#clay mould
starmoonsunlight · 1 year
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dianaof-themyscira · 2 years
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kellyscabin · 3 months
unexpected obstacle of the gay dean amv is trying NOT to make it look like dean has a gay alter ego called micheal who wears a paddy cap…..
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octopaws · 2 years
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Freshly laid eggs 🥚
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khyrrn-v2 · 6 months
Time travel as a means to rewrite canon
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khazadspoon · 1 year
Like…. Yes. I will continue to woobify the criminal warlord that is Big Boss. I will continue to look at his softer side and the things that went right (in context of canon, not real life morality). I’ll also remember he is a Terrible Person™️ with Awful Responses to Choices™️ and that is okay. He’s a bad man who did bad things for sure.
But sometimes you just gotta think of your blorbos sat in the corner of a room under their favourite box, listening to songs on their Walkman to decompress after a long day being a mercenary who once had to kill their mentor.
Sometimes you just gotta imagine them as the MRE guy on YouTube reviewing ration packs and comparing them to raw jungle critters they ate on that one mission that ruined their life and made them who they are today.
Sometimes you just gotta, y’know?
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bumblingdragon · 2 years
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I can crop the fuzzy ears out, make it more marketable generic human man
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dreameasel · 1 year
what tarot card are you?
the fool
there is an endless road ahead of you. long and winding, it is impossible to imagine every fork, every path you could take. like looking down from a high place, the sheer magnitude is dizzying. but it is freeing. god, it is freeing. you have all the time in the world to explore– endless choices to make; take time to appreciate it all. just be careful not to lose yourself to the recklessness that comes with such wondrous freedom.
NUMBER: 0 UPRIGHT: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit REVERSED: holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
Notes: as someone who actually knows 2 whole things about tarot I will say that the most accurate way to read this for Xavier is the Fool in reverse. a more thorough description of the Fool Reversed (taken from biddytarot).
[...] Something is holding you back, and you are preventing yourself from moving forward. You may choose to keep this new opportunity to yourself for now, or you might be ‘parking’ it until a better time. You may fear the unknown, wondering, ‘What am I getting myself into?’ As a result, you have come to a standstill, worried about taking any action where you don’t know the outcome. This often boils down to the need to control everything. [...] [...] The Fool Reversed can show that you are taking too many risks and acting recklessly. In your attempt to live ‘in the moment’ and be spontaneous and adventurous, you may do so in total disregard of the consequences of your actions and engaging in activities that put both yourself and others at risk. [...] [...] the reversal suggests you are exploring this spirit on a more personal and quiet level. For example, instead of letting down your hair and dancing up on stage, you are dancing in your bedroom like no-one is watching. [...]
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dearmrsawyer · 1 year
shadow and bone is like the most perfectly cast adaptation of all time but freddy carter as kaz is beyond beyond
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aria0fgold · 5 days
So I was feeling bored and decided to look for the green playdoh my sis had but couldn't play with and when I squished it, I felt something hard on it so I was like: ??? And when I looked, it was tiny lil crystals??? I went to put it on water to get the clay out to have a proper look at it but then it all dissolved??? What
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ainothefinn · 7 months
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I had a pottery class tonight and got to use some nice moulds for bowl-making! I haven't actually used proper plaster moulds before and wow they make things so easy. Can't wait for my next class in a week!
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snekdood · 8 months
that feel when u know what u mean ur just bad at verbalizing it
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35gofbeansprouts · 8 months
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hexjulia · 1 year
Need to read Geopolika to teach me how to grow gourds into weird shapes Byzantinely
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thefiresofpompeii · 3 months
We Invest Things With Significance, or: Why Sutekh Isn’t Sutekh, But Death Itself. alternative title: Fear Is the Mind Killer.
the Doctor Who Series 14/1 thesis statement
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i don’t think that sutekh has literally been attached to the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars. i think that the salt at the edge of the universe — the grievous mistake that caused all myths to become a reality — was what made him appear. and he’s not the same character as sutekh the osiran, a powerful alien that delusionally believed himself to be a god. he *is* a god. nuwho-Sutekh is Death Incarnate.
ergo, this version of Sutekh is the literal psychic manifestation of the Doctor’s deep-seated, guilt-motivated fear of the idea that his arrival brings death wherever he treads. this death-anxiety was turned into a physical presence, haunting the TARDIS all through the Doctor’s timestream, because of the salt. that’s the reason why the Doctor didn’t spot any Susan Twists before Wild Blue Yonder…
there are two timelines in Doctor Who — relative time and universal time. universal time is the history of the universe. relative time is how the Doctor experiences it. in universal time, Sutekh has supposedly been hitchhiking through the vortex for millenia. in relative time, he has only been doing so since Fourteen accidentally invited myths back into the world.
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the Doctor was insecure and afraid and believed the above quote (from the very first episode!! spoken by the very first named character in nuwho to die on screen, no less!) to be true. but until WBY it had only been true on a symbolic, metaphorical level. myths, legends, concepts and stories becoming real after the salt caused the Doctor’s anxiety about being a death-bringer to take the shape of a black dog — a universally recognised symbol of death — wearing the name and voice of his most formidable enemy, Sutekh.
in a way, this plotline mirrors The Woman from 73 Yards similarly being a manifestation of Ruby’s worst fear — that of being abandoned by everyone she loves for something intrinsic and incorrigible inside her that she cannot change. Ruby fears being left completely alone, so “The Woman” causes everyone in her life to leave her. the Doctor fears that his coming always heralds mass destruction (“maybe i’m the bad luck”), so “Sutekh” makes sure that the TARDIS literally becomes an altar of death.
ever since Wild Blue Yonder, stories in doctor who have become sources of immense power. the worst, most potent stories we tell ourselves are the lies that our sick brains whisper to us — secret anxieties that we’re not good enough, that all our loved ones will inevitably leave, that we carry nothing but bad luck in our wake. what better clay to mould a monster from than the protagonists’ own neuroses?
and if anybody’s still in doubt, here’s the plain text, all laid out below:
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we invest things with significance. that’s what the salt at the edge of the universe really meant. that’s what almost every episode this series has been about, thematically — the imaginary kastarions, the cosplaying chuldur, the bogeyman written into life because kids need a scary story. myths become real to us because we believe in them, love and death and monsters too.
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pseudowho · 3 months
The first time Shinzugawa Sanemi sees you in a sundress, he short-circuits. Something within him breaks and repairs all at once; kintsugi of the soul, cracked golden by gossamer and lace.
The purity and gems in his soul do not last long, though. Sanemi is but a man, with a hunger he will not verbalise.
You do not see him, on your ventures around the slayer grounds, and in truth, don't yet know the depth of his obsession with you; but, eerie winds kick up all day, flipping your paper-light dress up around your hips, exposing you in a way that has you gasping, and has him sweating in his dreams.
The frilled edge of your panties. The plush graspable lip of where your ass meets your thighs. The divots and dimples like hand-moulded clay, fingerprints of the artist. The way you squeak in surprise, and how your thighs clamp together. Sanemi's mouth waters, brought to his knees, praying to a god he does not believe in.
It's strange. You could have sworn it wasn't a windy day before you put on the sundress. And you could have sworn Sanemi used to look you in the eye before that summer.
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