#bloberta x reader
trancylovecraft · 6 months
Yandere clay vs bloberta puppington who share the same s/o?
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Ooh, This is gonna be a tough time for you.
Bloberta for a start is an obsessive, Absolutely desperate to the core yandere. She's focused on keeping you with her, Bloberta trying to be a sort of picturesque housewife to try to make you love her.
Clay on the other hand is a manipulative monster, Equally as delusional as his wife but in the worst way. Completely expecting you
These two sharing is kind of like tug of war.
On one side is Bloberta who becomes generally clinically insane when it comes to you, Genuinely unfazed if she has to kill in your name while being lovestruck all the same. She's delusional big time.
Clay on the other is still delusional, But instead of changing himself to fit his delusion like Bloberta, He's forcing you to fit his delusion instead. He's a manipulative monster who would kill for you if needed.
So in some ways, I suppose they're just two sides of the same coin.
At the beginning when they first meet you, I'd assume you'd be just moving into Moralton. Maybe next door or somewhere else in the neighbourhood.
They come over as a welcome party of sorts, Bloberta holding a casserole and Clay with his usual suburban-man smile. Both Orel and Shapey following close with them.
And of course you greet them with a smile and welcome them into your home, Both instantly become rather attracted to you. Maybe it was because of your kind smile, Your warm attitude that most in Moralton seemed to lack.
Bloberta loves you for your kind and demure nature, The one that welcomes her in and makes her feel included in your home. She falls first, Head over heels for sure.
Clay on the other hand falls for the way you play off of him, Your conversation has chemistry refined to the highest degree. Clay sure does fall, But just a little bit slower than Bloberta does.
It would probably go down the same route it would in my previous scenarios, That is if it was only one of them that fell. With how barren communication is in their marriage, None of them know the other's feelings.
Until they find out, That is.
It will NOT turn out well, I'll say that much. Both of them are rather possessive and sharing you isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind once they get into the world's quietest screaming match.
Even though their beds are separated: Clay sleeps on the couch tonight, And probably for the rest of his life if Bloberta has anything to say about it. Both of them instantly trying to scheme their own ways of getting you over on their side.
Clay himself is a manipulative yandere to the core, Using his influence as Mayor to pull your strings. He's definetly gonna be difficult to manage
Bloberta isn't stupid, Though she may get rather reckless and short-sighted when it comes to you, She knows what she's doing and can get serious when it comes down to it.
Clay would definetly be subtle in getting you to like him, Going for the more long-game approach.
He'd also try to get you drunk and see if any mistakes happen between you and him after that. Of course they're just mistakes, Nothing more! (Do anything shitty and he'll archive it for blackmail)
Clay may also happen to run into you while you're out in the town, Often stopping to make conversation with you. Sometimes he even joins you out on your trips!
When you're in stores, He often offers to pay for whatever you're particularly interested in. You try to decline but he's rather insistent, Clay mostly using this as a chance to make you feel indebt to him.
When you ask about Bloberta, Clay often just brushes past her with a smile. Some people who are visiting/or are unfamiliar with Clay may ask if you two are married, Which you vehemently deny while Clay just stands there with a smug smile.
Bloberta? Subtle? Not compatible. I feel like she would definetly give much bolder hints than Clay would, When you're walking out from church she may or may not leave a lingering hand on your shoulder, One that almost refuses to let go.
She comes over to your house every other day with a tray of baked goods, One's that she's made sure that you'd love (Most definetly by stalking). Bloberta stays over as long as possible, Gossiping about townspeople and most especially Clay!
She's definetly giving off-hand comments about him, Remarking how lacklustre he is in bed, How he has just a tad bit of a drinking problem. Wink wink.
She definetly also insists that you do your shopping together, You know, Girl's day outs and such. Sometimes you even have evening drinks together, Bloberta becoming much more open on her affections with you.
Would also be a victory for her when you off-handedly admit that you like women as well as men. You'd definetly panic afterwards while Bloberta promises that she'll keep it a secret (Inside she's feeling victorious and has something to hold over you if need be.)
Between the two, Bloberta would DEFINETLY use Clay and Stopframe's affair against him. She knows it's happening and she has evidence to prove it.
Clay on the other hand will use Bloberta's attempts at infidelity against her. Both have evidence against each other
Unfortunately they stay together for the sake of appearances and somewhat the kids. While both would rather.. Let the other go, They have no choice but to stay "happily" married.
Imagine their fighting to get much more prominent, Maybe even coming up in public. All in that passive-aggressive tone that they're use to, Just a little more on the latter side.
You are none the wiser, You're just happy with your new house and town that you live in. Everyone is so welcoming here! Ignore the people that may or may not go missing if they slight you, They don't really matter right now.
You ever get into a semi-working, Somewhat willing relationship?
You all being a polyamorous couple has to be kept on the downlow in Moralton, Considering the religious stigma and all. You being mostly introduced as a close family friend when out in public (If you're allowed out, That is.)
You'll be treated very well but will be tossed about like a frisbee. I wouldn't put it past them to make a schedule for you, Like maybe some hours you get Bloberta and others you get Clay.
The two beds that they have? GONE. Get's turned into one big bed so they don't need to schedule what bed you go to every night. Though you will ALWAYS be in the middle, Both of them staring intensely at each other from each side as you as you sleep.
Orel will be need to be told some fake bible teaching by Clay so he won't go telling people he has two mothers. You'll probably be introduced to him as an Aunt, The kind that are really good friends with one of the parents, Not the related kind.
INSANELY POSSESSIVE. Like both of them will be threatened if you even try to leave without a good enough cause. I'd expect Bloberta to guilt trip you while Clay would certainly try to go complete whatever errands you need himself (Or god forbid, Send OREL out to do it.)
Bloberta definetly feels the need to be perfect for you, Her hygiene and fashion skyrocketing. She likes to assist you, Doing whatever she believes a good housewife would do. Your happiness is her utmost importance.
Clay definetly urges you to wear more feminine clothes, Also expecting you to make him a drink when he gets home from his stinkin'-dead-end-job. Though it would be much more toned-down I think, Since Bloberta would always be on your side if he complains.
The only time I ever see them working together would be if there was a threat towards you and their relationship. In this aspect they compliment each other and work with each other's flaws.
Bloberta's general recklessness when it comes to murder is held back by Clay's more logical thought process. And Clay has someone that is willing to get down and dirty, As I'd imagine him to be rather iffy when cleaning bodies.
Either that or if you try to run away, Both Bloberta and clay would be working together like clockwork to get you back. Clay using his influence to fabricate a story while Bloberta would use her social skills to convince the rest of the town of said story.
You could probably get away, That is if you change your name, Do what Veronica should've done and drive up to Seattle. But apart from that it's gonna be real difficult if you stay in Moralton.
Everyone in town would be hounding you about what happened, Either for gossip or general concern for your wellbeing. It'd be hard, The peer pressure would be enough to make anyone crack.
And if you don't relent? Good luck with all that blackmail they collected being let out into the wild. Your reputation
But I'm sure they could make it seem like simple rumours if you come back, Play your part and stay nice. Clay and Bloberta promise that at the very least!
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im moraling my orel
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pinkrifle · 1 year
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— 🍎 Young Adult! Clay Puppington x Reader hc’s! 🦴
a/n: hi guess who’s back with moral orel fic. i love young adult clay we need more fics of him :( #F BLOBERTA!! i love him sm >w< (p.s “YA!” means young adult)
tws: nope :p
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clay is so innocent, practically an adult orel.. but the only form of love he’s ever received is from his poor, obsessed mother and the cold, hard, hands of his father. so his perception of love is greatly screwed.
your gonna have to teach him hitting and scratching is not apart of normal love, and you’ll have to give him many hugs n kissies! which he doesn’t mind, but he’s kinda shy.. so have fun getting an over the top reaction!
if you’ve watched Help , you know that clay says he’s not open to marriage and or relationships, so it’ll be a long time before you guys get together! hope your patienttttt
when you guys do get together, he’s obviously so shy. he prefers quality time (which is what he says to you) but secretly he loves cuddles n kissies ,,, the longer you guys are together the more friendly and loving he gets!!
he loves cuddling with you, one of your heads resting on the others shoulder, reading the bible and sipping on appy juice. kissing each-other’s cheek gently,, hahfjehdhd he’s so cute !!
at your family events he’s so awkward, he’s pretty much an introvert! cut the poor boy some slack! he just wants to hold you ^_^
he’s not big on PDA, but will hold your hand and kiss your cheek occasionally if he’s feeling good.
th longer you guys are together, the more comfy he is talking about his family situation with you.. he’s a little bit ashamed about his family situation and stuff but as long as your willing to hug and kiss him he’s good!
(i plan to make another hc’s post with helping clay heal….. hegdhsnndn)
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eriksmaiden · 18 days
Doll - Chapter I (Clay Puppington x Reader)
Moralton. A stupid, dead-end town. It’s worthless, just like its Mayor— at least that’s what he thought.
Clay Puppington’s every day life was nothing short of a maddening nightmare. A loveless marriage, a disappointment of a son, and a job he absolutely detested. The only mere fraction of solace he had was at the bottom of his third bottle of whiskey, its stinging warmth was his only comfort, and even now it felt like far too little in the face of his son’s ungodly antics.
He often questioned how worthless of a father, of a man, he had to be for his son to turn out the way he had so far. He would look down upon his innocent face after every routine visit to his study, and he could only see himself, staring back up at him. A young Clay who seemed so similar to Orel. Maybe Clay hadn’t been worth it to Arthur, but Orel would be to Clay now— in his own twisted way. He wanted to give Orel everything he thought he’d wanted when he was in much smaller shoes, and he supposed that included a strong female presence, because clearly Bloberta wasn’t cutting it to help keep his son in check.
‘What to do? What to do?’ Clay paced around his room, haphazardly stitching trains of thought together through his nightly drunken stupor, until his eyes fell upon the town’s phone book. ‘Perfect! I’ll just make my idiot trouble child some other woman’s problem, it’s foolproof!’ Clay’s shrill inner voice chimed, celebrating a half baked victory as he dialed some randomly selected babysitter’s phone number, who for all he knew, could be insane. Not that he cared, he was sure he’d been stricken with a new vein of genius that he had to seize immediately. The phone rang as he waited impatiently, he hardly realized the time at which he’d been calling this strange woman.
“Hello? Who is this?” A soft voice came out from the receiving end of the call, somehow still sweet despite clearly being groggy, and at least mildly upset over being woken up in the late hours of the night. The uncharacteristic warmth of the woman’s tone shocked Clay, who hadn’t heard a single woman direct herself even slightly positively towards him in years.
“Clay— Clay Puppington,” he hesitated, suddenly his drunkenness was nowhere near enough to help him brave through this conversation. “I was interested in your babysitting services for… for my son, Orel,” Clay rambled on about his son’s situation, as if the whole town wasn’t aware of Orel’s escapades already, and yet this strange babysitter still listened to him drone on and on about it. When he was finally done with his useless rambling, her soft voice chided in again, an unfamiliar feeling of respite surging through him.
“I understand, Mr Puppington— When would you like me to start?” Her ever patient tone put him at a distrusting ease, and he immediately barked that he wanted her there as soon as possible, to pick up Orel after school, and make sure he didn’t get in any trouble. She hardly seemed fazed by his harsh voice, and simply obliged, agreeing to start work the very next day. As soon as she hung up, he realized he didn’t even know her name, hastily he flipped through the phone book until he finally found it— Y/N Cross. ‘What a good, Christian name,’ he thought humorously to himself before downing his fourth, no… fifth, bottle of whiskey. That tawny colored bottle bottom really was this pathetic man’s only solace.
Morning came and went, Clay could hardly remember if he’d even told his wife about the babysitter that would soon invade their family home, or if he’d even told Orel she’d be picking him up. ‘No matter,’ he thought, ‘they’ll figure it out themselves.’ Moralton’s mayor was far too preoccupied with hating his job while he was in his office, to even think of doing anything else, much less go out of his way even further than he already had to help his family. Just the idea itself seemed ludicrous, they could fend for themselves while he did his job as man of the house, he thought bitterly.
Much later rather than sooner, Clay was able to clock out of the town hall, begrudgingly making his way home, all thoughts of the babysitter or his son’s misbehavior, were all left far behind him— only one thought remained in his head: booze. He wanted nothing more than to shut himself in his study, engulfed by all his trinkets, and taxidermy animals of his very own creation; fully delve into the pleasant buzz his favorite amber colored drink shot through his bloodstream. But as soon as he uttered the words “stupid dead end job” like he usually did when burst in through the front door, he was met with a face he didn’t expect.
She seemed like a simple girl, soft features, kind eyes— those certainly got him, her bright eyes, full of life that he’d never seen anywhere in Moralton before. Suddenly he wasn’t thinking about booze, or how he’d have to discipline his son over some other idiotic misdemeanor, or even about his precious taxidermy, he could only think about what this innocent lamb was doing in the wolf’s den.
“Mr Puppington, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, I’m Y/N Cross.”
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
I actually wrote smth a while back about Rod feeling guilty for rejecting Florence. Basically that one unproduced episode with him trying to get over her, buy instead of trying to make things work he just. Becomes super obsessed over her and instead of waiting outside her apartment 'til morning, he breaks in to try to, uh, convince her he's seen the light. He was selfish and hurtful and wrong. Now he sees how heaven-sent Florence is. An angel.
In fact, you both were.
Rod had been doing a lot of thinking lately. Rethinking some of the things ingrained in his mind. For instance, he loved you. He had only just realized how much of a fool he'd been about Florence. And you both only just now get together? It MUST be a sign! A sign that a union between the three of you was not only allowed, but encouraged! Destined, even!
Or, at least, that's what he says to convince himself to take matters into his own hands.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Is it ok to get a yandere Bloberta too now that we got Clay and Joe? I rarely seen any moral Orel x reader stuff.
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• Bloberta isn't as bad as Clay she certainly gives him a run for his money in some aspects.
• If we're looking at a traditional yandere (Killings, The mirai nikki pose, “If I can't have you, no one can”) kind of deal then Bloberta would come pretty close to that.
• She’s Obsessive, Clingy, Jealous and Violent.
• Obsessive in the way that she just needs to know everything about you. Your shampoo brand, Your favourite meal, Your daily schedule. Anything and everything.
• Clingy in the way that she feels like she can't breathe when she’s not by your side. This also ties into stalking, She will follow you about to your workplace, to get groceries or just simply on a walk. This ties both into her obsessive behaviour and clinginess.
• And Jealous, That ties into violent. She will not tolerate any competition whatsoever. She will get aggressive and instantly try to take whoever it is out of the picture. This will make her most likely to be caught by you or someone else due to the sheer thoughtless rage she would be in.
• She loves you so much that you're the only thing on her mind 24/7. She scribbles your name over and over on paper. Buys your perfume so she can smell like you. Steal little things from you, Things you won't miss but would look the world to her.
• Bloberta believes you can do no wrong. If you do happen to mess up then she’ll blame it on an external force.
• You try to break up with her? Someone is forcing you to. You knock over a plate on accident? Her fault, She shouldn't of put it there.
• This all stems back to her childhood. Her family thought she was a disappointment, She had no friends and was lonely all the time.
• So when you come into her life and give her the tiniest bit of attention and praise that doesn't involve her husband or her family? She’s obsessed.
• It’s the opposite of the clay scenario where she's trying to be the perfect housewife for you. All so you wont leave her.
• If you do actually leave her then it will be an absolute shit show. People will be hurt, Things will get damaged and she will go insane trying to get you back.
• Whatever subtly she use to have while stalking you is thrown out the window.  She will show up at your work with a bouquet of your favourite flowers all while looking disheveled and desperate. She will beg you to take her back, Cry at your feet and sob.
• Her violent tendencies also skyrocket. Anyone around you is not safe. It is on sight, No matter who it is she will attack whether it be your new partner, Your boss, A friendly co worker or a random stranger who asked you for directions.
• She’ll probably go to jail to be honest. In there she’ll think about you everyday. She misses you and would fall into a depressive state until it gets too much for her and she just.. Offs herself.
• However if you do get into a relationship with her its pretty amazing.
• While the jealousy is still there its very much turned down. She knows she has you.
• She’ll buy you gifts both big and small extremely often. If you see something in a window you like she’ll purchase it later for you.
• She’ll want to spend a lot of time with you and actively make plans and holidays for the two of you can go on
• She’d never want to leave your side and would always be touching you in some sort of way
• Physical touch is also a big thing. Hold her hand, Hug her, Cuddle on the couch and be the one to initiate affection and she’ll melt.
• Words of affection is a big one too. Call her pretty in the mornings, Compliment her new dress and she might just overheat.
• She also compliments you back so much. On your job, Appearance , Personality. She loves it all 
• She would want to start a family with you. If you're a girl or don't have the means to get biological kids then she’ll happily adopt and treat them as her own.
• While her tendencies are still there while in a relationship they are very heavily watered down. They only really appear is when your not in a relationship or you're going through a rough patch
• Overall can be just as bad as clay, but has the chance to be the sweetest girlfriend alive
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Would a yandere clay Puppington x reader be bad?
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• The worst yandere you could get in Moralton
• This man is possessive, Manipulative and willingly delusional. Topped with worshipping.
• He’s possessive in the way that he wants to control every aspect of your life to his preferences. Clothes, Food, Mannerisms are all dictated by him.
• Manipulative in the way that he enjoys to gaslight you. What do you mean you want to call your parents? You called them this morning dear. Maybe you should lie down for a while, You don't look too good.
• It’s also in the way that he will convince you that everyone is out to get you, Everyone but him.
• And finally he likes to willingly delude himself into believing this is normal and what he’s doing is right. Choosing to ignore the way you flinched when he kissed your cheek, Ignoring the ways you’d find any excuse not to be in the same room as him. You loved him, You do!
• The worshipping part we’ll get onto later.
• All of what if listed above applies in a romantic scenario. For now we’ll run with that.
• Lets say that you are a new resident in the lovely town of Moralton.
• As the moving truck unpacks your stuff you get greeted by your new neighbours: The puppingtons.
• They appeared to be such a lovely family. A wife, Husband and two little boys. The perfect nuclear family.
• Bloberta was sweet enough to you as she had brought over a welcome casserole for you to have that night.
• Orel was a very charming kid with nice manners. He invited you out to Sunday mass, and despite being agnostic (Or anything of your choice) you couldn't turn him down.
• You got along with shapey just fine too!
• The only one left was Clay himself.
• Clay was presented to you as such a great man, The perfect husband for bloberta.
• He helped you carry your stuff inside your house, He welcomed you in warmly and even made tea for the both of you once you finished unpacking.
• You thought he was a great neighbour and looked forward to talking with him more.
• Clay, however. Viewed you in a different light.
• Whether it was your kind personality, your hard working attitude or just your simple smile you had managed to draw him in. Hook, Line and sinker.
• Despite how amazing and perfect the puppingtons may have seemed to you. You had no clue about the truth
• Clay lived in a loveless marriage. Whatever spark he had for Bloberta had faded years ago. Their distaste for each other only soured with the subtle fights they had behind closed doors
• While Orel and Shapey he did still somewhat care for it didn’t change Orel’s constant misbehaviour in the name of God nor did it change Shapey’s attitude.
• Compile this with his dead end job of being the mayor and everything else you can understand that when someone finally comes into his life he see's them as a saviour, The one who can take him away from this hell.
• He use to drown his sorrow in a bottle. Don't get him wrong, he still does. But now he’s almost been too distracted to pick up a bottle.
• He can't stop thinking about you. The way you smiled, the way you walked and talked. You're entire being was perfect
• It starts off small at first. you're out of sugar and to come borrow his. When you ask he invites you in for tea sessions that linger a little long.
• Then it ramps up.
• Suddenly the rent on your house skyrockets. You're unable to get in touch with your land lord and there are no other affordable houses you can move to. At this point you are panicking.
• That's when clay comes in.
• He offers to pay for your rent with a sympathetic yet cheerful look on his face.
• You deny him, It's too big of a favour.
• He insists though. And since you have no other options you let him lend you the money. All none the wiser to him commanding the landlord to up your prices.
• That's step one. You depend on him financially now.
• Step two comes around when you hear about the scandal involving Bloberta and another man.
• Of course you go over to see clay and check in on how he’s doing. You feel concerned and worried for him.
• When he answers the door you can smell the liquor and see the booze stains on his house coat.
• Your worry multiplies as he invites you in
• You don't know how it happened, But you were pressured into drinking with him, As he wouldn't open up without it being over a drink.
• And as soon as it starts, It ends in his bed. You woke up with the biggest hangover of your life all while cuddling with a still asleep Clay.
• He knew this would happen. He wasn't actually as drunk as he made himself out to be earlier, His years of alcoholism had him build up a tolerance.
• He engineered the scandal getting out, too. It didn’t take much as he already knew how unfaithful Bloberta already was. Shapey was proof of that. So when he finally snapped a picture of the two getting down it wasn't hard to make it spread. Letting him divorce her without too much scorn
•  After you woke up you felt ashamed and embarrassed of what you had done.
• You couldn't stay there. You left before he woke up
• But you were stupid to think you could hide away forever.
• The next week consisted of Clay begging you to talk to him. Guilt tripping you into talking with him and coming over. As soon as you know it, you're dating him. Moving into his house and talking with Orel like a mother would
• Clay in a relationship doesn't have many good moments.
• Your days consist of being the stereotypical 50’s housewife for him.
• Cooking, Cleaning, Making beds, Helping out with Orels homework when It’s the days clay has custody.
• You hate it. But you can't bring yourself to admit it out loud, Clay would be hurt.
• Everyday when he comes in from work he expects you to be waiting at the door, kiss his cheek and then go to pour him a glass of scotch 
• When you’d do something wrong he’d say nothing but give you the most disappointing looks that you felt shame.
• If any love interests other than him were to pop up he may just invite them out on a hunting trip.
• But the one soft part of your relationship is him giving constant praise and compliments to you when you do everything right.
• He calls you dear, Darling. That sort of thing.
• It was nice enough. So nice that you tried to look past all the controlling habits and manipulation.
• Until he had one too many drinks one day.
• You don't know what it was that set him off that day. Maybe something happened at work, Maybe you did something wrong or maybe he was just in a bad mood.
• But suddenly you were crying. He was screaming and holding a broken glass bottle at you. Threatening and cursing you out.
• That was when you realised how deep of a hole you dug yourself.
• You tried to run, tried to leave but he wouldn't let you.
• He’d lock you in the basement if you got too much of an issue. 
• He’d threaten you with anything you have: Family, Friends, Pets, Beloved objects. Anything he can use against you, he will.
• Orel may be a way to escape. However he isn't reliable unless you're a very persuasive person. This is because Clay had probably already gotten to him and taught him a lesson about “Love”.
• This probably got him into some scenario involving a lot of people he likes being put into the basement along with you. It was awkward.
• But enough about that.
• There would be no escaping him, It’s nigh impossible.
• While Clay does love you and worship you he thinks you need to learn a few things before you both can go back to normal.
• Overall, He’s a fucking nightmare.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Blue Exorcist (Manga/Anime)
Yandere Platonic! Demon Kings x Reader: The Blood of an Unwilling Covenant (MASTERLIST)
Yandere! Lucifer x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere! Lucifer x Half-Angel Reader: Headcannons
Yandere! Lucifer x Reader: Radiance (DRABBLE)
Yandere Platonic! Arthur A. Angel x Apprentice Reader: Headcannons.
Yandere Platonic! Demon! Arthur A. Angel x Okumura! Reader + Exwires: Headcannon
Yandere Platonic! Shiro Fujimoto x Reader, Rin and Yukio
Yandere Lewin Light x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Lewin / Lucifer x Willing Reader: Headcannons
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Yandere! Lucy Kushinada x Reader: Headcannons
Death note
Yandere L Lawliet x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Light Yagami x Reader: Headcannons
Demon Slayer
(Yandere Platonic! Kokushibo x Sister reader)You, Shibou. I, Kokoro: MASTERLIST
Yandere Kokushibo x Sakura Loving Oiran! Reader: Renewal Season
Yandere Kokushibo x Moon Hashira Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Kokushibo x Reader: Sandalwood (DRABBLE)
Yandere Muzan x Albino! Reader: The Light Side of the Moon
Yandere Platonic Giyuu x Mean Older Sister! Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Gyutaro x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Shinobu x Half-Demon Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Douma x Reader: Headcannons
Hazbin Hotel
Yandere! Lucifer Morningstar x Eve! Reader
Yandere! JD x Reader: Headcannons
Helluva Boss
Yandere Striker x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Striker x Drunk, Flirtatious! Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Mammon x Girlfriend Reader: Headcannons
Moral Orel
Yandere Clay Puppington x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Clay vs Bloberta x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Bloberta Puppington x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Platonic Nurse Bendy x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Platonic Stopframe x Reader: Headcannons
Original Work
Prologue Draft
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Yandere! Panty Anarchy x Reader: General Headcannons
Yandere! Brief Rock x Reader: Need (Drabble)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Yandere Matthew Patel: Alphabet
Yandere Ramona Flowers: Love Letter
Yandere Roxie Ritcher x Reader: Cheater! (Drabble)
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