#clay x bloberta
pepsichel · 1 year
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mr & mrs cringe
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frosya1trotskaya · 21 days
Disgust and hatred in the family are the key to a happy marriage!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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ughmyreality · 7 months
maybe a fic of clay seeing bloberta cry and he gest sort of amused/surprised by it and gets curious about how this is the most emotion he's ever seen from her and eventually try to comfort her (very badly and awkwardly)
Hey, so I usually have something to say before I reveal the story but I actually don't have too much to say. I will say I did take a bit to write this so I hope you can understand. Anyway, I present "What's the Use of Crying?".
Bloberta isn't a crying type of person. It's one of the few redeeming qualities he sees in her. While some may find her nature to be cold, it was exactly what Clay prefers, someone like him.
Fine! He is a crier but does that really matter? The point is, Bloberta is the one that never cries, She rarely cracks a frown. But, there's a time for everything.
Clay walks the familiar path to his bedroom. It's a typical day, one filled with arguing and chaos. 
“Good night, Orel.” a feminine voice calls out. 
Clay stalls and waits for her to leave the room and step out into the hallway. When she does, the result isn��t what he was ready to see.
Their eyes meet and for the first time in a long time it was neither resentment or apathy, instead her eyes glaze over in sadness. 
Seeing him must have startled her because just as soon as they faced each other, she was gone. He doesn’t understand why she bothers to do this, there are only so many places you can hide in the house. It’s not like Bloberta was the most creative person either so naturally there is only one place that she would think to go.
Clay places a hand on the door handle and takes a steady breath. He knows he’s not very good at comforting people but he’s long since accepted that. Besides, it was often more trouble than what it's worth. If it had still been daylight he would have resorted to going out, finding something to ‘busy’ himself with. Unfortunately it was well into the night and entering their bedroom was the only option. He refuses to sleep on the couch one more night! Can’t she see that it’s hard on his back?
He finally gains the motivation to open the door. There sitting on her side of the room, as he expected, was Bloberta. Her tears had yet to cease, in fact she looked more distraught then she had just moments before.
… there was no reply. What a great start!
“Um, how are you doing?”
Clay runs his hand through his hair in exasperation. Out of all the times Bloberta wants to shut her mouth, it was the time he actually wanted her to speak.
“Do I need to take Orel into my study?”
For the first time since he entered, Bloberta speaks. Her hands rub against her eyes and she turns to look up at him.
“Why do you always assume that Orel’s done something wrong?”
“Well, did he?” 
She sighs while a few stray tears continue to fall. “No Clay.”
“That’s good.”
She struggles to keep her resolve but fails. Bloberta throws her hand up and speaks her mind. 
“I can't believe I let you take Orel to that hunting trip! You know the doctors sa-”
“You didn't ‘let me’ do anything. I took him on that trip because he needed to go.”
She laughs, making her look as crazy as he always thought she was. Tears mixed with hysterical laughter. 
“I knew you were going to be like this Clay. That’s why I don’t even try talking to you.”
“Fine, if that’s how you want to be. Good night!” he huffs.
This might seem like he’s angry but behind his angry mask, he’s relieved. There is only so long he can handle talking about ‘emotions’ before he starts to genuinely think. It’s one of the reasons he drinks to stop the insistent thinking. He starts to move to his side of the divider when he’s stopped by her voice.
“Do you ever think about what's going to happen when Orel grows up? We're hardly holding on as it is.”
“Orel's going to be fine. I just try not to think about it.” He whispers.
Clay keeps moving hoping she’d drop the conversation. What’s the point of thinking of the future anyway? The present is shitty enough as it is.
“At least we'll have a few more years with Shapey and Block… but of course they’ll eventually leave too.”
“Ha! At this rate Shapey and Block will never grow up enough to leave the house. God works in mysterious ways.”
“Ugh, Clay there's no need to rub it in. We haven't done a good job raising the boys and now they'll suffer for it! Sometimes I think my Mother was right.”
“Right about what?
“All the… negative things she’d say about me. Maybe I truly wasn’t cut out to be a Mom.”
Clay lays down in his bed and stares up at the ceiling. He feels calmer. Not under the scrutiny of her gaze.
“Well, I’m sure she was. Finally someone in your family who has some sense. You know Mother knows best.”
“Why would you say that to me Clay? Whatever, good night. Remember you have a early meeting tomor-”
What can he say?
What can he say?
What can he say?
What can he say?
“Well, um, you know you’re technically a mother now yourself. So by that logic, you're correct. Reverse psychology? Besides mother’s don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I had an excellent Mom and I still turned out fucked up. There’s still a chance that you could be the worst mother in the world and still have kids that turn out good.”
“Um… Thank you?”
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pyrothecroissant · 10 months
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ever notice the crisis on blobertas puppet? Like sometimes the height difference is so inconsistent, like does clay still grow or something? Blob and clay apparently didn’t stop growing. And I know it’s just how the puppets are made but it’s still something I noticed. Or bloberta is wearing bigger like platform shoes to become taller. If moral Orel had a season 4-5 I hope that the whole Roger x blob thing making the height of bloberta be fixed.
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feddlielanz · 5 months
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trancylovecraft · 6 months
Yandere clay vs bloberta puppington who share the same s/o?
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Ooh, This is gonna be a tough time for you.
Bloberta for a start is an obsessive, Absolutely desperate to the core yandere. She's focused on keeping you with her, Bloberta trying to be a sort of picturesque housewife to try to make you love her.
Clay on the other hand is a manipulative monster, Equally as delusional as his wife but in the worst way. Completely expecting you
These two sharing is kind of like tug of war.
On one side is Bloberta who becomes generally clinically insane when it comes to you, Genuinely unfazed if she has to kill in your name while being lovestruck all the same. She's delusional big time.
Clay on the other is still delusional, But instead of changing himself to fit his delusion like Bloberta, He's forcing you to fit his delusion instead. He's a manipulative monster who would kill for you if needed.
So in some ways, I suppose they're just two sides of the same coin.
At the beginning when they first meet you, I'd assume you'd be just moving into Moralton. Maybe next door or somewhere else in the neighbourhood.
They come over as a welcome party of sorts, Bloberta holding a casserole and Clay with his usual suburban-man smile. Both Orel and Shapey following close with them.
And of course you greet them with a smile and welcome them into your home, Both instantly become rather attracted to you. Maybe it was because of your kind smile, Your warm attitude that most in Moralton seemed to lack.
Bloberta loves you for your kind and demure nature, The one that welcomes her in and makes her feel included in your home. She falls first, Head over heels for sure.
Clay on the other hand falls for the way you play off of him, Your conversation has chemistry refined to the highest degree. Clay sure does fall, But just a little bit slower than Bloberta does.
It would probably go down the same route it would in my previous scenarios, That is if it was only one of them that fell. With how barren communication is in their marriage, None of them know the other's feelings.
Until they find out, That is.
It will NOT turn out well, I'll say that much. Both of them are rather possessive and sharing you isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind once they get into the world's quietest screaming match.
Even though their beds are separated: Clay sleeps on the couch tonight, And probably for the rest of his life if Bloberta has anything to say about it. Both of them instantly trying to scheme their own ways of getting you over on their side.
Clay himself is a manipulative yandere to the core, Using his influence as Mayor to pull your strings. He's definetly gonna be difficult to manage
Bloberta isn't stupid, Though she may get rather reckless and short-sighted when it comes to you, She knows what she's doing and can get serious when it comes down to it.
Clay would definetly be subtle in getting you to like him, Going for the more long-game approach.
He'd also try to get you drunk and see if any mistakes happen between you and him after that. Of course they're just mistakes, Nothing more! (Do anything shitty and he'll archive it for blackmail)
Clay may also happen to run into you while you're out in the town, Often stopping to make conversation with you. Sometimes he even joins you out on your trips!
When you're in stores, He often offers to pay for whatever you're particularly interested in. You try to decline but he's rather insistent, Clay mostly using this as a chance to make you feel indebt to him.
When you ask about Bloberta, Clay often just brushes past her with a smile. Some people who are visiting/or are unfamiliar with Clay may ask if you two are married, Which you vehemently deny while Clay just stands there with a smug smile.
Bloberta? Subtle? Not compatible. I feel like she would definetly give much bolder hints than Clay would, When you're walking out from church she may or may not leave a lingering hand on your shoulder, One that almost refuses to let go.
She comes over to your house every other day with a tray of baked goods, One's that she's made sure that you'd love (Most definetly by stalking). Bloberta stays over as long as possible, Gossiping about townspeople and most especially Clay!
She's definetly giving off-hand comments about him, Remarking how lacklustre he is in bed, How he has just a tad bit of a drinking problem. Wink wink.
She definetly also insists that you do your shopping together, You know, Girl's day outs and such. Sometimes you even have evening drinks together, Bloberta becoming much more open on her affections with you.
Would also be a victory for her when you off-handedly admit that you like women as well as men. You'd definetly panic afterwards while Bloberta promises that she'll keep it a secret (Inside she's feeling victorious and has something to hold over you if need be.)
Between the two, Bloberta would DEFINETLY use Clay and Stopframe's affair against him. She knows it's happening and she has evidence to prove it.
Clay on the other hand will use Bloberta's attempts at infidelity against her. Both have evidence against each other
Unfortunately they stay together for the sake of appearances and somewhat the kids. While both would rather.. Let the other go, They have no choice but to stay "happily" married.
Imagine their fighting to get much more prominent, Maybe even coming up in public. All in that passive-aggressive tone that they're use to, Just a little more on the latter side.
You are none the wiser, You're just happy with your new house and town that you live in. Everyone is so welcoming here! Ignore the people that may or may not go missing if they slight you, They don't really matter right now.
You ever get into a semi-working, Somewhat willing relationship?
You all being a polyamorous couple has to be kept on the downlow in Moralton, Considering the religious stigma and all. You being mostly introduced as a close family friend when out in public (If you're allowed out, That is.)
You'll be treated very well but will be tossed about like a frisbee. I wouldn't put it past them to make a schedule for you, Like maybe some hours you get Bloberta and others you get Clay.
The two beds that they have? GONE. Get's turned into one big bed so they don't need to schedule what bed you go to every night. Though you will ALWAYS be in the middle, Both of them staring intensely at each other from each side as you as you sleep.
Orel will be need to be told some fake bible teaching by Clay so he won't go telling people he has two mothers. You'll probably be introduced to him as an Aunt, The kind that are really good friends with one of the parents, Not the related kind.
INSANELY POSSESSIVE. Like both of them will be threatened if you even try to leave without a good enough cause. I'd expect Bloberta to guilt trip you while Clay would certainly try to go complete whatever errands you need himself (Or god forbid, Send OREL out to do it.)
Bloberta definetly feels the need to be perfect for you, Her hygiene and fashion skyrocketing. She likes to assist you, Doing whatever she believes a good housewife would do. Your happiness is her utmost importance.
Clay definetly urges you to wear more feminine clothes, Also expecting you to make him a drink when he gets home from his stinkin'-dead-end-job. Though it would be much more toned-down I think, Since Bloberta would always be on your side if he complains.
The only time I ever see them working together would be if there was a threat towards you and their relationship. In this aspect they compliment each other and work with each other's flaws.
Bloberta's general recklessness when it comes to murder is held back by Clay's more logical thought process. And Clay has someone that is willing to get down and dirty, As I'd imagine him to be rather iffy when cleaning bodies.
Either that or if you try to run away, Both Bloberta and clay would be working together like clockwork to get you back. Clay using his influence to fabricate a story while Bloberta would use her social skills to convince the rest of the town of said story.
You could probably get away, That is if you change your name, Do what Veronica should've done and drive up to Seattle. But apart from that it's gonna be real difficult if you stay in Moralton.
Everyone in town would be hounding you about what happened, Either for gossip or general concern for your wellbeing. It'd be hard, The peer pressure would be enough to make anyone crack.
And if you don't relent? Good luck with all that blackmail they collected being let out into the wild. Your reputation
But I'm sure they could make it seem like simple rumours if you come back, Play your part and stay nice. Clay and Bloberta promise that at the very least!
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im moraling my orel
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rarilee33 · 4 months
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these are all from last summer but swap au stuff I never uploaded!
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kiteou · 7 months
To me it depends on which version of Jason is used for Sabo in relationship stand point. because Sabo with modern Jason is this
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But with post crisis-pre new 52 Jason with Sabo would be like this.
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minnieokok · 7 days
one of my otpz as one of the worst relationships from another fandom i'm in as it's the only thing i could think about for the past few days
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transparent version under the cut
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camellia-salazar · 8 days
Exhibit C, Extras and The Puppingtons.
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I was just doodling in one while the other was gonna start the Moral Orel one. I was having a hard time with Shapey and Bloberta's eyes, especially Shapey's. But I settled for this. Basically a mixture of both Blob's eyes and Stopframe's eyes (I hope, it's been a while since I've drawn this so I don't remember my thought process).
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youliveonavenueq · 1 year
Things that no one talks about in the Moral Orel fandom:
1: How underrated Doughy is.
3: What would Bloberta have been like after finding out about Clay and Danielle in the series finale?
4: Why is Orel’s son wearing his hunting shirt in the series finale?
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coinesse · 3 months
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season 4 episode 1, divorcing /j
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ughmyreality · 7 months
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It begins.
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feddlielanz · 3 months
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can't sleep again
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