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cactuscreeks · 5 years ago
Did you make the cute little gif on your blog? I am now very inspired 😁
haha no i wish! i found it on google, and adopted those cute little dancing plants immediately!!
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cleverhaunts-ts4 · 4 years ago
Thank you so so much for 500 followers💖
This is insane! I started this account when I was 16 and in a very rough place in my life. The sims community has its ups and downs but I truly believe the heart of the community is so big. You are all so caring. I was hoping I’d be able to do a give away by 500 but I’m just not there yet :/ I am putting in resumes though so fingers crossed! Anyway, I’m having trouble even verbalizing everything but thank you so much🙏🏻 I am so grateful❤️
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tessagray · 3 years ago
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we’re a discord server made for degrassi fans on tumblr. whether you’re a gifmaker, fic writer, roleplayer or just a fan of the show, as long as you have a tumblr blog you’re welcome to join!
this server is for all fans to discuss anything about degrassi, share creations, and just connect with other fans on tumblr! must be 13+ to join.
how to join:
reblog this post
enter the discord server
tagging anyone who’s shown interest in the past below!
@forbescaroline @maddiebuckley @moconut @minamotoz @luckyyyyyyyyyyyy @buttonedupwithstars @stancie @cuoristellati @cleverhaunts-ts4 @johnclaytonmayer @banksstabber @bentickle
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simatomica · 4 years ago
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Rules: This is a 3 part challenge! I’ve provided a list of some classics (ones that shouldn’t be offensive to anyone) though if you’ve got a good one I forgot, go for it! Choose 3 & make 3 sims!
I am so late with this but thank you @aniraklova @cleverhaunts-ts4 for the tag! I went in game and forgot to put in female poses so I used what I had and I think they came out pretty cool lol.
I tag @magical-happenings and anyone who hasn’t done it yet!
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nova-kim · 4 years ago
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Create a minor sim challenge by @someone-elsa
Thank you for the tag @someone-elsa 💖
I chose: Ypolos, Rowena Rowena Ypolos was the Queen of the Gypsies, mentioned in the description of "Rowena's Waiting Window" from The Sims: Makin' Magic. When the Gypsy King Henrik was kidnapped, she vowed to wait for him, and for thirty years left a lighted candle in her window to show him the way home. The two were eventually reunited, and to this day gypsies leave candles in windows in honor of her devotion.
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How it works?
1. choose a sim from the list 2. create the sim (use whichever Sims game you like!) 3. post pictures of the sim (and copy/paste their description from wiki) 4. have fun (and reblog you favourites ♥)
Choose whichever sim you like, even if somebody else has created them already! Tag some creative simmers! And even if you aren’t tagged, feel free to join in!
Use (and follow ;)) tag create a minor sim challenge
I tag: @pachycereus-sims @avocadawn @cleverhaunts-ts4 @mooodlet @blovesu @faedelune @ezradical @softeberrie @erosims @thesim-tea @comfyblob @theplumblob @oasissprings @void-imp @kissalopa @leonardo-sims
Sorry if you're already been tagged or did this challenge ;) Feel free to ignore!
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kissalopa · 4 years ago
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Not Like Myself Sims Challenge by @fataleromeo
Rules: Make over one or more of your favorite sims into a style that is completely different from their own. Choose whatever you want; the only rule is it has to be way out of their normal. Post some pics for us to see and tag them #ts4notlikemyself so we can check them out. Then tag some friends, and don’t forget to have fun!
I was tagged by @theplumblob and @nebula-x. Thank you so much for the tag 💜
Rose Sin prefers comfortable clothes and casual style. So I dressed her in a fancy dress. That’s not much of a change, but she even looks different in that dress 👗
I was so slow with this that I can’t remeber who already did this and who did not. So I’m gonna tag some people, but feel free to ignore
@daisydezem, @posessedsims, @club-calico, @erosims, @amelettes, @cleverhaunts-ts4, @yusims, @otomethesims
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komorebean · 4 years ago
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sim → interior tag by @avocadawn​ rules → make a sim in cas/use an oc. Use their hair colour/skin colour/clothes+accessory colour/even your cas background to make an interior with. Can be any type of interior!
This is Eden Elmore, and this is her lounge and study. She’s a Florist by trade and a voracious bookworm. A bit morose, she lives in Britechester with her maid, butler and three cats. She spends her days poring over the latest novels and crafting bouquets that deliver the perfect message to whoever is to receive them. 
This gorgeous build is by Aprilmadchen on the gallery but the furnishing is my own (except the bookshelves, they were already there and a huge inspiration). I might do some gameplay here with this sim, I really love her and this build! 
Thanks to @simmingsorah, @petalie, and @otomethesims for tagging me, it was a lot of fun!
I’ll tag @cozytart, @cleverhaunts-ts4, @toadbuttersims and anyone else that wants to do it! If you’ve already done it ignore me. 
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gumdropgamespot · 4 years ago
I was tagged in another music-shuffle by @rebouks and @prismaie (a game of tag-tag 😁). Since I already did it, I thought I’d give y’all a vacation mix-tape instead. 💋
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Girls in Bikinis - Poppy
Sour Patch Kids - Bryce Vine
Brooklyn Girls - Catey Shaw
Doin Time - Lana Del Rey
Boyfriend - Selina Gomez
GUY.exe - Superfruit
Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
The Snack that Smiles Back - Shawn Wasabi
Strawberry Blonde - Mitski
Brother - Lord Huron
🏖 What’s your vacation mix? ⛱
@lumminade @niccoplays @alittledaylight @aliengirl @cleverhaunts-ts4 @blossom-sims @lilacautumn @gogomadu @zosa95 @silverspringsimmer
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cupcakegnome · 4 years ago
And yet another bunch of amazing blogs to follow!
@villereals @nadzicle @bbdollie @hazelminesims @pxelblobs @void-imp @cleverhaunts-ts4 @cfaerydae @kymmaisims @proxinge @emperorofthedark  @tiny-tany-thaanos @pebble-sims @tsunflirty @astrasouls @lollipopsimblr @medleymisty @elisabettasims @dreamsongsims @meobuddie @mandy-sims @toffeetip @poetic-falls @samssims @flethro @madbanners @giraffesvoice-whalesear @katmk36 @amuhav @paperfriendd @nooblet-sims @dynastiasimss @titosims @ninjaofthepurplethings @andruskysworld @alittledaylight @lunasysims @simmingbee @dandylion240 @lizardtrait
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sweetpyxels · 4 years ago
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A little Promo ! Go and follow these amazing simblrs ♥
@cleverhaunts-ts4 @kimbr3 @kissalopa @whyhellosims
Check them out and remember to leave a lot of likes and love!
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asplashofsims · 4 years ago
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Top 7 albums tag
Rules: go to this website and create an album wall using 7 of your favourite albums
Thank you @wheresbella & @quiche-sims for the tag! ❤ My favorite albums in no particular order:
Celine Dion - Courage
Hozier - Wasteland, baby
Hayley Kiyoko - Expectations
Sia - Everyday is christmas
Avril Lavigne - Head above water
Lady Gaga - Joanne
Kesha - Rainbow
This was a lot of fun and I'm tagging: @purplesimmer455 , @simnosa @qblinka @hula-zombie @opia-oh @samssims @cleverhaunts-ts4 @simmsys feel free to ignore though! 😄
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cleverhaunts-ts4 · 5 years ago
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✨I’ve been re reading twilight... this took a hot sec to edit but I think it was worth it✨
I wish I could follow every single one of you wonderful people who follow me ✨ but that would be very overwhelming and I’ll always do my best❤️
Build/ Buy cc https://cleverhaunts-ts4.tumblr.com/Resources
Catch up with Wurst Legacy https://cleverhaunts-ts4.tumblr.com/wurstlegacy
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lunasimmer · 4 years ago
Rule: Put your playlist on shuffle and tell us the first 10 songs & then somehow tag 10 people.
Thank you for tagging me @dreamsofplumbobs and @simtonic!!! 🖤🖤
Spectre - Alan Walker
Kass Theme - BOTW
Helicopter - Bloc Party
The Golden Age - Woodkid
Goodnight n Go - Ariana Grande
Mabe Village - Link’s Awakening (Switch)
Broken - lovelytheband
Almost There - Princess and the Frog
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee
I have a mix of songs from anime to oldies, and I’m not a shamed of it lmao They have good beats so i like them! The Golden Age is an all time fav of mine, i love the strings. But anyway, I’m going to tag, @girllovesromance, @silverspringsimmer, @sim-nanigans, @ebonee, @apricusim, @cleverhaunts-ts4, @sixamowls, @fataleromeo, and @sunseekersims!
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noobnooboo · 5 years ago
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Bopity Boop
RULES: List 5 songs that you will never get tired of, and tag people.
Thanks to the beautiful @volcano-pasta @harinezumi-sims for the tag!
Unfortunately as of now I really can’t get enough of one song in particular and all others are fading in comparison to it. So I also made a little edit to make up for the lack of four other songs but I promise it is worth it ok?
CXLOE - “Devil You Don’t”
You’ll thank me later.
I’d like to tag everyone who sees this and @themoonglitch @meissaantares @aliennooboo @faywithfangs @desysimmer @thesimsters-stories @viiavi @salt-and-simmer @greenfooddog @storylegacysims @mellindi @aggretsimko @klauseconfessions @samtastic-sims @memoirsofasim @weveridiana @whyhellosims @simbians @cleverhaunts-ts4 @dynastiasimss @hookareh @digitalpaws @pebble-sims @mangogarden @eqountl @simprising @lemonpxel @simmerjohnson and anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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prismaticpixels · 5 years ago
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L I F E • S T A G E S • C A S • C H A L L E N G E by @someone-elsa
Create a sim in all of their life stages. Or use a sim you’ve created before and create their other life stages. In addition to the six life stages you can create in CAS, you can add your own (like a tween for example, also maybe they don’t even live to the elderhood?). You can write their life story if you wish or let us guess. My inspiration for this challenge.
Thank you for tagging me, @madeofcc!
This sim’s name is Nia Woods and her life revolves around dancing. She started ballet as a toddler, and then started learning hip hop as a teenager. By the time she was a young adult, she added contemporary and salsa to her arsenal. At the height of her career, she was a backup dancer in popular music videos. She opened up a dance studio as an adult and continues to teach there as an elder, living out her days happily. 💃
I tag @sunflower-petals, @slythersim, @whyhellosims, @crescendemon, and @cleverhaunts-ts4 💕
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kissalopa · 4 years ago
Get to Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @introvertedfox, @darrellcharm, @hankofthesims and @berryqueerbear. Thank you so much for the tag my friends! 💜
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Favourite colour: Purple and Black 💜🖤
Currently reading: Nothing right now
Last song you listened to: Parov Stelar - All Night
Sweet, spicy or savoury: Sweet
Craving: Tbh I just want a day off of everything (to have all day to myself)
Tea or coffee: Tea
Currently working on: I want to do the My sim in rainbow challenge I was tagged in (but I’m still updating all my mods and CC)
I tag @daisydezem, @evansims, @mamabearssims, @aleksa-sims, @bloomful-ccfinds, @cyazurai, @tianella, @demi-sol-valley and @cleverhaunts-ts4 (feel free to ignore)
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