#clear: both; text-align: center;
soberaniasar · 7 days
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#separator#clear: both; text-align: center;#Argentina busca retomar la exportación de carne bovina a Japón <p></p><div class= style=><a hre#en la localidad de Joaquín Gorina perteneciente al partido bonaerense de La Plata#con el objetivo de fortalecer las políticas de apertura comercial de Argentina al mundo.<p></p><p><br /></p><p>Cabe recordar que Japón es u#por lo que la actividad estuvo centrada en afianzar el vínculo comercial y de amistad entre ambos países y fortalecer la confianza hacia to#Fernando Vilella#y el embajador de Japón en nuestro país#Yamauchi Hiroshi#visitaron la planta de procesamiento#que abarca troceado#envasado al vacío y empaquetado; la planta Gorina Energía#donde un biodigestor genera 1#5 mega watts de electricidad para consumo industrial#y permite una mejora sustancial en el tratamiento de aguas y efluentes del establecimiento; la obra del centro logístico enteramente roboti#que proyectan culminar en los próximos meses#y con la cual proyectan aumentar la producción entre un 30% y 50% al permitir un almacenaje exponencialmente mayor al actual.</p><p><br /><#el vicepresidente del Senasa#Sergio Roberts; el subsecretario de Bioindustrias#Biotecnologías e Innovación#Pablo Nardone; el presidente del Consorcio de Exportadores ABC#Mario Ravettino; el titular de la empresa#Claudio Rodríguez y demás representantes.</p><p><br /></p><p>Mientras que por la comitiva japonesa estuvieron el Jefe de la Sección Económi#Maeda Shinji; el Agregado Agrícola#Yamaji Takuya; la asesora Sujikawa Aki#y el secretario Hayashi Genta.</p><p><br /></p><p>Fuente:<br /><a href="https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/el-gobierno-nacional-busca-re
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canarysage · 4 months
hi... don't know if you're the person to ask but do you have any tips for like. edit composition. (????) thar makes no sense . i apologize
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i’m probably not the right person but fear not i’ll say some bullshit anyway. obligatory preface but i have never taken a graphic design class in my life so take everything i say with a grain of salt, or several, because idk what the fuck i’m doing
a good thing to keep in mind when editing is your focal point—that is to say, whatever it is you wanted people to be focused on. in most cases it’s probably going to be a character, but you might also have text or something else as your focal point. after you’ve picked your focal point, find ways to emphasize it—people usually do this with stroke (outlines) or with things behind the character like splatters, laces, etc. it should be relatively easy to spot a focal point in most people’s edits, even if they didn’t knowingly pick one. if your edits look janky, you probably ended up with too many things your brain is trying to focus on at once—try simplifying it or making one part pop out more than the other! this also comes into play with text. using my pinned as an example:
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(still frames so they’re easier to see) you can see that len and rin are the focal points of this image because they’re outlined and because they’re in front of the text. the text is in the back because i deemed it less important than the characters—i mean, you can read my url without the image anyway.
also, sizing is a pretty big thing in composition. your brain looks at the biggest part of an image first—this is the concept behind newspaper headlines! your brain looks at the big text first, then at the smaller. you can see this reflected in my current header (displayed below, in case i change it at a later date) where “canarysage” is bigger than “resources for editors” because I wanted you to see “canarysage” first
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how you align your elements is important to. generally speaking, you’ll want to keep everything pretty centered, but, as with anything, you can break this rule for the sake of creativity. when you’re making things like this directory graphic:
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it’s cool to do a zig-zag sort of pattern. when making something like this, it’s probably better to do from left to right—that’s the way english-speakers (and speakers of several other languages) read things so that’s how your brain automatically goes. you should also position whatever you want to be read first near the top—in this case, the part that says “one” is in the top left, because that’s where most people’s eyes will go automatically. you can also see the central art is the focal point because of the outlines and the shapes behind it. the buttons are kept separate because they’re a solid color instead of the pattern used on the background shape—and the text stands out because it’s outlined in black, unlike the rest, and it has a pattern. if you use patterned text, outline it so it’s clearly seen and read.
you can also avoid centering things to make your edit more ‘dynamic’ (idk if that’s the right word) like i did with this header:
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both eirika and the text are off center, which makes it look more interesting. also, they’re aligned differently—eirika is aligned to the right while the text is aligned to the left. this helps it seem less empty and is more fun visually
if you’re doing an edit with an even number of characters (like a ship edit) you’ll want to keep any one character out of the center, as this makes them the focal point and can kind of shunt the other off to the side. unless you’re doing matching graphics, in which case you should keep one centered, so it’s clear which is the “main” one in each piece of the set.
sizing is also important in terms of literally how small or big your edit is. headers tend to be pretty large (tumblr uses a 16:9 ratio, and twitter uses a 3:1) but things like icons or stamps are pretty small. especially with stamps, you’ll want to make your character pretty large in the stamp so they’re more easily seen. tumblr icons show up on your dashboard as 128x128, which is pretty small, so you’ll want to make sure your icon is easily discernible from that size.
also, i dont think this is necessarily a hard and fast rule, but when you’re making icons and you have to crop out a portion of the character’s head—crop out the top of the head, not the chin. i can’t tell you WHY i think this is a rule or even if anyone agrees with me, but it’s something to keep in mind. here’s an example of the two different kinds of cropping:
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cropping the chin out just looks goofy, idk
since rentry graphics are just sort of dependent on the user, there’s no real hard and fast rules to composing them. just keep in mind whatever your focal point is and try to keep people’s attention on it, whether by adding random shit or outlining or whatever.
same thing with replycons, really. i like to keep my replycons semi-simple, but if you’re doing a collage-type of replycon, it’s better to keep the collage in the background for the most part, except for one or two focal pieces:
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you can see that most of the collage pieces are behind rin except for the flower stickers, which are off to the corner so they don’t detract from her. the stripey-line things help a lot, too, as they lead your eye to the main part of the reply icon even without being centered—the main part being the character, of course
with moodboards or stimboards, it’s best to keep your character in the exact center—unless you have two, in which case keep them both in the middle so they’re easier to see. there’s no hard and fast rules with moodboards, but i like to keep images with similar composition near but not directly beside each other
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the top middle and bottom middle of this one are both pretty minimalistic, so i kept them adjacent from but not beside each other. as for the rest of it… well i just kind of did whatever
if you’re doing a moodboard or stimboard with two kinds of themes then it’s best to do a checkerboard type of pattern
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you can see that here. the pattern is food-art-food-art-ena-art-food-art-food. like a checkerboard, except ena’s in the middle
i’m being so for real i don’t understand composition at all. it’s really best to just do whatever looks best to you personally and see what happens. i hope this is helpful-ish!
yours truly, canarysage
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gachadiy · 2 years
Photo Cards tutorial
aka PA shots, pashacolle/pashacore/pashakore, bromides, etc. EnStars format, suggest other versions if you're interested!
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TLDR: Create an image with as many frames as will fit using the measurements below. Add card images and either signature images (both on the wiki) or name text in Futura 10.5pt with text spacing upped to 1. Get it printed on photo paper (at your local print shop, or buy photo paper for your printer) -
At CVS, the most cost-effective size was 12in x 8in, 9 cards for $5 ($0.55 per card) and that's what I used here
UPDATE: If you have your own printer and can use photo paper, that'll be cheaper per unit (try partially used packs on ebay too if you won't use the whole pack), more like $0.10 per card. 4x6 template coming soon since that's the cheapest kind
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Long version:
Collect your resources. My .mdp template for 12in x 8in is here, I used FireAlpaca but other apps work. Go to the character's page on the wiki, download their signature from the summary sidebar, and get any card images from Gallery (submenu In-Game has bigger images, you could get transparents from Renders and edit them onto other backgrounds/cards). Make sure you click "See full image" when you're in the image preview so you get the highest quality image. You can search "webp to png converter" if you need one.
Put it all together. Collect pictures up in the "images" folder, and make sure to delete extra that's outside of the frame so you don't have lines of color in between your cards (or overlap with other cards). Duplicate the example in the "names" folder to type names, or insert the signatures depending on the style you want. Put some signatures in the bottom section under the frames to test on later, if you like.
Center text. On the "name boxes" layer in "tools", make a grey rectangle snugly covering the name text. Make the text itself invisible, and align the rectangle with the red lines, then move the text back under the rectangle.
Print & cut. When you're ready, make the "tools" folder invisible but make sure the alignment arrows are still visible. Once you get your print, score the center of each arrow by either cutting it or tracing it in pencil on the back of the print using a lightboard or window. Use a ruler to connect these scores to replicate the "picture alignment" lines on the back of your print, then cut them - I used a rotary cutter and a (metal-edged, plastic wasn't straight) ruler for precision but any variety of tools work.
Accessorize! This is the most fun part. Use the signatures you printed on that test strip and try paints, glitter and glue, embossing, any other color/texture work you can think of before applying it to your actual cards. I liked the look of embossing signatures (trace signature onto the back, lay it facedown on felt and "write" the backwards signature with any small-tipped hard thing - embossing tool, crochet needle, dead ballpoint, etc) and it looked best on thicker handwriting like Niki's or Kanata's. You can also try making paper frames, getting toploaders/cardsavers/penny sleeves (65mm x 90mm) and decorating those with paint, stickers, etc. If you want holos, get some self-adhesive holographic overlay (vynil should be the clear kind).
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feybeasts · 1 year
If I were to imagine a taur flying a jet, I would think the easiest way to make that believable would be to take a tandem seat aircraft eg: F4 Phantom II, and remove the barriers between the pilot and WSO seats so you essentially just have a really elongated cockpit. A taur pilot would be able to operate a stick and pedals similar to a humanoid pilot, though you'd have to account for different ergonomics on account of their different proportions.
You would have to support both of the pilots spines, possibly with some kind of seat back that folds into place behind their upper spine and over their lower one when you close the cockpit, but I can readily conceive of how something like that might mechanically function.
I imagine the bigger issue would be designing a G-suit for a taur pilot. A taur has a lot more blood than a humanoid, and a proportionally smaller head to body ratio, pulling G's would have a greater effect on them since they have so much more room for that blood to go, and presumably lack the muscles to clench everything below the waist.
For trying to operate a mech of some kind, I would imagine them lying vertically with both spines in line with the vertical axis so you have a really tall cockpit instead, since a mech is already very vertical. A taur might even be superior to a humanoid pilot in that role, since you have an extra pair of limbs you could use to control more stuff at once, and the number of joints in a mech means that extra control capability would actually be useful, unlike in an aircraft, where the second pair of legs would probably be dead weight.
This is more dependant on how you imagine taur biology to function, if they aren't capable of comfortably aligning both spines on roughly the same axis, that obviously isn't possible.
Perhaps a taur might be more suited to operating an exoskeleton? You'd do away with the issues of having a high center of gravity and an unstable footing endemic to a humanoid exosuit. A 4 legged design would be more robust, able to clear more rugged terrain, and allow for the installation of more equipment.
Where a taurs bulk requires accommodation on other platforms, for an exosuit, that bulk would be an advantage. It's much easier for me to imagine a taur exosuit carrying an autocannon or ATGM tube in a turret on its horizontal back than a humanoid one in its arms or over its shoulder. You move the recoil impulse closer to the center of gravity and thus, reduce felt torque while also having improved platform stability from a wide, 4 legged stance. Even if you did still want to mount a weapon in the suits arms, you have the advantages of the hindlegs preventing you from tipping backwards from recoil while firing and the horizontal back providing lots of room for ammunition.
With the turret, you would have to deal with the large frontal deadzone, but I imagine that is a problem to be solved doctrinally, rather than mechanically. Carry small arms for surprises, but move into a position where you can employ your mounted weapon ASAP.
Apologies for the wall of text, but you hit a bunch of my hyperfixations at once :v
I don't have an answer to this, I just really want people to see what is some really, really damn good thought on the subject of taurs-using-vehicles Legit and heartfelt bravo, anon, these ideas are top notch!
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roipecheur · 10 months
Do you like omegaverse?
A secret, third option!
(Cut for length and nsfw text)
As a fandom phenomenon:
I did read the original J2 fics that kicked off this whole trend some years back
It's been interesting to see how it's evolved over the years. I was in SPN fandom back when it first became popular, and then I wasn't really in fandom and didn't read omegaverse for years
Take into account that is one person's perspective from the fandoms I was personally in, I have not done a widespread review of all things omegaverse
(I actually just checked the Journal of Transformative Works for an article on omegaverse as a trend, and didn't find one for the term omegaverse or by searching alpha AND beta AND omega, which is a little surprising to me)
In any case
Early days: cis male alpha/cis male omega pairings. The omega would have a self-lubricating asshole and smell irresistible to the alpha when they went into heat. Mentions of cis female omegas, but the focus was usually on the m/m pairing. Mentions of female alphas, but usually cis female alphas that milked the omega cis male's dick with a super pussy that like, locked down or something in a reverse of knotting. Sometimes cis male omegas could get impregnated and sometimes they were infertile and just had heats
Current trends: I've noticed way more intersex omegas. Alphas going into rut in addition to omega heats #itsequality. Mating bites. Family units as packs. Sometimes, psychic bonds come with mating bites and/or packs. Inability to physically leave someone you've just mated with. A lot more variety in how irresistible the heat/rut smell is and exactly what someone may want during their cycle, e.g., omegas going into "I want to nurse and cuddle my baby" mode instead of sex mode, alphas fighting each other to blow off steam. Alongside that, variety in how intense a heat/rut is, on a scale of mildly annoying/distracting but manageable to removing someone's higher brain functions and leaving only instinct. More omega/omega or alpha/alpha pairings. The concept of transitioning, where someone can go from alpha to omega, etc.
I think betas have remained mostly the same throughout, although I do remember something where betas had a kind of "glue the pack together" function in a newer fic rather than just being "regular humans" as in older fics
In wider culture:
The omegaverse lawsuit
Omegaverse fucking with AI datasets
This shit is hilarious and I genuinely hope we never stop
Common critiques:
1, Omegaverse is just reinventing sexism minus the women / it's so sexist that it's managed to remove women from a story about sexism
2, It's codifying top/bottom into gender
Honestly? Maybe sometimes? But it really depends on the story, and there are a lot of different versions out there, so I find this reductive
The one (1) omegaverse fic I wrote aligned both alphas and omegas more closely with the queer community than the sexism allegory while making it clear that they were also their own thing
Also, omegaverse started out as an excuse to write weird, kinky porn. A lot of it still centers around weird, kinky porn
Sometimes your hindbrain wants what it wants, "your kink is not my kink & that's ok", and you aren't trying to unpack the full implications of a world where this is real
Or, you want to put these bitches into a situation, and an omegaverse where character A benefits as an alpha and character B suffers as an omega is just an interesting situation
Like. I generally think it's whatever
Slash fandom has also been accused of sexism and gay fetishism in a variety of ways that are not exclusive to omegaverse, and I am keeping that can of worms firmly closed right now lmao
Weird sex and sex mechanics:
I love when people get weird with it. Omegaverse did not invent this, like I'm sure there were some 1950s sci-fi writers creating man-made alien pussy beyond our comprehension
Ovigonopods of Love: a Strange Horizons short story from 2001, featuring underwater bug sex involving three different sexes and metamorphosis, on the subject of weird sex that definitely predates omegaverse
My issue with og omegaverse, and part of the reason I didn't read it for such a long time, is that it doesn't get weird enough
Listen. Uh. Gonna talk about scat here, but listen.
If your asshole self-lubricates, you are unavoidably gonna shit yourself. Especially if you're getting your ass stretched by a knot and stuffed with an industrial amount of jizz for days on end. Some people can suspend their disbelief when reading omegaverse involving self-lubricating assholes, and godspeed, but I personally cannot
I think if you're going to imply ass babies, you may as well go all the way and give the guy a cloaca ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That being said, I do like intersex omegas for much the same reason. I can wrap my brain around it. I know where the babies are coming from, and I'm not reading through a fic and trying to blank out the horror of some poor guy pushing a baby out of his ass
I'm not even opposed to anal knotting! I've read an alpha/alpha fic like that and an alpha/omega fic. If an asshole can take a fist with proper lube and stretching, it can take a knot, and I accept that. It's the self-lubricating and days of fucking during a heat that get me
Story development:
One thing I don't like about omegaverse is when it's used as an excuse to throw the ship into intense feelings and fucking without doing any of the work to show me why this ship works
(And I don't mean PWPs, there are some good omegaverse PWPs in the same way there are some good sex pollen ones, or aliens/gods/demons/fairies/magic made them do it)
BUT. You cannot have two characters who maybe didn't even like or know each other suddenly be in love because they shared a heat and rut and now they're mated. I just won't buy it, but I won't buy this in soulmate AUs or any other kind of fic, either
What happens after the heat/rut induced fucking? Are they stuck together because of a mating bite? Is this for societal reasons or because it physically hurts to leave, or both? Or do they separate immediately after? Is it weird when they meet again? How? Did they have a relationship before this? How does it change that? How does it change their relationship with other people, especially if this is in the pack bonds version of omegaverse?
If it goes beyond a PWP, I do have questions
From an evolutionary standpoint, why are there alphas, betas, and omegas? Can betas have babies with each other, or are omegas the only ones who can get pregnant?
If betas are infertile, their evolutionary role could be to protect and provide for alphas and omegas when they would otherwise be vulnerable in heat/rut and when they're carrying and raising children
But if betas are infertile, why are there male and female betas?
If betas can have babies, it's possible that alphas and omegas have more babies and that there is an evolutionary tradeoff between that and between your heat/rut making you more vulnerable and the time and energy costs in having more children, which could lead to the two different modes of human reproduction
Either way......why does your society have a binary man/woman gender system rather than a ternary alpha/beta/omega gender system?
Possibly because you can't tell someone's designation by looking at them and because people hide their scent, and maybe also because most people are betas with alphas and omegas being in the minority
On a similar note, how common/rare are male omegas and female alphas? Have you basically reached a point where there is no sexual dimorphism? What is the reason for this?
Where did the terms alpha, beta, and omega even come from? They honestly sound really formal to me, and the one (1) omegaverse fic I wrote differentiated between these as more modern terms and the terms people used to use, which in modern times were more widely considered slurs
In conclusion, do I like omegaverse?
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ashekirk · 2 years
Ao3 Work Skin: Easier Reading for old people
Hello, I am 36 and I don't like reading stuff in small text because my eyes have deteriorated over many years of staring at screens.
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With no obvious way to share AO3 work skins, I figured I'd share mine here.
The purpose is to make the text a good size, be more legible, and not go all the way across wide screens - it limits the width of the text area, and shouldn't break with the major site skins.
I do change the text to serif, which I find easier for long blocks of text, so if you don't want that you'll need to make your own adapted version that doesn't use the same font family.
I also added in a few extra pieces, so if you use the following:
<p class="divider">***</p>
It will put a nice division in to separate two scenes or a time/perspective shift.
And using:
<div class="title-image">IMAGE HERE</div>
Will make whatever image you put in have a width 95% of the text area, which is good for title images, and it will reduce if the screen shrinks.
I also included 5 different highlight classes, so using:
<span class="highlight-1">TEXT HERE</span>
will highlight that text in the colour scheme specified. Change the one to anything up to five for different colours. <Span> tags can be used at any point inside paragraphs or other blocks.
Ashe Easy Readin'
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I have no idea if anyone but me can view the link, so I'll post the CSS below.
I also have a version up in the Stylish user styles gallery (Stylish is a browser plugin that lets you change website style sheets):
Easier Reading Ao3
Easier Reading Ao3 - Dyslexic Edition
These are useful if you want any unstyled works on the site to change to this style. I use it because it improves my Ao3 experience.
#workskin { max-width: 600px !important; padding-left: 2%; padding-right: 2%; font-size: 15pt; font-family: Garamond, Baskerville, Georgia, Cambria, "Hoefler Text", "Liberation Serif", Times, "Times New Roman", "serif"; line-height: 1.7em; overflow-x: hidden; } #workskin div.preface { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: .8em; } #workskin p { text-indent: 0.85em; line-height: 1.7em; margin-top: 0.85em; margin-bottom: 0.85em; padding: 0; } #workskin h2 { padding-top: .6em; font-size: 200%; margin: 0; text-align: center; line-height: 2em; } #workskin .divider { width: 95%; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 3em; margin-bottom: 3em; clear: both; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 3em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding-left: 1.5em; overflow: hidden; } #workskin p.divider { text-indent: 0; } #workskin h3 { padding-top: .6em; padding-bottom: .6em; font-size: 150%; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; line-height: 2em; clear: both; } #workskin em { font-style: italic; } #workskin strong { font-weight: bold; } #workskin .highlight-1 { background-color: #B6ECC4; border-radius: 5px; color: black; } #workskin .highlight-2 { background-color: #BCE3FF; border-radius: 5px; color: black; } #workskin .highlight-3 { background-color: #F8BAFF; border-radius: 5px; color: black; } #workskin .highlight-4 { background-color: #004483; border-radius: 5px; color: white; } #workskin .highlight-5 { background-color: #7F0013; border-radius: 5px; color: white; } #workskin .title-image { width: 95%; margin: auto; text-align: center; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: hidden; padding-bottom: 1em; border-bottom: dashed 1px #ddd; } #workskin .title-image img { width: 95%; overflow: hidden; } #workskin .title-image p { text-indent: 0; }
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clockworkowl · 2 years
Ace x Family: Mission P1: the rest of Part 1 
I’ve decided to change from posting 3 spreads at a time to trying to post in chunks that move enough of the action along, that they can feel a little narrative, we’ll see how that goes. So this contains spreads 4 through 13, which takes us up through the point that was the end of the canon class trial, but is actually the beginning of the real class trial. (Now I just have to finish writing the script for the trial itself!) Accessibility note: If you’re using assistive tech and need text descriptions of the images, because there is so much to describe as each image is a full 2 page manga spread, I am cross publishing in 3 image chapters to AO3 with full descriptions as the chapter text vs trying to fit it into alt text ui. Standing reminder: these follow standard manga reading direction flow of right to left.
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Some random comments:
-Ryuunosuke gets flustered by Van Zieks’ state of undress, but then totally forgets he’s in his underpants while Barok tries to pretend he’s totally normal about him.
-You know what Chekhov said about backpack mice and plays?
-The objection page is I think my favourite thus far (outside of the dossier 3 shot) it kind of feels like if this were a real comic book it would be the pullout poster in the center.
-I love everyone’s little exchange with Larry when he abruptly about faces when it’s clear Miles is defending Phoenix, which fortunately is in character for his Eden academy counterpart, and I needed to do in order to have both Edgeworth and him utter their anime dialogue as a part of this.
-Not me kinning Edgeworth and projecting that impulsive desk-jumping fit of pique orating that then four seconds later turns into remembering one is introverted and doesn’t want to be the attention focus and like ‘ why and I on a desk and how did I get up on top of it?’
-The reason Gumshoe is wearing a blue uniform is because Themis doesn’t have police track so there isn’t a colour, they do have the judging track which is green, but that is only open once you get into the upper grades (mainly this was because I don’t want too many uniform colours) so I decided to assign uniform colours to non-prosecution/defense attorney characters based on whether I thought the reason they decided to get into law enforcement was because of a desire to help people and victims (blue) or a desire to punish bad guys (red) since those kind of align with defense and prosecutors. Except Larry who is red because of his position in Miles’ posse.
-Poor Franziska, Von Karma is dumping the same abusive self-worth issues on her in this universe too.
-I don’t think it end up being clear here, but Dad is what Miles thinks of Gregory as. (For him Father is Von Karma and Dad is Gregory, for Franziska Father is Von Karma and Your Father is Gregory she can’t bring herself to be casual or fond enough to use dad or papa especially after Gregory disappeared.) (For Phoenix, Papa is Barok and Dad is Ryuu)
-I now headcanon (though I guess that makes it canon for my own AU :)) that Gumshoe is a big fan of Columbo because he doesn’t realise that the rumpled, bumbling, scatter-brained persona is a ruse to make people underestimate him and it gives him the confidence to follow his detective dreams.
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taegularities · 1 year
Tw talks about bipolar disorder and adhd ahead
If a friend texts that she’s sick in a work group chat do you expect her to text you privately because you’ve made plans go to out to eat because she said “I’ll text you tomorrow how I feel”
When I asked about it I got this as an message “Also put in the group app that I'm sick. Thought that was clear” like bitch yes maybe to them but I’m not a fucking dog but I’d really liked it if you’d shot me a text privately.. ughhh it took everything in me not to tell her a private one would have been nice
Lately things she’s telling don’t match with what she’s telling at work. Now all of a sudden she has ADHD solemnly because her bf got in a small car accident which means she’s not the center of attention anymore. I told my mom about it and she found it strange like you can’t have bipolar disorder and ADHD (she never got officially diagnosed by a doctor.. as far as I know) ever since the new year started I feel like we’re kinda like casual colleagues and JUST friends you know like I don’t know shit about her anymore
(Also do I work with my /best/ friend yes. Do I regret telling 1,5 years ago that it was fine by me if she started working the same job as me FUCK YES. I’ve send you an ask about my best not so best friend last year or so. So maybe you know who I am, I also did send you an ask with a tw up top before. Anyways I feel a lot calmer now that I could vent to someone.)
Thanks for always listening to our bitch ass stories and giving feedback on what to do going forward. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
hmmm. first of all, hug 🫂 i'm sorry the two of you have been going through a rough patch... such things always suck big time :(
so, i'd say it'd be best to communicate that with her — but in order to do that, i'd start calmly, when you're in a peaceful mindset, and not too angry anymore.
i think when someone's sick, the energy is quite low, right? perhaps she forgot your guys' plans (which sucks); or maybe she thought it'd be sufficient to put the message in your gc? yeah, i personally would still text someone privately, but that's different for everyone, too. though she probably could've phrased it nicer than she did...
about the bipolar/adhd thing, i unfortunately don't know enough about this, but i did a quick google search and apparently those two can co-occur? if someone's able to educate me on this, please feel free :') self-diagnosis, however, is never good, and it happens way too often these days.
so yeah, i think communication always helps if you're open for it!! if possible, suggest for her to go to a doc, too, bc they could give her a definite diagnosis at least. same with the friendship/colleague thing... spill it all out.
and you know, if that convo doesn't work out, that's okay, too. people grow apart, which can absolutely happen when you guys work together as well, since there are so many more layers you get to know about that person. sometimes their personality doesn't align with ours anymore. but i've had such convos before, and some made the friendship stronger and some ended them — both is ok and part of life !!
i'm really happy venting helped you <3 i'm here anytime, no worries babe. y'all are always here for me, too !! but yes, do try a convo — i'm trying to see both your povs and i feel like that's the best solution for now. good luck, love 🥺
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inifinds · 4 days
Is Meditation a Sin? 3 Reasons It's a No with Best Practices
The Bible doesn’t explicitly say that meditation is a sin. However, the context and method are crucial. Meditating on God’s word aligns with Christian teachings. But practices rooted in Eastern religions might raise questions for some believers.3 Reasons Meditation Is Not a SinA serene setting with a figure meditating, an open book, a cross, and a vase with leaves. Sunlight streams through a window, casting a peaceful light over the scene.Biblical FoundationsThe Bible mentions meditation in various forms, often in a positive light. When the Bible talks about meditating, it usually refers to reflecting deeply on God’s word.For example, Psalm 1:2 says:“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law, he meditates day and night.” This kind of meditation is about focusing on scriptures and teachings, which align perfectly with Christian values.Strengthening Your FaithChristian meditation isn't about emptying your mind or reaching a mystical state; it's about filling your mind with the word.By meditating on Bible verses, you're deepening understanding and strengthening your relationship with Him.Mental and Physical Benefitson God's Word brings both mental and physical health benefits, and it's a way to show gratitude to God by caring for your body.Lower stress levels improved mental clarity, and better overall health are just a few of the positive outcomes.My Journey with Meditation and ChristianityWell, I was raised in a Christian household, and then I joined the Navy.Christianity was the only religion I knew. But being around so many backgrounds and cultures, and seeing different countries around the world, my view of spirituality shifted.I never forgot my roots; instead, I deepened them with techniques such as meditation.Seeing how others practiced their faith opened my eyes to the benefits of meditation.Over the past 20 years, meditation has become a valuable tool in my spiritual life, helping me connect more deeply with God and find peace in everyday moments.Here’s what we’ll cover:The Christian perspective on meditationTypes of meditation practicesThe benefits of meditation for your mind and bodyHow meditation aligns (or conflicts) with spiritual and religious beliefsChristian Perspective on MeditationAn open Bible and a cross with a crucifix are placed on a wooden surface. Behind them, a contemplative figure sits in a meditative pose with the text "What Would Jesus Do?" above.Have you ever seen those bracelets that Christians and spiritual seekers wear for inspiration?They often ask, "What Would Jesus Do?"Being a Christian means striving to be Christ-like. It's not just about what you read, but also about the actions you take every day.Let's look at it from a different angle:Jesus Christ lived his life as the embodiment of God in the flesh.He spoke in absolute terms because He had a clear purpose and vision.His life was a testament to the truth that we are like Him, even if we haven't realized our full potential yet.Meditation is a tool, nothing less and nothing more. Giving it too much power can cause issues, not just for Christians, but for followers of any religion.It's important to use meditation to strengthen your faith and connection to God, rather than letting it overshadow your spiritual practices.Learn Meditation with this Free E-bookFinding Peace: A Beginner's Guide to Christian Meditation                        Takes you straight into the book.Is Meditation a Sin: Biblical References and TeachingsIt's mentioned in the Bible in various forms. "God’s word," "word of God," and "law of the Lord" are central to biblical meditation. In Christianity, meditating on scripture means staying dedicated to the teaching.Christian Meditation vs. Eastern MeditationChristian meditation often involves reflecting on Bible verses and seeking a connection with the Holy Spirit.This differs from Eastern practices like transcendental meditation or mindfulness, which center on achieving a state of mental clarity and presence.The major difference lies in the practice's intent.Types of Meditation PracticesBiblical and Christian MeditationBiblical meditation involves reflecting over scriptures, often in a quiet place, allowing one to connect with the word. This practice is a spiritual discipline that strengthens one's belief and knowledge of God's ways.The Book of Joshua and the New Testament offer many references to meditative practices, showing its deep roots in Christian tradition.ExampleThe Book of Joshua references one instance of meditative practices, which is found in Joshua 1:8, stating:"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it." This verse encourages the practice of meditating on the words of the Law, reflecting deeply on its teachings and applying them to one's life.In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul also references meditative practices in Philippians 4:8, where he instructs believers to meditate on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. This guidance highlights the importance of focusing one's thoughts on positive and uplifting things, promoting a peaceful and contemplative state of mind.These references demonstrate the deep roots of meditative practices within the Christian tradition.Eastern and Secular MeditationEastern meditation practices, like transcendental and mindfulness meditation, center on achieving inner peace and mental clarity.These practices can be secular, aiming at reducing stress levels and improving overall mental health without necessarily involving any religious connotation.Practices such as mantra meditation are common, where repetition of a word or phrase helps focus the mind.ExampleMantra meditation is the practice of repeating the word "Om" or "Aum" in to center and quiet the mind.New Age and Alternative PracticesNew age practices often blend elements from various traditions, including meditation.These practices might focus on spiritual growth, inner peace, and connecting with a higher power, which can sometimes conflict with traditional Christian beliefs.Understanding the distinction between these practices and biblical meditation is important for maintaining one's religious integrity.ExampleOne popular practice is mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing one's attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment.While this practice may promote inner peace and self-awareness, it differs from biblical meditation.Did you Know? AMEN and AUM differences"Amen" and "Aum" (or "Om") are distinct terms with different origins, meanings, and uses in religious practices.Amen- Origin: "Amen" is used in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic worship. It is typically said at the end of prayers and means "so be it," "certainly," or "verily" in Hebrew. It signifies agreement or affirmation and is used to conclude prayers or statements of belief.- Usage: In Western religions, "Amen" is always used at the end of prayers or invocations, serving as a form of affirmation or agreement.Aum (Om)- Origin: "Aum" (or "Om") is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Indian religions, particularly in Hinduism. It is considered the primordial sound from which the universe was created. Aum represents the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness, or Atman (soul).- Usage: Aum is used at the beginning and sometimes at the end of prayers, mantras, and meditative practices. It is believed to be the sound of the universe and is associated with the divine trinity of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer).Key DifferencesFunction: "Amen" is a concluding word used to affirm prayers, while "Aum" is a foundational sound used to begin spiritual practices and is considered the sound of creation itself.Cultural Context: "Amen" is rooted in the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), whereas "Aum" is central to Indian spiritual traditions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism).Spiritual Significance: "Aum" has a deeper metaphysical significance, representing the entirety of the universe and the divine, while "Amen" serves as an affirmation of faith and agreement.While both "Amen" and "Aum" are significant in their respective religious contexts, they serve different purposes and carry distinct spiritual meanings.Citations: https://www.srichinmoylibrary.com/ech-379 https://www.ayurvedacollege.com/blog/ayurveda-yoga-and-meaning-om-aum-amen-amin-hum/ https://eternalreligion.org/aum-amen-ameen/ https://www.reddit.com/r/etymology/comments/rv3wm1/are_om_sanskrit_and_tamil_and_amen_hebrew_related/ https://isha.sadhguru.org/en/wisdom/video/aum-amen-ameen-one-and-the-sameBenefits of MeditationMental and Emotional Health:Meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that regular meditation practice can decrease cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, suggesting it can lower stress and potentially reduce the risk of stress-related conditions.Meditation has been found to improve symptoms of depression. Research indicates it can reduce depression and anxiety by 46% and 31% respectively after 8 weeks of practice.It increases self-awareness and helps gain new perspectives on stressful situations.Meditation enhances focus and attention span. One study found it can increase focus by 14% after 4 weeks.Physical Health:Regular meditation practice has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce strain on the heart and blood vessels.It can improve sleep quality and help with insomnia.Meditation may help manage chronic pain conditions when combined with medical care.Some studies suggest meditation can boost immune function and reduce inflammation in the body.Spiritual Growth:While not explicitly mentioned in the scientific studies cited, people use meditation as a spiritual practice to deepen their faith and connection to the divine. The focused attention and mindfulness cultivated through meditation can support spiritual growth and reflection.Meditation increases compassion and positive emotions towards oneself and others.It can foster a sense of inner peace and presence, which aligns with spiritual beliefs.Scientific research strongly supports the mental, emotional, and physical health benefits of regular meditation practice. While spiritual benefits are more subjective, many find meditation enhances their spiritual life as well.Citations: https://www.weliahealth.org/2022/07/meditation-and-benefits-for-our-mental-health/ https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/10-health-benefits-of-meditation-and-how-to-focus-on-mindfulness-and-compassion/2022/12 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10355843/ https://www.headspace.com/meditation/benefits https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditationAligning Meditation with Spiritual BeliefsChristian ContextIn a Christian context, meditation is most beneficial when it focuses on God’s teachings and presence.Reflecting on verses, praying, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit are ways to integrate meditation into one's spiritual life.This form of meditation aligns well with the spiritual practice and religious traditions of Christianity.Respecting Religious BoundariesIt’s essential to respect the boundaries of one's religious beliefs.While some forms of meditation may align well with Christian practices, others rooted in Eastern religions or various beliefs might not.It's about finding a balance that respects and enhances your faith without crossing into practices that conflict with it.Practical StepsIf you’re looking to incorporate meditation into your daily routine, start with a quiet time each day to reflect on a Bible verse.Gradually, this can become a form of prayer and meditation that fits comfortably within your religious beliefs.Setting aside daily time for this practice can enhance your spiritual journey and foster a deeper connection with God.Addressing Common ConcernsMeditation and the Kingdom of GodMeditation can help one center on the Kingdom of God and understand God's law more deeply. By regularly meditating on scriptures, Christians can gain a greater understanding of spiritual lessons and how they apply to their lives.Avoiding Potential PitfallsSome Christians worry that meditation might lead them away from their faith.Meditation can ensure that the practice strengthens rather than weakens one's spiritual path.Avoiding practices that invite thoughts of forbidden fruit or evil spirits is crucial in maintaining a pure meditation practice.Integrating Meditation into Christian LifeChristian meditation can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth.It’s about finding the right kind of meditation that aligns with your beliefs.Whether it's through Lectio Divina, a quiet prayer time, or simply reflecting on a scripture, integrating meditation into your daily routine can enrich your journey.Final WordsMeditation, in its various forms, offers benefits for mental, physical, and spiritual health. Whether it’s a sin depends on the context and method. For Christians, adding meditation can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth without conflicting with their beliefs.Next StepsWant to explore more about how to integrate meditation into your spiritual life? Check out our guide on Christian meditation techniques and start your journey towards a balanced and peaceful life today. Read the full article
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hsdigitalmedia · 4 days
Fundamentals of Web Design and Development
In the current digital era, a meticulously designed website is essential for building a robust online footprint. Whether you're new to web design or looking to deepen your understanding, grasping the fundamentals of both design and development can significantly impact your website's effectiveness in terms of user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO). Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the essentials and their pivotal roles in shaping your online success.
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Fundamentals of Web Design Web design encompasses the visual and interactive aspects of a website that users engage with: Layout and Structure: The arrangement of elements such as text, images, and navigation menus to ensure intuitive usability. Color Scheme and Typography: Use of colors and fonts that align with your brand identity and enhance readability. Visual Elements: Incorporation of graphics, icons, and multimedia elements to convey information and create an appealing aesthetic. Responsive Design: Ensuring the website displays properly on various devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones) by adapting its layout and content accordingly. Fundamentals of Web Development Web development centers on the technical execution and operational features of a website: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The basic building blocks that structure the content of web pages. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Stylesheets that dictate the presentation and layout of HTML elements. JavaScript: Empowering websites with interactive and dynamic elements for enhanced user engagement. Backend Development: Server-side scripting and database management (e.g., PHP, Python, MySQL) that support website functionality and data handling. Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress or Drupal that streamline content creation, editing, and management. Impact on User Experience (UX) Effective web design enhances UX in several critical ways: Navigation: Intuitive navigation and clear structure help users find information quickly and easily, reducing bounce rates. Visual Appeal: Aesthetically pleasing design elements and responsive layouts contribute to a positive user perception of your brand. Accessibility: Ensuring the website is usable by individuals with disabilities through inclusive design practices.
Impact on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Web design and development directly influence SEO through various factors: Mobile Optimization: Responsive design improves rankings on mobile search results, as mobile-friendliness is a key ranking factor for search engines like Google. Page Speed: Fast-loading websites rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) and provide better user experiences. SEO-Friendly Structure: Proper HTML markup, use of header tags (H1, H2, etc.), and semantic structure help search engines crawl and index your content effectively. User Experience Signals: Metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, and pages per visit indicate user engagement and quality of content, influencing SEO rankings.
By mastering these fundamental aspects of web design and development, businesses can create websites that not only attract visitors but also engage them effectively, driving conversions and achieving their digital marketing objectives.
Connect with HS Digital Media today to transform your website into a powerful digital asset that engages and converts visitors effectively.
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maxisdezign · 3 months
Indesign last session
When making a book, make sure pages are divisible by 4. Each piece of paper is worth 4 pages (fold a piece of paper in half, you'll have the left / right, and the other side of the paper too) = 4 halves.
Hold command + select outside of text box to deselect everything
W = preview the page(s) Shift + X = Swap fill e.g, clear fill, black stroke -> black fill, clear stroke
While dragging, hold option to duplicate the thing I'm dragging.
Type -> fill with place holder text
Shift + option + command + v = paste in place OR right click
Window -> Text wrap = text wrap options (wrap text around more text)
Select a text box with move tool (v) then in control panel is a column area, type in the number of column you want there.
Drag B-parent pages down to the pages i want to be effected by it instead of A - parent.
Select text and hold option + use arrow keys to change the spacing between lines (up down space)
Th pages menu is where we can see the pages we have in out InDesign file. Double click to go to the page.
If you put something on a parent page, it will apply that thing to all the pages. The [none] pages are the pages which the parent page does not apply to. When you make a B-parent page, you need to apply all the pages I want connected to the B-parent individually. Otherwise all the pages will be like the A-parent page.
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Click both pages A. (shift click, or press the a-parent words) THEN press new layer - this when create new parent layer B OR Drag the A parent pages to make a b-parent page which will copy everything from the A parent page.
Drag the [none] page on top of the pages you want to not be connected to the parent page.
Go to A-parent page, then add page numbers at the bottom of the pages, e.g, 'Page 1' Then highlight the number for the page, e.g, '1'. Then press: Type > insert special character > marker > current page number. (IMG below) This will mean that every page will now say the page number it is. (it will say 'page A' in the parent page, because it is parent page A)
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To change the margins of pages at the same time: Click + shift click (select both parent pages) Then, Layout -> margins and columns -> change settings. The chain feature clicked will change the aspects individually. The chain full (unclicked) will modify all the settings together.
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Make a new layer Highlight page number (shift click to select multiple) Then get the small blue square on layer panel and drag up to the new layer named 'page numbers' to put the page numbers into the new layer.
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Go into move (v) tool then in control panel see: I pressed align to page.
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Centering boxes and entering text is different. Left is boxes (img 1) right is text (img2)
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This red icon here means there is text in the box which cant be seen (too much text in tiny box) I can link one text box to another. Click the red plus icon on the text box (shown below and then click the new text box which i want to connect the original text box with.
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I am finding InDesign very fun to use. This book we made in class was easy to catch along to using the different page types and and the controls of InDesign. I am very excited to make a book as our next task!
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soberaniasar · 8 days
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#separator#clear: both; text-align: center;#El INTA desarrolla un queso que ayuda a reducir el colesterol <p></p><div class= style=><a href#por porción. Es un desarrollo del INTA y de la empresa cordobesa Lácteos Capilla del Señor S. A.#en línea con la tendencia mundial hacia una alimentación más saludable.<p></p><p><br /></p><p>En la actualidad#existe una tendencia mundial hacia una alimentación más saludable por lo que los consumidores demandan cada vez más productos naturales y f#un equipo de especialistas del Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos (ITA) del INTA desarrolló la tecnología que incorpora los fitoesteroles#compuestos de origen vegetal#ayudan a reducir los niveles de colesterol total y del LDL#conocido como colesterol malo#en el consumidor”.</p><p><br /></p><p>Está demostrado que la ingesta diaria de 2 gramos de fitoesteroles libres#en el marco de una dieta equilibrada y de estilos de vida saludables#contribuyen a una reducción de entre el 7 y el 10 % de los niveles de colesterol. Estas cantidades se logran al consumir dos porciones de 3#los tocoferoles −antioxidantes−#también de origen vegetal#ejercen un efecto protector sobre los demás nutrientes del alimento a la vez que una porción aporta un 30 % de los requerimientos diarios d#en el sentido de que queríamos diferenciarnos del mercado. Creo que estuvo en nuestro ADN hacer productos más saludables#porque consumir un queso ya de por sí es saludable”.</p><p><br /></p><p>Y agregó que “así fue cómo empezamos haciendo la muzzarella light e#que están patentados y que aportan elementos para reducir el colesterol#como fue el Port Salut y la muzarella light con fitoesteroles#que son compuestos de origen vegetal que ayudan a reducir los niveles de colesterol total y del LDL#conocido como colesterol malo en el consumidor#a los que también le sumamos antioxidantes naturales”.</p><p><br /></p><p>Adriana Descalzo −investigadora del INTA y una de las especialist#que es un queso de pasta blanda de alta humedad#consumido habitualmente en distintos momentos del día y en diversas preparaciones culinarias#pudiendo utilizarse en preparaciones frías o calientes”.</p><p><br /></p><p>En la Argentina existen pocos alimentos con fitoesteroles y el#2 porciones de este queso funcional aportan los 2 gramos de fitoesteroles necesarios para ayudar a reducir los niveles de colesterol del or#además#la mitad de la dosis diaria recomendada de vitamina E en su forma activa#el alfa-tocoferol.</p><p><br /></p><p><b>Quesos certificados</b></p><p><br /></p><p>Este queso cuenta con una certificación IRAM de BPM Sel
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anhdong · 4 months
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An example of rhythm in a publication design: The packaging design of the granola bar displays rhythm through its repeating patterns and dot sequences, which creates a dynamic flow that guides the eye across the package. Additionally, the arrangement of elements, such as the logo, product name, and key information, guides the eye in a rhythmic movement from one part of the packaging to another.
Typographic Hierarchy Example: The Career Handbook at MSU Russell Palmer Career Management Center serves as an example of typographic hierarchy. The page's design prioritizes the main topic of "Resume Help" by using larger or more prominent text for critical information such as utilizing VMock, making appointments with coaches and advisors, taking advantage of drop-in hours, and submitting documents for review. Details are presented in smaller text, establishing a clear order of importance on the page.
Letter with an Ascender: The packaging of Finish Powerball prominently features letters with ascenders, such as "f" and "h." Ascenders are the parts of letters that extend above the main body of the letter (the x-height), contributing to the readability and stylistic aspects of the typeface.
Letter with a Descender: The "f" in "Swiffer" on the Swiffer Heavy Duty Dry Cloths packaging is an example of a descender. Descenders are the parts of letters that extend below the baseline of the text, playing a crucial role in typeface character and legibility.
Letter with a Counter: The "e" in "Reese’s" on Reese's chocolate packaging illustrates a counter. Counters are the fully or partially enclosed spaces within letters, which are essential for letter recognition and aesthetic appeal.
Letter with a Crossbar: The "A" in "Dragon" on the Sambazon Organic Dragon Fruit packaging showcases a crossbar. A crossbar is the horizontal stroke in letters, connecting one side of a letter to another, or in the case of an "A," adding structural stability and stylistic flair.
Large X-Height Font: The Lindt chocolate packaging uses a font with a large x-height, where the main body of the letters (excluding any ascenders or descenders) is tall relative to the ascenders. This characteristic enhances legibility, especially in small print.
Small X-Height Font: The phrase "ultra concentrated ultra clean" demonstrates a font with a small x-height, where the ascenders are notably taller than the main body of the letters, giving a distinct visual hierarchy and emphasis.
Modernist Design: I found two examples for this: The first cover (9.1), featuring a subway map design, uses a clear and functional visual language with a structured layout, which reflects a modernist aesthetic. The second cover (9.2) uses bold, flat colors and geometric shapes which also align with modernist tendencies. Both covers emphasize simplicity and a structured, functional approach to design, hallmarks of the modernist movement.
Font Connoting More Than Text: The "Chanel" and "Eau Tendre" uses a font that not only says Chanel Perfume but also conveys elegance and luxury. This is an example of how font choice can evoke certain feelings or associations beyond the mere textual content, aligning with the brand's identity and the product's perceived value. Additionally, this font serves as a legacy element, consistently used across Chanel’s branding to maintain a strong and cohesive visual identity.
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gkms-blog · 4 months
Visualizing Impact: The Art and Science of Infographics in Modern Communication
In an era inundated with information, the ability to convey complex data and concepts in a clear and engaging manner is paramount. Enter the world of infographics, where the art and science of visual communication converge to create impactful representations of information. In this blog, we will explore the significance of infographics in modern communication and delve into the key elements that make them a powerful tool for conveying messages effectively.
The Power of Visual Communication
Humans are inherently visual beings, processing visual information faster than text. Infographics leverage this preference for visual content, transforming data, statistics, and ideas into visually appealing and easily digestible formats. Through the strategic use of design elements, color schemes, and layouts, infographics have the power to captivate and inform audiences in a way that traditional text alone often cannot.
Clarity in Complexity
One of the primary strengths of infographics lies in their ability to distill complex information into a clear and concise format. Instead of overwhelming the audience with lengthy paragraphs or raw data, infographics present information in a visually organized structure. This clarity is especially beneficial when communicating intricate processes, statistical trends, or comparisons.
Engaging Storytelling
Infographics are not just about data; they tell a story. By combining text and visuals, infographics create a narrative that guides the audience through the information seamlessly. Whether it's a timeline, a flowchart, or a comparison chart, the visual storytelling aspect of infographics enhances comprehension and retention, making the content more memorable.
Increased Memorability and Retention
Studies have shown that people remember visual information better than text. Infographics capitalize on this cognitive advantage, making information more memorable and increasing retention rates. The combination of images, colors, and concise text in infographics stimulates both the visual and verbal centers of the brain, reinforcing the message in the audience's memory.
Shareability and Virality
In the age of social media, the shareability of content is a significant factor in its success. Infographics are highly shareable due to their visually appealing nature and the ease with which they can be consumed. Whether shared on social platforms, embedded in blog posts, or included in presentations, infographics have the potential to go viral, reaching a broader audience and maximizing the impact of the communicated message.
Crafting Effective Infographics
Creating impactful infographics involves a careful balance of art and science. Start with a clear objective – what message or information do you want to convey? Identify key data points and organize them logically. Choose a visually appealing color scheme that aligns with your brand or the tone of the information. Utilize charts, graphs, icons, and illustrations to enhance understanding. Remember, simplicity is key – avoid clutter and unnecessary details.
Tools for Infographic Creation
Numerous online tools and software make creating infographics accessible even for those without graphic design expertise. Platforms like Canva, Piktochart, and Venngage offer user-friendly interfaces with pre-designed templates, allowing anyone to craft professional-looking infographics. For those with design skills, Adobe Illustrator provides a more advanced and customizable option.
Infographics in Various Contexts
Infographics find applications across diverse fields, from marketing and education to journalism and healthcare. They are effective in conveying product features, explaining processes, summarizing research findings, and presenting survey results. Whether used in print or digital media, infographics have become a versatile tool for communicating information in a visually compelling manner.
As we navigate the information-rich landscape of the digital age, infographics stand out as powerful instruments of communication. Their ability to distill complex information, engage through visual storytelling, enhance memorability, and facilitate shareability make them indispensable in modern communication strategies. Whether you are a marketer, educator, journalist, or communicator in any field, mastering the art and science of infographics can elevate your ability to convey impactful messages in an increasingly visual world.
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mediadesignspring2024 · 4 months
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the color palette for NSG's debut album is calm and understated with low saturation but high brightness, made up of mostly tertiary earth tones. I would say the colors are split complimentary, with a lot of similar tones plus a couple sharp contrasting ones to give it depth. the figures and the car are fairly symmetrical, yet the background is off-center, giving it very dynamic lines and playing with the rule of thirds both horizontally and vertically. the lines of the background draw your eyes into the figures, with the text and visual motifs front and center yet quite subtle.
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The Last of Loving by Coco
for this single, Coco has utilized an essence of the golden ratio in the beautiful spiral this contemporary photograph creates. this is pretty high saturation and brightness, with a very cool, clear, and refreshing feel. the bodies being underwater creates quite an interesting abstraction, and the reflections of the water create a dynamic pattern. both of these parts, as well as the lack of alignment, connote movement and freshness, which makes a lot of sense for what this single sounds like. the colors are mostly blue and pink tones — not quite primary colors but pretty close, explaining why they go so well together.
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We Go Again by ENNY
the graininess of the film (or film effect) is beautiful on ENNY's album cover, and really adds to the feeling of creativity and flow. it is a very analogous palette with all the warm earth tones that are mostly primary and tertiary. these hues connote joy, optimism, and emotion, all which correspond well with the sound of the album. parts of this image are fairly high in saturation, though the figure is fairly underexposed with low brightness.
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sojib2024 · 4 months
Best Laptops 2024: Buy As Per Your Requirements
<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need-1.png" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="320" data-original-height="350" data-original-width="730" src="https://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need-1.png"/></a></div>
<a href="https://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need-1.png"></a>
Whether you are a freelancer, business owner, student, office worker, or play PC games, a laptop is one of the most significant gadgets you can buy. Best Laptops 2024 can have a major effect on your productivity. 
You may spend eight hours a day using your laptop for work as well as even more if you use it for movies, gaming, browsing social media, etc. It is not easy to get the best laptop possible — one that suits your needs and budget.
In this blog, we list the Best Laptops 2024 available right now, along with their features, pros, and cons.
<img src="http://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need.png" alt="Best Laptops 2024: Buy One As Per Your Need"/>
Best Laptops 2024- Buy a laptop that meets your  equirements
Whether you are a remote professional, a digital nomad, or simply somebody seeking to optimize their home office, your laptop choice can make a world of difference.
With this in mind, we have meticulously curated a selection of Best Laptops 2024 catering to various needs
01. Apple MacBook Pro 14 (M3, 2023)-Best Premium Laptop
The Apple MacBook Pro 14 is a wonderful workstation. The M2 Pro can handle nearly every type of workload, including demanding tasks like video editing as well as 3D rendering. You can also do all of your colour work, as the display has full DCI P3 coverage as well as superb factory calibration. 
Apple MacBook Pro 14 M2 Pro is extremely portable, and fast, and packs a splendid display in a slim profile. And it can reach 24 hours as well as 12 minutes of battery life, the longest of any laptop we have tested.
It has a 12th-gen Intel or AMD Ryzen chip and achieves extreme brightness levels in HDR content owing to Apple’s mini-LED, Liquid Retina XDR display. It also offers more hardware upgrades than most laptops of similar size.
Also, most Windows laptops cannot beat Apple in battery life as well as struggle to deliver the same performance across both CPU as well as GPU without inflating weight or size.
 Blistering performance
Vibrant mini-LED display
Superb battery life
The good port selection contains HDMI and SD Card
Faster Wi-Fi 6E
No Face ID support
02. Lenovo Yoga 7i 16 -best midrange laptop
Lenovo’s 14-inch Yoga 7i Gen 7 is the most polished in a long line of successful 2-in-1 Best Laptops 2024, with a stellar design and superb battery life.
Yoga laptop delivers a strong performance as well as a spacious, bright display with Dolby Vision support. The fingerprint reader is easy to use for secure login as well as identification, there is an included stylus, as well as it comes loaded with 16GB of fast DDR5 memory.
Great design
Relatively affordable
Solid port selection
Great speakers and keyboard
Heavy and not portable
The display is a bit dim
03. ASUS TUF Dash F15 -best budget gaming laptop
The Asus TUF Dash F15 is the best in class in merging an attainable price with an elegant form factor. It has strong performance in a chassis that will not weigh you down when you need to go somewhere. It has several of the longest battery life in a gaming laptop nowadays. 
The best budget laptop is available with Intel 12th Gen. CPUs as well as NVIDIA discrete graphics, which are powerful enough to provide a smooth gaming experience in demanding AAA titles. 
Its performance does not drop, so you get consistent frame rates when gaming for a long period. You can get the laptop with a faster FHD 300Hz or QHD 165Hz display, which will perform better. The upgradeability is also very good.
CPU and GPU can handle demanding tasks.
Minimal performance loss under load.
High-refresh display options.
Spacious and tactile keyboard.
User-replaceable memory and storage.
144Hz display has a slow response time as well as does not support VRR.
Gets hot and loud under load.
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<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need-1.png" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="320" data-original-height="350" data-original-width="730" src="https://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need-1.png"/></a></div>
<a href="https://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need-1.png"></a>
Whether you are a freelancer, business owner, student, office worker, or play PC games, a laptop is one of the most significant gadgets you can buy. Best Laptops 2024 can have a major effect on your productivity. 
You may spend eight hours a day using your laptop for work as well as even more if you use it for movies, gaming, browsing social media, etc. It is not easy to get the best laptop possible — one that suits your needs and budget.
In this blog, we list the Best Laptops 2024 available right now, along with their features, pros, and cons.
<img src="http://techbuyinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Best-Laptops-2024-Buy-One-As-Per-Your-Need.png" alt="Best Laptops 2024: Buy One As Per Your Need"/>
Best Laptops 2024- Buy a laptop that meets your  equirements
Whether you are a remote professional, a digital nomad, or simply somebody seeking to optimize their home office, your laptop choice can make a world of difference.
With this in mind, we have meticulously curated a selection of Best Laptops 2024 catering to various needs
01. Apple MacBook Pro 14 (M3, 2023)-Best Premium Laptop
The Apple MacBook Pro 14 is a wonderful workstation. The M2 Pro can handle nearly every type of workload, including demanding tasks like video editing as well as 3D rendering. You can also do all of your colour work, as the display has full DCI P3 coverage as well as superb factory calibration. 
Apple MacBook Pro 14 M2 Pro is extremely portable, and fast, and packs a splendid display in a slim profile. And it can reach 24 hours as well as 12 minutes of battery life, the longest of any laptop we have tested.
It has a 12th-gen Intel or AMD Ryzen chip and achieves extreme brightness levels in HDR content owing to Apple’s mini-LED, Liquid Retina XDR display. It also offers more hardware upgrades than most laptops of similar size.
Also, most Windows laptops cannot beat Apple in battery life as well as struggle to deliver the same performance across both CPU as well as GPU without inflating weight or size.
 Blistering performance
Vibrant mini-LED display
Superb battery life
The good port selection contains HDMI and SD Card
Faster Wi-Fi 6E
No Face ID support
02. Lenovo Yoga 7i 16 -best midrange laptop
Lenovo’s 14-inch Yoga 7i Gen 7 is the most polished in a long line of successful 2-in-1 Best Laptops 2024, with a stellar design and superb battery life.
Yoga laptop delivers a strong performance as well as a spacious, bright display with Dolby Vision support. The fingerprint reader is easy to use for secure login as well as identification, there is an included stylus, as well as it comes loaded with 16GB of fast DDR5 memory.
Great design
Relatively affordable
Solid port selection
Great speakers and keyboard
Heavy and not portable
The display is a bit dim
03. ASUS TUF Dash F15 -best budget gaming laptop
The Asus TUF Dash F15 is the best in class in merging an attainable price with an elegant form factor. It has strong performance in a chassis that will not weigh you down when you need to go somewhere. It has several of the longest battery life in a gaming laptop nowadays. 
The best budget laptop is available with Intel 12th Gen. CPUs as well as NVIDIA discrete graphics, which are powerful enough to provide a smooth gaming experience in demanding AAA titles. 
Its performance does not drop, so you get consistent frame rates when gaming for a long period. You can get the laptop with a faster FHD 300Hz or QHD 165Hz display, which will perform better. The upgradeability is also very good.
CPU and GPU can handle demanding tasks.
Minimal performance loss under load.
High-refresh display options.
Spacious and tactile keyboard.
User-replaceable memory and storage.
144Hz display has a slow response time as well as does not support VRR.
Gets hot and loud under load.
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