#clockers fic ideas
its-muffin-tyme · 1 month
Fic Prompt of the Day
AU where Scar is Hotguy but in the Clockers universe and also Shade-E-E's exists
Imagine being one of the most well known superheroes on the server, and the guy with the totally-not-a-scam shop who keeps causing trouble is your whole dad
imagine Hotguy at headquarters and a lower level hero gets a ping and is like "Oh, we've got a complaint about Shade-E-E's again..."
And Hotguy just has to bury his head in his hands like "no.... why...."
Hotguy, showing up in person, in hopes of getting Shade-E-E's to actually stop their scams once and for all: :) Etho, gearing up to address Scar as his son one time in his entire life: >:)
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I’m tempted to write a sit com style of Limited Life.
It follows the Clockers, a family of a single mom, Cleo Clocker, and her two sons (who we think are adopted) Scar and Bdubs Clocker (who we also swear that those aren’t their real names).
The local biker gang, Bad Boys, Grian, Joel, and Jimmy (who we aren’t sure are related but people speculate Jimmy and Grian are. And that Joel has a wife we don’t see)
The neighbors, Pearl and BigB (of which we think Pearl is Grian’s sister but isn’t confirmed. And is dating BigB to piss off her brother.) who are very nosey and tend to get involved in the family drama because of this.
Their absent dad, Etho Slab (Formerly Clocker), as he causes problems in the families life trying to ‘reconnect’ with his sons. And running a bar with his old college buddies Tango, Skizz, and Impulse. (We think they are in a poly or something. But none of them are straight.)
And the two resort owners, Scott and Martin, well ‘resort’ is an Airbnb they rent out and make great money with. (We think they are in a relationship (?), but Scott acts weird around Jimmy, and Martyn seems to have some weird trauma around Cleo. We aren’t sure why, but something happened.)l
Noted Plot points.
- Grian and Scar used to be a couple when teens, and Grian cheated on Scar with BigB.
- BigB was under the assumption that Scar was into this, and has tried to get Grian to do a threesome.
- Pearl is ‘dating’ BigB because both want to make Grian jealous. (It’s working)
- Scar still has feelings for Grian but also hates his guts. Several times through the series they have hate sex.
- Bdubs has some ‘dad’ trauma. And constantly looking for Etho’s approval.
- Etho only ever liked Bdubs and doesn’t like his eldest son Scar. He thinks Cleo had an affair. (Fans speculate that Scar is adopted)
- Fans speculate Joel has a secret wife that he hides form the Bad Boys and her name is Lizzie. They think she’s Pearl’s best friend or former girlfriend before she got with Joel.
- Gem is Cleo’s girlfriend in this, but people seem to think she’s Cleo’s sister which is confusing as to why.
- Renchanting is a closed down shop after Ren broke up with Martyn and left for a different city.
- The place takes place on a costal town a few miles away from a city. So Beach shenanigans (And Scar in a tight swimsu-)
- Jimmy is always having doubts of being a Bad Boy and seems to have a crush on Tango. (Fans love the angst for this shit).
- Bdubs and Scar have a great brotherly relationship even if they don’t see eye to eye.
- Tango, Impulse, and Skizz all keep trying to get Etho to ‘man up’ and actually be there for his kids. (Or at least Bdubs, Scar is doing fine on his own it seems). While also being bad influences on him for ways he can get Cleo to not hate him.
- they also own a tie shop business on the side of their bar. And no one knows why.
- Fans speculate the family is in a gang or mafia, but aren’t sure what. There is little evidence but it is scary how this little bit shows a darker picture.
- fans also speculate both Scar and Bdubs aren’t Cleo’s or Etho’s kids due to the stupid always changing their ages. Hence the mafia theory.
- both Scar and Bdubs are whores, and so is everyone else. I don’t make the rules.
This is about all I got for now. But if I come up with more ideas, I’ll let you know.
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crystaljellie · 6 months
Dropping another Scar thing because idk, Scar angst
Leaning against the stone pillar, the clouds block the moon out, and the stars seem to be flickering, growing dimmer. Of course, that couldn’t happen. The world doesn’t work like that, but then again, it had been days without the sun, maybe weeks? Nothing moved here, so it was hard to tell the difference between days if there were any at all. The Secret Keeper and grown vines around it, engulfing it to the point where only its glowing purple, now opened eye, was visible. 
Scar had long since stopped pushing that button, but every now and again, he thought, would one more push be it? If I pressed it one more time, would they let me go home? But that would only send him spiralling further, so his back turned to that success pillar, he doesn’t look at the button. 
He can’t understand why they’ve left him here; he wants to go home; he wants to go home so badly. There aren’t even ghosts watching him now; the bodies that used to exist around him have long since decayed. That’s why he doesn’t go looking anymore.
That’s why he just sits and thinks and cries.
He thought that maybe if he won, he wouldn’t be lonely anymore, that it could end, and they could hold him and love him. That he wouldn’t be an outcast. But how lonely is it, being the last one left in the world? How lonely is it that even his own body has begun to decay? How lonely is it that he can’t even see his own row of hearts?
Maybe it was the last time. Maybe there is no next time for him, for anyone. Maybe he killed them all. 
‘I’m so sorry mother’
The quiet sounds of a lullaby played in Scar’s mind, the turning of a music box, the same repeat song, a feeling of familiarity.
He hummed a soft note. But what need is there to be quiet in the land of silence?
So he kept humming that same song, a song of which he didn’t know where it had come from.
Only that Cleo had taught him it.
So he thinks of them.
And he thinks a little of the sun, and maybe one day it will rise to shine upon him once again, and he can sing alongside the birds.
Or maybe he’s left like a dog, howling sombre sorrows to the moon. 
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frozenjokes · 6 months
can not draw or function but someone on one of the mumbo mermaid fic chapters said oohh I bet Etho is a secret mermaid that has a human form somehow! And that was not the plan. That was not even a little bit the plan. But the idea is so fucking good the plan has changed.
Etho is a mermaid who strayed too close to the surface during a fierce storm, getting caught up in the currents and unable to escape before he was thrown against an outcrop of spiked rocks off the coast of a small island. These rocks would have super killed him, but luckily, Joel is there to curse him forever save his life! In this AU most everyone is human and there were no planned magical elements (mermaids are just one of many other species that be chilling on earth) but I’ve made an exception for Joel, who is a silly little witch guy. Complete recluse. Prays of the downfall of others. Stands out in thunderstorms wondering if any boats are going to crash into his Island Of Doom so he can laugh at them.
So Joel finds Etho and goes whoa! sick! a mermaid and not a dead one this time! Better make sure he stays that way! And hauls him back to his little swamp cottage somehow (yeah) and with the help of magic saves Etho’s life, only leaving a scar that starts at his forehead and goes basically alllll the way down his tail like snowtuft from warrior cats. however. Before saving his life Joel has Etho, delirious from blood loss, make a pact with him, one that is just basically like. Heyyyyy what if I bound our souls together after you’re all fixed up so *I* can also be a mermaid because that’s sick as fuck!!
and basically at the end of this all, Joel creates some sort of pendant that allows the two of them to switch forms, except Etho gets zero say on whether he’s mermaid or human, and it is entirely up to Joel’s whims. Despite the Everything, they manage to get along well enough, and Joel (with the help of some magic) helps to teach Etho English and other important things that will help him out if he ever decides to leave the island. Which he does! Humans are kinda sick and Etho wants to know more about the world!
However, given that mermaids are Extremely Rare and humans are Assholes, Etho can’t just tell people what he actually because they’re probably trying to kill his ass and sell his parts for shitloads of money.
Fast forward.. Bdubs gets an eccentric roommate!
I haven’t worked out exactly how they meet but Bdubs definitely peels Etho up off the street or something because Joel, being who he is, doesn’t know jack shit about how to prepare a Not Human for human culture, but that’s okay because Etho gets lucky!
Etho and Joel have a system of sending each other detailed schedules so Etho can be ready when Joel needs his legs, but Often Enough, Joel will decided to switch with VERY LITTLE WARNING, and Etho will have thirty minutes (the change is not instant) to find a body of water or a bathtub to Park himself until Joel finishes whatever it is he needed to do.
Bdubs found out very quickly that he and Etho could not have one shared bathroom. Etho refuses to tell him why he has locked himself in and when asked how long he’s going to be, the answer ranges from an hour to multiple days. Bdubs has stopped asking questions. Cleo and Scar, on the other hand, are extremely fucking baffled by Etho all of the time. They make up conspiracy theories about him. None of them are ‘Etho is a secret mermaid.’
anyway I love the clockers‼️
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Your fic "Shut Up and Fish" got me thinking... are you implying that Grian's snail is a spark?
"Shut Up and Fish"
"That's hard," Grian concedes, not looking up. The pink snail's watching, its tail patting the dirt. Grian cradles the turquoise snail's limp eyestalk in his hand. Snails are tricky creatures… They don't signal their injuries with the crook of their tails like dogs do, and they're not immune to fall damage like cats. Gingerly, easily, he brings the snail's neck to his chest and gives it a little hug. He makes a little noise. This world is beautiful if you know where to look. "Please," begs the voice in the wrinkles of his damp and dripping clothes. "You'd be a better dad to Tim. You'd be a better husband- I want what YOU have… That's MY life. Give me back my body!" Grian ignores this, peppering sloppy kisses on the snail's sweet head. It nudges into him, cuddly and sloppy and alive. Beautiful, sparked son of a thing. He'll tell Grumbot sometime, but Grumbot might not love to know he's got a snail for a younger brother now. And he laughs again, because it's stupid. It's just… It's really stupid. But he nuzzles the snail and the snail nuzzles back, and the voice in his head wails and scratches at him in the strain of Gem's boat anchor against the pebbles and sand.
In the Pixels Imperfect canon, a creature or build that is portrayed as having sentience beyond that of its basic mob AI (if applicable) needs an AI spark. Grumbot and Jrumbot are perfect examples of "portrayed as sentient" vs. "offhand joke about the build being a child, but not followed through with." Jrumbot is a non-sentient build and Grumbot is a sentient one.
Grian's snail is played as sentient - Grian even makes a huge deal about Scar "not playing the game right and making the snails do things they wouldn't do" - so in the Pixels canon, the snail is a sparked build.
Sparks don't have to be perceived as offspring- they simply embody whatever the intended roleplay was. Grumbot initially referred to Grian and Mumbo as Creator 1 and Creator 2 in Hermitcraft canon, then swapped to addressing them as dads after a certain point (to their surprise), which underscores the idea that in-universe, he is sentient and making his own decisions.
That said, Grian considers the snail his biological son, yes. His baby boy who does crime.
I have some news about Box from Double Life, wheeze...... BigB made it VERY clear in canon that Box is sentient enough to "say its first word," and Ren jumped up and down all giddy exclaiming that he was "such a proud papa," confirming that he sees it as his child.
When they're in couple's therapy, BigB explains that he "knew Ren would like it if Box had a hand so it could reach out and give him a hug." Also, special spotlight on BigB bragging about how "Box is going to need to find a soulmate" because that's so funny. I like how after BigB goes red, he invites Martyn to Box, he says "We look forward to seeing you. That's 'we' as in me and Box."
Shout-out to Martyn and Cleo getting "We will take care of Box in your absence" signed and agreed by Ren and BigB "by law and by will." Sorry you two are horribly broken up, but congrats on ur giant son. They will not nurture it, but they will definitely look at it and go "... Huh."
Guess who has one thumb, canonically wears a monocle and walks around looking like it's been "punched in the face," is technically in the Clocker family tree via Martyn, rocks he/it pronouns, and is heir apparent to Dogwarts in the Neighborhood Watch AU.
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gammagoop · 1 year
Random Acts of Kindness
Small Limited Life fic I wrote for fun ^_^
Featuring Grian and Etho, with other members mentioned (do not tag as ship)
Warnings: emetophobia, lots of anxiety, and talks of death
Words: 1,574
fic is under the cut ⬇️
“Do you want to enact the sword?”
Etho stood, above him, higher than him, in the dirt and ruins of wooden structures. They were almost unrecognizable, as if decades had rotted away the wood and weather had trampled the crops. Joel had tilled this same sweat-soaked soil just a few weeks prior.
Grian’s face lit up at this, seeming to react with real emotion for the first time since Joel had gone out. He dropped his own weapon onto the ground, not bothering to consider the danger of doing so in the tidal wave of emotion.
“YES! Yes! I want to enact the sword!” He clapped his hands together.
His world hit him like a train, like a surprise thunderstorm, his mind reeling as he grasped desperately onto this new semblance of an ally. Etho was close enough to his state. He still had Impulse, but Impulse wasn’t here.
“Oh my god!” His breath ran out of him in a huff, and he felt dizzy all of a sudden, heart pounding blood in his ears.
Etho laughed how he always did, jumping down heavily onto the dirt below and tucking his weapon— the titular sword— away as well. A sign of peace, of agreement.
Grian couldn’t help himself, he reached out and grabbed Etho’s hands, pulled them near his chest and squeezed them. Felt Etho’s blood running in his veins under his fingernails, how warm another body could be.
Etho squeezed back as if he didn’t know what to do. His eyes squinted a bit like an awkward smile.
“I— I—“ Grian was suddenly aware of a tremor through his body, making him feel nauseous. He stepped back shakily, panting, blood loud, releasing his ally’s hands.
“Oh, Etho, I— Don’t feel so good—“
He bent and lurched and vomited into the mud.
“Oh,” Etho said, surprised, unsure, “Are you okay? You’re not sick, are you? You can rest if…”
Grian lifted his head “No— I—“ He heaved a bit. “I’m fine. It… happens,”
“Yeah, that would be it wouldn’t it,”
Etho’s eyes softened, and he fumbled through his inventory for a minute. He pulled out a flask of water, and outstretched an arm to offer it to Grian.
“Drink this, I filled it up with clean water around 30 minutes ago,”
Grian already had water, he thought, but took it anyway. He stumbled over to the end of the bridge, where the wood was, and sat down among the upturned roots of potatoes, legs feeling too tired to hold him anymore. He drank about a third of the flask in two large swigs, just to get the acrid taste out. Etho sat down next to him, more smoothly, and put a hand on his back.
“Don’t go too fast,” He warned.
Grian panted heavily. “Right, yeah, don’t wanna barf again,”
They sat like that for a minute. It was nighttime, the sky cloudy enough to obscure the moon.
Grian caught himself expecting to hear the footsteps of Skizz on Skynet below, or the shouting from the clockers, or an explosion somewhere, or Jimmy and Joel running back to the mansion with their hair sticking out and damp from sweat, a bit bloodied, Jimmy stumbling a bit, and looking for Grian.
But it was quieter than it ever had been, trees rustling in waves against the wind.
“…Do you miss your teammates?”
Etho asked, as if it wasn’t obvious. Grian laughed dryly.
“What gave you that idea?”
A pause.
“I think we all do,” Etho responded, unhelpfully.
“You still have Impulse,” Grian pointed out, “Pearl still has BigB and BigB has Pearl. Scott and Martyn are probably going to make it to the very end together— and the Clockers can all be a happy family together in the sky,”
He looked up, as if to see them there. They might be watching, he supposed. He wouldn’t put it past them— out of everyone left on the server, they probably wanted to look down on Grian and Etho the most. He wondered if Jimmy and Joel were watching too. He wondered if they were even still floating around this world, or if they’d long since moved on. It made him feel dizzy again so he tried not to wonder too much.
The air was stiff between them. Grian pulled his knees in to sit criss-cross. Etho seemed to be listening to the sounds of the night, the shuffling of the living things below. It was always hard for Grian to tell what Etho was thinking, and he figured that must be the case for everyone. Maybe that’s why Scar was afraid of him.
Grian wasn’t afraid of Etho, not really. He wasn’t any more afraid of Etho than he was of Tango or Martyn or anyone else on the server. But he did feel squirmy around him, like he wasn’t meant to be there. He felt like he had to prove himself to even stand in proximity to Etho— but Etho didn’t seem to want that. There was nuance in the way the other man tapped his pinkie finger against his knee. Maybe he wasn’t coming up with some mastermind scheme to reinvent the and-gate — maybe he was just trying to think of what to say.
Joel had been paired with Etho in the time prior to this one. Random chance, of course, but they’d seem to hit it off quite well. Joel was just better with people than Grian was— he was more casual, if he made a mistake he brushed it off and kept rolling forward. Maybe there was something to the whole positive self-talk thing.
Confidence. Grian recalled it now, Jimmy telling him about the encounter he and Joel had had with Skizz. The affirmations, Grian remembered his own well.
Skizz had hit the nail on the head with each one of them, probably the whole server if he had to guess. Joel was confident, and Jimmy was quick, and Grian was a leader, and Grian was alone. And Grian was alone. And his Jimmy and Joel were dead. Grian was alone.
Grian let out a sudden sob, and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses.
“You haven’t really been alone before,” Etho murmured.
For all his generic comments before, Grian felt like Etho had looked right into his soul for that one.
“Guess I haven’t” Grian mumbled back.
Etho didn’t say anything for a bit as Grian cried, tears puffing up his eyes and cheeks, not really caring anymore about trying to quiet himself.
“I— I just,” his voice trembled, “I don’t know what to do with myself,”
He was snotty and red-faced now. He removed his glasses, “Can you hold these?” He handed them to Etho, who obliged, and pressed his palms to his wet eyes.
He sniffed, and coughed a bit.
“Etho, honestly I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t remind me of this. I could’ve gone out— I would’ve gone out,”
“I don’t know, you’re pretty good at surviving,”
“No, like—“ Grian squeezed his hands into fists, feeling his fingernails dig little crescent divots into his raw and worn palms. He glanced down, and then away from Etho.
“I would have gone out on purpose,”
Etho was silent for a moment.
“Can I ask why?”
Grian opened his mouth, but his brain didn’t produce any words for him to say. He made a small noise in the back of his throat, and coughed.
“I don’t know…”
He said, feeling small.
“I just… I was thinking, that whole time with Pearl and BigB, like… I felt like I didn’t really… belong? Anymore? That there wasn’t anyone out there for me, anyone to go home to, like all my relationships had become temporary. Like… I don’t know. Like there wasn’t really… a point…,”
He grimaced, shifting uncomfortably.
“It sounds really bad when I put it like that,”
Etho was quiet. God, he was always so quiet. Grian almost wanted to scream to drown out the silence. He swallowed thickly, hands fidgeting and pulling tufts of weeds from the dirt, digging his fingers into the soil.
“But you didn’t,” Etho finally spoke.
“No, I didn’t get to,”
Etho hummed, idly cleaning Grian’s glasses with the hem of his shirt. Grian hadn’t realized how dirty they’d gotten, dusty and smattered with grime.
“I guess… maybe it proves something, yeah? If you had, you wouldn’t be here now. I would have never, uh, reminded you. Proves there’s… there’s always gonna be more, out there for you to find…. to…. be with,”
“This, too, shall pass,” Grian murmured like a recollection.
“Uh, yeah,” Etho said.
He raised his hand and hesitated, before gingerly patting Grian on the shoulder.
Grian looked up at him, met his eyes. He leaned into the touch, and then into a hug. His wet cheeks stained Etho’s jacket, but new tears didn’t fall.
They parted, and Grian grunted, shaking himself out. Etho gave him his glasses back, and he smiled back at him in thanks.
They each stood, Etho smooth and Grian shaky.
He thought about Joel lightheartedly teasing him for being sappy, he thought about Jimmy asking him if he was okay. He thought about Etho, standing beside him, gloved palms hoisting Grian up from his cliff, and onto solid ground again.
“Thank you,” He said, “You really didn’t have to do that,”
Etho laughed, “What else was I going to do?”
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soemthingsparkly · 5 months
i would absolutely love to share a rant!
all the characters are so psychologically fucked up in such a realistic way that i didn't see represented much. grian venting to tango about feeling left out. the fact that he felt left out at all over something so small. they're so codependent and i love it.
and then there's scott and jimmy's dynamic. scott kissing jimmy and then jimmy venting to grian and then grian just responding with "HE DID WHAT??????" and then at the cafe. the idea of someone doing something they shouldn't have and then having a panic attack over a third party's opinion on it is so... idk how to say it. like i said, a type of fucked up that you don't see talked about much and i relate so hard to it. it's clear scott's probably trying his best out at least trying a lot to not hurt jimmy but he's failing miserably and i don't think he even realizes it. and like. yeah. ive been there. i don't actually know why scott broke up with him but i get the vibe it was supposed to be like. to help jimmy in some way. like "oh wait ive been toxic maybe i should end this for his sake". but doing that obviously hurt jimmy, especially since he didn't say *why* he did it. and scott obviously did something really drastic and sudden so he's not doing well either and he really wants to go back to jimmy. he knows he's being manipulative and it's not on purpose but in trying to stop and be better he keeps making things worse. and like. this is all a side thing. this fic is mostly about mumscarian and you threw in this flower husbands sideplot but it's still so fleshed out and so *real*.
and speaking of the mumscarian thing the way you write their friendships, especially grian and mumbo's is amazing. it's not like. a stepping stone to a romantic relationship even though they are going to end up in one. very "not more than friends, different from friends" vibes /vpos. it doesn't feel like they're ending up in a romantic relationship. it feels like they're making their relationship romantic and i love that so much.
grian just texting mumbo that he's bored gives such hcs7 vibes and like he yeah they're so codependent and it's so obvious from grian's side my god
and the way you write pearl is amazing, she's got this sibling energy and it's great.
the way you write all of them is amazing actually. i can hear everything they say in their voices. the clockers are on point, especially scar and bdubs.
i could keep going im sure lmao but anyway great fic i love it if you read this ill cry /pos
This has been sitting in my ask box for a while because I just love it so much anon and I was like~~~ how do I respond to such a long ask with the same level of enthusiam?
I wanna break this ask into chunks and there's bits of your ask I wanna respond to directly, so...
all the characters are so psychologically fucked up in such a realistic way that i didn't see represented much.
I'm glad you think so! I definitely feel like I'm being a little bit risky with how I'm presenting some of the, I suppose, human consequences of being human?
I think a lot of what fandom (in general) consumes gets a little over-sanitised these days. Our favourite characters aren't allowed to be flawed like real people, they must be flawed in a way that is either endearing, entertaining (sarcastic or snarky), or easily forgivable.
But that's not always that interesting when it comes to wanting characters we can truly relate to?
Grian gets upset he's left out not just because he has Trauma™, but because he does have a co-dependancy on Mumbo that borders on unhealthy. Tango tells Grian to, in not so many words, get over himself and try and have fun - not because he knew Grian would respond well to it, but because he's blunt and doesn't know how to comfort people gently. Bdubs makes fun of Scar for being disabled, because he knows that everybody in that group chat understands he's joking and that his comments will never leave that group chat (in-world that is, of course, everybody who reads the fic will read them).
And Scott for example, is not a very well-liked character amongst readers at the moment, but he's absolutely one of my favourite to write. You put it pretty well here:
he knows he's being manipulative and it's not on purpose but in trying to stop and be better he keeps making things worse.
Like yes, exactly. He's trying to do better, but the actions he takes that he thinks (or is being co-erced into believing via mental illness) will make things better, keep making things worse and he doesn't really understand how to do it right. And haven't we all been in that position before?
And yet up until chapter 17, we've only ever seen into their dynamic from the outside. We've only ever seen Scott's actions from Jimmy's POV or from the POV of someone who cares about Jimmy.
And somehow it's Jimmy, of all people, defending Scott.
It's absolutely fascinating to see readers reactions and I'd be so happy to talk about this forever and ever and ever, hehehe.
And what you said about Mumbo and Grian's relationship, here:
very "not more than friends, different from friends" vibes /vpos. it doesn't feel like they're ending up in a romantic relationship. it feels like they're making their relationship romantic and i love that so much.
I'm actually SO glad you feel that way about them, because that's exactly the way I feel about them, too. They're not just friends, so much as they're Grian and Mumbo. The idea of them being friends almost suggests an alternative of them being not friends and I just don't there's a way in this world that they can exist and be without one another. So yes, I love this a lot and I love that you feel that way about them.
Thank you so much for this absolutely beautiful message - I am such a fan of analysing characters and their interactions and all that. Frankly, thank you for giving me a space to talk at length about the way these characters are in this fic!!
Here is a tissue for the tears, I hope you don't cry too hard. Remember to stay hydrated <333
Lumi <3
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Hello everybody! I've just posted the 3rd chapter of my SOD/MCYT AU fic, and I'd like some help choosing which fic to work on next?
(please only vote if you have read/are going to read the main fic)
Some more info to help make choices:
The Bad Boys origin: 3-4 chapters, one for each character + a potential 4th to show where they are by the end of the main fic
The Clockers fic: Same format of the Bad Boys origin
Where has Dogwarts been: where the fuck Ren, Martyn and BigB are while Skizz and Etho do their thing. Probably 3 chapters!
Furious helstryke: Probably a a 1-2 chapter short fic about the discovery of them! Will probably be themed on one of the three groups that are getting a fic about them!
Crimson howler: Same as above!
Lumie lore: More luminous krayfin lore!! Probably would be Etho's pov for once
Light fury expansion: A deeper dive into the Hidden World and the Warlords and more in depth Etho backstory lore!!
The expansion related fics would probably take longer, but hopefully will be a good stand in for what was planned but never released!
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bisexualmcqueen · 2 months
not really a srs poll i just wanted to compile my ideas do you see why im paralyzed with choice (also semi art block)
edit: yellowjackets as in tv show premise not as in attacked by bugs
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zeddyke · 2 years
ive got so many ideas for fics even tho i have like three wips going rn. one is a regular robot tango s8 chara study. but the other two are ehmm the clockers limited life mommy kink fic and a scarian weight gain and feederism welcome back s9 fic 😶 ehmm *comically scratching my head. theres just so many fun ways to explore kink thru the hermits
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its-muffin-tyme · 1 month
clockers fic idea and also prompt, courtesy of me:
scar, like bdubs, was born with white hair. he has white hair when etho leaves for like, most of a year, when scar is 12 or 13
he comes back to a scowling teenager with dyed-brown hair, who says he dyed his hair so no one would say he looked like Etho anymore
and Etho, who does his best to act unbothered, honestly feels his heart ache
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its-muffin-tyme · 1 month
clockers au where scar is also hot guy and etho definitely has some sort of criminal enterprise
and someone working with/for etho has gotten into some trouble and needs some protection, but not anyone who is actively recognized as Part Of Organized Crime by those in the know, for reasons
and Etho's like "Yeah, I got you! Hold on, let me call my son and see if he's willing to talk to me"
and then he leaves and there's a hushed conversation and he's like
"Don't worry! He'll be here in 10 minutes. You're in good hands"
And then in walks freaking Hot Guy.
[[ps. this concept specifically can be used as a fic prompt ^-^]]
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its-muffin-tyme · 1 month
I have so many clockers fic ideas and snippets and i know this is 90% a Poll Blog but if i don't post something about these i will go insane
So, uh, here's one:
Etho and some of his friends being like, futuristic space bounty hunters, while Cleo and the boys are on their and Etho's home planet. One day, while working, one of his team finds two teen boys have somehow made it to space and are causing massive chaos
You'll never guess who fathered them!
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Blog Stuff
^ Like, "FYI if you want to block tags" stuff
Little announcement here: Factor It In is on hiatus for now, probably for the rest of 2023. I know where the story is going overall and I know where the next chapter's going, but I struggled more than expected with the "Torus" voice (took like 6 weeks longer than the other chapters and all of it painful :'D)
I don't want to face a timecrunch struggle with TJ and Rose POVs (two characters who will be new to me), so I'm taking the bi-weekly update stress away and putting the 'fic on hiatus for now. But I wrote 77k before a hiatus was needed so I'm proud of that <3
We've got some 130 Prompts coming up as well as "Unicorn Years" for Origin in September (and hopefully a special Friday the 13th piece in October). In other words, FOP stuff is still bi-weekly as usual.
-> As a reminder, the 130 Prompts are posted in the order they are for a reason. You don't have to read them all if you don't want to, but extra context is always nice. If you've been dragging your feet on "Looking Back" by any chance... I might recommend that before the next update, which is "Sentry" ;)
On the "off" Friday I'm planning one-shots for various fandoms, especially shorter character studies. Really want to practice capturing a variety of voices, some quicker one-shots, and maybe I'll try some characters I don't use a lot. Or I'll be self-indulgent and focus on my faves... who knows.
Hoping to post more Come What May as well since you guys were excited to see it back <3... and it would be nice to actually finish a non-one-shot 'fic for the first time in. 7 years.
It's probably been obvious, but I also took a long hiatus from digital art. Traditional art is more comfy for me and I've been trying new digital programs, but haven't fallen in love with anything (i.e. I've been a vector artist for 10 years and moving from my safe space to different programs and styles is... painful).
I think I'm ready to start pushing my comfort zone, but be forgiving of my digital style because I'm playing around with new tools and this is a big jump for me, ha ha. I think I'm going to do some silly, low-stress fanfic doodles with very little attempt to make them look good, just testing stuff out.
I miiiiiight have a few PMV / animatic ideas, so we'll see
By nature of me posting art for my own 'fics, spoilers be upon ye if you're not up to date with my writing. Relatively recent stuff and/or stuff I consider "big" will get the #ridspoilers tag, but stuff I wrote 6+ months ago is less likely to get the tag, so that's how that goes.
-> #Dog's Life spoilers will get a unique tag because the weekly updates and drama make me say "Yeah, a special tag makes sense," so if that's a 'fic you think you want to read someday without spoilers, consider blocking that sooner rather than later :)
-> I'm also adding a #Pixels Imperfect tag to stuff from that universe (and I'll go back and add it to the chapters I already posted). "Pixels Imperfect" is the series name on AO3 for my digital gremlin Traffic SMP content (Everyone can freely wander around New Star Station outside the game and just puts on their roleplay hats when they go in, everything under this series fits under one umbrella of universe canon, etc.)
-> #Neighborhood Watch is the series name for "we take the roleplay lore seriously, this is their life, no digital world and no roleplay hat to take off" Traffic SMP content. I haven't posted anything for it yet, but I've got stuff in the works (I'm playing with a couple "making every season as canon as possible in one storyline" pieces and </3 it's big divorce speedrun hours for Clocker fam rn)
As for the other 'fics, I've been posting stuff like Origin, the 130, and Knots for 7 years and I feel okay about how that's going- I don't normally get spoiler Asks, but my general rule is to wait 1-2 weeks before I say anything spoilery on my blog. I think that's been working fine and we've got a good system, so I'm not changing anything there.
Lastly - and this is also part of the reason Factor is going on hiatus - it sounds like Traffic SMP Season 5 is just around the corner. For my followers who don't know much about this Minecraft deathmatch series, the creators only play for a few weeks - I think the shortest season was 6 weeks and the longest was 8 - and each creator puts out one episode a week (usually Friday).
So, it's a pretty short chunk of time and I don't want to be juggling too many things while it's coming out. I think this year I want to jump in and create some nice content while it's ongoing instead of just doodling off to the side and keeping it to myself... I need to dig up my old liveblog doodles I never shared, hm.
-> The traffic story canon gets reset every season (i.e. it's unscripted play, there's no continuous plot, and each season starts relationships from scratch), so if you've been enjoying any of my Traffic SMP reblogs, consider looking into it and riding that wave while episodes come out for a couple weeks and we can be hype together <3
-> Stuff for that season will be tagged #traffic spoilers, which is the tag I use across all the seasons, and I'll make a new post with my Season 5 spoiler tag once we get the name reveal.
-> As is traditional when I liveblog, I'll also use the tag #Riddle watches Traffic so you can block that too if you like. Just wanted to let people know in case I have any Traffic SMP followers who want to go in blind and don't want to risk seeing my posts before they have time to block my spoilers tag. #traffic spoilers still covers everything, including new season.
-> I also need to look into maybe switching from Traffic Life SMP as my blog tag to Traffic SMP because I think that's. the right name and it would probably be smart to tag properly... hm.
I think that covers everything I wanted to say. I'll add a list or link to my pinned post as well so people can figure out what to block for spoilers and stuff.
Thanks for enjoying my blog!
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