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Aizawa x Fem! Reader (PART 2!!!!!)
Here's part one 👇 maybe read this first
(Not quite enemies but close enough)
I LOVE CLICHÉSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Your hero name is Shockwave, btw)
I watched as Aizawa's form retreated to the bathroom, turning off the main bedroom light on his way.
Once he closed the door, I rolled over in the bed and faced the large window that overlooked the city. The convention center was just a short way away, and I could see trucks labeled "Hero Week!" Parked outside of it.
I sat up slightly to take a sip of the drink Aizawa had gotten me as sleep started to officially pull at the corners of my eyes.
Laying back down, I glared out the window as cars the size of matchboxes sped by.
The bathroom door opened, and Aizawa quietly walked back towards our bed. I could feel a tense, unpleasant silence settle over the two of us and genuinely couldn't think of anything to kill it with.
Aizawa spoke first. "Did you get your schedule for tomorrow?"
I let out a small sigh before responding. "Yeah," I said. The sudden rush of stress from my upcoming busy day made my already heavy eyelids pull down farther.
Aizawa hummed. "Go to sleep, L/n. We have work to do in the morning."
Nodding, I finally closed my eyes and let myself try to relax despite the other person in the room who I hadn't even considered as a teamate before.
Now, I felt more like he was my friend. I didn't want to admit it, but his sticking up for me at the bar and trying to help my eventual hangover was uncharacteristically kind of him.
I must have drifted off because I awoke to gentle poking on my face.
"L/n, wake up," a deep voice grunted. I lifted my head and opened my eyes to see none other than Aizawa, laying on his back in front of me.
And I had somehow managed to curl up against him and lay my head on his chest.
I pulled away in embarrassment, ignoring the slight pounding in my head and sitting up on the edge of the bed and putting my face in my hands. "Sorry," was all I could manage to mumble out.
The man shrugged, stood, and began picking out his hero costume for the conference. I decided to follow suit.
After a few moments of yet another awkward silence, Aizawa spoke. "How's your head?"
I thought for a moment. "It's... could be worse," I responded. He nodded before moving to change in the bathroom.
While Aizawa was in the bathroom, I decided it would be faster for me to just put my hero costume on and hope I was fast enough for him not to see anything. I quickly pulled my night shirt up and over my head, slipping on my outfit for the day and sitting down on the bed.
Just as I was pulling the bottom half of my costume on, Aizawa walked out of the bathroom. I shuffled to pull it up the rest of the way, but by the time he rounded the corner, I had only made it about halfway.
The man looked me over, muttered out a "nice" with a roll of his eyes, and grabbed his keycard.
Then he left.
I paused for a moment, fingers absent-mindedly pulling at the hem of my costume. What was his issue? One second, he's looking out for me, and the next he's... well, he's doing whatever it is that he just did.
Deciding that I was fighting a war I'd never win, I finished putting my costume on and grabbed my bag. I put my own keycard in my bag as well as grabbed my identification badge for the convention to put around my neck.
Nemuri and Mic met me in the hallway, arms once again linked in humor as the three of us walked.
"How's your head?" Mic asked, leaning forward to see me on the other side of Nemuri.
I shrugged. The headache was still there, but I felt as though it could have been much worse if it weren't for Aizawa trying to help.
Nemuri snapped her fingers and pulled out a small bag that hung around her hips. She quickly produced a tablet, handing it to me.
"Take this with breakfast. You'll feel better," she said. I thanked her.
"Shockwave!" A voice called as soon as the three of us turned a corner towards the hotel lobby where breakfast was being served.
I turned and watched as the blond approached me, his red wings fluttering behind him as he waved.
"The name's Takami, but you can call me Hawks, Sweetheart," the man introduced himself with a flourish, "it's great to finally meet you after hearing about you upcoming the ranks!"
I felt my cheeks flush in a modest embarrassment as I returned his greeting. "Oh, um I'm Shockwave," I introduced myself awkwardly, "but... you knew that already."
This was the first time I've ever been approached as a pro hero.
And by the number 2 ranked pro hero? I was honored to even be recognized and painfully aware of the fact that I was making a complete fool of myself.
Hawks held out a hand, flashing a charming smile my way. "I've been looking for you since I found out you'd be at the conference!"
I could hardly bring myself to look him in his piercing eyes. "O-oh, why's that?"
The man in front of me kept moving his head into my line of vision. Grinning at my flustered state.
"Wow, you're really not good with people, are you?" He asked, though it was more of a statement. "I wanted you to sit with me and Mirko for breakfast."
I looked at Nemuri, who had busied herself in a conversation with Mic, the both of them laughing quietly. She turned to me and smiled, sending me a thumbs up.
"Sure, I'll sit with you," I responded as I let the warm feeling of being accepted spread through my core.
Hawks walked me over to a booth, and I sat opposite him and Mirko. The Bunny Hero smiled at me, and a waiter appeared at the snap of Hawk's fingers.
A hotel with waiters? For breakfast? Holy shit.
We ordered, with me having to pick a dish quickly without getting to think much, then the two heros turned to me.
"So, Shockwave," Mirko started, "You're moving up the hero ranks pretty quickly."
I nodded, glancing around and catching Aizawa's gaze from where he stood at the other side of the room with Mic.
I averted my eyes down to the table as Mirko continued.
"You're shy, though. How do you deal with getting recognized in public?"
That question threw me off a little bit. "I... don't. I've never been recognized."
Hawks shook his head as the waiter returned with our dishes. That was fast. "I don't believe that. You're so memorable!"
My face flushed thoroughly. "Oh! Well, thank you, I appreciate that. I normally work in the background, so I'm not -"
He continued. "Do you mind telling me a little bit about your powers?" He leaned forward and paid me full attention, which only made my cheeks warm more.
Aizawa's POV (3rd Person)
Aizawa watched as Y/n sat with her newfound friends. Hawks was already working his magic on her, and Aizawa could see the modest blush spreading over her, not just through a red hue, but through her facial expressions as well. From the looks of it, Hawks knew exactly what buttons to press to take a girl home for a night.
"Is Zawa getting jealous?" Nemuri asked, siding up to the hero in black.
The man shook his head. "No. I'm just admiring the fact that Hawks has her wrapped around his finger already. She's not nearly as observant as you'd think."
Mic piped up. "You're way too invested to not be at least a little jealous. We know you slept with her last night!"
Aizawa sputtered. "What the hell do you mean? We didn't-"
"I'm just messing with you!" Mic cut him off. "But seriously, wipe that look off your face, yo. You're obvious." Aizawa rolled his eyes and shot a glare at Mic at the same time.
But. His legs moved without him even realizing it. He stopped at the table.
"The limo is pulling up soon for the teachers. Get ready to go, L/n," He said.
Y/n's smile faltered slightly, "Oh.. um, alright." She turned to Hawks. "Thanks for inviting me over."
Hawks waved her off. "No problem, and don't worry about breakfast, I'll pay."
Y/n tried to deflect. "N-no, you don't have to do that," she tried.
"It's really okay, Shockwave, I can cover it!"
"She doesn't need it," Aizawa cut in, pulling his wallet out. He threw down more than enough money to cover Y/n's food, then grabbed her hand and led her in the direction of the exit, where the rest of the teachers were gathering to head to the convention center.
Once Aizawa and Y/n were out of Hawk's line of vision, Aizawa dropped her hand and walked away from her with his back turned in her direction.
The limousine pulled up to the hotel entrance, and the teacher heros all piled in.
Aizawa sat near the back, eyeing Y/n as she climbed into the vehicle.
He wasn't quite sure what came over him, but he did know that he needed it to stop or this would be a long convention.
Aaannnd a part 2! This is turning into a mini series I'm losing my mind. Thanks for reading ig and I'll put out a part 3 whenever I end up getting to it but it depends on how well this one does.
Please consider reading part 3!
#mha x reader#mha aizawa#aizawa x reader#aizawa x you#fanfic writing#my hero academy fanfiction#x you#fanfic#fem reader#pro hero hawks#wing hero hawks#boku no hero academia mirko#enemies to lovers#there's only one bed#clichè#i love cliches
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The way she sat there head held up high with straight spine was so attractive. Her posture gave such positivity. Nothing mattered to her she didn't care if the teacher was not there in the class, if there was chaos in class, if others were screaming lyrics of songs by britney spears, she was there with a straight face, it made me feel like she was thinking of all of them as childish and not cool rather than cool sassy backbenchers. It looked as if she was the most mature person and it made me weak in the knees. I've always been weak for mature, confident and the girls who were serious about their lives and didn't beg for mere attention. She made me conscious of myself. I tried to sit like her and tried to ignore the others just like her. The thought of her thinking of me as immature childish person just like others made me so conscious. Well even I didn't care about what was happening around me. Pfft how could I when she was there taking up all my attention. I was not interested in all the things happening around me I could hear fade " my lonlines is killing me and I must...." in my subconscious mind as all I could focus on was her. She was more interesting than the chaotic kids shouting the lyrics proudly as if doing some give away. She was more interesting than anything else the world could offer. She was most interesting thing I've ever laid my eyes on. That personality and that maturity only she has is amazing. I can't take it off my mind.
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oh no we’re in a life-or-death survival situation we can hardly treat wounds or feed ourselves the world is crumbling on itself and everything is out to kill us but hey! i’m pregnant guys!
yeah well i’m BORED
#movies#tv shows#tropes#overused tropes#from#specifically about the show from#but i can list all the others too lol#clichè#film#cinema#cinema sins
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people make fun of the "title drop" but it's actually a one of my favorite cliche ever.
like if I was watching a show called 「DEATH MACHINE」 and in the finale a machine of metal and gore appeared then scream 「DEATH MACHINE」 I'll clap and go yeah!!! that's right!!!
and if the show was called 「I am marie」 and it turns out in the end that she ISN'T marie(it was her sister)? I'll go oh shit yes!!! fucked!!!
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Podcast AMICHE DI DRAMA E TRAMA : il clichè del “era destino che ci incontrassimo”nei libri e nei drama
Nuova puntata della serie podcast AMICHE DI DRAMAe TRAMA dove Io e le mie amiche Anna e Manu parliamo di libri e drama asiatici a ruota libera.
Questa puntata vede me e Anna riflettere su uno dei clichè più diffusi nei drama asiatici, quello in cui i protagonisti sono destinati ad incontratrsi a causa di eventi passati.
Ecco l’elenco dei drama e dei libri che citiamo nel videopodcast con i link che vi permetteranno di acquistarli o guardarli:
- Until we meet again, thai drama
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/38172c-until-we-meet-again
Trama: Korn è uno studente universitario e figlio di un pericoloso boss della mafia. Il suo compagno di classe Intouch ha una grande cotta per lui e continua a fare delle avances a Korn, ma quest'ultimo continua a rifiutarlo. Ma l'attrazione tra i due è forte e alla fine si crea un legame romantico. Tuttavia, nella Thailandia di fine secolo, l'omosessualità non è vista di buon occhio e i loro genitori sono fortemente contrari alla loro relazione, vietando ai giovani di stare insieme. Tre decenni dopo, il diciannovenne Pharm Triwinij è una matricola all'università. Ha passato tutta la sua vita alla ricerca di una persona che non ha mai trovato ma il suo percorso sembra essere finalmente arrivato alla fine quando incontra il capitano della squadra di nuoto del terzo anno, Dean. Lentamente, i due formano un legame romantico, ma iniziano a rendersi conto che le loro vite e il loro amore sono in qualche modo legati a Korn e Intouch... la loro storia potrà avere un finale più felice?
- Someday or One day, taiwanese drama, di 13 puntate
Di questo drama esiste anche una versione coreana e una cinese
Link per guardarlo: https://www.viki.com/tv/36775c-some-day-or-one-day?qId=d43d572c1a8010ff6cba04d4bc8b897b
Trama: É il 2019. Una donna di 27 anni di nome Huang Yu Xuan piange la separazione dall'amore della sua vita, il suo fidanzato di lunga data Wang Quan Sheng, controllando costantemente le pagine dei suoi social media e sperando che la chiamerà chiedendole di tornare insieme. Ma una notte fatale, Huang Yu Xuan viene investita da un'auto. Quando riprende coscienza, vede un uomo che sembra Wang Quan Sheng seduto accanto al suo letto di ospedale. Pensa di essersi finalmente ricongiunta con il suo amato Wang Quan Sheng! Ma c'è qualcosa che non quadra.Infatti scopre che non è più una donna di 27 anni ma una studentessa liceale di nome Chen Yan Ru, che si trova nel 1998 e che l'uomo al suo capezzale non è il suo ragazzo, ma un compagno di scuola di nome Li Zi Wei. Intrappolata in quello che sembra essere il passato, vivendo la vita di un'altra persona, si rende presto conto che l'"incidente" stradale che l’ha portata in ospedale potrebbe non essere stato un incidente. E anche le ragioni del ricovero di Chen Yan Ru sono avvolte nel mistero.Nel frattempo, Li Zi Wei si trova stranamente ad essere attratto da Chen Yan Ru, nonostante il suo amico più caro, Mo Jun Jie, abbia una cotta per lei da anni....Il vero amore può trovare il modo di colmare una distanza temporale apparentemente insormontabile? E che cosa è successo realmente nella fatidica notte in cui Huang Yu Xuan è stata investita?
- Profezia d’amore, di Frances Moore (1996)
Romanzo Collana Mondadori I romanzi della Doppia Vita
Link: Link: https://amzn.to/3N3qNdw
Trama: Tenochtitlàn 1519. Malinche giovane e bellissima schiava del conquistatore Cortès, ama segretamente il capitano Velasquez, ma un complotto spietato contrasterà il loro sogno d’amore. New York 1995.Linn spregiudicata giornalista ripercorre gli ultimi tragici eventi che hanno segnato la vita di Malinche riscattando così la sorte di entrambe
- La torre dei girasoli, di Theresa Melville (1997)
Romanzo Collana Mondadori I romanzi della Doppia Vita
Link acquisto: https://www.comprovendolibri.it/ordina.asp?id=33492154
Trama: Nel medioevo caucasico, la volontà di un dio malvagio minaccia l’amore di Ieva e Mavro. Ai giorni nostri, un destino altrettanto malvagio condanna il famoso scrittore Serge Bouisson a una dolorosa solitudine dalla quale solo una donna con il coraggio e la tenacia di una guerriera d’altri tempi riuscirà a salvarlo.
- Un bacio di tenebra, di Nalini Singh
Quarto libro della Guild hunter serie
Link: https://amzn.to/3bsJtjp
Trama: La testa mozzata marchiata da un noto tatuaggio avrebbe dovuto costituire un tipico caso della Guild , ma gli istinti secolari del vampiro Dmitri lo spingono ad occuparsene personalmente. Qualcosa di quella morte gli riporta alla mente un ricordo lontano…vecchio di centinaia d’anni e Dmitri deve scoprire la verità dietro questo mistero nonostante la forza dell’atrazione che prova per la cacciatrice che la Guild ha assegnato al caso. Brutalizzata durante un’attacco che quasi la uccise la cacciatrice Honor non è pronta ad affrontare il seducente vampiro braccio destro dell’arcangelo di New York, crudele e irrestitibilmente sensuale…lo stesso vampiro che la ossessiona da anni ormai….
- Tu sei mio, di J. R. Ward
Ottavo libro della serie Confraternita del pugnale nero
Link: https://amzn.to/3oe7cxE
Trama: John Matthew è un guerriero eccezionalmente abile, ma profondamente solo: non può parlare, e il suo silenzio nasconde un passato di violenza e un presente continuamente in bilico tra il mondo umano e quello dei vampiri. Ora si è guadagnato un posto nella Confraternita del Pugnale Nero e la battaglia contro i lesser è il suo unico scopo nella vita. Soprattutto quando Xhex, la guerriera metà vampira e metà symphath di cui è innamorato, viene fatta prigioniera da Lash, il feroce mezzosangue capo dei lesser e figlio dell'Omega. Anche Xhex è una guerriera, piena di coraggio, forte e orgogliosa, ma diffidente: rifiuta di essere amata e solo nella battaglia si concede completamente. Toccherà a John salvare Xhex dal suo carnefice, e da se stessa. Perché nessuno dei due può sfidare e vincere il destino che li ha fatti incontrare. L'ottavo episodio della saga dedicata alla Confraternita del Pugnale Nero è una storia intensa e tragica, in cui i protagonisti dovranno attraversare e superare il dolore più grande, per conquistare finalmente l'amore.
- Il cerchio degli amanti, di J. R. Ward
Undicesimo libro della serie Confraternita del pugnale nero
Link: https://amzn.to/3OsbsUX
Trama: Qhuinn ha sempre vissuto ai margini, è un ribelle freddo come il ghiaccio, abbandonato dalla famiglia e cresciuto nella Confraternita del Pugnale Nero, dove ha trovato un ruolo e un'identità come uno dei più brutali vampiri sterminatori di lesser. Blay, combattente della Confraternita, è innamorato di Qhuinn da anni, ma non ha mai avuto nessuna speranza di riuscire a incrinare quella corazza di solitudine in cui il guerriero è prigioniero. Ora Blay ha deciso di voltare pagina, mentre Qhuinn ha scelto di avere un figlio dall'Eletta Layla. Ma quando il destino li riporta fianco a fianco ad affrontare un nuovo pericolo che minaccia i fratelli vampiri, per loro potrebbe essere l'ultima occasione di vivere finalmente questo amore tormentato. L'undicesimo capitolo della saga della Confraternita del Pugnale Nero è la storia di una passione feroce, un'avventura piena di coraggio e segreti, che bruciano come una ferita.
- Twenty years old, k-drama
Link per guardarlo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa4rkOSnipo
Trama: Due ventenni, Kim Hye Rim e Lee Ki Kwang, che hanno frequentato la stessa scuola media, si incontrano di nuovo casualmente dopo anni, lei ora è una studentessa universitaria, mentre lui è membro di un gruppo di idol, ma nonostante le loro vite cosìdiverse tra di loro scocca la scintilla. La loro storia d’amore scorrerebbe senza problemi se non fosse che a causa della popolarità di lui sono costretti a mantenere segreto il loro rapporto.
- Meteor Garden, c-drama di ben 50 puntate
Versione cinese del drama giapponese HANA YORI DANGO, a sua volta tratto da un manga, talmente famoso da essere trasposto anche in un drama thailandese, coreano e taiwanese. Ma la versione cinese è quella con più puntate e aggiunte di trama totalmente inventate da loro. E cosa molto importante la versione cinese sposta la storia all’università, aumentando l’età dei personaggi, mentre nelll’originale erano liceali.
Link per guardarlo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZArNMT_mNQ
ed è disponibile su NETFLIX
Trama: Una ragazza di famiglia non molto benestante viene ammessa in una prestigiosa università dove spadroneggia un gruppo di quattro ragzzi belli e molto ricchi. Si scontra subito col loro capo poichè odia i bulli, ma invece di arrendersi alle loro angherie, li ripaga di ogni scherzo con coraggio, e piano piano conquista l’interesse e poi addirittura il cuore del ragazzo che odia, che in realtà dietro l’apparenza di un duro e arrogante giovane uomo viziato nasconde un terribile bisogno di amore e sincerità.
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what a lovely inconvenience
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: Sherlock Holmes pushes your buttons like no one else. So when a case leaves you stranded in a hotel room with only one bed you worry that Scotland Yard might have a new murder case on their hands.
Word Count: 1.0k
authors note: Writing a different dynamic between Sherlock and the Reader for a change to acknowledge the fact that irl I wouldn't be able to spend more than ten minutes with him before attempting murder.
“Would you please just go to sleep.”
“If you quit taking up half of the bloody mattress maybe I would,” you bit back, pulling at the covers defiantly.
It wasn't often Sherlock left London for a case but when he did he rarely went alone. And given how you were currently sharing a bed with said detective in an oh-so-unflattering hotel in rural Scotland it would seem apparent that you were the unfortunate soul he'd chosen as a sidekick for this particular outing.
The hotel was dull, exceedingly so. The wallpaper seemed ancient, peeling away at the corners and the aged furniture was placed in such a way that it swallowed up the dismal amount of space the room already offered. The entire setup was worsened further by the hotel's location; unpleasantly sandwiched between a bar and a flat complex whose tenants were... vocal, to say the least.
Not to mention the fact that Sherlock wouldn't. stop. moving.
He pulled the cover back harshly, leaving you defenseless against the cold. “Bold words coming from the one that hasn't gifted me with so much as an inch of blanket. Not to mention you've hogged all the pillows.”
“Hogged all the–” you swiveled to face him. “How many pillows do you need?”
“Another one.”
You blinked twice, already calculating how long you'd spend behind bars if you resorted to murder. “Why? Can't fit your ego on the one you've already got?”
At that, Sherlock turned so you were face to face. His glower contended with your own.
“If you must know I need another to block out the sound of your insufferable talking.”
“I can't deal with this.” You tossed back the covers, begrudgingly snatching up a pillow and thin bed sheet, and strode across the room. Sherlock watched as you sprawled out on the sofa, sinking so far into the poorly made furniture it was almost comedic.
There was a beat of quiet. Then another.
“If you're waiting for me to apologize or rush to trade places you'll be waiting all night.”
"I'm sure I'll survive.” you quipped bitterly.
Sherlock, as he'd promised, didn't argue. He grabbed the spare pillow somewhat victoriously, bundled the covers around him, and turned on his side.
Meanwhile, you were already struggling not to admit defeat. Metal springs dug into your back in three separate places, the fabric caused your skin to itch and it was beyond freezing without the bed cover. You would never have described yourself as a particularly proud person, you could admit when you were wrong. But when it came to Sherlock, you'd rather stay on the couch.
Time crawled by agonizingly slow. The red italic numbers of the alarm clock across the room shone through the dark almost mockingly. You'd given up on sleep, the moment the first light of morning seeped through the poorly hung curtains you were out of there. You'd take sitting in the dingey hotel reception alone and tired over watching Sherlock waking up satisfied with his extra cushions and soft mattress as his spoils of war.
“You look ridiculously uncomfortable,” the detective's voice cut through the quiet of the room.
You pulled your excuse of a blanket over your head. “I'm fine.”
You heard Sherlock sigh, followed by the shifting of the mattress. “I can see you trembling from here.”
“I'm sure I'll soldier on through.”
“If it was a point you were trying to get across then consider it made. Now, will you please just get over here and get some sleep before the sun comes up.”
At the offer, you reemerged from your makeshift cocoon like an easily bribed butterfly. “Relax Holmes, if you wanted me in bed that bad you should have just said so.” You spoke the words into your pillow, slurred from exhaustion and dripping with sarcasm.
Regardless, Sherlock was thankful of how well the darkened room hid his blush. He cleared his throat and turned back on his side. He'd been doing an admirable job at keeping whatever it was he felt about you to himself and he wasn't about to undergo the embarrassment of having you find out simply because he spent more than twelve hours in your vicinity.
Briefly noting to never be the bigger person again, Sherlock closed his eyes and prepared to leave you to your self-inflicted misery. Then he heard feet padding across the floor.
The covers pulled back and the mattress dipped as you silently joined him. You stretched out and sighed in relief when the mattress pressed softly against your aching muscles rather than biting into your back. You pulled experimentally at the covers and Sherlock let you gain an inch. But only that.
“Was that so hard?” He asked.
Turning over as quietly as he could, Sherlock noted how your back was to him, how the plane of spare mattress between you was so wide you could easily fit another couple there. How you almost hung from the side of the bed. Sherlock wouldn't have called what he felt in that moment guilt, but it was very similar.
“You know, if it truly makes you uncomfortable I can sleep on the sofa for the night.” His offer was genuine and he hoped you picked up on it.
There was a long moment of quiet, Sherlock giving in to the fact that you'd probably fallen into sleep the moment your head hit the pillow.
“I was kidding, you know.” Your voice came as a surprise. “It's more of a hindrance than anything, sharing a bed with someone that kicks in their sleep."
Sherlock smiled in the dark. “Not as much a hindrance as sharing one with a degenerate blanket stealer.”
There was an unfamiliar tone to his voice, one that, had you not been two blinks from sleep, you would have mistaken for humourous.
“You know, you're kind of endearing when you're sleep deprived,” you thought, too tired to have realized you'd said the words aloud.
“Funny,” Sherlock watched as you turned on your side and rolled towards the middle of the bed. Your nose twitched adorably and with the security the dark offered, Sherlock let himself smile over it. “I was just about to say the same thing to you.”
He was certain you were gone now, chest falling rhythmically and lips parting to make way for quiet snores. He didn't blame you, your alarm had woken you early this morning.
You didn't know he'd noticed, of course, just as you didn't know how he noticed many little things about you. Not things of importance, nothing essential he would have to file away in his mind palace. Just simple everyday things that were unmistakably you. Things he recalled not because he needed to but because he wanted to.
There was something about you, Sherlock simply couldn't shake it. But that was a dilemma he needed at least a good night's rest to solve.
He closed his eyes, not so much as complaining when you stole the covers in your sleep.

thank you for reading!
Sherlock tag list: @miraclesoflove @ilovefanfictions @mylovelysnowflake @quentawewe @bakerstreethound @andreasworlsboring101 @doozywoozy @xxinvisiblexx @the-worst-critic @the-queer-dungeoneer @jellyfishbeansontoast @starrykitn @starryeddie @ladymercury8 @themorningsunshine @evelynrosestuff @mywellspringoflife @simp-for-scammanders @Xhz17x @allieberries @kealohilani-tepise
#*gasps* there was only one bed#clichè but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#also two fics in one night? who do I think I am?#sherlock x reader#sherlock holmes x reader#bbc sherlock x reader#sherlock x you#bbc sherlock imagine#sherlock imagine#sherlock holmes x you#bbc sherlock
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Okay, I’m gonna make a post that I hope makes sense because I’ve been thinking about this the whole day and it’s wracking me…
I hate when people say shit like “don’t worry, you are not missing on anything” and it becomes especially horrible when the person who says that has gone through that experience. It sounds very hypocritical. Okay, maybe they are right and that particular experience isn’t as special or fun as it may appear buuuuut they did it and so they know it for sure or they are just lying and it is actually an important experience.
When I would complain, as a child, because I couldn’t do or was denied an experience because of my disability, hearing that sentence didn’t help me at all. Honestly, it’s no consolation.
What if it actually was something special that would leave an important mark in my life? And I can’t have it. I mean, wouldn’t I have the right to be sad, angry, furious?
People usually say it to shut your feelings (at least that was the case with me) and the only thing that it achieved for me was making me sadder or angrier.
Let people grieve and be furious if their situation makes it impossible for them to do something they would like to try. Because yes, they are “missing on something”, even if it’s small and stupid and not fun at all. But they wouldn’t know, would they?
#cripple punk#disability#cpunk#cripple#crip punk#disability justice#life experiences#experience#missing out#cripple life#I focused on disability here but it can be about anything#I’m tired of the bullshitting clichè sentences#I wanted to jump from a cliff into the water as a child but my parents didn’t let me because I’m disabled#and my sister told me that exact phrase#and no it didn’t help#people don’t understand#sometimes it’s better to just shut up
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Day “9”; part 2 following Day “8”
After trying and failing to convince Kitty that nothing had happened in the woods between her and Scott, Rogue wound up spilling everything after the other girl would not cease her prodding.
How she and he were just chatting about upcoming christmas plans, or lack thereof in their case, when Scott suddenly pulled her against him.
How she had been startled by the sudden contact and almost flailed to either jump away or push him off out of reflex.
How after toppling onto the ground on top of him, how flustered she felt when it seemed like she could feel every muscle of his torso and arms pressing against her—deliriously recalling the moment of him dripping wet after returning with Jean from Duncan’s party, his T-shirt leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination as he wrung his sweater—
How after the initial shock somehow brought Sabertooth’s instincts to the forefront and she had just barely managed to restrain herself from cuddling and sniffing him like a cat.
How he had said he was “pretty good” but was initially too rattled to get the words out, making her mistake him as telling her she was the one who was…reminding her the first time when he called her an…well, more specifically, read out the lines that called her—no, her character as -!
Kitty had interrupted. Lines? Character??
…then before Rogue knew it, everything else had spilled out before she could stop herself…
How the blasted study session they were paired in involved reading Shakespeare, and the way he said his lines nearly caused her heart to do a 180 degree turn, almost confiding herself to the boy who was still supposed to be her enemy…
How she secretly craved his friendship as well as that of the other X-Men…even when she was fuming with resentment after Principal Dark-! er, Mystique, further gaslit her into thinking they could never be friends, almost…
…..Rogue had hesitated…then finished confessing how she nearly went through with taking advantage of having the higher ground in their snowmobile race to…hurt Scott.
Kitty’s eyes had widened, but she had remained glued onto the edge of Rogue’s bed, what was left of her ice cream forgotten in her pint as she held on every word Rogue shared.
“And then?” was all she asked in response.
And then the dam had broke, Rogue spilling out more as the tears came.
How despite everything she did up to that point, Scott STILL wanted to be her friend, how it took Mystique attempting to…for Rogue to finally…
The rest of it all came out in chaotic torrents.
How Scott immediately accepted her despite nearly falling to his death thanks to her. Protecting her and getting injured in the process. Comforting her when she was upset about the whole situation and revelation.
How excited he had been to officially welcome her into the team despite still recovering from his injuries.
How accommodating he had tried to be to help her ease into the friendship group and get used to the rules.
How her increasing, confused thoughts about him were not being helped by the small bouquet of red roses she found out he gave her after she and Kitty performed in the school’s Dracula-themed musical amidst the other bouquets the Ororo and the others gave them.
How despite how frustrating he had been trying to push them to compete with the Brotherhood during their brief tenure at the summer camp, she had such a hard time ungluing her eyes from what his surprisingly skimpy tank top failed to cover—Kitty needed a moment to recover from simultaneously squeeing and cackling at that.
How alarmed she was when Jean, Logan, and Professor X chose to LEAVE Scott and his brother on Asteroid M.
How worried she had been after the whole aforementioned debacle took place for him because 1) he had found his brother but had been manipulated by Magneto into altering both his body and mind, 2) again, was nearly left behind on an asteroid that was close to EXPLODING because he wasn’t snapping out of the brainwashing fast enough for Jean and the Prof.—which, yes, Rogue tried to understand was supposed to be the best decision underneath the life or death circumstances, choosing to leave and save the majority that would come rather than risk their lives while waiting for the altered Cyclops and Havoc to sort themselves out…but………and then 3) both brothers nearly falling to their deaths after they came to themselves but a moment too late to jump onto the X-Jet, 4) using up who knew how much of their energy to destroy the asteroid and prevent it from crashing down to earth to the point that if they HADN’T been altered…they could have……and 5) how even after all of that, Scott’s own brother didn’t seem interested in fully reuniting with him, which Scott acted like was not a big deal and seemed to be like his old self, but she could see how more introverted and lonely he quietly was when he wasn’t playing his role as the responsible older student, friend, example and leader when left to his own devices.
How he began pushing himself more into training and studies both as an X-Man and as a student of Bayville High to the point where Rogue knows he’s exhausting himself far more than he is helping himself but she doesn’t know what to say or do because the positive results are outshining the negative ones and if any of their teachers have noticed they haven’t SAID anything and if they did they aren’t making him stop or slow down if he’s not listening to them.
How frustrating it was to see his affections for Jean blossom into an obvious crush…while Jean did and continued to do nothing to dissuade him as she continued to date her jerk of a boyfriend for whatever reason…
How Rogue tried not to resent Jean for her actions towards Scott, past and present, especially after taking a glimpse at Miss Popularity’s mind when trying to help her during her unexpected power surge and gaining a better understanding of her, her jealousy cooling down by significant degrees, but unable to accept Jean’s willfully ignoring Scott’s feelings without having the decency to discourage them.
How Rogue couldn’t bring herself to confront Scott and yell at him that if he hadn’t snapped out of his brainwashing quickly enough, Jean would have left him to DIE on Asteroid X even after she tried to give them the benefit of the doubt as the jet began to take off…
Because Jean was only doing what was best for the team at that moment, whereas Rogue…
“If Ah had known earlier enough that Scott and his brotha were still out of sorts,” she whispered into her knees, having pulled them up to her chin at some point during her rant, “Ah would’ve jumped outta my seat and the X-Jet ta find and bring’em to safety mahself… ‘cause after all he’d done ta help me, there would’ve been nothin’ on earth, in heaven, or in hell that would’ve stopped me from tryin’ ta save ‘im.”
She buried her face into her arms. “Not even the risk of doomin’ the rest of us…”
And if Scott had known that….Scott, who always put his needs last before the others?
Rogue didn’t need to tell Kitty which girl Scott would have respected more and which one he would have been disgusted by if he ever knew the truth of what she almost did.
“…gosh…” was all Kitty said in response. Rogue hiccuped while trying to hold back a bitter laugh. Great. All poor Kitty wanted was some fun girls’ talk about boys after finding out why Rogue was all moody and embarrassed, and this happened.
I ruin everything, Rogue thought miserably.
….After a long pause, Kitty cleared her throat. “Oh, gee, um, my throat’s all parched because of all the ice-cream, haha…hah…”
Rogue felt her gently nudge her side, and she looked up, ninety-eight percent sure her waterproof makeup was destroyed by her crying.
Kitty gave her an awkward, though genuine smile, “…so, like, wanna come with me so we can get some water?”
Rogue nodded.
As they both crept out their room and into the dark hallway, taking care for the door to not creak so they didn’t accidentally awaken anyone, the shorter girl gave the goth one’s covered arm a squeeze.
“Whatever you decide to do with how you feel for Scott,” she whispered, blue eyes fiercely gazing at teary grey ones, “just know that I’ll have your back.”
Despite herself, Rogue smiled.
“Thanks, Kitty.” She whispered back. “Ah—”
Both girls whirled around.
Scott was there, halfway in his room. It wasn’t clear as to whether he was just entering or leaving from the state of his rumpled clothes, but he was up and awake nevertheless.
He gave a concerned frown at Rogue.
“Are you okay? What are you still doing up, and by yourself?” He whispered from his spot.
Rogue attempted to answer without stammering, then blinked.
By herself?
She turned to look at Kitty: gone.
Just the latter’s toes peeking out from the bottom of their door after phasing right back into their room.
….so much for having her back.
Rogue turned back to Scott, pretending to yawn into her elbow whilst furiously rubbing away the obvious mess her tears and runny nose left on her face as she whispered back, “Couldn’t sleep. You?”
Scott shook his head, closed his door behind him, and quietly joined her in her spot in the hallway. “I was going to get a glass of water.” He said softly, rubbing his neck. “Want to join me?”
After spending who knows how long bawling about him until her eyes were swollen like mini pufferfishes and her throat felt rougher than sandpaper, therefore feeling and looking much worse than when they were tangled in the pile of leaves?
Rogue tried to force a casual laugh, “O-oh, thanks, Scott, but Ah—“
A pair of hands right behind her phased through her’s and Kitty’s door and smacked her shoulders meaningfully in the tall boy’s direction without drawing his attention.
“—ah’d love to!” The words fell out before she could stop them.
Scott smile was warm enough to make a Snow Queen’s heart melt into a puddle. “Great! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we’ll be back up before we get into more trouble.” he assured her. As if that was why she was nervous about being alone with him past midnight.
So, Rogue found herself following Scott towards the end of the hallway, taking a moment to throw a withering glare in the direction of her room without him noticing as they turned the corner.
Kitty, just her face phased out their door, merely grinned back.
#shenanigans#scogue#x men evolution#otp: sensory deprivation#rogue x scott#scott x rogue#xmen evolution#rogue x cyclops#scott summers#rogue anna marie#cyclops x rogue#cyclops#scott x anna marie#anna marie x cyclops#scogue headcanon#scoguetember#scogue tember#scoguetember2024#scoguetember2025#kitty pryde#katherine pryde#man if I had known that the commission I requested would inspire this much backstory…#should i make this actual canon in my au now? it went from ‘teehee my otp + clichè fell into a pile of leaves on top of each other’#to ‘actually let’s delve in deeper into one of the possible reasons she has trouble acknowledging then confessing her feelings for Scott’#+ ‘additional reasons why she started resenting Jean for a while after the Asteroid M events’#writing is fun#<- seriously. sometimes it takes writing about seemingly unrelated/initially uncanon headcanons to be like ‘…oh. could THIS canon behavior#be explained by THIS canon event?’ I don’t even know if that was the original X-Men:Evo’s writer’s intent#but it’s still fun to think about#me: ‘I connected the dots!’ ; sane people: ‘you didn’t connect anything—!’ ; me: ‘I connected them~’
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arrampicata io ti amo menomale che esisti e mi insegni a fermarmi, respirare e tenere i nervi saldi anche quando mi sembra di non farcela. alla prima botta cado, alla seconda scivolo, alla terza chiudo un blocco di difficoltà tre. mani fatevi sempre più callose, mente fatti sempre più sgombra e controllata, braccia tenetemi forte. come ogni bella storia d’amore quello che ti insegna te lo porti anche oltre: ecco, se sono innamorato delle pareti, posso provare a portare la calma che trovo lì in alto anche nella vita a bassa quota.
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Read the 3 issues of Two-Face that are out rn…. I’m sat 🪑
#mine#two face#harvey dent#I mean the whole ‘‘Two Face was using the body w/o Harvey knowing’’ may be clichè#but it’s HIS clichè and he owns it#it’ll be exciting as long as the story’s interesting
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ships & verses tag dump!
mentioned: @nightwatchr , @celestikal , @captainseamech , @kokorotm , @pompedia
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗗 」➻ Anyone working towards a goal. No matter what it is - deserves respect. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗠𝗬 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗢 」➻ Whether you win or lose- you can always come out ahead. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗟 & 𝗗𝗖 」➻ While you slept - the world changed. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗞𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗨 𝗡𝗢 𝗬𝗔𝗕𝗔 」➻ There is no other way to go. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 」➻ There’s no rest for sinners. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘 」➻ Do angels bleed?. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗗 」➻ There’s a parasite in my bones- which I’m supposed to love. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗡 」➻ A house? In this economy? ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗧𝗬 𝗩 」➻ I’m good at action for others- but I’m terrible at playing myself. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗜𝗖 (Monica ✧ Rapha) 」➻. No rest for the wicked. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗔𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦 (Zavok ✧ Celeste) 」➻. Every disaster needs its push. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Celine ✧ Zavok) 」➻. I’ve got bones in my closet. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Celine ✧ H. Tide) 」➻. The worst thing you can see in the sea is yourself. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Monica ✧ Ueno) 」➻. Though I only go after men? I swing both ways. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Alexandra ✧ Ochako) 」➻. Life sometimes it’s a clichè. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗢𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗗 」➻ Anyone working towards a goal. No matter what it is - deserves respect. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗠𝗬 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗢 」➻ Whether you win or lose- you can always come out ahead. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗟 & 𝗗𝗖 」➻ While you slept - the world changed. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗞𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗦𝗨 𝗡𝗢 𝗬𝗔𝗕𝗔 」➻ There is no other way to go. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘 」➻ There’s no rest for sinners. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘 」➻ Do angels bleed?. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗗 」➻ There’s a parasite in my bones- which I’m supposed to love. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗡 」➻ A house? In this economy? ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「UNIVERSE : 𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗧𝗬 𝗩 」➻ I’m good at action for others- but I’m terrible at playing myself. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗜𝗖 (Monica ✧ Rapha) 」➻. No rest for the wicked. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗔𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦 (Zavok ✧ Celeste) 」➻. Every disaster needs its push. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Celine ✧ Zavok) 」➻. I’ve got bones in my closet. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Celine ✧ H. Tide) 」➻. The worst thing you can see in the sea is yourself. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Monica ✧ Ueno) 」➻. Though I only go after men? I swing both ways. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#❝「DYNAMIC : 𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 (Alexandra ✧ Ochako) 」➻. Life sometimes it’s a clichè. ❞ ✧ ೃ༄#dont reblog. dont like or repost
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Imagine someone admiring you like this
And describing you like this and this
Imagine someone loving you so much and fearing the seperation from you like this.
Clichè but ok why not?
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welcome to another chapter of
the year is 2002 (actually - the page was first archived in 2002, so it's probably older). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has been out for two years, four words igniting every professional shipper's imagination - Lie Low at Lupin's, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix isn't going to come out for another year (blissful ignorance!), and you're probably a teenager with a good deal of spare time and a home internet connection (lucky you!) so what do you do? you write fanfiction, of course. and you're not the only one. in fact, there are so many fanfictions of this pair that you begin to see patterns and repetitions, so much so that you can compile a list. and this is what that is.
i found this link while perusing fanlore.org and i find it so fascinating to read how much the clichès have changed throughout the years, and equally fascinating how some have stuck. we have so much more vital canon information about the characters now - when people now lament the fact that we "make up characters" from just one single mention in a single sentence on a single page in a book - this is proof that fans have always done that! like if the tropes in this lists are clichès it means that they were extremely popular at the time, so imagine going back to 2002 and telling one of these writers that actually, Sirius is the Pureblood French-speaker and Lupin the halfblood... it would probably cause a fucking shitstorm.
#followed the links on that page and found loads of other insteresting stuff but saving it for another post#anyway can you imagine thinking sirius is a halfblood??? that seems so unfathomable to me 💀💀💀#they just didn't know 🤷🏻♀️#imagine the shock of reading ootp and finding that goldmine of info on sirius lol#anyway i'm rambling#wolfstar historiography#remus lupin#sirius black#wolfstar fanfiction#wolfstar clichès
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Wtf was the last season of Umbrella Academy .-.
#i almost didnt watch it cause i didnt like s3#........#that's just#the laziest writing i've ever seen#what????#what was that?????????#did they have no idea what to do with this season?#like i am not against “everybody dies” in theory#(tho i dont prefer it)#but make it make sense?????#like they decided to explain the origin of the miracle children#when “miracles happen” would have worked as well#and then#“and that somehow broke the timeline” somehow????#explain nothing or everything what is this#just#wow#lazy writing all of this season#everything clichè#barely any character development#a lot of unnecessary heterosexual drama#w o w
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So do you guys ever get into this situation;
Your mom is not home and the water has stoped flowing, so you can't do the dishes. But as soon as your mom gets home, the water comes on by dumb luck, then your mom scolds you for not doing them, turn to the sink and you just,
"Fuck you, you stupid shi-
#Memes#funny memes#Mother#Women#women ☕️#Chores#Lazy#Dumb luck#Dish washing#Stupid shit#Time limit#Movie clichè#scary stuff#My life all the time#Updates#Trend
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity<3
Making someone happy
Seeing love around
Considerate behaviour
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