#mindflayer x street cleaner
mumatsi · 5 months
humbly requesting some streetcleaner/mindflayer. the yuri of ever. the silly girls of robot world.
Too much, even for the Streetcleaner
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thatonecurlygirl · 6 years
Just Stories
Fandom: Stranger Things
dad!Steve x Reader
Request: The kids are babysitting (they are a bit older). Steve is a bit apprehensive letting them look after his two children but y/n says they’ll be fine and the adventure begins when the parents leave. @abbiefangirls247
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Your nerves are all over as you sit on the couch watching your two young ones run around and play. Steve walks through the living room, smelling of cologne and hair product, dressed for your anniversary date tonight. Steve ruffles Danny’s hair as he walks past and sits on the couch beside you, pulling you close and kissing your forehead. The two of you just sit there while your four and seven-year-old chase each other and play tag until the kids come to babysit.
“Knock knock.” As if on cue the front door opens and in walks Lucas, Max and Dustin with arms full of snack foods and movies. “Who’s ready to have some fun!?” Dustin exclaims, kicking the door closed behind him.
“Me me me!” The kids shout in unison as they jump up and down. The two of them love the other kids — well young adults — to pieces, which makes leaving them to babysit a little easier.
“Lily should be getting tired here soon and Danny had a nap earlier but he’ll take himself to bed when he’s tired. I just wouldn’t let them stay up past nine-thirty or ten.” You grab Steve’s wallet, pulling out some money for each of the kids. “We should be back around…” You trail off, looking back at Steve.
“Depends on where the night takes us.” He says with a sly smile as he gives you a playful wink.
“Oh stop that.” You gasp, lightly smacking him on the chest and the three stand there shifting their weight from one foot to the other. “We shouldn’t be out too late but make yourselves comfortable, Y'all know where everything is at.”
“If you need anything, y/n’s parent’s number is on the fridge,” Steve says picking up Lily as she tries climbing up his legs. “You two stinkers going to be good?” He asks, poking Lilly’s stomach with his finger.
“Yes, Daddy.” She responds in her small sing-song voice.
“You better.” He kisses her forehead and sets her back on the floor, leaning down to hug Danny.
“Mommy love you, we will see you later.” You smile, giving both the kids big hugs and kisses. “Okay, we good?” You ask, standing up and straightening out your dress.
“Yeah, yeah. You two lovebirds get going. Go enjoy your night.” Lucas smiles, practically pushing you and Steve out of the door.
“I’ll make sure they behave.” Max laughs as the two of you walk out the door and Lucas shuts it behind you.
Steve guides you to the vehicle, opening the door for you and making sure you are buckled in before closing the door and getting in on his side. After buckling in and starting up the engine he looks over at you and chuckles at the way you are staring at the house and bouncing in your seat as if you can’t wait to get out and have adult time for once. Steve was all for going out and having fun but was a little apprehensive about letting the teens that find trouble around every corner watch the kids. You figured if the Danny and Lily have someone young and fun it would be more like playing and having fun than being babysat and the kids love Steve’s teenagers.
“Steve, they will be fine.” You try to reassure him.
“You’re right, let’s go.” He says with a sigh as he nods his head, smiling at you.
Steve nods at you with a smile and pulls out of the driveway and takes off down the street. The early evening sky was just beginning to dim and the air cools slightly. The horizon, where the sun was starting to make its move on the Earth, was a beautiful magenta color that you and he drove toward.
“For you and you and the two of you,” Dustin says as he passes out candy and chips to everyone, sitting around the living room as some movie Lucas grabbed from his house is playing. “What is this movie?”
“Little Monsters, it’s one or Erica’s movies.” Lucas shrugs, popping a sour patch kid in his mouth.
“Are you sure this is an okay movie for them to be watching? It’s not going to be too scary is it?” Max asks, looking at the two little ones with their eyes glued to the television in front of them.
“Yeah, I mean it’s not like they are watching something about the Mindflayer or Demogorgon or Dart,” Lucas says the last one in a sharp voice, looking over at Dustin who throws his hands up in surrender.
“Hey, let's not bring that back-”
“What’s a Mindflayer and those other things?” Daniel asks both his and Lily’s attention turned to the three teenagers.
Dustin’s eyes fly wide as he looks over at Lucas and Max, who look equally as uncertain of what to say. Lucas begins to make an attempt to say something in response to Daniel’s question but ends up stuttering and falling over his words. Once both of the kids are looking at the older once in anticipation Max takes over in the explanation.
“It’s something you will learn about when you are older. You aren’t old enough to learn about that yet.” Max says as she punches Lucas in the arm.
“I’m seven, I’m a big boy. Lily is only four, she’s too little but I’m not.” He says as he holds his head high and puffs out his chest as he’s watched his Dad do plenty of times. “And Mommy says I act older than seven.”
Daniel folds his arms across his chest, looking at the three older kids in a way they’ve seen Steve look at them when he knows they aren’t telling the whole truth. The look Steve gives that makes Dustin crumble like a cookie each time but Dustin was determined to hold his ground, all three of the kids were. Once Daniel saw they were unwavering in their decision to not tell them, he knew exactly what to do that would have them ready to change the subject — it happens every time he asks Steve.
“How are babies made?” He asks tilting his head to the side, honestly wanting to know but needing to know about the things they were talking about earlier.
“We are going to have to go on dates without the little munchkins more often.” Steve smiles at you as he pulls up into the drive. “Maybe send them to your parents for the night next time.” He winks, leaning in and kissing you once the car is in park and the engine cut.
“I like the sound of that.” You smile.
Movement in your peripheral vision catches your attention. Your head snaps over to the big bay window with the curtains drawn closed and the shadow moving across it. The figure holds up a bat-shaped object, almost exactly like the nail-ridden bat Steve had hidden in the closet. You watch it make contact with another shadow but this one is almost monster-like. Your heart drops to your stomach as you start fumbling with the handle to pull it open.
Steve reacted faster than you before you knew it he was out of the car and running up to the door, dropping his keys on the way. By the time he recovers his keys and makes it back to the door you as close behind him. He shoves the key in and unlocks the door, pushing it open and letting it fly back and slam against the way, probably creating a hole in the wall where it made contact. There stands everything you were watching go down from the other side of the curtain.
“What the hell is going on?” Steve asks, his heart beating fast and voice a little louder than necessary.
“Oh, hi Daddy.” Danny says with a smile and the three older ones stare with wide, surprised eyes. “You like my superhero outfit?”
Daniel stands there in front of the window, a plastic bat with pipe cleaners taped to look like nails resting on his shoulder. He has jeans, sneakers, a denim jacket — the whole nine yards — the kid even hair plastic gloves on his hands and a bandana tied around to cover his mouth. He looked exactly like his dad did that day you ran found him and the kids caught up in monster drama.
“What have you been doing?” You ask, trying to bite back a giggle as you pick up one of Lily’s animal puppets from the floor.
“They were telling me stories about something-gordons.” Danny responds with a smile that wrinkles his nose, just like yours.
“Demogorgons?” Steve shouts.
“Shh, she’s asleep.” Max puts her finger to her lips and then points to Lily on the couch.
“And Mindflayer and his dogs.” Danny jumps up and down, excited as he swings the bat down on the puppets.
“Okay, that’s enough for tonight. Tell Dustin, Lucas and Max goodbye.” You say as you take the toy bat from his small hands.”And then head off to bed, Daddy and I will be in there soon.”
“Bye, thanks for playing with me.” He skips off to his bedroom, waving goodbye.
“I can’t believe you told him those stories, he’s just seven,” Steve says disappointed as he stares at the three teenagers, standing to their feet.
“And that is exactly what they are to him, just stories, he will be fine.” You sigh as you pick a sleeping Lily up in your arms. “If I’m not mistaken you drug him along with you while you went after one of those things, so you Steven Harrington, have no room to talk.”
Everyone is silent for a minute before Steve speaks again. “Okay, well you three get home safe.” Steve nods with a tired look on his face.
Once they leave and both the kids are tucked in and asleep, you and Steve reconvene in the bedroom. Tired and ready to be cuddled up against each other underneath the blankets. His body warm against yours and his the sound of his heartbeat soothing as the two of you lay there in the dark.
“Ya know, Danny looked just like you in that little outfit him and the kids put together.” You turn to face him, hand softly caressing his face. “We have some pretty cute kids.”
“Yes, we do. I have a pretty cute wife too.” He kisses your forehead.
“Pretty cute?” You gasp playfully.
“The cutest, especially when you called me out earlier. You used that ‘mom voice’ of yours and it was pretty hot.” He pulls you closer to him, placing kisses along your jaw and up to your lips. “Pretty damn hot.”
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