#fhfif terrence
eatmarcus · 3 months
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lesbian and gay solidarity
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camellia-salazar · 8 days
Exhibit C, Extras and The Puppingtons.
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I was just doodling in one while the other was gonna start the Moral Orel one. I was having a hard time with Shapey and Bloberta's eyes, especially Shapey's. But I settled for this. Basically a mixture of both Blob's eyes and Stopframe's eyes (I hope, it's been a while since I've drawn this so I don't remember my thought process).
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daffodiria · 2 years
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Yep it based on that Kevin Hart meme lol
I like to see Frankie as Mac and Bloo’s oldest sister/mother because this is sweet :) 💕
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mr-3rr0r · 1 month
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extrashortshorts · 2 years
Brainworm got me again, its all started from one little thought about human version but then i kept changing stuff to make it more logical since they are people here and not imaginary friends
was pretty hard changing them so that their visual features remain the same, i am not a designer or something ☠️
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Wilt got that creepypasta stare in this one,sorry
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angelydevilofficial · 1 month
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😈: hey everyone soo I was just practicing my vocals when I saw natalie doing a drawing and I wanted to try and see if I can draw myself!!
😇: first try didn't go so well since he used a actual pencil instend of a digital pen since he is more used to drawing on paper..
😈: idk why you would draw a circle for the head.. I'm more of a sharp chin person..
😇: yeah.. soo here is what he drew..
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😈: I think I did really good!! Even though it's not my first time.
😇: you did swell! But next time, know your lowercase B's and D's..
😈: okay okay..
😇: we gotta head out now! See you!!
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Rewritten episode for FHFIF episode Infernal Slumber. (I didn’t like the episode very much).
Mac and Bloo are helping Frankie, Wilt, Eduardo and Coco in the nursery. Mac recalls the time when he and Bloo had to watch over his toddler triplet cousins. Bloo said they manage to get away with it, Wilt says that must’ve been a story. So, Mac and Bloo tell the gang about their babysitting night.
Mac’s mom sister was visiting and they had a wonderful time on Saturday, except for Terrance, he had to stay at the house to work on his volcano project due on Wednesday.
When it was time for bed everybody went to sleep except for the triplets. They were exploring the house out of curiosity. First they sneak into Terrance room and tinker with his volcano. Later, one of them tries to clean the house, the other one takes photos for her friends back home to see, and the youngest triplet tries to prank her parents and Mac's family, much to the latter's expense.
The first have orange hair, and a cute reddish pink bow, she usually wears short, long sleeved pink shirt with a heart icon, and the shirt barely shows her stomach, and her navy skirt is blue and block-like. And her shoes are fuchsia and white sneakers, with ankle-high white socks underneath. The middle triplet has blonde hair, and a cute blue hair pin, adorable pigtails and wears a white long sleeved with a blue tie, and a cute indigo skirt, her shoes is a black Mary Jane with two light blue socks underneath of her shoes. The youngest triplet has short black hair, a yellow shirt and green shorts, and her sneakers are green.
Mac was trying to keep the other 2 quiet when they’re all making noise, Bloo had to stop the green triplet from trying to be loud and using the shaving cream in the face prank on her parents, Terrence or Mac’s mother, but Mac stops it and he and the green triplet have a whispering argument.
Everyone starts making a lot of noise which awakens Terrence. However, Terrence is only half-asleep (due to working on his volcano project all day). So Mac, Bloo and the toddler triplets trick him into thinking he's having a nightmare. As he's sent back to his room, the plan appears to have worked at first, but then Terrence realizes that he really did see Mac, Bloo and the triplets awake in the apartment. He tries to awaken their mom, but the blue triplet jumps on and clings to his face to keep him from doing so. To make matters worse, Mac's mom is waking up.
Realizing the seriousness of the situation now, Mac and Bloo work together to keep Terrence from causing Mac to get into trouble while Mac keeps his mom distracted. Soon, the triplets knocks out Terrence with one punch after he threatens to break their mom’s camera🩷🩵💚(PowerPuff Girls reference).
Upon Mac's mother entering the room, she notices how clean the apartment is (due to the pink and blue triplets kind deeds) and misinterprets this as Mac's doing. After a hug and a kiss, Mac is left in shock at how everything worked out in the end, especially after he notices a big gaping hole in the ceiling (after the triplets messed with Terrance volcano project). However, the hole doesn't go unnoticed…
Mac said that he and Bloo didn’t get in trouble because his mom, aunt and uncle think it was Terrance doing (it was his project after all). Mac, Bloo, Eduardo, Coco and Frankie all laugh about it.
In the credits, Terrence tells his mom, aunt and uncle about Mac, Bloo and his cousins staying up last night. When they see the hole, they don't believe him. Instead, Mac’s mom grounds him. Terrance was left shocked, while the adults walk away.
I personally liked the episode "Infernal Slumber" (it was fun and had a lot of fun and funny moments + Cheese made an appearance and I love him), but your rewrite is really good! ❤️
Mac and Bloo being babysitters for a night is both silly and hilarious, and the toddler triple cousin characters were truly adorable (I THINK TWO OF THEM WERE PPG COATED AND THAT POWERPUFF GIRLS REFERENCE WAS BEAUTIFUL).
Also, it's a really interesting idea to explore more of Mac's extended family since the show only depicted him with his mother and brother, according to my memory.
Anyways, this felt very Foster's and I would SO read a whole story about it.
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phantovni · 2 years
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making this was wild. i lost a big progress on the face and teeth (which were the hardest part tho my fav jxjsj) so i had to take a screenshot from the recording i made, cry a lot and blend it over lol. there's still lots of bad quality pixels but i was so tired and didn't wanted to redraw everything. there u got a hack if ur program didn't auto save and u close the tab 🤘
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321spongebolt · 2 years
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Voice actresses Tara Strong and Grey Griffin have often collaborated in voice roles where their characters are either friends or foes. And well, then it occurred to me. They both voiced abusive caregivers. For Grey, she famously voiced Vicky in “The Fairly OddParents”. Meanwhile, Tara voiced Mac’s brother, Terrence from “Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends” (even though she doesn’t really enjoy voicing him because of how much of a strain it puts on her vocal chords).
Even though Terrence is 13 and Vicky is 16, I don’t see why they couldn’t date if hypothetically speaking they were to date each other, maybe share how much they both love making children suffer.
“What If A Character Falls In Love” by DeviantArt user, lopez765
“What If This Character had a Crush” by DeviantArt user, MagicalKeyPizzaDan
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sumechiayuu · 2 years
Me thinking about the fact that Mac’s Mom forcing her 8 year old son to give up the only protection he had from an abusive bully of a brother
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hottoepecker · 3 years
THE absolute worst characters from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends:
Mac’s mom
That bratty little girl from the pilot movie. She wouldn’t qualify for this list usually but once she called Wilt “broken” all bets were off.
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camellia-salazar · 4 months
May's collection of fan art. I was a lot prepared this month.
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All the characters I Kin. Originally without Terrence, Bluey, Edd, and King Dice, but at the end of the day, I couldn't leave those four out. Took basically a week or so to finish.
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Two douch bags i felt like drawing. "The Plan (F**k Jobs)" by The Front Bottoms reminded me of them somewhat. Especially Ram.
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These two had birthdays this month, so I drew these. I was wrong about Denzel having a birthday in March.
(HC) Pinkie looks forward to her growth while Denzel is feeling depressed because of it. I'll probably draw a better birthday drawing for Denzel later on (most likely next year).
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I finally got to listen to the Apple Sleep Experiment sequel. This was drawn during a relisten of the first one. I was trying to draw the sequel version, but I wasn't sure.
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This is a drawing for my mom for Mother's Day. She cried from seeing it. Especially the words. (which were from the Valentine's special from EEnE but i thought it was perfect for this piece.)
I'm so glad she loved it :)
I got an idea for Father's Day, too.
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"Imagine drawing May 1st art at the end of May. Lmao couldn't be me." Couldn't include May from Twelve/Origins, but I don't think anyone would really worry about that anyway.
Extras without extra stuff:
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Personally, I like these. Possibly more than the ones with words and reference pictures. What do you think? I think they're much cleaner, idk.
I had a lot done towards the beginning of the month, so I was actually prepared this time. I'm really glad for all of these, especially the Mother's Day fan art.
Even the people at my program were impressed, and someone even asked if I did commissions. I said that I hadn't been thinking about it. They said they would pay me to draw something for a relative of theirs, but I haven't been talking to them about it since.
Overall, though, I'm just glad that I'm getting better at drawing anything. I've also been looking through my old art recently, and yup, a lot of my style has changed.
I was even drawing some old characters into my recent work. Idk if any of you want to see them, tho. I would like to compare my first time drawing them to my latest time, I just need to find my old old work.
But yeah, thanks for viewing my art and reading my rants. Y'all are awesome! Cya around. I'm looking forward to drawing some Total Drama and That's Not My Neighbor fan art next month. 😁✨️
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multifandomplushie · 2 years
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Chill Sibling Time
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kailuabunny · 5 years
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I made a Christmas meme out of a chart made by @alignmentcharts-buns
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extrashortshorts · 2 years
The oldest brother Bloo, since i wanted to change some parts for humanAU that would explain why everything in its place
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Also i can't blame Terrence for most stuff he is doing, he is just a teen with a mushy brain
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angelydevilofficial · 1 month
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😈: Nat, I don't know if this is a good idea.
😇: don't worry, Terr, we're gonna do great!!
😇: hello, lovely people everywhere!! I'm Natalie, this is my friend Terrence and welcome to our official ask blog as Angely Devil!!
😈: yeah.. hi..
😇: soo more about our duet unit, we are a Demon-Angel themed idol unit!
😈: and we do, song covers and dances.. but Nat here, wanted to start a "ask blog" whatever that is..
😇: it's a ask blog where people would ask us questions!
😈: right. Uhh anyways before you go and ask us questions, here are some rules I've prepared.
1, DON'T SHIP US TOGETHER!!! We are good friends, not dating or any of that horsecrap.
2, no weird questions regarding Natalie or me that are personal like "what's your dark secret" or "have you ever tried something inappropriate?" We don't want any of that.
3, we will also be doing dares just don't go too far..
4, just, have fun.
😇: huh, well. Now that we got that out of the way, we can't wait to answer your questions!!
😈: you bet we are.
😇: we'll see you guys!
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