#clone medic phoenix
matchademi · 1 year
During a medic meet up (thank you @starrrgazingbunny for making me have that hc
Falls:*walks in arguing with Kix* I don't care what anyone says your apart of the chaos and Torret is gonna Torret!!
Kix: you are my right hand!! Your apart of Torret as well!
Falls: the next time they act up, I'm spacing them! I still can't get the glitter out of my hair! *sits next to Patcher and Phoenix with a grumble putting his hair that he is growing out into a little pony tail*
Falls:I'm transferring who wants me in their battalion!
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howlofhades · 1 year
Phoenix: Do you ever see your sibling and get the overwhelming urge to smack them for no reason?
Lazarus: It's instinct.
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Phoenix is here to give you a hug!
Phoenix baby, thank you so much 🥺 I love your hugs 💚💚💚
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Something something """canon""" age difference, modern AU where Rex actually is a decade younger than Anakin
And for Reasons, 34yo Anakin and 39yo Padme have decided to invite this Hot Young 24yo Who Just Exited The Military into their bed for a quick romp that turns into something of a longterm relationship that is sortakinda sugaring
………….just realized this makes Rex only [checks math] twelve or thirteen years older than the twins.
Which is very funny to me. These tweens are so unimpressed by the GI Bill college guy their parents are wooing. Is this supposed to be their new babysitter? A nanny? Wait, he's your boyfriend??? EW.
Such a weird age difference to have with your sorta stepkids
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radiance1 · 10 months
Master List
King of the Blob Ghosts - Mostly flavor text where Danny is the only king of the Blob ghosts. Au not tied in with Ghost King or Ghost Prince hc unless specified.
Goo Dragon - An au where Danny is a goo dragon made entirely of ectoplasm!
Blind King - Danny is blinded by the portal incident, gets adopted by blob ghosts, and then falls into DC and ices over an entire section of a city.
Infinity Prince and the Dark Escapee - Where Danny gets prince training and then has to hunt down Dark Danny because he escaped.(Small thanks to @starlightcat04 and @lauwftzee3542 for ze name)
Cat Familia - Where Danny gets turned into a cat by pissing off a wizard, and accidentally adopts various cats in Gotham!
Tempest - Danny owns a ship called Tempest that he created that he uses to sail through time. Then he accidentally jumps timestreams.
Moth - Where Danny is de-aged and is a moth boy.
Moth - But with Killer Moth.
Eastern Dragon - Danny is the ghost prince and can turn into an eastern dragon.
Cuddly Apocalypse - Teddy Bear Danny au meets one Dark Danny.
Interdimensional Mini Occult Detective - De-aged Tucker gets thrown to another dimension after getting caught lacking by the magical government branch he was looking into.
Herald of Seasons - Danny obtains the ability to guide the seasons when he was split off from .Phantom while still having Vortex's powers
Vortex's lil guy - Soulless Danny gets taken by Vortex and is his little guy.
??? - Phantom causes a ruckus in DC after getting into it and him and Danny fight or something.
Sold to the devil? Nah, sold to the bear - Constantine sells his soul to the Ghost Prince, and is then turned into a baby sitter by the Ghost King.
Demon and Wraith - Demon twins au where both of them are dancers.
Sun and Moon - Based on an older au where Danny and Vlad were deities.
Successor in training - Ghost King Danny except he isn't and Pariah is his mentor.
Just Monika - DDLC is installed on Tucker's PDA somehow and he dates Monika.
Subject M-0001 - Monika hacks into Mount Justice.
Subject Omega - Danny's most perfect clone protects the ruins of Amity Park.
Medic - Danny be a doctor in Gotham.
??? - Pariah Dark just disappears and it's left to Danny and Vlad to find him.
Eastern Dragon and Phoenix au - Mostly a cosmetic au, where Danny is an Eastern Dragon and Vlad is a Pheonix.
Ghost King/Ghost Prince and Duke of the Ghost Zone - Mostly just flavor text really, Danny is usually more Ghost Prince than King and Vlad is the Duke.
Phoenix King Vlad - Exactly as it says, Vlad is either one of or the king of phoenixes
Kawmi? - Where Vlad and Danny get transformed into magical jewelry that allows others to use their powers.
Fountain Dragon - Danny drops in the Wayne Manor Fountain.
Will of the Wisp - Where Danny gets turned into a tiny whisp because of one of his parents inventions.
??? - Jack gets thrown to the DC dimension alongside Danny and made a coffin for Danny to sleep in during ze day.
??? - The Ghost King gets summoned to DC and wages war, but the Ghost Prince stops said war and gets a date out of it.
Teddy Bear Danny - Another cosmetic au where Danny get turned into a stuffed teddy bear in his accident, he was holding onto one before it happened. He's also in ranges of 5-10 here.
Ghost King at birth, Farmer at heart - Mostly cosmetic au where Pariah Dark, if he weren't the ghost king, would be a farmer and he has an intense love for horses.
Farmer with quite the ghostly (and kingly) secret - Pariah Dark disguises himself as a human and moves into Smallville, has a hard time interacting with humans and humaning as a whole.
Life hanging by tape and sheer will - Where Tucker gets yeeted to the DC dimension.
Dream pals? Dream pals! - Younger Danny and pre-Batman Bruce meet each other through a dream, unfortunately when Danny experienced his accident that connection was shut down.
Bakery and a masquerading demon? - Vlad owns a bakery, Constantine is a regular who holds suspicions that Vlad may or may not be a demon.
Gift in the arms of tragedy - Danny becomes Vlad's ward after the Nasty Burger explosion, only to then become adopted when he was turned into an eight-year-old not even a week later.
??? - Danny and Vlad get turned into kids by Clockwork and placed in the DC dimension because Clockwork thought it was funny. Danny decides to use Vlad to not get adopted.
The key(s) to Doomsday - Danny gets de-aged by Clockwork when going to visit Pariah in the human world, gets summoned, and meets Raven.
Alicorn parole - Pariah gets released from his eternal rest with the sole condition that he's to be watched over by Clockwork. The Ancient of War then decides to combine two mythical beasts and shaped himself into an alicorn, Clockwork followed and then they met Billy Batson.
Ferret Danny - Danny is a ferret. That's it.
Witch - Sam is a witch.
Dead eyed Doctor - Danny, the son of Talia Al Ghul and Jack Fenton, trained under Vlad Masters and became a doctor.
Shadow Twin? Shadow Twin. - Danny dies and reincarnates as the son of Talia Al Ghul, the younger brother and twin of Damian Wayne and son of Batman. Only to then be killed immediately after because he was born with a birth defect, thus becoming a shadow creature that follows Damian around.
Match and Danny - Danny reincarnates into the body of a clone of Superman and Wonder Woman, steals Match and then becomes Metropolis cryptids. Also check out this fic it's great!!!!!
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starkdirewolflove · 6 months
Latest episode of X-Men ‘97, wow.
Omg there was so much going on in that episode can’t believe it was only 36 minutes.
Love square of Jean, Scott. Madelyne and Logan. Love triangle of Magneto, Rogue and Gambit, relationship drama galore.
I find it really amusing that Emma Frost has a front row seat to the drama with Jean, Madelyne and Scott like her own personal telenovela. Love that Madelyne has been forging her own path and becoming a part of the council of Genosha.
There’s a reporter doing a documentary about the X-Men and Xavier’s school. I’m a bit confused about Roberto being there. When we first meet him he’s a young rich party boy, heir to a wealthy Brazilian family that can just take a private jet wherever he wants to go and is ashamed and afraid of people, particularly his mother learning he’s a mutant so he leaves after episode one. Then he’s just always at the mansion hanging around with Jubilee and he’s in this documentary about a mutant school. Is he out to his family as a mutant or does he not care who knows anymore? I feel like this should’ve been addressed at some point.
Things are still really rocky with Scott and Jean, I can understand why he blew up at the reporter, she was being really invasive about his personal life and calling him a liar about having a son. And who was that doctor to make any statement about the birth? The bigot refused medical help to a woman in labour. But then he goes and has his psychic affair with Madelyne, dick move. And he’s been doing this since she left while shutting Jean out then turns everything around on her. Like Jean has been traumatised by what Sinister did to her. She doesn’t know how long he had her abducted, what he did while she was his prisoner, her mind is all messed up and on top of that her husband had a baby with her clone who had completely stolen her life (not Madelyne’s fault, this was 100% Sinister’s evil plan) and the only one who is actually supportive and understanding of her pain is Logan, no wonder she kissed him. Good on Logan for not trying to make the kiss into a big deal, Jean and Scott are married and he respects that even though he’s in love with her. The betrayal from Scott was even worse for Jean because their psychic connection has always been sacred between the two of them and her anchor when the Phoenix was overwhelming her and then he disregards all that because he’s in love with Madelyne too supposedly. Like I get their shared grief over having to give up their baby, it doesn’t give him a free pass to cheat on his wife.
Gambit was such a gentleman throughout the whole Rogue and Magento stuff, even though it was breaking his heart to see her with another man he respected her choice, didn’t try to blame or shame her about it and said they can be friends still. Rogue had a really rough time this episode. From the start of this season I felt uncomfortable with this Rogue and Magento pairing but when she explained their history to Gambit it was even worse because it just sounded like grooming and made Magento a creepy sexual predator. So Rogue ran away from home as a teenager after the trauma of putting the first boy she kissed in a coma and being rejected by her dad, gets taken in by Mystique who gets her to use her powers as part of her mutant terrorist group then brings this vulnerable teenage girl who is afraid to touch anyone to a middle aged man to help her control her powers and instead of doing that he fills her head with his ideologies and because he can touch her without it hurting either of them they become lovers. 🤢🤮 so creepy. Magento leverages the council of Genosha that he will only lead them if he can take Rogue as his “Queen” or co leader to the public, so she feels backed into a corner after seeing how amazing things on Genosha were for mutants now. Then after that amazing dance scene she realises that Gambit is the man she truly loves and what they have is more meaningful and goes beyond being able to touch and she chooses her swamp rat only to lose them both by the end of the episode.
The attack on Genosha was brutal but it was so amazingly done. Cable traveling back through time to try and warn everyone about the attack even though it goes against the rules of time travel, seeing Madelyn for a moment, her recognising him as her son by his eyes and him calling her “mom” as he got pulled back through time. The music, the chaos and panic you could literally feel through the screen, Magneto’s holocaust flashbacks, the Morlocks being trapped and thinking no one was coming to save them, Nightcrawler almost dying saving Rogue and Magneto.
Rogue and Gambit were the ultimate power couple fighting their way to the Morlocks, a better dance than the one she had with Magneto. Magneto saving Rogue and Gambit while he tried to shelter the Morlocks from the sentinel blast, so tragic. Then Gambit saves Rogue from getting herself killed by attacking the sentinel in a rage, takes it on by himself to save everyone and destroys it but sacrificing his own life in the process 😭.
The tragedy is they foreshadowed this in the first episode when Jean/Madelyne went into Trask’s mind and then both Jean and Madelyne got a psychic premonition of the attack just before it happened but were unable to do anything to stop it.
When the dust settles at the end you see the X-Men witness the aftermath of the attack, the few surviving mutants gather around the crater where Rogue is cradling Remy’s body. She’s finally able to touch him but only because he’s dead. “Sugah. I can’t feel you.” 💔
That killed me at the end, was so shocked that they killed Magneto and Gambit within minutes of each other. I know they probably won’t be dead forever but fuck that was brutal.
I know next week’s episode is gonna be Storm centric so we’ll probably have to wait 2 weeks to see what happens with the rest of the X-Men and hopefully by then Storm is ready to rejoin the team. There was a moment in the Genosha attack where Val Cooper is helping evacuate mutants to the gardens and she looks back at the sentinels and there’s this look in her eye that made me wonder is she Val Cooper or Mystique in disguise? We haven’t seen Mystique in the show so far but what if she’s been there all along? Maybe she was afraid of being exposed as an imposter by the sentinels because they’d know she’s not human.
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that-one-i-think · 10 days
A list of who is on the S.S. Phoenix Drop and their jobs. The S.S. Phoenix Drop is a transportation ship with the additional job of investigating planets that have been infected by THE RED aka Shadow Knight virus.
Aphmau - Stowaway and Captain - Despite most likely only being a few months old, this clone has shown a high aptitude for command and a weird ability to sense when the crew needs to high tail. Unfortunately, she has a tendency to ignore those thoughts and rush head first into danger
Garroth - First Mate - He is in charge of all of the beurocratic nonsense and actually makes sure that the ship runs smoothly. He should have been promoted to captain after the previous captain died, but he doesn't want to make actual decisions and feel the guilt that comes with it.
Katelyn - Weapons Expert and Second Mate - Given how they deal with an infection that causes literal zombies, her job is to make sure that they are equipped to handle it. They are also a transport ship so dealing with pirates is also rather common
Laurance - Gunner and Survival - Before joining the crew, he was a professional explorer, his career only ending when he caught (and survived) THE RED. So he is in charge of navigation and preparation for when they do have to go planet side. He is also in charge of buying necessities with a budget made by Garroth
Zoey - Medic - Just as the title entails, she is the medic on the crew. In charge of the health of the crew injured or not. She keeps track of the dietary and social needs of each member of the crew and enforces it.
Travis - Translation - As a shape-shifting slime he has the ability to absorb information at a much faster rate. They are most important when exploring planets that are not a part of the galactic alliance as he can gain knowledge of language by touching a native speaker, dead or alive. Very helpful when someone needs to read the "DO NOT ENTER: DANGEROUS" so Aphmau can ignore it.
Nana - Communication and Navigation - She is the woman in the chair, well, wheelchair. She keeps everything and everyone on track. Though, she is this close to running Aaron over with he chair is he turns off his coms ONE MORE TIME!
Dante - Mechanic - This 7-foot man is here to carry big things and repair things in the ship. If one were to look at him, they would assume he is some form of military tank, but the dude just likes fixing things. Strong autism vibes.
Aaron - Test Subject - Since the man is made from THE RED spores, he is immune to the infection so whenever they have to go onto an infected planet, he is sent on to determine how safe it is for the crew. He also sometimes takes out enemies that board the ship but other than that, he just broods silently in a corner hating his existence.
Lo - Therapist and Funder - Lo is an entertainer and companion that employs the S.S. Phoenix Drop for rides from planet to planet in exchange for giving them some extra funding and connections. He is listed as their "therapist" so the Galactic Federation gets off their back. Since he isn't part of the crew, Garroth vents to him A LOT.
Zenix - Extra Gun and Spy - Zenix is normally assigned as an extra gun to the ship. He is also a spy for Vylad who is posing as a spy for Zane who is posing as just an extra gun for the S.S. Phoenix Drop. Messy!
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themourningfox · 3 months
Firecracker | Kix x F!Reader
Found some old stories on my abandoned ao3 page. Figured I should bring some of them back to life and let y'all enjoy them.
Kix x F!Reader. Fluff, angst, one-sided crush (lmao yeah right), SFW, comfort fic, hurt fic. Reader gets hurt on a mission.
She was a soldier. Not a Jedi, not a clone. Just a soldier thrown into the war. With her expertise in explosives, it was an easy guess as to why. She couldn’t help it. She enjoyed the smell of the powder. The ticking of the timer. The fuses being lit, or buttons being pressed. The fire, the impact, the dust and smoke. 
Okay, so maybe she was a bit of a pyromaniac. 
Just a little bit.
It fit well with her personality and allowed her to fit in well with the clones she ended up working with. She was able to take their banter and give it right back, which may or may not have earned her the nickname Phoenix.
But despite how many clones enjoyed her company, there was one who was not so keen to welcome her into their folds.
So maybe she had developed a tiny crush on the medic, which was why she noted the difference in behavior from him. She wasn’t sure what it was that drew her to him like a fly to honey, but damn…she wanted to find out.
That’s where the slightly devious part came in.
Every chance she got, she would go to the medbay. Burns, scrapes, twisted ankle, anything to just go see him.
He was never rude or mean. It was business. That was it. That’s all it was to him. She watched him play with his brothers, argue and fight back, but not with her. She was dying to know what she was doing wrong, but...how?
After a while, she just stopped going. It hurt her to watch his playful attitude turn so strict whenever she came within vicinity. Maybe he just didn’t like her. So, with some expertise in treating her own burns, she stopped going to the medbay.
A month had passed. The only times she had seen Kix were in the mess. Well... that’s when she actually showed up there. Things changed after a mission at a Separatist outpost went a little haywire. She was meant to blow the bridge, but her gadgets malfunctioned. She frowned, panic seizing her heart when she realized they weren’t going to detonate. 
“What’s wrong? Why isn’t it blowing?” Captain Rex asked, his voice filled with mounting pressure.
The droids were getting closer. They couldn’t risk this. 
She flung herself over the barricade, running toward the bridge.
Ignoring Rex’s booming voice, she dodged a blaster bolt and dove beneath the legs of the bridge. Gritting her teeth, she tried to force her trembling hands to still. Eyes surveying the explosive, she quickly found the problem.
They hadn’t been set properly. 
Sweat beaded on her forehead as she raced against the approaching enemy. There wasn’t enough time to fix it and run back. They would need to be set off with her right here. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Rex’s voice grated through the comlink in her ear.
“Not now, Rex! Focusing!”
“What’s the problem?”
“Explosives weren’t set property,” she explained, finally getting the fuses in the right place. “I’m going to have to blow it from here.”
“Phoenix, don’t!”
“I don’t have time for anything else. I’ll be okay.”
Before he could respond, she lit the fuse. The bomb started ticking at an accelerated pace. Phoenix leapt to her feet, running out from under the bridge. Her shoes pounded against the hard ground. Blood rushed in her ears. She could see her battalion—
The explosives detonated. She could feel it. The ground shook. A heatwave hit her first, knocking her off her feet. Then the shockwave. She was thrown into the barricade at the feet of her battalion.
That’s the last thing she remembered.
The first thing she came to was the feeling of floating. She blinked. It took a moment to process that there were two strong arms holding her off the ground. A hard wall was to her left...no wait, that was an armored chest. Phoenix blinked again. She was being carried.
Her tongue touched her lips. She tasted blood. Her own? Probably. She shook her head. Maker, she felt lightheaded.
“You’re awake.” Rex’s voice wasn’t a question. “That was reckless.”
Oh, here they go...a lecture about safety.
“I’m okay,” she grunted weakly, pushing at his chest.
Rex snorted, clearly amused. “You were out for a day.”
A day? She stared up at his face, hidden behind the helmet. “Where are we?”
“We’re heading to the medbay, you and I. We just arrived back at the ship.”
Medbay, yes. That was a good idea...her heart stopped. Medbay. “No!” she shouted, shoving hard against his chest.
The clone captain grunted, but otherwise just held tighter onto her. “That wasn’t a suggestion. You were hurt and you need to be examined.”
“I can do it myself. I don’t need to go to the medbay.” The embarrassment would be too much. “I don’t need Kix to look after me!”
“Mm, I would beg to differ.”
Her heart stilled in her chest. In her attempt to get out of going to Kix, she hadn’t realized they had just arrived. She sent Rex a small glare before turning her head to look at Kix.
He was leaning against one of the cots, arms crossed over his chest. He gave her a once over, before nodding to Rex. The captain set her down on the cot and left shortly after.
Phoenix rubbed her neck, looking anywhere but at Kix. He didn’t waste any time. He started the examination, looking over her burns, bumps, and bruises. He hummed here and there, poking and prodding, taking note of where she tensed.
Her eyes slid closed, cheeks turning a nice rosy color at his proximity. He was all around her. She could smell him. The aftershave. The shampoo in his hair. Feel him as he shifted around her, deft fingers grazing over her skin like ice.
“Are you all right, mesh’la?” Kix’s voice cut through the silence.
She opened her eyes, almost gasping when she realized he was right there. Right in front of her face. So close.
“Y…yeah,” she stammered, nodding her head.
“Good.” He backed away, taking notes and preparing a tincture. “My conclusion is that you need a couple days of bed rest. You have a small concussion and will need to be checked in on. What I’m making here will heal your burns, but I need you to promise me you’ll stay in bed for a couple of days. Is there anyone to come and check on you?”
She blinked at him, trying to think. “Rex?” 
“He’s out on leave.” He hummed, then shrugged as he approached her again and began to clean her burns. “I’ll come and check on you.”
“You will?” she asked, breathless as his scent filled her nostrils again.
Kix nodded, dark eyes sweeping up to her. “Of course. You’re my patient.”
Oh...right. Business. She gave him a small smile. “Thank you, then.”
He smiled back at her and she blamed it on the concussion when it felt like his thumb rubbed soft circles on the back of her hand. “I’m glad your safe. It’s been a while since my favorite firecracker came to visit me for her medical needs.”
Favorite... firecracker? She blinked at him, cheeks warming. “Your what?”
He chuckled softly and wrapped her burn. “You heard me. Don’t think I didn’t notice when you stopped coming to see me. I’ll have to ask you about that when you don’t have a concussion, mm?”
All she could do was nod. He...his favorite...she felt like her heart was about to erupt with happiness. She couldn’t wait to see where this would lead.
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brainrotparsecsaway · 22 days
I think it is high time I made an introduction so here we are!
I'm still very new to tumblr so I'm slowly working on how this place works!
Hello, the name is Ezra, he/working on becoming him. This is my star wars blog! I mostly do oc art, but you might see fan art or reblogs every now and again
Bg3/dnd blog: @brainrotdungeons
Spider-verse blog: @brainrotinverse
Artfight: https://artfight.net/~Brainrotparsecsaway
Featured characters under cut
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Quasar Dess: former jedi knight, currently a smuggler
A nit picky thing, but his name is pronounced "Kwuh-zaar" kinda more like how aqua is, just so you know :)
Leyc Gooran: half clone and a war vet
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BD-droid "Bucket": Quasar's explorer droid from the rebublic era
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(Pantoran/Mikkian) Zim Kilan: Quasar's deceased padawan
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Gurmenas: imperial siding mercenary and kinda Leyc's ex
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The two mandos: Orange is Tranyc or Ra and green/black is Korar, they're @keep-the-socks-on-karta's characters, I just think they're neat so I draw them :D
Dead Zone Platoon: including lieutenant Phoenix, Sargent Gear, Kelp, Anch (medic), Wreck, Dush and Omen. All apart of Quasar's jedi era Platoon. Aid and Hazard are characters of a friend of mine who doesn't have tumblr, but since they're apart of the Platoon during the clone wars they're also included in my drawings
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Any extra lore about them can be found on my art fight :DD
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lablass-2882 · 10 months
A bit of an early treat for y’all.
Since my move actually went pretty quick. I guess having a big family who all own trucks/SUVs makes for light work, huh?
The meta reason is that I needed a break from arranging and putting together my apartment. So, I decided to finish this piece.
Introducing Alpha Squad. They are a small part of bigger Phoenix Squadron Unit in the Rebel Allience.
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Click for better quality
And some close ups.
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These aren't the squads final designs. They're more of a first pass that I am comfortable with showing off. Putting faces so sorts to names.
Going from left to right.
Captian Tally. Alpha Squads fearless 2nd in command and probably one of the best hand to hand fighters in the Rebellion. She is not to be pissed off, ever. Tally is Trapper's daughter but was raised by Cody after Trapper's death.
Commander Aurora. Leader of Alpha Squad and its resident caf addic. She is well known for her calm and collected attitude even when under fire. Her father was a member of the Corrie Guard, but she was raised by Fox and Thire.
Sparks is Alpha Squad tech maniac, hacker, and general trouble maker. She loves messing with all manor of machines and tech. She is the daughter of Comet, Sinker and Boost.
Head Medic Mako. The calmest and strongest member of Alpha Squad, Mako also has the honor of trying to wrangle all of his half siblings into the medic tent when shit goes sideways. He was adopted by Woffle after his mom abandoned him, and his clone dad is long dead.
Lieutenant Arrow. The unofficially weapons master of the group and the resident grump of the Squad. Arrow would be hard pressed to admit to it, but he loves his crazy siblings. They are just way too loud sometimes. He is Longshot's son.
Twig. One of two expert pilots for Alpha Squad, Twig, along with his twin Branch, make sure that the Squad gets where it needs to go. Regardless of laws, physics, and sometimes all common sense. His dad was a member of the 501st
Branch. One of the best pilots among the clone units, Branch is fearless, loves to go fast, and is always on the go. Along with her twin brother Twig, the squad always gets where it needs to go. Maybe not always in the sensible way tho. Her dad was a member of the 501st.
And last but not least.
Max. He is the Jack of all trades among Alpha Squad. He's a mechanic, a cook, an assistant to Mako, good at logistics, and is generally a level head dude. He does tend to get overwhelmed by his siblings' antic tho. He father is Dogma.
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heroesoath · 3 months
Realized that some people might not be familiar with my muses, and what they can do, so here's a cheat sheet for my mutant muses specifically. I can write about the non-mutants at a later date!
Alex has the mutant power to absorb energy, though more specifically radiation and shit from the cosmos like sunlight. His body stores this energy where he can later expel it in a blue or yellow colored plasma form in blasts, waves, and other means.
I personally think that when he stores too much energy his body can become overheated. It starts with a burning sensation in his hands and it spreads, it's why he constantly has to shoot plasma every so often. Alex has a long history of not being able to control his powers, the goofy original costume with the eggbeaters on the mask and the black spandex was created so he could control his powers more easily because they are dangerous! He can essentially be a walking atom bomb if he's not careful.
Dani's powers have evolved over time, but originally they were seen as the telepathic ability to create illusions based on people's greatest fears. They have since been expanded on so that she can create illusions based on anything, and they can become physical constructs. A popular illusion she can make are psionic arrows, since she's a gifted archer.
I want to point out that Dani's powers were originally VERY tropey, she's Cheyenne and Claremont literally said let's make her a literal Dreamcatcher. it's iffy and it needed to be addressed. Another tropey ability she has is her rapport with animals, but I now associate this more with her telepathic gifts rather than it being a separate thing.
Dani can read minds, but it's not something that's easy, she tends to stick to her illusion based powers and archery in combat.
Jamie has the power to create duplicates of himself! Originally this was an extremely hard power to control, and like Alex, he had to wear a special suit to help keep control. Since those days however, Jamie has had the smart idea of sending his duplicates out into the world and doing things, whether it be attend college, medical school, law school, become an olympian, his duplicates have done a lot of things and Jamie would eventually find them and reabsorb them, retaining their knowledge and skills they have obtained. The ethics of his powers have been discussed not only in the comics, but by fans alike. It's an interesting question if Jamie's duplicates have autonomy since so many of them have different personalities ( all parts of Jamie's overall personality ).
When Jamie needs to fight, he'll just create a bunch of dupes, he's a one man army and there's something unsettling about seeing a clone army coming at you. Luckily for him though, Jamie tends to just use his powers for passive reasons, like when he is a detective or more recently a scientist on Krakoa.
Jean is a telepath and a telekinetic. I'm not going to get into her omega level status, she's extremely powerful and that's great and all, but people who focus on that aspect of her bore me to tears so I won't subject anyone to that either. She's good at what she does, she can move things with her mind, read people's thoughts, lots of shit with her brain.
Jean is also the host of the Phoenix Force, a cosmic being whose exact nature has flipped back and forth based on the writer, but it seems that they are moving back to the original intent of the force from Chris Claremont's brain. The Phoenix is Jean's power, and it's uniquely tied to her and her bloodline alone. She's the cosmic firebird of all creation and life, it's wild, it's terrifying, and it's fun. I'll probably write more about this once Jean's new solo comic comes out.
Julian is a telekinetic. He probably has the most simple powers of my entire mutant cast ( along with Piotr ) , he can move things with his mind and fly. His powers manifest as a green light, not unlike the Green Lantern Corps of DC fame.
His powers are not overly powerful, he's not on like Jean or Rachel Grey's level, but Emma Frost did unlock his potential when Julian flew across the United States at the sound of light in order to save Laura from dying. After this event his powers began to be very finicky, but they seemed to have stabled out.
I remain on the side that he's not ultra powerful, but in moments of distress or when he needs to save someone he can tap into the part of his brain that controls his power levels and manifest a higher control. It's rare though and when he does he ends up in a light coma for a few days to heal.
Piotr has the power to shift his skin into steel. He grows in size and becomes extremely strong in this form.
He's a perfect defensive wall, he can crash through things, throw things ( and friends ) and do probably untold damage to most things. It's probably the most interesting thing about him from his original introduction in the 70's. He's the team's bruiser and tank and yet the duality with his soft and gentle personality makes for an interesting take on the "big guy" trope.
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howlofhades · 1 year
Phoenix: Protip you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Peace: What's wrong with you??
Phoenix: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce?? Pay attention.
Barks: No, they mean other than that.
Phoenix: Ohhhhhh.
Phoenix: I haven't slept in 4 days.
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illuminatedquill · 1 year
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
Starburst Phoenix
Follow-up to this story:
Takes place one month after the Thrawn crisis. As the New Republic begins to build after the warlord's conquest, the Jedi Knights, Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, find some brief respite on his homeworld of Lothal. However, news arrives that spells uncertainty for the future of one . . .
"Sickness," said Huyang. "It's terminal."
Sabine rocked back at the statement and looked to Ezra.
Her partner, and fellow Jedi, merely smiled. He looked to Sabine and sent a reassuring pulse through the Force.
"Tell me more, Huyang," he said.
They were sitting in the living room of Ezra's old watchtower, where they now called home. Huyang was reaching out via hologram, installed into a work table.
The war with Thrawn had barely been over for a month and the two Jedi had been exceedingly busy in the following weeks helping with the clean-up. Only now had they found some time to rest, courtesy of Hera pulling some strings.
They had done some rudimentary medical examinations before returning to Lothal, just as a precaution.
Huyang had reached out two days later with the results. Sabine had received a clean bill of health.
Ezra, however . . .
"It will not kill you immediately. Or any time soon. However, your time spent in another galaxy seems to have had some unforeseen side-effects, I'm afraid."
"Wait," said Sabine. Her stomach was twisting itself into knots, but she forced calm into her voice. "Ahsoka and I also spent time on Peridea. Yet neither of us have this illness."
"True," said Huyang. "But both of you spent significantly less time there than Ezra. That appears to be the difference."
Sabine stared at the holographic droid feeling numb.
I was too late.
"I mean, I don't feel sick," replied Ezra. He waved his hands and wiggled the fingers in comical fashion.
"Most amusing," said Huyang, dryly. "But this is no ordinary sickness. You won't be feeling it's effects for quite some time."
The droid pointed to the datapad on Ezra's lap. "You've read the report, am I right?"
"Still confused?"
"Then let me elaborate: something in the air, water, or food you ate on Peridea has caused these strange . . . deposits, shall we say, to start accumulating in your organs."
Sabine asked, "Which organs?"
Huyang's reply took on an unusual somber tone. "All of them. Lungs, liver, heart, . . . even your brain, Ezra."
Sabine wanted to be sick. Her eyes found Ezra's. Even he was starting to look rattled now. "And these deposits affect me how?"
"For now, nothing. But they'll never go away. And, over time, these deposits will begin to erode against your body's natural ability to function and heal itself."
"Leading to what?" asked Ezra, quietly.
"Complete systemic organ failure."
Silence hung thickly over the room like a funeral shroud.
Sabine, desperate, leaned forward towards Huyang. "Can we remove these deposits?"
The droid shook his head. "Too small and too numerous. Even with our modern technology, it's entirely too risky. The risks far outweigh the benefits."
"What if we replace the organs? We can flash-clone them, right?"
"Flash-cloning is still a temporary solution at best. The organs have an unnaturally short life-span. Ezra would have to undergo the operation every few years, at best, and even then . . ."
Sabine felt her frustration mounting. "Even then, what?"
Ezra reached out and grasped her hands. "There's deposits in my brain, remember? You can't flash-clone that."
Huyang nodded. "Precisely."
She jerked her hands out Ezra's and stood up. "What about the Force? Have you spoken with Ahsoka?"
The droid showed no surprise at her outburst. "Of course, Lady Wren. The Force could help alleviate the problem for some time, but it only aids with the body's natural healing process. The problem with Ezra's illness is that it counteracts that."
Not good enough. Not nearly good enough.
Something must have showed on her face because Ezra reached out again to take her hand.
"Sabine," he said, softly. "Please sit down."
Sabine could not bring herself to look at him.
"After all this? After everything he's given for this galaxy! And this is how it turns out?"
She could not prevent the anguish and despair from filling her voice. It just spilled forth, out of some deep, dark chasm that had opened up at Huyang's words.
Ezra was going to die. She was going to lose him. Again.
Ezra was standing now, hugging her to his chest.
Quietly, he said, "How much time do I have?"
Huyang replied, "It's hard to say. I've never seen a case like this. Due to the slow nature of this illness, it's better to estimate how much time has been taken from you."
"Tell me."
The medical droid shrugged, an uncharacteristic motion from him. "Five, maybe ten years."
Sabine reached out and shut the hologram off.
"Sabine," Ezra protested.
"I've heard enough." She let go of Ezra and left.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It was late at night when she returned home. Sabine had spent the day travelling aimlessly around Lothal on her speeder, listening to the sounds of the city.
So much life. None of it soothed her.
She entered the living space and found it empty. Ezra had already gone to sleep it seems.
Flopping down on the couch, she leaned her head back.
A second later, her comm-link beeped.
Sabine groaned and opened up the channel.
It was her master, Ahsoka Tano. The older Jedi looked calm, as always, dressed in her customary white robes.
"Hello, Master."
"Hello, Sabine. Huyang filled me in."
Sabine cast her eyes down, out of shame. "I didn't handle the news well."
"I can tell."
Her voice was hoarse with emotion. It was barely a whisper when she replied.
"It's not fair."
Her master sighed. "I know. It can seem that way. Especially living the life of a Jedi."
"There's nothing you can do?" Sabine pleaded. The feeling of helplessness sickened her more than she could stand.
Ahsoka said, "The Force is a vast and powerful ally in any situation. But even it has limits."
"What can we do? We have to do something. We can't just let Ezra die."
Ahsoka just looked at her. "Everything has it's time. As Jedi, we must accept that. But the nature of this illness, as I understand it, means that Ezra still has plenty of life left to live."
"He should have more. He deserves more."
"Sabine." Her master's words cut sharply through the despair choking at the younger Jedi's heart. "What does Ezra need most, right now?"
Sabine sat back and focused herself.
" . . . A cure?"
Ahsoka shook her head. "No. He needs you, right now. Most of all."
"I can't get him back the time he lost."
Ahsoka smiled. "True. But you can still do something with the time he does have, right?"
The younger Jedi thought about that for a few moments.
It's not how much time you have that matters. It's what you do with it.
"It's his birthday, tomorrow," Sabine said.
"Ah, true," said her master. "Better make it special, then."
Sabine smiled for the first time since this morning.
"Thank you, Master."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The next day, Sabine took Ezra to a hangar bay in the Lothal capital.
"Can I take off this blindfold, now? Seems pointless. I'm a Jedi."
"Nope. Keep it on, please." Sabine led him into the hangar bay and nodded at the technician on duty.
"Sabine, what is this all about?" Ezra asked, exasperated.
"Just a second . . . okay, you can take it off now."
Ezra removed the blindfold and blinked.
"Is that . . . it can't be."
Sabine grinned. "It is. Happy birthday, Ezra Bridger."
Sitting a dozen yards in front of him was an old G9 Rigger-class light freighter. It was in desperate need of repair - and several coats of new paint - but it was salvageable.
Ezra turned to Sabine, stunned. "It's a G9. Just like my parents used to fly around. The Starburst."
"I know. It'll be our home away from home. We'll be busy again shortly, so I thought it'd be nice to have our own starship to fly around in. Like Ahsoka's T-6."
She handed him a datapad with the ship's new registry and name on it.
"The Starburst Phoenix," he read. Ezra looked up at Sabine and the fire bird symbol that was her custom on her jacket.
Starburst Phoenix. The perfect name for her and Ezra's starship - Starburst from Ezra, Phoenix from Sabine. Together.
Ezra just held her hands, overcome with emotion. Sabine just gave him a smile back, feeling her heart swell with the love she felt.
After a moment, he re-collected himself and looked back towards the freighter.
"Where'd you find this? They don't make these anymore." Ezra circled around the starship, inspecting every nook and cranny.
Sabine smiled affectionately. He looked just like the curious kid she'd met, all those years ago.
"Hit up some old contacts in the Rebellion. They knew some smugglers who'd seen some lying around in junkyards."
Ezra asked, "Lando?"
"Yeah, Lando."
He snorted. "Figures. He gave you a discount, I hope?"
Sabine sighed, remembering the amount he had sent her for his services. "So he says."
Ezra rolled his eyes. "Once a smuggler, always a smuggler."
She laughed. "He prefers the term, 'business man', nowadays."
"Right. Sure he does."
Sabine clambered onto the ship with Ezra. "Ezra, listen . . . about yesterday."
He turned to her, eyes serious. "I'm not scared Sabine."
She choked out a laugh. "Of course you're not. But I am."
He leaned against the hull. "I don't regret the choices I made."
Sabine just looked at him, feeling exasperated. After a second, she just hugged him. "I know. But I shouldn't have acted the way I did. It didn't help."
She looked into his eyes. "It wasn't what you needed."
He looked confused. "And what I needed is . . . this ship?"
"No - it's about time. You've lost some of it. I want to make sure we fill up what's left with as much life and love as we can give it."
Understanding dawned on him. "And with this ship, we can travel together. Always."
"Together. Always." She nuzzled into his arms, feeling his strength and surety, responding with her own through the Force.
"And," he noted, wryly, "it's a private transport."
Sabine gave him a wicked grin. "I was wondering when you'd notice."
His eyes sparkled. "Should we check out the interior, then? I think our first stop should be the sleeping quarters."
"Very astute, Master Jedi. Lead the way."
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Chance's name was given to him because of his propensity for gambling. He found out early on that he had an almost unnatural knack for gambling, betting, or any sort of game of chance. He was so good that he never lost a bet, and most cadets tried to call him out for cheating, but he wasn't. He was just that good. Anytime he said, "I'll bet you 5 credits xyz will happen," everyone believed him. In his teen years, he began a black market on Kamino and was quite successful.
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Chance is the youngest member of Phoenix Squad. He gets along well with all the other members of the squad, even Brett on a good day, and is an all around nice guy. He's incredibly studious and enjoys reading holo-books more than anything. A lover, not a fighter, but he will fight for what he believes in. The biggest oddity about Chance is that he's either incredibly smart or incredibly dumb and nowhere in between. He also really loves candy.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: chance
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Physical Appearance
Chance has the standard clone physique, and doesn't care much for working out. He's a natural blonde, which deviates from the clone standard, but he keeps the stand regulation length. Chance does not have any facial hair, scarring, piercings, or tattoos on his body.
Character Art:
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-5050, or Chance, was the most normal clone decanted of the squad. He grew up being the perfect clone, albeit for his recessive hair color gene, and was average in all of his studies and practicums. He spent most of his time with his nose in holo-books, studying everything from strategy to star constellations. As a cadet, Chance decided early on that he wanted to be a medic in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Chance and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Chance used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Chance stationed himself behind the barricade with a panicking Drip and provided support for the rest of the squad from there. After a missile landed in close proximity, wounding several clone cadets, Chance left Drip to render aid and promised he would be right back. Chance made quick work of the cadet's wounds when suddenly his vision went black. When his eyes opened again, he was staring up at Tungst. His arm and leg were missing and he could feel the blood draining from his body. He leaned into Tungst's embrace and whispered his final words before taking his last breath.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
Order 66:
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
"Do you think Anakin would have fallen if he dated [character] instead of Padme" is generally a very frustrating question, because for the vast majority of ships the answer is Still No unless there are other factors, because Sidious has plans for everything, but.
I think if he dated Kix we would have gotten an acceptable variation on Forced Hospitalization.
I have a lot of suspicion of characters written to drug their friends 'for their own good' but Ranting And Raving And Killing is basically the reasonable time to get in close and just jab the fucker.
@jebiknights (Sammie): That would be an interesting angst premise for AniKix tbh. Esp bc they have similar triggers (helplessness in the face of losing people) and Kix doesn't fit into the hypo crazy Bones type that most medics in fic are based off of
Anakin's busy fighting Obi-Wan, and Kix tranqs him from a distance, because 'it's for your own good' doesn't twinge the force or my initial thought, of coming in close to 'talk' and touch faces with Meaningful Gazes, and whoop that was drugs.
Kix could also be bait while Coric gets him lol. I feel like Coric is more the type to take joy out of hypoing people
Kix: I love you, Anakin 🥺 Coric: 🔫
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 10 months
Wacky Power Rangers Cross Overs that I've Written or Could Write
Star Wars Original Trilogy:
I took a prompt from KrissyKat on Fanfiction.Net and wrote ten parts before school caught up with me. The team consisted of a much younger Han (blue), Leia (yellow), and Luke (red) (Luke and Leia were 15) and would've also included a young Ezra Bridger (green), Sabine Wren (purple), and maybe Cal Kestis (black). Rex and Ahsoka were set up to be mentors.
Star Wars Clone Wars:
This is based on a fanfiction.net fic I can't find anymore that had Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex working as Power Rangers via Zordon's lineage. In the version I had planned Obi Wan (yellow), Anakin (red), Ahsoka (pink), Rex (blue), and Cody (orange) where the main five. But this one would've been a Dino-Fury esque season with a lot of extra characters which would've included Plo-Koon (graphite), Wolfee (slate), Fives (navy), Echo (scarlet), and a tenth character I never settled on.
There was also an idea to just make it Cody (mustard), Rex (blue), Echo (scarlet), Fives (navy), and Wolfee (slate).
The Wiggles:
based on Mighty Morphing Power Wiggles by Flakingnapstich on AO3, but more of a legacy idea. In their story the Wiggles were created as a cover for the original four - Greg (yellow), Murray (red), Jeff (purple), and Anthony (blue) to be Power Rangers. As the crew has evolved, I feel like it lends itself to a multi-evolution team like the original Mighty Morphing run.
In this version the Wiggles main four were Power Rangers, and in addition to saving Australia they also operated wherever their tours were, such as the US.
The medical condition that forced Greg to retire in real life back in 2006 was actually the stress of an old injury in tangent with being a Power Ranger and performing. Sam steps up as yellow, then when Jeff and Murray leave Pryce and Lachy step in as red and purple, respectively.
Anthony is our Tommy Oliver character, as he's never left the team.
In the fic Captain Feathersword is the fifth ranger, but I kind of like the idea of having him, Dorothy, the Octopus, and the dog (whose names escape me) be like the spirit rangers of Jungle Fury.
The current iteration with the two of each Wiggle differentiates either by shades of their respective color or by suite design.
I just think it'd be cute to have a little moment with Anthony and his daughter doing a passing of the torch like how the fandom sort of passed the torch to JDF's daughter after his passing.
Bonus points if we get a khaki and olive green ranger and it's just Bindi and Robert Irwin. Super bonus points if Bindi's current husband Chandler ends up being the one running everything back at base (like Alpha in the original or Sam prior to getting the Green Samuari suite in Ninja Storm).
Top Gun
Now hear me out.
The original Ranger team is made up of some of the first Top Gun graduates, as well as other crack pilots. Viper and Duke (Maverick's dad) are two such members. Duke goes down during a fight but is never replaced as a Ranger.
Come Top Gun, Viper's manipulated everything enough to get who he wants in the running or the next Ranger team. Maverick and Goose weren't who he was expecting, but they stand out.
The Rangers work in tandem. Iceman is red, Slider is blue. Hollywood and Wolfman are yellow and green (doesn't matter which to me). Maverick is black, leaving a final color on the table. Initially, Viper holds onto it for himself, serving as a sixth white ranger before he's hurt and passes it on to Maverick's current RIO: Merlin. But as RIO's retire Mav has to keep giving it out. So when he eventually can get into a single seater, he takes the chance, and the Rangers before a five man team.
Iceman had initially wanted to assemble the next team post uranium mission, using Mav's picks, but he knows he'll die before he gets the chance. So he gives Mav the job. Maverick keeps the black morpher and gives Rooster (blue), Phoenix (red), Bob (yellow), Fanboy and Payback (white and green, undecided) morphers.
During a fight, Maverick is injured and realizes how eerily similar his situation is not Viper. So rather than try to keep fighting through it, he gives the morpher to Hangman, making him the black Ranger.
There's also a storyline where the other six uranium mission candidates (who I give the headcanon name of Daggers) get turned into evil rangers a-la the Psycho Rangers. However, once they're brought back they still have their morphers and operate as a second team. Coyote (slate) heads the team with Omaha (maroon), Halo (mustard), Fritz (navy), Harvard (steel), and Yale (forest).
This one just came to me.
The Earp brothers are a team of three: Virgil is blue, Wyatt is red, and Morgan is yellow.
After Morgan's death and Virgil leaving, Doc is given a choice between the yellow and blue morphers. The other two members of their party get the green and black morphers. The morpher Doc doesn't pick is given to the fifth member of the posey. I cannot remember any of their names.
Its very similar to the actual IP, just with Power Ranger ninja suites and their elemental powers come from their power crystals or something like in Dino Thunder. Lloyd is green, Kai is red, Jay is blue, Zane is white, Cole is black, and Nya is aqua.
During the arcs with the elemental masters their ranger identities are just various colors and shades. Tox is lime, Chamile is purple, Turner is cream, Karloff is steel, Neuro is gray, Ash is ash, Jacob is maroon, Gravis is tan, etc. Skylar moonlights as an orange ranger.
With the new Dragons Rising line, Arin and Sora are the next two rangers: Orange and Pink.
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