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cliffclan · 10 days ago
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joined CliffClan moon 0, aged 102 moons
notable former apprentices: Bearpaw, Nimbletooth
While Lionflicker had no special standing prior to the flood, her new second in command certainly did- among the flashy cats of the now-gone JayClan, Vinedusk was a cat whose bold exploits inspired no small amount of awe. Though Vinedusk fancied the prestige that came with responsibility, she never was quite ready for a position of more power in JayClan- and now finds herself named deputy under much less ideal circumstances.
Vinedusk, used to doing largely as she pleased, chafes against the tighter rein that the more fretful Lionstar keeps her on- nothing like her previous, more permissive, leader. She is both emotionally volatile after the flood, and one of the most competent cats the fledgeling clan has left, simply by default. It is a burden she is still learning to bear well.
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cliff-clan · 3 months ago
CliffClan - Moon 0
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last moon | next moon
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here are my babies … so funny how you can get attached to pixelated kitties
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fatedheavylion · 1 year ago
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Hazepaw and Magpiepaw
Magpie belongs to @as-the-stars-fade-away
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northclangen · 2 years ago
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Generation 1 of CliffClan! I realized after drawing them they all look related lol.. bengal, white fur, and golden eyes are very common in the clan apparently. All of the clan founders + Sootwhisker who joined a few moons in.
The leader is Swanstar(strike), the deputy is Poppyriver, and the med cat is Palerapid.
I made Swan and Violet mates manually but CoyotexSkip and PoppyxPale happened on their own.
Gen 2 coming soon!
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spooky-paws-designs · 1 year ago
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Sleekriver (oc)
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clangenbriar · 2 years ago
Laurelstar - a long-furred speckled brown tom with hazel eyes ( careful, good teacher )
Jayfrost - long-furred, dark gray bengal tom with pale blue eyes ( cold, excellent speaker )
Ospreybelly - long-furred white and silver mackerel she-cat with pale blue eyes ( playful, excellent speaker )
Silkmuzzle - long-furred, pale classic tabby tom with pale yellow-green eyes ( bloodthirsty, good hunter )
Shiningdew - long-furred speckled dark brown and white tom with gray eyes ( loving, smart )
Brightwing - long-furred speckled dark brown and white she-cat with pale yellow eyes ( loving, fantastic teacher )
Stoatmask - a light brown and white tom with heather blue eyes ( loyal, smart )
Finchpaw - a ginger tabby tom with sage green eyes ( adventurous )
Flamesong - long-furred dark ginger tabby tom with cobalt eyes ( confident, great storyteller )
Nimbleshell - long-furred dark brown tabby tom with dark blue eyes ( strange, great storyteller )
Shiningdew & Brightwing are littermates, their father being Flamesong, and their mother passing away the previous leafbare.
Silkmuzzle and Ospreybelly are siblings, sharing a late mother, the StarClan guide Mistyflight- their father(s) were two different toms outside the Clan.
Finchpaw's adopted father is Nimbleshell, who retired from both age and poor eye sight. He was found on BriarClan territory at 2 moons old, all alone.
Adderstar - a long-furred black/dark ginger tortie she-cat with a disticnt white stripe down their back and pale blue eyes ( wise, good fighter )
Wisteriafur - long-furred, gray tabby she-cat with heather blue eyes ( wise, great teacher )
Thymefeather - long-furred gray tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes ( strict, excellent mediator )
Marigoldfreckle - long-furred white and brown ticked tom with cyan eyes ( righteous, great mediator )
Pinecry - rosette spotted silver tom with green-yellow eyes ( bloodthirsty, great speaker )
Starlingsky - black smoke tom with heather blue eyes ( thoughtful, good teacher )
Swiftswan - a white and light brown she-cat with bronze eyes ( strict, fantastic hunter )
Morningpaw - long-furred orange-cream tabby she-cat with pale yellow eyes ( strange )
Blossomwish - dark brown/dark ginger tortie she-cat with pale green eyes ( childish, good storyteller ); permanent queen and nursery keeper
Darkwhisker - black ticked and white tom with sage eyes ( lonesome, very smart )
Blossomwish is Adderstar's mother
Ashwarble ( StarClan guide ) was Starlingsky's littermate, their father being Darkwhisker
Marigoldfreckle is Swiftswan's father
Oakstar - a brown smoke she-cat with green eyes ( playful, great teacher )
Silverwisp - long-furred, speckled and white she-cat with a blue right eye and a yellow right eye ( strict, fantastic hunter )
Conifer'rise - golden-orange and white she-cat with dark blue eyes ( childish, smart tactician )
Gorsestem - dark brown sokoke tabby and white she-cat with emerald eyes ( thoughtful, great teacher )
Harespark - white and black tabby cat with hazel eyes ( thoughtful, excellent speaker )
Bloomecho - ginger smoke and white tom with gray eyes ( adventurous, good fighter )
Rimepaw - brown marbled tabby tom with pale blue eyes ( responsible )
Rosemarypaw - a light brown mackerel tabby tom with heather blue eyes ( loyal )
Rowanpaw - brown tabby tom with pale yellow eyes ( shameless )
Rainpaw - long-furred dorsal-striped light brown she-cat with cobalt eyes ( vengeful )
Oakstar & Harespark are partners, with Rimepaw and Rosemarypaw being their kits.
Gorsestem & Bloomecho are mates, with Rowanpaw and Rainpaw being their kits
( The couples are close friends, and thought it would be cute if their kits' names all started with R, as they were all born around the same time )
Conifer'rise is Bloomecho's mother
Dahliastar - an elderly black tabby tom with cyan eyes ( fierce, strong connection to StarClan )
Peonyblaze - dark ginger tabby and white tom with dark blue eyes ( confident, great speaker )
Cloverspot - speckled brown tom with green eyes ( faithful, excellent kitsitter )
Hailshine - long-furred dark gray tabby and white she-cat with amber eyes ( charasmatic, excellent fighter )
Lightdream - long-furred white and speckled black tom with emerald eyes ( loyal, great hunter )
Ivorystorm - long-furred cream tabby and white tom with hazel eyes ( shameless, excellent speaker )
Myrtlechase - long-furred cream/gray tortie she-cat with green eyes ( shameless, good fighter )
Larchpaw - long-furred pale ginger sokoke tabby and white tom with hazel eyes ( sneaky )
Turtlepaw - long-furred dappled dark ginger and white bengal tom with sage eyes ( loyal )
Shimmerwater - speckled brown and white tom with heather blue eyes ( ambitious, very smart )
Peonyblaze is Larchpaw and Turtlepaw's father, their mother being a loner
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stinkbug22 · 2 years ago
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fennelbreeze (discord link in bio)
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violets-catposting · 3 months ago
Moon 3
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Wisteriapaw wants to be just like her mother
Reedwade wants to know her apprentice better
Basilkit calls Gingerkit stinky. She has started to smell odd.
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Midnightdusk's wound is infected.
Cloverstar and Boragekit got heat exhaustion. They get better the next day.
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Something is wrong with Huskkit. Cornkit reminds himself that it'll be ok.
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jaydenknight · 5 months ago
Cats of ReefClan
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Some designs I had made for a now defunct file. All of the cats except for Cavemist were renamed by me lmao, I wanted the names to be on theme. Ospreykit became a warrior and I named her Ospreydusk, Pelicankit became Cavemist’s medicine cat apprentice (decided by the RNG) and I named him Pelicandawn.
The story I had made was that these cats were originally from a clan called CliffClan, but their territory was made unlivable by Twolegs and a fire broke out that had killed the majority of the clan. These 7 jumped into the sea below the cliff and stayed afloat on a fallen tree, eventually washing up on a faraway shore. Seaspray was made leader at only 16 moons because he was the son of CliffClan’s leader, Galestar.
My inspiration for the story came from the song Alone and Forsaken by Hank Williams.
The file is now defunct because at some point Seastar’s personality changed to bloodthirsty and I hadn’t realized until after I had saved over it and the story turned an entire 180 degrees and I just hated how it ended up. But I had already drawn these up and I really liked how they turned out so I’m posting them anyway.
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roakkaliha · 2 years ago
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cliffclan elders n kits
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cliffclan · 3 months ago
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The first moon! I'll be updating these posts with proper links as I start posting more, but for now moons will be tagged as "moon 0," "moon 1," and so forth.
Starting off with a new warrior and kits on the way already! I did not realize that I had the "unknown second parent" setting selected, but Lionstar turning up pregnant at the very start of the run was a quick reminder!
As always, let me know if there are any visibility or readability issues and I'll do my best to adjust accordingly. Also feel free to send asks with character questions- some I might answer in text, and some with extra little comics if the mood strikes!
I'm beyond excited to be getting started with this project- if you're reading this, thank you!
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cliff-clan · 2 months ago
Moon 4 - CliffClan
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start | last | next
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fatedheavylion · 1 year ago
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Today is my beloved buddies birthday !! @as-the-stars-fade-away ft Vulturepaw who is theirs
Kitty cats in love
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northclangen · 2 years ago
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Cliffclan gen 2!! the washed out colored pelts continue to the next generation.. it does match the mountainous territory. also, lots of bengals. both of these trends continue to future generations. gen 3 coming soon!
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spooky-paws-designs · 1 year ago
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Warmbreeze (oc)
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readerofoddities · 1 month ago
Here are the leaders of the other Clans since i mentioned CliffClan in the recent page
Warning: old art
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Jasminestar - CliffClan's very young and kind of bitchy leader. She and Eclipsestar are friends and they shit-talk Cloverstar together. She's very prideful of her Clan and hates admitting they need help
She's got a mate called Elmfeather and recently had a litter of kits but she refuses to take time off to be a nursery mom, so Elm is a den-dad. She's also got a stepdaughter named Hazelpaw who she adores
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Cloverstar - MarshClan's (formerly BogClan, formerly SwampClan) old man leader. He was besties with the leader before Carnationstar and he often goes on tangents about his glory days or how proud he is about his kids
His Clan is often dying because of the marshes they live in so he's just happy that he's lived so long
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Opalstar - StoneClan's quiet and introspective leader. She is the second leader of this Clan and is determined to show that they aren't just a bunch of kittypets
StoneClan lives in an abandoned Twolegplace and they've become pretty resourceful with the debris left behind
She broke her ankle before the story starts, so that's why she's got the splint in the drawing
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