#clint barton being the most observant one
pandagirl45 · 1 year
Clint: are you in love with buck mister?
Tony: *scoffs* no. Why would you assume?
Bruce: heart eyes
Tony: I don't do heart eyes! Actually I do... angr... *sees bucky not realizing extremis makes tiny electric pink heart eyes with tiny pink electric sparks and pink glow* eyes...
Bruce and clint: heart eyes
Tony: I don't do-
Bucky: tony
Tony: *screams throwing a plate at him scurrying off*
Bucky: *confused*
Rhodey: *staring at Tony as he laments his panic*
Tony: I threw a plate at him!! T-T rhodey!! I'm in love and my reaction was panic throw... *falls over like a melodramatic cat* bury me
Rhodey: tones, it could be worse, you could have had crush on Peter quill
Tony: ew...
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writerslittlelibrary · 9 months
So, I'm not a prisoner?
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masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3 extra
summary: you did not expect that your mission to take down the traitor, could end in such a difficult situation for you…
pairing: Natasha x Red Room teen reader
warnings: fighting, weapons, stabbing, blood, implied sexual abuse
genre: fluff, angst
words: 3073
a/n: I wanted to do a fic like this for so long!!!! anyway, I just kept scouting tumblr trying to find fics like this, so I figured I’d finally write one myself :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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A quick in and out. That was your mission. How on earth did you manage to screw it up so bad. In and out. Assassinate the traitor and come right back. 
Dreykov would’ve been so proud. 
But that didn’t happen. No. Every single aspect about that night failed to go according to plan. You snuck into the event Stark had hosted, was able to blend in with the other party goers, and you were able to hide when most of the people started to leave. 
Once it was just the Avengers left, you stayed in your hiding spot, observing them. You were here to kill Natasha Romanoff, and Natasha Romanoff only. 
You could not afford any casualties, so you had it all planned out. 
You’d wait until the Avengers would leave, and you’d take Natasha out before she could make it to her living quarters. You knew that once she made it to the living space of the Avengers tower, getting to her would be a lot harder. 
However, against all odds, Natasha excused herself from the group quite early, saying she wanted to get a good nights sleep. 
You internally cursed yourself, hating that this wasn’t something that you had planned for. 
Around the couches were still some Avengers sat. You recognised all of them. Clint Barton shouldn’t be too much trouble. He was only a guy who’s good with a bow. For Maria Hill could be said the same thing, except she’s very skilled with a gun.
No, you were worried about the other Avengers still seated. Tony Stark could call upon his armour in mere seconds. Thor had the power of thunder for god’s sake. Wanda Maximoff has exceptional powers, and therefor, if you were to attack with her still in the room, you’d be immobilised in an instant. 
You were fairly certain you didn’t need to worry much about Bruce Banner. Sure, he could turn into the Hulk, but he didn’t turn often, and lately, the Hulk hasn’t been spotted in the battlefield, meaning he probably had many trouble turning into him. 
Pietro Maximoff shouldn’t bring you a lot of trouble either. 
Your main concern were Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. One Super Soldier you could handle, but two? While fighting the rest of the Avengers? That wasn’t going to work. 
Lucky for you, Wanda Maximoff had excused herself from the gathering a while ago. If you didn’t make to much noise, she wouldn’t be much of a problem. You could be outside before she’d even make it to the party deck. 
Your original plan was to just wait. Natasha Romanoff would have usually sat through a party until far into the evening. You’d know, you’ve been watching her for weeks. 
However, now that Romanoff has announced she was returning to her bedroom, a slight panic ran through your body. 
Dreykov gave your 5 weeks to finish this assignment. That’s longer than any assignment you’d ever been on. You could not disappoint him with this. You had to kill the traitor. 
You figured now was your only chance, and so, as Natasha Romanoff made her way towards the elevator, you followed her. 
However, not even to your surprise, she stopped in the middle of the hallway. 
“You know I’m an assassin, too? You’re good, but you’re not un noticeable,” she states, calmly turning around, being met with a gun to your face. The moment she stopped, you were wise enough to draw your gun, holding her at gunpoint for any sudden movements. 
You could see a slight surprise appear on her face, before her face returned to her poker face once again. 
“You’re just a child…” Natasha spoke slowly, seeming almost disappointed. 
“You’re a traitor,” you spoke, loading the gun, taking a step closer. Natasha simply shook her head. “I’m sorry,” she spoke, before leaping towards you. You shot your gun, but Natasha was too fast, avoiding your gunfire as she ran past you, back to the other Avengers. 
How on earth could you have missed that shot? She was right there.
You don’t hesitate to run after her, determined to finish this tonight. 
Very much not to your surprise, the moment you run back into the party hall, the Avengers are already standing up and ready. Ready to fight you.
You don’t hesitate to move forwards, and after fighting Clint Barton for mere seconds, you quickly realise they have no intention of hurting you. You could use that to your advantage, and you do.
You kick Barton hard, leaving him on the floor, heaving for air as you move forward, taking on Maria. 
However, the moment you get close to Maria, two strong arms wrap around your body, pulling you back. They’re holding you tightly, and it doesn’t feel like they’re planning to let go. 
You struggle in the hold, fighting against who ever is holding you as you try to break free. A small panic runs through your body. The fear of being captured by the Avengers taking place in your mind. You do not fear the Avengers, but the thought of being seen as a traitor by Dreykov hurts your heart more than words could describe. 
“Stop struggling. We can help you,” you hear a voice behind you speak, and you soon come to realise the person you’re fighting is Captain America himself. 
No wonder you couldn’t get loose. 
Knowing it’s a Super Soldier, you’re quick to outsmart him, making him think you’re getting tired, relaxing your body is his hold. Because of this, the Captain lightens his grip a bit, giving you enough room to wiggle your arm free, moving it backwards to hit him in the face with your elbow. 
Because of the surprise, he lets you go, allowing you to stand again. 
The moment your feet hit the ground, you dash forward, holding up your knife as you use everyone’s shock to your advantage. 
Everyone is surprised by your capability of escaping Steve’s grasp, not realising your already moving towards Natasha again. You reach her quickly, stabbing your knife into her stomach as far as it can go. 
Natasha gasps, and you pull the knife out, watching as all the blood starts to seep from her stomach. 
Slowly, Natasha sinks to the ground, Maria catching her, helping her down. 
You move towards Natasha again, determined to get the job finished, but are quickly stopped by another pair of arms wrapping around your waist. You immediately recognise the metal arm, knowing that the Winter Soldier holds you in his grasp. You can’t escape him. You never have. 
He pulls you backwards, pushing you to the ground as he tries to punch you. However, you regain yourself quickly, rolling away from under him and kicking him in the face. 
Suddenly, you’re moved across the room. You forgot the damn speedster…
You raise your knife quickly, stabbing him before he has a chance to make another move. 
“PIETRO!” you hear a voice yell, and you turn your head to the right. Shit. Wanda Maximoff must have heard the commotion and went down to take a look. You have to get out of there. You will never win a fight with her.
You move quickly, running towards the stairs. However, before you could reach them, you felt a stabbing pain in your left shoulder, the sound of a gun shot following soon after. You had been shot. Bucky Barnes had shot you in an attempt to slow you down. 
But you didn’t let it. 
Instead, you went towards the stairs a little quicker, dashing down the hundreds of flights of stairs to get to the main floor. 
Of course, all SHIELD agents on the main floor were already expecting you, and you were followed by Steve Rogers, but you were quicker than him. You knew that. 
You dashed past all the SHIELD agents, avoiding their gun fire as you made it towards an emergency exit. 
The moment you stepped outside, you started your escape route. You already planned it, knowing exactly which way to go, no matter which way you would exit. 
Steve followed you outside, but the moment he set foot outside the door, you were gone. You had disappeared into the night, leaving no trace. 
Back in the Avengers tower, the team was recovering from your attack. Natasha was in bad shape. Your strike had been an attempt to murder her, and you didn’t miss any organs as you pierced your blade through her abdomen. 
Pietro was much better. He was back on his feet quickly, seeing as though you stabbing him hadn’t been a murder attempt. You merely wanted to distract him. 
It didn’t take long for Natasha to get back on her feet either, even though she was advised to stay on bed rest after the surgery. 
Natasha was determined to find you, and she quickly got to work. 
Even though you had made it out of the Avengers tower quickly, you were still hurt, and some of you blood had fallen on the floor as you made your escape towards the stairs. Clint and Maria had collected that blood, running multiple tests, only to find out you were not registered anywhere. 
There was no record of your existence. Were you just another ghost story?
What they did find were traces of the Super Soldier serum. However, they were modified, almost as if they were genetically a part of your system. 
Did that mean you were just another Hydra experiment? Natasha did hear you calling her a traitor. That had to mean you knew Dreykov, right? Who else viewed her as a traitor. I would make sense. Sending a modified teenage assassin after her, knowing Natasha was above killing children. 
Even in the Red Room, she always hesitated when sparring against the younger students. 
Dreykov must have had a lot of faith in you to send you after her. Natasha can only hope you’re not a graduate yet…
After the incident in the Avengers tower, you had fled to Germany. You figured it was best to leave the United States completely. And why would they ever search for you in Germany? 
You had rented an apartment, loving the small town you had chosen. Dreykov had given you 5 weeks to finish the assignment, and now, you had only 1 week left. There is now way that you’re going to succeed in killing Natasha within the week. 
They know you are after her now, and they will be prepared for you to make a return. You screwed it up.
Right now, you were just heading back to your apartment. You had taken a walk, deciding to make the most out of the freedom you had in the moment. The week would be over soon, and the moment Dreykov would send for your return you are certain you will not be seeing daylight any time soon. 
After you arrived in the apartment building, you instantly felt watched. 
Had the Avengers found you?
You made your way up to your apartment, pushing the key into the lock and walking through the small hallway. Someone was in here, you could feel it. 
You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, keeping your back towards the living room. 
“There are not a lot of places to hide in this apartment,” you spoke aloud into the emptiness of the apartment. Soon you heard a set of footsteps, and you felt another presence enter the room. 
“You’re very skilled for your age,” you heard a voice behind you say, and you immediately recognised it as Natasha’s. 
“And you are stronger than you look. I mean, even for you, I didn’t expect you to be on your feet so quickly,” you stated, turning around slowly. Natasha wasn’t holding a weapon in your face, something you were definitely expecting. 
You scanned her quickly, seeing the weapons she held on her belt. 
She didn’t come unarmed. Good. She’d be stupid to. 
“I don’t mean you any harm,” Natasha said, taking a small step forward as she held her hands in the air, showing you her every movement. 
You didn’t look impressed, instead just staring at her as she moved. 
“Then you are a fool,” you told her, and you spotted a small smirk flashing over Natasha’s face. “And you are very full of yourself,” she said, moving towards the kitchen island, leaning on it. 
“I can’t say I blame you. You took on a lot of the Avengers on your own. Even two Super Soldiers. That’s impressive,” she stated, giving you a small smile. You didn’t return it. 
“What? Jealous someone better took your place when you betrayed us,” you asked Natasha, determined to get on her nerves.
Natasha’s smile dropped quickly. 
“Quite the opposite, actually. I hoped no one would ever have to go through it again,” she told you, a hint of regret almost identifiable in her expression. Now it was your time to give her a small smile. 
“You think you’re so important that everything should’ve ended with you?” you asked her, moving towards the kitchen island as well, setting your glass down, still holding onto it. 
Natasha shook her head.
“What I am curious about, however, is the genetic Super Soldier serum that runs through your DNA,” Natasha paused, adjusting her stance before speaking again. “Tell me, was your dad a Super Soldier?” 
You let out a huff of amusement, surprising Natasha. 
“You think I believe you’re just here for a conversation? There are SHIELD agents placed on every corner of every street. Don’t think I didn’t notice it. The lovely young couple, drinking coffee at the restaurant downstairs? Amazing disguise, if you were trying to trick nine year olds,” you stated, finishing your glass of water. 
Natasha smiles, clearly impressed with your observations. 
“You’re right. I’m not here for just a conversation, although I do hope we can prevent violence,” Natasha started, but before she could continue you interrupted her. 
“You’re here to bring me in.” 
Natasha nodded, and the look on her face was almost apologetic. 
“No one needs to get hurt. If you just come with me, there’s a big chance you could avoid confinement,” Natasha explained, yet you just scoffed and shook your head. 
“Avoid confinement? Yeah right. There is no way, that after what I have done, your people won’t lock me away.” 
“I can be very persuasive,” Natasha simply replied. 
There was a small silence. Natasha knew you were debating your options. You didn’t seem like a brainwashed sheep. She knew that you knew better than trusting Dreykov’s lies. Sure, you still believed she was a traitor, but there is no way that you didn’t see that what Dreykov is doing is wrong. 
“You know going back after a failed mission will result in punishment,” Natasha started, trying to get through to you. Trying to give you that little push you needed to go with her. “If you go with me, you’ll never be punished like that ever again,” she finished. 
You looked up, deep in thought.
“How could you be so sure?” you asked her, and Natasha didn’t hesitate to respond. 
“We can keep you safe-”
“I found you. I nearly killed you. Who’s to say some other Widow won’t come after me as well?” you replied, and Natasha gave you another small smile. 
“I escaped the Red Room when I was 20,” Natasha started. “It took him 12 years to send someone after me. We will make sure we’ll take him down before he even has the chance to come after you.” 
“How many times, did you try to kill him, exactly? Because I believe you attempted his murder twice already, both of which you failed. You blew him up in Budapest, and then another time when you took the air facility down. Do you honestly think you’ll succeed now?”
Natasha shook her head, seemingly recollecting her thoughts. 
“I failed twice, and that was sloppy, but both times I didn’t have the Avengers on my side. You ran the moment you saw Wanda. You know what she is capable of. Taking down the Red Room for good shouldn’t be too difficult with the Avengers on our side,” Natasha explained, yet you just shook your head. 
“I’m not like you,” you told her, yet Natasha just looked at you in confusion. 
“I’m not some disposable widow like you were. I’m more important,” you explained, and Natasha gave you a sad smile.
“Everyone is just a disposable widow to him,” she started, but you interrupted her. 
“I’m not. You tested my blood. You know I carry the Super Soldier serum. I’m not just some girl he picked up from the streets,” you explained, and Natasha gave you a small nod, encouraging to keep going. 
“I can’t explain it, but he won’t just let me walk. He put too much time in my creation. He would never just let it go to waste,” you finished, looking down, avoiding Natasha’s gaze as you turned around, putting your glass by the sink. 
“We’ll help you. I know that we can,” Natasha tried. 
“Is it worth the risk? My life is not great, but it’s not terrible either. Dreykov values me, and I am not treated like a piece of meat, unlike you might suspect.” 
“So the punishment is worth it, then? Knowing that in three days time, Dreykov will have you be recollected, and once you return to the Red Room, you’ll be punished severely for a failed mission,” Natasha paused, allowing you to let her words sink in. 
“Or, in three days time, you could know you can go to bed without worrying about someone joining. You could know you can be safe, and sleep through the night without anyone disrupting you. Knowing that, is the choice really that hard?” Natasha finished, and you were almost at your breaking point. 
Was it worth it? Was going back the best decision? Dreykov would hurt you, you knew that, but you deserved it. Didn’t you? 
“Please, just come with me. We can help,” Natasha spoke, nearly begged. 
You sighed deeply. 
“Fine, but if you put me in a cell, I will go on a murder streak,” you told her, and Natasha let out a chuckle, before seeing your facial expression, and realising you were dead serious. 
“Duly noted,” Natasha said, before motioning you towards the door. 
What had you done…
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey
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randomshyperson · 9 months
One For The Road - Heart Shaped Series
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Chapter Summary: Wanda's first mission as an Avenger was also marked by the first time she met you.
Warnings: typical canon violence, fluff and Avengers working together but nothing major | Words: 2.501k
A/N-> This is an extra chapter (can be read separately and doesn't impact the current plot of the fic). It's just about delving a little deeper into what happened before the main story and I plan three of them in total (the other two will be their first kiss and their first time). Good reading!
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 | Series Masterlist
They were there to observe. After all, what criminal in their right mind would let the Avengers attend an event where half the guests were wanted by Shield?
But even on the outside, and accompanied by Barton, Steve and Natasha who were basically the most protective members over her, Wanda was nervous.
It was her first official Avengers mission. Not only that, but she had what they called a perfect disguise consisting of an old American football team cap and sunglasses, and Wanda was having a hard time thinking that it would work. Maybe so, because she had only appeared a few times on television, and wasn't exactly the most popular Avenger among them. 
But there was also Captain America in all of his glory of an enchanted big body wearing the same outfit. So ignoring Steve's warning about keeping it on the down low, she was forced to use her skills when she noticed that the waitresses were whispering about him - One peek and Wanda could read their suspicion. The blonde among them was sure of who he was, but a little influence from the witch and that certainty vanished. She could go back to serving coffee without further doubts.
Steve could thank her later for that.
Wanda's first mission was simple. To observe, to provide support. It was more about seeing Steve in action than anything else. Learning how the more experienced ones acted or something. She knew that Clint was somewhere high up, perhaps in one of the buildings away from the main square. 
In any case, they were all surrounding the large Italian-style mansion on the edge of the island. And Tony in his iron armor was taking care of the offshore area, in case the targets escaped by water.
Everything was going well, and almost tedious to be honest, for hours on end. The gala party was happening loud and clear into the night, but Wanda and the others had the excuse of dinner time to stay at the tables in the cheap corner restaurant. 
"We have our first celebrity guest, Captain." Clint's warning over the communicator almost took her by surprise - but Wanda was paying attention to the mansion's large iron door, where she could see the movement in and out of the party. The equally bored security guards finally got something to do - Opening the door to the visually drunk man heading towards the limo waiting for him.
Steve left some cash on the table, standing up before the drunk man had even finished insulting the staff for taking so long to open the door for him. She knew the captain was heading towards the parked motorcycle to follow the car since that was the plan. But she noticed - felt - something different.
The target was an Italian mobster who had attracted Shield's attention by being quoted in a human experimentation scheme. All those involved in the Hydra project, which created people like her and Pietro, were being hunted down one by one. It was an Avengers-level operation because little was known about how far Hydra had managed to go. How many superhumans they manage to create? It wouldn't be smart to send ordinary agents who would probably be up against people as powerful as Wanda.
And well, there was another detail about the target; he had two daughters. According to the files, the girls didn't take part in their father's work. They just enjoyed the money from a crime like two foolish socialites.
Although the two figures were identical to the photographs in the files, something in Wanda clicked when she looked at what was supposed to be the mobster's youngest daughter.
"Steve, there's something wrong." She gasped into the communicator. The waiter looked surprised - he thought she was talking to him.
"Mi dispiace, signorina, cosa ha detto? (Excuse me, what did you say, miss?)" But Wanda muttered excuse me in a very bad accent and got up. At her warning, Steve hesitated and instead of going to the motorcycle, he stopped at the bar. 
The mobster didn't leave the scene either, confirming Wanda's suspicions that things were very wrong. 
From inside the mansion, two security guards ran out - they shouted that something had been stolen from the sale. And the gate was closed again.
The man, drunk and confused, was searched. The presence of a pearl necklace hidden in his jacket was enough for him to be dragged back by the thugs, who ignored the foaming protests of him and his eldest daughter, who ran inside after her father.
"What's the saying again, thief who steals thief...?" Clint joked over the communicator, clearly from wherever he was, he had witnessed the whole scene.
Although he laughed, Steve began to move forward. "Change of plans, guys. Let's break up the party." He announced, and it was no surprise that the positions of the remaining team members quickly began to reveal themselves.
Everyone left their hiding place to invade the party - Tony's armor was the first to act to hack open the iron gates. Most of the security corps surrendered on seeing the Avengers there, but there was still conflict. Steve just wanted to act quickly before the mobster they had come to capture was executed for stealing a pearl necklace.
And Wanda, well, she followed her instincts.
The mobster's daughter fled the scene - She was supposed to go after her father, but she snuck into the parking lot. Wanda had to run a little to avoid losing sight of her.
The confusion of the party invaded by the Avengers was loud enough to drown out her footsteps, and Wanda managed to hide behind some pillars when the figure reached a parked car. She thought she was about to discover that the mobster's daughter was actually more aware of her father's business than she let on when something much more shocking happened.
Before her eyes, Wanda watched the figure change completely. From the original appearance, only the coat and expensive dress remained.
A shapeshifter? What an incredible thing to witness, Wanda thought. She had only heard stories about Loki and had never seen anything other than Natasha's tools of disguise. This here was truly remarkable.
You hummed low, pulling out a closed suitcase from your coat. The Italian mafia symbol made Wanda understand the whole thing quickly - The necklace was just a distraction. The real theft was what you were carrying.
The coat was discarded on the pavement in the parking lot, but before you could stow it in the trunk, you froze. Wanda had half a second to hide behind the pillar, holding her breath and hoping you hadn't seen her.
Well, worst case scenario, she'd use magic on you.
She risked a peek, but you were no longer near the car. Gone, like the suitcase.
Wanda sighed in defeat, feeling pathetic. Her first mission would be marked with the escape of an enemy. How embarrassing.
But then she was suddenly grabbed and restrained. Wanda gasped in shock, imagining that it was one of the building's security guards. Her magic acted faster than the panic in her system - it went through her body and hit the attacker in the chest, who was thrown to the ground.
"Wow, how did you do that?" The voice that came out was definitely not that of a brute like the party security guards. Wanda turned around panting, ready for another attack, but you were sitting on the floor, back to your original appearance, looking at her as if you had just seen the most incredible creature in the world.
Wanda opened her mouth, but couldn't think of anything to say. She was sure she had been grabbed by a security guard, but then she understood: You had changed to look like one. But her magic forced you to return to your real appearance, and Wanda had to convince herself that the way her heart raced and her stomach did two flips was because of the fright, and nothing more.
Her lack of reaction didn't intimidate you. You tilted your head gently. "You're the new one."
You started to get up, Wanda swallowed dryly, taking another step away.  Her hands glowed as red as her eyes. "Stay back."
But you looked at her carefully, as if you were studying her. And you didn't seem afraid of your powers, even though a minute ago you'd been thrown to the ground for it.
"Oh, I remember you from television." You suddenly declare, a glint of recognition in your eyes. "The girl from the country who fell from the sky."
Wanda tried to steady her trembling hands. "I'll take you into custody. I know you stole something."
But you didn't pay any attention to the statement - You advanced against her and she backed away instinctively until Wanda was pressed to the pillar again. One hand against your stomach and the other on your shoulder, keeping you at a safe distance.
She could have just hit you with the magic, but she didn't. Just like you, she didn't attack.
"What... are you doing?" She gasped in a mixture of curiosity and fear, both hands controlling your distance were expelling her power. One of your hands moved up and grabbed her face gently - Wanda had to bite the inside of her cheek at the way her skin burned at your touch. Was it attraction she was feeling? No, it couldn't be. You were a complete stranger. She had to convince herself that this was fear.
You turned her face to one side and then the other, your eyes so focused that you seemed to be trying to memorize every aspect of her appearance.
"I've never met another one of us before." You say, and Wanda frowns in confusion. Your hand remains on her chin, and she swallows dryly before taking a chance:
"Us? Like... another Baron Strucker experiment?" She deduces, and you nod softly before letting go of her face.
You move your hand down and hold the one she has against your stomach. "It's so warm. What is it?" You ask tenderly about her magic. 
Wanda can feel her cheeks burning but she managed to stammer: "Hm... it’s a form of energy, I think." Jesus, Wanda pull yourself together. Well, who could really blame her for feeling out of place about the whole thing? She was literally on her first mission, being pinned against a pillar in the parking lot of a mafia party by some random thief, blushing under the worshipful gaze of that same shape-shifter while her team blew stuff up in the background. It was too much for anyone. 
She tries to gain a little control when she evades your touch, slipping to the side and putting distance between your bodies again. She also ignores how her hand is tingling, as if she was missing your touch from seconds ago.
"How did the Baron manage to give you energy?" You asked curiously but frowned in a worried way.
Wanda sighed. She really was having a conversation with a jewelry thief.
"It was a stone... um, a special kind. It may sound ridiculous, but it was a magic one. It came from outer space, the Avengers actually have a lot of work protecting them. And well, it now sits on the head of one of us and-"
But you suddenly moved - You lifted the hem of your dress just above your thigh, and pulled out a small, hidden pistol. Wanda's heart leaped to her throat. She barely had time to think about reacting, and you had already pulled the trigger.
There was still an arc of magic protecting her when she risked opening her eyes again. You were both out of breath, staring at each other before you lowered the gun.
The shot wasn't aimed at her, as Wanda realized the next second. But behind her, to one of the party guests who was trying to escape the Avengers by running into the parking lot. And well, catching one of them, off guard was quite an opportunity. The man now was writhing in pain on the ground, bleeding from the shot to the neck that you had hit him with. His own gun, loaded to shoot Wanda, rolled off his hand to the grass next to his body. 
Wanda should move. Criminal or not, trying to murder her or not, he needed help.
You raised an eyebrow at the magical protection disappearing around her. "You’re full of tricks aren’t, you?” You teased while hiding your gun again, now on your belt. “This was fun, Wanda Maximoff. Unfortunately, I must leave."
She shallows, knowing she really should move her feet. "You can't go... I have- I should arrest you."
You glance towards the man on the ground, practically unconscious now before looking at the girl again. "But he needs your help, and what kind of superhero doesn't help a bleeding victim?"
Her body reacts to your sarcastic words; she rushes to reach the assaulter and stop the bleeding. You don’t miss the opportunity to walk away to your motorcycle.
Wanda is too busy with the guest to notice you are escaping - Her magic do the hard part to patch up the bleeding and she’s stuck there with this man, at least for the necessary time for you to escape.
Wanda bites her tongue when she sees your motorcycle flee out the back exit, hoping none of her colleagues saw her letting you escape.
It doesn't even take five minutes for Natasha to find her, worried about where she was hiding during the shooting.
“What the hell happened here?” Asked the widow but as soon as she saw the gun on the floor, she assumed that Wanda was defending herself. She sighs before the witch can come up with an explanation. “Fuck, I’m just glad you’re okay, Maximoff. Pretty hardcore for your first mission, huh?” Nat jokes, and somehow, she manages a little chuckle from Wanda. The redhead gives her shoulder a soft tug. "Come on, witchy, i’ll take care of this one. Go find the others."
Natasha offered her a hand to help her up, but Wanda didn't want to take it. Her own were stained with blood.
"I think I'll go back to the quinjet." Said the brunette with a sour stomach. A lot had happened in a very short period of time. Natasha nodded quickly.
"Yeah, sure, go ahead." Said the widow, forcing a smile when she noticed the way the witch was shaking with adrenaline. "And Wanda. You did alright, okay? More than that, to be honest. You caught the hint that something was wrong very quickly. I’m proud of you.”
Wanda just nodded, taking the opposite path from all the confusion.  Completely unaware that a few kilometers away, at high speed, a shapeshifter left the motorcycle's handlebars to press against their own chest. Trying to understand why their heart was racing so much and the feeling of doing something wrong if the robbery had been a success.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
hello! love ur prompts. could u write something for natasha with "your sneezes are still adorable. just saying" and “why are you laughing at my misery?” in my hc she sneezes like a little kitten and all the avengers make fun of it hahah
Kitten Or Widow?
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〚 Notes - Anon, your headcanon is just so cute! Hopefully this is sorta what you were imagining :) 〛
〚 Pairing - Natasha Romanoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - The Avengers finally hear just how un-widow-like Nat can be. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 540 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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The room was filled with laughter, food and smiles all round as the Avengers sat in one of compound’s living rooms stuffing their faces with numerous different types of takeout. It had been a long week for everyone, and they all needed a break from their crime-fighting duties. Well, all except for Nat she’d spent most of the week inside (much to her annoyance) as she got over a cold.
The two of you shared a blanket as you sat huddled up on a sofa, giggling along with the constant jokes being cracked as you both sipped on a cold cider.
As the laughter and chatter continued, suddenly, Nat felt a tickle in her nose, and before she could reach for a tissue, she let out the cutest, most unexpected sneeze that sounded exactly like a tiny kitten. "Hh’shu!” Everyone turned their heads towards her in surprise, their eyes wide and jaws dropping before descending into more laughter.
Thor, known for his mighty warrior persona, burst out laughing with a thunderous voice that shook the room. "By Odin's beard! Nat, that was positively adorable!"
Even Tony Stark, who was usually quick with witty remarks, was left momentarily speechless, staring at Nat in amazement. Tony, ever quick to react, burst into laughter and exclaimed, "Nat, you've got to be kitten me right now! Did you just sneeze like a cat?"
There was a collective groan at his awful pun, “Oh shush, no I do not.” She defended, hiding her embarrassed flushed face into your shoulder.”
"I always knew Nat had a soft spot for animals, but this is taking it to a whole new level," Steve teased as he helped himself to another slice of pizza which earnt him a playful punch on the arm from Natasha.
Amidst the banter, you couldn't help but chime in with your own comment. "Well, I must say love, that sneeze was definitely purr-fectly adorable!"
Natasha rolled her eyes at your pun but couldn't suppress her smile. "Alright, enough with the cat puns, you guys. I'm still a deadly spy, you know," she said, feigning seriousness, but the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her amusement. The whole thing might’ve been dropped soon if only-
Another sneeze erupted from Natasha, and this time it sounded even more like a little kitten, prompting another round of laughter from the Avengers.
"Oh, my goodness, Nat, you're just too cute!" Bruce Banner chuckled, trying to stifle his laughter.
"Why are you laughing at my misery?" Natasha said, half-jokingly, half-seriously, though her attempt at seriousness was undermined by the fact that she was still smiling.
"Sorry, Nat, but it's just too funny," Clint Barton said, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye before getting up to grab himself another drink.
"You know," Vision chimed in, "I once observed a cat sneezing on the internet, and I must say, your rendition is remarkably accurate."
Natasha shot him a playful glare “I can still outmatch any of you, come on.” She said, holding up her fists in mock serious-ness before descending into laughter – maybe she’d had one too many drinks.
“Come on kitty, put away the claws.” You laughed as you kissed her cheek lightly, “"Your sneezes are still adorable though. Just saying.”
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@sayah13 @mahalkitanova @romanoffskisser @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @citrussnz @fluffyblanketgecko @kljhsong @santana1437 @blackwidow-3 @asiangmrchk13 @lovelyy-moonlight @juiles @lots-of-pockets @sashawalker2 @natashamaximoff69 @observeowl @beholdagaywriter @widows201 @llovergirleraa @danveration @idkeithershawty @poison-blackheart @loveshineslikethesky @somber-sapphic @lexasaurs634 @ahintofchaos 
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nastyavolk-cp · 2 years
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Steven Grant Rogers can be everything but his most strong trait is: being chaotic as hell.
He gives everyone white hairs because of the reckless and chaotic things he does just for the sake of curiosity and also in missions he tends to do questionable things.
But this didn’t stop his co-workers (except for Wanda, Pietro and Vision) to nurture feelings for him.
Bucky Barnes is pretty an obvious admirer, they were friends since childhood, they went through a lot together. He was there for Steve when his mother died and was basically like a brother to him.
He is protective, possessive, stalker and doesn’t really like to share. But it’s not like he has an option at all 😐
Sam Wilson is another obvious admirer, he and Steve are pretty much close friends and he even tried to support him to go to therapy.
He is obsessive, protective but overall pretty harmless. But he tends to really over question Steve’s weird behavior.
Thor really loves his Shield brother, he knows that Steve is worthy of his love, he was sure of that when he saw that Steve almost managed to lift Mjolnir. He’s a major lost puppy to Steve and that’s why Steve treats him like one most of the time.
He is protective, loves to spoil Steve with Asgardian gifts or anything that he knows that Steve would appreciate. He is not usually aggressive but he’s very needy and clingy.
Bruce Banner try to not be dangerous or scare Steve away because of Hulk. But Steve never cared, he never was scared of Bruce or Hulk, he treated them like they were normal people who deserved to be respected and seen as someone with feelings.
Overall Bruce is harmless, caring and manipulative too. He treats Steve like he’s the most delicate thing in the world and it kind of annoys the blond a bit.
So things starts to escalate to dangerous levels.
Natasha Romanova is a tough woman, she’s strong and independent, but none of that stopped her from falling in love with her chaotic co-worker. They were friends since almost the beginning, they support each other and he knows that he can trust her.
She is manipulative, possessive and extremely violent.  She won’t hesitate at all to use her abilities against others who are a threat to her or even use manipulation towards Steve.
Clint Barton is almost the same as Natasha, the only difference is that he hesitates on trying to use manipulation towards Steve, he doesn’t like to take advantage of him.
He can be very protective, observant, stalker and extremely dangerous.
Tony Stark is really dangerous and powerful, he has a lot of influence in many things and let’s make it clear that when he wants something, he gets it! He and Steve might get in conflict at times but that doesn’t stop the fact that Tony just loves adrenaline and won’t stop until he gets what he wants! And he wants Steve Rogers!
He is pretty much the whole Yandere package, he is controlling, strict and possessive as Hell. But he also loves to spoil Steve rotten, when he hears that Steve is craving something or even running out of something, a few hours later or even a few days later, there’s the thing he has been craving or running out of in his bedroom with no explanation.
Generally, all of the Avengers are pretty dangerous because of their reputation and what they are capable of. Some might hesitate to kill someone if they present themselves as a threat to them or to Steve, but others won’t even think twice.
And they decided that together they have a bigger chance to get Steve Rogers to themselves.
What I am saying is… Steve is f*cked.
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popfishjr · 2 years
Optimism For The New Year
Avengers x teammate!reader but it focuses a little more on Clint.
Requested by @book-place
Warnings: swearing (I think that's it?)
"Be fucking optimistic." You wrote on a Post-It and tore it off, sticking it to the wall of your room. It was what the entire team had been trying to tell you, but when the grumpy and reserved Doctor Strange had too told you that, you knew you seriously had to change. And so you made it your New Year's resolution.
You sighed and threw yourself back onto your bed, turning over sideways to observe the sunrise through your window of the New Avengers Facility.
"Happy N-" You were saying to yourself when- "HAPPY NEW YEAR, Y/N!" Thor yelled as he burst into your bedroom. You jumped. "HOLY BEJEEZUS, THOR! YOU COULD'VE KNOCKED!"
Yea, yea. Being optimistic was your New Year's resolution, but Thor bursting into your room at dawn was an exception.
"Come on. Cheer up a little, Y/N!"
It's 5 AM, Thor. Get the fuck out of my room.
It took you all your mental strength to refrain yourself from saying that. Having nothing other than mean and pessimistic comments to say, you groaned, got up from bed and managed a slurred "Happy New Year, Thor," before leaving your room. You doubt that you could fall back asleep after Thor's 'wake up call'.
-2 hours later-
You checked your watch. 7:28 AM. 
Most of the Avengers were now awake, but you knew Clint was an 'It's a holiday, let me get my well-deserved 11 hours of sleep' type of guy, but your desire to wake him up was stronger than your will to let him rest (It was a new year, and you didn't want Clint to sleep all the way through it). So, your made your way to Clint's bedroom and, unlike Thor, knocked on his door. You heard a groan come from inside the room, but the door remained closed.
Okay. Whatever.
You push open the door and seated yourself on Clint's bed. Clint was still fast asleep.
What should you do? God, it was so tempting.
Option 1: Slap him awake (best option in your opinion).
Option 2: Watch him sleep (Creepy but you liked observing your surroundings, hence why the Avengers gave you the nickname 'Sherlock')
Option 3: Gently wake him up (not so tempting)
Option 4: Leave
Inhale... Exhale...
You gently tapped Clint on the shoulder. "Happy New Year, Clint!" You said softly with a (forced-looking) smile on your face. Clint turned to face you, and upon seeing you smile, smiled back too. Smiling for you was rare. Even if it was a forced one. "Happy New Year, Y/N."
Because it was New Years, The Avengers all stayed in the facility to celebrate it as a family. Steve had forced all of you to share your New Year's resolutions with each other.
"I think I already know what Y/N's resolution is," Clint smirked at you. You rolled your eyes back at him. "Oh, you know nothing about me, Barton."
"Alright, I'll go first," Steve volunteered. "My resolution is to hopefully be a better leader to all of you this year."
"Oh, come on, Steve! You're already a great leader!" Bucky smiled.
"Eh, could do better," Tony, who was hogging up an entire sofa, stated baldly. Bucky shot him a glare. Seeing this, you snickered softly.
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"Hey, Peter! What's your New Year's resolution?" You called out to Peter, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa opposite you. He looked up. "Oh- Uh... Mine is to be more... mature." He shot a side-glance at Tony.
You chuckled. "Don't worry, Peter. You're more mature than most people I know. Whoever told you that probably has shit observational skills."
Peter raised his eyesbrows in surprise and smiled. You sneaked a glance at Tony to discover that his face had turned a shade of crimson.
Soon, it was Clint's turn to share his resolution for the New Year. You and Natasha looked at Clint expectantly. "My New Year's resolution is to complete the 8 seasons of Brooklyn Nine-nine." Everyone turned to stare at him. "What?" Clint said, confused.
"Seriously?" Natasha said.
"Pfft, I completed that series last year!" Sam preened.
"You watch Brooklyn Nine-nine?" You asked, a little surprised.
"Still at season 1."
"Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt." You said, and Sam snorted.
"Hey, Y/N. What's your New Year's resolution?" Now it was Clint's turn to look at me apprehensively.
"Me? Oh, mine is to 'be fucking optimistic'."
"Oh, wow. Not exactly what I was thinking, but close enough."
"What exactly were you thinking, Clint?" You said with a sly smile on your face. Clint's face flushed pink, but he said nothing. Guess you'll never know.
At noon, all of you went to the shawarma joint nearby to have lunch. As you chewed on your shawarma, you looked around at the people surrounding you chatting together merrily. You smiled at the realisation that they were the best family you've ever had in a long, long time.
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rwrights · 3 years
pairing : emo!wanda x fem!reader
summary : after three years of perseverance and having to deal with her boyfriend, it only took five words for her to crack.
contents : fluff, high school!au
word count : 2.5k
a/n : emo wanda will be the death of me
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laughs were surrounded around ms. harkness’ classroom, being the lesson right before lunch break. “alright, alright, settle down, lovelies.” she began, setting her books down on her desk. “we’re gonna get started with a recap on romeo and juliet!”
her sentence caused students to let out groans and comments of disapproval. “oh, come on! this is a classic! this story is beautiful.” she argued, making wanda laugh in response. this caught her attention as she raised her eyebrow, “do you have anything to add, miss maximoff?”
wanda turned to head towards her teacher before sitting straight, “well, yes. other than having read it in the seventh grade - i may or may not disagree.” she simply said, miss harkness urging her to elaborate.
“dear, i’m aware you’ve read this years ago – but the reason i’m making you go through it again is because you’re all now very observant and opinionated. i want to know what you got from the book this time and how you felt about it.” she explained, with a smile on her face nevertheless.
“well, it’s obviously debatable, you find it beautiful, i find it dull. most people think that this is a romance between two lovers, but they seem to leave out the fact that Juliet isn't even 15. yes, there was family drama, but not one character in this book makes a single logical decision throughout. the two families realized their mistakes, at the end but at what cost? yes, Shakespeare is a good writer and his legacy continues on, but was it really that great? the whole concept of the book was rather tiring to read. but of course, this is just my opinion.”
wanda’s rant left the class speechless and a huge smile on miss harkness’ face.
“i appreciate your point of view, wanda. i’m very proud of you for being able to read between the lines and understand - or feel the book differently than others.” she grinned, surprising wanda, but she accepted her kind remarks.
you stared at her in awe with your jaw basically slacked on your desk. miss harkness continued going on and asking people for their opinions while you gawked at the girl next to you. she felt your eyes burning through the side of her head as she turned to you, giving you a knowing look.
“you’re so smart,” you replied simply, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. “uh.. thanks?” she shook her head slightly before looking back at miss harkness. you weren’t going to lie to yourself and say you didn’t adore the girl next to you, because, holy shit. you adored her.
you’d known her since sophomore year and you’ve been enticed by her ever since – although she hasn’t made it all that easy for you. years spent on sharp remarks, long glares, cold shoulders, but eventually she gave up and decided to be your friend. you two belonged in a decently sized friend group, consisting of seven other kids.
steve rogers, tony stark, bruce banner, clint barton, natasha romanoff – seniors.
wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, vision and you – juniors.
you shared almost all of your classes with your fellow, yet older juniors, and unfortunately vision. wanda’s boyfriend.
you envied the man for reasons you could not explain – well actually, just one reason. wanda. they’d been together for a total of four months and you’d been flirting with wanda for over three years. you weren’t going to lie and say you weren’t hurt and shocked when hearing she was in a relationship when you were so sure she reciprocated your feelings, but you were happy for her either way.
the rest of the gang babied you to no end, making you feel better - or trying to anyway. you were the youngest amongst them, leaving them to think it was their role to take you under their wings.
45 minutes later, the lesson ended on a good note as you packed your things up and stood by the entrance of the class, waiting for your three other friends. you scowled slightly as vision swung his arm around the sokovian girl. you groaned as pietro did the same with you, messing up your hair. “you’re adorable, malyshka. your little face scrunching up when you see them is priceless.” you felt him laugh beside you, “you are just so adorable, y/n/n.”
“you mocking me will just cause you to lose your pudding.”
“shall we get going?” vision suddenly asked, smiling as he played with the ends of wanda's hair. you glared at him slightly before pietro dragged you out of the classroom, “let’s go!”
you met the seniors halfway to the cafeteria and saw how the four guys and girl were grinning at you. “not a word..” you sternly spoke, tony bringing his hands up to his head in surrender, the grin not leaving his face. “alright, go get lunch, kiddo. we’ll get the table.” steve replied, taking your bag as they walked to your usual lunch table. natasha linked her arm with yours, smiling. “how you feelin’, kid?”
“don’t kid me, nat. can’t believe i’ve put up with you for three years..” you grumbled, getting your food on the tray in front of you. “give me your pudding and i’ll forgive you.”
“yeah, i love you, but not that much. pudding’s mine.” nat replied, taking hers greedily before rushing off to your table. you quickly followed after her, immediately digging into your food. “wanda, y/n still bothering you?.” clint asked cheekily, chewing on his fries. “no, she’s not.” you quickly replied, glaring at him. “yes.. yes, she is.” wanda replaced, rolling her eyes playfully - or you hoped so.
“i do not!”
“you were staring at me the whole english lesson, it made me fidgety.” she replied, drinking from her bottle. “do i have that effect on you, maximoff?” you asked, smiling slightly.
“y/n.” vision warned, glaring at you. you rolled your eyes before digging into your food again. “it’s only a matter of time until your girlfriend falls for my tactics, vis.” you chewed, tony cheering you on while steve shook his head, eating his burger.
“oh, in your dreams, l/n. three years of your tactics and look where that’s gotten you.” he retorted. you froze and looked up at him, squinting your eyes. “you’re on thin ice, vis. since when were we on a last name basis? i don’t even know your last name? what is it?”
“okay, okay! enough. y/n, stop it.” wanda cut in, giving you a warning look. “wha- but i-?” she gave you a look, getting the words stuck in your throat. you slumped into your seat, leaning into pietro’s arm as he held you, amused. “ay, sestra. you’re so mean to y/n.” he teased. “tell your girlfriend to stop staring at me all the time then, hmm?”
“his wha-”
“my wha-”
“girlfriend?!” you both questioned at the same time, turning to each other before laughing. “wanda, my girlfriend was just flirting with you! do you not get it?” pietro managed to let out in between wheezes. “look, pietro-” vision started, causing you to cut in. “vis, you’ve gotta–”
“gosh darn it! no more fighting! i’m getting a headache and i just wanna eat my damn burger.” steve scolded, glaring at all of you, or the four of you. “yes sir..” you all muttered, quickly silencing. bruce let out a laugh as he flicked steve’s temple, “grandpa.”
the rest of the break, you all mingled amongst yourselves, you - to no surprise - were staring at wanda most of the time. pietro’s arm was wrapped around you, his eyes focusing on wanda as well, not to admire her - but to read her. you couldn’t see the way her eyes twitched whenever pietro pulled you closer, but he could. very clearly.
“you alright there, wands?” he asked, squeezing your arm as he smirked at his sister. “what? yeah, no, i’m fine.” she croaked, tearing her eyes off you. “babe?” vision called out, bringing his arm around her. “it’s nothing, vis. drop it.” he let go of her, clearly taken aback by her tone. he cleared his throat, scooting closer to her as if nothing happened.
moments later, the bell rang. alerting all of you that it was time for class. “alright, kiddos. have fun.” bruce let out, hitting the back of pietro’s head. he clicked his tongue as he picked your bag up. “let’s go!”
“piet, i think y/n can carry her own bag.” wanda hissed, walking alongside him. “yes, i think she can.” you replied, grabbing it from him and slinging it over your shoulder. “aw, i was only trying to be nice, sestra.” he pouted.
“can we just get to class?” vision asked from behind his girlfriend. wanda grabbed his hand and dragged him along to your next class.
“piet, you have got to stop.” you cried out, leaning into him. he chuckled as he threw his arm over your shoulder, “i know, but it’s just way too funny seeing her face.”
a few days went by, your flirtatious trials with wanda ongoing, vision scolding you for trying it with his girlfriend, pietro continuously keeping you close to him, wanda subtly sending you daggers.
“y/n/n~” pietro whined, digging his head into your shoulder. “okay, fine! you can have my pudding, you man child.” you groaned, sliding it towards him. you felt him smile against your shoulder as he kissed your cheek. “ah, moya lyubov, you are the best.”
“pietro, lay off.” wanda hissed from the opposite side of the table. “wanda?!” vision retorted, causing everyone else at the table to laugh. “careful, sestra. if i didn't know any better, i’d say you were jealous.”
“Пьетро, ​​хватит (pietro, that’s enough)” she warned, natasha and pietro giggling to themselves, leaving everyone confused. “ты не можешь отрицать это, не так ли? (you can’t deny it, can you?)” pietro shot back. “успокойтесь, ребята. (settle down, children.)” natasha joined in.
“everyone just smile and nod,” tony joked. wanda backed off as vision angrily whispered something into her ear. she waved him off, going back to eating her lunch.
you said your goodbyes to the seniors as the four of you headed off to social studies, or as you liked to call it - free period.
“yeah, alright, do your own work, just don’t disturb anyone outside of class.” mr wilson said, leaning back into his chair and placing his feet on his table, mindlessly scrolling on his phone. you, vision, pietro and wanda were sat at the back of the classroom. you in the corner, pietro next to you, vision in front of him and wanda in front of you. pietro leaned towards you in his chair as vision was sat in place, but was positioned where he could see all of you. wanda turned to face you as she straddled her chair. (you know where like bad boys in movies sit with the back of the chair in front of them. OMG)
pietro was telling a story, but you couldn’t tear your eyes off of her, vision noticed it too. “hey, eyes off, l/n.” you turned to look at him as you rolled your eyes, “you’re so lame, vis.”
“hey, hello! i was getting to the good part!” pietro complained before he went back to his story. he ended it with laughs, the three of you following suit. “you’re an idiot, but i’m sure you’re aware.” wanda replied, smiling slightly. “you’re so pretty, wands.” you told her, causing her to look up at you. “yeah, i know. you’ve told me a lot, y/n.”
“okay, whatever.”
the four of you took turns telling stories and just sharing conversation. it was wanda’s turn as she started talking about a funny thing that happened in a vinyl shop nearby. “and they literally tipped everything over and the owner lady started yelling at them in italian!” she laughed, causing the three of you to do the same. she continued talking, but it seemed as if you went deaf for a solid minute - you were too focused on the way she smiled and laughed as she recalled the event. she looked so pretty talking about whatever it was she was talking about and she kept playing with her hair after every sentence. you finally snapped back into it as you heard wanda call your name. “hey! earth to y/n! did you hear a thing i said?”
silence, you stared at her for thirty seconds before-
“do you wanna make out?” you practically yelled, not breaking eye contact. you didn’t miss the way she blinked in shock and her cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.
“y/n!?” vision scolded, glaring at you as he looked at his girlfriend, protectively. pietro laughed out loud as he watched the whole event unfold and snickered at how his sister froze.
you weren’t expecting a response until she said,
“well, yeah, i wouldn’t oppose it.”
“wanda?!” vision asked in disbelief as he kept his eyes travelling in between the both of you. “finally!” pietro cried out until the bell finally rang. “saved by the bell,” he groaned as he stood up and packed his things. vision was scolding the both of you, but everything went in one ear and through the other. you smiled at wanda before grabbing your things and walking out alongside pietro.
the day went by and all you could think about was wanda’s response. that was the first flirty - if you could even call it that - reply you’ve gotten from her in four months. you leaned against your locker as a girl from your chemistry class was telling you about your upcoming project. wanda was watching from afar, unknowingly sending daggers to your head. “hi wands, what ya lookin at?” pietro interrupted, swinging his arm around his sister and realizing what was happening. “ha! you’re jealous!”
“what?! no, i’m not! i just–”
the girl leaned in towards you as she told you what she was excited about and it set wanda’s buttons off. she clearly misread the situation, but the only thing she could see was how the girl was too close to you. she stormed into your direction and gripped onto your arm. “wha–” you started, you turned around and apologized to your classmate and told her you’d talk to her later.
wanda dragged you into the girl’s washroom and pushed you in before shoving you against the door. “wanda?!” you gawked, scared about the way she was looking at you. “well- i’m, uh, w-what’s up?” you asked, trying to hide the fear that was clearly written in your voice and on your face.
“you asked if i wanted to make out right?” she questioned as if it was nothing. “well, yes-”
“alright,” she replied before she pressed her lips against yours. you melted against her as her hands gripped onto your waist and as your hands travelled to her shoulders. three years, you’ve dreamt about this very moment for three years and it was so much more magical than you imagined. other than the fact that you were in the girl’s bathroom at school. she reluctantly pulled away from you as she pushed the hairs that stuck to your face away from it.
“w-what was that for?!”
she shrugged, “i guess it's been three years overdue. and that's cruel, even for me.”
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h2obased · 3 years
Another Word For Surveillance - Part Two
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You asked Bucky out. He said no. Cool. So how do you move on from that? Ha! You don’t.
Notes & Warnings:
Fluff, swearing, innuendos, canon typical violence (a smidge), light angst, pining lotsa pining
I don't give permission for my work to be copied/reposted/translated anywhere.
Word Count: 3,164
Series Chapters
Another Word For Surveillance - Part Two
This wasn’t false humility. If Bucky really liked you, no one would ever hear the end of it. Nobody.
Ok, maybe at the very least Claire would never hear the end of it, because you’ve got stories to tell.
Before returning to active duty, Bucky sat across the room from you, which means you amassed nine months’ worth of details about him. You couldn’t help it; you observed, collected, and analyzed data by profession. You’re the type of person to go online to check how long it takes to ship a pair of sneakers from Singapore only to end up looking at Asia-Europe trade routes and finding a link to Clint Barton’s investigation into purported Ten Rings assassinations in Southeast Asia.
Knowing which details were relevant and which ones were simply noise, that’s the trick and it only came with years of experience.
Pertinent information were details that contribute to the success of missions. For example, Bucky preferred to use the metric system because that’s what the rest of the world used and technically speaking he had completed more international missions than most agents. That must be why he also had the nerve to write things like “the blonde guy said it was ok to punch assholes violating the Geneva Conventions” in reports for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The point being - you used meters to describe length and grams for weight in briefings with Bucky.
As the only person in the team with field experience, his insights elevated analysts’ research. He understood the best way to present information to former spy Natasha Romanoff, who will read an 80-page document without complaining as long as paragraphs were aligned to the left and double-spaced, or to visual thinker Steve, who appreciated an infographic. More information digested led to better planning, which resulted in fewer casualties and trips to the ER, faster case resolution, and less damage to property. Better planning, operationally speaking, meant less paperwork for everyone. Now that’s how you served the greater good.
“Don’t worry about sending Stark years of data, F.R.I.D.A.Y. can handle the download,” Bucky said when Tony asked you for a list of private vehicles registered in the New York tri-state area. From 2000-2015. A day before his mission.
Your machine crashed three times compiling the data but that’s miniscule compared to the amount of personal factoids, quirks, unrepeatable details (because there’s no way to reveal these things without coming off as unhinged) - you had on James Buchanan Barnes.
All noise, naturally.
Like Bucky’s habit of biting his lower lip when he’s deep in thought. He’s not even aware he does it, which makes it worse. Or better, depending on whether or not you’re trying to get over him on a given day.
He also didn’t seem to know how to use a hair tie properly. The bun always looked like it was seconds from falling apart. He’s got hair over that face all the freaking time. He wasn’t pulling his hair tight enough. Maybe receding hairlines ran in his family, and he was trying to delay the inevitable. No, you weren’t going to talk to him about it. Telling a grown man about an urge to pull his hair was specifically the kind of thing the HR workplace harassment video said you cannot do.
You learned about Bucky hanging out with the groundskeeping crew because they let him tinker with the mowers and weed whackers in exchange for hauling the occasional fallen tree to the side of the road. Whether or not he could actually fix the machines remained to be seen, although you gave him credit for sorting out the longstanding paper shredder issue no one wanted to deal with during his second week sitting with the analysts.
According to Claire and three other guys who claimed to be in the room when it happened, Bucky unlocked a panel marked “Do Not Open” and fiddled with the gears. You were willing to bet he just whacked the thing into submission.
One of your favorite fun facts, which you were totally taking to the grave, involved his eyes turning darker as the day progressed. It was a baby blue shade that jerked you awake at 8:35am, when you haven’t had a cup of coffee yet and he already wanted a quick chat about an email or Sam’s sarcasm. Sometimes it was both. Come 3 or 4pm, it’s nearly impossible to look him in the eye, because that’s when they were the color of clear summer skies. It made you picture a walk in the park, ice cream in hand. By 7pm, sky blue changed to steel blue. You figured out the hex color codes when you were supposed to be helping Tony dig into dubious financial reports. You told him you were picking out curtains.
Noise was a waste of time. You’re supposed to discard irrelevant details. Execute a hard wipe and free up space for mission-critical data.
But brains didn’t come with a delete button. Not the voluntary kind anyway. The more you wanted to forget about something, the stronger it latched on to your temporal lobe.
These assorted details were filed away in a mental folder labeled “So You Like Bucky Huh” which would also explain your on-the-spot decision to ask him out the night of his send off party.
It was really more of a “congratulations on being cleared for field duty and by the way, happy hour starts at 5 today” affair organized during Bucky’s last week with the analytics team.
The First Resort was frequented by locals and people who worked at the compound. There’s a rumor going around that Happy Hogan owned the bar, buying it from the previous owners to keep it open. It would be easy enough to follow the financial trail online but Stark’s head of security enjoyed saying “Why would you think that?” with a big grin to anyone who asked him about it, and in the spirit of growing an urban legend (and to stay on Happy’s good side), you convinced colleagues not to dig further into the bar’s ownership.
The team gathered around the man of the hour, who was genuinely confused about the purpose of a send off. “Where do you think I’m going?” Bucky asked for the third time today. Even when slouched in his seat, elbows resting on the table, trying to blend in with the furniture, he struck an impressive pose.
“Back to sitting with the cool kids in G5,” one of the junior analysts joked. “We just wanna make sure you remember where you learned how to photocopy back to back pages.”
“And who taught you about filing requisition forms. In case superhero types find themselves in need of printer toner.” Claire clinked her beer bottle against his.
The table erupted in laughter. Bucky disliked having people’s attention in general, but that day he smiled begrudgingly, nose scrunched in quiet delight. When Maria Hill spoke to him about the temporary desk assignment, he accepted the position even though he’s never worked in an office and had a good reason for disliking being confined to a chair for hours at a time.
To his surprise, Bucky liked working in analytics. He enjoyed being part of a team. There was also a certain relief from reading about bullets instead of running toward them. The predictable routine meant he’d be back to his room at the same time every day. People were where they ought to be. He liked it, the simplicity, the safety of monotony.
Bucky picked at the bottle label and glanced at you between sips. “I know how fast the wi-fi is on the third floor. I’m sure there’s always a reason to visit.”
You acknowledged the comment with a wink, before forcing yourself to pay attention to the NBA finals conversation on your side of the table. Bucky’s stare lingered, but you didn’t mind.
On his first day with the team, you told Bucky which wi-fi network is fastest (the one Tony Stark is not using) but not before offering him M&M’s from your snack supply.
“Seven steps to sweets.” You jerked a thumb to your workspace after introducing yourself. You wouldn’t have brought up the candy but he walked in on you tossing pieces to the air and failing to catch anything with your mouth.
His hair hung to the side when he tilted his head, double-checking the step count behind you. “Four if I’m really hungry,” he replied with conviction, as if he couldn’t abide by incorrect measurements.
The gentleness in his voice was surprising, a stark contrast to the intimidating black and gold metal arm. You expected him to sound like Steve who oozed leadership charisma or Sam, who didn’t hesitate to bark orders if he needed to. That didn’t mean Bucky didn’t speak with authority. There was a quiet confidence in his responses.
Bucky kept to himself during his first few days in the office, although he listened with muted interest when analysts debated verification procedures ad nauseam or shared office gossip with the entire room.
The following week, you urged him to try gummy bears. He’d had them before and disliked them, but that didn’t dissuade you. He tasted two flavors before declaring “no thank you, the texture’s too… gummy.” You gasped and clutched the candy over your chest to protect the tiny bears from his fallacy.
His eyes widened thinking he’d offended you and that was the first time you got a close look at his eyes, blue washed out by weariness but framed with hopeful lashes. They fanned out when he blinked. How pretty, you thought, momentarily thinking about what those eyes have seen through the years. Evil unfortunately, too much for one man to bear alone, but surely some good too. You hoped.
“For future reference, I joke around because I’m um, well, weird sometimes. Socially. I’ve been told it’s a coping mechanism.” There you were, talking too much. You extended your arm to see if he’d reconsider his position on gummies. He was amused but he shook his head quickly. A tendril fell, the same lock of brown hair that would taunt you in the months to come.
He didn’t find Skittles objectionable however. The first time you sat next to each other during a briefing with Steve and Nat, you passed Bucky a handful of Skittles under the table. When it became clear his best friend was nowhere near the end of a 30-slide presentation scheduled on a Friday afternoon, Bucky asked for a second helping.
It's a friendship built on junk food.
The send off at the First Resort ended sometime after 8pm. People had partners waiting for them at home or meetings in the morning. You had neither - boohoo - but you stopped at two bottles anyway. It was below your usual limit; you couldn’t even blame what happened later on being under the influence.
After a while, only you and Bucky remained outside the bar. He stood next to you under a neon sign with a flickering letter “O.” He didn’t have to mention it; he’d wait until your Uber arrived.
Blue and red lights bounced off his cheek as he launched into a story about nearly damaging his prosthetic arm. Apparently, he tried to fix a lawn tractor by himself, recalling the incident with wild brows and animated hands. You had questions about why anyone would put a hand under the tractor without looking first, which he ignored, but all in all he made for a pretty good lawn maintenance ambassador.
In hindsight, you should have put a little more thought into asking him out. But as you listened to Bucky rant about engine oil and spindles with a lopsided grin, the prospect of spending more time with him - hearing hours of tractor and mower talk potentially - appealed to you.
It’s definitely a long shot. He didn’t appear to be with someone currently, but that didn’t mean wasn’t seeing some brilliant, attractive human specimen. Because why wouldn’t he be? And sure, half the time he looked like something nagged at him but he could be quite funny when he wanted to be. Once you got past the scowl and the passive aggressive attitude toward gummy bears, there was a guy who worked in a thankless job, risking his life to protect people who would never even know about it. He didn’t even get hazard pay. You checked.
Plus, he’s got that lip bite thing that totally worked for him.
He’d be gone on missions again starting Monday. There’s no way you were marching up to the Avengers’ quarters in Grid 5 to ask Bucky to have dinner with you. Not that you’d even get past F.R.I.D.A.Y. anyway.
Now or never was the thought process.
As he finished the mower mishap story, you blurted out, “Hey, do you want to do this again sometime?”
Bucky paused, blinking for a few seconds as he considered what exactly your question was about. “Go back here?” He studied you carefully. Maybe you needed to be more specific.
“Or to some other establishment serving beverages. We could go, just the two of us?” You rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet, the hammering in your chest speeding up with every word. “If you want to.” Obviously, that was the point of asking him in the first place. “It doesn’t have to be beer. Or a bar.” Oh boy. You were talking too much. Again.
It’s been a long time since you felt like a 15-year old who didn’t know the first thing about going on a date. How did you manage to do this without passing out before?
As seconds passed in silence, the ramifications of what you’d just done dawned on you. You’d disclosed that you liked him in a specific way. That piece of data was now public knowledge, to you and him anyway, and that could make things very uncomfortable for both of you. As your eyes darted from his shadow to the bar windows, and back to the driveway, everywhere but him, you asked yourself how a guy like Bucky could be single anyway. It’s more likely he’s dating. He can’t have a body like that and a breathy chuckle that tickles the ear and not be having dalliances and consensual relations with people, that would be plain selfish.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. What if he wasn’t dating co-workers though? Or specifically people who hoarded Snickers bars? There were various observable and measurable data points - pertinent, mission-critical info - that could have shed light into his views on inter-office romances.
That last word had you gagging.
It was an eternity before Bucky responded.
Hands shoved in his pockets, he faced the parked cars across the bar, seeing monsters out there to fight. “I uh, well I - I think you’re great. You know that.”
Did you?
Bucky exhaled, jaw still clenched, gaze focused on the darkness beyond the sphere of light from the bar. The soft crease between furrowed brows deepened by the second. “It’s just that - this - I’d like it if we stayed friends,” he spoke softly, careful with his words, mindful of what’s been dangled.
He won’t break it, but he won’t take it either, so he must be firm.
A group of people exited the bar, and 90s alt-rock filtered from the crack at the door. Blind Melon mercifully masked the strained silence. The whirring of his bionic arm crossing and uncrossing across his chest filled the quiet gaps. Your phone beeped, notifying you of the car’s ETA. Great, a few more minutes of this cuddle fest.
“I’m not explaining this well.” He scratched his head, looking genuinely frustrated. If this were any other person, you knew they’d have something more to say. People were socially-engineered to fill silence, but this was Bucky. Mr. Minimum Word Count. It was cute. Also painfully awkward, but cute.
Too bad you won’t be dating that.
A positive response would have been preferable obviously, but all you sensed that moment was the drawing of a line, marking the confines where you and Bucky stood in the sea of adult relationships. The shift was subtle, a slight narrowing of possibilities; he wanted to be friends but only that.
The two of you standing there, basking in wordlessness and semi-darkness, seemed fitting.
You smiled to reassure him, even if he wasn’t looking. “No need for explanations, Buck. Really. It was a yes or no question, wasn't it?”
You wouldn’t push the issue or demand answers because Lord knows he’s had enough of people making him do things against his will. Knowing he preferred hard shell candies over gummies didn’t entitle you to a date with him.
Not asking questions went against your training and you were finding that when it came to Bucky, your extensive operations experience meant shit. If you went into this with the same discipline you had for missions and projects, you would have had a back-up plan or an exit strategy at the minimum. Something to let him off the hook quickly to spare the two of you this unfolding situation.
Like you said, better planning, fewer casualties and trips to the ER.
You stole a look at his profile highlighted in neon. Bucky kept his eyes locked on the lot like an overqualified parking attendant.
Part of you felt relieved his desk would be cleared by tomorrow; that would lower the levels of dicey-ness in the days ahead. The rest of you however - the overwhelming majority - would miss looking up from your screen and seeing him work quietly at his corner spot.
You braved a look at him. “So do you think we can pretend I never asked you a crazy question tonight?”
A white hatchback turned into the driveway slowly, dimming its lights as it approached.
The tall super soldier eyed the car. “If that’s what you want,” he replied. After another pause, Bucky finally met your gaze. He nodded; his honest eyes promised he’d do whatever you asked.
Anything but get a beer with you, that is.
The vehicle slowed to a full stop. Bucky reached the passenger side door and opened it before you even took a step.
You slid into the car, mumbling a thank you. “You’ll take the plant with you right? It'll die if you're not around to water it.”
“Yeah,” he answered while glaring at the driver. He’s memorized the car’s make, model, and license plates. After holding the stare a few seconds longer than necessary, he closed the door.
The soft thud and lock clicking released a deep sigh you’d been holding in. The driver eased the car back on the main road. You didn’t need to look back to know Bucky would stay in the driveway until you disappeared from view.
The farther you travelled from the bar, the lonelier you felt.
Thanks for reading :) A comment, reply, reblog, hello would be awesome.
Part Three
Find the other parts here.
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Sharing Secrets
Hi guys! This is my first post, so I’m completely open to criticism. If there's something wrong with my grammar or spelling, it's always helpful is someone points it out. This post was based off of an ask, (by @fayhar ) which I can't attach because I don't know how to use this app lol. Also please, please, PLEASE send in requests!!!!!
This is a one-shot with 853 words
Pairings: Avengers x GN!Platonic!Reader, Clint Barton x GN!Platonic!Reader, Natasha Romonoff x GN!Platonic!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst if you look close, and talk about disability
Synopsis: Reader is deaf and doesn't speak to the team, because they don’t know the reader is deaf. Natasha and Clint persuade reader into sharing their secret.
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You were the newest recruit of the Avengers. Your powers; the ability to create vibrations, and you were very sensitive to them, too. Your powers aided in depth-perception, and you were always aware of your surroundings, which was very important because, subsequently, you were deaf.
Everyone just wrote you off as mute because you didn’t talk. You only really spoke to one person, Clint Barton, Hawkeye, because he knew sign language.
Everyone was curious about you, especially Natasha. Your lack of speech and the special shoes you always wore-which were very thin so you could feel vibrations-were noticed by everyone.
She was sitting in the kitchen when she observed Clint sneaking off from training. Intrigued, she followed him and stopped when she saw you speaking, or rather, signing, with Clint. Confused, she stealthy approached the two of you, careful not to make noise.
You, however, can feel her vibrations and smile in her direction, ushering her over. She peeks out from behind a desk and smiles and signs to you: “Are you deaf? Is that why you never speak?” to which you sign, “Yeah, I guess I should have told everyone.”
Clint turns to Natasha and whispers, “They were afraid that if you all found out they were deaf, you'd kick them off.”
Natasha frowns and quickly turns back to you, signing, “Obviously, being deaf doesn't cause any major problems, so I see no reason for kicking you off.”
You smile and sign to Clint and Natasha, “Maybe I should tell the whole team?”
The two of them nod and lead you into the common room, where they call a meeting. Clint supplies you with a whiteboard and marker he ran and got from the lab to write out what you need to say.
After about 5 minutes, everyone is piled into the common room, and for some reason, looking pretty annoyed.
“I was getting a lot of work done at the lab. What's so important, Nat?” Tony inquires.
“(Y/N) has something they wanted to tell the team,” Natasha replies.
“I’ve always wondered what they sound like!” Exclaims Wanda.
“Me too!” Smiles Peter.
“Oooh! They're finally going to speak?” Steve asks
“Not quite.” Says Clint, turning to smile at you.
The team turns to you; confusion etched in their faces.
“You're sure this was a good idea?” You sign to Clint and Natasha
“(Y/N), at some point, they were bound to ask why you're so quiet and distant!” Natasha replies worry on her face. “You have to tell them, (Y/N).” she signs after brushing a piece of (Y/H/C) from your face.
“You got this kid!” Clint signs with a smile.
“Kid, get on with it. I've got things to do, places to be.” Tony hisses, agitation residing in his typically nonchalant features.
Turning to Tony, Natasha narrows her eyes and whisper-yells, “Shut up, Tony, and let them take their time.”
Tony sticks up his hands in defense, and Clint motions to you to finally share your deepest secret. You grab a marker and write in thick letters, “I’m deaf.”
The team looks confused at first and then smiles at you.
“So that's why they're so distant!” Bucky says.
“Yep, they were afraid they'd be kicked off the team, so they kept it a secret. (Y/N) was sad they were so distanced, but theymeant no harm in being that way.” Clint adds.
“Well, good to know. (Y/N), you know you shouldn't keep secrets like this.” Steve frowns.
“What he meant was that you Don't need to keep secrets from us; we're your friends, and you are ours. We’ll love you no matter what! Don't do anything illegal, and you won't be removed.” Wanda chuckles.
You grin and turn to hug Clint and Natasha, who gestures to the team to come and join. Tony rolls his eyes but can't help but smile. Everyone wraps you in a warm hug.
Finally pulling away after what seemed to be hours, the team dismisses themselves, and everything goes back to normal. You turn to Clint and Natasha, thanking them for the courage to share your secret. They remind you how much the team loves you and how they’d do anything for you and head on their ways. You head to your room, smiling the whole way. One of the enormous weights has finally been lifted off your shoulders, and you feel light as ever.
A few days later, you are approached by Tony. In his hand is a small device.
“Since you can't hear us, and most of us can't sign, I created a portable speech to text and sign to speech device to help us communicate with one another.”
Luckily you can read lips, so you smile and nod. He hands you the little device. It's a bracelet, and when someone talks to you, the text will hover via hologram above it. When you sign, the bracelet announces what you're saying. You thank him and wrap him in a hug. He's taken aback, as you usually stay away from people, but after a few seconds, he accepts, hugging you back.
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
hawk clint: *watching watership down* *stares at flemish rabbit bucky*
rabbit bucky: *cuddling on maine coon tony*
maine coon tony: *doing paperwork blushing*
hawk clint:....*looks fearful* do... you have hare in you Barnes?
rabbit bucky: *stares at him* no, hydra like adding extra stuff, they wanted the speed but they wanted fangs *bares his fangs at him*
cat tony: Teeth *rubs one of his ears*
hawk clint: *pales*
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It’s Always Been You ~ 149
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,820ish
Summary: Y/N sacrificed herself to end it all. But is she really dead?
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
Once the blinding white light subsided, the heroes all looked around as the enemy quickly turned to dust. Strange let Tony go from his magic hold, the two men watching Y/N collapse onto the ground.
“Y/N!!” Tony cried, rushing over to his wife. As he lifted her up to cradle her in his arms, he noticed the Stones were still seared into her arm and blood was trickling out of her nose and ears. “Honey, come on.”
Steve was the next to notice the scene. “No!” He exclaimed as he ran over, causing others to see as well. “Y/N!” He fell to his knees beside the couple. Tears ran down both mens faces, creating pathways through the dirt and grime covering them.
“She’s not breathing….”
“What?” Bucky gasped, suddenly appearing near them.
“She’s not breathing…” Tony rocked back and forth, Y/N held close. “Don’t do this… please… I can’t— You can’t—“ He sobbed into the base of her limp neck as he clung to her and begged.
Clint was the first to get down on one knee in respect, the other heroes slowly following. Some bowed their heads, others shed tears, but they all felt an immense amount of pain and sorrow. Their hearts cracked a little more each time they heard a sob, whimper, or sniffle from one of the three men that loved Y/N the most.
With a hand on Steve’s shoulder, Bucky collapsed next to his friend. “No…” he cried. “Doll…”
“Mom!” The boy’s voice was worried. It sounded like it was underwater. “Mom! Wake up!” She groaned as someone began shaking her, still not opening her eyes. “Come on, mom! You did it! Wake up!”
“W-what…?” She rasped. She slowly blinked, trying to get her eyes used to the light and the orange tint around her. When her eyes finally focused on the boy leaned over her, she gasped. “AJ?”
“Hey, mom,” he smiled.
“Where…” Y/N pushed herself up, with AJ’s help. She studied her surroundings. She was at the cabin, laying on the grass. But it wasn’t the cabin. “How did I—“
“You used the Stones. You did it, mom.”
“I did it,” she breathed out.
“Now you have a choice,” the Ancient One’s voice said. AJ and Y/N turned their heads to see Phil, Natasha, and the Ancient One standing there.
“Phil, Natasha?”
“Hey, Y/N,” she greeted. “You did good.”
“You did,” the Ancient One agreed. “And now the Stones have given you a choice.”
AJ helped Y/N to her feet. “What kind of choice?” She asked.
“Whether to stay here or go back… there are consequences, good and bad for either choice.”
“I can’t make that call,” she shook her head. “I have family—children on either side of that equation. Why are they giving me a choice?”
“Because your journey is not over with the Stones, but they want it to be up to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you choose to go back, you will be granted certain abilities. That you will not need the Stones to use. You will not be as powerful as you are when you channel all the Stones, but you will still be very powerful.”
“And if I stay?”
“Your daughter would lose her mother and your husband, his wife. The whole team would be affected. But, there are many significant events that would still play out. They will just be harder—longer, without your help.”
“Mom,” AJ tugged on her hand, turning Y/N’s attention to him. “If you’re worried about me, I’ll be fine. I have Uncle Phil, Auntie Nat, Grandma and Grandpa Rogers and Stark!”
“Stark? Like… Howard?”
“Yes.” The boy nodded. “He didn’t want to be here just incase he could be a distraction. Said something like you always had a thing for Starks.”
Y/N laughed. “He wishes.” She took a deep breath and looked around. This would be a hard decision either way, but she knew what she had to do. She looked at her son before looking back at the Ancient One. “How much time do I have?”
“You have until they take the Stones back,” the Ancient One responded.
“Okay,” she nodded. Y/N gazed down at her son, grabbing his hand. “How about we go for a walk AJ?”
“Tony,” Rhodey gently called, coming to a stop a foot or to away from the three men. “We need to get her to a hospital. Or home.”
The man shook his head. “I’m not letting go of her,” Tony replied. “And I— I can’t… Morgan needs her mother.”
“She also needs her father.”
“Mr. Stark?” Peter called, coming up beside Rhodey. It was clear that he had been crying as well. “You don’t have to let her go… you—you can carry her the whole way.”
“They have a point, Tony,” Steve agreed through the tears. “We need to get her and the Stones out of the open, just in case.”
“They asked too much of her,” Tony mumbled as he continued to rock. “Too damn much…”
Steve stood up and walked around to help Tony stand, Bucky joining him. Tony didn’t resist, standing and fixing Y/N’s position in his arms. The other heroes watched, their hearts breaking further as they realized how limp Y/N truly was. But upon further observation, Wanda noticed something.
“She’s being preserved,” she whispered.
“What was that Wanda?” Clint asked, standing beside her.
“She’s dead, but she’s being preserved. Her coloring is too normal.”
“Are you saying there’s a chance we could bring her back?” Sam asked, joining them.
“Not we,” Wanda shook her head. Her eyes were glued to Y/N as she was carried away. “It’s all her… it’s all up to her…”
AJ lead Y/N around, talking her here off about anything and everything. And she was enjoying every minute of it. Eventually, the two came to a stop at the edge of the pier. They sat down, letting their feet touch the water.
“AJ… You know I love you, right?” Y/N nervously said.
“Yes,” he answered with confidence.
“And that I would never want to leave you?”
“Mom,” AJ looked at her, firmly, “you need to go. Morgan, Dad, Uncle Steve, and Uncle Bucky need you more than I do. I’ll be fine.”
“Uncle Bucky?” Y/N chuckled.
“He’ll be okay, mom. He will… Bucky understands that he kept you waiting too long, too many times.”
She pulled the boy into her side, kissing the top of his head. “You’re so much stronger and wiser than me… I love you. So very much.”
AJ hugged his mother. “I love you too.” 
Happy and Pepper immediately sensed that something was wrong when the quinjet landed and Rhodey was the first one out. He walked to the house and simply asked them to keep Morgan away from any of the windows and the garage. They didn’t question it, already knowing they weren’t ready for any answers that may come.
Rhodey went straight to the garage, Bucky and Steve joining him. They cleared off desks and tables, putting them together. Steve grabbed blankets and a pillow, laying them out on the large table they created. FRIDAY then informed Tony that he was clear to bring Y/N in. Bruce was with him as Tony carried Y/N in, having noticed how much the man was trembling. Bruce was scared that he’d have to carry two bodies in.
Tony gently laid Y/N on the table. He began pulling a blanket up to her chest, pausing when he noticed the Stones still seared into his wife’s arm. He clenched his teeth and let out an angry, grief-filled cry. Tony raised his hand had shot around the room, everyone having to duck.
“Tony!” / “Shit!” / “Woah!”
“Tony, you need to—“
Everyone froze at the little voice. Tony was breathing heavily  as he clenched his eyes closed, unable to turn himself around and face his daughter. Morgan was being held by Happy, clinging to his neck as she stared at Tony’s back. The others quickly moved so that Y/N’s body was blocked from Morgan’s view.
“Get her out of here, Hap,” Rhodey ordered. “We’ll all be in soon.”
“No, Daddy,” Morgan pushed. “Where’s mom?”
Tears cascaded down Tony’s cheeks as he thought about having to tell his daughter that she had lost both her auntie Nat and her mother in the same day. Steve, trying to hold strong, quickly took control of the situation.
“How about we going inside, Mo?” Steve suggested, stepping up. He was still all dirty from the battle. “I’ll hurry and clean up while you and Pepper get dinner situated. I’ll come join you after.”
“But dad—“
“You’re dad… He just needs a moment. Okay? He’ll be in soon too.”
Though a bit hesitant to, Morgan agreed. Steve let out a sigh a relieve before following Happy back inside. He couldn’t fall apart, not when Tony and Morgan needed him. 
“You should get out of the suit, Tony,” Rhodey said. “Get cleaned up.”
“I…” Tony spoke quietly, still not opening his eyes. “I can’t tell her… I can’t bare to see her face about Nat. I can’t imagine telling her about—about Y/N…”
“You won’t have to do it alone.” Rhodey set a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up."
“You shouldn’t have done what you did,” Y/N told Natasha as they walked allow the edge of the lake together.
“If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have gotten everything back,” she responded. “It was worth it.”
“As long as you believe so… Morgan will be devastated, so will the Bartons.”
“They’ll mourn, you all will. But it will make you all stronger. Individually and together.”
Y/N grabbed Nat’s hand and stopped her. “You are the sister I always wanted. You were always there for me, basically since I left the ice. Thank you.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Natasha wrapped Y/N up, pulling her close. “Thank you.”
“I’ll keep your memory alive.”
“You better. And I’ll keep an eye on AJ. He’s a great kid.”
“I know… I only wish that I had more to do with that."
Everything around him was muted. Color, light, sound. Everything, as Tony finished dressing himself after his shower. He didn’t want to believe it—he couldn’t. Y/N could not be gone. Not his wife… After everything they had survived—she had survived. How was he now suppose to go on without her? How was he suppose to help his daughter do the same?
A soft knock sounded on the bedroom door, before Pepper peeked her head in.
“Tony?” She called. “I’m just checking in on you. Do you need anything?”
“Where’s Morgan?” Tony’s horse voice was quiet as exited the bathroom.
“Downstairs with Steve, Bruce, Happy, and Rhodey. They’re putting dinner together.”
“Where’d Barnes go?”
The redhead sighed. “He won’t leave Y/N’s side.” Tony inhaled sharply as his eyes closed. “Tony…” Pepper slowly made his way over to him. “What do you want to do?”
“I want… I want my wife back… I want Morgan to have her mother…” A tear slipped through his closed eyes. “And I— I would do anything to trade her places…”
“I wish that I could bring her back, I really do, Tony. And I know that you need time to grief, but Morgan needs her father. She’s confused and those men downstairs keep staring at her with pity. She’s smart and has started questioning it.” Pepper moved so that she was standing in front of Tony. “Just go down and hold her.”
“I need to see Y/N first.”
“Okay. Let’s go then."
“Why must we always say goodbye?” Y/N asked Coulson as they sat on the steps of the cabin.
“I don’t know,” Phil answered. “But it seems like we always say hello again.”
“It does,” she nodded. “Thank you for taking care of AJ.”
“He’s a good kid. Though, too much like you and Tony.” He chuckled. “Always finding some way to get into trouble.”
“And you’re always there to help get him out of it, I’m sure.” Y/N laughed. “Some things never change.” She sighed as she moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder. “Are the others okay?”
“They’re great… they miss us though, that much is clear.”
“I miss them too.”
“I check on them every once and awhile. They’ve all gone on their separate ways, but they’re still a team. They’re still our team.”
Bucky couldn’t bare to leave Y/N’s side. Not like this. Never like this. It wasn’t suppose to be her. She had a daughter, a husband. For a few moments, he let himself hold her hand and cry. But then be decided to put himself to use. Bucky found a few towels and wet them. Gently, he cleaned off any skin he could see, being extremely careful around the Stones still imbedded in her arm.
He then brushed her hair out. Bucky couldn’t stand the thought of Morgan seeing her mother untidy. Tony entered the room not too long later. The men stayed on opposite sides, focusing on the woman in the middle.
“I forgive you,” Tony said quietly. Bucky’s head snapped up to look at Stark, who was still focused on Y/N.
“Wh-what?” Bucky stammered. “H-how… I… I killed your parents…”
“Trust me. I tried to hold it against you, and Steve for keeping the secret… But… Y/N… she never held it against you. Even though it was Howard. She never did.”
“I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
“Don’t say that too loud. Y/N might come back and smack some sense into you…”
“I wish she would… She, uh… we ran into each other before the fight… I know that it was always going to be you. You’re good for her.”
Tony scoffed. “No I’m not. She’s too good for me.”
“That might be true,” Bucky nodded. “Your, uh, your daughter… she’s pretty.”
“She is. You know, Barnes, we don’t have to make small talk. We can just sit here and wish for her to wake up, together.”
“Good, cause I was running out of things to say.” Tony sat down. “Thank you though… for forgiving me… I’m still working on forgiving myself for it all…”
“You’re welcome.”
Coulson, Natasha, AJ, the Ancient One, and Y/N were all gathered together in front of the cabin.
“I guess this is it then,” Y/N said, nodding as she tried not to cry. “I don’t want to have to say good-bye to y’all again.”
“It’s not good-bye, mom,” AJ smiled. “We’ll see each other again.”
“You’re right… you’re always right. I love you, my son. I’ll see you—“
“You think you can leave without me actually making an appearance?” A voice came from behind Y/N.
She gasped, slowly turning around. “Howard?”
“Hey, Y/N,” he stepped forward. He was young, the Howard that Y/N was most used to. “Seems like my favorite Rogers is still getting into trouble.”
“Always.” They stared at each other for a moment before Y/N brought him into a hug. “Oh, Howard.”
“I remember,” he whispered. “I died and it all came back to me.”
“What?” She pulled away slightly.
“You erased my memory when you appeared in 1970. After I had talked to Tony.”
“You know.”
“I do. Way to not lie to me. You wouldn’t have met Tony without me, for multiple reasons. And I did end up knowing him.”
“I couldn’t lie to you. I just couldn’t tell you the truth either.”
“I understand. I guess I’ll let you go back now. Tony and Morgan need you.”
“Yeah… they do.”
“Can you… uh… can you tell Tony how proud I am of him?”
“Of course.”
Howard leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her cheek. He smiled before he turned around and headed over to a woman standing near a tree not too far off. Y/N knew that must’ve been Maria. She waved, Maria waving back.
“Okay…” Y/N breathed out. “It’s time…”
“How is she?” Wanda asked, coming into the garage.
“How do you think, Maximoff?” Tony responded, annoyed. “She’s dead.”
“No she’s not.” Both me sat up straighter and looked at Wanda.
“What are you talking about?”
“Haven’t either of you noticed how her body isn’t acting out a normal dead body would?”
The two men shared a look before focusing back on Wanda. “No,” Bucky replied. “We haven’t.”
“Well, the Stones are—“
Y/N gasped, head lurching up before coming back down to the table again. She coughed as she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.
“Y/N!” The men exclaimed.
“And just when I was beginning to explain it all,” Wanda mumbled.
next chapter >
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Eyes of the Devil
Summary: Pietro finds someone faster than him and you find your missing piece.
Warnings: violence, curse words, angst?, fluff
Reader: I wrote this with the reader being a male but it could be read as gender neutral; Male Vampire Reader
Pairings: Pietro x Male Vampire Reader (Gender Neutral); Laura Barton x Male Vampire Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 3,312
A/n: Reader speaks Slavic. According to Google Translate =  Moja duša - My soul. Malá holubica - Little dove. Malý - Little one.... I plan on doing more one shots in relation to this one. I wouldn’t really call it a series just a collection of random one shots with Pietro and this type of reader. Let me know if you wanna be tagged in them or if you have a request for a specific one shot you wanna see. This one shot was really just a starter for those future one shots coming.
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If you were being honest, you didn’t know how old you were. You knew you were at least a few millennia’s old but after the first thousand years, who cares to keep track? 
You also knew that life could get very boring if you didn’t spice things up a little bit. Being a part time Avenger did just the thing for you. You didn’t care enough to help out full time but you were there if they were dealing with something extra tricky. Like an alien invasion or enhanced individuals.
It had been a hot minute since you had seen the rest of the team and was pleasantly surprised to get a call from them. Apparently Hydra had managed to pass abilities from Loki’s scepter onto humans giving them powers. One of them had an ability you shared thus pushing the Avenger’s to call you in.
Of course, you had a life of your own (surprisingly) and couldn’t just drop everything to help them. Although, once you managed to push your responsibilities to a loyal friend you left to track down the team.
This lead you to a seemingly abandoned factory. Shocker. 
You stayed in the shadows, undetected by everyone on the lower levels. You listened to the exchange between your team and the large robot. Your eyes then fluttered to the two that stood on the robots side. You deducted that those were the special individuals the team had called you in for.
You took in a deep breath, separating their scent from the others. You could sense the power coursing through their veins. While they had both gotten their abilities from the same source, you knew that they were very different.
If you gambled you would bet that the man was the speedster that Clint had complained about. Apparently he was a cocky little bastard. You didn’t have to know the guy to know he was arrogant. He stood tall, his chest slightly puffed out and his chin high. 
The talking didn’t last long before a brawl broke out. Your eyes followed the male as he zoomed around the room. While it would be impossible for the others to see him moving at such speeds, it was as if he were walking to you. 
He started coming your way, oblivious to the fact that you were even in the building. When he got close enough you stepped out and slammed a punch in his jaw. The force knocked him out of motion and over the railing. You watched as he fell to the main floor.
He groans, rolling onto his side as you land silently in front of him. Your entire body is covered making it impossible for him to see what you look like. Even your face, head and eyes were covered by some form of cloth or glasses.
“What? You didn’t see that coming?” You ask, smirking behind the face covering.
You had to admit, with Clint’s description of him you were expecting him to look different. Instead he’s older and more attractive. The arrogance clung to the air around him and it only drew you in.
“Welcome to the party, Y/n,” Clint greets from somewhere in the building. You didn’t respond knowing he wouldn’t be able to hear you like you could hear him.
“Who are you?” The man asks, standing up on his feet. The Sokovian accent thick on his tongue.
“Someone you don’t want to piss off,” You warn fairly. He scoffs, causing your smirk to deepen. “Wood of advice, stay out of the way, Moja duša” You said, the name rolling off your tongue so casually you didn’t realize what you had said at first. When you do realize, the weight of the situation falls onto your shoulders. 
You stare at the man in front of you, his eyebrows furrowed. You knew that he could translate the words but he did not know the true meaning of them. Before he could ask anything, you sped out of sight.
You help out the rest of the team whilst keeping an eye on the speedster. After a few minutes, you noticed the others slowly begin to drop. Natasha stopped responding, Thor was muttering to himself and Steve looked lost. You could hear Hulk going on a rampage with Tony trying to stop him.
You snap out of it when you sense a presence behind you. It didn’t take a genius to figure out it was the witch that had single handedly taken down the team.
When she got close enough to you, you whipped around and wrapped your hand around her throat. Her eyes widened and she becomes panicked. Her hand claws at your wrist as you lift her a few inch off the ground to become eyelevel with you.
“There is no nightmare you can show me that I haven’t already lived,” You hiss, tightening your grip around her. “Be careful, little witch, or you’ll find a fight you can’t win,”
You see, out of the corner of your eye, her brother speeding to her rescue. You hold onto her for a moment longer before dropping her to the ground and wrapping that same hand around his throat. While your grip is firm, it doesn’t constrict his airway. You take a moment to admire how he looks with your hand around his throat. An unseeable grin comes to your lips.
“Are you mentally challenged or do you just not listen?” You ask, tilting your head. He glares and fights your grip but it’s iron tight. “Take your sister and run far away, Moja duša,” You tell him, the name slipping your tongue once again.
“Who are you?” He asks, once again.
“Someone who will get you killed,” You tell him. You hand slowly leaves his neck. He stands there, observing you pensively. When he blinks, you’re out of sight.
You stuck around with the team. You got caught up on what was going on and what had happened since you last saw them. They asked if you would stay for a bit longer and your agreed.
You spent the night at Clint's with the others. His children hanging off of you as if you were a jungle gym. You tossed them into the air as many times as they pleaded you too. You also sped them around and played games with them. Even if you didn’t want to admit it, the children had you wrapped around your finger. They have since they were born.
When you weren’t entertaining children, you’re mind lingering on the male enhanced. You had learned their names through Steve. Wanda and Pietro.
You found yourself whispering his name as the night rolled on. You would smile a bit but it never lasted. You knew what he was to you and you to him. You also knew nothing could come of it, no matter how much you desired.
“You’re up late,” Your head snaps to the side to see Laura waddling into the kitchen. You winced when she flicks the lights on. She mutters a small apology.
“I don’t sleep, remember?” You reminded her.
“Ah, right,” She whispers. “In my defense, I have pregnancy brain mixed with morning brain,” She admits. “I’m forgetful,”
“I’ve known you since you were a child, how could you forget me?” You question, smirking at her. “I feel as if I’m quite unforgettable,” You admit, watching as she reaches for a glass to fill with water.
"I can’t forget you because you continue to pop up in the most random moments demanding for attention,” Laura tells you, slowly lowering herself into a seat at the table.
“I may be an isolated creature but even I need some socializing,” You tell her. She motions for you to sit as she sips on her water. “You should go back to sleep, Clint will be leaving in the morning. You need your rest, malá holubica,” You whisper to her.
“You leave as well and who knows when the next time you’re going to pop in,” She says, patting the spot beside her. Her eyes pour into yours. Without the threat of the sun, you didn’t need so much covering. You stayed in your trousers and vest but your arms, neck and head were exposed. “Don’t make me beg for you to sit next to me,”
Sighing, you give into her wishes. You glide across the floor and sit beside her. She shifts so that the both of you are face to face. One of her hands rest on her stomach while the other falls onto your lap. You smile a bit, holding her hand within yours.
“Something’s on your mind,” She mutters.
“Something’s always on my mind,” You whisper back, keeping your gaze on her hand. It’s significantly smaller their yours. It reminds you how fragile she is compared to you. “Its nothing for you to worry about,” You assure her.
“Well, we can still talk about it and make conversation,” Laura smiles.
“There’s plenty of other things to talk about, it’s been a while since we've seen each other,” You said, finally meeting her gaze. She doesn’t say anything for a moment as she stares into your eyes. She’s always been fascinated with them. They’re so inhuman. It always amused you how she found something about you, that struck fear and panic into so many, so beautiful.
The color of your iris’s are different shades of red. The red around your narrow pupil is bright and rich before transitioning into a deeper, darker red. The dark red seemed the slowly blend into the blackness of your sclera. Although, at the moment your eyes are significantly darker than normal as your throat continues to ache with hunger.
“You need to feed,” She tells you. “When was the last time you ate?”
“Dinner was lovely,” You comment. Her eyes narrow. “I’m fine, malá holubica,”
“You need to take care of yourself,” She scolds.
“What will happen if I don’t? I’ll die?” You growl, your hand clutching her a smidge too tight. Your anger vanishes when you notice her subtle flinch. “I’m sorry,” You whisper, gentle massaging away the ache you had caused in her hand.
“What happened today?” She asks. “Did you get affected like the others?” You smile, laughing quietly.
“No amateur witch can sneak up on me, you should have more faith in me than that,” You tell her.
“Then what’s going on?” She asks you. “You’ve been distant, lost in your own world. You snapped at me, you never snap at me,” She playfully pouts.
“I apologized, malý,” You practically whined. She smiles giving your hand a squeeze. 
“I know but it just shows that something is bothering you... I won’t be able to sleep unless we talk this out,” She threatens. You narrow your eyes at her. “Like you said, I’ve known you since I was a little girl. You can’t intimidate me,” Your glaring snarl turns into a pout. “Talk to me,” Sighing, you give in.
“Moja duša,” You whisper. Laura stares at you.
“My soul,” She mumbles under her breath. “Dimitri?” Your dead heart pangs at the sound of his name. Her face softens, her hand gripping yours in comfort.
“Pietro,” You correct her.
“Pietro?” She questions. “As in..?” You nod. “Maybe this is fates way of using you to get him and his sister on the right path,”
“Or it’s way of cursing me into another heartbreak,” You growl, withdrawing your hand from hers. You stand and return to your spot by the window. “The fates are cruel and hateful,” You snap.
“You don’t mean that,” She whispers. “She never meant to bring you more pain. She only wanted you to find unconditional love during a heartless time,”
“She should have kept to herself,” You growled. “Should have left me to my isolation. If she had she would still be alive and I would be-”
“Alone,” Laura cuts you off. “Your sister didn’t want you to live alone. She knew she couldn’t live as long as you. She knew you would outgrow everyone you knew,”
“Way to cheer me up,” You mumble. Laura sighs, pushing herself out of her chair. “Point is, this wasn’t supposed to be a curse... She had the right intentions,” She mutters, rubbing your back gently.
“I miss her,” You whisper, closing your eyes tightly.
“I know but you have me for the time being,” Laura whispers, hugging you tightly. You wrapped your arms around her, resting your chin on the crown of her head.
“Have I ever told you how similar your soul is to hers?” You whisper. “It’s what drew me to you... It’s like I have her back through you,”
“I just want you to be happy, she would too,”
“Can you women just let me find my own happiness on my own terms and stop meddling with things?” You grumble. She laughs quietly. 
“We can’t help it,” She whispers. “I love you, Y/n,” She whispers.
“I love you too, malá holubica,” You whisper, kissing her head. “Now, you’re caught up on the drama’s of my life. Please, go get some rest,” 
“Fine,” She sighs. “But do me a favor,” You sigh as she steps away from you. “Think about the good that will happen if you let Pietro in instead of pushing him away. Then remember all the times you tried to push them away but ended up holding them close,”
“Why am I so open with you about my past?” You sigh. “All you do is throw it in my face,” She laugh, gently tapping your face.
“Think about it,”
In the morning, you left with your team. You gave the kids extra long hugs before giving an equally tight hug to Laura. She scolds you for not visiting more and you promise to change that before climbing onto the jet.
When you find Ultron, you stick with Steve. The two of you fight the large robot to keep him occupied. While Steve managed to push the tin man around a bit, your punches managed to dent his plating. 
Ultron began to put his focus towards you, which you found flattering. You took the brunt of the punches while Steve basically danced around him. The both of you were managing to fight off the robot when Ultron got a hand on your hood and ripped the jacket off of your body. 
You screamed as your arms, neck and face began to burn under the sun’s rays. You barely register Steve tackling Ultron into a train. You fall to your knees feeling your skin begin to catch on fire.
Your mind pushes you through the pain. You look for shade but before you can run for cover your being grabbed and put onto the train. You lean against the wall, away from the sun.
You breathe heavily, your eyes opening a little to see Pietro kneeling in front of you. There’s concern in his eyes and despite the pain you’re in you smile.
“Perfect timing, Moja duša,” You pant.
“Y/n, you alright?” Steve asks, standing beside you. You just give him the thumbs up. “Lost sight of Ultron, there’s civilian’s in our path,” Steve say looking to Pietro knowing that your body is too focused on healing to help.
“Go,” You whisper, seeing his hesitance. Pietro nods and speeds off. You groan when the train goes off the rails. 
“You sure you’re going to pull through?” Steve asks, once the train stops. While the burns on your skin were to a lesser degree they were still red and you were still sore.
“Just help me up,” You grumble, holding out a hand. Steve grips it and hauls you to your feel. “Fucking robots and trains... I miss the days when humanity didn’t have fucking technology,” You grumble, following Steve off the train.
“-need to take a minute,” Pietro pants.
“I’m very tempted not to give you one,” Steve snaps, marching up to him.
“The Cradle, did you get it?”
“Stark will take care of it,” Steve assures them as you speed past the sun and back into the shade. Pietro stares at you for a moment before disappearing only to reappear with a sweatshirt. He hands it to you.
“Thanks,” You mutter, pulling it on to shield you from the sun.
“Don’t mention it,” He smirks.
Vision’s introduction was dramatic, to say the least. You stayed out of the drama. The only reason you continued to stick around was for Pietro. Although, you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Death follows you wherever you go, even more so than the Avengers.
You knew you needed to make a decision soon before the bond got to the point where you couldn’t leave. It didn’t help that Pietro didn’t respect the distance you were putting between the two of you. He followed you around like a damn puppy.
“What are you?” He asks.
“Take a wild guess,” You say, looking through the fridge for something to drink.
“I can only think of myths and legends... Stories to scare children,”
“You believe in talking robots but not me?” You ask, turning towards him with a blood bag in hand. He watches as your fangs extend and sink into the bag.
“So, you are real...” Pietro mutters.
“Unfortunately,” You mutter, tossing the empty bag to the side.
“What does Moja duša mean?” 
“You know what it means,”
“I don’t think I do,” He says moving toward you. “I think it means something more to you,”
“Stop,” You tell him but he doesn’t until you’re toe to toe.
“My grandmother would tell my sister and I stories about you... or your kind,” He tells you. “Said that certain people were cursed to be stuck with your kind for eternity,”
“She’s right... it is a curse,” You tell him.
“Doesn’t feel like it,” He tells you.
“Candy, bread, beer, it all tastes good but they’re not necessarily good for you,” You tell him. “Think of this on a much bigger, much deadlier scale,”
“Sounds exciting,” He smirks. You sigh pressing your lips together. He raises his hand toward the glasses you had yet to take off. Your hands shoot up and wrap around his wrist.
“Turn around and go back to your sister,” You demand. “Forget you ever saw me,”
“You’re unforgettable,” Pietro whispers. The two of you stay still until Pietro begins to move his hands again. They slip from your wrist as you allow him to take the glasses off. “Oči diabla,” He recites the line that is in all the stories. “Eyes of the devil,” He translates. “Who would have thought the devil would be so attractive?”
“If I see another Goddamn robot after this, I’m going to blow a gasket,” You hiss towards the end of the battle against Ultron and his multiples. You run around the city killing robots and rescuing civilians.
Eventually, ships come to the edge of the city to evacuate everyone. You run through the city multiple times in order to make sure nobody is left behind. You return to the ships in time to see Pietro go to save Clint and the child he’s protecting.
Your instincts over take you. Your by his side faster than a heart beat. Your arms wrap around him. You speed out of harms way without missing a beat. When you’re out of the way, you rip a door off a car and launch it at the spaceship sending it to the ground before turning to Pietro.
“Are you alr-” Pietro cuts you off with a kiss. The simple kiss amplifies the already strong bond between the two of you. Your hand instinctively rest on his hips and pull him against you.
“Thank you,” He mutters against your lips. You smirk, returning your lips to his.
I plan on doing more one shots in relation to this one. I wouldn’t really call it a series just a collection of random one shots with Pietro and this type of reader. 
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in them or if you have a request for a specific one shot you wanna see
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House Arrest [Loki X Reader] Chapter 1
Summary: You are Clint’s 'little' sister and actually a trained Shield agent. But you gave that up a few years ago and became a Chef, because you wanted a normal live. Then one day Natasha shows up at your door and takes you to the Avenger Tower for a while for security reasons.
Tags: Reader is an former Shield Agent, chef!reader, Reader Barton, 2012 Avenger vibes, everything is still alright, Slice of Life, Avengers Family, Loki has a good heart, still the god of mischief, Slow Burn, mention of food and cooking
Read it on AO3
Chapter 1: New Home
It's just before midnight when you finally get off work. You really like your job, but the hours are murder. Being a chef at one of the most expensive five-star restaurants in Philadelphia has its price. You take off your apron, which has hardly any stains from the last few hours on it, and throw it in the wash. The white jacket goes neatly into your locker and is replaced by a cardigan and a scarf. It’s a cool night. With a last good bye to your colleagues, who are still putting the dishes into the dishwashers, you make your way home.
The night is dark, but the streets are lit by lanterns and the windows of closed stores. Even if it had been pitch black, it wouldn't have worried you to have to walk alone through the empty alleys. Last year a guy had tried to rob you and threatened you with a knife. You had given him a broken nose and several stab wounds in the shoulder. After all, you had been trained at Shield. But the poor guy didn’t know that.
Half an hour later you arrive at your apartment. It's more functional than nicely furnished, and everything is a bit of a pick 'n' mix. But you don't mind it, because you spend most of your time at work anyway. At home you don't feel such great importance to culinary variety when it comes to your own food. A pizza or French fries with ketchup were always welcome. After all, you've been standing at the stove long enough at work. Tired, you decide to wait until breakfast for your next meal and, after a quick change of clothes, just fall into bed.
Fortunately, the next day is your day off. You make good use of it and sleep in. Afterwards you have an nice brunch with eggs, bacon and toast and after a short shower you go into town to do some errands. The sun is shining warmly from the sky and it's a beautiful spring day. If this holds up until the weekend, maybe you'd visit the weekly market and see what exotic and rare foods you can grab there. You love these little trips, even if you rarely find the time.
About two hours later and with three full shopping bags, you re-enter your apartment. It's on the second floor of a rather nondescript building, but the interior is very modern, with pastel-colored, high walls. You put everything in the kitchen cabinets and then brew yourself a tea/coffee, with which you make yourself comfortable on the couch and turn on the TV. It's time to relax a little. So you zap through the programs, watch the rest of an episode of your favorite series and then decide to watch a reality series, which is not exactly known for its quality but is entertaining. So the noon goes by until suddenly the doorbell rings. You get up to see if it's the mailman or a neighbor with a package. But a look through the peephole shows you that it is neither. Surprised, you open the door "Nat!" Natasha Romanoff is a friend of you and your brother, as well as the godmother of his children. But due to her job you rarely see each other. "Hey," she greets you with a small smile. "Can I come in?" "Sure." You lead her into the living room, where you turn off the TV. "What can I get you? Tea, coffee, milkshake?" "Coffee is fine." You disappear into the kitchen for a moment as she sits down in the armchair. Natasha was a rare visitor. Mostly she came with some news from Clint. You see him even less because he spends what little free time he has mostly with his wife and the two kids. Understandable. You don't hold it against him and try to visit them on holidays or for birthdays at her farm.
It doesn't take long until you return to the Russian woman with a new cup and some pastries and sit down on the couch again. "Well," you ask her curiously. "What do I owe the pleasure?" Natasha reaches for her cup. "It’s rather inconvenience. But first tell me if you’ve observed anything unusual lately." Questioningly, you look at her. "What do you mean?" "Nothing weird? You sure?", she asks. "Tell me what I'm supposed to have seen, please," you prompt her, both impatient and confused. Natasha gets right to the point. "You're being monitored." "By Shield?" "By Hydra." Stunned by this news, you remain silent. Natasha uses this pause to drink her coffee. "Oh, this is really good." But you don't listen to her at all, because various thoughts are circling in your head. And again you try to remember if you have noticed anything: same people you met, vehicles, anything. But you got pretty used to your life and didn't pay attention at these things. "Anyway, I'm here to pick you up. For your own safety it’s best if you stay with us for a while," Natasha finally breaks the silence and you look up. "What could Hydra possibly want from me? I don't know any internal secrets anymore. There are better to kidnap than me." "That's what we're trying to figure out right now." "Well, the danger doesn't seem to be acute", you note. "If they wanted to grab me, I wouldn't be sitting here by now. Thanks, but I decline and prefer to stay here. I have my job and the apartment." And now that you know what's going on, you can pay attention and take the necessary precautions, too. "Thanks for warning me." Natasha, on the other hand, doesn't look like she gives you a choice. "You know Shield has its ways to convince you?", she reminds you, but you shrug. Why would such a large organization bother with a single civilian like you? "What does my dear brother say about this matter?", you ask instead. "He hasn't been informed yet." Ergo, they deliberately leave him out of it so that he can't protest. You know this kind of approach of Shield.
Clint understands and supports you in your civilian life, even though he protested the loudest back when you announced your exit. "How’s he?", you want to know from Natasha, who is now finishing her coffee. "He's alive." That can mean just about anything from being happy and healthy to badly hurt but breathing. Better than being dead, you guess. "He's out in Africa with Steve right now." "Busy, huh?" "As usual." She stands up as a sign that she has nothing more to say for the day, and you walk her to the door, where you bid her farewell. "We'll talk again soon," she promises, but admittedly you have little desire to do so right now. "Sure," you reply and close the door behind her.
Well, that were some news. You put her empty cup in the sink and pause thoughtfully by the window. How could you have missed Hydra's agent, you ask yourself while glancing out. Your new life made you too comfortable. But it also takes up a lot of time and energy. And anyway, you dropped out because you didn't want to be cautiousness all the time anymore. You wanted a normal life with a normal job and normal problems. Away from agents, assassinations and super powers. You didn't want to check every day on your way to work if you were being followed, secretly monitored or if someone else was out to get you. That's why you’ve chosen this life. With a sigh, you sit back down on the couch. The past never leaves you alone, you guess. But tomorrow would be a long day even without these new old worries.
The advantage of being a chef is usually that you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn for work. Most Restaurants open at noon, some even in the evening. So does the one where you work. There are preparations to be made before opening time, but you can still sleep through the morning, do some housework, and then head to the restaurant in the sunny afternoon. That's where the trouble starts, though. Just as you're about to open your locker to change your clothes, someone taps you on the shoulder. It's your boss, who hands you a letter. You can tell immediately from his serious expression that something is wrong. And when you open the envelope, you discover your resignation. You look up, perplexed, but you lose out in the following discussion. You don't even get a decent explanation, and that’s what annoys you the most. You're pretty sure your skills aren’t the issue, neither is the way you work. Nor the way you treat your colleagues, with whom you get along very well, even if the tone among cooks is a bit rough. You go back to your apartment, now in a bad mood. It‘s unbelievable! The sunny weather seems like a mockery to you now, and the people you meet along the way are in far too good a mood, in your opinion. It will be hell to find another good job as this was.
Arriving back home you immediately get more bad news: your landlord put a notice on your apartment door. The bathrooms in the building will get completely renovated soon and will be unusable for several weeks. Plus the heavy construction noise during the day. And the water would be turned off. It would be best to find temporary substitute apartment, so they recommend. "Haha...ha..." You laugh dryly and unlock the door. Was that a coincidence? When Natasha had been here yesterday? Probably not. You know Shield's methods and that it’s easy for them to take away your job and your apartment just to get their way. You have two options: either you accept the offer before Shield gets any more stupid ideas, or you run away and try to hide. With a sigh you go into your bedroom and throw a suitcase on the bed, in which you pack clothes, the most important documents and some things from the kitchen you need for work. Not everything fits, so you add a second travel bag. Meanwhile, you think about who you could complain to. Your brother was a favorite target of yours, but he a) had nothing to do with this matter and b) was not in the country. Which’s a shame, because you'd really like to have him by your side right now. If you wanted to complain to Shield directly, Fury would probably be the best person to do it. But you hold too much respect for him to vent your anger to him. Maybe just the next Shield agent who would come to you on this matter would have to step in. You know someone would definitely get back to you. With one last look around your apartment, you leave it and lock the door. Then you shoulder your bag and make your way out.
Just as you're thinking about getting a large coffee from Starbucks down the street, a red sports car pulls up to the side of the road. Natasha at the wheel. "Hmph..." You walk over to her and throw your luggage in the back seat. Then you take a seat in the passenger seat yourself. "Just for the record, I'm not happy with this." "I can see that." She tries to give a sympathetic smile, but you know this is just a job to her. "Well then, off to the Bat Cave, Wayne." "Does that make you Robin?", the Russian asks, driving off. "I guess", you reply snippy, not interested in keeping the conversation going. Fortunately, Natasha wasn't exactly the talkative sort either, so you have some peace and quiet to get your thoughts in order.
It takes you just under two hours to drive from Philadelphia to New York with city traffic slowing you down a bit. Otherwise, you would have arrived earlier at the former Stark Tower. It's been the Avenger Tower for some time now, but that doesn't make much difference, except that Tony Stark seems to be too lazy to put the remaining letters back on it.
Natasha parks in the private underground garage and you take the elevator up to the grand lobby. She tells you about the current residents here. There’s the usual staff, who are of course always present. Of all the Avengers, Bruce Banner is living here permanently. "He actually hardly ever leaves the lab," the Russian explains. "I'm currently living here, too. Every now and then Thor stops by, but mostly he prefers to explore the world. And his brother Loki is here. There have been some...problems with him and he's sort of under supervision here. Tony trusts technology more than Asgard. The owner of the house, by the way, is out visiting an outpost right now." "There are even Avengers outposts?" Natasha nods as she walks you down the halls to the living area. "But don't tell Hydra." "Sure", you promise unfazed. "Speaking of which, if I want to go out to visit someone, do I need a key or how does this work?" "It's better if you stay here in the house for now. It's for your safety, after all." "For how long?", you want to know. The answer is short. "As long as necessary." "So I'm sort of locked in here”, you state. That's typical Shield. As soon as there's any problem, an agent is sent in to put everything in solitary arrest or quarantine. As long as it’s shielded from the rest of the world. Natasha stops in front of a door that is now yours, but doesn't look directly at you, which as much of an answer as you get. "I'll be fine on my own now, thanks," you smile politely but not genuinely at her, and after she assures you that you're free to move around inside the building, you head off with your luggage in your new apartment.
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s field trip. Part 1
Warnings: Trans!Peter, Spidypool, sex references, superfamily, transphobia, supportive avengers
Tony POV
I was in my lab waiting for Peter, my newly adopted son, to come home from school when Friday told me I had an email from Peters school. Turning to my phone I opened the email and was completely annoyed. The email read
'Dear Parent/Carer of Patricia Parker,
We are delighted to inform you that we have a surprise field trip for the student to none other than Stark Laboratories. The trip with be a residential starting on March 7th with a trip to Stark Tower, staying the night there with Mr Tony Stark-Rodgers and then having a trip to the Avengers Tower where we will have the opportunity to meet the Avengers and ask them questions. This is a once in a life time opportunity and we hope you allow your daughter to attend. Also, we would like to keep the trip as a surprise for the student so we urge you not to tell them the destinations of the trip.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Robbins.'
I was livid. My child Peter is a boy. I do not have a daughter I have a son. I couldn't believe the nerve of this teacher so I stormed out of my lab and in to the main living area of the penthouse and saw my handsome husband lay on the couch watching tv. He looked so calm and collected but I feel this might change.
"Honey, I just got this email from Peters school that I think you should have a look at." I told him handing him my phone.
He looked confused at first but then the anger set in and by time my phone was placed back in my hand he had an evil smirk on his face. I had an idea of why he had that smirk but just to be sure I asked him,
"What's the smirk for?" I asked.
"Tell the teacher our son can go on the trip while I make a few phone calls. Nobody purposely misgenders my son and gets away with it." He is trusted before grabbing his cell phone and walking down the corridor to one of the training room. Probably going to blow off a little steam and anger. Might watch in a little while.
After a second I simply responded to the email stating'
I as Peters legal guardian allow my son to attend this field trip. Is there any additional information that we should be aware of?' It seemed like the appropriate response.
In all honesty I had Pepper invite the school to the towers as a reward for how well they did at the decathlon competition. I was not expecting to receive an email like this.
-5 hours later-
Peter arrived home shortly after the email incident and was greeted to everyone being in the room. Everyone being Me, Cap, Bucky, Nat, Banner, Pepper, Sam, T'Challa, Shuri, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Loki, Clint and Strange along with the Guardians on a Skype call on the tv. We told him it was a spur of the moment gathering as well all missed each other, not an entire lie, but in reality we were plotting to a) embarrass Peter as much as possible on the field trip and b) get back at the teacher for what they did.
We decided to order enough pizza for an entire 3rd world country and discuss Peter's school life as we ate.
"So Peter, has anyone been giving you trouble lately in School? You can tell us the truth." Steve, Peter's other father and my husband, asked.
"No everything just fine." He terribly lied.
"Come on kid. I've known you for almost two years now, don't try and lie. If there's anyone giving you any type of shit for whatever reason please know that you can tell us." I explained to him all of a sudden getting very serious. I could see him fighting with himself on weather to tell us something or not but decided not to as he then said he had homework to do and went to his room.
"So, he's either lying or the teacher isn't as bad as we think." Loki observed.
"No, he was lying. I could feel his conflict and pain in remembrance of what people have said to him. I'm not one for violence but someone needs to pay for what he's been dealing with." Wanda told us with tears in her eyes.
Cap and Barton walked over to comfort her and hopefully stop her crying. My blood started boiling, Wanda was a strong person and if what Peter's going through brings her to tears then that's a lot for one person to go through. What else has this teacher or student done? Why won't he tell us? Does he not trust us? That last question broke my heart.
"Baby, you okay?" I hear Steve ask moving towards me and holding both my hands in his.
"No. I'm pissed. I'm pissed at any one who hurt my son. I'm pissed at us for not making sure he knows he can talk to us. And I'm pissed at the world for making his go through all of this." I told him with tears coming to my eyes.
Steve pulled me close to my chest and held me tight. He stroked his hands through my hair as he tried to calm me down. I could tell he was mad to, we all were, but he was trying to hold it in despite everyone being here to essentially punish this teacher was his idea. Embarrassing Peter was mine.
"Right, so what do we do about this? I'm not letting anyone hurt my nephew and get away with it." Nat said sitting up and pulling a knife from who knows where to sharped her nails. That women scares me so much.
"How about we just drop in during the day and make sure one of us is always with him. If he has one of us always there and we make it apparent that we know and support him the I doubt even someone as bigoted as his teacher is going to say something. Then we can embarrass him when we're with him." Sam suggested.
"I like that. Where are we all going to be stationed?" Loki asked.
"Well if I speak to the tour guide I could get Banner to give them a lesson on Gamma radiation as the first. Then, Barton or somebody drops in. After that they will be taken to a different lab with Shuri and T'Challa. By that time it should be lunch where Thor and Loki could drop in and the guardians land near the level 7 outside cafeteria. Then we can have Sam drop some stuff from above like a water balloon or something and Bucky bake his favourite cookies to bring to him. After Lunch they're looking around some other labs where Shuri could also be along with Banner. I think they're also going to be visiting the training rooms so Nat, Cap, Bucky and T'Challa could be fighting and Wanda, Vision and Strange could be training their magic." I suggested feeling better now that we were planning this.
March 6th
-Peter's POV-
I was in Chemistry faintly heading the teacher, Mrs Robbins, drone on and on about ionic bonding and how it differs to covalent bonding. It was something I already knew so I didn't need to listen until Ned started hitting my arm. Turning to look at him he simply nodded to the direction of the teacher. I turned around just to catch two words that made my heart drop.
"-Field trip!" Our teacher cheered with a big smile on her face.
Field trip? To where and why?
"That's right, we have organised a surprise field trip for you all as a reward for how well you've all done on your recent exams. Only the top 20 student of the entire school will have the privilege of going. The destination will be a surprise but I will say to bring an overnight bag and money for food and such. You're parents have already got an email consenting for your attendance and the bus will be leaving at 8am tomorrow so don't be late." She further explained.
The whole surprise field trip thing made me nervous beyond all belief. I may not technically be a Parker anymore but the luck definitely followed me and the idea of having to go on an overnight field trip made me terrified. Also, our parents got an email. This means that either Dad (Tony) or Pops (Steve) knew about this probably weeks ago and didn't tell me, this only fulled my anxiety.
Soon the bell went signalling the end of the day and our temporary liberation from this educational prison. On the way out Mrs Robins pulled me aside. It confused me at first until she put our most recent test infront of me. My name circled in big red circles, I know what's about to happen.
"Patricia, you must stop this. You're name is not Peter, you're not a boy. You were born a girl and therefore are, there is no picking and choosing with what God gave you. You must understand this by now. This little joke has gone too far that you're name has been requested to change on our register. Get it through you're head that you are not a boy and you will go to hell for thinking otherwise. One more incident like this and you'll have detention for the rest of the year. Got it?" She basically shouted at me pointing to my circled name on the test.
"No. My name is Peter and I am a boy, I don't care what God assigned me because he got it wrong. I am a boy and my name is Peter as we have gotten it legally changed." I rebutted getting impatient with her ignorance.
"Don't speak to me like that young man. You have no right to change Gods idea and destiny for you. Just thing, you're a girl meaning you can have kids and spread God's message to others and have many kids. Just what God planned for all women." She told me trying to sound sweet but came off and incredibly patronising.
At this point I was too angry to listen to her bulls**t (Gotta keep it Steve friendly people) so I stormed out the room. She started yelling for me to come back to the classroom but I didn't listen and continued walking till I reached the car Happy was in to take me home.
I got in the car and started telling Happy about my day while playing classic songs on my phone such as Highway to Hell, You gave love a bad name and Living on a Prayer. He pretended like he didn't care but I could tell he was listening and hanging onto every word I was saying. I love that about Happy, he acts like he doesn't care but in reality he does and he does a lot. He once caught Flash saying stuff about me and threatened to hit him with the car, he almost did as well but we were running late to a meeting I had to go to with Dad. Of course that didn't stop Flash as he still likes to torment me daily but he now does it more secretly making it more bearable.
We soon made it home and I found all of my dysfunctional family,minus the guardians who were on a Skype call, sat in the living room watching a movie on the tv. I quickly set my bag down on the kitchen island and settled right next to Tony (Dad) who was cuddling Cap (Pops). Everyone was asking me questions about my day and school life in general. They focused mostly on if people were bullying on me. It worried me a little because as much as I know I can go to them, I don't want to because I know that if I tell them everything that's happened they'll kill people and I don't want that for my family. Half of them only just got pardoned and I don't want the governments to revoke that.
"Sorry guys but I got homework. The pizza was delicious, is it okay if I invite Wade around?" I pleaded with Pops knowing he's more likely to say yes.
"Yes but that door stays open hound man. Do I make myself clear?" Pops asked in a stern voice.
"Crystal." I responded before taking out my phone to call Wade, grabbed my bag and walked to my room.
"Hey Baby Boy, what's up?" Wade asked after picking up his phone.
"Not much, Pops said you could come around." I told him making him slightly squeal.
"Okay Baby Boy, I'll be there in 10 minutes. I love you." Wade informed.
"I love you to Babe." I said before hanging up with a smile on my face.
-10 minutes later-
I was sat at my desk finishing my algebra homework when I heard someone knock on the window. Knowing it was Wade I turned with a smile on my face and let him in.
"Hey Baby Boy, how was your day?" Wade asked making himself comfortable on my bed.
"It was fine, quite boring if I'm honest. We did get told about this residential field trip tomorrow though. Sorry I won't be here for most of the weekend. I'm sure my Dads will love having you around." I joked sitting on his lap and cuddling into his chest.
"It's fine Pete. I'll just have to savour our time together now." He said wiggling his eyebrows and kissing me passionately.
"My Pops said to keep the door open." I told him pulling away with a massive blush spread across my cheeks.
"Does that rule apply to your en-suite?" Wade asked.
"I don't believe so." I answered getting up from his lap and dragging him into my en-suite, which is where we stayed for the rest of the night.
To be continued...
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Spellbinding (Chapter Fifteen)
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Summary: (Y/N)’s first solo mission as the Cosmic Sorceress takes an unexpected turn, and she begins to notice some worrying developments with her magic.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I hope that you enjoy!
Chapter Fifteen January 2nd, 2016 Avengers Tower, New York City (Previous Chapter)
“I’m really sorry about your nose, Sam…I-I could try healing it for you? I’m not very good at it, but I might be able to stop the bleeding just a little…”
Although partially obscured by a handful of blood-soaked tissues, (Y/N) could just make out a glimmer of amusement in the man’s dark brown eyes as he shook his head. “Nope, I’m good, I think I prefer the old-fashioned way of fixin’ broken noses. And stop apologizin’ so much, (Y/L/N), you landed that punch fair and square!”
“Birdbrain’s right, (Y/N), he walked right into it.” Natasha smirked and handed Sam another tissue. “You two should know that I had to kick Barnes out of the training room ‘cause he was laughing so hard.” Sam ambled away towards the restroom, shaking his head and grumbling under his breath as he went. “Your hand-to-hand combat has definitely improved over the past two months; tomorrow, I’ll get Steve or Thor to spar with you so we can really see how far you’ve come.”
“Mm-hmm.” (Y/N) had only been half-listening, as her attention was focused on her bandage-wrapped right hand; she could still recall the rush of fury swirling inside of her after ducking Sam’s attack and the unmistakable feeling of satisfaction when the tell-tale sound of a nose breaking filled the training room. Replaying the incident in her mind caused (Y/N)’s stomach to churn uncomfortably; she’d never been entirely comfortable with violence yet she understood that its necessity came with being an Avenger, but what she’d felt earlier had been something else entirely. It reminded her all too much of the frequent nightmares she’d been having about her parents and the destruction they’d caused in their lifetime, and that realization shook her to the core.
“You okay?” Natasha’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “That was a pretty hard punch, are you sure your hand’s not hurt? We could get Bruce to-”
“I’m fine, Nat, it’s only a little sore; I’ll be sure to ice it later.” (Y/N) gave her a quick smile and began unwrapping the bandages from her hands. “So, have you gotten a chance to begin listening to Good Omens yet?”
That seemed to do the trick. Unbeknownst to most of the team, Natasha Romanoff was secretly turning into quite the bookworm and would regularly consult (Y/N) for reading recommendations; she preferred to listen to audio books as opposed to reading print, which was why their teammates were unaware of her new passion, and she’d even taken to listening to them while she trained. (Y/N) had quickly learned that books were currently the only thing that could distract the usually observant spy, and this time she was not disappointed. “Yeah, I’ve gotten through the first three chapters already and I really like it so far. I-”
“Miss (Y/L/N),” The robotic voice of J.A.R.V.I.S. filled the training room. “You have been assigned to a mission by Director Fury.”
“What’s the mission, J.A.R.V.I.S.?”
“The apprehension of one Antoine Garmiena, a known Hydra enforcer. Our agents have tracked his whereabouts to a hotel in Vancouver, Canada and Director Fury has assigned only you the task of arresting him. The Quinjet will depart in one hour and when you land, you will be met by a CIA task force. Do you accept the mission?”
(Y/N) took a deep breath and replied, “Yes, I do. Thank you, J.A.R.V.I.S.” Turning back to Natasha, she gave her friend a smile. “Well, I’d better go and get ready. Thank you for such a…productive training session, and I’ll see you later!”
After stopping by her room to take a quick shower and change into her uniform, (Y/N) boarded the Quinjet by herself and was on route to Canada; from her seat near the back of the jet, she was finally able to absorb the fact that this was her first solo mission as an Avenger. To her surprise, the thought of apprehending Garmiena alone didn’t fill her with anxiety; if anything, she was glad for the opportunity to do something on her own after working with the others for so long. If Director Fury and Steve think I’m up to this than I know that I am, she thought with a smile as she continued flicking through the file on Garmiena that Director Fury had given her.
The buzzing of her phone on the seat beside her broke her concentration but when she caught sight of the caller I.D. that popped up, she immediately set the file down to answer it. “Hey, you. Isn’t it almost midnight in Oslo right now?”
“Unfortunately, yes, but since Barton has insisted on watching television all night I figured that calling you would be the best alternative to committing homicide.”
Through her phone’s speaker, (Y/N) heard Clint’s faint retort and couldn’t help but smile through her light scolding. “Loki, that’s no way to start a new year off.”
“That’s easy for you to say, (Y/N), you haven’t had to endure an entire evening of so-called ‘reality television.’ I swear by the Norns, if I hear one more obscenely wealthy housewife complain about something idiotically trivial…”
“Well, it’s a good thing that you called me because I was about to call and tell you I’ve been assigned a mission. I just left for Vancouver and should be back later tonight…and Fury only assigned me to this one.”
“Your first solo mission, then! Congratulations, darling, you’re going to do wonderfully!”
“Thank you, sweetheart, I’ll try to call you once the mission’s complete but I might be stuck in a meeting based on how well I do. And no pranking Clint while you two are on your mission, all right?”
“Fine, but if he continues to annoy me I’ll be forced to retaliate once we return.”
After wishing each other luck and exchanging their love, (Y/N) ended the call and set her phone down; she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to help focus her magic. Through trial and error, she and Loki had discovered that Midgardian meditation practices helped with controlling and centering her magic before missions. Object and intent, she silently chanted, object and intent; the palms of her hands tingled with familiar energy and she peeked through her eyelashes just as her vivid purple magic began to swirl around her hands. Closing her eyes again, she took another deep breath and exhaled as the all-too familiar tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach intensified; the air around her was practically humming with energy and as she worked to control it, she could almost feel-
“We will be landing shortly, Miss (Y/L/N).” J.A.R.V.I.S. announced; startled, (Y/N)’s eyes flew open and the moment her concentration faltered, she suddenly dropped back down into her seat and winced in pain. “I’m terribly sorry, but I could find no other way of informing you of the Quinjet’s status.”
“That’s okay, J.A.R.V.I.S., I didn’t even realize that I’d been…that I’d been levitating.” She carefully got to her feet and adjusted her long black and purple leather coat before fastening her sword to her belt, feeling a little unnerved by her meditation session. “Is the CIA task force prepped and waiting?”
“Yes, Agent Ross just arrived at the helipad and is awaiting your arrival.”
(Y/N) thanked the Artificial Intelligence and continued to ready herself for the mission; she double-checked that her comm link was operational and pressed the button on her glasses to mask their presence, finishing up her tasks just as the Quinjet began its descent. Once it landed smoothly on the helipad, the ramp automatically lowered and she walked out into the frosty air.
“Just once, I’d like it if these Hydra thugs would pick someplace warmer to hide out in. Tahiti would be a nice change of pace, or maybe even Fiji.” Agent Ross quipped, his teeth chattering slightly as he withdrew a gloved hand from his CIA parka’s pocket to shake hers. “It’s good to see you again; I’m glad Fury assigned you to this one ‘cause we’re gonna need more brain and less brawn to finally apprehend this slippery guy.”
Smiling, (Y/N) walked alongside the CIA agent as they entered the warmth-filled building and made their way down a long stretch of hallway. “It’s good to see you too, Agent Ross. How long has Garmiena evaded arrest so far?”
“Over one and a half years, since right before the launching of Project Insight. He was on the CIA’s radar before he was outed as a Hydra operative but since the fall of the original S.H.I.E.L.D., he’s been on the run and almost impossible to track.”
Before she could ask another question, they were escorted into a room by an armed CIA agent and came face-to-face with a group of agents seated around a table. Clad in their tactical gear, the agents perked up when they recognized who she was and began whispering to one another, much to her embarrassment. It had been difficult for her to grow used to being in the public eye, but (Y/N) had finally reached a point in her Avenger career where being recognized in public only made her feel slightly bashful and not on the verge of a full-on panic attack.
As if sensing her discomfort, Agent Ross stepped forward and cleared his throat to grab their attention. “As you’ve already noticed, the Cosmic Sorceress will be working alongside us on this operation. If that’s something you can’t handle in a professional manner, then I have a pile of coloring books and some crayons in my office that you can play with while the adults go to work. Is that clear?” The agents nodded and Agent Ross smiled. “Great. Now, let’s get to work.”
(Y/N) blocked bullet after bullet fired at her but was forced to throw herself behind a nearby stone wall for cover when she caught sight of the flamethrower being aimed in her direction; clutching the stitch in her side, she yelled into her comm link, “Did you forget to mention that Garmiena’s an enhanced, Agent Ross, or did you just want to surprise me?!”
“This is the first the CIA’s hearing about it; believe me, I’m just as pissed about this as you are! There’s too many of him, I’m calling in backup from Fury-”
“No! By the time they arrive he’ll have already escaped or injured civilians; we just need to think of a new plan.” (Y/N) cautiously rose to take a quick look around the stone wall. The hotel was completely surrounded by CIA agents but they too were taking cover as a dozen versions of Garmiena stood on the roof and fired guns and other weapons at anything that dared move. Out of all the enhanced superpowers I’ve seen as an Avenger, self-duplicating’s got to be the weirdest one yet, she thought to herself. Her eyes landed on the building beside the hotel and after realizing that they were fairly close in height, a plan began to form in her mind. “All right, I think I’ve got something but it might not work…”
“Anything’s better than nothing; what’ve you got?”
Once she and Agent Ross finalized their new plan, (Y/N) took a steadying breath and waited for the signal; sure enough, moments later the agents began returning fire on the south side of the building, giving (Y/N) enough time to sprint out from behind her hiding spot and to the building adjacent to the hotel. Without stopping to question if her plan would even work, (Y/N) summoned her purple-hued magic into her palms and aimed them towards the ground; the overwhelming force of her magic propelled her into the sky at dizzying speed, and in the blink of an eye she had landed on the roof of the building.
Not stopping to admire her newfound magical skill, she ran at top speed towards the rooftop of the hotel and jumped, landing on the roof and somersaulting onto her feet. The duplicates of Garmiena all turned towards her with their weapons at the ready, but (Y/N) thrust her hands outwards and clenched them into fists, watching as each weapon was ripped from their grasp and thrown off the roof. She then raised her arms and forced them downwards, which caused the duplicates to be thrown high into the air before landing harshly onto the roof; one by one, the duplicates blinked into nothingness until just one man was left groaning in pain as he struggled to stand.
(Y/N) strode over to Garmiena, drawing her sword and holding it against his throat to halt his movement. “Antoine Garmiena, on behalf of the Avengers I’m placing you under arrest.” She held her free hand up to her ear and spoke into her comm link. “Target apprehended, requesting assistance on the northeast side of the rooftop.”
“Great work, Cosmic Sorceress; the tac team’s on their way up.”
Garmiena’s brow rose in surprise, and it was then that (Y/N) was struck by the unusual brightness of his hazel eyes. “So, you’re the one they call the Cosmic Sorceress. Tell me, did Stark and Banner create you in that laboratory of theirs or were you blessed by the gods as I was?”
“Apparently you’re just as delusional as they warned me you were. You didn’t receive your enhancement from the gods, you’re one of the countless people who allowed Hydra to experiment on them and in return were used to carry out their bidding. If you’re trying to look for similarities between us, then I suggest you stop now because we have nothing in common.”
He chuckled to himself. “Now who’s the delusional one? The only thing keeping us from being alike is your cowardice.” (Y/N) frowned in confusion and he took the opportunity to continue uninterrupted, his eyes strangely unfocused as he spoke. “I’ve embraced my true identity while you have hidden yours away. You have the chance to fulfill your mother’s quest to rule, yet you squander your power by remaining with the Avengers, Earth’s So-Called Mightiest Heroes.”
(Y/N)’s blood ran cold at his words; clenching her jaw, she pressed her sword into the skin of his neck as her vision began to redden. “What did you just say?”
“Yes, you and I are similar, but I would say you and your mother are more alike than you realize. The fiery tempers, the star-crossed loves and most importantly, the ambition. Deep down, you know that you don’t belong with your pitiful pretend family and once you let them go…” Garmiena grinned widely and although she registered that something was off about the situation, it didn’t do a single thing to quell her growing fury. “You’ll be free to unleash your true potential.”
With a sharp flick of her wrist, (Y/N)’s purple magic swirled tightly around his body and she watched as the smug expression on his face slowly morphed into a grimace of pain. Something deep inside of (Y/N) warned her to stop but she purposefully ignored it, clenching her fingers into a fist to tighten her darkening magic’s hold…
“Stand down, we’ll take him from here.”
Startled, (Y/N) released her hold on Garmiena and looked with widened eyes as he gasped for air and her now scarlet-colored magic faded into nothing. She stumbled backwards and out of the way of the tac team as they hauled Garmiena to his feet and dragged him towards the rooftop doorway; out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Agent Ross approaching. “The CIA owes you a debt of gratitude; zero civilian casualties and minimal property damage is what we like to see in an Avenger.” He glanced over his shoulder and turned back to her with a low whisper. “So, um, about your magic…how does it work? The color, I mean; did you choose purple, or is the color tied to your emotions, like a mood ring or something?”
Tearing her eyes away from the doorway Garmiena disappeared through, (Y/N) met Agent Ross’ curious eyes with a forced smile. “You know, Agent Ross…I’m not really sure.”
It was well past midnight by the time (Y/N) was able to go back to her suite in the Avengers Tower. She sat through a CIA mission debriefing in Vancouver before boarding the Quinjet and heading back home to New York, only to attend another debriefing in Director Fury’s office. During that time, she hadn’t had the opportunity to reflect on what had occurred on the hotel rooftop but now that she was alone with her thoughts, it was all she could focus on; she spent the entire afternoon and evening learning about Garmiena’s background, and there was absolutely nothing in the CIA or the Avenger’s dossiers that indicated that the Hydra enforcer had any connection to Alfheim. She’d even considered consulting the book King Tarian had gifted her but had quickly changed her mind; the one and only time she’d tried reading it had triggered horrific nightmares that had yet to dissipate, so she kept the book tucked away in her closet, out of sight and out of mind.
But what had worried her the most wasn’t just that Garmiena somehow possessed knowledge of her family, it was that for a split-second, she had lost control of her magic and had done very little to try and regain it. She’d wanted to hurt him, wanted him to feel pain for what he’d said and done, and if the CIA tac team hadn’t shown up when they did…she wasn’t sure what would’ve happened. First Tony and Loki, and now Garmiena, she thought to herself as she unfastened her sword from her belt and set it down on her suite’s coffee table, how many more people am I going to needlessly hurt with my magic?
As quietly as she could, (Y/N) crept into the bedroom and glanced over to see Loki already fast asleep; he was stretched out on his back, the blankets pooling at his waist as his bare chest nearly glowed in the darkness, and his expression was peaceful as he slept. Seeing her boyfriend put her at ease, and after silently changing into her pajamas and going about her nighttime routine, she carefully got into bed beside him and made herself comfortable on her right side. She smiled softly when she felt Loki’s arm wrap around her waist and hold her against his chest as he nuzzled his face into her neck and let out a sleepy hum of contentment. “How’d your mission go, my love?”
“Wonderfully.” She lied, ignoring the pang of guilt brought on by her outright deceit. “What about yours?”
“I managed not to kill Barton, so I’d say it went well. Did Garmiena put up much of a fight?”
Instead of answering, (Y/N) smoothed down his sleep-rumpled hair with gentle fingers. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart, I’ll tell you all about it in the morning. Okay?”
“…Fair enough. G’night, darling.”
Loki quickly fell back asleep, but (Y/N)’s restless mind refused to let her follow suit. She glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend and after checking that he was indeed asleep, she held a hand out and only hesitated a moment before summoning her magic. To her immense relief, the magic swirling around her hand had returned to its usual purple hue; the longer she laid in bed staring at the tendrils of magic dancing across her palm, however, the more curious she grew. Agent Ross had innocently speculated that her magic’s color was tied to her emotions so to test the theory out, (Y/N) thought about Garmiena’s words and how they’d affected her on the rooftop; though it was difficult, she remembered the white-hot anger that had filled her as her magic tightened its hold around him and she squeezed her eyes closed, part of her too frightened to look.
Don’t be such a coward, (Y/N) scolded herself after several long moments; taking a steadying breath, she slowly opened her eyes. She had to stifle her horrified gasp behind her free hand as her widened eyes stared at the shocking swirls of scarlet magic dancing across her palm.
A/N: Some more interesting developments! This is the end of the second chunk of this story, and I just wanted to let you all know that there won’t be a new chapter next week but instead the week after. It’s nothing serious, I just need the time to write some more and finish up a couple of my other fics. I’m sorry to make you guys wait a little longer for the next chapter, but I promise that I’ll be back here in two weeks with an update!
Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter Sixteen
Spellbinding Masterlist
Tagging: @nexiva @ravenclawbitch426 @cminr @confusedfandomwriter @momc95 @nickkie1129 @austynparksandpizza @brooke0297 @destructivebliss @outoftheregular​ @itscomplicatedx​ @0-artemis​ @vivloki​
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The Dark Team (part 15)
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Spotify playlist of the whole series.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx, @selfship-mishaps)
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, ptsd, anxiety.
N/A: In here there's a specific kind of physical comfort I'm okay with, and I'm aware not many people might actually like to be comforted this way. For that, I apologize, but I really wanted to spill some of me in here lmao.
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Bucky’s arms surrounded your whole body, like a huge teddy bear; comforting. Letting you know you were safe, you were in the compound. Nobody could hurt you there. Not anymore. You didn’t care you were covered in just a towel, you didn’t care everyone was in there, you didn’t care your hair was dripping wet over the common room’s couch (the one that you bought yourself and you always insisted nobody could drink on it), and you certainly didn’t care you haven’t said a word every since they landed the quinjet with you on it. You only indicated to the medics where you were hurt. Nothing else.
Not a word escaped your throat, more than a dry sob in the shower, once you were finally on your own. And then you were surrounded by concerned people, again. Not the kind of comfort you liked, though. Not like a birthday kind of surrounding; more like a we-thought-you-were-dead-and-now-you’re-here, or a we’re-so-sorry-we-let-this-happen-AGAIN. And no birthday cake.
Loki observed you with his arms crossed. He had apologized twice already, but his lips were still paler than usual. So he really cares, you thought. But your mind was still too clouded with residual fear to even think about him. No shower could clean up your wounds. Your chest tightened and you almost broke in tears again, but Bucky’s arms held stronger around you, squeezing your uncomfort away. Being his best friend for so many years prepared him enough to know exactly how to hold you in the worse.
“I shouldn’t have let you go”, whispers Loki, looking at the floor. He muttered it almost to himself.
You remembered him grabbing your arm and repeating “I’m not letting you go” on the verge of tears, and your throat tightened. He has saved your life before and now he blames himself for not getting there in time, as if it was his job to keep you safe. It definitely wasn’t, though. He showed that he cared so many times, and you were clueless of why. Why would he? You treated him like a punching bag and he welcomed the hits, without knowing why. If you were anything, you were guilty.
It was to be expected. Guilt. You shouldn’t, you knew. You were told you’d feel this way by the medics as they brought you back.
“It wasn’t your fault. It was my idiocy”, you whispered back. But no matter how tiny you shrunk your voice, the compound (silent as a church) and everyone on it was reduced to that same room in there with you, paying attention. You were the spotlight when you wanted to be alone the most. You hid in Bucky’s chest and he covered your head with his chin, knowing how uncomfortable you were. He caressed your back with an open hand, careful as to not touch your injuries.
“This is nobody’s fault, other than Hydra’s, alright?”, said Steve, patting Tony’s back. Tony was marauding with his head low, muttering things about security devices.
“I have installed security against kidnappings ever since my own deal with it. All kinds of systems. How, how the fuck did they manage to fuck this up this badly?”, he finally said. “If it’s anyone’s fault…”.
“It’s certainly not yours, Stark”, said Loki, trying to assure him without crossing any lines.
“No”, Tony laughed sarcastically, “I was gonna say, it’s definitely yours”.
“This is not going to help”, said Bucky, holding you tighter. “If y/n doesn’t feel bad enough… I’m just saying, they doesn’t need you arguing”.
“He’s right. It might be my fault, but if you need to deal with it in any way, now is not the time”, said Loki, defeated. “What is a matter of urgency, actually, is… you know. Hydra”.
“As much as I hate to agree with my brother, he’s right. We need to take you all to a safer place as soon as possible”, added Thor, pointing at the members of The Dark Team.
“Hydra’s nets are not only extent. They’re global, and aggressive. Like cancerous cells in the marrow bone, they are the roots of malice, and they’re going to find you anywhere you go on this planet”, said Clint, not bothering to look up from his phone. He was probably texting his wife to alert her.
You started shaking again.
“Barton, really?”, whispered sharply Bucky.
“He’s right. That’s why you’re not staying on this planet”, snapped Banner, who has been quiet ever since you landed. He assessed your injuries and treated you kinder than any other doctor. You were so glad he was in the rescue quinjet when they picked you up.
“Beg your pardon?”, inquired Loki, cocking an eyebrow. “You mustn't mean…”.
“Yes, Asgard!”, he interrupted him. It was a good idea, though. “Unless you know of a safer place, of course”.
“I… I don’t think it’s a good idea”, Loki looked like he was about to faint. He finally sat on the chair behind him and Thor nodded.
“It’s a terrible idea, I must say”, he agreed once again with his brother.
“Can I ask why?”, Tony was already convinced that if Earth wasn’t safe, other realms could do perfectly fine. And if his certainty was not enough, it was already highly supported by Banner, Clint, Sam, Natasha and Steve. “And if you give me one more of your daddy issues discourse I will literally kick you out of my place”.
“Odin’s not…”, he started.
“I said no daddy issues”, interrupted Tony.
“He’s not my father”, corrected Loki with a patience you’ve never seen on him. “As I was saying, he’s not exactly fond of… humans”.
“He…”, Bruce furrowed his eyebrows, “he what?”.
“No, come on. If you’re giving us a lie at least think of a better one”, snapped Tony.
“Alright. Truly, Odin would not take y/n’s presence very welcome”, he said, and Tony nodded as if he knew what he was talking about. “It’s a personality thing. He didn’t like Dr. Foster either”. You knitted your brows. What was that supposed to mean?
“And because you think your dad wouldn’t like…”, Bruce started arguing, but Loki interrupted him, this time with less patience.
“He is not my father”.
“What about…”, you started saying, and everyone else shut up. You felt ashamed. You were being treated as if you were made out of crystals. You hated it. You tried to raise your voice and toughen up, trying to show you were your normal self. “What about other realms, else than Asgard?”.
Loki sighe, but as soon as he began to think of another place, the ideas crumbled apart. He explained it out loud.
“I’m not welcome in most of them. You know, Odin’s mass killings. In Jotunheim you’d freeze to death after a few hours. I wouldn’t recommend Svartálfheim either, I died there a couple of times. Not a pleasant place to survive either”.
“So Asgard it is”, said Thor, patting Loki’s back. He looked like he was about to stab him in the guts just for implying that.
“Look, Loki. If the King doesn’t like me there, I’ll deal with it”, you said, overly confident.
“What makes you think you’ll deal with Allfather’s disgust, exactly?”.
“I’ll tell you how”, you said, less confident, trying to gain time to think of an answer.
“Do enlighten me”.
“I’m… well, I’m not gonna be there”, you said as if a great idea had just occurred to you. Truth was, it did.
“Yes. That’s the whole issue, pancake”.
“No, no. Hold up, Loki. You can actually shapeshift things”, you suggested, and he raised an eyebrow. “How much of a thing does it have to be, and for how long can you do it?”.
“Did you just call them pancake?”, asked Banner in awe.
“You’re not suggesting…?”, continued Loki with your idea, ignoring Banner.
“Oh, yes. It’s perfect. Tell me you can do it and it’s done. It’s perfect”, you said. You started repeating yourself. Everyone looked at you as if you needed to still convince them of it. “It’s perfect”.
“It is one issue less, that’s for sure”, Sam added. Tony nodded, and everyone else followed. “Can you shapeshift living beings for extended periods of time?”.
“I’m shapeshifting myself right now, in fact. Have been ever since I was born, without even knowing”, he admitted, kind of embarrassed. “But I’m not sure Odin wouldn’t be able to read through it. At least I know my mother would”.
“Oh, she once recognized I was from the future”, added Thor, a reminiscent smile brightening his face. “I didn’t even have to say anything”.
“My point stands”, finished Loki.
“I think it’s worth the try. If he realizes, then I’m leaving and we’re back here thinking of a new plan. Come on, you can’t say it’s not the best option”.
“It’s a terrible one”, he pointed.
“It’s the only one”.
“Fine”, he sighed, resigned.
“Fine”, you tried to finish, but he continued.
“You guys done?”, cut Bucky. Both Loki and you sighed at the same time. “We’re going to Asgard, then”.
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