, etc. atm, her main class is Slayer, and her sub is Bouncer. The Gunblade I use isn't multiweaponed at all, it's just... well... A gunblade. That's it. No strings attatched.
Oh.... Also. For Emil's lore, this is actually the real Emil, not a Clone. Emil went to cryosleep for 1k years. I wanted to retcon that part with this character. Sorry SEGA.
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Akiko, before I made her in NGS, is one of my oldest OCs. O.o I've kept her rent free in my head, along with another one. Huh...
Anyway, Akiko, like Emil, is also from 1k years ago... Though her appearence is mostly temporary, along with another. >.> She, and another OC, went through a time rift, if those exist, and cannot return to the past unless.... something. I've not completely written this out completely. She use a single dagger, though since the only weapon camo that can do that is Nanaya's Knife, a collab item, so I had to make up some bs to make her use the Twin Daggers as her main weapon... That and Jet Boots as the multiweapon, mainly for kicks. :3 So she learned how to make elemental weapons from out of the blue.... I guess?
Personality wise, she's a bit laid back, but is very serious when she needs to be. There are also some moments where she has a silly side. :3 She has a sister, but her sister is adopted. She really cares for that sister. In fact, she gets worried when they get separated by an unknown force, in this case a time rift.
Akiko is also a childhood friend of Emil.
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She also has a "Special Power", I'm gonna call it. >.> She can see critical spots in everything, and she can strike those critical spots to deal ten times more pain on who, or what, has that spot. But there's a catch. Should she use that special power for too long, she'll begin to lose her sight. The signal of that happening is straining in her eyes, to the point of them hurting. Luckily, she trained her eyes for keep this power in use for lengthy periods of time.
I guess that's all I'm gonna say about this OC for now.
Fun fact: I used Akiko, and the next OC, the most with other games. I also used this OC to use for Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, because the PSU era of games allows me to use a single dagger. WHERE THE SINGLE DAGGER WEAPON SEGA!?!? xD
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Welp... This is Kita, Akiko's (adopted) younger sister. :3
She's a kid, and power hungry people are constantly wanting her for her powers only. She's supposed to be 12 years old, but... I can't make her any smaller than Global's minimum height. I can blame my country's culture, but not worth it.
Kita is a kind and caring little girl, and would much rather not fight and live a normal life. Sadly, that normal life she wants is forever out of reach because of those wanting her specifically to control her, mostly to use her powers for their own gain, she is forced to fight. Her strength also, questionably, grows without training, which could be much greater should she begin training.
She's a Hunter/Force, using a Sword, multiweaponed with Rod. Cause why not. I used this combination before, so it shouldn't be a problem. Right?
That's all I'll show in terms of OCs I put in PSO2NGS for now. I do another post like this sometime in the future to show off more OCs I put in PSO2:NGS. :3
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eclysia · 2 years
Rosette, bouquet and fallen leaf?
OUGh thank you so much :pleading_face:
um this is a long post so its going under the cut
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
oh man, flower symbolism. im not too well versed in this, but let me see!
a wilted/dead lily fits well for mido; after the events of hiyoshi, being dragged back from the dead and coerced to carry the traumas of several different people took a toll on him. a lily symbolizes purity and innocence after death, but midos case is the complete opposite.
he is not an empty shell like the rest of the interceptors' bodies-- and he cannot take the burdens given to him well at all.
due to his role within the third layer, poppies suit aevis the most. sacrifices had to be made for the greater good- to cheat death and overcome humanitys greatest flaw.
proteas also work quite well for recent developments, as he is beginning to overcome his status as a clone/black box and is stopping trying to take the identity of the true, dead aevis. he is learning to change and embrace individuality!
after being freed from their time loop, xerophyllum suit avan well, symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings. theyre stuck in this world now, so they have to learn to like it... (i also like the pure white of the flower; matches their pokemon who all lost their color)
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message?
i would get one of the grevilleas to do it instead because i am really bad with flowers HGFDLKASJFV
i suppose i would make color themed bouquets for all three of them matching the flowers i listed prior? but overall messages.. from me, as the creator? ...get your shit together, all of you. no okay wait
mido- open up to your friends please aevis- you are your own person, stop adhering to the orders given to you avan- there is something worth fighting for
🍃 [FALLEN LEAF] What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through?
mido is quite obvious with hiyoshis events. storm-9 as a whole rendered himself and many people he loved dead, and he was too shaken to say no to the preposition of using his body as a host. it was only instinct that allowed him to grow defiant and disrupt the process, but this helped no one.
aevis says that nothing sour has happened in his existence (he is lying). he overlooked many third layer test subjects and has seen a lot of people die- he himself has even tested the means like artillery. considering he is a black box, he can just regenerate even if bullets render his body torn apart, so long as his core is safe. so its completely fine and morally correct to use him.. isnt it?
avan tries to brush it off too, but the catalyst of their whole deal- the unearthly swap of every species of pokemon to a different one, and everyone acting like everything was still normal- they felt insane. to top it all off, code: evo had turned out to be a lunala in xens hands, and one fight later, the rifts instability had rendered their world gone.
..why did they come back? they really shouldnt have, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot die.. until now, at least.
theyre still hesitating.
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mandoposting · 3 years
☕️ what do they order at starbucks? For any and all of your OCs (or for Aran if you only want to choose one)
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so i may have um. gone overboard with this :')
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oc ask meme but it's utter chaos
Taglist: @ct-9904, @xviii-themoon, @twisted-falcon @findhimfives, @the-dreamy-space, @fake-fullbuster, @parkotedarasuum, @beckettsmeckett, @icanbringyouincold, @limeyartspinningtales, @persaloodles, @dilfyoda, @1-or-a-0 dm/send me an ask if you'd like to be added/removed :)
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she is not getting paid enough for this
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calamity-aims · 2 years
Hi Cal mwah, 30 for Drift please? Thank you <3
(MWAH MWAH MWAH also this is the first appearance of Rodi in a fic! Momentous!)
“Whatcha thinking about?” Rodi asks. Bright blue Zeltron eyes flash towards Drift curiously; his thigh presses up against Drift’s armor plating. The clink of his lightsaber against the plastoid is lost amid the constant sounds of traffic.
Drift takes a breath.
It’s hard to feel doubt or fear at the current moment. They’re up on the roof of the Jedi temple, sitting with their lags dangling above the dizzying web of Coruscant. This is Rodi’s favorite place, and Drift’s too: a long-forgotten alcove nested in the temple walls. Maybe it had been a sleeping porch, once, or just an outside access, but now it was filled with greenery and soft pillows, bits of art and Rodi’s books that he largely ignores. The overall effect is chaotically calming, much like Rodi himself.
It’s Drift’s favorite place in the galaxy, with his favorite person in the galaxy, and yet-
“What if,” he starts, then cuts off. It’s stupid. It’s a stupid thought that he shouldn’t burden Rodi with, not when there’s more important things going on, not when their time together is as rare and precious as Corusca gems.
Long red fingers brush over his cheek, tracing the lines of his tattoos. “Tell me,” Rodi says.
Drift could never refuse him anything. He leans into the touch, presses a kiss to his Jedi’s palm. Rodi waits, cupping Drifts face, until finally he says, “What if there’s no happy ending for us? What if - what if you die, or I die, or-”
Rodi laughs - not cruelly, never cruelly - and says with easy confidence, “Is that it? Aw, Drift, that’s not going to happen.”
“How can you know?” Drift asks. His voice almost breaks on the last word. How can Rodi be so assured, when Drift second-guesses every action? How can Rodi be so confident in the future when Drift can’t even remember parts of the past? 
The gaps in his memory are getting more and more frequent, and the Corrie medics don’t have an answer. Drift put it down to brain damage, from the spice and the circuit boosters and everything else he used to do, but Remedy said it wasn’t.
Remedy wouldn’t lie to him. Not even to spare Drift’s feelings. He’s not that kind of medic.
“I know because I’ve seen it,” Rodi’s saying. He taps the side of his head knowingly. “Visions, remember?”
Drift remembers. Rodi doesn’t talk about his visions much. Drift knows they’re hard on him, yet still he presses. “But do you ever get bad ones? Ones where we lose, or we die, or-”
“Sure I do,” Rodi says, easy. Casual. “But those are not going to happen.”
“They’re not, Drift.” Rodi’s voice has gone sharp. Blue eyes blaze into Drift’s own. “They’re not. I won’t let them, ok?”
“Ok,” Drift whispers, and lets Rodi kiss him, fierce and desperate.
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