#cleaner robot
lynxclearobot · 7 days
Case Study: How to Solve the Problem of Loud Noise from Window Cleaning Robots?
How to Solve the Problem of Loud Noise from Window Cleaning Robots? 
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Beila, a purchasing officer for a cleaning company, came to us after receiving frequent complaints about the loud noise of the window cleaner they used to use. While the robots performed well in terms of cleaning efficiency, they produced a loud noise that disrupted the working environment inside the building. The office staff began to complain about the noise, which affected productivity and created a distraction, especially during important meetings. Frustrated with the situation, the building management team reached out to us to find a solution that would maintain the cleaning efficiency while minimizing noise.
The primary challenge was to reduce the noise produced by the window cleaning robots without compromising their cleaning effectiveness. The client needed a quieter solution that could operate during office hours without disrupting the staff, yet still maintain the pristine condition of the building’s glass facade.
After analyzing the problem and implementing targeted modifications, we successfully reduced the noise level of the window cleaning robots by 60%, allowing them to operate without disturbing the office environment. The robots now clean the building’s windows efficiently while maintaining a quiet operation, greatly improving the overall working atmosphere. Check out our custom products
How We Do It
1. Initial Noise Assessment: We began by conducting a thorough noise assessment of the window cleaning robots in action. This involved measuring the decibel levels at various points throughout the cleaning cycle and identifying the specific components contributing to the noise. 2. Hardware Modifications: Our team focused on making hardware adjustments to the window cleaning robots. This included redesigning certain parts to minimize vibration and introducing sound-dampening materials in key areas to absorb noise during operation. 3. Software Adjustments: In addition to hardware changes, we fine-tuned the software to optimize the robots’ movements. By adjusting the speed and cleaning patterns, we were able to make the robots operate more smoothly, further reducing noise levels. 4. Testing and Validation: After the modifications, we tested the robots in real-world conditions within the office tower. We monitored noise levels and ensured that the cleaning performance remained consistent, with no drop in the quality of the results. 5. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: To ensure long-term success, we provided the building management team with a maintenance plan to keep the robots operating quietly. We also offered technical support to address any future noise issues or performance concerns.
This case study demonstrates how we were able to effectively address the issue of loud noise from window cleaning robots while maintaining their efficiency. By implementing hardware and software modifications, we provided a quieter solution that allowed the client to enjoy the benefits of automation without compromising the comfort of their office environment.
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x-onmining · 21 days
Case Study: How to Solve the Problem of an Unstable Robotic Window Cleaner Program?
How to Solve the Problem of an Unstable Robotic Window Cleaner Program?
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A leading real estate firm, managing multiple high-rise buildings, integrated robotic window cleaners into their maintenance routine to streamline operations and reduce manual labor. However, shortly after deployment, the company faced unexpected challenges with the robots' software. The cleaning robots frequently experienced glitches, leading to interruptions during cleaning cycles and missed areas on the windows. These issues not only affected the appearance of the buildings but also frustrated the maintenance team, who had to frequently intervene. Seeking a solution to ensure seamless operation, the firm approached us for assistance.
The primary challenge was the recurring instability of the robotic window cleaner software. The robots would often stop midway through their cleaning tasks or fail to navigate properly, resulting in incomplete cleaning. The client needed a reliable solution that would stabilize the program and restore the efficiency of their automated cleaning system.
Through targeted analysis and software enhancement, we successfully resolved the instability issues. The robotic window cleaners now perform their tasks without interruption, consistently delivering spotless results. The improvements not only met the client’s operational needs but also enhanced the overall efficiency of their maintenance process, leading to higher satisfaction across the board. Check out our custom products
How We Do It
1. Comprehensive System Audit: We began by conducting a thorough audit of the robotic cleaners’ software and hardware systems. This process involved examining error logs, user reports, and performing real-time diagnostics to identify the specific causes of the instability. 2. Custom Software Enhancement: Our technical team developed a custom software update tailored to address the identified issues. This update included bug fixes and enhancements that improved the robots’ navigation and operational stability. 3. Firmware Upgrade and Testing: Alongside the software update, we upgraded the robots' firmware to ensure compatibility with the latest technology standards. We then conducted extensive testing under various conditions to validate the stability and efficiency of the updated program. 4. Implementation and Monitoring: After deploying the software and firmware upgrades, we closely monitored the robots’ performance during their initial cleaning cycles. This allowed us to fine-tune the system and ensure consistent operation without any further disruptions. 5. Implementation and Monitoring: After deploying the software and firmware upgrades, we closely monitored the robots’ performance during their initial cleaning cycles. This allowed us to fine-tune the system and ensure consistent operation without any further disruptions.
This case study highlights our ability to diagnose and resolve complex software issues in robotic systems, ensuring reliable and efficient performance. The successful stabilization of the robotic window cleaner program not only solved the client’s immediate problem but also reinforced our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions in building maintenance technology.
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thehmn · 1 year
One of the offices where I clean got robot vacuums. The first time I showed up and saw them buzzing around the people working there looked all apologetic but I could not have been more thrilled about it!
People who have never worked as cleaners are always really focused on the cleaning toilet part when in reality that’s the least of it. It would be like being focused on nurses having to clean bums. When I think of my job it’s 70% cleaning floors in my head. It takes up so much time that could be way better spent. Those little robot angels mean I can get straight to washing floors and suddenly the whole place is so much cleaner because even if they got the robots that wash the floors too I wouldn’t have less work, I’d just have more time to clean coffee splatter off the fucking doors and window frames! More robot vacuums in workplaces please!
Unrelated, but I always inform the owners if I find signs of mice in a business. I kept telling this one business that a mouse was chewing up the trash bag in the kitchen and they were like “yeah yeah we’ll take care of it” but they never did and today a huge mumba of a yellow-necked mouse fell out of the bag as I pulled it out of the trash can and it’s been a while since I laughed that hard. I’m not afraid of mice or rats other than I don’t want them to bite me so I got out of the way and let it run off and I’m like “I’ve told them a million times that you and your family is here so fuck it. Godspeed little buddy” There’s your start to that children’s book about a magical relationship between a mouse and a human I know you always wanted to write.
Just cleaner things ya know?
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mumatsi · 5 months
humbly requesting some streetcleaner/mindflayer. the yuri of ever. the silly girls of robot world.
Too much, even for the Streetcleaner
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sleepy-merchants · 6 months
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she's organising a barbeque
twas on tweetor first @ MerchantsArt
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cyanopicas · 5 months
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a streetcleaner!
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some days it be like that
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stevebattle · 10 months
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Daisy (2000), iRobot, Bedford, MA. Daisy is one of the earliest Roomba prototypes, with its control board mounted outside the shell allowing easy access for debugging. "iRobot is dedicated to building practical robots that make a difference in people's lives. Roomba fits that description perfectly. We drew upon our understanding of low-cost manufacturing, easy-to-use interfaces and technical robotic know-how to build prototypes that led to the world's first reliable, affordable home robot." – iRobot.
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bullworthtownfm · 6 months
You’d never know that Ryuji of all people would be excited to receive a 🧹 vacuum cleaner as a gift 🤣 These are all reactions from Ryuji Sakamoto for all the gifts you can give to him (of course, some gifts may lead to more hilarious scenes than others lol) Unfortunately, even in a relationship thanks to the Gay Joker Mod, Ryuji is still not impressed about getting a 💍 Heart Ring as a gift 😂
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lynxclearobot · 13 days
Case Study: How Does Our Window Cleaner Robotic Make Windows Shine?
How Does Our Window Cleaner Robotic Make Windows Shine.
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A luxury residential complex, known for its stunning modern architecture with expansive glass windows, was facing challenges in keeping those windows spotless. The property management team was spending a lot on traditional window cleaning services, but the results were often inconsistent, with streaks and spots marring the beauty of the buildings. Frustrated by the high costs and less-than-perfect results, they reached out to us to see if our window cleaner robotic solution could offer a better, more reliable way to maintain their property's gleaming appearance.
The main challenge was ensuring that the window cleaner robotic devices could deliver spotless, streak-free results consistently across the complex's numerous glass surfaces. The client needed a solution that would not only enhance the visual appeal of the buildings but also reduce the time and cost associated with manual window cleaning.
By integrating our advanced window cleaner robotics, the residential complex now boasts windows that are consistently clean and streak-free, with significantly reduced cleaning times and costs. The robotic solution has not only met but exceeded the client's expectations, maintaining the high standard of cleanliness required for such a prestigious property. Check out our custom products
How We Do It
1. Thorough Site Evaluation: We started by evaluating the specific cleaning needs of the residential complex. This involved analyzing the type and size of the windows, the height and accessibility of the surfaces, and the typical environmental factors that contributed to dirt buildup. This assessment allowed us to tailor the robotic cleaners to the unique demands of the property. 2. Robotic Programming and Calibration: Our team programmed the window cleaner robotics with advanced algorithms designed to adapt to the complex's window configurations. We calibrated the robots to ensure they could navigate seamlessly across large, uninterrupted glass surfaces and reach the more challenging areas, such as corners and edges, without leaving any streaks or smudges. 3. Automated Cleaning Schedule: To maximize efficiency, we set up an automated cleaning schedule that aligns with the property's maintenance routine. This schedule allows the robots to clean the windows at optimal times, ensuring they remain spotless throughout the day without disrupting the residents. 4. Ongoing Performance Monitoring: After the deployment, we continuously monitored the performance of the window cleaner robotics. We collected data on cleaning efficiency, battery life, and any potential issues, making adjustments as necessary to ensure peak performance. This proactive approach ensured that the robots consistently delivered high-quality results. 5. Cost and Time Savings: The integration of our robotic solution drastically reduced the time and cost associated with window cleaning. The robots not only worked faster than traditional methods but also required minimal human intervention, freeing up resources and reducing the need for ongoing manual labor.
This case study illustrates how our window cleaner robotics can transform the maintenance of glass surfaces in residential and commercial properties. By delivering consistent, high-quality cleaning results with reduced costs and effort, our robotic solution has become an invaluable asset to the luxury residential complex, ensuring that their windows always shine brilliantly.
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x-onmining · 23 days
Case Study: How to Solve the Problem of Window Cleaner Robot Leaving Streaks on Windows
How to Solve the Problem of Window Cleaner Robot Leaving Streaks on Windows.
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Our client is a prestigious property management company overseeing multiple high-end residential complexes. These buildings boast large, luxurious glass windows that require impeccable cleanliness to maintain their aesthetic appeal and ensure tenant satisfaction. Traditional cleaning methods were proving to be inefficient and costly, prompting the client to seek an innovative solution. The company chose LINCINCO’s window cleaner robots to handle this task, expecting high-quality results that would meet their standards.
While LINCINCO’s window cleaner robots significantly improved cleaning efficiency and safety, the client noticed a persistent issue: the robots were occasionally leaving streaks on the windows. These streaks detracted from the pristine appearance of the glass surfaces, leading to complaints from tenants and concerns from the property management team. The client needed a solution that would eliminate streaks and deliver consistently spotless windows.
The implementation of the streak-free technology resulted in a dramatic improvement in the cleaning quality. The client reported that the windows were consistently spotless, with no streaks left behind. This solution not only resolved the issue but also enhanced tenant satisfaction and upheld the high standards of the property management company. Check out our custom products
How We Do It
1. Initial Consultation and Analysis: We began with a thorough consultation to understand the client’s specific concerns regarding streaks. Our team conducted a detailed analysis of the cleaning process, identifying the factors contributing to streak formation. 2. Development of Streak-Free Technology: Based on our findings, our engineers designed advanced streak-free cleaning mechanisms. These included optimized cleaning pads, improved water and detergent distribution systems, and enhanced drying techniques to prevent streak formation. 3. Prototype Testing and Refinement: We developed prototypes featuring the new streak-free technology and subjected them to rigorous testing. Multiple iterations were performed to refine the technology and ensure it effectively eliminated streaks under various conditions. 4. Full Deployment and Staff Training: Once the prototypes met all performance criteria, we deployed the upgraded window cleaner robots across the client’s properties. We provided comprehensive training for the maintenance staff to ensure they could operate the new robots effectively and maintain optimal performance. 5. Ongoing Monitoring and Support: After deployment, we continued to monitor the robots’ performance and provided ongoing support. Regular maintenance and updates ensured the robots remained effective in delivering streak-free results, addressing any issues promptly.
LINCINCO’s dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction led to the successful resolution of the streak problem in our window cleaner robots. This case study demonstrates our ability to deliver customized, high-tech solutions that meet specific client challenges, ensuring top-notch results and enhanced satisfaction. Our collaboration with the property management company not only solved their streak issues but also reinforced LINCINCO’s reputation as a leader in intelligent cleaning robots.
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webdiggerxxx · 7 months
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rachell-redacted · 1 year
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I did a new design! Share it to support me!
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7itch0zero · 9 months
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solarpunkbusiness · 3 months
Start-up launches new solar-powered, self-driving boats to clean up ocean waste
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Hong Kong-based marine tech start-up Clearbot is set to launch a new generation of bigger solar-powered autonomous boats to boost its efforts to clean up polluted waters in India.
Clearbot's latest fleet of self-driving electric boats will each have the capacity to pick up around 500kg of plastic waste and other rubbish from the ocean when they are expected to be deployed in March. That is double the capacity of each of the company's current water-borne robotic cleaners operating in the seas and lakes of India.
The start-up founded by University of Hong Kong graduates is hoping to electrify the marine services industry, according to Utkarsh Goel, co-founder and chief technology officer.
"We want to build these boats that do this dirty, dirty job that is happening with [manned, diesel] boats around the world and automate them and make them more sustainable," said Goel in an interview.
Established in 2019, Clearbot started off as a student project to help Indonesian surfers clean up waterways efficiently, as locals were unable to deal with the flow of rubbish. The project led Goel and co-founder Sidhant Gupta to understand the demand for sustainable infrastructure in the marine services industry globally.
In the past year, Clearbot has deployed 13 boats which can each collect up to 250kg of plastic waste per day to tackle projects in Hong Kong and India, Goel said. The self-navigating electric vessels collect waste from the surface of the water and deposit it in designated areas for collection and recycling.
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imagine-loki · 2 years
Imagine Lokitty riding a robot vacuum cleaner through the house.
Alternatively, imagine Loki in either his Aesir or Jötun form riding a robot vacuum cleaner through the house. Just… sitting cross-legged, pretending to ride into battle…
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